How to mask large pores on the face. How to mask blemishes, pimples and pores on your face

The dream of a smooth face literally haunts those who got imperfect skin from birth. And if youthful acne disappears without a trace with age, then enlarged pores usually remain forever. No one has yet been able to completely get rid of this misfortune. But don't be discouraged. Proper care and proper camouflage results in fantastic results.

Out on the face

The secretion of the sebaceous glands located on the face is to blame for the appearance of enlarged pores. Sebum is necessary - with it the skin receives the necessary moisture and protection from the external environment.

The pores provide access to oxygen and nutrients. And when this whole system works in harmony, the face looks smooth and healthy.

But the world, unfortunately, is far from ideal, and more than half of all people, for various reasons (from hormonal to genetic), suffer from overactive sebaceous glands. The pores are forced to pass the discharge in an enhanced mode, gradually enlarge, as if spreading out to the sides. And they no longer narrow back.

Over the years, the face acquires an unpleasant roughness and resemblance to a pumice stone. And one fine day, when looking in the mirror, it causes real panic: a nightmare, something needs to be done about it!

Special care for enlarged pores

Having decided to achieve the maximum effect in smoothing enlarged pores, we must clearly understand what measures should be taken. The mandatory program includes regular pore cleansing, peeling to get rid of dead skin cells and high-quality hydration.

Cleansing procedures are not the usual washing with soap and water or wiping your face with a cotton pad dipped in tonic. Care must be taken to select cleansers specifically for skin with enlarged pores. These gels or foams include chamomile, string, aloe vera, clove, basil and citrus essential oils. Purification is carried out 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

To exfoliate dead skin cells with enlarged pores, it is necessary to use gentle peeling agents (scrubs), which contain salicylic, glycolic and lactic acids. They not only do not dry out the skin, but also help to regulate the work of the sebaceous glands. Peeling should be carried out 2 times a week, it should be done carefully and not to stretch the skin so as not to disrupt the work of the sebaceous glands.

Moisturizing skin with enlarged pores should be regular and generous. It should be done after cleansing and peeling, using fatty, well-absorbed creams containing vitamins A, E and C, extracts of hawthorn, calendula, chamomile and string.

As an additional effective remedy for porous skin, you need to apply various masks made from natural products 1-2 times a week. And as all means are exposed, the pores will gradually begin to narrow, become less noticeable. The final breakthrough in achieving a smooth face will be done by masking the enlarged pores.

Masks to narrow the pores of the face

  • Blue cosmetic clay mask:

Apply on face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse gently with warm water.

  • Oatmeal mask: pour boiled water over 0.5 cups of oatmeal. Apply the resulting gruel to the face, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Badyaga mask: dilute dry badyagi powder to the consistency of gruel, apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Lemon and egg mask: beat 1 protein into a foam, add 0.5 tablespoon of lemon juice, apply on face for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  • Gelatin mask: Pour 1 tablespoon of gelatin with 2 tablespoons of milk. Leave the mixture to infuse in a warm place for 5-7 minutes, then put it in the microwave for 20 seconds. On previously cleansed and steamed face skin, gradually apply the mask layer by layer, as the previous one dries. There will be 3-4 layers in total. After applying the last layer, wait 15 minutes and carefully remove the mask like a film.
  • Honey mask: mix honey with a few drops of lemon, apply to cleansed skin and massage gently. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Special makeup for porous skin

A couple of decades ago, the owners of porous skin felt stumped - there were only foundation and powder from camouflage products, but their use made the skin even worse. I had to apply even more makeup, cover my face even more thoroughly, but the pores continued to expand, and no powder could cope with the shiny nose.

But this time has passed and today there are cosmetic products that allow you to hide any porous flaw with a slight movement of the hand. These are creams that contain silicone.

There is an active debate among cosmetologists regarding the harm and benefits of such cosmetics, but one thing is certain - silicone really makes the pores invisible, at the same time smoothing out all the irregularities on the skin.

In order for the face to look smooth and at the same time natural, the product with silicone must be applied after cleansing and moisturizing and before the main make-up. It is best to use special primers - make-up bases, as well as narrow-purpose "putties" for enlarged pores, which are now in all cosmetic lines.

