Speech therapist in a state kindergarten. How to get to classes with a free speech therapist and not get into a speech therapy garden

Violations in a child's speech are a fairly common fact. And although speech can be corrected at any age, the most favorable period for solving this problem is preschool age. Minor speech disorders can be corrected by a speech therapist, whose classes the parents may have to visit if necessary. If the child's speech needs a longer correction, washes help speech therapy kindergarten... The activity of speech therapy gardens is aimed precisely at correcting various speech problems of babies. The number of groups in speech therapy kindergartens usually does not exceed 4-6 groups with a capacity of 10-15 people. It is no secret that recently the demand for ordinary kindergartens has been growing significantly, and one has to enroll in them almost from the moment a child is born, and even more so for specialized ones, such as a speech therapy kindergarten. And this despite the fact that every year the number of children in need of speech therapy is increasing.

Conditions for registering a child in a speech therapy kindergarten.

If the parents have identified a problem with a child's speech impairment, it is necessary to start solving it with a visit to a speech therapist at the polyclinic at the place of residence. It is he who must assess the depth of this problem and make a decision to eliminate it. In some cases, the best option for solving it is to send the child to a specialized speech therapy kindergarten. But this decision is already made not by the speech therapist personally, but by the commission for the admission of children to speech therapy kindergartens... This commission is a collegial body, it includes a speech therapist, a psychologist, and sometimes a neuropsychiatrist.

The examination by the commission is carried out in the presence of certificates with the conclusion of an ENT doctor, pediatrician, ophthalmologist and, in some cases, a neuropsychiatrist. The task of the commission is to confirm the presence or absence of speech development problems or speech impairments of the child and, according to the existing deviations, determine the type of group and kindergarten in which the child should be enrolled.

Different diagnoses require different approaches to correction. So, for example, if a four-year-old child is diagnosed with "General speech underdevelopment", then he will be sent to the speech therapy group of his peers with a similar diagnosis, and a 6-year-old child with problems of sound pronunciation (whistling, hissing, sonorous sounds) - to the preparatory group, where classes will be organized with him according to a different program. Classes with stuttering children are conducted by specialists in separate programs using special methods and means in kindergartens of this particular specialization. Nowadays, not only narrowly focused speech therapy kindergartens, there are also preschool institutions of a combined type, in which, along with the usual groups, there are also speech therapy groups, the directions in which, unlike ordinary groups, are also issued by the speech therapy commission.

There is no need to talk about the priorities of this or that type of kindergarten. AND speech therapy kindergarten, and kindergartens of the combined type perform speech therapy work properly, and, as a rule, the results are more than positive. There are cases when parents may be denied enrolling a child in a speech therapy group, the reasons for this may be the absence of the need for corrective work, the non-onset of a sensitive period to correct one or another type of speech impairment and, of course, the overcrowding of groups.

If it is not possible to receive speech therapy assistance in a specialized speech therapy kindergarten, it may well be provided in paid and free children's centers. Services in medical, psychological and pedagogical centers are provided not only by highly qualified teachers and defectologists, but also by neuropsychiatric specialists and neuropsychologists. The work of these specialists with the child, as a rule, gives very good results. It is often directed not only to improve the state of speech, but also to the emotional, psychological and intellectual development of the baby. Both individual and group forms of organizing classes are used. In this case, the occupancy of groups is usually 4-6 people. In classes conducted by speech therapists, speech pathologists or psychologists, children expand their ideas about the world around them, master the skills of writing and elementary mathematical skills, communication norms. The work of a defectologist is aimed at the development of mental processes: logical, figurative and abstract thinking, spatial perception. Before the start of classes, a psychological and pedagogical examination of the child is carried out, according to the results of which a program is drawn up and a plan of work with the baby is outlined. In the absence of such centers in your city, assistance in correcting the child's speech may well be provided by a speech therapist, both private and working in government agencies.

Every mother loves her child, and the slightest deviations in the health of the baby cause her anxiety. The same applies to deviations in the development of the child's speech. It is important to learn not to panic at the same time, but to understand as much as possible the cause of these violations and take measures to solve this problem.

