Synopsis of the lesson on fairytale therapy “The Tale of the Bunny. Methodological development on fiction on the topic: Lecture notes for fairy tale therapy

(for children of the preparatory group)

Ermakova Irina Leonidovna MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 13, Yoshkar-Ola" Klyukovka " Educator-psychologist Russia, Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola

Lesson objectives:

  • work out the positive interaction of children with each other
  • work out the motive of mutual assistance and responsibility
  • determine the level of voluntary memory and attention

Necessary materials:

  • Wizard costume (cape, hat, magic wand)
  • Raven costume (dark cape, mask or cardboard beak)
  • tulle of different colors
  • fabulous bottle of milk (can be in the basket)
  • highchairs for children.

To the song "Come fairy tale" children enter the hall, stand around the wizard.

Wizard: I see that amazing children have come to my fairy tale today: kind, courageous, ready to help each other, who probably know how to listen carefully and observe what is happening around them. Guys, you want to take a trip to a magical, amazing country "Fairy tale" ? (Answers of children).

Wizard (in a mysterious voice): One, and two, and five, and eight, we transfer everyone into a fairy tale! (The wizard conjures, the children spin in place to the music) So we found ourselves in a magical land. Let's take a walk on it. (The wizard leads the children)... Guys, look, we found ourselves in a magic meadow, how beautiful it is!

In one of the corners there is a stump, on it there is "Magic flower" .

Wizard: "There is a flower in this Magic Land. If you approach this flower, stretch your hands over it (but don't touch it) and close your eyes, you can turn into anyone. Whoever you want. Now we can quietly approach the Magic Flower, stand around it so as not to interfere with each other; stretch out your hands over it, close your eyes and transform into those creatures that you intended. "

When the children closed their eyes and stretched out their hands over the flower, the Wizard says: "Take a deep breath and exhale completely, the Magic flower gives you magical power, and you turn into those fabulous creatures that you intended to transform into. Take another deep breath and exhale. Well, how, have all turned? .. Then let's get acquainted! " The presenter and the "fairy creatures" sit in chairs in a circle near the flower.

The presenter asks the children who they are (what the character they turned into, what character he has, how he walks, flies, jumps, etc.).

Wizard: Today we will take a walk in the Fairy-Tale Land, get to know some of its inhabitants, but did you know that a walk through this forest can be not only pleasant, but also dangerous? Something we sat up in the clearing, but "Dreamland" big, let's go further.

Music turns on. Everybody goes out on "Forest path"

Wizard: Look, we have a magic path under our feet. (green fabric) Let's walk along it and see where it leads us. Remember that everything in a fairy tale can change quickly? This track is also alive. Right now we are walking on very soft grass. There are many tumbled trees ahead, they have blocked the road, let's step over them. Legs higher. And now the path has become very narrow and nettles grow along the edges. Everyone shrank so as not to get burned, we take small steps. Look, there is a swamp ahead. We jump from bump to bump. So we came out of the swamp, we go along the grass. Relaxed.

A wounded Crow appears. He throws back one hand - "wing" and slowly begins to moan.

Raven: Drink, drink.

Wizard: Who are you, what happened to you?

Raven: I am Raven Voronovich. An evil sorcerer shot me with a charmed arrow. I pulled the arrow out with my beak, but the wound remained. There is no strength to fly further. Drink, drink.

At the other end of the room is a chair with a blue cloth draped over it. This is the source of water.

Wizard: Let's get the Crow drunk. But how to do that? It is necessary to split, one half remains near the Raven, it is impossible to leave him alone, the other goes to fetch water. How can we get water, because no one took the dishes with them (children's answers)... I will tell you the right remedy. To prevent the magic water from spilling out, you need to make a common cup. Stand in a circle, stretch the handles forward, fold them in a boat and make a common bowl out of your hands. Now fill it with water. And quietly, so as not to damage the bowl, take the water to the Crow. But just take your time, the bowl may break and you will have to go to "Spring" ... and the wounded Raven will wait all this time ...

When Raven got drunk, he felt better, but his wound cannot heal so quickly. Raven: "Thank you, good creatures! If it were not you, I could not escape death. But in order to heal the wound from the arrow that I have been talking about, I need Magic Milk. And I myself cannot get to it now ... I am weak."

Wizard: I just have a bottle. But it would be very easy to give you the Magic Milk. Guess the riddles and I will give you the Magic Milk.

