The best baby care products. Thermometer for measuring water temperature. How to choose hygiene products for babies

The birth of a child is always associated only with boundless joy and positive emotions. But, if you face the truth, a young mother finds herself in a stressful situation: the whole lifestyle, daily routine changes completely, responsibilities are added. Everything is aggravated by confusion, lack of experience and lack of necessary funds at hand.

To reduce the level of stress, in preparation for the arrival of the baby in the house, it is necessary to carefully consider every little thing that will come in handy in caring for the baby.

What do you need when changing a diaper?

Disposable diaper to put the baby. Diapers are sold in many pharmacies, stocking them up is not difficult. However, in order to save money, diapers can be replaced. To do this, you will need an oilcloth and several pieces of fabric about 60x80 cm in size. Oilcloths are also sold in pharmacies and are very cheap. If the baby peed, the fabric can simply be replaced and the child's treatment can be continued.

Towel to wipe the baby after washing. The choice of this product must be approached responsibly, as newborn children have delicate skin. The softer the material of the towel, the better.

Water container, wet wipes or cotton. These items may be needed for those who do not have the opportunity to wash the child right in the bathroom under a tap or shower. Putting a towel under the baby, you can wipe his ass well with warm water.

Ointment for diaper rash. Sometimes newborns may develop redness or signs of skin irritation. In this case, usually, special ointments are used, which are sold without a doctor's prescription and are inexpensive. Such a simple tool can be purchased in advance so that, if necessary, it is at hand.

Baby cream. The choice of creams in stores is huge, you can always find something to your liking.

What may be needed when processing the navel?

Medical alcohol (75%). It usually comes in the form of a spray. Previously, the navel was treated with brilliant green, but now many doctors abandon this practice and recommend treatment only with alcohol.

In the event that the navel does not heal very well, hydrogen peroxide treatment may be recommended.

What may be needed when bathing a baby?

The mesh for the bath is a very convenient device for washing small children. The only drawback is that a newborn baby does not have enough weight to push the mesh deep. Provided that the bath is filled almost to the top, only the back of the baby is in the water.

Thermometer for water. Currently, there are very convenient thermometers, on the scale of which a gap is marked with degrees suitable for bathing a child. If the thermometer is not purchased, do not worry. Mom's elbow is an equally reliable tool for determining a comfortable water temperature.

Vaseline is useful to those mothers who are afraid that when bathing, water will get into the baby's ear. Before bathing, a cotton swab lubricated with petroleum jelly is inserted into the child's ear.

The bathtub support makes bathing the child more comfortable. When using the stand, a young mother will not have to bend over and look for a place where it is convenient to install the bath.

Means for washing a baby: shampoo, foam, gel, etc. The stores have a very wide selection of products. A young mother can purchase everything she deems necessary.

What may be needed when feeding?

A silicone breast pad can be useful when breastfeeding if the nipple is uncomfortable for the baby and it is difficult for the baby to take the mother's breast.

Disposable breast pads absorb excess milk well and will help a nursing mother keep her underwear and clothes clean.

Small breast pump. In pharmacies, not only expensive and convenient breast pumps are sold, but also small ones - very cheap. A similar device can be purchased to understand whether it is generally convenient to express milk for feeding. It can also be useful if milk must be removed within a few days (for example, when taking medication).

Bottle cleaner. After formula or milk, a greasy coating may remain in the bottle. It cleans up very well with a brush.

Remedy for bloating. In the first months of life, almost all babies suffer from excessive gas formation, so you need to make sure that there is a medicine at home that will eliminate the discomfort associated with this.

What may be needed for general care?

Scissors for cutting nails. In stores and pharmacies, you can find both separate scissors and kits for caring for babies' nails. Children's scissors are very convenient because they have rounded tips. But we must remember that they should be used only for their intended purpose, otherwise they will quickly become dull.

Ordinary table napkins for wiping the mouth, because babies often spit up. Some mothers just use rags, but if the child has delicate skin, over time the fabric begins to rub and redness forms.

Children's cotton swabs. They are made just so as not to hurt the baby's ear.

