Do-it-yourself children's polar bear carnival costume. How to sew a do-it-yourself children's hat with bear ears from fur

The need to bring their son in a carnival costume to a New Year's party puts parents in front of the choice of buying or making a festive outfit on their own. From the point of view of saving labor costs, going to the store is an easier solution. However, spending family money on a one-time purchase is an irrational step.

Preparing the costume yourself is intimidating for many parents. But practice shows that a suitable outfit can be prepared in a couple of evenings. A good choice would be the image of the unofficial national symbol - the bear.

What should a baby bear costume consist of?

The first association with a carnival bear outfit is a baggy faux fur jumpsuit. It looks the most beautiful, but it will be hard for a child to be in such warm clothes for a long time. For this reason, it is worth stopping at a more comfortable version, which is sewn from fleece fabric.

Despite the fact that in nature there are several colors of these predators, it is worth choosing the traditional brown material as the basis for the costume.

The outfit itself will consist of the following parts:

    a hat imitating a bear's head with ears, eyes and nose sewn to it;

    a vest made of fleece fabric;

    old pants of a similar color, which can be shortened and hemmed at the cut.

Materials and equipment for sewing

For a suit, you will need fleece fabric, synthetic winterizer, brown threads, glue, a sewing needle and scissors. Faster and better work will come out when using a sewing machine. In the absence of this device at home, it can be temporarily borrowed from friends or acquaintances. Faux fur can be used for the tail.

As a basis for the lower part of the outfit, your son's old pants will do. It is desirable that they be dark gray or brown (it is better not to use bright trousers).

Preparation of breeches

The lower part of the outfit will have to be shortened due to the fact that the old pants have become small in length for him. In the first step, you need to cut off the unnecessary parts of the trousers using scissors. If it turned out not quite smoothly, the error can be corrected. After that, you need to rip the inner seams of the legs by 5-7 cm from the bottom and measure the width of the trousers in this part.

The resulting elements are sewn using a machine, first from the outside of each leg, and then from the inside. After that, you should restore the previously ripped seam on top of the fleece. This will create a brown piping at the bottom of the breeches.

For the tail, you will need a round piece of faux fur to match the suit with a diameter of about 10 cm. It should be sewn around the circumference, pull off the thread and fill the resulting cavity with padding polyester. The tail can then be attached to the back of the breeches.

The preparation of the bottom of the outfit is complete!

Sewing vests

The vest can be made solid, since this option is sewn from 2 fabric elements.

As a sample for a pattern, a son's T-shirt or vest is suitable. It should be reproduced on paper with a margin of a couple of centimeters, which will be "eaten" by the seams.

When the fabric is cut according to the drawing, you can start sewing the resulting pieces of material. It is important to keep an eye on the direction of movement while using the machine. Having connected the resulting parts on the sides, you should refine the vest from the bottom, carefully tucking it in this part and securing the resulting bend with a seam from the inside.

Making a hat

By analogy with the previous element, you can sew a fleece hat using a pattern made on the basis of a boy's knitted hat. The technology completely repeats the manufacture of the vest. After that, only the last details will remain: ears, nose and eyes.

Any old soft toy can be a donor for the eyes. They can be attached with glue, or with threads, if there is an appropriate hole.

Ears are made of round pieces of fleece, pulled together around the perimeter and stuffed with padding polyester. In the upper part of the cap, small cuts are made, where the ears will be located. They are attached with seams.

The nose should be black and resemble a potato. Any fabric that needs to be rolled up and stuffed with padding polyester is suitable for him, after which, sew to the bottom edge of the front side of the cap.

To create a comfortable suit for a children's matinee does not require extraordinary abilities. Sewing can be made into a fun and enjoyable experience if you involve the whole family!

On Yegorycha. there is a hare costume, but he wanted to be a bear. And what to do? Where to go? Height 114cm, strong build :) Or throw off the links to the patterns. I'll try it myself from plush. although my hands are out of my ass ... But only two weeks are left. you need at least something!