In the early stages of the child's development, the mother can independently conduct a survey of the level of the baby's general development and the formation of his speech skills. The developmental level of babies two years old and older in many respects differs significantly from the developmental level of a baby up to 1.5-2 years old. The centers of the cerebral cortex responsible for speech are fully formed by the age of two and are ready for work. The child's speech becomes conscious, the vocabulary is constantly increasing.

The passive vocabulary is, of course, ahead of the active vocabulary. You can determine the level of its formation during classes with a child.

In order to determine the degree of the child's awareness of speech, you can invite him to complete a number of your tasks, for example,

  1. “Let's build a house for the animals. Bring the cubes. Let's put them on top of each other and build a house. Bring a bunny that will live in this house. See if it's too big for our house. Bring a smaller bunny. "
  2. Please bring a spoon, a cup, a plate, tights, a handkerchief, boots, a typewriter, a bucket (called household items, clothes, toys, etc.)
  3. Check the child's understanding of the verbs: "sit down", "come", "dry", "wave", "open", "throw out", "pour", etc.

If a child easily does everything you ask him to do, your worries about his general development and the development of his speech are groundless and in vain.

But there are cases when an appeal to a speech therapist is necessary:

If a 2-year-old child with normal adenoids has a constantly open mouth, saliva often flows out, the tongue protrudes or is inactive;

If with normal adenoids there is a nasal tone of voice, the tongue is inactive, lumpy or protrudes, the pronunciation of even the vowel sounds "a", "s", "y" is indistinct;

If the baby stutters or after a stressful or other situation suddenly stops talking;

If at 3 years old he does not pronounce or replaces the sounds "g", "k", "d", "t", "x";

At 4 years old he does not speak or distorts hard or soft sounds "w", "z", "s", "ts", "z", "h", "u", "l", "r", "v" ...

With normal speech development, a 4-5 year old child may find it difficult only to pronounce the sound "r" or slightly mix some sounds in a sentence, for example, "s" - "w" "Shasha is weak in soshe."

If, you have noticed the above problems with your own baby, then, most likely, speech therapy kindergartens- that's what you need.

How to get to speech therapy garden

How to get to the speech therapy garden.

How do you get to the speech therapy garden?
Get in line again?
Just get a referral from a speech therapist, or go through a special commission?
There is an opinion that a speech therapy garden is a certain "stigma" in a child's personal file. Is it really?

