How long should the tablecloth be? What are the standard dining table cloth sizes? We serve the festive table with a cotton cloth

How to choose a tablecloth? It should not be just a decoration, as many mistakenly believe. Therefore, it is necessary to choose this product very carefully. Note that the tablecloth has primarily an aesthetic function (decorates the table), as well as a practical one (plates stop sliding on the table).

Today you can buy any kind of tablecloths for the table. At the same time, the attention of buyers can be offered not only tablecloths, but also napkins to match. Most often, such products are made from natural materials - flax or cotton fabric. However, such materials have one significant drawback - they quickly wrinkle. It is best for practical housewives to opt for semi-synthetic materials.

Since in our time washing does not take away much effort from women, the need to purchase an oilcloth tablecloth disappears by itself. If you try hard, you can find a beautiful fabric, a real work of art. What are the options? As mentioned above, most often the attention of buyers falls on classic materials with an unobtrusive design. As for the color, it is usually white or cream. But do not forget that natural fabric is difficult to iron, wears out quickly and requires special attention.

The stores offer various types of tablecloth materials, so buyers have freedom of choice. If you want to receive guests with a beautiful tablecloth, but at the same time protect it from wear and tear, use the following trick - lay an oilcloth product on the table and perform all the usual actions on it. Cover the table with an elegant tablecloth for the duration of the meal and receiving guests; a book-type tablecloth is best.

We select the size of the tablecloth

Before making a purchase, you need to decide what should be the standard size of the tablecloth on the dining table. At the same time, many buyers wonder how much the fabric should hang from the table. A rectangular table requires a size of 130 x 160 or 130 x 220 cm. Round tables should be covered with fabric 130 x 160 cm. However, there are tables that do not have standard sizes. Therefore, when calculating, you can make a mistake. To do this, it is better to sew the tablecloth on your own, while measuring the dimensions of the piece of furniture in advance.

For formal events such as wedding receptions, longer tablecloths are required To determine the size of the tablecloth, you need to determine the size of the table If you have a rectangular table, then you need to determine how much the tablecloth should hang from its edge (in the photo, dimensions are in inches) Tablecloth size for round table (inches)
Taking into account the number of people at the table when choosing a tablecloth Selecting a tablecloth for a square table For a rectangular table, you can use an oval tablecloth

Please note that the length of the fabric that will hang off the table should not exceed twenty centimeters. Short fabric is mauvais ton. According to table etiquette, it is preferable that the tablecloth is longer than necessary, rather than shorter.

How many tablecloths do you need to lay? It would seem like a stupid question. Why cover a lot of fabrics when you can get by with one? But not everything is so simple. Another rule that is often followed in restaurants is to lay two fabrics instead of one. In this case, the bottom layer is protective - it is sewn from a plain fabric, most often flannel. This fabric protects the table from damage, temperature extremes and spills. Such fabric has a small length - up to the border of the thickness of the table top. To prevent the protective covering from sliding off, it is fixed on the legs with strings. A more elegant tablecloth made from expensive fabrics is placed on top of such fabric.

Let's go back to length again. Add twice the length of the hanging edge of the tablecloth and the width of the table to calculate your preferred length. For example, if the table is 90 cm wide and 170 cm long, the tablecloth will hang 15 cm from it. First, add 30 cm to the 90 cm width. We get 120 cm. Now we add 30 cm to 170 cm and we get 200 cm. According to the results of the calculations, you will need to purchase a tablecloth measuring 120 by 200 cm. As you can see, choosing a suitable tablecloth on your own does not take much effort. All you need to do is pay special attention to the calculations and choose the material to your taste and color.

Each housewife strives to create the most comfortable environment in her house, which will emphasize the individual lifestyle and aesthetic preferences of her family. There are many different methods for this - as a rule, these are details that are dear to the heart. For many, such an integral part of the interior of a room, kitchen, living room or dining room is a tablecloth. And here it is very important that the design of the tablecloth matches the rest of the room. How to choose the right product that is pleasing to the eye and not a lot of hassle? How to decorate a table with a tablecloth? Let's look at the answers to these questions in our article.

Why do you need a tablecloth?

The role and functional load of this kind of textile depends on where it is destined to be. In any case, this is part of the interior, but also:

  • An important function is to protect furniture from various influences. This is especially important if the furniture is old and expensive as a memory of the past.
  • A decorative tablecloth in the interior can not only protect the table from damage, but also mask unwanted marks. For example, if scratches from a knife appeared on the surface of the table, with which someone decided to cut food without using a cutting board, then it is necessary to hide the damage from prying eyes.
  • At the festive table, the tablecloth is a kind of decoration, emphasizes the atmosphere of solemnity, which is why its individual elements are so important.