I sewed it myself, I needed to portray my dog ​​... I put the fur on the floor (I first went and bought the cheapest brown fur in the store) put my son's sweater on the fur and sewed my pants around with chalk, added a gusset so that the "household" would not drag on, did not squeeze, the hood was also made of scraps, the ears were tiny ... it turned out cool ... a kind of jumpsuit, which half of my team had already dragged to all kinds of events and that only the Cheburashka and the bear were not depicted from it, etc.


It is rather difficult to make such a skirt neatly, there will be a lot of fabric on the belt. if it turns out to be heavy, then the baby will slide down from the belly. And it injects. It looks impressive, of course. But it's better to buy a ready-made one.

I sewed a tutu skirt for the New Year's party for this master class
It turned out great!

DIY carnival costumes for children

Even a novice mother-needlewoman can easily make these original New Year's costumes for children. And to involve the child in the process, then a great mood will be guaranteed to both of you.

Girls, tell me how to sew a skullcap for a little girl? At least approximately!

Girls, what would you advise to make a polar bear costume from? sew from cotton or other thin fabric, then what to put inside, so that the son looks like a bear at least from a distance (he is thin)? And can anyone have seen the patterns of such a suit, please let me know. Thanks. Olga.

Help me need a COCK carnival costume for a children's matinee in the d / s. Maybe someone has a pattern or how you can make it yourself. Thank you in advance.

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DIY carnival costumes

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DIY squirrel costume.

New Year is approaching. For the holiday, I decided to sew a squirrel costume for my daughter with my own hands. The result is a cute satin dress. The resulting squirrel costume can easily be called a chanterelle costume. Additional accessories will decide everything. So,

Mommies dress up their children with cute animals for the holidays. The image of a teddy bear for a boy comes in handy as never before.

Today's master class is devoted to the question: how to sew a bear costume with your own hands for a boy.

DIY bear costume for a boy: materials and tools

The fabric from which the suit is sewn must be breathable, and if it is artificial fur, then the knitting must be loose and loose. This is just in case you want to sew a suit out of an old thick blanket that exactly resembles the skin of a bear. If the material is too dense, the child will sweat quickly. In this state, the baby will not want to have fun at the holiday. For the same reason, this workshop offers a separate version of the suit, where the vest and pants are sewn separately.

You will need the following materials and tools for sewing:

Top or front fabric of brown or beige color, terry or fleecy (the length of the pile does not matter);

The bottom or inner fabric does not matter what color, the main thing is that it was made of natural material (linen, poplin, satin, cotton);

Plastic eyes and nose to indicate muzzles or ear rims;

Strong threads, scissors, tape measure, sewing machine.

If you have a plain natural thick fabric or satin, then the bottom or inner fabric is not needed.

DIY bear costume for a boy: split suit

This suit requires a vest, shorts or pants, and a hat or headband ears. Boots and mittens are optional. The child will look like a bear even without them. At the request of the parents, the image can be supplemented with little things.

So, for example: a vest can be sewn both with strings, and one-piece, with a bow on the neck and fabric of a different color on the chest and abdomen.

Option 1

Here is a solution for making a suit can be offered from brown satin fabric.

This product requires a piece of fleece fabric, satin fabric, a bow or red bow fabric and a wide elastic band.

Stage 1

Measure your child with a tape measure before applying the pattern. You will need to know the height of the jacket (from shoulder to hip), sleeve length, arm girth, collar circumference, shoulder width (from collar to shoulder angle), chest circumference. For pants: thigh girth, leg length from waist to ankle (if shorts, then to knee), inner leg length (from groin to ankle), leg girth.

Stage 2

Measure the fabric, sketch the details and cut them out of the fabric. You should have: two parts of the jacket (front and back), two parts of the sleeve, two parts of the pants. Note that the front of the jacket must be cut from the fleece fabric.

