Correctional lesson in social orientation in the senior group of the preschool educational institution. Abstract. Synopsis of the individual lesson of the typhlopedagogue "Visiting Doctor Aibolit

Maria Borilo
Synopsis of a subgroup correctional lesson of a teacher - defectologist (typhlopedagogue) with children 5 y. with combined pathology.

The purpose of the lesson: the development of visual perception.


To consolidate subject representations by l. the themes "Trees", "Fruits", "Autumn", "Wild Animals";

Learn to perceive images of different modalities;

Development of orientation in space, the ability to understand and use the prepositions FOR, POD, B;

Development of central vision, which is responsible for color perception;

Accommodation apparatus training;

Development of intact analyzers;

Development of fine motor skills of hands, coordination of speech with movement;

Fostering a positive attitude towards participation in the lesson;

Fostering an attentive, respectful attitude to nature.


Presentation on the IAD (interactive board); record player; magnetic board; pictures of autumn trees; multi-colored leaves for a bouquet; leaves for falling leaves, basket; "Wonderful little bag" (mouse - backpack); cards for ind. works (wild animals and gifts for them); simple pencils; colored linings (depending on the visual diagnosis); natural fruits; juice packs (tetrapacks 200ml); artificial spruce; pointer.

1. Org. moment. Guys, guess the riddle!

Rain since the morning

It's time for the birds on a long journey,

The wind howls loudly.

When does this happen?

Children: It happens in the fall!

The weather in autumn is very changeable. Help me finish my sentence!

If the sun is shining, then it is called ( sunny)

If there are clouds in the sky, then it is called ... ( cloudy)

If it rains, then it is called ... ( rainy)

If the wind blows, then it is called ... ( windy)

The sound of a strong wind is heard. On the IAD - a picture of an autumn forest.

2. Control. "Big small"

The teacher asks questions to children, seeking an answer with a sentence

Where are we with you? We ended up in the autumn forest.

What do you see there? I see trees, bushes etc

What trees grow in our forest? Birches grow in the forest.

Oaks grow in the forest.

On the IAD - pictures of large and small trees appear alternately

The appearance of pictures with the "chess" effect. Purpose: stimulation of the subcortical parts of the GM.

The teacher gives a sample sentence, the children compose sentences on their own.

Large oaks and small oak trees grow in our forest.

Big birches and small birches grow in our forest.

Large pines and small pines grow in our forest.

3. Respiratory gymnastics.

What happens to trees in autumn?

In autumn, the leaves turn yellow and fall on the trees. The fruits ripen on the trees.

On the IAD - a picture of falling leaves.

Guys, when many leaves fall from a tree at once, what is the name of this phenomenon of nature? This is called leaf fall.

Let's arrange the falling leaves ourselves! Blow on these leaves!

Children are offered small sheets of tissue paper.

The rules of correct exhalation are recalled. Children blow the leaves off the palm.

4. Coordination of speech with movement.

Let's play with the leaves!

Autumn leaves whirl quietly Whirling on tiptoes, hands up

Leaves under our feet lie quietly Squat smoothly

And underfoot rustle, rustle, Hand movements to the right - to the left

As if they want to spin again! Rise up, whirl

What did our leaves do? - The leaves were spinning, rustling, lying down, rustling.

5. Finger gymnastics.

Look how many colorful fallen leaves are under your feet!

One, two, three, four, five, Children curl their fingers into a fist.

Let's collect the leaves! WITH press and unclench fists

Birch leaves, rowan leaves, Curl their fingers into a fist

Poplar leaves, aspen leaves, starting with big

We will collect oak leaves

We will take the autumn bouquet to the garden! They walk in place.

6. Control. "Which branch are the kids from?"

Colorful leaves of trees lie on the floor.

Let's collect a bouquet from them! 1 child collects yellow leaves. 2 child collects orange leaves. 3 child collects brown leaves.

Children collect leaves by color according to the instructions.

Guys, look at your bouquet! What are the shapes of your leaves? The leaves are different in shape.

Why are they different? Because they fell from different trees.

There are pictures of trees on the magnetic board.

Let's find and name the trees from which they fell. What are the leaves called?

Children identify which trees their leaves are from and name them.

My leaves fell from the maple tree. They are called maple.

My leaves fell from the oak tree. They are called oak.

My leaves fell from the chestnut. They are called chestnut.

Let's put them in the basket and then make a garland out of them. Children give their bouquets to the teacher.

