Urine acidity: how to lower or increase, the reasons for the change in ph. Indicators of laboratory analysis: urine, pH - norm and deviations. How is urine pH determined? Where to get tested (urine pH)

The reaction or acidity of urine reflects the ratio of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in it, in other words, the balance of acidic and alkaline substances. This indicator is the most incomprehensible to a simple layman, but for a doctor this criterion is very important. Moreover, paradoxically, the value of urine acidity is not so much as a diagnostic indicator, but as a condition that strongly affects the treatment regimen for various kidney pathologies.

The reaction rate of urine is approximately 4-7 pH. A completely neutral environment corresponds to the number 7, with a decrease in this value, the acidity of the medium increases, and with an increase, the alkaline component increases.

Why does the acidity of urine change?

This criterion depends on the general condition of the body and the level of metabolism. But no less significant influence on the reaction of urine is exerted by the nature of human nutrition and its drinking regimen. Therefore, doctors have the ability to adjust the pH of the urine by simply prescribing a diet. For example, an increase in the proportion of fats and proteins in food contributes to a decrease in pH or an increase in acidity. And foods rich in carbohydrates increase the pH and alkalinize the environment.

A decrease in pH develops with the accumulation of acidic products in the urine. One example of such a condition is ketonuria in diabetes mellitus - ketone bodies are acids, so they increase acidity. Conversely, urinary stasis and some urinary tract infections increase the pH and alkalinize the environment.

However, as already mentioned, urine acidity does not play such a big role in the diagnosis of diseases. However, its influence on the processes in the urinary system is very large. The following is only a brief description of the main processes that can change under the influence of urine pH:

  • The solubility of various salts and acids is directly dependent on the acidity of the medium in which they are located. For example, uric acid dissolves in an alkaline environment and precipitates in an acidic one. And phosphates and oxalates, on the contrary, are more soluble in an acidic environment. This is of great importance in urolithiasis - the excessive accumulation of any substance in combination with the "wrong" pH creates ideal conditions for the formation of stones. At the same time, a change in the acidity of urine contributes to the dissolution and removal of stones.
  • Many microorganisms more often cause inflammation of the urinary tract only with a certain reaction of urine that is suitable only for them. For example, E. coli is more dangerous in an acidic environment, and staphylococcus is more dangerous in an alkaline one. Determining the reaction of the environment helps to identify the pathogen.
  • A number of antibiotics can also work only within a fairly narrow pH range. This makes it necessary to take into account or adjust the acidity of urine in the treatment of urinary tract infections. For example, macrolides and penicillins are more effective in an alkaline environment, and tetracyclines and nitrofurans in an acidic one.

A feature of this

Not everyone knows about the pH of urine norms. Meanwhile, this urine pH indicator helps determine how much hydrogen ions are released in the fluid, the output of which falls on the kidneys. Urine pH helps to determine the physical properties of the excreted fluid, to assess the level of alkali and acid. Urine pH values ​​play an important role because they help determine the general condition of the human body and diagnose the disease, if present.

Determination of pH in urine is an important characteristic, which, together with additional parameters, helps to determine the current state of the patient. If a urinalysis shows that the urine has a pH shift, then we are talking about salt precipitation. So, with indicators in the urine below 5.5, urate stones form, since the acidic environment actively dissolves phosphates.

If the pH is raised to the range of 5.5 to 6, then oxalate stones form. Raised to 7 pH corresponds to the formation of phosphate stones. In this case, the alkaline environment dissolves urates. Such indicators in the urine in women and men are very important when therapy for urolithiasis is selected.

The appointment of OAM is necessary if the doctor suspects:

  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • a preventive examination is carried out;
  • the dynamics of the disease is assessed, the development of complications and the effectiveness of the therapy are monitored.

In order for complete information to be obtained from a general urine test, it is important to properly prepare for its delivery. The reaction of urine can change if you eat vegetables and fruits the day before, which lead to a change in the color of urine. Stop taking diuretics.

