Do-it-yourself dollhouse furniture - we equip a dollhouse. Soft chair for a doll

All girls love to play with dolls. You can complement the game by sewing or tying a wardrobe or making a chair for a doll quickly and step by step with your own hands, you can also make other pieces of furniture.

Learning to make a doll chair with our own hands from various materials

A wide variety of materials can be used to make a doll chair. This can be a cardboard box, a box, a plastic beverage container, or a juice container. Those who are proficient in the technique of weaving from newspapers can weave all the furniture for the game in this way. To decorate upholstered furniture, you will also need fabric, filler, for example, synthetic winterizer, threads and a variety of lace.

A chair made of a plastic bottle.

A very interesting way is to make a chair from a plastic bottle. To do this, you need a container with a volume of 1.5 liters, you can take a larger or smaller one, it depends on the desired size of the furniture. Cut off the lower part at a distance from the edge that is equal to the desired height of the chair.

Then you need to take a sheet of paper, the length of which is equal to the girth of the bottle, draw a vertical line in its middle. We transfer the size of the workpiece height, mark the size of the seat itself and the height of the back. Between these lines we draw a smooth semicircle - the shape of the back. We transfer the obtained result to the workpiece and cut out the upper line of the chair.

The next step is to cut out two templates from the padding polyester, sew each separately into a ring, then put one into the other and connect the upper edge with a needle and thread. We turn the resulting upholstery in order to hide the seams on the wrong side, and put it on the blank from the bottle. To tighten the edge of the back, you need to cut a strip of padding polyester and glue it along the entire length of the back.

It is required to cut a strip from the fabric, the width of which is equal to the girth of the bottle, and the height is equal to the height of the two backs, to sew. The resulting part must be put on the result of previous actions. Fasten the fabric along the bottom edge, and fold the remaining fabric into the inside of the bottle. Make folds in the back area and fix them with hot glue.

Fill the cavity of the chair with padding polyester, cut a circle out of cardboard, which will be slightly smaller than the diameter of the bottle, so that it can freely enter it. Then cut out a circle from a padding polyester, the diameter of which is several millimeters larger than the diameter of the cardboard. Put a cardboard circle on a circle made of padding polyester, bend and glue the protruding padding polyester. Cover the resulting seat with a cloth. To do this, you need to cut out a circle from the fabric, the diameter of which is equal to two diameters of the cardboard, baste its edges. Insert a blank made of padding polyester and cardboard into the resulting bag, pull the fabric around it and sew it up.

We insert the seat into the chair and prepare the decor: we sew pads and a frill, which we attach to the chair with a glue gun. You can decorate the resulting armchair with a knitted pillow. This will give the furniture a vintage style.

This completes the master class on making a chair for a doll from a plastic container.

Armchair made of cardboard.

In addition to the considered method, you can make a chair out of cardboard. In one case, corrugated cardboard is suitable, in the other it is even dense, which can be taken by cutting an unnecessary box.

You can cut blanks from thick cardboard, as shown in the picture, and assemble a chair from them.

Then tint the result in the desired color and decorate with a small cloth cape.

From the same material, you can make a chair with a drawer for storing doll's things.

For the manufacture of such an element of the interior, you can use a special box, which already has a retractable mechanism. If there is no such house, then you can make the structure yourself by cutting out blanks of the necessary shapes and sizes from cardboard:

After gluing all the parts, we glue each one separately with a cloth, where softness is not needed, and with a cloth with a padding polyester inside, where the soft parts should be. Then we decorate the furniture with a handle, frills and openwork elements. We put everything together in one structure and delight the child with a gift for a doll.

Another option is the manufacture of an armchair from separate parts, glued and processed using the papier-mâché technique:

A more solid chair can be made from corrugated cardboard. It, like the previous ones, consists of separate cut out parts, sheathed with fabric and foam rubber. It is the bulk of the material itself, as well as the denser structure of the foam rubber in comparison with the padding polyester, that give the visual solidity of the design.

As a result, we can say that a chair for a doll can be made from any material at hand, you just need to use auxiliary tools and the correct patterns of parts. And also connect your imagination for the manufacture of furniture of an interesting shape that has various functions. So, you can make a rocking chair, you just have to think about what the legs will be made of. Or sew a beanbag chair that can take any shape.

Video selection on the topic of the article

This selection offers you interesting video tutorials that will help you get acquainted with the basics of making furniture for dolls. And you can also look at the process of making several chairs with your own hands.

Today in stores you can find many different ottomans, among which the bean bag chair is especially popular.