First, let's figure out what a speech therapy group is?
Correctional groups are divided into speech (speech therapy) and groups of children with mental retardation (delayed psycho-speech development).
In speech therapy groups, they put sounds that were not there and correct incorrectly pronounced ones (correction of speech defects), enrich the vocabulary, develop phonemic perception, coherent speech, and teach the correct grammatical design. In the senior and preparatory groups, they are preparing for literacy training.
Both a speech therapist and a defectologist (in addition to educators with the necessary qualifications) work in the DPR groups.
Every year for different ages is a multifaceted work.
There are kindergartens where all groups are speech.
There are - where there are only groups with ZPR.
There are gardens where speech (speech therapy) groups + groups with ZPR + ordinary groups = a combined garden.
There is an ordinary garden with a speech center. The speech center enrolls children ONLY WITH IMPACT.
But, in any case, a speech therapy group in our time is not a punishment, but most likely a reward, because it has become more difficult to get there, and the general underdevelopment of speech is easier to correct in the garden, where all work is aimed at eliminating this problem.
Perhaps it is no longer a secret for anyone that in speech therapy kindergartens, the preparation of children, no offense to anyone will be told, is sometimes much stronger than in mass kindergartens. Because kids from a speech therapy kindergarten come to school with a much better vocabulary than children from a regular kindergarten. They know more, they have a wider vocabulary, many skills are better formed, starting with graphic skills, sound-letter analysis and ending with stories from pictures, generalizing concepts are better formed. That is, children come from speech therapy kindergartens even more prepared.
Some parents are very attracted by all this splendor, and they dream of identifying their children in a speech garden. Others fear speech therapy kindergartens, believing that a child who finds himself in the environment of poorly speaking peers will speak even worse than before.
These are delusions. A child with speech therapy problems does not start to speak worse because of the fact that he interacts with other children with similar disabilities. The only exceptions are cases when a child with pronunciation disorders is in a group of children who stutter. Indeed, there are cases when a child develops stuttering "by imitation". But specialists, as a rule, avoid such mistakes.
So, for one reason or another, you think that your child definitely needs a specialized speech therapy kindergarten. What do you need to do to get into a speech therapy garden?
The speech therapy kindergarten accepts mainly children of 4-5 years of age, since it is especially important for them to correct speech disorders for successful preparation for school. From 3 years old, you can get into a group for children with delayed psycho-speech development (PDD).
It will be very good if you, dear parents, have already visited several educational institutions. You will talk with the head / director about the availability of vacancies, perhaps visit an advisory point on the basis of the institution, where you will get acquainted with the specialists.
The recruitment of preschool institutions for children with speech impairments is carried out by the District Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission. Addresses and telephones of the district PMPK in Moscow can be found here.
What exactly needs to be done:
Since October 1, 2010, the procedure for recruiting preschool educational institutions has changed. Now the procedure for enrolling in a queue at a preschool educational institution is established by order of the Moscow Department of Education dated August 31, 2010 No. 1310 "On Approval of the Procedure for Managing State Educational Institutions Implementing the Main General Education Program of Preschool Education, the System of the Moscow Department of Education."
So, how to place a child in a specialized kindergarten.
Step 1. In order for a child to be sent to a kindergarten for children with disabilities, it is necessary that he be registered in the Unified Electronic Register of the Automated Information System "Acquisition of preschool educational institutions". Parents are given the opportunity to independently register their child in this Unified Electronic Register on the website ec.mosedu.ru.
You will be able to independently track the progress of your child's priority in the Electronic Register of Future Pupils.
Step 2. Go to a speech therapist at the district clinic.
The speech therapist examines the child, gives directions for passing the PMPK (psychological, medical and pedagogical commission)
Step 3. Collect several certificates for PMPK:
- from an ENT doctor,
- ophthalmologist,
- pediatrician,
-neurologist (for children under 3 years old),
- a psychiatrist.
Step 4. Find the address of your county PMPK, call and make an appointment.
Step 5. On the appointed day, come for the examination with the child.
What you need to take:
Documents for passing the PMPK
birth certificate of a child;
passport of a parent or a person replacing him (for temporarily residing in Moscow and a certificate of registration);
four medical reports: - a child psychiatrist from the PND at the place of registration of the child (for children under 3 years old - a neuropathologist at a district children's polyclinic), - a speech therapist at a district children's polyclinic, - an otolaryngologist at a district children's polyclinic, - an ophthalmologist at a district children's polyclinic.
If the child has previously attended a kindergarten, it is necessary to additionally provide psychological and pedagogical characteristics from this kindergarten.
If the child has previously passed a commission in another city or district PMPK, it is necessary to additionally provide a psychological, medical and pedagogical opinion of this commission.
The following specialists will see your child:
- speech therapist,
- psychologist,
- sometimes a neuropsychiatrist.
The task of the commission is to determine whether the child is really lagging behind his peers in speech development or whether the parents were simply reinsured. Or maybe they certainly want to enroll the baby in a speech therapy group, despite the excellent speech and development by age? It happens!
If the commission decides that the child has problems, then the question arises: which speech therapy kindergarten should the child be sent to? After all, diagnoses are different, depending on them, a group of children of a certain age is recruited.
For example, if a 4-year-old child has a diagnosis of “general speech underdevelopment (OHP) of the 1-2 nd level,” then the senior speech therapist looks at which kindergarten this year they are recruiting 4-year-olds with such a diagnosis.
And if a 6-year-old child has problems with sound pronunciation (hissing, whistling is distorted, the baby does not pronounce "r" and "l"), then such a child will be sent to another group - preparatory, where the program is different, and the requirements for learning outcomes are higher ...
For stuttering children, there are generally separate gardens with their own program and a set of specialists (there, for example, art therapy classes are conducted).
At the commission, the child is assigned to one of the following groups:
- stuttering;
- general speech underdevelopment (children with delayed speech development or gross lexico-grammatical speech disorders are sent here);
- phonetic-phonemic speech disorder (simply speaking, these are pronunciation disorders - cases when a child pronounces 10 - 12 sounds incorrectly);
- violations of the pronunciation of individual sounds (2 - 3 sounds).
So, your child will be examined and given a certificate of passing the PMPK.
Only after the commission, parents can breathe easy: on September 1, the baby will definitely go to the kindergarten.
In addition to gardens that are completely devoted to speech therapy needs, speech therapy centers are ubiquitous in ordinary kindergartens. You can read about how to get to the speech center here.

