The best anti-wrinkle treatments on the face

Wrinkles on the face are an extremely unpleasant symptom that occurs in the life of every girl. Sooner or later, her forehead is no longer as smooth as before, crow's feet appear, and the lip contour loses its former appearance. To enjoy their beauty longer, women resort to using the secret of youth, that is, products that can smooth out wrinkles.

According to experts - cosmetologists, the human body begins to age after 25 years. Most often, wrinkles appear on the face - one of the most exposed parts of the body. This is facilitated by unfavorable environmental conditions and too vivid expression of emotions: everything that lies in a person's soul is instantly displayed on his face.

At first, barely noticeable wrinkles appear, but then the expression lines become more and more. Amazingly, in people who are stingy with emotions, wrinkles appear later than their antipodes.
However, these are not all causes of wrinkles.

  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • uncontrolled weight loss;
  • blindly following questionable diets;
  • slowing down or completely stopping the production of collagen;
  • negative effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • stress;
  • diseases of the body;
  • features of the climatic zone: lack or excess of sunlight, heat.

To combat premature aging, cosmetologists and doctors create anti-aging creams, serums, ointments - all kinds of generics. In the beauty industry, they are also called AA-creams.

Such funds are different by age category: after 30/40/50/60; by area of ​​application: from deep / mimic wrinkles, to tighten the skin around the eyes, as well as to prevent skin loss of elasticity.

However, it should be remembered that the main thing in them is not the inscription "30/40 +", but the active components in the composition.

Classification of wrinkles:

  • Superficial (mimic).

    They arise as a result of active facial expressions and improper care of dry skin. Subsequently, deep creases are formed in the skin of the face, which must be dealt with in advance with the help of moisturizers and peeling.

  • Deep (static).

    This type of wrinkle occurs due to a slowdown in collagen production, that is, the body's natural aging process. It also applies to the dermis: AA-creams alone will not work. In this case, you can maintain the youthfulness of the skin with the help of appropriate home procedures, as well as with the help of cosmetic services.

In more detail about the causes of wrinkles, their types and ways to deal with them in the video:

The best facial wrinkle remedies in 2019.

Many anti-aging products are currently being launched, and each has its own composition. You should not be frivolous about their choice, judging by the cover and without delving into what is written on the wrapper: the components of this or that drug have different effects on human skin. For those with dry skin, AA-cream with one composition is suitable, for owners of oily skin with another. An incorrectly selected remedy can only aggravate the situation. The best option is to consult a dermatologist before use, because each remedy has its own advantages, disadvantages, contraindications.

Luxurious anti-wrinkle creams.

1. Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face and Eye.

This intensively revitalizing concentrate is suitable for women over the age of 45 and for all skin types.

An innovative technology of upward recovery is that the lifeless cells at the base of the wrinkles are replaced with new, healthy cells with collagen. This is facilitated by a special ingredient in all products of the American beauty company - soy polypeptides. Women who have used this cream have noticed a positive effect within a month after application.

However, this Clinique product is not only an AA cream, it is also an EE cream. The concentrate contains reflective particles, which, when applied to the skin, make it shiny and silky after the first application. In addition, wrinkles become invisible.

The cream has a light, pleasant texture. It is quickly absorbed into the skin without leaving an oily sheen.


  • the presence of a muscle relaxant;
  • economical expense of funds;
  • can be used as a makeup base.


  • price.

Average price: 4,300 rubles.

2. Acglicolic Classic Forte Sisderma.

This tool is not really a cream, but rather a cream-gel. Its feature is the presence in the composition of 10% concentration of glycolic acid - a hydroxy acid that promotes the production of collagen and renewal of the dermis. This concentration is harmless to the skin and the body as a whole.

Cream-gel is one of the professional products: it can be bought either in the appropriate stores or in beauty salons.

The drug not only smoothes wrinkles by filling them with collagen and removes the stratum corneum, but also moisturizes and soothes the skin.


  • the presence of a convenient dispenser:
  • safe when used at home;
  • noticeable positive skin changes;
  • able to cope with static and superficial wrinkles.


  • difficult to obtain;
  • price;
  • it is also necessary to use a product with a high sun protection factor.

Average price: 4500 rubles.

3. Vichy Neovalidol Gf 40-60 +.

The Vichy product is a double-acting cream. It has two actions:

  • stimulation and renewal of skin cell renewal;
  • increased skin density.

Due to this, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin. The oval, the contour of the face becomes clearer, the skin looks fresh, hydrated and toned. The visible effect occurs within a month after application.


  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • suitable for sensitive skin;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • a whole line of Vichy Neovalidol Gf products, up to foundation.