Before collecting the liquid, a hygienic toilet of the external genitalia is performed. In women, there is an additional parameter - urine collection should be performed on days free of menstruation. Fluid is collected during the first morning urination.

In order for the urine test to be correct, a small portion of morning urine goes down the toilet, then about 100-150 ml of urine is sent to a special container for collection by continuous urination, the rest goes down the toilet.

It is important to choose the right container. It is best to give preference to special jars for analysis, which are sold in pharmacies. They are sterile, which means that you are provided with a normal base for work. It is necessary to deliver the analysis as soon as possible, no later than two hours from the moment of collection. Otherwise, an increase in the number of bacteria will be provoked, which means that this indicator will be increased, which should not be normal.

Children's indicators

If we talk about the indicator of urine acidity, the norm in children differs from that of adults. So, a healthy child normally demonstrates a pH value of four and a half to eight. Since urine is completely dependent on the physico-chemical parameters of the body, the child's diet can affect its performance. If there is mainly animal food in his diet, then the indicator will lean towards the acid side.

If parents prefer plant foods and dairy products, then an alkaline reaction will be provided. When this balance changes, it is important to correctly identify the cause. So, the alkaline balance, which is increased against the background of a certain diet, and the balance, which is increased against the background of pathology, are two different things, the last of which needs treatment.

If we talk about babies, then their indicators are also different from adults. Their urine production begins on the second, third day of life. In this case, the reaction is slightly acidic, that is, a level from 5.4 to 5.9 will be a normal indicator. However, sometimes the pH in the urine can reach a neutral value of seven units.

As with older children, the urine response is determined by the child's diet, fluid intake, and overall health. If the child was born prematurely, then the urinary reaction decreases to between 4.8 and 5.5. Most often, this level is recorded in the first month of life.

acid environment

There are a number of factors that can negatively affect urine reactions. These are problems with the urinary system, a change in the acid level in the blood, a change in the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, an incorrect balance of fluid and food, which makes up the human diet.

Problems with the kidney tissue cannot be ruled out. This is a violation of the absorption and filtration capacity. The process of receipt, transformation and release of metabolic products may be inhibited or absent altogether.

When the analysis indicates the predominance of an acidic environment in urine and blood, a number of dangers arise. An acidic pH leads to a reduction in the elasticity and mobility of red blood cells, which affects the viscosity of the blood and can lead to the formation of blood clots. An acidic environment is also dangerous for stone formation. Against the background of such a pH, the activity of the body in the breakdown of salts is reduced, which leads to the formation of stones.

With an acidic pH, metabolism can be disturbed. This is due to the lack of active functionality of enzymes, which affects the breakdown and removal of substances that have been worked out. This causes the accumulation of serious indicators of slag. In addition, in an acidic environment, the body is not able to absorb minerals and vitamins in the right amount.

An acidic urinary environment often leads to the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. To determine them, bakposev is additionally rented. Normally, a person's urine should be slightly alkaline. However, it is still considered individual, so the physiological characteristics of the patient must be taken into account.

Alkaline indicators

If the pH constantly shifts to the alkaline side, then a sudden change in diet may be the reason for this. Alkaline readings can be a sign of malfunctioning of the renal mechanism responsible for the regulation of the acid-base state. To confirm this fact, regular urine collection for at least three days will be required.

If the pH shift to the alkaline side has a constant basis, it is important to rule out probable causes of this state of affairs. We are talking about a milk and vegetable diet or the introduction of alkaline solutions. If there is no such thing in the patient's life, a urinary tract infection is probably present. To prevent incorrect data, it is important to deliver the test sample within two hours to the laboratory, because with prolonged standing, the urine begins to shift to the alkaline side in terms of pH.