I know many, many
I'll make a guess for you today
Who is attentive
He will quickly solve them.

I did not tremble in front of the wolf,
I ran away from the bear
And the fox's teeth
I got caught ... (Gingerbread man)

What a forest beast
Got up like a post under a pine tree
And stood among the grass
Are the ears bigger than the head? (Hare)

Toothy, hairy,
It will start as it is -
Sings a song. (Cat Kitty)

Swam in the water
And he remained dry. (Goose)

Sir, but not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse (A donkey)

In front is a patch,
There is a hook on the back
In the middle of the back,
And there is a bristle on it. (Pig)

Host: And here is the last riddle, the most difficult one:

Brave heart, sharp beak,

He flies to help when they are waiting for him. (Crow)

Wizard: "Well done, here's the Magic Milk, you can give it to the Crow."

The raven drinks it, the wounds heal. He gets up, full of strength.

Raven: "Thank you, good creatures! If it were not for you, I would have perished here! You were not afraid of the difficult road. And now, when you need my help, call me. I will come down. And now goodbye, I have to go. Behind you a fabulous magical lake that will give you strength before going home. Take a dip in it! Farewell! " The raven flies away.

As Raven spoke, the wizard threw a blue cloth over the floor. After the Raven has flown away, the children rush into the "water", frolic in it together with the leader, splash.

Wizard: Well, we have to go home. We go again through the fairy forest. But not usually, but first on the heels, on the toes, on the outside of the foot, with a full foot.

The magician with children come to "To the magic flower" .

Wizard: “We have to go home. Did you like the trip to the "Fairy Land" ? let's remember where we visited, what happened, how we helped Voron, etc. "

After the children talked about their adventures, the Wizard praises them and says: "Yes, I was not mistaken in you! After such adventures you have become stronger and smarter. But now you have to go home. Go to the Flower, stretch your hands over it and turn into themselves.

Wizard: Here you are again children, not fabulous creatures. And now we need to return from a fairy tale to our kindergarten!

One and two and five and eight

We are transferring everyone to kindergarten!

Children whirl in place and to the music of a song "There are many fairy tales in the world" calmly leave the hall.

List of used literature

  1. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva T.D. Workshop on fairy tale therapy. - SPb .: Rech, 2013.
  2. Zinkevich - Evstigneeva T.D. The path to magic. Theory and practice of fairy tale therapy. - SPb .: Zlatoust, 1998.
  3. Edited by Zinkevich - Evstigneeva T.D. Fairytale therapy training - SPb .: Rech, 2006.

Theme:"Travel to a fairyland"

To conduct a lesson, a psychologist needs to prepare:

  • Turn the cabinet into a “Fairy Land” (hang a panel with a fairy tale plot on the wall, cover the table and active toys with shiny cloth, arrange highchairs in a circle, etc.).
  • Fairy costume (cloak or cape).
  • Fabulous attributes (magic wand, magic tunnel, shiny ball, magic flower, or others from the scenario of the lesson).
  • “Magic Tunnel”, “Magic Flower” - for entering and exiting the Fairy Land.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • Development of attention and perception.
  • Improving the skills of monologue and dialogical speech.
  • The development of facial expressions and pantomime.
  • Development of fantasy and imagination.
  • Development of the ability for deep imaginative thinking, the establishment of cause - effect relationships.
  • Development of creativity and communication skills.
  • Formation of the emotional-volitional sphere and ethical ideas.

Diagnostic moments:

  • Characteristics of speech features (vocabulary, grammatical structure, diction, intonational expressiveness).
  • Observing children when staging fairy tales (activity, emotionality, sensuality of facial expressions and movement).
  • Determination of the nature of the creative interaction of children in the course of the lesson.
  • Evaluation of the emotional sphere of each child.


  • "Magic Tunnel";
  • The text of the fairy tale by Ch. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”;
  • "Magic Flower";
  • Children's costumes for staging the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood".

Course of the lesson

Greetings. Entrance to the "Fairy Land" through the "Magic Tunnel".

Children sit on high chairs arranged in a semicircle.

The psychologist tells the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood", using the technique of fairy tale therapy: the replacement of characters and the course of events:

"Once upon a time there was a Yellow Riding Hood ..."

The psychologist pauses - waiting for the children to correct the mistake:

"Not Yellow Riding Hood, but Little Red Riding Hood."

“She got ready and went to dad in another village ... Yellow Riding Hood is walking through the forest, and a bear is meeting her ...