How to choose tablecloths in the interior?

There is no definite answer to the question of which tablecloth is better. Such a product should be chosen for several aspects, without respect for which your purchase will either not fit into the interior, or cause too much trouble.

When choosing a "outfit" for your table, you need to take into account several criteria, thanks to which you can choose the ideal option:

  1. Product shape and size;
  2. The room in which the table is located;
  3. Room design;
  4. Purpose of the purchased product.

The size and shape of the tablecloth

Before buying a new tablecloth for your room, measure the length and width of the table. It is for these indicators that you need to choose a product. If you have a round or oval table, measure the diameter of the large and small circles on the basis of which such tables are based.

Important!Everyday tablecloth for a table should hang from the edges by 15-20 cm on each side, so you should choose the product that will be 30-40 cm longer than the width and length of the measurements obtained.

Fabric for product

Tablecloths are not only of different sizes and shapes, but also of different quality of fabrics. In addition to the fact that the design of tablecloths from different fabrics can be different, there are pros and cons for each of them:

  • Cotton tablecloths are easy to clean, they do not need any special care, and you do not need to spend a lot of extra money on their care. The fabric is pleasant to the touch, which makes it a great everyday option for furniture in the living room or on the veranda.
  • Linen tablecloths look chic, but they are only suitable for special, special occasions. Linen fabrics wrinkle very easily after washing, and ironing them is not an easy task. In addition, linen tablecloths are short-lived, so you shouldn't use them all the time.
  • As an answer to the question of which tablecloth to choose for the kitchen, the ideal option would be a covering made of synthetic material, for example, ordinary oilcloth. Such a tablecloth is inexpensive, which is why it is not a pity to throw it away after serious damage. Caring for the oilcloth tablecloth is simple: dirt can be easily removed by wiping with a damp cloth.

Important!If you have children at home who work with plasticine or paints right on the table, then buy an oilcloth tablecloth as a base tablecloth or as a top cover. This purchase will save you money, hassle and time.

  • Another type of material is Teflon and plasticized fabrics. These tablecloths are covered with a water-repellent coating, so these tablecloths can be used in the kitchen. A variety of designer tablecloths made from these materials allow you to choose products that fit into the style of your kitchen.

Color and design

When choosing a tablecloth, you should pay attention to the color of the fabric. There are no problems with monophonic materials: they easily fit into an interior in which a similar color scheme is present.

With products made of fabric with a pattern, it is somewhat more complicated: they can be thematic and bright. Such products do not always fit into the basic design. For example, a colored tablecloth with parrots, trees or flowers, red checkered tablecloths will only work if the whole room is made in a similar style: bright and thematic.

Important!For a classic room, a tablecloth with a neutral pattern is more suitable.

Options for tablecloths on a rectangular table

The design of the tablecloth on a rectangular table depends on its purpose:

  • If the product is purchased for everyday use, it is better to choose a cotton fabric with or without a pattern (depending on the room). The length of the tablecloth should not be much longer than the length of the table.
  • You can also buy a tablecloth case. They are sewn to order in accordance with the specified parameters. You choose the fabric for the tablecloth yourself, based on your preferences.

If you want to make this tablecloth yourself, then you need:

  1. Choose a fabric for your creation.
  2. Cut out a rectangle whose sides correspond to the length and width of the table.
  3. Then, from the same fabric, cut the length of the side of the rectangle to which you are going to sew this blank, about 20 cm wide.
  4. Sew the resulting blanks to the edges of the base. Sew the sides together.

Important! For a festive feast, a tablecloth is more suitable, the edges of which reach the floor. Most often these are snow-white or light linen products, possibly with an interesting pattern. Such elements will add solemnity and beauty to the interior.

To choose the perfect product, remember a few rules:

  • The color and design of the tablecloth should be neutral. If you can't figure out what you need, pay attention to what color is most often found in the elements of the room.
  • Beautiful and expensive tablecloths should only be used on special occasions. For everyday use, a product that is more suitable and easier to maintain is better suited. A table covered with a white tablecloth can be both a festive and an everyday element. The main thing is to choose a material that is easy to care for. If you like white, but fear that you will not be able to properly care for such a tablecloth, choose black and white tablecloths.
  • For a sliding table, purchase two tablecloths at once, which you will use on different occasions.
  • Bright tablecloths, for example, red tablecloths, pink tablecloths, green tablecloths, yellow tablecloths, brown tablecloths, blue tablecloths, purple tablecloths - all these options will look good in a kitchen made in bright colors. Such a product will give the room a more cheerful atmosphere and bright accent.