7. Visual gymnastics. On the IAD.

The wind blew and our leaves flew again! Look where they flew!

A maple leaf flew down and to the right. The oak leaf flew down and to the left.

A birch leaf flew down and to the right. The chestnut leaf flew down and to the left.

8. Control. Find an animal.

Guys, who can live in our forest? Wild animals and birds live in the forest.

Where are they? They probably hid from us.

Let's look for them!

IAD - b / w picture with hidden animals (part of the body is visible).

I found a hare. He sits under a bush.

I found a squirrel. She hid in a hollow.

I found a fox. She hid behind a tree.

I found a wolf. He hid behind the tree.

I found a hedgehog. He hid under a mushroom.

I found a mouse. She hid in a burrow.

9. Work in individual cards. Exercise "Draw the line"

The animals hid because they were afraid of us. But we will not offend them!

Let's treat the forest dwellers! Sit down at the tables and hand out gifts!

On the tables there are pencils, sheets of paper with the image of an animal and a "gift", a path between them. Children lead a path from an animal to a gift with a pencil.

Tell me, what did you treat them to? On the IAD - images of animals appear in turn.

Children look at the board - at their own card and respond accordingly to the picture.

I treated the hare to cabbage. I treated the squirrel to nuts.

I gave the fox a fish. I gave the wolf some sausage.

I treated the hedgehog with a mushroom. I treated the mouse to cheese.

10. D / game "Wonderful bag". The mouse is a backpack with fruits.

The forest dwellers are very grateful to you and decided to treat you too!

Let's guess what the mouse brought you? Tell us about your gift.

Children by touch determine what the mouse brought, they call it, get it out.

They gave me an apple. It is red, round, solid.

They gave me a pear. It is yellow, soft, fragrant.

They gave me an orange. It is orange, round, juicy.

11. Exercise. "Making juice"

How can you name an apple, a pear and an orange in one word? These are fruits.

What can you cook from them? Fruit can be used to make juice, compote, jam.

What kind of juice can you make from an apple? Apple can be used to make apple juice.

What kind of juice can be made from pears? Pear can be used to make pear juice.

What kind of juice can you make from an orange? Orange can be used to make orange juice.

One, two, three, get your juice! - small packets of juice are given to children.

12. Lesson summary.

Guys, it's time to go back to kindergarten! The sound of the wind is heard.

Oh, that wind again! We are going back to kindergarten! Did you enjoy your trip to the autumn forest?

Children's answers.

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Spent: typhlopedagogue Krulikovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna

Speech therapist Lidia Trifonovna Sidorova


Consolidation and expansion of the children's vocabulary on the topics "Vegetables", "Fruits".


Ø Consolidation of the ability to compose a riddle about an object, describing its signs, properties.

Ø Differentiation of vowel sounds A, U.

Ø Formation of the skills of elementary sound analysis.

Ø Development of mental processes in children, fine and general motor skills.

Ø Development of visual search activity.

Demo material: natural vegetables; fruit - dummies; a table with contour images of vegetables and fruits arranged in a specific order; table - the "Tell me about the sound" algorithm,

table - an algorithm for coming up with riddles; "Wonderful" bag.

Handout: cut pictures with the image of vegetables and fruits.

Course of the lesson:

I... Organizing time (speech therapist)

D / and "Tell me about the sound" (using the table - algorithm).

Children come up with and name words with the sounds to be studied and sit down at the tables.

II... D / and "Guess the riddle"(speech therapist)

1. D / and "The fourth extra" (with natural vegetables and fruits:

Zucchini, squash, potatoes, onion, eggplant

Orange, banana, pineapple, pear, plum)

Children identify an extra vegetable or fruit.

2. D / y "Name the sounds A, U in words" (in the name of an extra vegetable or fruit)

3. Compilation of riddles - descriptions using a table-algorithm (color, shape, size, where it grows, what it tastes like, what can be prepared from it) (typhlopedagogue)

To come up with a riddle, a willing child is called, the rest of the children guess it.

III... D \ and "Wonderful bag" (dummies)(typhlopedagogue)

Children identify the fruit in the bag by touch and find its outline image on the table, naming its location (pear, pineapple, tangerine, apple, lemon).

IV... Physical minute "In our garden".

1. Development of general and fine motor skills (speech therapist)

Cucumbers, cabbage, peppers Children curl their fingers on

In our garden there is one and the other hand.