Hello Yellow Riding Hood, where are you going? - the Bear asks ...

I'm going to my sister, she is waiting for me, the girl answers ...

How old is your sister?

Five years, says Yellow Riding Hood.

Does your sister live far away? - the Bear asks ...

She lives in a five-story building, in apartment 32, - the Yellow Riding Hood answers ... ”. Etc.

The psychologist invites children to stage the “correct” version of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” with the help of the children themselves.

The psychologist asks the children to sit on the chairs, and offers two children to play a mini-scene from the cartoon “Just like that”:

“The little dog was walking in the woods. Suddenly he saw that a fox with a huge bouquet of flowers was walking towards him. The fox, singing a song, went up to the doggie and presented him with a bouquet. The dog was surprised and asked the fox: - And for what?

Yes, just like that, - answered the Fox and ran on. The dog stood, looked at the bouquet and began to dance. He was very happy. "

Guys, you certainly know the feeling of joy. Right? Let's finish the sentence. “The feeling of joy is when ...”.

The children take turns finishing the sentence and speaking as many times as they like.

The psychologist asks the children to make drawings that convey feelings of joy. Each child tells about his own drawing.

The psychologist asks the children to approach the "Magic Flower":

“There is a“ Magic Flower ”in our fairy land. This is a gift from one kind and wise Fairy. When a kind child approaches the Magic Flower and puts his palm to the flower, the flower shares its warmth with him and transfers to him part of its magical power. If you approach a flower, stretch your hands over it, but do not touch the flower, close your eyes, then you can turn into whoever you wish.

Now we will quietly approach the "Magic Flower, stand around it so as not to interfere with each other, stretch out our hands, close our eyes and turn into those fairy-tale heroes we will think about."

Children stand around the flower and close their eyes, hold their palms over the flower, the psychologist gives the instruction: “Take a deep breath and exhale completely. The magic flower gives us strength. And we turn into fairy-tale heroes. Those who have already turned can open their eyes. Now start moving like the hero you turned into. All have changed, let's get to know each other ... ”.

All sit on the chairs.

The psychologist sums up the lesson: Our lesson ends. Today you have learned and seen a lot of interesting things. Tell us what you liked and remembered the most.

Parting. Exit from the "Magic Land" through the "Fairy Tunnel".


  1. Sharokhina L.V. Correctional and developmental classes in the senior group. - M .: Knigolyub, 2004.-64s. (Psychological Service)
  2. EA Alyabyeva Methodological manual to help educators and psychologists of preschool institutions. - M .: TC Sphere, 2004.-96s.
  3. T.V. Bavina, E.I. Agarkova Children's fears: Solving a problem in a kindergarten: A Practical Guide. - M .: ARKTI, 2008 .-- 64p. (Growing healthy)
  4. A.Yu. Tatarintseva, M. Yu. Grigorchuk Children's fears: puppet therapy to help children. SPb .: Rech, 2007.218s.

Korsunskaya Natalya Nikolaevna;
- Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution
"Child Development Center - kindergarten number 27" Thumbelina "
Arsenyevsky urban district;

Lesson with the use of fairy tale therapy in the older group "Me and others"

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To lay the foundations of morality in children by familiarizing them with the content of the fairy tale;

Promote the unification of children into a team and create a positive atmosphere in the group;

To form in children the ability to express their own opinions;

To develop imagination, auditory attention and memory, coherent speech, elements of logical thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Preliminary work: communication games, telling therapeutic fairy tales aimed at increasing self-esteem and relieving stiffness, stiffness, play activities.

Equipment for the lesson: musical accompaniment, pebbles, the sun is large and small by the number of children, pictures of flowers (rose and chamomile).

Course of the lesson:

Hello, I'm glad to see you. Today I want to say hello to you in an unusual way, and the game is called "Let's say hello".

Let's say hello exercise
Purpose: to promote the continuation of acquaintance, to create a psychologically relaxed atmosphere
At the beginning of the exercise, they recall different ways of greeting, real and comic. Children are invited to say hello shoulder, back, hand, ears, cheek, forehead, heels, come up with your own unusual way of greeting for today's class and say hello.

Let us, as a greeting, give smiles to each other and to our guests. And please sit you on chairs (or carpet cushions).

Guys, pay attention to the board and tell me whose picture do you see? (image of rose flower and chamomile)

Now I want to tell you an amazing tale about these flowers.

