Massage with banks for cellulite. Cupping massage for cellulite: effective, but dangerous at home. What stages of cellulite exist

Medical banks are used for inflammatory, congestive diseases, for prophylactic purposes, and in recent years have proven their effectiveness in cosmetic procedures. Anti-cellulite cupping massage with silicone cups improves blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles. Massage can be performed on the most problematic areas of the female figure: abdomen, outer thighs, buttocks.

Vacuum massage in the abdomen has a positive effect on intestinal motility, reduces the risk of constipation, bloating, improves digestion and slows down the formation of cellulite. The procedure is actively used in beauty salons with special devices for professional vacuum massage. The action of silicone cans is identical to such devices, and the procedure itself can be done independently at home. Silicone cans can be bought at any pharmacy (cost from 95 to 180 rubles). For the massage, you will also need a massage cream (preferably with a tightening effect) or ordinary cosmetic oil. So let's get started ...

Cupping massage - how to do it right

Before proceeding with the independent execution of canned massage at home, you must consult with a specialist. Massage has contraindications. The procedure is carried out in courses of 12-15 sessions. Then a break for 4 weeks and you can continue the sessions again, starting from 15 minutes a day. Advice: It is good to shower with a scrub before starting the session. This will increase the effectiveness of the cupping massage.

1. Cupping massage for the abdomen and sides.

Let's start with the abdomen and sides. First, prepare the skin - warm it up with your hands with regular massage movements or using a hard washcloth. It's a good idea to get a dedicated anti-cellulite body brush (any coarse-bristled body brush will do). Do not be lazy to prepare your skin before a cupping massage - this will help reduce pain and increase its effectiveness. After 3-5 minutes, apply massage cream or oil only on the abdomen and sides. We squeeze the silicone jar and place it tightly on the skin so that the skin is drawn in by about 1-1.5 cm. You should not grip the skin with the jar from the first session. Start small. Movements along the abdomen should be directed clockwise from the navel. Circular movements can be combined with straight or zigzag movements. Massage the upper abdomen from the navel to the ribs, in rectilinear movements. The lower part is massaged from the navel to the groin. Important: you can not do cupping massage over the pubis, in the area of ​​the inguinal lymph nodes and on the inner side of the thighs. Massage should be carried out for 5 minutes, each subsequent session on a specific area can be increased by 1 minute. Now let's move on to the sides. We put the can and carry out a linear movement along the oblique muscles: down and up. We massage for 3-5 minutes. and after the end of the session we massage the skin of the abdomen and sides with our hands for several minutes. Wipe off any remaining oil or cream.

2. Cupping massage for thighs and buttocks.

Anti-cellulite cupping massage of the buttocks and thighs should also begin with warming up the skin. You can massage with your hands or with a rough washcloth. The massage of the buttocks is carried out in a line from the sacrum to the protrusion in the thigh area. It can be alternated with circular motions of the buttocks. Massage the back of the thighs in the direction of lymph outflow: along the midline from the knee bend to the buttock, avoiding the area with spider veins or veins. Can be massaged in a straight line or in a zigzag pattern. Massage the lateral part of the thighs with linear or spiral upward movements. After the end of the massage, you should rest for 10 minutes.

Cupping massage at home is an excellent alternative to salon procedures

The essence of professional vacuum massage in the salon is the use of a special professional apparatus with a regulator of power and vacuum strength, which can be adjusted to a specific type of client's skin. The principle of operation of this device can be compared with a vacuum cleaner. It draws in the skin, allowing the attachment to be guided in the desired direction. The masseur acts on the skin and on individual zones that activate oxygen metabolism in the tissues, accelerating the process of cellulite destruction. In fact, silicone cups for anti-cellulite massage operate on the same principle, and you can choose a specific area that you consider the most problematic. This is a great alternative for those who, for any reason, cannot visit the salon.

Quite often, instead of a cream, olive oil is used, or oil of peach, grape or apricot seeds, from wheat germ, avocado with the addition of essential oils: red grapefruit, lemon, orange, tangerine and bergamot extract. A fairly common method of getting rid of the "orange peel" is massage with honey. To do this, you should first warm up a few tablespoons of honey and apply it with your hands on a steamed (after a bath or bath) body. Vacuum massage with honey cans will improve blood circulation, make the skin soft and velvety. Systematic, and most importantly, correct execution of canned massage will allow you to get rid of a few centimeters in the waist and along the hips, make the skin smoother and more elastic, and protect it from the formation of the hated "orange peel" at home.

Who is contraindicated in cupping massage?

It is worth saying that cupping massage has contraindications. It is forbidden to perform the procedure if:

You have any kind of skin disease;

Hypertonic disease;

With varicose veins, vascular networks;

Cardiovascular insufficiency;

In the presence of malignant tumors;

In acute infectious diseases;

Diseases of the blood (including with poor clotting);


The massage should be carried out in smooth movements so that the sensations are not too painful.