  • fast consumption (daily care) at a rather large cost;
  • the cream is in a jar (but there is an option in a tube).

Average price: 2100 rubles.

4. Avene Ystheal.

This pharmacy cream contains retinol (vitamin A), so it is suitable for correcting wrinkles on dry, sensitive skin.
The active ingredient is retinaldehyde, which is converted into vitamin A directly in the dermis. This makes the product especially effective. The texture of the cream is light and delicate. With regular use, the skin becomes firmer and looks fresh.

Can be used as a day or night cream. However, it is necessary to use sunscreen with the cream.
The color of the cream is orange-yellow, there is no smell.


  • smoothes superficial wrinkles;
  • improves complexion;
  • one of the most effective remedies with vitamin A;
  • neutral smell;
  • convenient applicator.


  • high price for a small volume (30 ml);
  • requires the use of products with a sunscreen factor.

Average price: 1,550 rubles.

Analogues of luxury anti-wrinkle creams.

Good funds are not always expensive. The same effective AA-creams are on the shelves of pharmacies, cosmetic stores with a modest price tag. Moreover, they are in no way inferior in quality to elite cosmetics: they often contain the same active ingredients.

1. Bark eye cream gel with shea butter.

Such active components of anti-aging agents, such as retinoids, are not able to properly care for the skin around the eyes, but there are wrinkles there too.

A domestic pharmacy cream contains only natural ingredients:

  • wheat proteins;
  • shea butter, soybean, olive;
  • parsley, fucus, ginseng root, cornflower;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamin E.

The cream fights dark circles under the eyes, moisturizes and tightens the skin, smoothing expression lines. Has a pleasant gel texture.


  • light texture;
  • the ability to use as a base for makeup;
  • saturates the skin with vitamins, tightens and tones;
  • cheaper than luxury AA-creams.


  • does not work on static wrinkles.

Average price: 440 rubles.

2. AA-cream Laura with peptides.

Laura is a manufacturer of low-cost anti-aging cosmetics. Their cream is suitable for all skin types.

However, the women who use them, then scold him, then praise him, despite the rather good composition. The cream contains tripeptides (in second place in the list of ingredients after water), moisturizing hyaluronic acid, vitamins, panthenol, glycerin. But there is one controversial ingredient - wild yam extract. Of course, it is harmless to the skin, but its beneficial effect on the skin has not been proven in clinical trials.

The cream has a good composition for facial skin care, but its help in the fight against age-related changes can only be seen with individual use.


  • acceptable composition;
  • low price;
  • widespread availability in pharmacies.

3. Natural elixir of youth from the Pure Line.

This recently released cream is suitable for all skin types.
It has an excellent composition, it includes 7 oils that are good for the skin:

  • passionflower seed oil;
  • peach;
  • pistachio;
  • olive;
  • sunflower;
  • sesame;
  • grape seed.

It also contains chamomile extract and ingredients that moisturize the skin. The product has a pleasant natural aroma, has a non-greasy texture and is quickly absorbed. It will be an excellent remedy for daily care of skin with wrinkles: they, at the very least, will become less noticeable.


  • decent composition;
  • light texture;
  • price;
  • suitable for all skin types.


  • jar packaging;
  • not a deep wrinkle remedy.

Average price: 100 rubles.

4. Ginseng cream from Nevskaya cosmetics.

A domestic manufacturer produces a toning, rejuvenating cream for the skin around the eyes.

Despite its outward simplicity and unpretentiousness, it has an incredibly strong effect and can be considered a worthy AA cream. It contains a natural anti-aging ingredient, echinacea extract, and a natural tonic, ginseng root extract. In addition, the composition contains olive and avocado oils, vitamins A and E.

The cream has a moisturizing, tightening effect, fights dark bags under the eyes.


  • affordable price;
  • excellent composition with natural ingredients;
  • verified manufacturer.


  • will not cope with deep wrinkles.

Average price: 50 rubles.

Which cream did you like?

    Clinique Repairwear Deep Wrinkle Concentrate For Face and Eye 25%, 13 of votes

    Ginseng cream from Nevskaya cosmetics 23%, 12 of votes

    KORA Eye Cream Gel with Shea Butter 17%, 9 of votes

    Vichy Neovalidol Gf 40-60 + 15%, 8 of votes

    Natural Elixir of Youth from Pure Line 6%, 3 vote

    AA-cream Laura with peptides 4%, 2 vote

    Acglicolic Classic Forte Sisderma 0%, 0 of votes


Other remedies against age-related changes.

Progress does not stand still: now, instead of the usual AA-creams, there are other, more modern ways to fight wrinkles.

