Facial smoothing cream. Even complexion, folk remedies and masks to even out complexion. Smoothing the skin surface of the face after acne

Facial smoothing cream will give a uniform tone and shade to the skin. Functions such as smoothing and nourishing the skin, eliminate flaking, dryness, and other irregularities caused by a lack of substances. With regular use, the cover looks beautiful and youthful, and the tone and surface are even.

Almost every woman has face problems, very often they are associated with the unevenness of the surface of the cover and its tone. This is an easily solvable problem if you use creams to smooth the skin of the face.

In order to give the face an even tone and color, many women apply tonalities, powders and blush, but when the structure of the cover is uneven, then the effect of these funds is very unnatural. In this case, with the help of the foundation, you can achieve only a mask effect.

Can the cream solve this problem and how to choose this special product? Yes, there are tools that can give your face a natural and even surface, and we will tell you about them.


  • Uneven tone and color caused by pigmentation, redness and personality;
  • Irregularities in the form of acne and scars;
  • Wrinkles and flabby surface are the result of age-related changes;
  • Dryness and dehydration;
  • Loss of firmness and wilting;
  • Rash and irritation;
  • Irregularities caused by insufficient functionality of processes in cells.


  • Giving a natural color and healthy glow;
  • Elimination of problem areas - acne, scars, irritations;
  • Filling cells with moisture and nutrients;
  • Restoration of basic processes in cells and normalization of blood circulation in the capillaries;
  • Returning elasticity and tone by containing the necessary elastic components;
  • Purification;
  • Restoration of damaged areas;
  • Matting, elimination of oily sheen;
  • Elimination of pigmentation.

A daytime leveling cream should contain SPF sun protection. Photoaging is another problem with bumps, wilting and tarnishing.


The alignment of the cover with the help of these funds is achieved by the content of special active components in them, which effectively affect the existing problems on the skin.

  • Hyaluronic acid, thermal water or glycerin are components responsible for the normalization of moisture;
  • Collagen and elastin are substances that are produced in cells and are responsible for the tone of elasticity fibers. Replenishment of these missing components is easily carried out by the content of their analogs in a cream to smooth the skin;
  • Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components of plant origin, which can eliminate irregularities in the form of acne, rash and redness;
  • Natural oils and extracts that restore the structure of the cover and give it an even tone - lavender, lemon, chamomile, tea tree extract, string, mint, green tea, acacia extract;
  • Vitamins and minerals that provide adequate care for cells and surfaces in general. Vitamin A allows damaged areas to heal, vitamin C provides even tone and eliminates age spots. A cream that evens out complexion should contain potassium, magnesium, silicon, they give evenness and a natural shade.
  • Reflective particles create a seemingly perfect skin and give it a radiance.

Cream at home

  1. A mixture of a spoonful of glycerin, a teaspoon of baking soda and 15-20 drops of an alcoholic solution of camphor will allow you to even out the tone and structure of the cover. The product is used as a cream mask and is washed off with cool water.
  2. 1 spoon of chopped carrots, the yolk of one egg, a spoonful of warm mashed potatoes and ¼ cup of warm light beer. The gruel formed by the mixture of these ingredients is applied to the face as a mask and washed off with warm beer. This remedy allows you to regenerate damage, has an anti-inflammatory effect and evens out the tone.

Ingredients: yeast extract, sorrel, cranberry. An enzymatic complex as enzymes of magnesium, copper, zinc allows you to restore the health of the skin and activate the processes.

One of the main tasks of the product is to eliminate pigmentation. It has the ability to protect the cover from ultraviolet radiation, which prevents external aging of the skin and the appearance of unevenness in tone.

Approximate price: 450 rubles.

Piyasil cream

Effectively fights irregularities caused by enlarged pores, acne, cosmetic procedures. Absorbs scars. The main active composition is medicinal leech powder, effective for eliminating irregularities, restoring blood circulation and cell functions.

Approximate price: 400 rubles.

Perfectly evens out the color, slightly whitens it and helps to smooth the tone. The components provide a lifting effect, with the help of which the cover becomes smooth and elastic. The tool effectively fights against age-related changes and protects against negative influences. Can be used as a base for applying makeup.

Approximate price: 645 rubles.

  • Skin smoothing products

How to even out complexion with cosmetics

Complexion does not directly depend on age. At either 20 or 50 years old, the skin can become dull and lifeless, showing signs of fatigue.

The reasons can be very different.

Cosmetics that restore a healthy complexion are divided into two main groups:

  1. 1

    skin-smoothing products: smooth out the relief.

  2. 2

    Complexion Enhancers: Provides a uniform tone.