Let's cook soup, salad "Stir the soup": do

let's cut circular motions

the edge of the palm of one hand

on the open palm of the other.

We can eat it raw! Clap your hands.

2. Gymnastics for the eyes ( typhlopedagogue).

The donkey walks, chooses, Children are being pulled forward

Doesn't know what to eat first right index finger

hands, move freely

it is followed by the eyes.

A plum has ripened upstairs, Look up.

And nettles grow below Look down.

Left-beet, right-rutabaga, Move your eyes to the left

Left is pumpkin, right is cranberry, to the right.

Below is fresh grass Look down.

Top-juicy tops, Look up.

Head is spinning, Circular movements of the eyes

The foliage is spinning in the eyes

Couldn't select anything

And he lay down on the ground without strength. Close eyes.

V.Д / и "Poets" (speech therapist).

Children finish lines of poems, choosing rhymes - the names of vegetables, fruits:

Mom helped the little one -

He alone ate ripe ... (watermelon).

Anton drinks hot tea,

He put it in tea ... (lemon).

Tanya and Mani have a dispute -

Who should eat big ... (tomato).

For her daughter Zina

Dad will buy ... (oranges).

And from Africa for us

They are sending ... (pineapple).

Funny monkey

We brought ... (bananas).

The garden is empty -

Removed ... (cabbage).

Many thanks to Antoshka -

He helped us drip ... (potatoes).

Everyone is very, very happy

Eat sweet ... (grapes).

VI.D / and "Collect the picture"(typhlopedagogue).

(cut pictures for each child).

Vii... The result of the lesson.

Children recall the topic of the lesson and those items that were in a wonderful bag.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Based on the data obtained about children, the typhlopedagogue completes them into subgroups for correctional classes, taking into account age, diagnosis of visual disease, visual acuity, existing concomitant diseases, and the level of cognitive activity of secondary developmental disabilities.

Subgroup lessons the typhlopedagogue conducts daily, planning them according to correctional programs. The duration of each subgroup lesson is 15-20 minutes - in the younger and middle groups, 25 minutes - in the older and 30 minutes - in the preparatory group.

With children who, for a number of reasons at the beginning of the school year, cannot participate in general education and subgroup correctional classes (for example, children with severe visual impairments accompanied by blindness or deep visual impairment; with concomitant diseases), the typhlopedagogue also conducts daily individual correctional classes according to the developed them to individual training programs. Such a program assumes that the typhlopedagogue takes into account the zone of proximal development of the child. It is advisable to draw up an individual training program for a short period, for example, for one to two weeks. This is due to the fact that children of this category do not immediately come into contact with a typhlopedagogue, for a very long time and it is difficult to be included in the process of correctional education. Gradually, as the communicative abilities of children develop, they master the compensatory methods of cognizing their surroundings, they are involved first in the subgroup lessons of the typhlopedagogue, and then in the general education lessons of educators.

With children who do not have severe visual impairments and concomitant diseases, but who at this stage of learning experience significant difficulties in mastering the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities (in general education and subgroup correctional classes), the typhlopedagogue conducts individual correction classes once - twice a week (in addition to subgroup).

Duration of each individual lesson from 10 (in junior and middle) to 20 minutes (in senior and preparatory groups).

A special type of individual correctional classes of a typhlopedagogue is preparing children for testing visual acuity, determining the nature of vision, for treatment with orthopedic devices (for example, with a synoptophore). The typhlopedagogue plans these classes based on the recommendations of an ophthalmologist. The typhlopedagogue takes into account what skills must be formed in children so that they can successfully operate on a particular apparatus. In some cases, similar activities can be carried out with small subgroups of children. It should be noted that on the instructions of the typhlopedagogue, group educators also conduct special games and exercises with children (individually and with subgroups), aimed at preparing for participation in the treatment and recovery process and at consolidating the results of vision treatment.

The typhlopedagogue carries out individual correctional work not only in the specially created conditions of his office, but also by engaging in general educational activities (for example, modeling, application, design, etc.) In this case, he sits down next to the child in difficulty, and, using the method of joint execution of actions, provides him with individual corrective assistance. During the walk, the tiflopedagogue conducts individual work, for example, teaching orientation on the site. V Everyday life for children in kindergarten, he individually works with children who need to develop self-service skills, the ability to make contact with other children and educators, etc., as a rule, these are children with profound visual impairments or with concomitant diseases. Studying individually with difficult children, the typhlopedagogue shows the educators the methods of corrective influence.

the main goal, which the typhlopedagogue sets himself in corrective work with children - to prepare them for the perception of the material that is presented in general education classes, for independent participation in other types of activity (in the game, in elementary work, in the treatment of vision on devices).