1. Botox injections.

Today, Botox injections are the most popular and effective way to combat wrinkles.

The drug that is injected into the target area is a protein. It blocks the nerve endings of the wrinkle zone, as a result of which the muscles are in a relaxed state. It helps to get rid of expression lines around the eyes and on the forehead.

Attention! This procedure should be carried out only by professional cosmetologists in specialized clinics. Before that, you should definitely consult your doctor. There are a number of contraindications.


  • effectiveness in the fight against expression wrinkles;
  • availability;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period.


  • ineffective in the fight against deep wrinkles;
  • less efficiency with injections of the cheeks and chin;
  • action is limited.

Average price: from 500 rubles.

Did botox injections help you

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    It helped, but I will not do more 21%, 5 of votes


Detailed information on all aspects of this procedure can be found in the video:

The American company Frownies, which has been operating since 1889, has created a real novelty bomb in the field of AA weapons. The plaster, which smooths out wrinkles during sleep, has gained unprecedented popularity among Western stars.

The way to use it is simple: stick it on the straightened problem area of ​​the skin, go to bed / go about your business. However, the result is surprising: after one course, mimic wrinkles are noticeably smoothed.

This procedure stimulates the production of collagen, improves blood circulation, and starts the process of renewing dermal cells. This is a godsend for people who sleep on their side or face in a pillow: most wrinkles form at night.

In addition, the patch eradicates unwanted facial expressions that lead to superficial wrinkles.


  • effective;
  • convenient.


  • high price;
  • difficult to get in the Russian Federation;
  • it is necessary to do several procedures.

Average price: 5000 rubles (full course).

Learn more about this scarce AA remedy:

Folk remedies for wrinkles.

Not only store products help against age-related changes. An anti-wrinkle remedy, a mask, can also be made at home.

1. Oils as an effective anti-wrinkle remedy.

Oils are truly powerful natural remedies for wrinkles.

They should be applied with a cotton swab to the desired areas twice a day. The following oils have good AA action:

  • avocado;
  • almond;
  • peach;
  • wheat germ;
  • sesame seeds.

2. Egg-lemon face mask.


So, in the first place is effective vitamin E, which not only prevents skin aging, but also eliminates old wrinkles... It is necessary to apply a little oily solution of this vitamin to wrinkles before going to bed. The result will not be long in coming!

Even in ancient Egypt, aloe vera juice was especially popular. They have been treated for a variety of skin lesions. It is this plant that is called the plant of immortality to this day. aloe vera is a wonderful healer for our skin. The juice perfectly smoothes even the deepest wrinkles... It is necessary to apply the plant sap to the skin, it is instantly absorbed without leaving any greasy residue.

Chamomile is a very useful flower that takes good care of the skin of the face. Our chamomile infusion also gave our skin a healthy and well-groomed look. It is still very easy to prepare: mix one spoonful of flowers with a couple of glasses of water and boil for ten minutes. In this broth, moisten a clean towel and apply such a compress on your face. After the procedure, you need to wash yourself with water and spread a nourishing cream on your face.

For the treatment of deep wrinkles, vodka infusion is excellent. One large lemon is needed for one glass of vodka. It is necessary to insist for at least ten days. To smooth out wrinkles, soak a cotton pad in the infusion and apply for ten minutes on the wrinkled area. When using this product, the skin is smoothed, as well as the pores are narrowed.


You can make an egg mask for wrinkles: stir the yolk with a teaspoon of honey and one tablespoon of oatmeal, instead of oatmeal, you can take oat flour. Apply the mass on your face, and after fifteen minutes, wash off with boiled warm water.

Helpful advice

There are various methods to help smooth out wrinkles at any age, including a certain diet, anti-aging massage, and the use of cosmetics. And with regular use of these methods, you can completely restore the elasticity of your skin and get rid of wrinkles.

Related article


  • remedies for deep wrinkles

As beautiful as your face is, the years leave their mark on it. Coco Chanel said: "At forty, a woman has the face she deserves." And earning a wonderful, smooth face and neck is not difficult at all, you just need to follow a few rules.


In the morning get out of bed, go to the mirror and, smiling, say: "I am a beauty!" By repeating this phrase every day, you will feel more and more confident in yourself. And also look after, eat healthy food. You should have as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible. And drink still water, 7-8 glasses a day, saturating your skin with moisture, which does not allow deep skin to appear on your face. And naturally, exercise at least twice a week. It can be dancing, fitness, yoga, or whatever you like. Enjoy the process itself.