Causes of alkalinization may be distal renal tubular auidosis, in which persistent metabolic acidosis occurs, low levels of bicarbonate are demonstrated, and the concentration of chlorine in the blood serum is increased. An increase in the amount of potassium in the blood also leads to alkalization of the environment.

Such an analysis may indicate problems with the adrenal glands, in particular, hypofunction of their cortex, which leads to organ failure. The thyroid gland in this state of affairs, on the contrary, is characterized by hyperfunction.

An alkaline environment is often demonstrated in urinary tract infections. It is important to exclude cases when the process was provoked by Mycobacterium tuberculosis or coli type. An alkaline indicator will also be demonstrated by patients who had prolonged vomiting the day before, which led to water and chlorine loss. This level can also be affected by the use of excessive amounts of mineral water, which is characterized by high alkaline indicators. This can also be said about chronic renal failure.

Women's norms

Often, pH measurement is carried out in women during pregnancy. If we talk about the indicators of women in general, then they do not differ from men. For a healthy adult woman, the figure is from 5.3 to 6.5.

The indicator mainly depends on the diet. With a large amount of food of animal origin, urine becomes acidic, if a woman adheres to nutrition, the main of which are plant foods and milk, then the reaction shifts to the alkaline side.

However, all this does not correspond to the state of affairs during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the pH, like many others, changes. It's about lowering the pH. This decrease is especially pronounced in women during pregnancy who suffer from toxicosis. Therefore, it is important to monitor the level of acid-base balance.

Usually during pregnancy there are no problems with this, since doctors prescribe constant preventive tests for expectant mothers. This allows you to control the health of not only the future mother herself, but also the child at all stages of development, which means preventing the development of some pathologies or choosing a treatment for them in the early stages, when the treatment is most effective.

You can determine the state of the body and the work of certain organs. Urine acidity (pH) is an important indicator by which you can assess the acid-base balance. It plays a special role in the diagnosis of many pathological conditions.

The kidneys are an important organ that filters and removes many toxins, decay products of vital activity in the urine. The pH level is one of the main indicators that must be checked during any examinations.

The acidity of urine allows you to determine the processes occurring in the body and assess the general condition. In medical practice, it is called urine pH. This is a pH indicator that allows you to calculate the amount of hydrogen ions in a urine sample. It can change throughout the day. With some pathologies of the urinary system, the pH may decrease or increase.

The pH level can indicate the extent to which the kidneys process the minerals that enter the body. Magnesium, calcium, are responsible for the level of acidity.

When acid levels are high, the body neutralizes the accumulated acid in the tissues and borrows the minerals it needs from the bones or organs.

The chemical composition of urine can change depending on many factors:

  • Metabolism.
  • Acidity of the stomach.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Features of the functioning of the renal tubules.
  • The amount of liquid consumed.

Determining the pH level in the urine is very important when using litholytic drugs - medicines that dissolve kidney stones.

Diagnosis and norm

It is important to collect urine for analysis correctly, otherwise the results may be unreliable. The day before, it is not recommended to eat foods that can change the physical properties of the liquid.

Do not take diuretics. Before the study, be sure to wash the genitals. You need to be able to properly toilet the genitals in children: girls are washed from front to back, and in boys they expose the head of the sexual man.Collect an average portion of urine in a clean glass container. The first portion is released into the toilet, the middle one is collected in a container and the remaining one is again in the toilet.

Urine collection is performed in the morning, on an empty stomach. Therefore, it should be delivered to the laboratory immediately. With prolonged storage of urine, the destruction of the cylinders also occurs, the pH changes.During menstruation, a woman is not recommended to take, as this can distort the results.

Urinalysis is prescribed to all patients with suspected diseases of the genitourinary system and other disorders in the body.

The acidity of urine is determined using special indicators - litmus paper. It changes its color depending on the reaction of the solution. Each color corresponds to a specific pH value. If the strip changes color to red, then this indicates an acidic pH of the urine, and if it turns blue, then it indicates an alkaline reaction. If the strips have not changed color, then the acidity is neutral.

