Beautiful wedding glasses. Glasses for a wedding with your own hands. Master class from professionals

A wedding is one of the most beautiful, special moments in the life of two people. To fully reflect the uniqueness of the couple, a luxurious dress and a bridal bouquet, an elegant groom's suit are not enough. There are a thousand other things to take care of. Master class: DIY wedding glasses will help you express your individuality, decorating these irreplaceable attributes of the celebration.

Decorating wedding glasses with lace

Elegant lace will help to quickly and easily give glasses a festive look. Here are two step-by-step ways to implement this idea with your own hands.

For the first option, you will need:

  • lace, ribbon
  • glue gun or transparent super glue based on cyanoacrylate (it is waterproof and adheres well)

Note: before applying glue to the surface of glass or crystal, they must be wiped with a napkin with alcohol.

Silicone glue, glue for ceramics, glue-moment gel, ordinary PVA are also suitable for attaching beads, rhinestones, crystals, tapes to glass.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. To decorate the top of the glass with your own hands, wrap lace around it, measure the desired length, taking an additional few millimeters as a reserve.
  2. Glue the lace neatly. Try to hide the glue.
  3. To decorate the stem of the glass, assemble the fabric with a needle, as in the photo below. Tighten the thread on the glass.
  4. Gently tie the ribbon around the leg.

For the second option, you will need:

  • lace
  • satin ribbon of purple or other bright color
  • beads, rhinestones

How to do:

  1. Glue a satin ribbon to the top of the leg.
  2. Wrap a spiral around the stem of the glass, gluing each turn.
  3. Cut off a piece of lace. It should be wider than the base of the glass.
  4. Stick it on while gathering. Glue the ends together.
  5. Use glue to secure the bow to the base of the leg.
  6. Add rhinestones to the lace and a bead to the bow.

Helpful advice: when gluing small parts, apply the glue with a needle or toothpick.


There are many options for decorating a glass with ribbons. Try to make one of them yourself. For example, attach an elegant bow to the leg, or wrap the ribbon around it in a neat spiral (like in the last photo tutorial).

Flowers from satin ribbons will look interesting. To do it yourself, understand the technique for completing the task by studying a simple video tutorial.


Beautiful artificial flowers, collected in a fantasy composition, are perfect for decorating a glass. It's easy to do it yourself. Just stick them tightly to each other, glue them to the glass. The absolute identity of the glasses is not the main thing, but their elements must be harmoniously combined with each other.

Natural flowers- difficult material for creativity. The laborious process of preparing them requires patience, but the result will be worth the effort. To better understand, use this master class: DIY wedding glasses for preparing and fixing fresh flowers:

  1. Cut each selected flower shortly, put it in water, hold it there for several hours. Plants must absorb enough moisture.
  2. Shorten the stems of such large flowers as roses, lilies as much as possible.
  3. Attach a special tape to the glass, attach a cotton swab dipped in water to the cut of the stem, wrap it with thin wire and place under the tape. This process is called taping.
  4. Using pebbles, beads, nets, hide sloppy areas of work and wait for the glue to harden.
  5. Spray the flowers, hide the finished glasses under the bag, put them in the refrigerator before the celebration so that the plants retain their shape and beauty.

Note: fresh flowers should be the same as those used in the bridal bouquet and the groom's boutonniere.

You can not only buy or cut flowers for decoration, but also make them yourself. For a small do-it-yourself wedding glasses master class using polymer clay flowers (cold porcelain), see the video guide:

Some types of polymer clays require heat treatment. To prevent the clay from losing color in the oven, boil it in water for about 5 minutes. White bloom that forms during cooking is well removed with sunflower oil.

How to decorate wedding glasses with petals (PHOTOS)

To give the glasses a festive look, we offer another simple master class: DIY wedding glasses, decorated with artificial flower petals.

Photo instruction: Glue the petals carefully around the base of the glass. Attach a satin ribbon underneath.

If desired, add a variety of petals decorations - beads, pearls, rhinestones, beads.


Airy and light, feathers will be a great addition to any created composition. They come in all colors of the rainbow, so every needlewoman will find suitable ones for her creation. Emphasize the feathers or use them to add softness to the composition.

Here are some ideas for creating an exclusive DIY jewelry:

Stained glass paints

There are several simple ways to decorate a glass with your own hands using stained glass paints.

For the first method, you will need:

  • outline stencil stickers for wedding glasses
  • stained glass paints
  • tassel
  • silk ribbon

How to do:

  1. Peel the contour stickers from the base (remember to wipe down the surface of the glass).
  2. Glue them onto your glasses.
  3. Gently paint over the empty areas with stained glass paints.
  4. The finishing touch for a festive look is a silk ribbon on the top of the stem of the glass.