The typhlopedagogue in his studies in the framework of general developmental education decides the following correctional tasks:

    the formation in children of ideas about their visual abilities and the ability to use impaired vision;

    the formation of skills to receive information about the world around with the help of all intact analyzers;

    training in the use of the received polysensory information in subject-practical, cognitive and communicative activities, in spatial orientation.

The most important task, which the typhlopedagogue solves in correctional classes of all types - the formation of the skills of socially adaptive behavior in children. This is the kind of behavior that allows a preschooler with visual pathology to be adequate and independent in various everyday and simple social situations, as well as in communication with peers and adults.

In accordance with the Programs of special (correctional) educational institutions of the IV type (for visually impaired children) / Ed. L.I. Plaksina. M., 1997 / the teacher conducts special correctional classes of the following types:

    development of visual perception;

    development of touch and fine motor skills;

    orientation in space;

    social and household orientation.

The allocation of these types of special correctional classes is due to the need to form compensatory methods of cognition of the environment in children. The typhlopedagogue also conducts complex correctional classes. They are of a clarifying, generalizing nature. Their content involves the use of certain skills by children in all types of correctional activities. Another type of complex activities in which, for example, a typhlopedagogue, educator, speech therapist can take part at the same time.

The typhoid teacher builds his studies according to the following scheme.

Scheme of special

Correctional lesson on social orientation in the older group using health-saving technologies. Topic: "Important Helpers".

I bring to your attention a final lesson on social orientation for children of the older group with visual impairments. A lesson on social and household orientation, in the form of research, using health-saving technologies. The summary of the lesson will be of interest to teachers - defectologists, educators of correctional groups with visual impairments, teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Target: show the result of correctional work on the topic "Sense organs". Enhance children's understanding of the senses and their meaning.
Correctional educational tasks:
To generalize the knowledge of children about the sensory capabilities of the senses, teach to use the existing knowledge in practice.
Correctional and developmental tasks:
To develop the skills of research activity, cognitive activity, compensatory functions of intact analyzers.
Correctional educational:
Foster a desire to take care of your health.
Health-saving technologies: finger games with the Su-Jok ball, breathing exercises, dynamic pause, eye exercises.
Material: a box - a parcel, a parable written on paper, pictures depicting the senses, opaque containers in which products and substances with different smells (lemon zest, garlic, vanillin, pine needles) and tastes (sugar, salt, lemon, onion); audio recordings of various sounds (the sound of the sea, the voices of birds, the noise of traffic), "Magic bag" with objects that differ in shape and surface texture (wooden cube, ball of wool, Su-Jok balls); pictures with geometric shapes, magnetic board.
Preliminary work: Conversations about health, learning V. Sviridov's poem “What are eyes for?”, Didactic games: “Visiting Aibolit”, “Recognize by voice”, “Recognize by smell”.
Methods and techniques: play motivation, creating a problem situation, talking with children, a parable about the senses; the game "Wonderful little bag", the game "Remember and name", riddles about the senses, the game "Miracle nose".

Course of the lesson:

The call of the mobile phone, the teacher talking on the mobile phone.
Typhlopedagogue: Hello! Yes ... Kindergarten. The package will arrive, good!
A knock on the door.
The typist goes out the door and brings a box - a parcel.
- And here is the package. How do you think what's in it?
Children's answers ...
Typhlopedagogue: Let's open and see ...
The parcel contains an old letter - a parable and pictures depicting the senses.
The typhoid teacher reads a parable about the senses:
Somehow the senses argued among themselves: who is more important of them?
The eyes said at once: “Which of you can distinguish colors, the beauty of the surrounding world? It has long been proven that more than 80% of information is received by a person through sight. What is there to argue about !? "
The ears immediately objected: “The world around you, you say ?! What will be its beauty if it is without sounds? The murmur of a brook, the singing of birds, the voices of people ... This is beauty! "
“Sorry!” Interrupted the nose. - Beauty is not in sounds, but in smells, they are the ones that intoxicate and are remembered for a long time ... The smell of flowers, the smell of the sea, spring ... "
" The beauty! - slowly, after listening to almost everyone, Roth declared himself in detail. - No matter how much you indulge a person on his empty stomach, he will not last long. And then for the taste of something special, he will give all the beauty of natural landscapes, along with a range of musical sounds and all the variety of smells to boot! "
“Well, now, it seems, everyone has spoken - in the tone of the first among equals, hands exclaimed, the last of the five senses - Hands feel and create beauty for a person. We are the most sensitive and significant. We are the most important! All in our hands!"
The sage heard this dispute and said….
Typhlopedagogue: It is impossible to read further, the water washed out the letters ...
-I wonder what the sage said?
-Let's do our little research and answer this question ourselves.
(Children agree with the teacher). The senses help us learn about the world around us. And that's why they are called what?
Children's answers: helpers.