Pacifier chain. Such chains are good because they do not allow the dummy to fall to the floor or to the ground if the child spit it out. And the nipple itself, best of all, is bought with a cap. The closed nipple stays clean even when put in your pocket or bag.

Baby powder. It is best used on exposed parts of the body (neck, armpits, neck), under a diaper it can be useless and even harmful, as it is too wet there and the powder simply turns into lumps. But it is important to remember that it is necessary to use the powder in the throat area very carefully so that the baby does not inhale it and choke. For safety, it is better to apply the powder on cotton wool or a cotton pad and treat the right place.

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The article tells about all the hygiene procedures that a mother should carry out with a newborn every day. The article contains the most necessary recommendations, the observance of which will ensure complete hygienic care for the child.

After returning from the maternity hospital, many young mothers experience a feeling of confusion. After all, so many procedures must be carried out daily with a newborn.

Care in the first days of a newborn's life

In the first days of a baby’s life, caring for him comes down to several mandatory procedures:

  • washing
  • washing away
  • cutting nails
  • bathing
  • umbilical cord treatment

IMPORTANT: Each of the listed procedures, except for trimming the nails, should be performed on a newborn daily during the first months of life. Treatment of the umbilical wound is required until it is completely healed

Newborn care products

In order to provide complete care for a newborn, you will need:

  • bath for bathing
  • thermometer for measuring water temperature
  • cotton pads or cotton wool
  • cotton buds
  • aspirator
  • children's scissors with blunt tips
  • brilliant green solution
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • children's cosmetics

IMPORTANT: This is a list of the essentials that you must purchase for complete care.

On request, you can purchase:

  • wet baby wipes
  • disposable absorbent diapers

Cosmetics for newborns

On the shelves of stores and pharmacies, there are many different cosmetic products for caring for a newborn.

You will definitely need in the first month:

IMPORTANT: Bathing foam, shampoo in the first month of life you do not need. Buy it later, when you already have preferences for manufacturers

Caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn

In the maternity hospital, when the navel has not yet fallen off, the nurse will do the treatment. At home, you should take care of the umbilical wound until it is completely healed.

The umbilical wound should be treated after evening bathing:

  • put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swab
  • we lower the cotton swab into the navel with a point movement (the peroxide will start to hiss a little)
  • dip a new cotton swab into the green solution
  • when the peroxide has stopped hissing, touch the navel with the same dotted motion with a cotton swab

IMPORTANT: In no case do not press, do not twist, do not rub with a stick in the umbilical wound

How to properly wash a newborn?

It is necessary to wash a newborn every day after waking up in the morning. Washing includes several procedures:

  • eye wash
  • nasal cleansing
  • ear cleaning
  • face and neck washing

IMPORTANT: Also look into the child's mouth in order to timely detect, which may occur in newborns

Eye wash for newborns

For this you need:

  • two cotton pads or pieces of cotton
  • cooled boiled water

Take one disk and moisten it with water. After squeezing out excess water, wipe the eye along the lash line. In this case, you should move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Then take the second cotton pad and do the same with the other eye.

How to clean the nose of a newborn?

Very often, these babies form the so-called "crusts" in the nose, which prevent the baby from breathing easily.

IMPORTANT: For this reason, the condition of the nasal cavity must be constantly monitored and, if necessary, cleaned.

To clean your nose you will need:

  • washing agent
  • aspirator
  • pipette

Several types of products can be used to clean the nose:

  • sodium chloride solution. The tool is cheap and economical. Done harmless
  • special preparations for washing the nasal cavity of newborns. The basis of such preparations is most often sea water. Examples of such drugs: Aquamaris, Quicks. They also have a natural composition, but they cost many times more than the sodium chloride solution.

IMPORTANT: If you decide to use the Sodium Chloride solution, then pipette one drop into each nasal passage.