The second method is suitable for those needlewomen who can draw well.

Required tools:

  • stencil
  • Scotch
  • tassel

How to do:

  1. Come up with a stencil or use a ready-made one (stencils are easy to find on the Internet), glue it on the inside of the glass with tape.
  2. Carefully sketch out the outlines first, then paint over the empty areas.
  3. To avoid smudging, wait for the paint to dry, then remove the drawing.
  4. If you are confident in your abilities, draw, relying only on your imagination. The main thing is that creativity reflects your unique vision and concept of the celebration.

Notes (edit):

  • Use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process.
  • To make the glass or part of it dull, spray with white acrylic paint with a regular brush.
  • Use gold, silver, or white paint to decorate the rim of the glass.


Rhinestones are often used to decorate the attributes of a wedding celebration. With their help, you can easily give the glasses a festive look with your own hands. Small elements are suitable - they will shine better, shimmering in the light. Lay out figures of rings, hearts, patterns with rhinestones, make inscriptions. The leg of the glass decorated with rhinestones will look elegant, see the photo below:


Beads, seed beads are a universal means for making wine glasses rich and solemn. As a rule, they are not the main element of the decor, but are attached to petals, flowers, lace to complement the image. Beads, divided in two and glued to the glass, laid out in the form of a certain pattern or arranged in random order, will look good.

Engraving wedding glasses

The engraving on the glasses looks elegant and no-nonsense. It is difficult to implement the classic version of engraving at home, but it is easy to do it using decoupage. Video master class: DIY wedding glasses will help you realize this.

Glasses that you decorate yourself are the best gift for you and your significant other. Decorating them is a good way to show your imagination, highlight the uniqueness of your couple, and add even more beauty to the celebration.

If you have other interesting and unusual ideas for decorating wedding glasses with your own hands, share them in the comments.

A wedding celebration is a real holiday in the full sense of the word! This is even more than a holiday - it is the opening of a new milestone in the life of two people. Therefore, it is necessary to hold such a celebration according to all the rules, to make it as unique as possible, so that not only everything that happens, but also everything that will remain after can remain in the memory.

Perhaps the first thing you need to know about such events is that the celebration consists of little things. Therefore, the more pleasant, unique little things in your festive arsenal, the more interesting and bright the celebration will be. In addition, all kinds of accessories not only set the tone for the holiday, they also make it possible to leave a pleasant memory of the event. Accessories used at the holiday are something that you can touch with your own hands, put on a shelf in the house and feel the color and even the smell of the holiday. The dishes, and, first of all, the glasses, mean a lot for the celebration of the wedding. Making wedding glasses is a wonderful and interesting process, and decorating wedding glasses is also an incredibly important and interesting job.

This elite tableware appears at every event, the significance of which is high for us; it adds gloss and sophistication to the celebrations. This tableware, in principle, is a universal thing; there should be a lot of it at a wedding. In addition to the fact that they will drink drinks from wine glasses at the table and at wedding competitions, they like to break these dishes for happiness at a wedding, showing courage and joy in what is happening. Moreover, such exquisite dishes will be an excellent memory of the holiday, along with bags of coins, a veil, signed gifts and more. Place this magnificent crockery somewhere in a glass cabinet, design it with an elegant and bright design, and this set will be the perfect souvenir from a celebration.

Handmade wedding glasses are perhaps the best traditional festive gloss accessory. All other holidays in which you decide to use this set will be enveloped in a unique atmosphere of youth, expectation and joy! Bottles of festive champagne or wine will go well with these devices. This set of dishes and good drinks in a beautiful, elegant bottle will become an excellent souvenir that demonstrates the good taste of the owner of the house and his foresight, because, if the opportunity arises, a good drink with the guests of the house can be drunk from beautiful glasses. If you need to buy a set of wedding champagne glasses, order the decoration of wedding glasses and bottles, contact the Pion-decor salon!

Wedding glasses are an integral part of the celebration. It is their spouses who keep them throughout their lives and get them only for their wedding anniversary. Once a year, taking a few sips of champagne, the husband and wife are mentally transported several years ago, to the day when two loving hearts united into one whole. The design of glasses must be approached scrupulously, since they will accompany the newlyweds throughout the wedding day. It will be good if the bride herself creates designer glasses with her own hands. They will be one of a kind, since there will be no copies of them all over the world. Every girl will be able to arrange glasses with her own hand. To do this, you need to turn on your imagination, show perseverance and start creating. Glasses will harmoniously fit into the style of the wedding and highlight the individuality of the young.