Another secret - apply on top not an ordinary foundation or powder, but a product with reflective particles. Then you can look in the mirror without panic, but with admiration.

Direct road to the salon

In some critical situations, the condition of a person with enlarged pores can no longer be corrected by either home care or disguise. In this case, it is worth trying salon procedures - many of them have long been available to everyone. The most effective will be the following:

  • Hygienic cleansing of the face with mechanical cleansing of the opened pores under the influence of steaming the pores and narrowing them with the help of special masks;
  • Deep peeling using skin-smoothing chemicals and fruit acids, as well as special enzymes that remove excessive sebum production;
  • Laser skin resurfacing with smoothing, smoothing and narrowing of pores;
  • Cryomassage using tampons soaked in liquid nitrogen.

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Enlarged pores on the skin are not a disease. However, this cosmetic defect gives its owners moral discomfort. The deficiency is usually combined with the problem of increased oily skin. Also, enlarged pores bring discomfort to owners of mixed skin.

Why pores expand

The defect is usually genetic. But often young ladies who do not know the rules of effective facial care come across him. Pores are channels that carry fat to the surface of the skin. There is a small hair in each pore. The size of the canal does not depend on the parameters of the follicles, but on the intensity of sebum production. If the process is very dynamic, then the pores will certainly enlarge.

Expansion itself is not only an aesthetic issue. The situation is aggravated by the formation of pollution inside the channels. The reasons for this problem are:

  • stress;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • malfunctioning of the immune system;
  • taking certain medications;
  • abuse of decorative cosmetics.

Often, the channels begin to expand with age-related changes in the surface of the face. Fading, aging skin is significantly thickened and hardened, which leads to the appearance of a defect.

What is it fraught with

Why do many people wonder how to narrow pores on the face? This defect in itself does not cause problems, except for cosmetic ones. But he cannot suddenly disappear either. At the same time, other problems are imposed on it. Often integral companions of enlarged pores are:

  • black spots;
  • comedones;
  • pollution;
  • inflammatory rashes.

The wider and larger these tubules are on the skin of the face, the more intensively dirt accumulates in them. Bacteria and microbes get there, provoking severe inflammation, irritation and redness. As a result, the face looks painful, swollen, uneven.

Folk remedies for shrinking pores at home

How to shrink pores on your face at home? Can this be done? Quite! In this case, the cause of the defect is not fundamentally important.

The first rule for eliminating a deficiency is competent and regular cleansing. If the skin is flabby and withering, proper attention must be paid to nutrition and intense hydration. First of all, you should adjust the diet, giving up:

  • smoked meats;
  • sweets;
  • pickled foods;
  • fatty foods.

This will normalize the production of sebum and, accordingly, "tighten" the pores. It is recommended to enrich the diet with fresh foods, herbal infusions, and mineral water. For the right food, the body and in particular the skin will thank you.

It is recommended to pay attention regular use of vitamin complexes... Getting the right amount of retinol and vitamin E in the body will normalize the pores. You can buy ready-made pharmaceutical preparations. No less effective is the inclusion in the menu:

  • linseed oil;
  • apricots;
  • liver;
  • carrots;
  • fish oil;
  • sunflower seeds.

Very important systematically cleanse the surface of the facial skin... Very oily skin needs to be washed at least twice a day. For the procedure, it is recommended to use a special foam, baby soap, antibacterial compounds. Finish each wash with a tonic. You can also use special alcohol-based lotions.

Rubbing and washing is not enough. To deal with enlarged pores, the deepest possible cleaning is required... This action is aimed at eliminating plugs and stratum corneum. A scrub will help in this matter. Home peeling is necessary twice a week. At first, you can do the procedure even more often. In case of inflammation, it is recommended to use a composition with fine abrasive particles. The product with large components is excellent for the skin, which is not distinguished by excessive tenderness and increased sensitivity.

Many ladies are wondering how to narrow pores on your nose... Self-prepared products are excellent for this area of ​​the skin. A scrub can be created based on:

  • coarse sugar;
  • ground coffee;
  • table salt.

To obtain a creamy product, one of the components will need to be combined with olive oil, the usual cream, thick sour cream or honey.