Fairy tale "Rose and Chamomile". (The text of the tale from the book of O. V. Khukhlaev, O. E. Khukhlaev. Labyrinth of the soul. - Moscow: Academic project, 2010.)

“In a small town without a name, there was a tiny garden in which a beautiful scarlet rose grew. Not far from her was a poor, defenseless daisy. She had just blossomed, her petals, which had not yet matured, were white, ordinary. The chamomile was surrounded by many wildflowers. But nothing pleased her. There was a big dream in her tiny head - to become a beautiful, unusual flower. Chamomile gazed with admiration at the well-groomed rose. When there was a drought, the owner would water his flower. When it rained, the rose was closed, and not a single formidable drop fell on the velvet petals of a delicate flower. “How good she is,” thought the daisy. “I should be in her place,” the small yellow flower with long petals, like the wings of butterflies, never stopped dreaming.

But one day a kid was walking along the path. Seeing a chamomile, he said with admiration: "What a beautiful flower!". Chamomile at first could not understand these words, until that moment she considered herself the ugliest plant. The kid explained to the daisy, that all flowers are good in their own way. "

Discussion of the tale.

1. Why did the chamomile look at the rose with admiration?

(beautiful, well-groomed, tender with velvet petals)

2. What does the phrase that the Kid said to the camomile mean: "All flowers are good in their own way"?

3. Can you say this phrase about people?

Each person is good in his own way. We are all different: we have a different appearance, voice, character.

Fizminutka(Children stand in a circle)

Game "Touch ... »

The teacher suggests: “Touch the blue! ". All children should instantly orient themselves, find something blue in the participants' clothes and touch this object (the colors on the clothes of the children). The colors change periodically, who did not have time - the presenter. The teacher makes sure that each participant is touched.

(Children sit on chairs)

Do you like the game? Each of you has a color in your clothes that I named?

That's right, because we are different and our clothes are different, and outwardly they are not similar to each other - this is called external differences. People are also distinguished by their inner qualities, i.e. character or peculiarity, for example:

Ability to draw well;

Sing, dance, run;

Help loved ones;

To be kind;

I propose to play a game for which I prepared pebbles.

Communicative game "Give a pebble"

Take one pebble from the box and present it to whoever you want, but always with the words: "I give you this pebble because you are the most ..." The presenter gives stones to those children who have nothing left, but, without fail, noting the best qualities of each child to whom he gives a gift.

Relaxation game: "In the meadow"

“Imagine a forest clearing with soft grass. Lie on it as if on a feather bed. Everything around is calm and quiet, you breathe evenly and easily. A field flower bows its head over you, you can hear the singing of birds, the chirping of grasshoppers. You feel the gentle rays of the sun stroking your cheeks. The gentle breeze tickles you. Whoever feels it opens his eyes.

All this time the sun was watching you. See how it smiles broadly for you. Let's smile wide, wide at the sun.

The sun gives you gifts (little suns).

What can you do with the sun?

(Children's answers: "Present to a friend. Draw a smiling face. Tie a thread - there will be a toy for a kitten or a medallion. Make an applique").

Collective work of children "Sun"

Look at what kind of suns we got, they are similar to each other, but they also differ in something.


We are all different: we have a different appearance, voice, character. Nowhere, nowhere on the planet is there such a kid like you, there is no such wonderful girl (like ....), there is no such a cheerful boy. You are the only one in the world, there is no second such child.


1. Organizing time - exercise "Let's say hello."
2. Reading the fairy tale "Rose and Chamomile".
3. Discussion of the tale.
4. Physical minute -Game "Touch ... » .
5. Communicative game "Give a pebble".
6. Relaxation game: "In the meadow".
7. Collective work of children "Sun".
8. Result (conclusion).

Have you noticed with what delight and rapture your baby listens to fairy tales? He worries about the main character, is surprised at his adventures, rejoices at his victories and successes. Together with the heroes of fairy tales, he tries to distinguish good from evil, courage from cowardice, loyalty from betrayal, generosity from stinginess. The fairy tale awakens the child's imagination, and, fantasizing, he transforms into magical characters, gaining life experience, confronting difficulties, looking for a way out of the most difficult situations. A fairy tale is not only a key to understanding the world, but also a way to overcome fears. Read about fairy tale therapy for kids in our material.

What is fairy tale therapy: goals and objectives

The method of fairy tale therapy is also available to parents: any fairy tale can be made useful.