There is another way to determine the acidity of urine - using an ionomer. This method is more convenient and highly informative.

Useful video: how to correctly and quickly determine the pH level

Urine acidity:

  • Normally, in a man and a woman, the acidity of urine has the same value. In the morning, urine in an adult is slightly acidic, due to the release of toxins. The normal pH for an adult is 6.5-7 units.
  • In a child, normal values ​​\u200b\u200bare slightly different from the pH level of adult urine. The acidity of urine in a newborn is 5.5-6, in a premature baby - 4.8-5.4, and in a bottle-fed baby - 5.4-6.9.
  • After the baby has been weaned, the pH of the urine has the same value as in adults.

If urine contains substances with acidic properties, then it is acidic (pH level less than 7). If a large amount of alkaline substances is detected in the urine, then this indicates alkalization of the urine (pH level more than 7). In the urine, acidic and alkaline substances can be in equal amounts, then the acidity is neutral (pH is 7).

Why does urine become acidic?

An increase in the acidity of urine occurs with excessive consumption of vegetable or dairy foods, mineral water. An upward shift in pH may be the result of taking certain drugs: adrenaline, bicarbonates, nicotinamide.

Increased acidity may indicate a violation of the secretion of gastric juice, pyloric obstruction.

The acidity of urine above normal can be observed in the following cases:

  1. When dehydrated.
  2. With diarrhea.
  3. With diabetic ketoacidosis.
  4. With acidosis.
  5. When fasting.
  6. For urinary tract infections.
  7. With chronic renal failure.

The alkaline reaction of urine can increase with chronic urinary tract infections, feverish conditions, and kidney tuberculosis.Chronic increase in urine acidity contributes to the formation of phosphate stones.

It is important to establish the cause of increased acidity of urine and only then carry out treatment. It is necessary to conduct an additional examination and identify possible deviations.

How to normalize an indicator

To reduce the acidity of urine, it is necessary to reduce the intake of protein foods and increase the intake of foods with a neutral or acidic alkaline load.If alkalization of urine is associated with pathological processes in the body, then this is a cause for concern.

In this case, further diagnostics will be needed to determine the cause of the deviation from the norm.Daily tests with test strips will help you choose the right diet.

The diet should contain foods with zero acid formation. These products are:

  • Oil
  • Ice cream
  • Milk
  • Cucumber
  • Vegetable oil

Products with negative acid formation: fruits, fruit juices, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, mineral water, coffee, red and white wine. The division of products by "acidity" is very conditional. Every body digests and metabolizes food differently.It is necessary to make changes in the diet: exclude or add products.

If urolithiasis is detected and long-term treatment is prescribed, then patients should independently monitor urine pH using test strips.

You should not follow a certain diet and eat foods with a low level of acid formation. It is recommended to use all products, but within reasonable limits.

To cleanse the body and kidneys, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of liquid. In people leading a healthy lifestyle, the acidity of urine is always normal.

During pregnancy, every woman gives up. Since the kidneys work with a double load, a urine test is simply necessary. In addition, the immune system is weakened, the hormonal background changes, as a result of which the function of the ureters is impaired. This can provoke an infectious process or lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases of the urinary system.

The acidity of urine in a pregnant woman varies and depends on the food consumed. With excessive consumption of meat food, the reaction of urine will be acidic, and if you follow a vegetarian diet, then the reaction will be alkaline.Normally, for a pregnant woman, the normal value is pH 4-8.This is provided that the material for research is fresh and handed over on time.

A low pH level during pregnancy is observed with toxicosis, vomiting, and diarrhea.

In addition, a decrease can be observed with a deficiency of potassium in the body. Changes in the urine of a pregnant woman are considered by doctors in a complex, but not separately.If the pH level is elevated, then this may indicate a malfunction of the parathyroid gland.