Comments (1)

Russia Moscow

We also go to specials. garden with ZPR (in Moscow). It was not easy to get a job, although our diagnosis was made by a neurologist in a children's clinic at the age of 2. The fact is that if you want to arrange a child in such a garden, you will be dragged through all circles of hell, from doctors to an idiotic commission, the so-called PMPK. This commission, under the pretext of necessary and decisive, is not at all interested in helping your child. You bring the child there, and if he does not fulfill something of their tasks or does something wrong (and they will try to give him more tasks!), Then they will say: “Well, your child is not able to be in the group full day, look what he is ... (disinhibited, restless, - they will find a bunch of excuses!) As a result, like us, they will recommend a lekothek (for 2 hours 3 times a week). bypassing this situation from the area “Russia cannot be understood with the mind,” then your child will never take a place in the sun. We prepared in advance for this “commission.” The husband made an appointment with the head of the education department in our district, and went to see a statement, to which he attached a copy of certificates from a neurologist and speech therapist with our diagnosis of DPD.On the same day our child was enrolled in this special kindergarten. ), and said: take another child, since this is your profile ... And that's it! Why? Simply because every boss is afraid for his place. If we complain above, it will not be beneficial for him.
At the PMPK, as soon as they started to break us off with the garden and offer the lekothek again, I said: the boss has already enrolled us in this garden, and if you want to refuse us, then write me a written refusal, I know where to go with him. They looked at each other and looked. The issue was immediately resolved.
In general, this very PMPK, according to the law, is not obligatory at all !!! Read the federal law and how to write a waiver of this commission. There are completely stupid people who do not care not only about our children, but also about their own. From PMPK, we are now in the garden just writing a waiver to the name of the head, and there are no more questions for us. I wish your kids good luck!

Kindergarten number 3 (WITH LOGOPEDIC GROUPS)
119618, Moscow, metro Yugo-Zapadnaya, 50 years of October st., 25, building 1
Phone: 435-8746

Kindergarten number 43 (with speech therapy group)
121359, Moscow, metro Molodezhnaya, Pavlova Akademika st., 7, building 2
Phone: 149-3724

Kindergarten number 77 (LOGOPEDIC)
121108, Moscow, metro Pionerskaya, Gerasima Kurina st., 30, building 2
Phone: 144-0775

Kindergarten number 154 Child Development Center (WITH LOGOPEDIC GROUP, 24/7)
121151, Moscow, Metro Studencheskaya, Dunaevskogo st., 10
Phone: 249-3429

Kindergarten number 216
119415, Moscow, metro Vernadsky Prospekt, Leninsky prospect, 118
Phone: 432-4622

Nursery garden number 241 (LOGOPEDIC)
121601, Moscow, M. Polezhaevskaya, Filevsky blvd., 23/2
Phone: 738-1055

Kindergarten number 352 (LOGOPEDIC)
121309, Moscow, M. Bagrationovskaya, Filevskaya B. st., 25A
Phone: 145-2122

Kindergarten number 409 (WITH LOGOPEDIC GROUP)
121552, Moscow, metro Molodezhnaya, Orshanskaya st., 12
Phone: 141-6556

119454, Moscow, metro Prospekt Vernadsky, Lobachevsky st., 56
Phone: 432-9067

Kindergarten number 545 (LOGOPEDIC, WITH NURSERY GROUP)
121108, Moscow, metro Pionerskaya, Tarutinskaya st., 6
Phone: 144-7583

Kindergarten number 582 (COMBINED WITH LOGOPEDIC GROUPS)
119501, Moscow, metro Pionerskaya, Veernaya st., 34, building 1
Phone: 442-3783

119526, Moscow, m.Yugo-Zapadnaya, 26 Baku Commissars st., 2, building 3
Phone: 434-5034