This pattern of pants is the simplest and fastest.

Stage 3

Sew the front and back of the jacket together. Sew sleeves into the armholes.

Sew the details of the pants together along the upper side cuts. Roll the product so that the seam lies between the parts, and the two parts lie on the sides of the seam, folded in half. In this position, sew each piece separately. This seam will run between your legs.

Stage 4

Fold up the cut-off part of the sleeves and the bottom of the jacket and sew, stepping back from the edge one centimeter. Likewise, tuck and stitch the waistband and leg opening.

Insert a wide elastic band into the sleeves and waist of the sweater. Insert the same into the pants at the waist and legs.

Stage 5

Sew the finished bow tie to the neckline. If you do not have a purchased butterfly, then you can do it yourself.

You will need a square of fabric for a bow 20 × 20 cm. And a strip of the same fabric 5 × 10 cm. Sew two opposite edges of the large square with each other and turn the seam so that it lies in the middle of the resulting tube, and not to the side. Unscrew and iron the fabric tube.

Make a small circle from the strip in exactly the same way. Slip the large circle into the small one and extend it straight to the middle. The butterfly is ready. Feel free to sew it to the bear's costume.

Option 2

For this type of suit, the vest is worn wide open.

Stage 1

Select a fabric and apply the details of the vest to it. If you have chosen a fabric with faux fur for such a suit, then a natural fabric lining is usually sewn on its inner part. This means that if you are going to sew a lining, then the patterns must be duplicated. That is, the drawing of the details is applied both to the outer fabric with artificial fur, and to the lining or inner fabric.

For sewing, you need to get two parts of the front side and one part of the back side of the vest from the front part and exactly the same details from the inner fabric.

Contour the fabric for sewing pants or shorts.

Stage 2

Cut out the resulting parts and sew together separately the parts from the inner fabric and separately from the outer fabric. The vest is sewn on the shoulder and on the side.

It should be noted right away that shorts or pants are sewn according to the same principle as in the first version of the suit.

Stage 3

If you are sewing a product without a second inner layer, then turn all cut edges (sleeve, neckline, hem, leg and waistband on trousers) in one or two turns and sew, stepping back from the edge no more than one centimeter.

If you decide to sew a suit from two layers (inner and outer), then collect the resulting parts together. Fold the trousers made from inner fabric with the trousers made of artificial border from the right side to the front. Sew along the cut edge, namely at the waist and legs. Do the same with the vest.

Leave a small section (15-20cm) unstitched. Turn pants and vest through these holes. Sew the unstitched area of ​​the fabric by hand with a blind stitch.

DIY bear costume for a boy: hat or headband with ears

In order to make it clear that there is a bear in front of you, and not another animal, you need to sew a hat with the bear's face and ears.

Stage 1

In order to sew a bear's hat, you need to measure the circumference and depth of the child's head.

Stage 2

Apply the pattern of the hat, ears and muzzle to the fabric as follows.

Stage 3

Cut out the resulting parts and sew together. Ear holes are inserted into the ear holes, and the seam is overlaid on a sewing machine.

Fold up the bottom edge of the cap and stitch around the entire circumference.

Stage 4

Sew the face onto the front of the hat, leaving a small section unstitched. Push a lot of filler under the fabric through it and sew the left piece. These will be the cheeks of the bear. He has them large, therefore, the larger the shape turned out, the better.

Sew the nose and eyes into place. A hat with a bear face is ready.

If you don't feel like messing around with sewing a hat, you can make bear ears and attach them to the rim.

According to the scheme above, only the ears are cut out and sewn together. The bottom edge is not overstretched. The ears are turned inside out and the bottom edge is put on the rim. Sew the cut edge so that the section of the headband remains hidden between the fabrics.