Together with the acidity of urine, gynecologists and urologists examine the color, transparency, presence, of cylinders.If the urinalysis is bad, then this is a reason for re-examination of urine but in a different way.

The pH level is regulated by the kidneys, they remove metabolic products, retain amino acids and electrolytes necessary for life.

The acid-base balance of urine is measured in the laboratory. In order to determine the concentration of hydrogen ions in the biomaterial. pH indicators play an important diagnostic role, as they allow you to assess the functioning of the urinary system, the general condition of a person. According to changes in acid-base balance, various diseases are detected. Metabolic disorders, malnutrition, and malfunctioning of the kidneys can affect the level of acidity. Alkaline urine reaction occurs with infectious pathologies, endocrine disorders, dehydration, insufficient consumption of meat products.

Properties of urine

Urine is a physiological yellow liquid that is formed during the life of the body. Its main function is the excretion of metabolic products, the regulation of osmotic pressure and the ionic composition of the blood. During the day, 800-1500 cm³ of urine is released, this is the norm for a healthy person. With the development of any disease, the indicators may change up or down. Diuresis depends on the physical activity of a person, ambient temperature, body weight, humidity.

Urine is formed in the kidneys during blood filtration. The tubules regulate the absorption and excretion of ions, then the fluid flows down the ureters into the cavity of the bladder and out through the urethra. In healthy people, urine has a light yellow color, when red blood cells, cholesterol and other pathological components appear, its shade changes, a precipitate forms, and an unpleasant odor appears.

Urine is more than 90% water, the rest is salts and breakdown products of protein compounds. With the development of diseases in the urine, impurities of sugar, blood, ketone bodies, protein, leukocytes, salts of oxalic acid, lactic acid, and erythrocytes can be detected. Electrolytes are excreted together with urine: salts of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, sulfates, as well as hormones, enzymes and vitamins.


For normal metabolism in the body, a constant acid-base balance must be maintained.

The pH level is regulated by the kidneys. They remove metabolic products, retain amino acids and electrolytes necessary for life.

Normal acidity is 6.0–7.36 (slightly acidic environment). If alkalization of urine occurs, the pH exceeds the permissible norm, and acidification of urine, on the contrary, is characterized by a decrease in values.

The acid-base level shows how much the body absorbs the incoming minerals: calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium. When the pH fluctuates, salt precipitates out, which can lead to the formation of stones. Prolonged alkalization threatens the formation of oxalate or phosphate stones. With alkalosis, potassium excretion in the urine increases, and hypokalemia can lead to increased irritability, fatigue, muscle weakness, and nervous exhaustion.

The alkaline balance depends on the nature of nutrition, the presence of chronic diseases of the internal organs, the acidity of the stomach, the functioning of the renal tubules, the pH level of the blood, the volume and quality of the liquid consumed.

Why does urine pH change?

Short-term deviations of acid-base balance values ​​are allowed. At night, acidity decreases to 4.6-5.5, the lowest readings are recorded in the morning on an empty stomach, and the highest - after eating. The normal pH of urine in a newborn baby is 5.2-6.0, in premature babies - up to 5.7. In children at the age of 3, the acidity level stabilizes and reaches 6.0–7.2.

Causes of alkalized urine:

  • adherence to a strict diet;
  • the use of a large amount of plant foods, dairy products;
  • vegetarianism;
  • prolonged vomiting, diarrhea;
  • bacterial infections of the genitourinary system;
  • renal tubular acidosis;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • hematuria;
  • gas alkalosis;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • rickets in children;
  • consequences of extensive surgical interventions;
  • Milkman's syndrome - multiple "pseudo-fractures" of bones;
  • drinking alkaline mineral water;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • treatment with adrenaline, bicarbonates, nicotinamide;
  • chronic renal, adrenal insufficiency.