If you bought a special remedy in a pharmacy, then drip according to the instructions. Wait a minute. You then have two options:

  • remove the contents of the nasal cavity with a nasal aspirator
  • twist the cotton turunda. You can do this manually, or you can tightly wind the cotton wool around the match, then remove it from the match.
  • Clear your nose with the resulting turunda. The size of the turunda should match your child's nose.
  • Stick it up your child's nose and gently twist one turn to one side.
  • Take it out of your nose.
  • Turunda can also be pre-moistened with a solution

Newborn Ear Care

Wipe the outer ear with a cotton swab.

IMPORTANT: You can not climb with a cotton swab or anything else inside the ear

Newborn neck and face care

Wipe the neck with a cotton swab moistened with boiled water, and then wipe the face with a fresh cotton swab.

IMPORTANT: Wipe every crease in the neck, as this is the part of the newborn's body that is prone to prickly heat on it.

How to wash a newborn boy?

The boy should be washed with running water in any direction, as it suits you. The main thing is that the head and body of the child are securely fixed with your hands. Always control the water jet with your hand so that the temperature does not change.

How to wash a newborn girl?

It is somewhat more difficult to wash girls, as the mother must adapt to hold the baby in such a way that the water flows in the direction from the tummy to the back. It is more convenient to do this as follows: put the child on the inside of the left hand, hold the legs apart with the palm of your hand, control the water with your right hand and wash the child

IMPORTANT: Do not allow fecal matter to enter the vagina

Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl

A few rules of intimate hygiene for girls:

  • wash the girl with water at least once a day. And after a chair - every time immediately
  • soap should only be used after a bowel movement. In other cases - only water
  • when using soap, do not allow it to come into contact with the internal mucosa of the vagina
  • after washing, blot gently with a baby towel or diaper
  • at least once a week, open the labia of the girl in order to detect the fusion of the labia minora or labia majora (synechia) in time
  • after washing, apply a small amount of diaper cream or powder

IMPORTANT: All of the above rules are also suitable for the boy's intimate hygiene.

How to cut the nails of a newborn?

Pediatricians in the maternity hospital often do not allow nails to be cut for the first week after the birth of a child. But it happens that the baby already in the first days of life has long nails that can scratch the skin. In this case, put on special mittens - “scratches” on the handles.

IMPORTANT: If the baby does not allow cutting his nails while awake, do it while he sleeps

When you get home, look at your baby's nails. If they have grown so much that they can scratch the delicate skin of a child, they should be cut. This procedure is done exclusively with special scissors with blunt tips.

IMPORTANT: Round the nail on your hands, cut it evenly on your legs

IMPORTANT: Do not keep your baby's hands always wearing mittens. Baby's skin needs to breathe

Caring for premature newborns

Caring for a premature newborn is carried out according to general rules. There are only a few exceptions:

  • bathing a child is not allowed immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital, but when the doctor allows. May take 2 or 3 weeks
  • bathing a premature baby for the first month is necessary in boiled water
  • the water temperature when bathing should be 37-38 degrees. when bathing, immerse the child completely in the water, except for the head
  • after bathing the child, wrap in a warm diaper

IMPORTANT: Your main task is not to freeze the child. Always create a warm environment for the baby, as premature babies have very weak thermoregulation mechanisms.

Bathing a newborn. bathing time

Bathing the baby is necessary daily. Before bathing, prepare everything you need:

  • clean bath
  • potassium permanganate solution
  • water thermometer
  • ladle for rinsing
  • baby soap
  • baby shampoo
  • towel
  • herbal decoction (if desired and after healing of the umbilical wound)
  • everything you need to treat an umbilical wound
  • clean clothes
  • swimming slide (optional)
  • In the bath, draw running water 37 degrees.
  • Add a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Lower your child up to their shoulders into the water.
  • Use your hand to rub each fold of the baby.
  • Use a small amount of soap twice a week.
  • Shampoo to wash your hair for the first month is not necessary,
  • after - once a week.
  • After washing, rinse the child with water a degree less than the one in which the child was initially lowered.
  • Be calm, otherwise your anxiety will be passed on to the child.

IMPORTANT: Finish the procedure when the water cools down to 2 degrees from the original temperature

Before the umbilical wound heals, the child should be bathed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after healing, herbal decoctions (chamomile, string) can be added

IMPORTANT: Although herbs have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, you should not use them more often, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction or dry skin.