Decorative items for tablecloths

An important element in the design of any thing, including tablecloths, are decorative elements and ornaments. This can be embroidery along the edges of the tablecloth or fringe and lace around the perimeter of the product. These tablecloths will look spectacular and are ideal for special occasions or as a gift.

If you use several tablecloths wisely, you can achieve very interesting results. For example, overlaying a narrower tablecloth over the base cover. They can be of different colors and materials. Don't be afraid to experiment!

You can replace the usual and somewhat annoying tablecloth with several openwork napkins, placing them on the table surface.

We hope that the tips in this article will help you choose a tablecloth design that will add new accents to the atmosphere and emphasize the atmosphere of calmness, comfort or solemnity of the event.

The kitchen tablecloth has both practical and aesthetic value. On the practical side, it protects the table from mechanical damage, moisture and temperature. The aesthetic value lies in the fact that it can hide some of the imperfections of the table, gives the kitchen an original and beautiful appearance. When choosing tablecloths for the home, it is necessary to take into account some of the features of the materials from which they can be made. When choosing a tablecloth, its size and shape are of no small importance. There are several guidelines to help you get a tablecloth that matches the overall style of the interior or a specific event.

How to choose the shape of the tablecloth?

The choice of the shape of the tablecloth should be based on the shape of the table for which it is purchased. In total, tablecloths are made in 4 shapes: rectangular, round, square and oval. If the table is square, then a square tablecloth is suitable for it. For a rectangular table, a rectangular robe is selected. A round table means buying a round or square tablecloth for the kitchen. Oval and rectangular are suitable for an oval-shaped table.

To create an original drapery, you can lay a square tablecloth on a round table. It will also be interesting to look at a combination of two types on a round table: a round tablecloth is covered with a smaller square tablecloth. Moreover, they must have

How to choose the size of your kitchen tablecloth?

The optimal size of the tablecloth is determined by the fact that its edges do not interfere with those who are sitting

At the table. The ideal size is when the tablecloth hangs from each side of the table by at least 20 cm. However, it may be slightly larger. The maximum allowable length of the "overhang" is 40 cm.

What material is better to choose a tablecloth?

For the manufacture of tablecloths, natural materials or fabrics with a special coating are usually used. Both the first and the second have both positive and negative qualities.

Cotton is the most popular material for this kitchen accessory. Cotton tablecloths for the kitchen have an excellent appearance, with proper care they are durable, easy to wash and iron. The disadvantages include only the fact that they sit down when washed.

Teflon and acrylic coated tablecloths are resistant to high temperatures and liquids. Another advantage is that they do not slide on the table surface. There are also several disadvantages. Such tablecloths are short-lived and quickly deteriorate.

Linen and jacquard tablecloths for the kitchen are considered one of the most expensive and attractive in appearance. However, they are very difficult to care for. And they are not suitable for everyday use.

How to choose the color of the tablecloth?

It is necessary to choose a color based on the style of the room and the color scheme in it. To make it easier for yourself, you can choose a light-colored tablecloth that will fit into any interior. With this accessory, you can create an advantageous contrast. If the kitchen is made in light colors, then a brightly colored tablecloth will enliven the interior.

Plaid tablecloths, plain colors or with images of fruits and vegetables are ideal for the kitchen.

Using a tablecloth for the table makes the atmosphere in the room more cozy and warm, so you shouldn't skimp when purchasing this accessory.

No matter how luxurious and rich the table is, it is considered a good form to cover it with a tablecloth. A beautiful tablecloth, selected with taste, will certainly add aesthetics to the table setting and create a bright accent in the interior of the kitchen, living room or dining room. In the process of serving and preparing the table for the holiday, you cannot do without textiles. In addition to tablecloths, napkins, naperons, runners and other attributes made of fabric are used. Particular attention should be paid to how to choose the right textiles and use them for setting the festive table.

Choosing a tablecloth for a festive table

The tablecloth not only gives the table an aesthetic appearance, but also performs many other very useful functions. So, for example, using a tablecloth, you can protect the tabletop from accidental mechanical damage. In addition, the tablecloth muffles the ringing of the dishes when they come into contact with the table surface. Also, the tablecloth prevents the cutlery from sliding on the table, preventing them from falling.