Kindergarten number 821 (LOGOPEDIC)
121151, Moscow, M. Student, Mozhaisky per., 4
Phone: 249-2265

Kindergarten number 827 (LOGOPEDIC)
121351, Moscow, metro Molodezhnaya, Yartsevskaya st., 11, building 4
Phone: 141-2456

Kindergarten number 985 (LOGOPEDIC)
121087, Moscow, metro Fili, Tuchkovskaya st., 5
Phone: 148-5409

121352, Moscow, metro Pionerskaya, Davydkovskaya st., 2, building 3
Phone: 445-0824

121471, Moscow, metro Kuntsevskaya, Gvardeyskaya st., 10, building 2
Phone: 446-2705

Kindergarten number 1252
119602, Moscow, m.Yugo-Zapadnaya, Michurinsky prospect, Olympic Village, 8, building 2
Phone: 437-5932

Kindergarten number 1303 (COMBINED TYPE, LOGOPEDIC)
121353, Moscow, metro Molodezhnaya, Skolkovskoe highway, 12
Phone: 446-1923

119602, Moscow, m.Yugo-Zapadnaya, Anokhina Akademika st., 12, building 5
Phone: 430-0738

Kindergarten number 1430 (COMBINED TYPE, LOGOPEDIC)
119607, Moscow, M. Vernadsky Prospect, Udaltsova st., 87
Phone: 932-3500

119607, Moscow, m. Vernadsky Prospect, Ramenki st., 13, building 2
Phone: 931-1685

121601, Moscow, Filevsky blvd., 8, building 2
st.m. Polezhaevskaya (2100m NE), Bagrationovskaya (2500m S), Fili (2550m SE)
Phone: 142-0774

How do you get to the speech therapy garden?

Get in line again?

Just get a referral from a speech therapist, or go through a special commission?

There is an opinion that a speech therapy garden is a certain "stigma" in a child's personal file. Is it really?

First, let's figure out what is speech therapy group?

Correctional groups are divided into speech (speech therapy) and groups of children with mental retardation (delayed psycho-speech development).

In speech therapy groups, they put sounds that were not there and correct incorrectly pronounced ones (correction of speech defects), enrich the vocabulary, develop phonemic perception, coherent speech, and teach the correct grammatical design. In the senior and preparatory groups, they are preparing for literacy training.

Both a speech therapist and a defectologist (in addition to educators with the necessary qualifications) work in the DPR groups.

Every year for different ages is a multifaceted work.

There are kindergartens where all groups are speech.
There are - where there are only groups with ZPR.
There are gardens where speech (speech therapy) groups + groups with ZPR + ordinary groups = a combined garden.
There is an ordinary garden with a speech center. The speech center enrolls children ONLY WITH IMPACT.

But, in any case, a speech therapy group in our time is not a punishment, but most likely a reward, because it has become more difficult to get there, and the general underdevelopment of speech is easier to correct in the garden, where all work is aimed at eliminating this problem.

Perhaps it is no longer a secret for anyone that in speech therapy kindergartens, the preparation of children, no offense to anyone will be told, is sometimes much stronger than in mass kindergartens. Because kids from a speech therapy kindergarten come to school with a much better vocabulary than children from a regular kindergarten. They know more, they have a wider vocabulary, many skills are better formed, starting with graphic skills, sound-letter analysis and ending with stories from pictures, generalizing concepts are better formed. That is, children come from speech therapy kindergartens even more prepared.

Some parents are very attracted by all this splendor, and they dream of identifying their children in a speech garden. Others fear speech therapy kindergartens, believing that a child who finds himself in the environment of poorly speaking peers will speak even worse than before.

These are delusions. A child with speech therapy problems does not start to speak worse because of the fact that he interacts with other children with similar disabilities. The only exceptions are cases when a child with pronunciation disorders is in a group of children who stutter. Indeed, there are cases when a child develops stuttering "by imitation". But specialists, as a rule, avoid such mistakes.

So, for one reason or another, you think that your child definitely needs a specialized speech therapy kindergarten. What do you need to do to get into a speech therapy garden?

The speech therapy kindergarten accepts mainly children of 4-5 years of age, since it is especially important for them to correct speech disorders for successful preparation for school. From 3 years old, you can get into a group for children with delayed psycho-speech development (PDD).