The procedure should not cause severe pain, otherwise it may result in bruising.

I must say that the problem of "orange peel" is relevant not only for overweight people. The problem also occurs in slender girls and women, and never occurs in men. The causes of this cosmetic problem are the action of the female sex hormone (estrogen), as well as a violation of protein metabolism, proper diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress, fatigue.

To achieve a visible positive result, you need an integrated approach to solving the problem: proper nutrition, more walking, contrasting showers, exercise for the legs, waist and lateral abdominal muscles. Fried foods, including meat, poultry with skin, sausage, ham, smoked meats, pickles, pickles, baked goods, including cakes with cream, contribute to the formation of cellulite.

If you have a predisposition to the formation of cellulite, you should completely abandon these products. You should also eliminate alcohol and quit smoking (if such a problem exists). Unfortunately, they have not yet come up with a magic anti-cellulite cream. It is simply impossible to get rid of the "orange peel" instantly! Only with strict systematic adherence to all recommendations, the result can be seen after 4-8 weeks. Good luck!

The recognized enemy of beauty, cellulite haunts neither thin nor fat. Its treatment should always begin with eliminating the causes, namely: establishing a correct lifestyle, changing eating habits, increasing physical activity, etc. Everything is good in combination, and anti-cellulite massage helps to eliminate the already formed "orange peel". Among salon procedures, the most popular are and. At home, anti-cellulite massage with banks is successfully practiced.

Method essence

For the massage, a conventional medical jar is used to create a vacuum. Previously, such jars were glass, and a vacuum was created in them by burning air inside, but now they are plastic jars with a pear at the bottom. The vacuum in such a jar is created by suction of air with a pear.

During the massage, the bank moves around the problem area, due to which there is a change in pressure on the massaged area. Thanks to this effect, the upper layers of the epidermis are stimulated and the skin is strengthened, the lymph flow and blood circulation are enhanced, the circulation of interstitial fluid is established, and as a result of all these processes, the external manifestations of cellulite are removed.

Massage is done in the area where cellulite is expressed. But remember that it is unacceptable to massage the inner thigh and popliteal fossa!

  • Warming up

The first step is to warm up the surface to be treated. To do this, you need to massage it with your hands until a slight redness appears. As practice shows, most often home cupping massage is done on the buttocks and thighs - this is the area where cellulite is usually especially pronounced, at the same time it is available for self-massage. To warm up your thighs, place your foot on a chair and alternate circular rubbing and straight stroking movements from the knee to the abdomen. Use your entire palm. Knead and rub the buttocks. Finish the warming up with a tapping motion with the ribs of the palms.

  • Lubricate

Apply anti-cellulite massage oil to clean, warm skin. In the absence of such, you can use the usual olive. You need to lubricate generously - so that the can easily glides over the skin.

  • Massage

Remove the remaining oil from your hands and take a dry, clean massage jar, lie on your side with your knees bent. Attach the jar to your thigh and, without breaking the tightness, slowly, but without stopping, move it from bottom to top, first along straight lines, and then along wavy, spiral and zigzag lines.

Make sure that the skin retracts 1 to 3 centimeters. Pulling in the skin too much can injure the blood vessels. If the skin is pulled in more than necessary, let some air into the jar by pressing your finger on the skin near the neck of the jar.

Massage one area for 15-20 minutes and end when severe redness appears.

  • Moisturize

The procedure ends with the application of a moisturizing cream to the body.

You can use ordinary glass medical jars, which were used by our grandmothers for colds, but this is very inconvenient and, one might say, unsafe. After all, the vacuum in them is created by burning air. To do this, a home-made "torch" made of an ordinary fork, cotton wool and alcohol is placed inside the jar for 2-3 seconds, after which the jar is very quickly placed on the skin. The need to use fire and causes the inconvenience and unsafe use of such cans. But such banks are the most effective.

You can use "massage bells" - special aspirators made of silicone (squeezed enough to create a vacuum), glass or plastic (in these cans, a vacuum is created by squeezing a rubber bulb located at the top of the can).

Silicone cans do not shatter or crack, but unfortunately they are not as effective as glass cans. Glass ones are heavy, you can't take them with you on the road. Plastic - lightweight and effective, but fragile.

During the cupping massage, the upper layers of the skin and nerve endings, lymphatic and blood vessels located next to the skin are irritated. Lymph flow and blood flow are enhanced. The blood flow is also influenced by the direction of movement of the can during massage, it leads to a redistribution of the venous-arterial blood flow, as a result of which the flow of arterial blood to the tissues increases, and with it the flow of oxygen and nutrients.

Under the influence of a vacuum, erythrocytes in the affected area break down, as a result of which local immunity is stimulated.