Get a massage. Many neglect him, but in vain. The massage tones the skin. Do it twice a day, morning and evening, when you apply the cream to your face. It is done like this: with your fingertips, gently tap on the skin of the forehead in the direction from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Further, also with the fingers of your entire hand, tap on the skin from the wings of the nose to the temples and to the ears. Pat your chin with your thumb. And tap the skin of the eyelids very gently, with the tips of the little fingers.

And of course, use folk cosmetics. Wash your face with a decoction of chamomile, refresh and tone the skin of the face and neck. Whiten and cleanse your skin with ice cubes, rejuvenate it. Sour cream also nourishes the skin very well. Sometimes replace it with a night cream. Essential oils of tea tree, jojoba will help with acne.

It has been proven that it is on the face that women's skin ages much faster than on other parts of the body. And it takes a lot of hard work to slow down the aging process. The most effective solution to eliminate mimicry is the use of modern drugs, which include pharmacy remedies for wrinkles around the eyes and for rejuvenating the face in general.

Rules for the use of pharmacy products

The appearance of expression or age wrinkles for most women becomes a real problem. Due to physiological characteristics, the dermis on the face is highly sensitive. This factor must be taken into account when choosing creams and other medications for the purpose of their subsequent use.

Before buying, it is important to carefully read the purpose, contraindications and features of the use of the medication. You can also consult a dermatologist about the appropriateness of its use.

You can find out about the safety of using the drug and whether the selected pharmacy anti-wrinkle cream will cause an allergic reaction around the eyes by testing it on the area behind the ear. Such an allergy test will allow you to track the reaction of your skin to the components, if no side effects in the area of ​​application appeared in a day, then you can safely apply the cream to your face.

If there is redness, itching, spots and other unpleasant sensations, then using this drug is strongly discouraged.

Pharmacy ointments for wrinkles around the eyes

It is obvious that the use of pharmaceuticals is more effective than the use of folk methods. This is due to the fact that their components act much faster and deeper on the skin structure, thereby accelerating the result.

In pharmacology, a wide variety of products for eliminating wrinkles are presented. Some are designed only for this specific purpose, while the other has a slightly different purpose, but at the same time it smoothes the epidermis and eliminates defects at all.

For example, the medical preparation heparin ointment, which is prescribed for the manifestations of hemorrhoids, bruises and minor injuries, is quite widely used in the cosmetology field as an effective remedy for wrinkles under the eyes. When used in this way, its main effects are:

  • removal of puffiness;
  • normalization of blood circulation in local areas of the epidermis.

In addition to heparin ointment, you can remove mimic wrinkles near the eyes, on the forehead and facial skin using:

  • Relief ointment;
  • zinc ointment;
  • retinoic ointment;
  • hydrocortisone, etc.

  1. Gel Lyoton. Its main purpose is to treat varicose veins and relieve swelling of the legs. However, it works well on the skin of the face, giving it more elasticity.
  2. Ointment Panthenol. Performs the regenerating function of the epidermis, removes dryness well and nourishes the cells of the dermis, giving it a healthy shade.
  3. Blepharogel. Like many other drugs, it does not belong to anti-aging care products, but due to the content of hyaluronic acid, it smoothes facial irregularities well, eliminates eyelid redness and puffiness.

These medicines have a good effect on the skin, eliminating the cause of crow's feet and bags under the eyes. Through their regular application, you can achieve softening and moisturizing of the skin, which will be good for smoothing out minor irregularities on the face.

Some drugs should be used with extreme caution. For example, any hormonal anti-wrinkle face cream, if used incorrectly or if the dosage is not followed, can harm the body, causing hormonal imbalances or disrupting the functioning of some organs.

Video "Effective pharmaceutical preparations for wrinkles"

An illustrative video review of the popular and most effective remedies for eliminating the unevenness of the epidermis.

Solcoseryl - proven ointment for wrinkles around the eyes

To get rid of wrinkled folds, girls resort to completely different methods and tools that allow them to achieve a good result. Among all the existing methods for eliminating this problem, experts identify several of the most proven ones:

  • surgical intervention, botox injections and other expensive procedures;
  • the use of medications that improve the condition of the skin by smoothing and toning it;
  • home treatments in the form of nourishing and moisturizing masks made from commonly available ingredients;
  • the use of pharmacy preparations for wrinkles around the eyes in the form of creams, gels, ointments, as a rule, they do not have the main purpose of smoothing out irregularities, but despite this, they can achieve a good result in this area.

The drug Solcoseryl, which is available in the form of a gel and ointment, just represents the latter category. It can be applied not only around the eyes, but also on other problem areas of the face, neck and lips. Rejuvenating masks from Solcoseryl and Dimexidum help to improve the nutrition of epidermal cells, stimulate metabolic and regenerative processes, and affect collagen production. After such a course of procedures, the skin acquires firmness, tenderness and elasticity, and wrinkles become less noticeable.