Skin smoothing products

Their main function is to exfoliate dead epidermal scales. This smoothes the skin relief, starts the renewal processes. For are used:

    abrasive particles, mechanically "scraping" the top layer;

    exfoliant chemicals that dissolve the bonds between clumped cells.

A variety of tools perform the task and updates.

Endless Freshness Cleansing Facial Scrub, L'Oréal Paris

Formulated with rose, lotus extracts and mild natural exfoliating particles, it gently and gently cleanses. The skin is evened out and looks fresh. Oily shine is minimized, enlarged pores are narrowed.

Ultra-cleansing gel against acne and blackheads with absorbent charcoal "Pure skin active", Garnier

A product with salicylic acid and absorbent carbon removes dead cells, eliminates oily sheen, tightens pores. The skin looks smoother and fresher.

Chlorella algae extract with antioxidant properties, as well as cleansing and moisturizing ingredients evens skin tone and makes pores less visible.

Cream-gel for problem skin with the first signs of aging Normaderm Anti-Age, Vichy

Vitamin C, lipohydroxy and glycolic acids are responsible for skin renewal. The product enhances collagen synthesis, prevents enlarged pores and acne, and reduces oily sheen.

Renewing moisturizing serum Retexturing Activator, SkinCeuticals

Glycolic acid evens out the texture and tone of the skin, hyaluronic acid and kombucha (a fermentation product of black tea) moisturize. Apply 4-5 drops of the product daily, morning and evening.

Mask-scrub for the face "Magic of clay", L'Oréal Paris

Three types of clay, red algae extract and small exfoliating particles even out the relief, draw out impurities, remove oily sheen. Apply 2-3 times a week.

Products for improving complexion

These products even out skin tone by replenishing the deficiency of moisturizing substances, vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fatty acids. And at the same time they strengthen the protective barrier.

Day cream for normal to combination skin Idéalia, Vichy

Eliminate traces of fatigue, even if you live in a busy mode with a constant lack of adequate rest. Skin is smoother and more refreshed thanks to a formula based on adenosine, fermented black tea extract and blueberry extract.

Moisturizer for correcting skin tone Pigmentclar, UV SPF 30, La Roche-Posay

You will immediately see the effect of glowing from the inside of the skin. And after four weeks, thanks to the whitening effect, the tone will become noticeably smoother. The main components are glycerin, niacinamide, ferulic acid, ginkgo biloba extract.

Serum-concentrate, intensely moisturizing skin and smoothing texture, Hydro-Plumping Re-Texturizing Serum Concentrate, Kiehl's

Provides immediate radiance and intense hydration. Glycerin in high concentration attracts moisture, and Shiso leaf extract retains it.

Mask with rose petals to restore and nourish the skin Absolue Precious Cells, Lancôme

With regular use twice a week, the skin becomes smooth and soft, like the rose petals that are included in the mask.

Treatments to improve complexion

Salon procedures will help you get rid of the pale look faster.

Cosmetic massage

Tones muscles, improves blood circulation, delivers nutrients deep into the skin. Course - 10 procedures 1-2 times a week.

Chemical peeling

A superficial exfoliation is enough to make the skin glow. Acids, enzymes, retinol are fighting for a healthy complexion. And vitamins and antioxidants help them in this. Requires 8-10 procedures at intervals of a week.


With the help of a galvanic current, active substances penetrate deeper into the skin, contributing to its transformation. A course of 10-15 weekly treatments is required.

Cosmetic facial massage tones muscles, improves blood circulation, delivers nutrients deep into the skin. © iStock


This type of electrotherapy stimulates blood circulation, removes excess fluid and toxins from tissues. Course - 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week.

Ozone therapy

The introduction of an ozone-oxygen mixture with the help of meso-injectors saturates tissues with oxygen, improves the functioning of the circulatory system, and strengthens local immunity. The result is rejuvenated, smoother skin. You will need 5-10 sessions 1-2 times a week.


Suitable for improving the appearance of mature skin. Radiation with light waves of a certain length stimulates the activity of cells and metabolic processes, fights against hyperpigmentation, and solves the problem of dilated vessels.

One of the main tasks of these skin-smoothing products is the process of exfoliating dead epidermal scales. © iStock


After a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, moisturizers, the skin immediately looks radiant and fresh. But for a lasting effect, you will need up to 10 procedures with a frequency of 1 time per week.


These are hyaluronic acid injections with the addition of vitamins, amino acids, peptides. After 2-3 procedures, once a month, the skin will be filled with energy.

Learn how to smooth your face at home.
Perfectly even skin is extremely rare.

Enlarged pores, wrinkles, freckles - such problems are very difficult to hide even under a thick layer of foundation.