Depending on the shape of the table top, the appropriate tablecloth is also chosen. In this case, a square tablecloth is suitable for a square table, a rectangular tablecloth will look appropriate for a rectangular table, a round table assumes a round tablecloth, but you can also use a square one. If the table is oval, then the tablecloth is chosen oval, but if it is absent, you can pick up a rectangular tablecloth. It is advisable that the shape of the tablecloth still matches the shape of the table. But in a situation where the table is of a small round shape, often a square tablecloth is specially propped up. It looks original, hanging down and at the same time creating beautiful draped folds. The combination of a round and a square tablecloth is also an excellent solution. In this case, an elongated round tablecloth spreads under a shortened square one. Moreover, they should be contrasting with respect to each other, not only in shape and length, but also in terms of color.

To determine the parameters of the tablecloth, you should first measure the length and width of the tabletop (in the case of a rectangular table), or the diameter (if the table is round). The tablecloth should hang from the edge of the table about 20 cm on each side. If the store does not have the exact size of the tablecloth that you need, then it is better to take one that will be 10-20 cm longer than a very short one. However, overdoing it with the length is also not recommended, since a long tablecloth can get tangled in the legs and lead to unpleasant consequences during a festive feast. The maximum length allowed from the edge of the worktop is 40cm. A tablecloth of this length is also relevant if there is a beautiful frill or a large pattern at the edges.

As for the color scheme, the tablecloth should be in harmony with the interior of the room in color. If the tablecloth is a bright accent in the interior of the living room or dining room, then this trend should be emphasized with two or three more objects of the same color in order to create a general idea and style.

A bright tablecloth can act as the main accent in the interior and be supported by other decor details.

If the interior of the room is too bright and catchy, then you can use a tablecloth in neutral shades, such as beige, milky, white, golden, marble. In general, these tablecloths are suitable for almost any interior design. It should be borne in mind that a white openwork tablecloth always looks the most solemn and can be used for especially important occasions.

Textile napkins for table setting

In the process of preparing the table for the holiday, do not forget about napkins. First of all, we are talking about napkins made of textiles, which guests put on their knees, since small paper napkins are used for the mouth, located in a special stand. Cloth napkins may be sold with the tablecloth as a set. However, you can pick up and contrasting napkins in relation to the tablecloth, but suitable for other attributes of the festive table or interior details. The napkin can be rolled up, fixed with a special clip or ring and laid out to the right of the plate. If the napkin is well starched, then you can insert it onto the plate, creating a fancy shape.

What is naperon

Naperons are small, mostly rectangular tablecloths that spread over the main tablecloth. This is done in order to protect the main tablecloth, as well as for a more aesthetic appearance. The naperon may differ from the main tablecloth in color and texture. It is laid out either with a diamond in relation to the main rectangular tablecloth, or in the same position as the main tablecloth.

Naperon located in the same position as the main tablecloth

Fabric runner for the festive table

It is customary to call a narrow and long fabric strip for table setting a track or runner. Typically, runners run along or across the table and hang down on both sides. Thus, their length exceeds the length of the tabletop, and the width is much narrower than it. The runner can cover the main tablecloth to keep dirt out. In this case, a slider in a contrasting color is used. Or it can cover a bare countertop. Then, under each individual plate, special fabric or straw mats are placed. The main dishes are placed on the slider, as well as vases with fruits and flowers.

Competently selected tablecloths, napkins, runners, naperons, along with elegant table setting, delicious treats and beautiful dishes will demonstrate the delicate taste of the hostess of the house.

Elvira Goleva for website

Probably, every housewife dreams of a fabulous self-made tablecloth that can fill the table with delicious dishes in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet mastered the magical art, but modern textile manufacturers have learned to create tablecloths and napkins on the table, looking at which one involuntarily recalls beautiful fairy-tale pictures. With its readers "Dream House" today will share recommendations on how to choose both a tablecloth and napkins for it, which is the most beautiful and harmonious way to set the table.

Place the tablecloth on the dining table

For a long time, the tablecloth was perceived not only as a household item, but also as a symbol of prosperity and even a kind of guardian of the family. For example, in Babylon, it was trimmed with golden threads and decorated with intricate painting. In ancient Egypt, a piece of cloth covering a table was painted with dyed pigments. At the same time, the drawing was selected depending on the estates and the wealth of the family. In Russia, due to the high development of woven craftsmanship, tablecloths were available not only to nobles, but also to peasants. For a long time, the Slavic peoples had a custom to pass on the tablecloth from generation to generation as a symbol of prosperity.