Glycerin to eliminate age-related defects

This excellent nutrient has helped more than one woman in the fight against expression lines. Professional cosmetologists are well aware of the beneficial properties of glycerin, therefore they often recommend it for use, since it:

  • has a moisturizing effect on the epidermis;
  • stimulates regenerative functions;
  • heals cracks and skin lesions well;
  • slows down the aging of the skin.

Its regular use in order to get rid of defects allows you to achieve good performance. Skin irregularities in the eyelids and temples are smoothed out. The face becomes toned and healthy, as traces of swelling are removed.

Vaseline for wrinkles around the eyes

Such an improvised remedy as petroleum jelly is available in most home first aid kits. Despite all its simplicity, it is a fairly effective tool. Petroleum jelly is an organic product found in the paraffin resin of deciduous trees. It is produced by several stages of purification.

It is worth noting that its medicinal properties are rather insignificant, but at the same time it has a good healing effect with minor damage to the skin. In addition, the content of wax and resinous components slows down drying and aging of the skin. When applied to the skin, all the ingredients in Vaseline form a thin protective film in the form of an artificial barrier that prevents even the slightest loss of moisture.

To eliminate wrinkles, petroleum jelly is most often applied under the eyes, around the eyelids and around the temples. In addition, it heals lip cracks well and helps with minor burns.

Blefarogel 1 and Curiosin

The use of Curiosin prevents dry skin around the eyes, slows down the aging process and the formation of wrinkles. This protective effect is achieved due to hyaluronic acid and zinc chloride, which are included in its composition.

The features of Blefarogel include the effect of eliminating redness on the skin around the eyes, removing edema and eyelid fatigue. Hyaluronate, which is the main component of the product, gives the skin more elasticity and firmness.

The positive aspect of their use is the complete absence of even the slightest addiction. Thanks to the safety of these products and their affordability, every woman can significantly improve the condition of her skin around her eyes.

Vitamin complexes for wrinkles under the eyes

To maintain healthy skin on a regular basis, it needs to be properly nourished. For this purpose, there are various vitamin complexes that can be applied both internally and externally in the form of various nourishing masks.

It is known that liquid vitamin E for the face has a positive effect on the condition of the skin around the eyes. It is an affordable drug that is sold in pharmacies. It has an oil base and is used as a skin rejuvenator.

There are other pharmacy products for the skin around the eyes on the market in the form of:

  • vitamin A with a rejuvenating effect;
  • vitamin E with the effect of eliminating wrinkles;
  • fish oil, which affects the restoration of skin tissue and its healing;
  • vitamin F, which prevents unevenness.

Each of the presented pharmaceutical preparations for wrinkles around the eyes has its own positive characteristics. Using any available means, it is important to remember that its use should be regular, correct and not harmful to health. And do not forget that the eyes, face and skin condition of any woman are her calling card!

Video "Solcoseryl for face rejuvenation"

Folk remedies in the fight against aging of the skin of the face successfully compete with the elite cosmetics of famous brands. The main condition: choose masks and creams for your skin type in order to get a rejuvenating effect and not cause allergic reactions. Home remedies can help you to get rid of subtle and deep wrinkles. Lotions, masks, creams based on products that are always at hand, successfully fight dry skin, moisturize and nourish it. We will give you recommendations for daily care for all types of facial skin. We will acquaint you with recipes for effective masks that you will make yourself from simple ingredients.

Benefits of folk remedies for wrinkles

Well-groomed ladies always have in their arsenal olive oil, vitamin oil solutions, herbs for daily skin care. The advantage of using folk remedies in the availability, the natural composition of anti-aging masks, which you can always prepare at home.

For those with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions, it is difficult to find a ready-made cosmetic product - they always contain chemical additives. Folk remedies for skin care of the face, smoothing of wrinkles, elasticity of the dermis are hypoallergenic. They are based on natural products. Natural care is contraindicated only for those who are allergic to such a common product as honey.

Regular visits to beauty salons, the use of professional anti-aging cosmetics is not a reason to abandon folk remedies for skin care, proper nutrition and daily routine. Nothing can replace a full night's rest and the famous "glacial" washing in the morning.

Ice based on green tea, cucumber juice, mint is an excellent remedy for smoothing wrinkles. Ice cubes tone the skin, saturate it with moisture and vitamins. An ice tonic will cost you a mere penny, and the effect will become noticeable after the first regular sessions.

Rub the ice cubes over your face along the massage lines. In broths, use filtered or bottled water.