Preparation and necessary equipment

When buying glasses, it is better to immediately pay attention to a set of six pieces. These can be the most ordinary wine glasses, unremarkable, which after a certain time will become a real masterpiece. Why is it better to take a set? Because this is glass, and it can be damaged at the most inopportune moment, or even shatter altogether. All glasses from the set must be decorated. One couple will come in handy for young people in the registry office, after registering a marriage. Another one will be waiting for them in the banquet hall, and the third one can be used for a photo session. If suddenly the glass breaks, then the newlyweds will be calm, knowing that they have spare. Wine glasses should be decorated in accordance with the chosen theme of the wedding and the main color scheme.

Almost anything can be used to decorate glasses. It can be various beads, rhinestones, ribbons, lace, beads, sequins, artificial flowers, feathers, rose petals. You can often find beautiful art painting and modeling on glasses. In order for the material to hold well, you need to use glue. True, it may differ, depending on what material needs to be glued. Professionals most often use waterproof, silicone, moment, PVA. It is good if there is a glue gun, using its design of glasses, it will be easier and more accurate.

All materials and selected adhesives can be purchased from a specialist store. Armed with everything you need, you need to get to work immediately. Before starting the process, it is necessary to thoroughly degrease all glasses. This procedure can be done with alcohol, acetone, or a special liquid. Then the glasses must be thoroughly wiped to a shine and you can start creating. If suddenly a drop of glue accidentally falls on an area of ​​glass that does not need to be decorated, it can be removed with a solvent or gently peeled off with a needle. If the bride is new to this business, then she can practice a little on any other glassware. Additional training will allow you to understand the essence of the technique and gain a little experience in this matter.

If the bride doubts her abilities, then decorated glasses can be purchased in a special store. It is worth paying attention to the colored glasses. Now on store shelves a wide range of glasses of different colors is provided. Choosing the shade you like, but you should forget about the color scheme of the entire celebration, since the glasses should harmoniously fit into the interior of the celebration.

Glasses with stained glass painting

Nowadays, glasses painted with acrylics are very popular. There are a lot of painting techniques, one is intended for beginners, the other is more complex and only professionals can handle it. It is better to use paints in warm shades, more white. The outline should always be highlighted with gold or silver paint. In order for the drawing not to be erased, it must be fixed. To do this, you need to purchase a special varnish, which is sold in handicraft stores, and cover the finished drawing with it. This procedure is mandatory, so the drawing will remain on the glass for many years.

Beginners can purchase special contour stickers. They need to be carefully glued to a degreased surface. Empty spaces must be painted over with paints of any color. Wait until everything is dry, to speed up the process, you can use a hair dryer. A satin ribbon is tied on the legs of the glasses. From above, the drawing is covered with a fixer. This method of registration is very simple and quick, every bride can use it.

To paint on glass something truly spectacular and unique, you can go the other way. Even a beginner can do this technique. On the Internet, you need to find any picture you like and print it. Then cut and glue gently to the back of the glass. After that, you need to circle the drawing from the outside with paints and decorate it.

The monogram technique looks great on glasses. It can be depicted according to the principle described above, or you can draw it yourself. It all depends on the talent of the master or the artistic ability of the beginner.

Flower decoration

Glasses can be decorated with both natural and artificial flowers, the technique is the same. However, fresh flowers will not be stored for many years later, and they may lose their original appearance even at the banquet. It is better to opt for artificial decor.

You can only decorate the stem of the glass or the container itself. Both options will look very nice. To arrange a stem of a glass, you must follow simple rules:

    choose a beautiful flower, a rose or a peony is perfect, and disassemble it into petals;

    alternately glue the petals, starting from the top on the leg;

    each subsequent row must be glued slightly lower than the previous one;

    petals can be decorated with beads or sparkles;

    the remaining leg must be covered with tape.

A small delicate bouquet can be made from artificial flowers. With the help of glue, it must be attached to the glass and decorated with ribbons and rhinestones.

Engraving is a great option for decorating glasses

The engraving on the glass always looks very elegant and beautiful. True, you won't be able to do it with your own hands, you should turn to a professional for help. However, the newlyweds have to come up with the inscription themselves. These can be words of declaration of love, an oath of fidelity, sweet words that the bride and groom affectionately call each other. Newlyweds may choose to have family logos, photographs, or even personal signatures on their holiday glasses. This option is interesting in that all the beauty of the glasses will be seen only by young people and guests who are sitting with them nearby. The engraving will not be visible to everyone else. Glasses can be supplemented with satin ribbons and sparkles.