Such an interesting history of the tablecloth makes it not just a practical addition, but an attribute that can create a special decoration in table setting and become a bright decoration of the interior.

Tablecloth on a rectangular table photo

Choosing a tablecloth on the table

1. Form

To choose the right tablecloth for the table, you first need to decide on its shape. Modern tablecloths come in square, rectangular, oval and round shapes. Ideally, the shape of the tablecloth should follow the shape. The only exception applies to round tables, in the design of which the use of square tablecloths is allowed, which can create an interesting and voluminous drapery. In addition, having decorated the round table with a round tablecloth, you can put a small square-shaped tablecloth on top of it. Such a composition looks especially interesting when combining tones contrasting with each other.

Tablecloth on a round table photo

How to choose a tablecloth for a table

Tablecloth on an oval table

There is also an interesting variety of tablecloths called runners or runners, the shape of which resembles an elongated narrow canvas or track. The most harmonious tablecloth-runner looks on an oblong wooden table. However, since this fabric is rather narrow, together with the runner, the table is served with woven napkins.

2. Material

Modern tablecloths are made from natural, synthetic and blended fabrics. The choice of this or that material depends on the purpose of the tablecloth.

According to the rules of etiquette, festive and ceremonial events require natural textile decoration. For the production of this category of tablecloths, linen or cotton is most often used. Festive tablecloths made from natural materials are durable, hypoallergenic and, moreover, stylish in appearance.

However, these products have one significant drawback - the tendency to shrink during washing and ironing, so their size should be slightly larger than required.

Beautiful tablecloths on the table

Due to the soiling, it is not entirely comfortable to use natural tablecloths in everyday life. Therefore, it is recommended to set the table for family dinners and evening teas with polyester or acrylic tablecloths. Tablecloths made of these artificial materials are treated with water-repellent impregnations, are easy to wash, practically do not wrinkle and, moreover, are distinguished by a democratic price. But, despite the simplicity and availability of these products, they also have an excellent appearance. For example, polyester tablecloths with jacquard weave that do not have a seamy side are especially popular.

Beautiful tablecloths on the table photo

Lace tablecloths and napkins can be distinguished in a separate category. In most cases, delicate and graceful openwork products become a separate interior decoration that can add warmth and coziness to the atmosphere at home.

Size 3

The size of the tablecloth for serving the table should include the length of the tabletop as well as the length of the plumb line. According to the requirements of etiquette, the length of the "plumb" of the tablecloth should not be less than 20 centimeters, that is, the size of the product must exceed the size of the table by at least 40 centimeters. However, a festive setting requires that the "plumb line" completely cover the legs of the table.

4. Color

Depending on the color scheme, the tablecloth can be either a neutral attribute or a bright decoration of the interior. Neutral colors include beige, coffee, gray and tones that blend harmoniously with any interior design.

Festive tablecloth photo

Bright multi-colored tablecloths and matching napkins will help to emphasize the originality of modern styles. If you are setting the table for a special occasion, choose a snow-white tablecloth that always looks smart and appropriate.

You can also highlight New Year's tablecloths. Since the theme of this holiday allows for some deviations from the general rules of etiquette, choose bright tablecloths with a suitable pattern for.

Christmas red tablecloth with snowflakes

How to choose napkins for a tablecloth for a beautiful setting

The tablecloth is not the only element of table setting, because without woven napkins, the decoration, as a rule, looks unfinished. When choosing tablecloths and napkins, both a complete combination of colors and a combination of contrasting shades are allowed, due to which the overall design will look bright and unusual.

However, if you decide to match the tone of the napkins with the tone of the tablecloth, make sure that this tone is also present on other elements of the table, for example, in dishes, candlesticks, decorations, etc.

If the color of the napkins can differ from the color of the tablecloth, then the materials of these products must match. Most often, napkins are used in the setting of a festive table, so if you use a linen tablecloth, choose linen napkins, if silk - silk, etc.

Fabrics for tablecloths and napkins

Tablecloths and napkins on the table photo

By combining a tablecloth with napkins, you can create an amazing setting using themed ideas for any occasion. So, if you are satisfied, use the child's hobbies to choose the topic. For Easter, New Year or Christmas, weddings, anniversaries - there is an original way for every occasion.