Folk recipes for wrinkles

If you are used to taking care of your face every day, eat right and rest, premature wrinkles will not threaten you. There are signs of aging - at home you can prepare the entire arsenal of anti-wrinkle remedies.

  1. Toners and lotions come in handy at the first stage of skin care, for cleansing. For the care of oily dermis, the composition is made on an alcohol basis and is stored for a long time. For tincture, cucumbers, lemons, rose petals are suitable. Dry skin requires careful handling: water extracts of chamomile, coltsfoot, sage, mint. Lotions are applied at least twice a day. Make your own nourishing egg yolk lotion. Mix with a spoonful of sour cream, add a little alcohol or vodka, half a glass of freshly squeezed citrus fruit juice. This composition can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. Wipe your face with cosmetic pads soaked in homemade lotion before bed.
  2. Masks are done two to three times a week after deep cleansing of the face using a steam bath and lotions. They saturate the skin with moisture, vitamins, make it elastic.
  3. Creams enhance and strengthen the anti-aging effect of lotions and masks.

Anti-aging face masks: recipes

There are dozens of popular masks based on folk remedies that effectively fight the first and deep wrinkles. Many of them are applied in two stages. The preparatory phase cleans and tightens the pores. Next comes the process of saturating the skin with nutrients.

  • Mix the yolk with half a spoonful of squeezed lemon juice. Add a spoonful of olive oil and: just a few drops of liquid vitamin (A or E).
  • Beat the egg yolk with a spoonful of flour. Dilute the mixture with warm milk. You should get the consistency of rustic sour cream. Apply to cleansed face.
  • Basis: mashed potatoes and carrots diluted with milk, butter and egg yolk. If your skin is loose and dry, add 5 grams of vegetable oil (grape, sea buckthorn, olive) to the composition.
  • Boil chopped oatmeal (100 grams) with a glass of hot milk. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and honey. The warm mixture can also be applied to the neck.

Folk remedies for wrinkles are hypoallergenic.

  • The yeast mask gives the skin elasticity, healthy color. Dissolve 50 grams of yeast in warm water until thick. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil. The mask is applied in three layers. After the first has dried on top, apply the composition again. After three minutes, apply the remainder of the mask to the skin. Soak for 20 minutes.
    For dry skin, dilute a tablespoon of water with half the amount in the first yeast recipe. Stir a teaspoon of kefir and baking soda into the gruel at the tip of a knife.
  • Fruit masks are useful for all skin types. Combine mashed banana with milk. If your skin is combination or oily, add a few drops of lemon juice.
    For dry: grated banana, combine with potato starch and warm cream. After applying to the skin, cover the thick homogeneous mass with paper towels. Squeeze out the grape juice. Dampen a layered washcloth and place on your face.

How to get rid of deep wrinkles?

Everyday competent facial skin care, lifting procedures based on folk remedies will slow down the aging process of the skin. If deep expression wrinkles have already formed, homemade masks based on various oils that deeply nourish the epidermis will help you.

  1. Butter-based masks have a good effect. Mix it with egg yolk, add a spoonful of applesauce and liquid honey. After 20 minutes, remove the composition with a cotton pad and water from the face and neck. If your skin is dry, add a spoonful of glycerin and chamomile tea to the mixture.
    The following recipe: combine butter and beeswax on a steam bath in a ratio of 5 to 1. Add chopped herbal gruel (leaves of currant, parsley, jasmine) and 5 grams of vitamin A.
    For deep wrinkles, do this nourishing mask for a month: every other day for 15 minutes. Instead of herbs, you can mix butter with mashed cucumber, honey, and crushed black currants.
  2. A mixture of honey and vegetable oil with the addition of egg yolk, whipped with a mixer, has a pronounced anti-aging effect on dry skin. Recommended olive, coconut, grape oil or heavy cream, homemade sour cream. Proportions: one to one.
  3. Herbal masks. The composition based on aloe, honey and oil will smooth deep wrinkles. To activate nutrients, wrap the leaves of the plant in thick paper and refrigerate for 10 days.
    Mix a tablespoon of aloe juice with a spoonful of lanolin or the nutritious cream you are using. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil and heat the mixture slightly. Saturate a napkin with it and apply to your face. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with water.

Effective folk remedies for wrinkles

Fruit and vegetable compositions, decoctions based on strong coffee and green tea have proven themselves as effective anti-aging procedures. The latter are prepared in the same way as for drinks. Further, starch and fruit juice interfere with them.

Ice cubes can be prepared from the broths, which will smooth out morning wrinkles, nourish the skin with energy and vitamins. Soft peels are prepared from ground coffee by adding foam or gel for washing to the thickened coffee grounds.