New Years is soon! And this means that a series of corporate events, masquerades, children's matinees will come. The most important participants in Russian New Year's fun are Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

But the main characters in Russian epics are often the brown bear, the hare, the chanterelle, and of course the gray wolf. As a rule, the role of a fox or a hare is suitable for a girl's New Year's costume, and a boy's New Year's costume is a bear cub or a gray wolf.

DIY Christmas costumes for children

It is not difficult to make an outfit with your own hands, but it is important to have good artificial eco-fur in your hands, as well as patterns, scissors and a sewing machine.

As a rule, there are quite a lot of patterns for New Year's costumes on the Internet, besides, making an outfit does not require special skills of a clothing designer. It remains only to put the idea together. So let's get started? But first, we recommend watching a video on how to make a New Year's costume for a boy or girl with your own hands:

Bear costume

The plush fur of the bear should be in the foreground.

Bunny costume

Little coward bunny gray
I rode under the tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf
Ryssoyu ran

Perhaps still the most courageous participant in every Russian fairy tale. He spent both the fox and the wolf

Fox costume

The sly and red fox is a participant in almost every holiday. And how you want the costume to be as lively as possible. And you can fulfill such an idea, but using high-quality artificial fur

Snow Maiden outfit

Despite the current popularity of Disney characters, it will always be relevant, especially among those who are not fond of supporting roles. In order to make the Snow Maiden's outfit, you need to get a blue children's dress, which can be easily turned into a New Year's outfit: we sew snowflakes on it, edging the bottom of the sleeves and the hem with faux fur

New year dog costume

On the eve of 2018, the New Year's costume for a dog will be especially popular, because this particular animal will be the symbol of the coming year. Such a suit can be purchased in a store, or you can easily make it at home with your own hands, without much effort.

To quickly make a New Year's costume for a dog does not require a lot of money.

For the outfit you will need:

  • hat or cap: should be without a pattern, preferably brown, sit tightly on the child, but at the same time not be tight and not squeeze the head, because the suit should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable;
  • fur: can be taken from an old unnecessary fur coat, unsuitable for further use; the image of the dog directly depends on the color of the fur;
  • vest: in order not to spoil the new product, you can make a vest yourself, taking the old one, you can even make it a few sizes smaller; it is not necessary that it cover the entire back, because then it will look ugly and look more like a long fur jacket;
  • dark trousers or leggings, preferably also brown;
  • unnecessary old toy: necessary in order to cut out the eyes, which will be attached to the top of the cap; the larger the eyes, the more beautiful the dog's face will look;
  • a knitted ribbon is necessary for the edging, it will give a little shine, beauty.

Step-by-step instruction:

We cut out a strip for the tail from the fur, sew it along (the fur is inside) and along one short side, turn it on the front side, sew it on to trousers or shorts.

We trim the edges of the vest with a ribbon or strip of fur.

We cut out 4 parts of the ears from the fur, sew them in pairs along the contour with the fur inside, turn them out and sew them to some hat.

The original New Year's dog costume is ready! It will take very little time to make it. If you know how to sew, then the suit can be sewn independently inside and out.

Gnome costume

So carnival the suit is also suitable for a boy under one year old, and the girl. It will have three main parts:

  • shirts
  • caps

How to make them:

  1. The cap does not need to be sewn, it can be glued from cardboard. But for a baby, it is still worth choosing soft material so that the baby is comfortable. Making a hat is very simple - fold a piece of fabric into a cone and sew it with a sewing machine.

  1. A triangle beard can be cut out of any fabric (it's better to use felt). Fur is then sewn onto this blank. If you wish, you can sew the beard to the hat so that it does not fall off the baby.
  2. Craft a gnome's caftan. Any fabric can be used. A child's blouse is suitable as a pattern. Trace its outlines along the fabric, cut out the resulting blank and sew the upper part of the little gnome's suit.