In order to even out the skin, you should first understand the cause of such problems and only then try to eliminate them.

How to smooth facial skin - home methods

However, not everyone has the means for such procedures, in which case you should turn to home methods. How to smooth your face skin at home?

First of all, it is necessary to abandon soap, as it dries the skin, and can also cause an allergic reaction.

To get an even complexion, for washing you need to use a decoction of parsley or water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice. These healing solutions can be frozen and rubbed over your face with ice cubes. An additional bonus will be a facelift.

To even out skin color at home use:

  • dairy products;
  • cabbage, lemon and potato juices;
  • parsley;
  • green tea;
  • pulp of tomatoes.

These natural products are the basis for making homemade masks.

The most effective masks are:

  • From cabbage leaves and kefir. To prepare it, you need to chop the cabbage leaves in a blender and mix with the same amount of kefir. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the resulting mass. This mask is applied to the face, excluding the area around the eyes, for 15-20 minutes.
  • From parsley. Fresh parsley leaves are ground in a blender and mixed with the same amount of sour cream or yogurt. For dry skin, add a few drops of olive oil to this mask. This mask must be kept for at least 20 minutes.
  • From potatoes and tomatoes. These products are especially effective in lightening the skin around the eyes. To prepare such a mask, you need to grate the potatoes and mix with an equal amount of tomato pulp. The mixture should be wrapped in gauze and put on the eye area for 10 minutes. This mask effectively removes dark circles under the eyes.

Regular application of masks made from natural products will ensure an even complexion and help to significantly lighten freckles.

Reasons for the appearance of irregularities

Quite often, the problem of uneven skin is associated with enlarged pores. Such a defect can be inherited or occur due to a malfunction in the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

As a rule, this is encountered by people who have an oily skin type. Excessive sweating can aggravate the situation, due to which the pores expand, and then become dirty. As a result, the person suffers from a new trouble, namely acne.

Problems in the form of uneven skin appear also due to purulent acne, which by their formation provoke the appearance of defects on the face. It should be noted that the surface of the skin suffers from both blackheads, that is, blackheads, and white acne.

In addition, the porosity of the body increases significantly if a person engages in physical activity. Athletes often suffer from this problem. Exercise causes the sebaceous glands to function more actively, causing the pores to expand.

The bumpy surface of the skin also occurs due to the inflammatory process, but, as a rule, this phenomenon is temporary and it often passes without a trace. However, it is important to know that there is a possibility that the skin after inflammation can heal.

This often happens when a person does not want to put up with acne and begins to squeeze them out, thinking that in this way he will be able to get rid of them, but this is not so, and in their place scars appear, which are very difficult to eliminate.

Purulent acne, which can also make the skin uneven, can occur due to the frequent use of cosmetics, which not only can hide certain flaws, but it also clogs the pores.

In addition, the choice of cosmetics must be taken very seriously, since, for example, those that have an oily base, quite often lead to an allergic reaction, which causes a rash on the skin.

Causes of skin discoloration

Complexion may change due to irregularities in the daily routine. This can happen with improper nutrition.

Therefore, it is important to know that if the body feels uncomfortable, then this is all reflected in the color of the skin.

In addition, quite often this occurs from severe overwork or constant stress.

So the condition before the onset of the disease can manifest itself, and also the complexion changes if a person already has this or that disease.

Changes in climatic conditions, constant stressful situations, allergies, as well as taking certain medications can negatively affect the face, namely, its color.

If the skin of the face has acquired a yellowish tint, then you should consult a doctor, since, most likely, the person has problems with the gallbladder or liver.

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Best Salon Treatments

How to even out complexion? It will take a lot of effort to even out the skin tone. To do this, you can use both home methods and salon.

Cosmetologists offer laser correction, which perfectly helps to cope with scars left after dermatological diseases.

This procedure does not bring pain, perhaps only a slight tingling sensation. In addition, the skin that has undergone this treatment recovers quickly.

You can also use oxygen therapy, which is able to fill the top layer of the skin with a special gas due to the injection.

Thanks to this, tissue that has been damaged is regenerated, and old scars begin to dissolve. In addition, such injections also have a useful additional property, namely antiseptic, so they automatically eliminate acne and acne.

One of the equally effective salon procedure is also considered biorevitalization, which helps to overcome fine wrinkles. With the help of such an injection, folds are smoothed, the level of collagen is restored, due to which the epidermis acquires firmness and elasticity.

Getting rid of scars after acne and other defects

In order to get rid of the relief of the skin, you can use folk remedies.

For example, lemon or lime can come to the rescue, namely juice from these fruits.