Glasses decorated with lace

Lace jewelry always looks very delicate and beautiful. The main task is to find a refined and refined material that will harmoniously fit into the main theme of the wedding. This technique is very simple and even a beginner can do it. It is necessary to adhere to several rules and then everything will work out:

    the glass must be wrapped in lace and cut to the required length (it is important to leave a few extra millimeters for the smell);

    the lace must be carefully glued to the glass (the glue contains harmful substances, so the procedure must be carried out in a well-ventilated area);

    to decorate the stem of the glass, you must cut off a piece of material and sweep it along one edge;

    the thread, which was baked, must be pulled together to make a skirt, and fixed on the glass with glue;

    instead of a skirt, you can simply wrap the leg with a satin ribbon;

    if desired, the glass can be additionally decorated with ribbons, rhinestones or sparkles.

Embossed lace of the Vologda type is ideal for decoration. You can cut out individual elements from it and stick them on the glass. The contour can be edged with rhinestones, and the leg can be decorated with a ribbon.

Ribbons on the glass, favorably emphasize the theme of the wedding

Decorating with ribbons can be more complex and simple. Simple elements are within the power of a beginner who can easily decorate glasses effectively. Ribbons made of any material are suitable for work: nylon, satin or lace - this is a matter of taste. Tapes can be both multi-colored and bottom shade. Their size may differ, some may be thicker, others very thin. It is important to turn on your imagination and start creating. A beginner should not rush and attach products directly to the glass. It is better to prepare all the blanks and only then proceed with the fasteners.

It is necessary to make a bow out of the tape and fix it on the stem of the glass. The product can be decorated with additional thinner ribbons, rhinestones or beads. In the middle of the bow, you can glue a small flower made of any material.

Roses of various sizes are often made from ribbons. This kind of decoration always looks good on the glass. Flowers of different sizes must be placed on the glass, their color can be any. Green thin ribbons can be attached between the flowers, which will act as stems. All elements can be decorated with rhinestones, sparkles or beads.

The stem of the glass can be decorated with a ribbon bud, for this you need to follow the instructions:

    a wide satin ribbon must be folded in half with its face outward and swept away the edges;

    the basting thread must be pulled off and secured;

    the collected tape must be attached to the glass;

    the joint with the edge, you can cover it with a bow or a flower.

Polymer clay, can uniquely decorate glasses

At first glance, it may seem that molding the glasses is very difficult. Do not worry, such an occupation is very interesting and painstaking, it will captivate the master and, possibly, become a new hobby. All decoration elements are formed together or separately, everyone decides personally. To sculpt flowers, you need to follow a simple guide and then the master will be successful:

    the clay stick must be cut into identical circles;

    the resulting circles must be divided into equal parts, their number depends on the size of the petals;

    a piece is kneaded, rolled into a ball and attached to paper (thickness not more than 1.5 mm) - this is the base;

    a piece of clay must be rolled into a ball, flattened, then the circle must be placed on the palm and rolled over the material with a round pin, this will result in a concave blank (it should not be made too thin, otherwise it will not keep its shape);

    one edge of the workpiece must be squeezed on both sides, so you get a petal;

    the resulting petal must be attached to the base with a toothpick, this must be done with all the other details;

    to form a bud, you need to connect three ready-made petals with a toothpick, and then smooth it with your fingers, shaping;

    ready-made figurines are baked in the oven for 15 minutes at 110 ° C, the products must cool in an open oven;

    with the help of glue, all the details are attached to the glass and, if desired, are painted.

A variety of flowers and a bouquet can be made from clay, here you need to turn on your imagination. The decor can be complemented with sequins, rhinestones or ribbons.

Gold plated leg

This is one of the simplest glass designs and will bring a lot of fun. The upper part of the glass must be wrapped in paper and secured with tape. The glass is turned over and placed upside down. Carefully and evenly it is necessary to apply the paint from the can on the leg. Wait until everything is dry and you can remove the newspaper. Unique and chic decor, ready in a few minutes!

You can make a more complex design and paint over the glass with a curly pattern. The base must be wrapped with construction tape, and the part that will not be painted over must be covered with foil. Open spaces are painted over. Before disassembling the structure, it is important to wait for the paint to dry well.

Glasses decorated with rhinestones

Rhinestones glued to the glass will make it sparkle with new colors. This design always looks fashionable and effective. With their help, you can lay out drawings or just arrange a shiny scattering. Rhinestones are attached to the glass with glue, in a checkerboard pattern or on a leg, thicker, and less often closer to the base. If you wish, you can simply lay out the first letters of the names of the newlyweds. Everything here is individual.


Original and tastefully decorated wedding glasses can add an exquisite charm to a solemn day and create an atmosphere of romance and tenderness. By showing imagination, you can make wedding glasses sparkle magnificently not only in the hands of the newlyweds, but also in many wedding photographs.