Help to normalize the condition of pores steam bath for the face and a variety of masks... The steam bath should be done every 20-30 days. It allows you to deeply cleanse the channels, tightens pores, removes plugs, and destroys bacteria. This procedure will be especially effective if you add to boiling water:

  • chamomile tea;
  • a few drops of peppermint essential oil;
  • a spoonful of olive oil.

Hardware cosmetology

Beauty salons can offer an effective solution to the problem of enlarged pores. How to narrow pores on your face using hardware cosmetology? The effect will allow you to get chemical peeling with special acids... The procedure removes the upper layers of the skin, which helps to normalize its condition. Chemical peeling allows you to narrow pores, rejuvenate the skin, and remove post-acne.

Microdermabrasion Is another great solution. It involves resurfacing the skin with solid particles. Microcrystals under pressure act on the surface of the face, as a result of which:

  • the pores are noticeably narrowed;
  • irregularities disappear;
  • old acne marks disappear.

Other effective hardware methods that oppose this problem include laser peeling, cryotherapy, ultrasound stimulation, darsonvalization.

Oily skin and enlarged pores are a problem for more than 20% of women 18-35 years old. Many people "plaster" their face with thick foundation creams to the state of a "Venetian mask".

For a spectacular make-up in this case: smooth enlarged pores, reduce sebum (if the skin is oily) or moisturize (if the skin is dry) and make the complexion look like it has no makeup at all.

Makeup for perfectly even skin

A light texture make-up base with cooling components, silicone and a foundation or concealer with reflective particles will help to disguise enlarged pores.

Cooling ingredients will help reduce sebum production; silicone polymers, fill in irregularities, smoothing the skin; reflective particles make not only enlarged pores practically invisible, but also fine wrinkles.

Apply a Cooling Makeup Base with Reflective Particles to a clean and hydrated face Guerlain L "or Gold... However, it is enough to apply it where the pores are very enlarged: nose, cheeks, chin.

If, on the other hand, your skin is dry enough, use a light fluid. Chanel Vitalumiere Satin Smoothing Fluid Makeup... It will not only hide enlarged pores and fine wrinkles, but also soften the skin and protect it from ultraviolet radiation.

Natural radiance

For a natural glow on your face, go for a concealer brush Yves Saint Laurent Radiant Touch Eclat along the line of the nose and chin. This lightweight, light-reflecting emulsion will optically hide small imperfections of oily skin and enlarged pores.

Concealing enlarged pores and even out skin tone will help a foundation with silicone polymers МАС Face and Body Foundation.

After the tone is evened out, the face needs to be given a delicate color and blush. A mattifying compact powder is ideal for this. Shiseido Pureness Matifying Compact Oil-Free SPF 15... It removes oily sheen, leaves the skin matte and masks enlarged pores.

Finish off with a touch of radiant, silky, wonderfully delicate blush Lancome Blush Subtil Highlighter... They will give your face a lovely glow and a healthy glow.

Refrain from masking enlarged pores if ...

The skin is inflamed, there are allergic rashes, eczema, dermatitis, herpes. Otherwise, you can only make the problem worse.

Never, ever use cheap foundation!

Some components of low-quality tonal creams (herbal additives, aromatic fragrances, preservatives) can cause allergies. The pores are enlarged even more by the "heavy" silicones of cheap foundations.

Therefore, love yourself, use only high-quality cosmetics and do not forget about caring for skin with enlarged pores, because high-quality care provides 90% of the beauty and smoothness of the skin.

Almost impossible, despite all the assurances of the manufacturers of cosmetic products. It is of course within your power to minimize the scale of the problem a little. Proper care will not make your pores completely invisible, but it will significantly shorten them, and then much less masking manipulations will be required.

Above all, avoid products with heavy, oily textures6 that “mechanically” stretch pores. All kinds of oils and nourishing creams can certainly be beneficial for the skin, but also make the pore problem worse.

Use cosmetics that tighten pores: clay masks, serums, toners. It should be understood that most of these products do not have a cumulative effect, so it is advisable to use them immediately before applying makeup.

Basic disguise

In recent years, too much information has appeared in the media about the dangers of silicones in cosmetics. It is difficult to argue with these statements, but, unfortunately, it is this ingredient that allows a number of products to best mask enlarged pores. However, do not despair: the harm of silicones is somewhat exaggerated. If your skin does not react to such products with rashes, you can safely use them. The main thing is to thoroughly cleanse the skin in the evening.