One of the most effective masks are formulations based on citrus and watermelon. Combine juice and pulp with honey, add vegetable oil. Cosmetologists distribute oils according to their effectiveness:

  • from grape seeds;
  • almond;
  • peach;
  • coconut;
  • jojoba;
  • olive.

They contain polyunsaturated amino acids, vitamins A, E, PP, collagen, trace elements. Vegetable oils restore elasticity to the skin, moisturize it, and prevent the formation of mimic wrinkles.

As part of one mask, you can mix several types of oil, add oil solutions of vitamins E and A.

In order for folk remedies to give good results, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • cleanse your face well with ice cubes;
  • intensify cleaning with a coffee scrub;
  • apply a mask suitable for your skin type:
  • thoroughly wash off the composition from the skin of the face;
  • apply a nourishing cream.

A recipe for three effective anti-wrinkle masks is offered in this video:

Simple but effective folk remedies for wrinkles will prolong your youth and delay your appointment with a plastic surgeon. Use the entire arsenal of the people's pharmacy products - your skin will glow with health and beauty for many years. Try to pamper your skin with nourishing anti-wrinkle masks at least a couple of times a week.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Pharmacy remedies for wrinkles are an alternative to expensive drugs that not everyone can afford. For example, anti-wrinkle products advertised on TV contain ingredients that are sold in almost every pharmacy. One of their main advantages is their relatively low cost with fairly good efficiency.

Many pharmaceutical preparations contain safe natural ingredients at their core: vitamins, oils, collagen. They maintain skin elasticity and eliminate wrinkles, providing a quick, long-acting result. Therefore, if expensive cosmetics do not give the expected effect, alternative means from the pharmacy for skin rejuvenation, which can be purchased for less money, will come to the rescue.

Before you start using any pharmacy products for the face against wrinkles, you need to carefully read their ingredients. For example, to eliminate dryness of the skin, some components are needed, for oily skin, narrowing of pores and getting rid of other shortcomings of this type of dermis - others.

Applying the wrong composition of the product is fraught with the development of undesirable effects, which will have to be eliminated additionally. Therefore, before using anti-wrinkle products from the pharmacy, you should consult with your doctor or beautician.

The best pharmacy remedies for wrinkles

Cheap pharmacy products for facial skin rejuvenation are diverse. Some of them must be pre-prepared by mixing with other useful ingredients. To a greater extent, this rule applies to sprubs, as well as mild face peels. For deep cleaning and getting rid of wrinkles, you need to use a scrub or peeling at least once every ten days.

Aspirin scrub

Used as a cleansing mask every 7-10 days - perfectly renews the skin. Several tablets are taken, which are lightly filled with water. Now you need to add 1 tsp. honey and mix well. It is applied as a mask on the face, except for the area around the eyes. After 10 minutes, the face is rinsed with warm water. This scrub perfectly removes redness, wrinkles

Henna scrub

Reduces wrinkles, removes acne. 25 g of henna is mixed with two tablespoons of olive oil. Two drops of lemon are added. The result is a mask - a scrub, this pharmaceutical product is applied for 10 minutes, then washed off

Peeling using calcium chloride solution

It is used as a cleansing agent to remove dead cells. The skin becomes younger, its tone is increased, folds are smoothed out. The solution is applied to the face, cleansed of dirt and make-up, after 5 to 10 minutes it is applied again. After the same period of time, hands are lathered with neutral soap and thoroughly but gently massage the skin of the face, removing dead cells. Then the face is rinsed with water, a moisturizer is applied to it. A contraindication to the use of the solution is the presence of damage and inflammation.

Peeling with lactic acid

You can buy the drug in a pharmacy in pure form or in the form of drops of Hilak forte, the main active ingredient of which is lactic acid. The substance has a mild effect, therefore it is allowed to use it on delicate, prone to inflammation, skin. After using the mask, the epidermis is whitened, softened, and acquires a smooth surface.

Pharmacy anti-wrinkle gels

Gel Curiosin

It has a rejuvenating effect, as it contains zinc and gluric acid. The drug is completely harmless, there are no contraindications. The cream has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, promotes cell regeneration. Glauric acid smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes the skin.

It is better to use courses - two weeks, twice a year. You can use this cream as a base for nourishing masks. In this case, it is applied to the face, then you need to wait until it is absorbed and a moisturizer is applied on top for twenty minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add vitamins A and E, which are sold in capsules.


It is prescribed for inflammation of the eyelids caused by blepharitis. Its side effect is the elimination of fine expression lines. Due to the properties of the main components - aloe juice and hyaluronic acid, collagen synthesis increases. As a result, the delicate epidermis is rejuvenated and smoothed.