It will be very good if you, dear parents, have already visited several educational institutions. You will talk with the head / director about the availability of vacancies, perhaps visit an advisory point on the basis of the institution, where you will get acquainted with the specialists.

The recruitment of preschool institutions for children with speech impairments is carried out by the District Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission. Addresses and telephones of the district PMPK in Moscow can be found here.

What exactly needs to be done:

Since October 1, 2010, the procedure for recruiting preschool educational institutions has changed. Now the procedure for enrolling in a queue at a preschool educational institution is established by order of the Moscow Department of Education dated August 31, 2010 No. 1310 "On Approval of the Procedure for Managing State Educational Institutions Implementing the Main General Education Program of Preschool Education, the System of the Moscow Department of Education."

How to place a child in a speech therapy kindergarten

Step 1... In order for a child to be sent to a kindergarten for children with disabilities, it is necessary that he be registered in the Unified Electronic Register of the Automated Information System "Acquisition of preschool educational institutions". Parents are given the opportunity to independently register their child in this Unified Electronic Register on the website ec.mosedu.ru.

You will be able to independently track the progress of your child's priority in the Electronic Register of Future Pupils.

Step 2. Go to a speech therapist at the district clinic.

The speech therapist examines the child, gives directions for passing the PMPK (psychological, medical and pedagogical commission)

Step 3. Collect several certificates for PMPK:

From an ENT doctor,



Neuropathologist (for children under 3 years old),


Step 4., call and make an appointment.

Step 5. On the appointed day, come for the examination with the child.

What you need to take:

Documents for passing the PMPK

Required documents for a speech therapy garden:

  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Passport of a parent or a person replacing him (for temporarily residing in Moscow and a certificate of registration);
  • Four medical reports:
    - a child psychiatrist from the PND at the place of registration of the child (for children under 3 years old - a neuropathologist of the district children's clinic),
    - speech therapist of the district children's polyclinic,
    - otolaryngologist of the district children's polyclinic,
    - ophthalmologist of the district children's clinic.

If the child has previously attended a kindergarten, it is necessary to additionally provide psychological and pedagogical characteristics from this kindergarten.

If the child has previously passed a commission in another city or district PMPK, it is necessary to additionally provide a psychological, medical and pedagogical opinion of this commission.

The following specialists will see your child:

Speech therapist,


Sometimes a neuropsychiatrist.

The task of the commission is to determine whether the child is really lagging behind his peers in speech development or whether the parents were simply reinsured. Or maybe they certainly want to enroll the baby in a speech therapy group, despite the excellent speech and development by age? It happens!

If the commission decides that the child has problems, then the question arises: which speech therapy kindergarten should the child be sent to? After all, diagnoses are different, depending on them, a group of children of a certain age is recruited.

For example, if a 4-year-old child has a diagnosis of “general speech underdevelopment (OHP) of the 1-2 nd level,” then the senior speech therapist looks at which kindergarten this year they are recruiting 4-year-olds with such a diagnosis.

And if a 6-year-old child has problems with sound pronunciation (hissing, whistling is distorted, the baby does not pronounce "r" and "l"), then such a child will be sent to another group - preparatory, where the program is different, and the requirements for learning outcomes are higher ...

For stuttering children, there are generally separate gardens with their own program and a set of specialists (there, for example, art therapy classes are conducted).

At the commission, the child is assigned to one of the following groups:


General speech underdevelopment (children with delayed speech development or gross lexico-grammatical speech disorders are sent here);

Phonetic-phonemic speech disorders (simply speaking, these are pronunciation disorders - cases when a child pronounces 10 - 12 sounds incorrectly);

Violations of the pronunciation of individual sounds (2 - 3 sounds).

So, your child will be examined and given a certificate of passing the PMPK.

Only after the commission, parents can breathe easy: on September 1, the baby will definitely go to the kindergarten.

In addition to gardens that are completely devoted to speech therapy needs, speech therapy centers are ubiquitous in ordinary kindergartens. You can read about how to get to the speech center.

Children's speech therapy kindergartens or kindergartens with speech therapy groups in the districts of Moscow are listed here:,