The heat in the treated area is felt precisely due to irritation of the nerve endings and increased blood circulation, and not due to heating the air.

This massage is very effective, but quite painful; after it, pronounced redness and bruising often remain. Basically, they appear during the first two sessions. At 4-5 sessions, the pain is practically not felt, and the spots dissolve and are no longer formed. This means that blood circulation in the tissues has already been normalized, stagnation has been eliminated and the regeneration process has been activated.

Cupping massage, like any vacuum massage, is effective for eliminating fat deposits and cellulite in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Vacuum massage is successfully used in the complex treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, osteochondrosis and muscle pain.

Contraindications to vacuum massage

Canned vacuum massage has the same contraindications as apparatus vacuum massage. Namely:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the affected area (rash, wounds, insect bites, etc.);
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • the presence of acute diseases;
  • fragility and increased capillary permeability;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy.


Anti-cellulite massage with cans is able to eliminate cellulite even at stages 3 and 4. However, it should be remembered that such results are possible only with an integrated approach. You will have to give up fast food and bad habits, start leading a more active lifestyle and, of course, learn to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day to ensure the complete elimination of decay products. adipose tissue from the body.

Anti-cellulite can massage at home video

The problem of cellulite is very common in our time. Moreover, not only fat, but also thin ones are looking for methods to combat it. Anytime you find a woman struggling with orange peel in spas and massage parlors. The most common method is cupping massage, and it is quite expensive. But, if you do not want to spend money or save as much as possible, then you can do anti-cellulite cupping massage at home.

How can massage work?

Cellulite is a metabolic disorder that leads to an increase in fat cells. Therefore, ugly bumps are formed on the skin.

In the fight against orange peel, cupping massage is most effective. It not only easily and quickly breaks up unwanted bumps, but also has a good effect on the skin. Vacuum massage improves:

  • circulation;
  • skin respiration;
  • metabolism in cells;
  • skin condition - it becomes more elastic;
  • resistance to external factors;
  • the condition of the subcutaneous layer of fatty deposits, etc.

The can massage is carried out according to the principle: a glass or plastic can is attached and moved over the problem area of ​​the skin. Due to the absence of air inside, a vacuum is created and cellulite is absorbed.

Remember! Vacuum massage for cellulite is effective not only in salons, but also at home, if you know how to do it right. Therefore, you should not dwell only on hardware procedures or regular visits to a masseur, as you can see, the technique is simple.

How to choose the right banks

Cans for vacuum massage are of several types:

  1. Glass. Effective but not safe. Such banks have been around for a long time. The vacuum is created by burning air. Nowadays, there are more than just glass jars that need to be heated. It is quite easy to find with a special pear that creates a vacuum. Glass jars are good for delicate areas of the skin.
  2. Silicone. These cups are most common for anti-cellulite massage. They are practical, not expensive, easy to use and do not lose their shape over time. Also, unlike rubber ones, they do not absorb oils. The vacuum is created by simply squeezing the can.
  3. Rubber. They are very similar to silicone, however, they are not durable. The massage for cellulite with rubber cups is coarser.
  4. Plastic. Jars come with a rubber bulb and work on the principle of modern glass devices. They are lightweight, comfortable, effective, but fragile enough.

Cans for vacuum massage are different in diameter. Thanks to this, you can find the perfect fit. Also, preference should be given to one or another jar, depending on the zone that needs massage: for more delicate skin - massage with glass, for the legs or buttocks, silicone cans are quite suitable.

Note! It is worth picking up not one, but several cans. They should definitely be right for you. Everyone has different skin and some will be helped by a silicone can, while others will only be helped by glass. Also, different people do not have the same pain threshold and skin sensitivity.

Oil for anti-cellulite massage with cans

Any massage is not complete without oil. It plays an important role in the fight against cellulite. You can buy massage oil at a store, pharmacy, or make your own. There are no specific recipes here, so let your imagination run wild.

Attention! When creating anti-cellulite oil, 100 ml of olive oil or peach and grape seeds are taken as a basis. You can add to it no more than 6 types of essential oils in the amount of 15–20 drops.

The most effective are the following essential oils:

  • orange oil is considered the first enemy of cellulite. It saturates the skin with oxygen and regenerates the skin;
  • grapefruit essential oil will provide lymph drainage. They are also treated for obesity;
  • cedar oil will relieve swelling, provide oxygen flow and improve blood circulation;
  • cypress will give the skin elasticity and prevent the appearance of new cellulite;
  • juniper oil will help relieve swelling, remove toxins and improve metabolism;
  • Geranium oil will improve lymph drainage, make the skin more elastic due to dehydration.