Typhlopedagogue: Guys, let's remember what senses do you know?
Children's answers: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin.
Typhlopedagogue: The most sensitive skin on the fingers. This is why the hands consider themselves to be the main helpers.
Typhlopedagogue: Now let's get down to our research! In order to understand which sense organ will be discussed, guess the riddle:
-They we have with you a couple:
One is on the left, the other is on the right.
To see into the distance, look ahead.
Who knows, will immediately name them.
Children's answer: eyes
(Children attach a picture of eyes on a magnetic board.)

Typhlopedagogue: Guys, what do we need eyes for?
Children's answers: see, watch TV, read books ...
Typhlopedagogue: That's right, but now let's check if this is so? (Answers of children, generalization of the teacher).
And now we will check how our eyes are developed, or rather visual memory and attention.
Let's play the game "Remember and Name". Look at the picture carefully and remember the geometric shapes that are drawn on it. Do you remember? And now I will hide the picture, and you name, what geometric shapes do you remember?
(Game for activating the visual analyzer).
Typhlopedagogue: Well done, your eyes did a good job and must have got tired.
For sure, visual gymnastics will help us:
The eyes need to rest (we close our eyes with our palms).
We all know how to blink (blink our eyes)
We looked: to the right, to the left.
We continue to do further.
Raised their eyes up
We lowered it smoothly down.
We got to work!
Typhlopedagogue: In order for the eyes to see well, you need to take care of them and take care of them. Let's remember what you need to do for this.
Children repeat verses:
One must remember every hour
How important the eyes are to us!
Remember: TV is harmful
If the eye is close to the screen.
And, of course, it is harmful to the eye,
If you watch a lot at once.
It's very easy to hurt an eye -
Do not play with a sharp object!
Not three eyes, do not clog,
Do not read the book while lying down.
You can't look at a bright light,
Take care, friend, eyes!
Typhlopedagogue: Now, guess the following riddle:
We have it on our face:
Above the mouth but below the eyes.
We need to breathe
Distinguish odors.
You answer the question:
"What is this, children?" …(nose).
Children find a card with a picture of a nose and attach it to a magnetic board.
Typhlopedagogue: Guys, what do we need a nose for?
Children's answers: breathe, distinguish smells.
Typhlopedagogue: Right! How does he help us in life?
Children: With its help, they distinguish smells, breathe.
Typhlopedagogue: That's right, let's breathe with you: Breathe in deeply with your nose, and exhale with your mouth very easily. Repeat 3-4 times. Did you breathe?
Now let's play the Nose Miracle game. Now, with your eyes closed, try to guess the smells of what is in these jars. (Children take turns determining what is in each jar.)
Typhlopedagogue: Well done! And you have coped with this task. Now, guess the following riddle:
- We have a couple of them.
One on the left, the other on the right.
To hear sounds, speech,
You need to protect them from injury.
What is it, kids? Of course it's ... (ears).
(Children attach a picture of an ear on the board.)
Typhlopedagogue: Guys, why does a person need ears and how do they help us in life?
Children: Ears help us hear and distinguish sounds.
Typhlopedagogue: That's right, and now we are going to play the game "Guess by ear". Sit on the carpet, close your eyes, put your hands on your knees. Be careful. (Children listen to audio recordings of various sounds).
Typhlopedagogue: What sounds have you heard?
Children's answers….
The teacher thanks the children for the correct answers.
Typhlopedagogue: Well done! Guess the following riddle:
On the face we all have, it is just under the nose.
We all need it:
We drink to them and eat them.
He helps us a lot when he discerns tastes.
Who will tell me? Well, of course it's ... (mouth).
That's right guys, this is the mouth.
Children attach a picture of a mouth on a magnetic board.
Typhlopedagogue: Guys, what do we need a mouth for?
Children's answers: talk, eat, taste the food we eat.
Typhlopedagogue: Let's check and play the Guess the Taste game. Taste what you are trying?
Children with closed eyes taste different foods: lemon, sugar, salt, onion.
Typhlopedagogue: Again, none of you were wrong! You are good at using your senses. Let's solve another riddle:
To recognize the texture
Feel the temperature
To distinguish forms,
Play with the Su-Jok ball,
To feel all the things for us,
We need, of course ... (pens).
And how do you and I feel the touch?
Children: skin.
Typhlopedagogue: Where is the most sensitive skin?
Children's answers: on the fingers.
Typhlopedagogue: Right guys. Let's test the sensitivity of your fingers with the Magic Bag. In turn, lower your hand into the bag and feel one of the objects lying in it. Try to guess what you are holding. (Children complete the task)
Typhlopedagogue: Well done! Now, let's strengthen our fingers.
Finger play with the Su-Jok massager.
Hedgehogs are right there,
(The teacher serves a basket with massagers)
Children take them in their hands,
(Children take massagers)
They roll them on the palm,
(roll the massagers on the palm)
Gently, easy to squeeze,
(squeezed by massagers in a fist)
Every finger is glad to him
(prickle the pad of each finger)
They will cure the guys!
Typhlopedagogue: So our research is over. You have coped with all the tasks, even though they were difficult. Let's summarize. Who do you think is the most important of the assistants?
Children's answers: Everything.
Typhlopedagogue: Right!
The sage said that all helpers are needed and important to a person.
In the house, which is a century.
Called "Man"
All helpers live:
Nose, hand, tongue, eyes, ears -
A friendly family together.
(Children show helpers)
All assistants are needed
All helpers are important!