It is best to bathe the baby before feeding for a night's sleep. After taking a bath, the child will get tired and calm down a little, after which he will eat well and go to bed

Video: The first bath is not scary

Developmental care and upbringing of the newborn. Baby games

Before the baby reaches 6 months, it is necessary to carry out exercises with him to prevent orthopedic problems:

  • spread the legs and arms of the child in different directions. Do it slowly and carefully
  • alternately pull your knees to your stomach
  • bend and unbend your elbows

Repeat each exercise 10-15 times.

IMPORTANT: These are basic exercises. If the child has problems, the orthopedist will prescribe the appropriate massage and special exercises

In the first month of life, the baby will not pay attention to various kinds of toys. At best, the child will respond to the sound of rattles.

After a month, you can hang a musical carousel with toys over the crib, let the child touch various toys and lure with rattles. The child will already begin to follow them with his eyes.

  • let your baby's skin breathe more often without a diaper
  • wet wipes can be used SOMETIMES for cleaning. It is better to use them only when it is not possible to wash with water.

IMPORTANT: Do not always wash your child with wet wipes. Even the highest quality wipes have an effect on baby's delicate skin.

  • if you use herbal decoctions when bathing, be sure to use a moisturizer after
  • after washing and bathing, gently pat your baby's skin dry with a towel or diaper
  • while bathing in the bath, do not make the water temperature higher than 37 degrees, otherwise bathing ceases to be a wellness procedure

IMPORTANT: If your child is not comfortable swimming in cool water or using a slide, do not torture him. Find the best bathing method for your child

Do not neglect the rules of caring for your child. Follow a certain algorithm and be sure that you are doing everything right.

Video: Newborn care - Dr. Komarovsky's school

A maternity hospital is a place where parents meet their child for the first time. As a rule, they have to spend several days in this institution before being discharged. For newborns, it is important to create comfortable conditions. Mom during this period should learn how to handle them. Before the birth of a child, it is important to buy all the necessary equipment. Hygiene items for a newborn should be chosen correctly. They should consist only of natural ingredients. Thanks to this, in the future it will be possible to reduce the likelihood of allergies to a minimum.

Hygiene in the maternity hospital

In the first days of life, the baby requires maximum attention from adults. Before giving birth, you should buy a special hygiene kit that will allow you to properly keep the entire body of the crumbs clean.

Today, after childbirth, women prefer to be with their baby in the same room. Thanks to this, the mother will quickly find contact with him and learn how to handle him correctly. The staff of the maternity hospital is always ready to meet and talk about the nuances of the process. Good health of the child is guaranteed if it is regularly applied to the breast.

Breastfeeding helps to establish emotional contact with the child of the mother. Immediately after the first session, she will have to take care of the baby on her own, bathe him and change diapers. This will require hygiene products. They help to perform all the necessary manipulations quickly and efficiently.

That is why it is important to buy the following attributes in advance:

  • Baby soap should be liquid. It is best if it additionally contains an antibacterial effect.
  • In the first days of life, diapers are needed. It is recommended to take with you a package that is designed for a weight of 2 to 5 kilograms.
  • Several baby diapers for single use. You should opt for the size 60*60.
  • Packed with wet wipes.
  • A cream that is specially designed for baby skin care.
  • Additionally, you should take cotton wool, a bandage, sterile sticks and cotton pads with you.
  • The umbilical wound is best smeared with brilliant green. You should also buy hydrogen peroxide and a pipette in advance.
  • Aspirator for mechanical cleansing of the nose.

Immediately after birth, the baby is thoroughly washed and weighed. That is why you should find out in advance what hygiene products you need to bring with you to the hospital

Otherwise, the risk of not creating the most comfortable conditions for the crumbs increases. Clothing will also be required for discharge from the hospital. It should not only meet the taste characteristics of the mother, but also be functional.

In addition, here is a list of things that you should take with you to the hospital:

  • Diapers for single use.
  • Two vests, diapers and a bonnet.
  • Thick blanket and duvet cover on it.