To decorate wedding glasses, you can use ribbons, acrylic paints, natural and artificial flowers, beads and beads, confectionery paste and much, much more. It all depends on personal preference, the skills available and the availability of jewelry materials.

There are many ways to decorate wedding glasses.
For example, such:


Ways to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands
Master Class

There are many ways to decorate wedding glasses.
Consider 22 design options for wedding glasses.
All of them are based on the fact that some kind of decoration is glued to the glass.

How to glue lace, ribbons, flowers, beads, rhinestones, flower petals to glass?

  • glue gun;
  • silicone glue;
  • PVA glue;
  • special instant cleats for crystal and ceramics;
  • waterproof instant clem - super glue.

    The most convenient way to use super glue based on cyanoacrylate(cyanoacrylate glue, cyacrine).
    This glue is colorless, transparent and liquid like water. If this glue is thick, then it starts to deteriorate.
    Cyanoacrylate glue is waterproof, but if the dishes glued with it are often washed with warm water, then after a year it will come off.
    Avoid getting the glue on your fingers - if the fingers stick together (the glue hardens very quickly and holds tight), you will have to cut it.
    After hardening, cyacrine remains transparent and colorless, but if you breathe on it, it will grab even faster from the exhaled moisture, but it will become white-cloudy.

    The main thing in gluing is accuracy so that the glue does not protrude around the decoration.

    To master the technique, try decorating a regular glass first.

    Where to buy materials for decorating glasses?
    In shops for needlewomen and artists.
    It can be paints, rhinestones, lace, ribbons, artificial flowers, beads, feathers ...
    Anything you can imagine.

Decorating wedding glasses with lace

We need beautiful lace.

1. Wrap the glass with lace.
2. Cut to the required length + a few millimeters per wrap.
3. Gently glue the lace to the glass.
To decorate the stem of the wine glass:
5. Take a piece of lace.
5. Sweep it to one edge.
6. Tighten the basting thread until you have a “skirt” that can be used to wrap the base of the glass.
7. Secure the thread.
8. Glue the “skirt” around the leg.

Decorating wedding glasses with lace can be complicated by attaching a ribbon bow at the top of the leg.

The stem of the glass can be wrapped with a ribbon in a spiral, and at the top you can attach a bow with a rose made of ribbons or with rhinestones.

Here are some ways to make a rose from ribbons (for a small rose, see method 4).

Decorating wedding glasses with ribbons

From a ribbon (satin, nylon, lace) we make a bow, decorate it with rhinestones or a decorative element and glue it to the glass.

Or we make roses and flowers from ribbons, complement them with a net, lace and glue them to glass.

Artificial leaves and rhinestones are also suitable for decorating wedding glasses.

To create a more intricate design on a wedding glass, it can be hand painted with special paints for glass and ceramics.
And cover the surface of the glass with beads (this work requires great care).

We will replace the rose made of ribbons for decorating a glass with a ready-made decorative flower with rhinestones.

How to make a bud around the stem of a glass?

To do this, fold a wide satin ribbon in half with the right side out (see “Wide satin ribbon rose” fig. 1)
Sweep along the hem.
Pull up the basting thread. Secure it.
Glue the glass with the collected tape.
Cover the junction of the ends of the ribbons with a flower and a bow.

The petals around the glass can be made with ribbon loops.
First, they must be fastened with a thread to each other, and then glued to the glass.
On pieces of fishing line, you can string and glue beads, and, having covered the lower end with glue, place these peculiar “stamens” in the center of the “flower”. Leg - wrap with tape.

Decoration of wedding glasses with artificial flower petals

For this we need a beautiful artificial flower.

The flower must be disassembled into separate petals.

We glue the top of the wedding glass leg with these petals, imitating a flower.

Decorate the petals with beads.

Under the flower - add a ribbon bow and rhinestones.

Decorating wedding glasses with flowers

Collect a bunch of artificial flowers.
Fasten the bouquet and its frame securely together and glue it to the glass.

Wine glasses can also be decorated with fresh flowers. But by the end of the wedding evening, fresh flowers will fade, unless special measures are taken.

How to extend the life of flowers?