If you want to hide enlarged pores with just one cosmetic product, that must be a foundation. Consider a few nuances when choosing. An overly liquid product looks the most natural, but it probably won't hide your pores. Moreover, such textures are able to "sink" into the pores during the day and make them even more noticeable. Choose a foundation with a medium texture. Apply it with a brush: this will distribute the product as evenly as possible and cover every millimeter of your skin.

Additional funds

Most cosmetic brands have separate products that are designed to even out the complexion and mask the large pores on the skin.

First of all, it is a make-up base. Most often it is a transparent substance that has no color. It fills in irregularities on the face, making it visually smoother. Any foundation applied over the base will fit better and completely hide skin imperfections.

BB and CC creams are equally popular. These are multifunctional tools that solve many problems at once. They moisturize the skin, protect against ultraviolet radiation and, as a rule, have an impressive hiding power. The coating is quite dense and requires a special two-phase rinsing with oils and cleaning foam.

Finally, there are pore correctors. The product has a fairly dense texture. It is recommended to apply it not to the entire face, but only to those areas where enlarged pores are most pronounced. Has a "Photoshop effect", smoothing out even the most serious irregularities. However, this property, of course, does not benefit the skin, so it is not recommended to use correctors all the time.

Skin prone to oily content gives a lot of trouble to its owners. If matting creams and masks more or less successfully cope with a greasy shine, then it can be very difficult to hide enlarged, dark, too noticeable pores.

Because of them, the skin looks "punctured" and resembles a dull orange peel. But this problem can be solved. Cosmetologist Anna Rozanskaya reveals the secrets of daily care, thanks to which your face will shine with beauty.


As you know, cleanliness is a guarantee of health, and for skin with enlarged pores it is doubly important. If you look at such pores with a high magnification, you will see huge wells filled to the brim with a dark substance, consisting of sebum, street dirt, sweat and the remains of decorative cosmetics. It is simply necessary to free the skin from these "deposits" in order to prevent bacteria from multiplying.

They will help with this:

▪ gels for washing with exfoliants (scrub particles). Applied 2-3 times a week, these products perfectly remove excess sebum, dead skin cells and other elements that clog the pores and skin surface.

Advice: you cannot get carried away with scrubs: too frequent exfoliation will "confuse" the sebaceous glands, they will start working in an emergency mode and the result will be the opposite. In addition, the massage movements when applying the gel should be light and gentle so that the skin is not injured.

▪ masks for deep cleansing (for example, with koalin), preferably with a steaming effect. In just a few minutes, they dissolve the dirt in the pores, make them less visible, and the skin - fresher.

Advice: When using such masks, focus on the areas where the pores are most noticeable ("T-zone" - forehead, nose, chin), and treat the problem-free areas of the skin to a minimum. Such masks are made 1-2 times a week after cleansing the skin.

Narrowing of pores

After the pores are cleaned, it is imperative to "close" them - there are tonics for this. For example, based on rose or cornflower water, tea tree extract or aloe (great for acne sufferers).

Advice: if the finished cosmetic toner seems too "aggressive" to you (oily skin can be very sensitive), then wipe your face with a slice of cucumber - its juice also perfectly narrows the pores and makes the skin silky. A decoction or infusion of sage, calendula, chamomile or St. John's wort has an astringent and soothing effect. Horsetail and linden - soften well.


Dehydrated oily skin is a sad sight. A moisturizer is a must-have in your beauty arsenal. It is desirable that it contains vitamins, a sunscreen filter and complexes of herbal extracts specially selected for oily skin.

Advice: moisturizer should not be greasy. Choose light, melting, gel-like textures. Before applying them, be sure to cleanse the skin, otherwise vital moisture simply will not break through to the cells of the epidermis through the layer of dust and grease.

Salon procedures

Makeup for skin with enlarged pores

It's a big mistake to overdo it with the amount of foundation and with its density. Applied in a thick layer on a "porous" surface, it does not mask, but accentuates imperfections. Therefore, after cleansing and toning the skin, apply a little moisturizing matting cream, and even out the complexion with the thinnest possible layer of foundation. You can even limit yourself to loose powder.