Baby care products at home

The place of his further residence also needs additional preparation for the appearance of the crumbs. It is difficult for parents without experience to figure out what to buy first. Pediatricians recommend taking out all things from the children's room that tend to accumulate dust in their structure. To care for an infant, you must use a changing table and a crib. Parents are advised to buy an orthopedic mattress.

Personal hygiene items should be in a specially designated place

The family will need to direct all their efforts to creating a healthy microclimate, which is necessary for the proper growth and development of the crumbs. The room will need to be regularly ventilated and cleaned. The basic rules of personal hygiene should also be observed by those family members who constantly interact with the child.

Products that are necessary for the personal hygiene of the child can be found in any children's store. Parents are encouraged to always have at home:

  • Baby wash. It is best if it comes with a special dispenser.
  • A tube for removing accumulated gas in the intestines. It can be replaced with a regular enema.
  • Vaseline and potassium permanganate.
  • Enema in the form of a pear for 50 ml.
  • Thermometer. It is allowed to use a mercury or electronic version.
  • To reduce the activity of gas formation, pediatricians advise using dill water.
  • You can bathe your baby in medicinal herbs. Moms are advised to opt for chamomile or string.
  • Soft towel or flannelette diapers.
  • Pampers, which are chosen depending on the weight of the baby.
  • A special cream used in conjunction with a diaper.

Features of hygiene procedures

During the first three weeks, the child adapts to the external environment. It is important for parents to know in advance the features of this period. Thanks to this, it will be possible to devote a sufficient amount of time to its development. The list of necessary personal care products is not that long, but sufficient attention should be paid to the choice of each of them.

At the first stage of bathing, intimate hygiene is performed. After that, you can proceed to the removal of seborrheic crusts on the head. Additionally, it should be noted that the fontanel is thoroughly lubricated with petroleum jelly 60 minutes before bathing.

Pediatricians recommend every morning to wash the face of the crumbs with boiled water. In this case, cleansing is carried out most thoroughly in the eye area. Soak a cotton ball in warm water, and then hold it from the organs of vision to the bridge of the nose.

It is necessary to wash the child with warm water after each bowel movement. The skin is dried with a towel. Additionally, folds should be smeared with baby cream. Vaseline oil can be used instead.

Particular attention is required to the wound that remains after the umbilical cord falls off. Through it, an infection can enter the body. Preventing the situation will allow regular treatment of this area with sterile cotton swabs and brilliant green.

Popular manufacturers of personal care products

To date, mothers from all over the world choose diapers of the following brands - "Maman", "Moony", "Merries", "SunHerbal". Their advantage lies in high softness. Some models are reusable.

If the financial possibilities of the parents are limited, then it is quite possible to choose "Kurnosiki", "DisneyBaby"

The nipple is selected depending on the age and shape of the bite. When breastfeeding, it is recommended to refuse it completely. However, if the need for a purchase still arises, then you should choose from Avent, Medela, Nubi, Dr. Brown and Nuk.

When bathing, moms increasingly prefer to use a combination product - shampoo-foam. Additionally, during this procedure, you will need massage oil, powder, baby cream or lotion. All these funds are presented in a wide range at Bubchen, Sanosan, Johnson, Babyline. A more economical option is "Our Mom", "World of Childhood", "Kalina". It is allowed to purchase soap "Molfix". It is proven and reliable.

For washing children's clothes, you should also use special detergents. In our country, the Eared Nyan washing powder is very popular.

You can also purchase a more expensive sample - "Frau Schmidt", "BabySpeci", "Burti Baby"

The expectant mother asks the question of choosing cosmetics for a newborn even before childbirth. After all, the minimum set of funds should be waiting at home when you return with a baby from the hospital. A newly-made mother will have so many worries with her baby that there will simply not be time for shopping and even more so for choosing the right products. That is why it is worth finding out in advance which cosmetics are best for the little man.

What to buy for baby care?