Decorating glasses with fresh flowers is an original style of decoration, worthy of a wedding event. The composition is assembled from the flowers present in the bride's bouquet and the groom's boutonniere, being their harmonious continuation. Such delicate work as decorating glasses with flowers requires a lot of diligence.
Each selected flower needs high-quality preparation.
To begin with, you need to cut it shortly and keep it in water for several hours so that it absorbs its moisture rate and delights the eyes of the newlyweds for a long time.
After the "bath" procedure, the stem of large flowers (roses, orchids, carnations) is shortened as much as possible and a piece of cotton wool soaked in water is applied to the cut site, wrapped with a thin wire and hidden under a green, to match the stem, teip - tape that retains life-giving moisture and prolongs the life of the bud. Such an irreplaceable technique is called taping!
Show your imagination, making an exclusive composition of several flowers, using both large and small inflorescences, dilute them with greens - let the resulting mini-bouquets become a reflection of your feelings.
Decorating glasses with flowers is a painstaking work that requires patience! To attach the flowers to the stem of the glass, it should be wrapped with tape and the inflorescences should be carefully fastened one after the other, sculpting a harmonious composition from them.
For small attributes in the form of decorating leaves, it is possible to use a special flower glue. So, the final moment comes! Decorating glasses with flowers ends with the final touch - we hide all the roughness of the work. This is already a matter of individual preferences and ingenuity, various options are possible: gird the glass with a satin ribbon, attach crystals, original stones, decorate with beautiful wire - broth!
Your creation will wait in the fridge to keep its delicious shape, but do not forget to spray the flowers with water and cover the glasses with a bag.

Decorating glasses with flowers is a laborious process that requires creativity, but gives great results.

Wedding Glass Decorating Ideas

Methods for decorating wedding glasses Decorating wedding glasses with rhinestones Decorating wedding glasses with your own hands using rhinestones is an excellent decor option. You will need medium-sized rhinestones: they will make the glass sparkle with bright reflections, sparkle. From the outside it will look very impressive. If the bride's dress also has rhinestones, wedding attributes will complement each other. Rhinestones can be taken in the same color, the same size or different. You can make the decor with multi-colored rhinestones. From them you can lay out a fantasy drawing, or concrete figures (heart, dove, rings), or just arrange a shiny scattering on a glass. Decorating wedding glasses with lace Lace gives special tenderness and elegance to glasses. At the same time, you do not need any super-skills and expensive materials. Buy a beautiful, openwork lace, wrap a glass with it. Fix it all with glue. Lace can be gathered in a "skirt", which will make the glass even prettier. A satin or silk bow, which is also attached to the leg with glue, can complement the image. Lace should be lush and durable enough, it will have to keep its shape and not "fall off". You can take the same silk ribbon, wrap it in a spiral around the stem of the glass and secure it at the top with an artificial rose. A couple of small rhinestones on rose petals - and the glass is decorated. Decorating wedding glasses with beads Take as a basis a small decorative flower. Glue it in the center of the glass with acrylics on the stem and leaves. Glue halves of mother-of-pearl beads over the area of ​​the entire glass. It looks very delicate and graceful. Beads can be put in a row along the edge of the glass, you can put them in a heart in the middle or the first letters of your names. Decorating wedding glasses with flowers This is perhaps the most romantic way of decorating glasses. True, fresh flowers can decorate them only for one evening, and the excitement about their freshness and strength may not leave you ... but nevertheless it is very beautiful! It is more practical to buy delicate artificial flowers, fix them on the glass with glue and tapes. A dark crimson rose on the groom's glass and a fuchsia rose on the bride's glass look great. For a romantic bride and groom who value simplicity and naturalness, daisies or forget-me-nots decor is suitable. Wildflowers on a glass are also suitable for young newlyweds. Engraving If you want to decorate the glasses in this way, you will have to contact the specialists. But write the inscriptions on the glasses yourself: they can contain declarations of love, oaths of loyalty and affectionate words that you call each other. The glasses can also have family logos, paintings, portraits of young people. Complete this decor with a thin pale pink silk ribbon wrapped around the leg. Try to merge the engraving in the same image with the same ribbons or beads. By itself, it will be visible only to you and close guests. Painting on wedding glasses Decorating glasses with paints is a commendable idea. You will need acrylic paints as your base material. The surface of the glass must be degreased with alcohol or acetone. Print the drawing you like, transfer it to the glass. Next, the most important thing is to paint the glass. Let the paint dry (12 & minus 24 hours). You can fix the result with ordinary glass varnish. After that, you can proceed with additional decor: rhinestones, beads, ribbons, sequins. On the Internet, you can find a lot of interesting patterns that will not be difficult to transfer to glass. These glasses will become a real treasure for your family. Decorating glasses with ribbons Remember that decorating wedding glasses with your own hands does not require serious costs. You can make a bow from a satin or lace ribbon, fix it on the stem of the glass. Attach rhinestones or pearl beads to the bow using glue. You can make a rose from the tape and attach it to the glass. The ribbons can be the same color, or they can vary. For example, the groom has a noble beige, the bride has a soft pink. But if the colors are different, then the material and width of the tape should be the same. Decorating glasses with mastic or polymer clay It is very easy to mold flowers and leaves of the required size from polymer clay. While the clay is still at the stage of modeling, "try on" flowers and leaves to the glass, control the process, correct the drawing. Once all the details are ready, they will have to be baked. If the leaves are smaller than the flowers in size, bake them separately. How long it takes to bake the clay, you can read from the instructions on the package. After baking, you need to align the bases of flowers and leaves. A wide nail file is suitable for this. At the end of the work, the parts must be varnished. It remains only to fix the polymer clay elements on the glass. Complete the drawing with the same rhinestones and beads. You can paint on the stems with acrylic paint. Such work only seems painstaking, it will captivate you and, perhaps, you will acquire a new, interesting hobby.