Thanks to the acid they contain, acne marks begin to heal and scars disappear.

Lavender extract can also be used to combat scars. The elements that are in it are considered the best natural regenerative elements. To overcome the defect in this way, you need to moisten a cotton pad in this extract and stick it to your face for 20 minutes. This procedure should be done 4 times throughout the day.

However, treatment with alternative methods, as a rule, is very long and does not always bring a positive result, especially if the scars are old. Therefore, you should turn to pharmacological drugs.

In the pharmacy, there is a wide selection of products that are aimed at eliminating unpleasant defects on the face. It can be Levomekol or Dalacin T, which are effective and safe.

Skin straightening can be done in cosmetic centers. A variety of procedures can be used here. Everything will depend on the nature of the problem. Various peelings, laser correction, and radical surgical methods are especially popular.

Smoothing the skin surface of the face after acne

Smoothness of the skin after acne will give hyaluronic acid. It will make the body more elastic and uniform.

Through the introduction of an injection, this substance fills in all the irregularities. You should not be afraid of injections, since such a procedure is not only effective, but also safe, and also proven by many.

However, to permanently restore the skin, a full course of treatment should be completed. At the same time, such a procedure also has its drawbacks, since it does not differ in long-term results.

A more complex cosmetic method is microdermabrasion, which perfectly evens the skin after acne.

Such a procedure can only be carried out by an experienced specialist and it is carried out by mechanically eliminating minor facial defects. If the patient has hypersensitivity, then he will be offered local anesthesia.

Vinegar, lemon juice, and tomato and cucumber juices are all home remedies for this problem. Any of the selected ingredients should be used to wipe the surface of the skin that has been affected by acne. These folk remedies not only cleanse the face, but also smooth out its surface.

Most Effective Skin Oils

Small irregularities lend themselves well to home methods. The following oils have proven themselves to be an effective remedy:

  • rose hips;
  • cocoa;
  • sesame.
  • rosemary;
  • cedar;
  • grapefruit;
  • lavender;
  • sage;
  • geraniums;
  • yarrow;
  • myrtle;
  • bergamot.

Each of these oils has healing properties and helps to heal scars. The natural substances they contain enhance the skin's ability to regenerate and regenerate, stimulate collagen production and increase elasticity. Thanks to these properties, acne scars, enlarged pores and other irregularities are smoothed out and become less visible. But, like any natural remedy, essential and base oils require regular use for 2-4 weeks to get a noticeable and lasting result.

To even out the skin relief, do this oil-based mask 2-3 times a week:

  • 10 drops of base oil;
  • 3 drops of essential oil.

Apply to clean skin in circular motions, leave for 15 minutes, and then blot the excess with a dry paper towel, you do not need to rinse the mask off with water.

What preparations containing vitamins and minerals will help to cope with this problem

Serious problems that home masks cannot cope with should be treated with more effective drugs.

  1. Klirvin (RealCosmetics, Russia). This inexpensive Ayurvedic cream is completely natural. It effectively removes scars and age spots, evens out complexion, improves blood circulation and promotes rapid regeneration. Klirvin should be applied pointwise to the damaged area for 2-4 weeks, and if necessary, the course can be extended - the components are not addictive and can act effectively over a long period.
  1. Kelofibraza (Sandoz, Germany). The composition of the ointment includes urea, which deeply moisturizes the skin, and heparin, which effectively evens out irregularities. The advantage of this remedy lies in its extremely high efficiency, it has no contraindications and does not cause allergic reactions.
  2. Dermatics (MEDA Pharma, USA). This is one of the most effective and popular remedies that helps to quickly get rid of facial irregularities. Dermatix gel smoothes and softens irregularities on the skin of the face, and also reduces pigmentation disorders.

Features of proper nutrition

Irregularities in the skin are often caused by a disturbance in the functioning of the liver and kidneys: the body cannot cope with the elimination of toxins, as a result, they accumulate and appear in the form of acne and acne. To get rid of the problem from the inside, it is necessary to adjust the daily diet and unload the excretory system. First of all, it is necessary to abandon foods such as chocolate, sausages and ham, smoked meats, marinades and sweets. Try to eat simple, homemade foods that are prepared with a minimum of spices, fat, and salt.

Include sea fish in your diet. If a limited family budget does not allow you to do this often enough, you can buy fish oil at the pharmacy - it contains vitamins A and D, which are necessary for beautiful and smooth skin, as well as omega-3 fatty acids, which normalize metabolism, promote faster tissue regeneration. and the healing of inflammation.