The list of necessary is compiled already in the last weeks of pregnancy. It must contain the following items:

  • oil (they treat the baby's skin in the hospital);
  • cream (under the diaper);
  • liquid soap (for washing the baby);
  • powder (to avoid diaper rash).

All this will be needed by the baby from the first days of life. Then you will start using lotion, shampoo, bubble bath, bath gel or milk.

What cosmetics are needed as the crumbs grow older, you can ask the pediatrician, or independently study the topic using Internet resources.

There are cases when there is an allergy even to organic and natural cosmetics. This is due to individual intolerance to certain types of raw materials. Make sure that the packaging was inscribed - hypoallergenic. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to find out which ingredient was not perceived. After all, there are no one-component creams, shampoos and other products for hygiene. If the child does not respond well to the use of a particular remedy, it just needs to be changed.

Do not rush to buy the entire series. At first, you will get by with a minimal set. In addition, you cannot predict whether a baby will accept a cosmetic product. Any redness or rash on the skin is a sign of unsuitability of the product.


When deciding to give preference to one or another company, you must be extremely scrupulous. After all, we are talking about the health of your own child. The main rule is safety. The best natural cosmetics. It has no harmful ingredients and does not cause allergic reactions. It should be borne in mind that the skin of a newborn is very delicate and a component that is the most harmless for adults can cause harm. Consider the list of what should not contain baby cosmetics for newborns.

  1. The most dangerous aggressive surfactants, namely SLS and SLES. Such abbreviations mean that sodium lauryl sulfate is present in the cosmetic product. This substance can disrupt the natural PH of the skin and even leave it without natural protection.
  2. The point at issue is mineral oils. The second name is technical. It implies vaseline, paraffin, mineral, white oil. It is nothing more than a by-product of the oil industry. Medical opinion is divided. Some argue that they are absolutely suitable as components for children's cosmetics. Others say that such components can harm the sensitive skin of a newborn. In order not to put the child at risk, it is worth at first avoiding funds with the mentioned components.
  3. The presence of animal fats is inappropriate. Despite the naturalness of such components, they have a negative impact. A film forms on the epidermis, which does not allow the pores to breathe normally.
  4. There are concerns about preservatives such as parabens. Studies have proven their toxicity and ability to accumulate in the body. They are used to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms and extend the shelf life of cosmetics. But there are safer alternatives. For example, salicylic, sorbic or benzoic acids. When purchasing cosmetics for babies, it is worth choosing products whose components are beyond doubt.
  5. Alcohol and spirits have no place in the composition of children's products. These substances dry out the skin. Possible irritation and redness. In addition, the regular use of alcohol-containing products leads to thinning of the skin.

What else to focus on when choosing?

Before making a purchase, carefully study the composition. This will help avoid unwanted consequences. In addition to the ingredients, the expiration date is indicated on the packaging. Please note that the numbers are clear. There should not be any scuffs and vagueness. The presence of recommendations regarding the age category is important. Only cosmetics with the designation "0+" are suitable for a newborn.

The important point is the smell. If it is saturated, then strong fragrances are present. Only neutral flavor is acceptable.

Some manufacturers of cosmetics for newborns offer products with labels indicating high quality standards. You can see such labels on the bottle as ECOCERT, BDIH, ICEA, COSMOS, NATURAL, NATRUE. Such a purchase for babies is the best option. Certified cosmetics are really safe. However, you should be prepared that the price is corresponding.

How not to make a mistake with the brand?

The combination of price and quality is the main reference point for many parents. Not everyone can afford expensive cosmetics, even for the smallest member of the family. There are decent deals at affordable prices. The main thing is not to be led by advertising. You need to take products not of the brand that is famous for large sales volumes, but buy a series with a safe composition.

Today, the abundance of goods on the market can confuse everyone without exception. The task of mothers will be simplified by the rating of popular manufacturers.

The rating is based on the study of the ingredients of the products present in the assortment of the above manufacturers. Also, when entering the list of popular cosmetics, the opinion of consumers was taken into account. Some positions that do not deserve attention in terms of their composition are included only due to numerous positive reviews.