Good day to all!

Today we'll talk about such a pleasant topic as wedding decorations.

You can, of course, do it in a simple way, but, as they say, a wedding happens once in a lifetime. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange it so that it will be remembered by everyone, both the groom and the bride, and guests.

Wedding decorations include more than just decorating the walls with party posters and garlands. This is the table itself, where decorated glasses play an important role.

In addition to traditional wedding gifts, such decorated glasses can become not only a wedding offering, but also a memory of a solemn event.

There are many different ways to decorate glasses. Of course, when ordering a banquet, specialists do everything themselves, decorating both the walls and the table. But if you decide to hold a wedding celebration at home, then you will have to deal with the wedding preparation yourself.

How you can decorate wedding glasses will be discussed further.

So, there are many very different options. Perhaps not all are considered here, so if you have any design ideas of your own, feel free to share them in the comments.

Cloth and lace

Fabric is a material that is almost always at hand. A little imagination and you can make a good decor with this material.

To begin with, you can decorate the glasses in the same colors as the outfits of the bride and groom. For example, red and white colors.

The fabric is best to use fluffy openwork. We wrap the glass with it, and below (the stem of the glass) you can wrap it with a ribbon and tie a bow, or you can just make it a bow.

If the wedding takes place classically: the groom is in black, and the bride is in white, then we wrap the glasses in the same color with openwork material. For a glass, the bride's leg can be tied with a bow or made something like a skirt.

Thus, it is necessary to choose a lush and wide lace, which will keep the given shape well.

The general scheme for gluing glasses with a cloth is as follows:

  • Cut a piece of fabric to the desired width and length and wrap around the glass. It is better to wrap not from the very edge of the glass, but slightly stepping back from it, since you will glue the ends of the fabric. Otherwise, the newlyweds may taste glue instead of champagne.
  • The stem of the glass is closed with either a bow or a skirt. For the bride's glass, the skirt will look better. And the glasses themselves will immediately stand out: which one is for the bride, and which one is for the groom. It matters if you decorate both glasses with the same color.

This is a variant of a glass for the bride. The next option is glasses for both the bride and the groom.

We decorate glasses with paints

You can decorate wedding glasses using paints. Before tackling this kind of decoration, you need to choose the right paints. Acrylics work well for this. Before applying paint, the glasses must be degreased, and after painting, the glasses will need to be coated with acrylic varnish.

Painting of glasses can be both patterned and drawing pictures. For example, such:

However, this option is only for the artist. However, if you use stencils, then you can do everything yourself. But, even when applying patterns, it is best to use stencils. You can find suitable images on the Internet, download, print, cut and apply to the glass.

For work, you will need paints and construction (masking) tape. The part of the glass that will not be painted is wrapped with adhesive tape. In addition, it will be convenient to hold the glass by the tape while painting.

We wrap the rest of the glass with a stencil and apply paint with a brush or an aerosol can. If you are not doing a drawing, but simply painting without a stencil, then you can carefully apply the paint only with a spray can.

In terms of color, paints in shades such as gold, silver, pearl gray, white and pink and golden beige are well suited. You can also use nail polishes of the corresponding color.

After the glass is painted, it must be left to dry for 20 hours. Then cover with a special varnish.

Decorating with ribbons

Decorating glasses with ribbons is an option for decorating with fabrics, only here the glass is beautifully wrapped with a ribbon and a bow is made.

There are a lot of design options. This is both simple wrapping and creating more complex pictures. These are just the possible options. It is advisable to use ribbons of different colors for the bride and groom.

However, the choice is up to the decorator. Even glasses of the same design look beautiful. The material of the ribbons is satin, and if you add bows, rhinestones or beads here, then the finished product will look very beautiful.

Different textures also look good. Let's say three ribbons of satin, silk and nylon. The simplest decoration option is to wrap the ribbon around the glass in a spiral, and make a bow on its leg.