When the pH in the urinalysis is systematically elevated, alkalosis is diagnosed. Alkaline balance affects the activity and rate of reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, the effectiveness of drug treatment of infectious pathologies. When alkali prevails in the urine, antibiotics of the penicillin group, macrolides, aminoglycosides act better.

Fluctuations in the pH level in both directions can be observed during pregnancy, other causes are diseases of the genitourinary system. When diagnosing pathologies, the key point is the systematic measurement of urine acidity and monitoring the appearance of other pathological components in its composition, for example, salts, ketone bodies, erythrocytes, protein.

During pregnancy, the pH of the urine may be alkaline against the background of a dairy and vegetable diet, with gestational diabetes in women. Diagnosed with alimentary alkaliria, in which the pH is more than 7.0. A shift in acidity is noted when eating black breads, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vegetable fiber. Sodium citrate (salt of citric acid) also improves alkaline balance. This component is found in sweet carbonated drinks, energy drinks, desserts, and some medications.

Prolonged alkalization of urine leads to the accumulation of toxins in the body and blood, reduces immunity, worsens the condition of the skin, hair, nails, causes bad breath and malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnostic methods

Urinalysis pH should be carried out no later than 2 hours after collecting the biomaterial, since during long-term storage, the ingress of bacteria into the liquid from the external environment, alkalization occurs, the destruction of erythrocytes, leukocytes, and the result will be unreliable. Urine becomes cloudy, acquires an ammonia smell. A single study does not allow determining the exact diagnosis, the test must be repeated within 3 days.

At home, you can find out the pH level of urine during pregnancy or pathologies using indicator strips that change color after immersion in urine. Acidity is determined according to the color scale. Red litmus paper turns blue if the medium is alkaline, the color does not change at neutral pH, at acidic - blue paper turns red.

The reaction of urine can be determined using bromthymol blue - the reagent is mixed with ethyl alcohol and added to the test tube. Coloring the material in green or blue means that the medium is alkaline, in light green - weakly alkaline (normal). A yellow and brown hue indicates an acidic pH.

In the laboratory, a general analysis is performed to determine the composition of urine, microscopy of salt sediment. The indication for the study is urolithiasis, pathologies of the endocrine system, treatment with diuretics, prevention of nephrolithiasis.

At pH values ​​above 7.0, the risk of calculus formation from phosphate salts increases.

Before performing the analysis, it is necessary to refrain from eating beets and carrots, urine, when these products are added to the diet, changes the acidity to the alkaline side. And also it is impossible to drink diuretics on the day of visiting the laboratory, as the drugs change the chemical composition of urine.

Alkaline urine is a sign of impaired salt metabolism in the body. The condition is observed when there is a change in the work of the kidneys, failures of metabolic processes, adherence to strict diets that exclude meat products. A high pH level is considered a symptom of the disease only if, in addition, pathological compounds are found in the composition of urine, a person complains of a deterioration in well-being, pain, a change in the volume of urine excreted.

Index ph in urinalysisdetermines its acid-base balance and makes it possible to determine the state of health of the patient, to diagnose diseases of the urinary organs.

Urine removes metabolic products from the body. It is formed in the tubules of the kidneys (nephrons) when blood plasma is filtered. Urine consists of 97% water and 3% salts and nitrogenous compounds formed during the breakdown of proteins.

The kidneys retain in the body substances necessary for a normal metabolic process and regulateacid-base balance. Waste substances with different acid-base properties are excreted in the urine. If substances with acidic properties predominate in urine, this means that it is acidic (pH below 7), with alkaline properties - alkaline (pH more than 7) and neutral (pH = 7), if it has an equal amount of alkaline and acidic substances. Normal the indicator is a slightly alkaline reaction (7.35-7.45).

This pH value (ph) urinary sediment depends on the concentration of hydrogen ions (H +) in it and is called the reaction or acidity of urine. In newborns children (when breastfeeding) the norm is neutral or slightly alkaline pH = 7.0 - 7.8 units. With artificial feeding the child's urine reaction should be 6.0-7.0; The child has premature - 4.8-5.5.