Fairytale therapy- This is a method of "treatment with a fairy tale." Experts say that using fairy tale therapy for children is similar to psychological counseling for adults. The meaning of this specific, almost magical therapy is that, having discovered any problem in the child's behavior, his inner state, character, one can tell a fairy tale that will eradicate this problem.

The fairy tale is used in their practice by teachers, psychologists, doctors. This method is also available to parents: any fairy tale can be made useful.

Fairytale therapy is an excellent method of transferring knowledge, experience, abilities and skills to children. And the necessary and timely told fairy tale affects the consciousness and subconsciousness of the baby. With the help of a fairy tale, you can simulate any situations from the life of a child and transfer them to the characters. This will demonstrate how a fairytale hero can cope with a problem that has arisen. For example, if a baby is afraid of the dark, then you can tell a story about a boy who fought with the darkness and defeated it.

With the help of a fairy tale, you can simulate any situations from the life of a child and transfer them to the characters.

The method of fairy tales with a therapeutic effect is most often used for the following purposes:

  • reducing the level of aggressiveness in children
  • elimination of the state of anxiety and fears
  • development of emotional self-regulation
  • establishing positive relationships with other children.

Tasks of the fairy tale therapy method:

  • development of children's speech and their cognitive activity
  • identification and formation of creative abilities
  • decrease in the level of aggression and anxiety
  • development of emotional regulation and communication skills
  • developing the ability to overcome difficulties and fears
  • strengthening the relationship between the child and the parents.

"Did you know that a correctly selected and told on time fairy tale can eliminate almost any child's problems?"

Types of fairy tales

Razida Tkach in her book "Fairytale Therapy of Children's Problems" highlights types of fairy tales from the perspective of individual problems:

  • to overcome fears (towards darkness, doctor's office, etc.)
  • to reduce hyperactivity
  • to overcome aggressiveness
  • aimed at dealing with conduct disorders
  • to overcome problems associated with family relationships (cases with divorce of parents, the emergence of new family members, etc.)
  • in case of loss of loved ones or animals.

The following are used as children's therapeutic fairy tales:

  • parable
  • fairy tale
  • fable
  • legend or myth
  • epic
  • joke
  • detective.

According to another well-known typology, fairy tales are of the following types:

  1. Artistic.
  2. Folk.
  3. Copyright.
  4. Didactic.
  5. Psychocorrectional.
  6. Psychotherapeutic.

The plots of fairy tales are varied

Plots of fairy tales varied:

  1. Tales about animals, as well as their relationship with people. Such skaz (and are perfect for younger and middle preschoolers, since it is easy for children from 1.5 to 5 years old to identify with animals.
  2. Household tales. These stories tell about the complexities of everyday life, family relationships, ways of resolving conflicts. These tales are not devoid of irony and humor, they are suitable for older children (schoolchildren).
  3. Tales of transformations (transformations, transformations). Suitable for children with low self-esteem, feeling disliked, shy children and foster children.
  4. Scary tales. Sorceresses, goblin and other evil spirits are the main characters of such stories. Children can even compose such fairy tales themselves: with the help of experiencing anxious situations, children get rid of tension and fear. Usually "horror stories" are used as a therapeutic method for children from 7 years old.
  5. Fairy tales. These fairy tales transport the wisdom of life into the subconscious of the child. Children of 6-7 years old like them most of all.

"Having realized the problem of the child, with which you need to work, you can choose a folk tale, one of the tales of domestic or foreign writers, or come up with a story on your own."

List of fairy tales that have therapeutic effects

For children who are faced with family problems:

  • "Morozko"
  • "Kroshechka-Khavroshechka"
  • "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"
  • "Snow Maiden"
  • "The Scarlet Flower"
  • "Cinderella"

For children in crisis, stress, neurosis:

  • "Sleeping Beauty"
  • "Mrs. Blizzard"
  • "Tserevna-Frog"
  • "Gray neck"

For foster children, children with low self-esteem:

  • "Thumb Boy"
  • "Ugly duck"

To overcome fears:

  • "Little Red Riding Hood"
  • "Swan geese"
  • "The wolf and the seven Young goats"
  • "Baba Yaga"
  • and many other tales.

Program for overcoming children's fears

A correctly chosen fairy tale will help overcome any fear.

Fairy tales are often used to overcome children's fears.