And here's another simple use case for ribbons. If you wrap the glass for the bride and groom differently - top and bottom and tie a bow, it will turn out very elegantly.

And one more simple and beautiful option. Here, in comparison with the previous one, we wrap only the stem of the glass with a tape, and for beauty, you can stick several beads on the sole.

You can even make the glasses of the bride and groom distinctive by sticking the first letter of the name of each hero of the occasion out of beads.

Sequins and beads

Sequins and beads give the glasses, of course, great solemnity. Rhinestones are also used for this.

To glue rhinestones, you can use glue based on cyanoacrylate. In addition, those involved in decorating recommend a colorless varnish.

True, the drawing will be a little more complicated here, since stencils will no longer work, but creating your own drawing will still not be difficult.

You can just randomly scatter the beads around the glass. This will also look quite original. As for the sequins, it's a little simpler here. Draw a pattern with a brush in glue, and then sprinkle sparkles on the glass. We shake off the excess, which will not stick.

Using red rhinestones, for example, you can make such a wonderful decor.


Not an ordinary glass decoration. However, it creates some solemnity, and even, one might say, pomp.

Especially if you use feathers in combination with other materials. True, if you are holding a wedding in a classic style, then it is better to refuse decorating glasses with feathers.

An example of decorating glasses with feathers and ribbon.

For the bride and groom, you can make the glasses a little different.

If you are already talking about the use of feathers. Why not use flower petals like roses as well. Moreover, flowers are the main attribute not only of a wedding, but also of any other holiday.

Rose petals

Rose petals on glasses look beautiful, of course, but this decor is short-lived and is used only during a wedding.

Before use, the bud must be disassembled into individual petals. It is necessary to glue the petals from top to bottom, since they are overlapped. We begin to glue with the smallest ones, and large ones are already glued to the base of the glass. After gluing the first row, we leave it to dry, then the second row, stepping back from the first by half a centimeter, drying again, etc.

As a result, the glass will be in the center of the rose. Looks pretty attractive.

However, you can also use artificial flowers. With them, the glasses can already be saved as a keepsake.

Artificial flowers

The use of artificial flowers somewhat simplifies the decoration, since it is still easier to find them, and the price is not the same as that of living ones. You can decorate in the same way as in the previous case, disassembling the flower into petals, as well as with whole flowers.

There are a lot of options for such decoration, so with proper imagination, everything will work out. You can decorate only the stem of the glass, and the glass itself.

It is better to use small flowers. They are glued with ordinary glue, for example "superglue".

If you love sculpting, then the next glass decoration option is for you.

Using polymer clay

Using clay will make the drawing on the glass more voluminous and interesting.

What is good is that during sculpting, you can change the drawing if something does not suit you. In addition, the finished element can be applied to the glass, checking how it fits.

Ready-made decor elements are baked before gluing.

Before you start sculpting, the clay is rolled out. When making, for example, flowers, small pieces are cut from the rolled layer, from which petals are then made. The finished flower is baked, after which it is glued to the glass with glue.

The process of working with clay is more laborious and meticulous than the others. However, the result is quite impressive. After all, with the help of flowers made of clay, you can decorate not only glasses, but make a whole gift set.

Making glasses in the shape of the bride and groom

Perhaps this option is most interesting not only for the newlyweds themselves, but also for the guests. Especially if the decor of the glass matches the clothes of the newlyweds themselves. For example, this one in strict classic colors.

Various combinations can be used in this decor. These are fabrics, laces, ribbons, and beads.

Here you can also make either simple compositions, or complex ones, as in the upper picture. It all depends on the fantasy. For example, such a simple composition using ribbons and mesh fabric.

Here, for the groom's glass, a white and black ribbon is taken, which is wrapped around the glass, creating something like a shirt. A bow-tie is knitted from above. In the picture, the buttons are made in the form of sequins-stars. But you can also use natural buttons of a suitable size.

As for the bride's glass, the fabric is attached with a ribbon in the form of a veil. Bead decor is added. You can use rhinestones - at your discretion.

Or this option. For the bride, the fabric on the glass is already made by the dress.

In principle, it is not at all necessary to dress the glasses as the bride and groom are dressed. You can simply highlight with different ribbons which glass of the bride and which of the groom. This option is quite easy, but no less beautiful.

In general, there are many options for such a decor, the main thing is to dream up a little and then the product will turn out to be original. After the banquet, you will no longer want to disassemble it.

Video master class of jewelry made of rhinestones and ribbons

And finally, a video that clearly shows how you can decorate wedding glasses yourself.

Good luck in your work!