Snowflake costume

To make such an airy snowflake costume, you will need:

  • White lining fabric
  • Medium firm tulle or organza
  • Elastic band (its width should be 2 cm, and its length should be 5 cm less than the girl's waist)
  • White t-shirt
  • Hair hoop
  • White ballet shoes

The process of creating a skirt and lace necklace for a future snowflake is very simple:

  1. For the skirt, we prepare a "sun-flared" pattern - we cut out a circle from the lining fabric with a hole in the center for the waist. We turn the bottom of such a skirt and sew it on a sewing machine.

  1. We cut out the upper part of the skirt with tulle or organza. We cut out exactly the same blank as for the first part. We make a smaller tulle pattern for a necklace that will be sewn to a T-shirt.
  2. Now we sew two parts of the skirt and sew them to the elastic.
  3. We make a crown for a snowflake: glue artificial fluff or fur onto a regular hoop. We also prepare cardboard snowflakes for it. We recommend that you cover each snowflake with sparkles on top for beauty.

  1. Sew white artificial fluff to white ballerinas.

Wolf costume

Snowflake Suit

A real symbol of the New Year and winter, a very feminine image, in which any girl looks just wonderful, is the New Year's Snowflake costume. Most often, parents of little girls stop at this idea, since babies in a short dress, trimmed with rain, look simply charming. So how to make a Snowflake Christmas costume? It is better in this case to take a light dress made of light or silver fabric as a basis, you can choose a material with lurex - it will look good and resemble snow that shimmers in the sun. The outfit is decorated with snowflakes, rain, sparkles - who in what way.

Squirrel Christmas costume

Not a single New Year's party for children is complete without such a character as Squirrel.

In the photo, the children's New Year's costume for Squirrel looks bright and elegant:

Hello dear readers. Recently, the theme of carnival costumes for the New Year has been launched. Better, of course, to take care of this in advance. Around the end of November - the beginning of December, you will already know with confidence what character your child will be at the children's matinee. In the younger groups, the most common characters are animals - bears, hares, wolves. I suggest you see how to sew a Bear costume with your own hands. It will take very little time and will also be much cheaper than buying from a store.

So, let's begin. The costume is made of artificial wool, but if you want your child to be more comfortable, you can choose another material - lighter (velvet, fleece, micro-corduroy).

Our Bear is sewn in the form of a jumpsuit, the fastener is Velcro (you can also use a zipper, but you will have to tinker a little longer).

1. Preparing the pattern.

2. Cut out parts from fabric, if it is artificial wool, then it is necessary to observe the direction of the pile when cutting.

3. Fold the backrest and parts of the shelves right side inward, aligning the shoulder seams.

4. Sweep the shoulder seams.

5. Sew shoulder seams on a typewriter.

6. Connect the side seams of the mill.

7. Make a fit on the sleeves.

8. Stitch the sleeve seam.

9. Sew the sleeves into the armholes, aligning the control marks.

10. Join the middle seam on the back and front of the pants.

11. Connect the crotch seam of the pants, aligning the middle seam.

12. Join the side seams of the trousers.

13. Sew in adhesive tape along the edges of the overalls shelf. Connect the top and bottom of the jumpsuit at the waist.

14. Connect all parts of the hood and hood lining together.

15. Cut out the ears from the fabric of the upper - 4 parts.

16. Glue the ears with glue cloth - 2 parts.

17. Connect the parts in two, stitch and turn onto the face.

18. If you are sewing a suit from fabric, do not forget to steam the seams.

19. Turn the hood inside out.

20. Mark the location of the ears (symmetrically).

21. Sew in ears.

22. Sew hood lining from lining fabric.

23. Sew a lining into the hood, leaving the neck open.

24. Sew the hood into the neck of the camp.

25. Close the seam between the neck of the camp and the hood with the hood lining, turning the edges of the lining inward. Topstitch or hem on the arms with a blind stitch.

26. Tuck up the bottom of the sleeves and legs.

Everything! The suit is ready! Saving is easy! Try it!