What funds to buy - the choice is yours. Someone prefers a domestic manufacturer. And someone thinks that it is better to pay more and take a product of a world-renowned company for a child. In any case, do not lose vigilance and carefully examine each vial or tube.

Children are completely dependent on adults. The primary task of parents is to provide proper care and comfort to the little one. The good health of your child is a reward for labor and care.

A first aid kit for a newborn must be prepared in advance, even before childbirth. Since, firstly, you will need a lot immediately after discharge from the hospital, and secondly, you simply will not have time to do this. Based on experience gained, below is sample list necessary for the care of the newborn and the provision of first aid to him.

First aid kit for a newborn: a list of drugs and essentials:

A first-aid kit for a newborn should consist of their universal baby care products, which have practically no contraindications:

  1. For the treatment of an umbilical wound to a newborn: brilliant green, iodine, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.
  2. Cotton swabs - for processing the navel. NEVER! do not use to clean ears and nose.
  3. Sterile cotton turundas, they are used to clean the nose and ears - for this, we roll a small flagellum 4-5 cm long between the palms of cotton.
  4. Cotton swabs - rolled from sterile cotton (balls) - for treating the eye and other parts of the body. Keep them in a closed jar. You can also use cotton pads.
  5. Diapers. When choosing diapers, they usually try different brands to see what works best for your baby.
  6. Diaper cream - used for diaper rash, skin irritations.
  7. Powder (talc). The cream creates a moisturizing-protective environment, the powder dries. Therefore, they are not used together.
  8. Baby oil - for treating the skin of a newborn baby.
  9. Baby wipes.
  10. Bathing grass - string, chamomile - only if there are skin problems (diaper rash).
  11. Potassium permanganate - a slightly pink solution - for bathing. Attention! It is necessary to dissolve potassium permanganate crystals in a separate container.
  12. Thermometer (mercury or electronic).
  13. Pipettes with a blunt end. It is better to buy 2 pipettes in the first-aid kit (for instillation of the eye, ears, nose), they must be stored in a plastic case.
  14. Enema No. 1 with a soft rubber tip: one is used for its intended purpose, the second is used to clear the nasal cavity of mucus (much more convenient than an aspirator), the third can be used to make a gas vent tube (by cutting it in half and getting a funnel).
  15. Thermometer to determine the water temperature.
  16. Scissors with rounded tips for cutting nails.

First aid kit (medicines) for a newborn baby

  1. With intestinal colic. They hinder the formation and contribute to the destruction of gas bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract: Sab Simplex suspension, Espumizan, Plantex powder.
  2. Prevention of rickets(for full-term newborns, prophylactic doses of vitamin D are usually prescribed after a month) - AquaDetrim.
  3. Antipyretic- candles or children's syrup: Efferalgan, Panadol; suspension Nise - superior to ibuprofen and paracetamol in antipyretic effect.
  4. With a runny nose: Aquamaris - sterile sea water; Euphorbium compositum is a homeopathic complex preparation with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic action.
  5. For constipation: Candles with glycerin - have a laxative effect; Duphalac is a laxative, but they should not be abused, because too frequent stimulation can interfere with the restoration of independent stools.
  6. For a cold: suppositories Viburkol - a homeopathic preparation that has anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and analgesic effects; Viferon-1 - antiviral and immunomodulatory drug for children; drops Interferon, Gippferon - used for emergency prevention and treatment of colds in children - acute respiratory viral infections (ARI, SARS) and influenza.
  7. Red throat: spray Tantum Verde - used to treat inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.
  8. For allergic reactions: drops Fenistil, Zirtek.
  9. For intestinal infections - diarrhea: Regidron is used for diarrhea in children, requiring rehydration (restoration of water balance); Enterosgel enveloping, antidiarrheal, detoxification drug designed to remove toxic substances from the body and the gastrointestinal tract, is used in the form of an aqueous suspension; Bifidumbacterin-Forte is a probiotic that normalizes the intestinal microflora. It is used for dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections.

The first aid kit should be located in a place inaccessible to small children. All medicines in the medicine cabinet should be updated periodically and in no case should drugs with an expired shelf life be used.