To reveal what fears torment the child, special techniques help (for example, "Two Houses", where the child is asked to draw black and red houses in which he needs to "settle" his fears - the strongest and not so). Usually childhood fears are divided into:

  • medical(fear of pain, injections, doctors, diseases)
  • physical(fear of damage from means of transport, unexpected sounds, fire, war, elements)
  • fear of your death
  • animal fear
  • fear of fairy tale characters
  • fear of the dark and nightmares
  • social fears(people, children, loneliness, etc.)
  • fear of space(depths, heights, confined spaces).

As soon as everything is clear with fears, you can apply program for overcoming fears of preschoolers:

  1. Play the sketch based on the fairy tale "Fear Has Big Eyes."
  2. Play a staging game "Hares and the Wolf".
  3. Organize the search for ways to combat the feeling of fear with the help of relaxation exercises "Conversation with the Forest" and "Flight of the Butterfly", sketches "It was a delicious cabbage!" and "Different Mood".
  4. To contribute to the formation of skills of expressing different emotions with the help of the fairy tales "Why was the coward sad?", "The brave coward".
  5. Develop courage overcoming fears with the help of the fairy tale "My Fear Is My Enemy" and the games "Fifteen" and "Hide and Seek with a Voice."
  6. To form the necessary behavioral skills with the help of the fairy tale "It's time to sleep".

Group lessons are effective for children of the same age.

This program is best done with a group of children of the same age for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes with the participation of a child psychologist. In case of individual work with a child, the program can be varied, taking into account the nature of the problem, filling the fairy tales with new meaning.

Rules how to make an ordinary fairy tale therapeutic

For an ordinary fairy tale to become therapeutic, you need to create it taking into account certain rules:

  1. The fairy tale should meet the child's problems, but not be like it thoroughly.
  2. A fairy tale must necessarily contain a substitute action, using which the child will learn to take a new approach to solving his problem.
  3. The plot of a therapeutic tale should be consistent:
  • the main character of the fairy tale must correspond to the sex of the child, preferably to the age and character
  • further - a description of the life of the protagonist in such a way that the baby finds a resemblance to himself
  • further - a description of the problem situation where the hero finds himself and which should be similar to the situation of a child (the hero's experiences should correspond to the experiences of the crumbs)
  • further - the hero's search for a way out of their problematic situation (aggravation of the situation, the meeting of the protagonist with different characters, the search for alternative solutions to get out of the situation)
  • at the end - the main character realizing his wrong behavior, admitting mistakes, accepting the best option.

When thinking about a program to overcome any child's problem (for example, fears), you need to take into account child's age:

  • at 3-4 years old - the main character can be a favorite toy of a kid, a little man, an animal
  • from 5 years old - introduce fairies, sorceresses, princesses and princes, soldiers, etc. to fairy tales.
  • from 5-6 years old - make fairy tales filled with magic.

“One of the important components of the psychological impact of fairy tales is a metaphor, which is the basis of a fairy tale. Metaphor - comparison with something else based on a common feature. The accuracy and imagery of the metaphor is the key to the effectiveness of therapeutic techniques. "

The secret of therapeutic fairy tales is that the baby perceives the meaning of what he hears at the same time on the conscious and subconscious levels. The kid consciously worries about the protagonist and realizes the fictionality of the fairy tale plot. The child's subconsciousness catches and absorbs the truths of the fairy tale, identifies itself with the main character, revises its behavior.

Watch videos about how easy it is to compose a fairy tale with your child, focusing on his problems

Fairytale therapy classes

Classes with a psychologist in the format of fairy tale therapy are effective. In the process of working with a child, a specialist focuses on acquiring a little knowledge he needs to solve his problem, and most importantly, he forms useful skills.

Whether you are a psychologist or just a mother, remember that in fairy tale therapy, communication between an adult and a child, as well as a bright emotional coloring of classes, is very important.

When conducting classes, you need to observe the following regulations:

  1. When narrating a fairy tale, it is important to sit in front of the child so that he can see your eyes and facial expressions.
  2. When telling or reading a fairy tale, you need to convey the true feelings and emotions of the characters.
  3. Prolonged pauses should not be allowed.
  4. The fairy tale and the situations in it should be built on a problem that is urgent for the kid.
  5. When working with a fairy tale, pay attention to the fact that it does not contain a ready-made answer. Let the child think and offer a way out of this or that situation on his own.

Parents themselves can try with the help of a fairy tale to correct the behavior or character of the baby.