Hormonal and physiological changes in the body among women during gestation (in translation from Latin - wearing) leads to fluctuations in acidityurine during pregnancy.This is justified if the indicators are in the range of 5.3-6.5.Urine during pregnancychecked repeatedly to control the pH.

What determines the reaction of urine

The reaction of urine depends on:

  • the nature of the diet;
  • metabolism;
  • acidity of the stomach;
  • the presence of pathologies that cause acidification of the blood (acidosis) or its alkalization (alkalosis);
  • inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs;
  • functional activity of the renal tubules.


Aciduria (acid reaction) - pH below 7, can be explained by such reasons:

  • the predominance of meat and high-protein foods in the diet;
  • intense physical, sports loads, work in hot production, hot climate contribute to an increase in acidity due to dehydration of the body;
  • diabetes mellitus (diabetic ketoacidosis);
  • various pathologies with metabolic or respiratory acidosis (increased acidity in the body): leukemia, gout, uric acid diathesis, treatment with cytostatics (while the kidneys are trying hard to restore balance);
  • taking drugs that “acidify” urine (ascorbic acid, Ca chloride);
  • kidney failure;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys (tuberculosis, pyelonephritis);
  • septic condition a large number of bacteria in the blood ("blood poisoning");
  • prolonged fasting, lack of carbohydrates in the diet;
  • alcohol abuse.

Alcaluria - alkaline urine

Alkalinization of urine (alcaluria) - a shift in the reaction of urine to the alkaline side, urine ph above 7. Boost alkali and urine may cause the following reasons:

  • the predominance in the diet of only vegetable and dairy products (you can normalize the pH by adjusting the diet);
  • alkaline urine indicates infectious diseases of the urinary organs, except for those caused by E. coli or mycobacterium - tuberculosis, pyelonephritis;
  • excessive consumption of alkaline mineral water;
  • diseases of the urinary tract with the appearance of blood in the urine;
  • diseases of the stomach with high acidity;
  • profuse vomiting or diarrhea, accompanied by loss of chloride ions and fluid;
  • other diseases (adrenal glands, thyroid gland, bladder).

Prolonged deviation from the norm kschb in any direction means that pathological processes occur in the body. Must submitgeneral urine analysis for laboratory research (with determination of urine reaction) patients with such pathologies:

  • infectious processes in the urinary organs (bladder, urethra, kidneys);
  • acidosis (excess of acids in the blood - pH< 7,35) или алкалоз (переизбыток щелочи в крови рН >7.35) renal, respiratory, metabolic nature;

and to assess the effectiveness and dynamics of treatment.

If the norm is ph 5- 7 goes beyond these limits (up or down) and these shifts are long-term, then when this stones (calculi) of various types can be formed:

  • oxalate - from salts of oxalic acid (pH 5-6);
  • urate - from salts of uric acid (pH less than 5);
  • phosphate based on phosphates (pH greater than 7).

The combination of aciduria (sour urine) with acidosis (sour blood) able increase the risk of such complications:

  • thickening of the blood (increased viscosity), which contributes to the formation of blood clots, deterioration of the heart and blood vessels;
  • accumulation of toxins, toxins and other substances in the body due to violations of biochemical processes;
  • the occurrence of a chronic inflammatory process as a result of the activation of pathogens.

Alkalinization of urine

It has been scientifically proven that cellular chemistry, beneficial gut bacteria and the immune system function better when alkaline at 7.35-7.45. This level is supported by a complex system of the body.

With these pH values, the body absorbs nutrients, removes toxins and waste products, and performs all the necessary functions. If a person consumes a lot of "sour" foods, suffers from a lack of oxygen with a sedentary lifestyle, this balance is disturbed.