Simple omega acids are found in flax seeds. They can be added to salads and cereals, and, when ground, can be added to hot soups. Eat more dark green and orange vegetables like carrots, spinach, cucumbers, apricots, broccoli. Also, do not forget about vitamin E, which is often called the vitamin of beauty, and for good reason: it helps to moisturize the skin from the inside and to restore cells quickly. Therefore, to even out the skin relief, include almonds, peanuts, walnuts in your menu.

To stop the formation of new breakouts, eat foods that contain zinc: wheat bran and sprouted wheat grains, pumpkin seeds, lean beef, veal, poultry and rabbit meat, lentils, and other legumes.

As with any healthy diet, you need to eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and berries: they contain significant amounts of antioxidants that help regenerate skin cells and restore smoothness.

Hardware cosmetology at home

For daily care of problematic, bumpy skin, elimination of acne scars and pore reduction, hardware cosmetology methods are successfully used, which are available even at home. One of the most popular and effective procedures is dermabrasion, skin resurfacing using a special device. During the procedure, the top layer of the skin is gently removed and, as a result, the relief is leveled, the pores are significantly narrowed, scars and age spots become less noticeable, and after several sessions they completely disappear. Even in the recent past, dermabrasion was only available in salons, but modern high-tech devices for home use make the procedure simple and safe, so you can do it yourself.

Inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin are a contraindication to the procedure, so if you have foci of inflammation on your face, they must first be healed.

The home dermabrasion kit includes a cream with alumina crystals, a sander and special sponges. Also, some manufacturers include additional skin care products in the kit: lotions, tonics, vitamin cocktails, serums.

In order not to harm the skin, you should purchase devices only from trusted manufacturers. For example, the world famous brands Roc, Lierac and L'Oréal have an impeccable reputation and produce quality home beauty equipment.

Dermabrasion procedure is extremely simple and does not require special training or special skills. First, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin with an alcohol-free product and dry it completely with a towel. Then, using a sponge, a cream is applied to the face, after which the skin must be massaged with the device for 1-2 minutes. After finishing the sanding, the cream must be washed off with cool water.

After a dermabrasion session, you should be especially careful with your skin for two to three days: apply sunscreen before going outside and use only mild detergents.

Designed to make the complexion healthy and radiant, to hide imperfections. The effect of any foundation can not be compared with truly healthy, beautiful skin of an even tone, so if you dream of having no tons in your arsenal of cosmetics, try the products from the dozen listed below. Disguise the shortcomings for a modern girl - compare the ritual, but if you imagine for a second the absence of the need to "plaster", then it becomes clear: the game is worth the candle.

If you have serious skin problems, it is better to first consult a cosmetologist who will recommend medication and tell you which cosmetics to choose. In general, if you do not have too many rashes, blackheads, redness and other troubles, then cosmetics designed to improve the color and condition of the skin of the face can reduce the use of concealers and concealers to a minimum or completely get rid of them.

Skin hydration is essential for a radiant, healthy appearance. Olay took the issue of moisture saturation seriously and introduced their moisturizer that penetrates much deeper than similar products. Effectively evens out skin tone with age spots, age spots, blackheads and promises a visible effect when used twice a day.

In order to restore health to the skin, which means a beautiful appearance, you need to take care of a gentle but thorough cleansing. One of the most successful and at the same time very affordable means remains Foaming Cleanser from Neutrogena. Thanks to soy extract and vitamin C, the skin is nourished and improves its color, and the micro-particles included in the product delicately cleanse the face.

Cosmetics from L'Oréal, as in the days when the brand was launched, remain available to every woman. A versatile, inexpensive face cream that improves complexion with tourmaline and vitamin C. After 4 weeks of regular use, the manufacturer promises smoother, softer and more radiant skin. Dermatologically tested and non-comedogenic.

Shiseido Cream Gel gives the skin a radiance and repairs after damage from harmful UV rays and aggressive environmental factors. Vitamin C and acids included in the cream lighten stains and prevent their appearance, and the product itself is recommended for dry and normal skin.

Get brighter, more even skin with this powerful brightening serum. Its paraben-free formula is suitable for even the most sensitive skin, and it is also made cruelty-free and dermatologically tested. Vitamin C and an exclusive chelating complex make the serum effective on the way to a bright natural appearance.

Forget dark spots and redness with Lancôme Serum, one of the best products for a beautiful skin tone, while fighting acne, yellowness and other imperfections. The serum is available in three different shades.

Iman's hydroquinone-free formula fights dark spots and corrects skin tone. It is also effective against freckles and works as a powerful antioxidant cocktail that includes vitamins C, E, and soy extract.

Clinique Serum is so gentle that it can be used daily. It is one of the best products for improving skin color and condition thanks to its exfoliating and whitening properties. The serum works for all skin tones and types and also reduces the appearance of old acne marks.