Lyubov Leontyeva
Synopsis of the lesson of the typhlopedagogue on the formation of sensory standards in the preparatory group

GBOU Gymnasium №1748 "Vertical" BEFORE "Smile"


Classes on the formation of sensory standards in the preparatory group

teacher-defectologist Leontyeva L.M.

Software tasks:

Development of visual perception of contour and object images; shape, colors and sizes of objects;

Consolidation of ideas about planar geometric shapes; basic colors of the spectrum and their shades;

Consolidation of the ability to lay out objects in size from smallest to largest and vice versa;

Development of logical thinking, visual memory, visual attention, fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination, orientation on the plane;

Improvement of visual functions of discrimination, localization;

Amblyopic eye training;

-formation of a children's team, the ability to complete tasks individually, in pairs and in group;

-shaping moral qualities: responsiveness, friendliness, camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Course of the lesson

Surprise moment: A message was sent to a computer via the Internet that a young wizard asks for help from children who are ready for school. He knows many magic spells, but they do not take him to school, because he does not know many things that a student needs.

For example, cans of potions fell from the shelves in the laboratory. How to find the right one?

Didactic exercise "Logic squares"

To compose the elixir of eternal youth and beauty, you need to compose these jars in order.

Didactic exercise "Lay out by sample"

In bottles, the drink is of the same color, but different shades. How to make a magic potion solution correctly?

Didactic exercise Lay out light to dark

Didactic exercise "Find the right shade"

For the elixir to work, you must cast a magic spell. It consists of several words that are hidden in a confusing picture. I wonder if the kids can find these words?

Our friend - a young wizard wears glasses. But before he had good eyesight. He just spends a lot of time at the computer, and his eyes get tired. We will teach him to do visual gymnastics with the help of his magic wand.

Visual gymnastics.

While we were doing gymnastics for the eyes, a new one came from Petya message: he has learned a lot from the children and hopes to be taken to school. In the meantime, he met many fairy-tale characters and learned that they also have Problems:

Old Man Hottabych's carpet was torn.

Didactic exercise "Assemble a figure from parts"

Cinderella scattered beads

Didactic exercise "Continue the row"

7 dwarfs got things wrong -

Didactic exercise "Lay out from large to small and vice versa"

On "Email" a new encrypted message from Petya arrives. It says that children will now be able to see real wizards.

Didactic exercise Find the word(graphic dictation "

The word turned out "Mirror"... Children see themselves in the mirror - because they are real wizards: helped a friend.

The song is playing "Where Wizards Are Found"

Surprising moment.