“Parents can easily become storytellers and successfully correct the problematic behavior of their child themselves. A psychologist or specialist in the field of fairy tale therapy is usually approached with difficult questions. "

So, you have familiarized yourself with a method that allows you to solve any children's problems with the help of fairy tales - fairy tale therapy. Parents themselves can try with the help of a fairy tale to correct the behavior or character of the baby. And if you decide to make a choice in favor of a specialist, know that he must have a high level of training, the ability to write therapeutic fairy tales for the needs of the child, use metaphors, and have sufficient work experience.

Fairy tale therapy "Bells"

Target: developing children's abilities for compassion and empathy; the formation of communication skills; increasing self-esteem, a sense of self-worth; increasing group cohesion, preventing conflicts.

Course of the lesson:

1. A minute of entering the fairy tale "Bells".

Guys, today, to get into a fairy tale, bells will give us magic power. Relax, close your eyes and listen to the chime. The more attentively you listen, the more power you will receive.

“High, high in the dark sky, on one huge starry glade, there were stars. There were a lot of them and they were all very beautiful. People on earth admired them every night. But these stars were all different colors. There were red stars here, and they gave courage to those who were born under their light. Such people became brave and courageous. There were also blue stars - they gave people beauty. One who was born under the light of this star became very beautiful. There were also yellow stars in the clearing - they endowed people with intelligence. And there were also green stars in the clearing - the one who was born under the light of their green rays, became very kind, saw good in all people, helped them. And then one day something flashed in the starry sky! All the stars gathered to see what happened. And this is another small star appeared in the sky. But she was absolutely ... white!

2. Exercise "Imaginary star".

Now, we will pass them hand to hand asterisk! But this star is not simple, but magical! It changes in everyone's hands. For example, in my hands it is small, like this (I show it), and it is also gold. What is yours? (each child describes his star, and, if possible, shows its qualities with his hands: big - small, hot - cold).

“The star looked around and even closed her eyes: how many beautiful stars are around!

Who you are? - whispered an asterisk. And the stars began to introduce themselves.

We are red stars! We make people brave!

We are blue stars! We give people beauty!

We are yellow stars! We make people smart!

And we are green stars! We give people a kind heart!

What star are you? What can you do? The asterisk looked at its rays and became sad:

And I am not ... I can’t do anything. I was so upset that I almost cried. "

Guys, what do you think the stars have done? (children suggest options). Do you want to know how the fairy tale ended?

“Each star flew up to a white star, lightly touched it with its colored rays, and a multi-colored glowing spot remained on it. And when all the stars touched it, it became ... multi-colored!

3. Study "Star".

Children stand in a circle, arms outstretched - rays to the side, feet shoulder-width apart (A white star is selected). The white star sits on his haunches with his head down, and then is gradually born, straightening, "straightening" the rays and looking around. Children take turns touching the star with their hands (lightly, gently).

So all the stars were delighted with this miracle that they surrounded the star and stretched out their long bright rays so that they lit up the whole sky at once! But then one day a terrible black sorcerer flew into the clearing! He loved to do all kinds of nasty things to people, and in his free time from nasty things he loved to extinguish the stars! The stars saw such a misfortune and began to shoot their rays at him, but the sorcerer just dismissed him - will you scare him with this? But as soon as he was about to extinguish all the stars in this clearing, suddenly a strange multi-colored star flew forward. The sorcerer even staggered back:

Oh, what is this miracle Yudo?

It's me, the multicolored star!

What can you do, multicolored star?

I can do everything! - Our star shouted proudly.

All-all? - the sorcerer grinned. - Well, now you won't be able to do anything and you will go out altogether!

And as soon as he took a breath to extinguish the brave star, she gathered all her bright multi-colored rays and sent them right into his evil face! Then other stars swooped down, and began to send the brightest rays into it! The sorcerer rushed to run from this glade with all his might and never appeared here again! And the stars whirled with joy, scattered across the entire clearing and flapped their rays, and our multi-colored star shone in the very middle!

Diagnostic drawing "Asterisks".

Guys, did you like the story? Now I want to suggest the following: “Look at these stars! (small white stars are distributed to children) They are still white as an asterisk from a fairy tale. But you can color them as you see fit. Remember, this is your star, and you decide what color and what quality it will have more! If courage is very important for someone, then the star will be more red. If intelligence, beauty and kindness are more important for someone, then yellow, blue and green. Thus, everyone should have their own unique and unrepeatable in its "multicolored" star. The final stage. Close your eyes and listen to the bells ringing.