Garnier's Concealer uses Vitamin C and SPF 28 Complex. Effective against acne and age spots, this daily moisturizer has been designed for use on the face and neck. The cream not only protects the skin, but also prevents the appearance of new imperfections. Considering the affordable price of this product, it can be called a successful 2-in-1 face and neck treatment.

This is one of the best products for improving skin color, as it is able to deliver the complex of antioxidants much deeper than comparable creams. In addition to leveling the shade and fighting stains, the product fights wrinkles that have appeared and prevents the appearance of new ones. The tool is not cheap, but given its fight against several visible signs of aging at once, it can be attributed to rational shopping.

An even and fresh complexion is of great importance for beauty. But not all women can boast of such a skin condition. Often the skin of the face loses its freshness and elasticity, it becomes patchy. What determines the condition of the skin? How to restore attractiveness and healthy appearance to the skin, to even out its color?

What factors affect the condition of the skin?

The condition of the skin depends on:

    proper skin care;

    quality of food;

    the volume of water consumed;

    the duration and quality of sleep;

    walks in the fresh air;

    exposure to sunlight;

    bad habits (smoking, excessive coffee and alcohol addiction);

    diseases of the digestive system;

    genetic predisposition.

Ways to even out complexion

There are 4 known methods for improving facial skin:

    by changing your lifestyle;

    applying makeup;

    with the help of professionals;

    folk remedies.

Changing your lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle will help to smooth your complexion and get rid of blemishes: proper nutrition, water regime, exercise and quality sleep.

Maintaining water balance

To improve the condition of the skin, it needs water, because the human body contains 70% of water. To keep your skin cells hydrated, you should drink more than 2 liters of fluid daily. It is recommended to add lemon or cucumber juice to the water. Water will help your skin look fresh and prevent wrinkles.

Limit your consumption of soda and alcohol. The sugar found in sugary drinks causes acne and oily skin. Alcohol deprives cells of moisture, leading to premature aging of the skin.

Nutrition and complexion

The complexion is significantly influenced by nutrition. It is necessary to include in the diet fish, lean boiled and chicken meat, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, soy, vitamins A and E. These vitamins are found in large quantities in the liver, eggs, dairy products, herring, chum salmon, carp, sturgeon caviar , carrots, broccoli, young potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, melon, apricots, plums, papaya. Juices from carrots, beets, citrus fruits, green tea improve and even out the complexion.

The complexion spoils from canned food, sausages, sausages, margarine, mayonnaise, hot spices, sugary carbonated drinks, chips and fried foods. Therefore, their use should be reduced. Alcohol, coffee and cigarettes negatively affect the skin of the face.

In order to even out and improve the complexion, it is recommended to prepare a vegetable soup with squash, broccoli, leeks, celery, tomatoes, carrots and bell peppers. You don't need to salt this soup. They drink it instead of dinner.

Skin color directly depends on nutrition

Instantly refreshes and rejuvenates the skin of the face, evens out its color energy drink. To prepare it, you need to stir green tea with cardamom, ginger and cinnamon and pour boiling water. When the drink is infused, honey is added to it.

It is recommended to take activated charcoal and yeast to even out and improve the complexion. They drink them in the morning on an empty stomach: activated carbon should be consumed in 4-6 tablets, and yeast - in 10 grams. Take within a week, then take a break for 2 weeks. This course is repeated several times.

Sports and skin health

You should constantly go in for sports. Exercise promotes skin cell renewal, which helps smooth out wrinkles and even out skin tone.

Healthy sleep

It is imperative to sleep at least 7 hours. Lack of sleep leads to the formation of bags under the eyes, loss of facial freshness and attractiveness.

Apply makeup correctly

Since the cause of uneven complexion and its mottling is often the effect of sunlight, it is necessary to systematically use sunscreen.

Be sure to cleanse your skin: twice a day with lotions, and once every 7 days, use a scrub. Cleansers can be purchased at the store or you can make your own. An excellent result is obtained with sugar with honey: the mixture is rubbed into the skin of the face with the help of circular movements, and then washed off with water.

A concealer stick, liquid or cream will help to even out the skin color. Pencils are not only brown, but also yellow, green, lavender. These shades are necessary to neutralize redness and scarring.

Competent makeup will make the skin of the face perfect

Use a brush, not your fingers, to apply concealers. If you rub them with your fingers, bacteria are brought in and red spots appear on the skin.

Concealers should not be too dark, or they will mask age and sun spots, but cause orange spots to appear.

Then a tonal foundation is applied: powder, liquid, cream or spray. Powders have the longest effect.