Often, children are also interested in how to make an ottoman for dolls so that their toys would be “comfortable”. But when thinking about how to equip a nursery, parents find that it is often very expensive. And at the same time, independent sewing of such a product does not take much time and is much cheaper. Therefore, it is useful to learn how to make a beanbag chair for dolls and your baby.

Do not think that making such an ottoman on your own will require any special skills and materials. The advantage of a beanbag chair is its simple form, as the name suggests. Such furniture is very comfortable, as it takes the shape of the body. It is easy to relax in it.

Use cases for bean bags

And for children, the pouf will become a favorite place to play. They will not be able to injure themselves against it, because the structure does not have sharp corners and hard inserts.

Pear armchair with applique Chair patterns Applique patterns

So, all you need to do is find a suitable pattern, stock up on the necessary materials and set aside an hour.

Bean bag pillow Chair-pillow patterns Chair-pillow scheme

The bag for children can have either a classic shape or be made in the form of a soccer ball, hippo, octopus or turtle.

Bean Bag Ball Chair Ball Patterns

Such a product will not only become a practical piece of furniture, but also decorate the room. It will save you money and try your hand at handicrafts. How is a child seat sewn?

What do you need?

Padded ottoman scheme

To make a beanbag chair for a child, you will need to purchase the following materials:

  • two types of fabric for covers;
  • zippers;
  • filler.

As a rule, homemade children's furniture is made bright and colorful, because this is the option that the baby will like. It is also important that the chairs are in harmony with the interior of the room. As for the material itself, it is important that it can withstand active children's play. You can use leatherette, furniture or upholstery fabric. You can even take the skin if you want.

The material for the inner cover should be lightweight, breathable and smooth.

Some needlewomen have found a simple option - old unnecessary duvet covers. With regard to lightning, it should be said that it is undesirable to use metal ones, because a child can easily get hurt by them. They should match the color of the outer cover.

Soft chair filler

Expanded polystyrene is perfect as a filler, or rather, balls from it. They are lightweight, soft, non-toxic and fill the interior of the bag well. Thus, it will be very comfortable to sit in the chair.

Manufacturing instruction

Children's pouf

How to sew a bag-shaped children's ottoman with your own hands?

Pouf patterns

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Make two patterns on paper, one for the inner cover and one for the outer cover.
  2. Lay the templates out on the fabric and secure with sewing pins, adding one and a half centimeters to the seams.
  3. Lay the shapes on top of each other and sweep them.
  4. Zigzag the edges and sew two pieces together.
  5. Secure the zippers.
  6. Make a funnel out of paper and pour foam balls inside through it.

It is better to make two or three outer covers at once so that they can be changed for washing and updating the interior. This variety will surely be appreciated by your children.

Additional removable covers can be made

It is not necessary to sew a zipper on the inner case. After filling in the filler, you can simply sew up the hole. But the outer cover must have a clasp so that it can be removed.

The chair should not be tightly packed. It is better to pour balls about 70% of the volume. Then it will sit in it softly, while the pouf will take on the shape of the body.

You can make a bag of plain fabric and attach (sew / glue) a colorful applique of some cartoon character on top. The chair with a hanger (top handle) is easy to move to other rooms or store when you don't need it right now.

Furniture for dolls

Doll pouf

If you want to make a doll chair, simpler and cheaper materials can be used. Suitable:

  • rags, such as terry cloth from an old towel
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer.

A small doll chair is best made from four separate pieces.

First you need to sew the sidewalls, attach the seat to them, and then the bottom.

Do not forget to turn the product inside out.

Cutting and stitching parts

In the hole left, stuff the bag with small pieces of padding polyester or cotton wool until the desired shape is formed. Sew up the hole - and the chair is ready!

We fill and shape the chair

As you can see, making a beanbag chair with your own hands is not difficult at all.

The doll chair is ready

It's not scary if it turns out to be not quite perfect in shape. After all, this is the distinctive feature of frameless furniture. In stores, such items are quite expensive, moreover, it is not always possible to find the right option. Having completed the work yourself, you will delight your child and decorate the atmosphere in the house.

Today we will try to make a doll chair with our own hands. For making, you will need crochet skills, cardboard and our master class with step-by-step photos (pictures are clickable - you can enlarge).

Materials (edit)

  • Hook number 2;
  • White yarn (wool or semi-wool);
  • Any pink yarn of the same thickness;
  • Cardboard for the base;
  • Needle;
  • Threads;
  • Filler.

How to make a chair for a barbie doll

To make a beautiful doll chair, you need to tackle the base first. You can glue the round base yourself or take a ready-made circle, left over, for example, from scotch tape.