Apply twice a day to clean skin. It is recommended to apply the drug in a thin layer, rubbing in slightly.

Gel Lioton

It is successfully used in cosmetology as a remedy for facial edema. Due to regular stretching, the skin loses its elasticity and sags. The changed face contour gives a dozen additional years. To get rid of the problem, experts advise to apply the gel to the areas requiring correction, with a thin layer, rinse off after 10 minutes of use.

Another method of application is to use the preparation as a base for a daily cream. If allergic reactions do not appear, it can be used daily for a long time.

Ointments and creams

The variety and edema is also great. Their action is aimed at smoothing the skin, getting rid of puffiness and solving many other problems that women of all ages face every day.

Ointment Relief

Effective against medium to deep wrinkles on the skin. One of the main components is shark oil, which is known for its regenerative and regenerative actions. Other active substances stimulate blood circulation, helping to eliminate puffiness. In addition, it contains fatty acids that maintain elasticity and smooth wrinkles.

The drug perfectly nourishes, moisturizes the skin and removes signs of age-related changes. Due to its dense, rather greasy texture, the ointment is absorbed for a long time, which makes it impossible to apply it as a makeup base. It is recommended to apply the product once a day, before going to bed, to areas requiring special attention. To obtain a visible effect, a weekly course is sufficient with daily application of the ointment.

Retinoic ointment

The main active ingredient is isotretinoin. The drug helps to maintain water balance, activating the process of tissue regeneration, smoothing age folds. Regular use improves cell renewal, as a result of which the skin gains elasticity and wrinkles disappear.

If there is a need for such use, a layer of sunscreen must be applied on top. The optimal time for its application is in the evening, before going to bed. The standard course is 2-3 weeks.

Zinc ointment

Having in its composition, which is a natural protective agent against ultraviolet radiation, the ointment has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. It must be applied immediately before going out into direct sunlight on problem areas.

A cautionary note for use is to apply it to the delicate skin of the eyelids, since zinc has a strong drying effect. For the same reason, it is recommended to use the ointment in combination with a greasy moisturizer.

Heparin ointment

The drug, which can be purchased at every pharmacy, is used in cosmetology to eliminate bags and dark circles under the eyes. A side effect of the positive action is the elimination of small and medium wrinkles.

Its light texture allows the active ingredients to easily penetrate into the epidermis. At the same time, the skin is moisturized and smooth. It is recommended to apply it in a thin layer. The effect occurs after 3 - 4 procedures, the standard course is 10 days.


An ointment designed to nourish and moisturize the skin of the face, as well as eliminate age folds, has an affordable cost. Professional cosmetologists advise applying in combination with a solution that is used to wipe the face. The resulting mask is not washed off for half an hour. Then the skin is treated with a nourishing cream.

Such a complex product has a rejuvenating effect, removes wrinkles and improves complexion. If you have dry skin, Solcoseryl should be applied instead of a night cream.

Anti-wrinkle oils

Which can be purchased at the pharmacy, are famous for properties that help get rid of age-related skin problems. They are rarely used in their pure form, and often as part of all kinds of masks.

Among them, the most effective are:

  1. Jojoba, wheat and avocado oils are mixed in equal parts (1 tablespoon each). Add 3-4 drops of rosewood and frankincense oils to the mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to problem areas, avoiding the skin of the eyelids. The course of using the product is a week, twice a day.
  2. Mix 2 tbsp. l. peach oil with ylang-ylang oils (3 drops) and lemon (2 drops). The mixture is applied to the face for wrinkles under the eyes, on the forehead and around the lips. It is recommended to use it twice a day for a week.
  3. 1 tbsp. l. sesame and rosehip oils are ground until thoroughly mixed. The mixture is effective against wrinkles around the eyes and other age lines on the face.
  4. Cocoa butter melted in a water bath in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. mixed with 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​buckthorn oil. A few drops of vitamin E in an oil solution are added to the mixture. The mask is applied to problem areas around the eyes and lips, as well as on the forehead in the morning and before going to bed.

Vitamin complexes for wrinkles

Simple pharmaceutical preparations for wrinkles include vitamins. Vitamin A is available in capsules. Cosmetologists advise mixing it with. It promotes cell division and improves skin condition.

It has an antioxidant effect. It is sold in vials and capsules at the pharmacy. Promotes skin tightening, smoothing of wrinkles and enhances metabolic processes. The product perfectly nourishes the skin, smoothes wrinkles and accelerates cell division.

Vitamin F helps to restore the hydrolipidic balance of the skin. This remedy is recommended for women with dry skin. The positive effect will appear after several applications.