After the complexion is evened out with the help of concealers and foundation, it is recommended to give the face color and volume with the help of blush and shadows.

In the store, with the help of a consultant, you can choose special cosmetics: creams, lotions, scrubs that will help get rid of stains and make your complexion even.

Professional help to even out complexion

If you cannot get rid of stains on your own, professionals will offer their services: a dermatologist and a cosmetologist.

After examining the skin and conducting tests, the dermatologist will recommend special medications: tablets or medical creams. In some cases, it is possible to use a laser.

Another option is beauty treatments at the spa. The cosmetologist will select a set of procedures that most effectively solves the problem.

We turn to folk wisdom

An effective method of smoothing the complexion is time-tested folk remedies. They will not be expensive and will not harm your skin.

Water treatments will improve the complexion

A contrast bath will have an effective result. It evens out the complexion, restores freshness and elasticity to the skin, and removes wrinkles.

To prepare the bath, you will need 2 containers. Ice water is poured into one container and a decoction of lavender or mint is added, and hot water is added to the other, in which lemon zest or essential citrus oil is diluted. Take 2 towels: one moistened in ice water, and the other in hot. Towels are alternately applied to the face.

Water treatments are the way to improve the skin

Herbal lotion: preparation and action

Brightens skin tone, whitens skin and gives it elasticity with herbal lotion

Chopped parsley, linden blossom, oak bark and sage are mixed: each herb is taken 5 grams. The mixture is poured with vodka (250 milliliters) and infused for 12 days. With a strained infusion, wipe the skin of the face.

Preparing masks for smoothing the skin of the face

Homemade masks have an excellent effect for evening the complexion. They are cheap, natural and effective.

Masks made from cottage cheese, sour cream and cucumber whiten the skin of the face, and from coffee grounds and carrots they make it dark. Watermelon and melon masks give the skin a fresh and healthy look.

They will get rid of wrinkles and acne, from excessive dryness or oily content.

Cucumber mask

A medium-sized cucumber is chopped with a grater, a nutritious cream is added. The mixture is applied to gauze wipes and placed on the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mask is washed off with warm water. If the skin is oily, then it is recommended to add alcohol or vodka to the mask.

Another recipe: the cucumber is grated and mixed with starch. Keep on the face for 20 minutes.

You can simply put cucumber circles on your face for 20-30 minutes. Another way is to wipe your face with a piece of cucumber.

The mask will even out the complexion, whiten it, make the skin clean and silky.

Cucumber thyme mask

Cucumber and thyme leaves (fresh or dry) are ground with a blender and applied to the face for a quarter of an hour.

The mask evens out the complexion and relieves redness.

Cucumber mask - the famous remedy for beautiful skin

Carrot mask

Tinder carrots, mix with egg yolk and oat flour (3 grams). Add lemon juice if desired. The mask is placed on the face for 20 minutes. Remove with cool water.

You can apply grated carrots without additives to your face.

Carrot and Potato Mask

Carrots (20 grams) are finely rubbed and mixed with yolk, warm mashed potatoes (20 grams) and warmed light beer (20 grams). The mask is placed on the face and washed off after 20 minutes with warm beer.

The mask will even out the complexion and give it freshness.

Watermelon mask

Watermelon juice is mixed with lemon or lime juice in equal proportions, honey is added (a few drops). Keep the mask on the face for 10-15 minutes. Remove with warm water.

This mask will make your complexion perfect.

Cabbage mask

Cabbage leaves are crushed using a blender, yogurt (40 grams) is added and applied to the face for 15 minutes. Remove with warm water.

The mask will even out the complexion and whiten it.

Peach mask

The peach or apricot is mashed and mixed with oatmeal. If you have dry skin, it is advisable to add vegetable oil (5 grams). The mask is spread on the face with a thick layer and left for 20 minutes.

Orange mask

Mix orange juice with wheat flour in equal proportions. Keep the mask on the face for 20 minutes. Remove with warm water.

Banana mask

Ripe banana (one third) is ground in mashed potatoes, rice flour (20 grams), oat flour (30 grams) and chopped walnuts (1 piece) are added. The mixture is stirred and spread on the skin of the face. Wash off when the mask dries up and skin tightening is felt. Then they lubricate the face with a nourishing cream.

The mask will have an instant effect. It will even out the complexion, soften the skin, give it nutrition, and have a lifting effect.

Banana mask will quickly tighten the skin

Honey lemon mask

Honey is mixed with lemon juice (a few drops) and applied to the face for half an hour.

The mask will even out the complexion, whiten it, and provide it with nutrients.