Now you need to take a piece of cardboard and outline the prepared blank twice to get the same circles:

All that remains is to cut them out:

The finished parts must be glued together so that the bottom and lid appear on the cardboard blank.

Now you can proceed to the binding of the future chair. Crochet # 2 or 2.5 from white yarn is used to make an air chain of 6 loops, connect into a ring and tie it with 12 single crochet. In the second row, there should already be 24 of them. In the third row, the increase goes through the column, in the fourth - through two columns (that is, you need to knit two regular columns, and knit two at the base of the third). In the fifth row, the addition goes through three columns. The result is an even circle:

Two air loops are made for the usual lifting, and then the walls of the future chair for the doll are tied. To do this, without adding more loops, it is necessary to knit the first row in a circle, capturing only the inner side of the base loops. As a result, a rather noticeable scar is obtained from the outside:

Then the work continues until the canvas is equal in width to the blank for the product. This is how the detail looks from the inside:

Outside view:

The base of the chair should look like this:

Now the cardboard blank of our doll chair is placed inside the yarn frame:

According to the same scheme as the bottom of the part, it is necessary to perform another circle, already for the seat of the future chair:

Using an ordinary needle and white thread, the seat is neatly sewn to the body:

Then you can go to the back of the chair. 4 air loops are drawn with pink yarn, connected in a traditional ring and tied with 8 single crochet columns. In the second row, the increase goes to each loop (16 columns). You should get a circle like this:

The fourth row is performed without increments, the hook captures only the inside of the loops. Further knitting is performed in a circle. This is the detail:

As the back lengthens, it should be filled with pre-prepared filler:

According to the already described scheme, another circle of two rows is performed:

As promised, today I will tell you, readers, how to make a chair for a doll.
My doll was made in such a way that I had to sit it down, so I had to come up with furniture. If you want to make such a doll out of polymer clay, then take a look.

To make a chair for a doll, you will need a penoplex, a glue gun, fabric, braid, beads, toothpicks, a ruler, a pencil, a knife, a synthetic winterizer, a needle and thread according to the color of the fabric.

Sequence of work

First, we sketch the furniture and paper templates. For the doll, it is necessary to calculate the dimensions of the chair so that it does not turn out to be large or small.

We measure the doll and draw a template on cardboard. We cut out the details according to the template from the foam.

Trying on chipped parts with toothpicks. If necessary, we cut it with a knife, level it.
We prepare a suitable fabric and cut out the parts using templates, making seam allowances of at least 1.5 cm.
First, we make out the back. We apply a synthetic winterizer and glue it along the edge. We put the fabric on top, trying on its location. We glue from the end sides. Then we glue the back wall. We will close the top of the back and the sides with a tape, which we will sew by hand.

We attach the beads, stitching through the penoplex. The back is ready.

We start processing the seat. We glue the parts with a glue gun. We put a synthetic winterizer on top of the seat, glue it. We glue it with a cloth in any order you like. We process with braid along the top edge.

We collect the chair. We glue the seat with the back. The chair is ready and you can put the doll on!

Here's a little more on how to make a foot pad.

My interior doll has acquired a finished look.

Good luck in creating furniture for your doll!

All little girls love to play with dolls. These toys play an important role in education, because they can be used to teach a child to fantasize and embody real situations in the game. Of course, playing with dolls will be boring and monotonous if there are no additional accessories, for example, a variety of clothes, a house or furniture.

Doll chair, master class

Not a single girl will refuse to sew a chair for her favorite doll. Not so much material is needed for work, and such leisure activities will be as useful as possible. Prepare the following materials:

- synthetic winterizer;

- lace;

- glue gun;

- sewing machine;

- cardboard and newspapers;

- empty juice or milk cartons.

In the same way, you need to wrap the armrests made earlier with a padding polyester. To keep the filler in place, secure it with regular threads.

The chair must be covered with a cloth. Choose the fabric of your daughter's favorite color or one that complements the interior of the nursery. The fabric can be secured with a glue gun. The seat of the doll's chair is ready. Now start sewing the frill. To do this, you will need a long piece of the same fabric, as well as lace. Make small ruffles and sew lace on top. You can sew a frill by hand, but it's easier on a sewing machine.

Then cut the blank out on the fabric and sew the backrest cover. To make the back more voluminous and soft, insert a piece of padding polyester of the same size into it.

You can even fix it with a glue gun. For beauty, you can stitch the edges of the seat and glue it to the seat. It remains to sew on the armrests and the chair is ready.

Soft chair for a doll

We hope that you and your daughter will be satisfied with this kind of needlework. Soft chair for a doll easy to sew, especially under the guidance of parents. Try it and your games with dolls will be even more interesting.