To Wednesday organism was slightly alkaline, alkalization is necessary. You can achieve this by changing your eating habits by following simple recommendations. Can be gradually achieved alkalization, at pH< 7 оам , если:

  • in the morning drink water with lemon on an empty stomach (200 ml of water + juice of half a lemon (lime) + 2 tsp honey) or acidify the water with apple cider vinegar. It helps rid the body of excess acids;
  • for hypertension and edema, add a little soda to a glass of drinking water;
  • a mix (mixture) is useful - an effervescent drink: in a glass of water with 2 tbsp. lemon juice add 0.5 tsp. soda, immediately drink;
  • drink 2-2.5 liters of filtered water to neutralize acids;
  • minimize the use of refined sugar, muffins, desserts, carbonated drinks, which greatly acidify the body. Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose) are very harmful, they increase acidity and harm the nervous system;
  • useful vegetables (beets, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, peppers) greens (dill, lettuce, spinach, green onions) containing minerals, antioxidants, vitamins. Perfectly neutralize acids cucumbers, celery.
  • red meat, lamb, pork are considered difficult to digest and increase acidity. Replace it with poultry meat (chicken, turkey), fresh fish. Replenish the protein in the body, including in your diet lentils, beans, soy, tofu cheese;
  • to maintain the digestive tract, drink fermented milk products, yogurts rich in probiotics - bacteria that are useful for digestion;
  • Avoid stressful conditions. In a state of stress, acidic wastes and toxins accumulate in the body due to a malfunction in the digestive tract. Physical exercises, breathing exercises, yoga, meditation help to calm down.

You should consult with your doctor about which of these recommendations are right for you.

You can determine the reaction of urine at home. Such research done with litmus paper.

into the urine simultaneously immerse 2 litmus papers with different reagents (red and blue). Result:

  • the blue stripe turned red - the urine is sour;
  • red stripe turned blue alkaline pH balance;
  • both strips did not change color - neutral urine;
  • both stripes changed color to the opposite -amphoteric pH of urine (alkalinizing and acidifying components are simultaneously present in the urine).

Such indicator paper is sold in a pharmacy and a scale of colors is applied on the wall of the tube, by which you can determine the pH level by applying the result.

You should follow the rules for collecting urine for analysis in order to get the correct result:

  • before the study, avoid physical and psycho-emotional overload;
  • women should not be tested during menstruation;
  • flush the first and last portion of urine into the toilet, taking the average for analysis;
  • Before collecting the analysis, women need to wash themselves (from front to back), men thoroughly wash the penis;
  • to collect urine, purchase a sterile container (special container) at the pharmacy.

Under the influence of pathological or physiological factors, the pH of urine may change. AND Which whatever the level of deviation from the norm, it cannot be ignored. Need to definecauses and treatmentpathology to pass in a timely manner.

If you notice urinary problems such as:

  • foreign matter in the urine (mucus, streaks of blood or others);
  • unpleasant pungent odor;
  • color change

The pH of urine is one of the chemical criteria for human health, it has an important meaning. It shows the usefulness of the urinary system to remove metabolic products and toxins from the body. And the shift in the pH level speaks of pathological processes. Therefore, it is necessary to examine and treatment .

For a healthy man, the pH is 5.3-6.5, the reaction is slightly acidic or acidic. A shift towards acidification can be caused by taking calcium supplements, aspirin, vitamin C), diarrhea, vomiting, heavy metal poisoning.

Alkalinization can occur with excessive consumption of alkaline water, abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

The normal pH in women is the same 5.3-6.5. Much depends on the diet. With an abundance of meat (animal protein) and high-protein foods, the pH shifts towards an acidic reaction.. urine is alkaline if a woman eats more dairy and vegetable products. With toxicosis of pregnancy, the pH level decreases.

It is necessary to control the acid-base balance and, if necessary, eliminate the resulting imbalance with the help of certain products. When the body does not receive the necessary nutrients, it begins to borrow them from its own organs and bones, which impairs health.