Parsley mask

Chopped parsley (20 grams) is mixed with sour cream (20 grams), yeast (pinch) and aloe juice (3-5 grams). The mask is placed on the face for a quarter of an hour and then washed off with warm water.

Another option: chop the parsley and mix with olive oil. Apply to face for 20 minutes.

You can prepare the following mask: chop parsley with a blender and mix with lemon juice.

A parsley mask will have an amazing effect. It will make the complexion even, remove age spots, lighten freckles, make the skin fresh and silky.

Celery mask

Leaf celery is minced with a blender. Lemon juice is added to the resulting puree (a few drops). Keep on the face for 20 minutes.

Dandelion mask

Dandelion root and stem are ground with a blender and applied to the face. After 15-20 minutes, the mask is removed.

The mask perfectly evens the complexion and whitens freckles and age spots.

Curd mask

For the mask, you need to stock up on fat homemade cottage cheese. It is placed on the face and kept for 15 minutes. The mask is removed with warm water, and the face is smeared with a nourishing cream.

This mask not only evens out the complexion, but also gives it a glow and a radiant look.

Sour cream mask

Homemade thick sour cream is applied to the skin of the face and neck for half an hour. Remove the mask with warm water.

Raspberry Sour Cream Mask

Fresh raspberries (a handful) are mixed with soda (2-3 grams) and sour cream (20 grams) in a blender. The mask is applied in several layers for 25 minutes.

Improve facial skin with raspberries

Flaxseed and Oatmeal Mask

Dry flax seeds (5 grams) are poured with boiling water (100 milliliters) and infused for 20 minutes. The infusion is brought to a boil and poured into oatmeal (20 grams) to coat. When the flakes are swollen, they are applied to the skin of the face and neck for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with warm water.

Oatmeal and honey mask

Oatmeal (20 grams) is mixed with honey (a few drops) and yogurt, sour cream or kefir to form a thick mass. The mask is kept on the face for 15 minutes.

The mask removes dead skin cells, revitalizes the complexion, whitens, restores freshness, makes the skin soft and velvety.

Mask with honey and cinnamon

Honey (10 grams) is mixed with cinnamon (5 grams). Oatmeal (20 grams), kefir or yogurt are added to the mixture to make a thick gruel. Apply the mask to the face for 10 minutes. Remove with warm water.

Cinnamon and Red Pepper Mask

Mix cinnamon (5 grams) and red hot pepper (2-3 grams) with fat sour cream (40 grams), add dry yeast (5 grams). Mix everything thoroughly. Keep it for no more than 5 minutes, as the mask burns a lot.

The mask has a tremendous effect after the first application, as during its action the blood rushes to the skin. It has a nourishing, balancing and firming effect.

Mustard powder mask

Mustard powder (5 grams) is mixed with olive oil (20 grams) and water (5 grams). The mask is kept on the face for 5 minutes. Remove with cold water and apply a moisturizer to the skin.

Yeast mask

Raw yeast is diluted with water so that the mixture resembles thin sour cream. If the skin is oily, then it is advisable to add oxygen peroxide, and if dry, then milk. Apply the mask in several layers for 10-15 minutes.

Yeast mask with honey and egg

Yeast (20 grams) is diluted with warm milk to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Add an egg (1 piece), olive oil (20 grams), honey (5 grams) and wheat, oatmeal or rice flour (20 grams). The mixture is mixed well and applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with cool water.

Coffee grounds mask

Coffee is brewed and cooled. The coffee grounds are applied to the face and neck area. After 10 minutes, a wash gel is spread over the mask and the skin is massaged. Then the mask is removed, and the face is smeared with a nourishing cream.

Badyaga mask

To prepare the mask, you will need to purchase bodyagi powder at the pharmacy. The powder is diluted with water to obtain the consistency of sour cream. The mask is kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. Then the face is lubricated with a moisturizer.

Under the action of the mask, the face becomes red and tingles due to the fact that blood circulation increases and the performance of the capillaries increases.

Beeswax mask

Beeswax is melted in a water bath and spread on the face in several layers. After removing the mask, a nourishing cream is applied.

Clay mask

Pink or white clay (60 grams) is mixed with rose hydrolate or rose water to obtain the consistency of sour cream. Rosehip oil (5 grams) is added. The mask is applied to the face, neck and décolleté area. Cover with polyethylene. Hold for a quarter of an hour. Remove the mask with warm chamomile infusion.

After the mask, the color and tone of the skin becomes even, the skin is whitened, moisturized, receives nutrients, becomes dull and radiant, wrinkles disappear.

If you regularly use the above masks, then the skin color will become even. It will become smooth, delicate and silky, it will shine from the inside out.