It is not enough just to mix different oils with each other, you need to do it wisely. First, you need to mix them in a dry and clean bowl. Secondly, it is necessary to add essential oils from the base, and not the main oil to the essential oils. And third, oils should combine well and enhance each other's properties, and not vice versa. Before using any oil, find out if you are allergic to it.

The technique of cupping massage for cellulite

You should know how to properly do anti-cellulite massage with a can, the principle of operation of such a massage.

  1. First, rub the skin in a circular motion until it burns slightly. Then rub with your entire palm, and then tap with the edge of your palm. This prepares the skin for further massage.
  2. Lubricate the cellulite area with massage oil. Apply a lot so that the jar glides over the skin without problems.
  3. Now wash your hands of the oil and take a clean jar. Lie on one side and massage it over the thigh, buttocks, and abdomen.
  4. Finally, moisturize your skin. Any moisturizer will do.

Remember! You need to massage the skin without breaking the tightness of the can, without stopping, from top to bottom. The skin should not be drawn into the jar by more than 3 cm. Repeating massage movements costs an average of 15 minutes or until redness appears on the skin.

Chaotic movements on the skin will not help get rid of cellulite, so you need to know according to which scheme and how to massage one or another area of ​​the body.

  • Legs. They need to be massaged in strictly vertical lines and from the knee down. Self-massage of the feet lasts up to 50 minutes.
  • Buttocks. First, massage in circular motions for 7-10 minutes, and then in vertical motions for 5 minutes.
  • Stomach. The abdominal massage lasts an average of 20-25 minutes. Fifteen minutes in a circular motion clockwise and 5 minutes from the navel to the left and right sides.
  • Hands. You need to massage from the brush and up with straight movements. It will take 15–20 minutes to process both hands.

Cupping massage can fight not only cellulite. There are a number of other problems that he can deal with effectively.

Using a vacuum, you can get rid of scars and wrinkles, reduce stretch marks and rejuvenate your skin. It is also used to treat muscle pain, osteochondrosis and some vascular diseases.

It is possible to treat cellulite with cupping massage if its first signs appear: impaired skin elasticity, swelling, congestion, muscle fatigue, the appearance of a permanent fat layer.


Even if you know how to properly do anti-cellulite massage with vacuum cups, it is not always possible to carry out it. Some of the reasons are:

  • damage to the skin;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases in a patient;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, pregnancy;
  • blood vessel and heart problems;
  • acute inflammatory diseases with fever;
  • fractures and damage to bones;
  • convulsions, allergic reactions, bleeding;
  • other problems of internal organs.

Important! Do not massage the chest, spine, lower back, or under the knee. Some experts also advise against massaging the inner side of the thigh.


You can fight cellulite at any stage of development. And vacuum massage is really effective. But you can only get rid of the orange peel completely with a comprehensive treatment. This does not mean that you have to take any medications, just reconsider your diet. You can watch a video on how to properly do anti-cellulite massage with cans at home.

Anti-cellulite massage - video

Give up fast food, fatty and junk food. Smoking and alcohol not only negatively affect the body, but also contribute to the appearance of cellulite. Lack of water will also negatively affect orange peel control.

Do a vacuum massage at home or in the salon, use anti-cellulite oils and let the problem of loose and ugly skin no longer worry!

Anti-cellulite massage is the most productive method of fighting against the "orange peel". It is performed with the usual medical banks of different sizes. In traditional glass products, a vacuum is created by burning the air inside. In the free sale, in the pharmacy, modern massage jars from various materials with a pear are sold, helping to quickly get rid of cellulite.

When the can is placed on the skin, a low pressure zone is created. Part of the skin is pulled inward, thus, blood circulation improves, microcirculation of interstitial fluid is normalized. During the massage process, the can moves through the body, the pressure changes in different areas. This facilitates the resorption of the seals. The external symptoms of cellulite disappear.

Vacuum massage has the following advantages:

  • stimulates blood circulation and improves the functioning of the lymphatic system;
  • beneficial effect on the functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands;
  • edematous and stagnant processes disappear;
  • the fat layer becomes smaller, which helps to remove cellulite;
  • collagen production is stimulated, skin rejuvenation occurs (especially effective for the face), a lifting effect occurs.

Massage with cans, to get rid of cellulite, is effective only when combined with a balanced diet and physical activity. It all depends on the perseverance and desire of the person. Many, hoping for a quick result, stop regular procedures.

This method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone, there are contraindications. Some procedures are not recommended to be performed on your own; it is better to consult a specialist in a beauty salon.

Selection of massage cans

There are several types of cans for massage:

Preparing for massage

In addition to the massage cans for cellulite, during the procedure, special oils are used which are sold freely at the pharmacy. It is possible to prepare a mixture from natural ingredients. You need to take 100 ml of base oil (olive, grape, etc.) and 20 drops of essential oil, but no more than 6 types.

  • Geranium oil dehydrates, activates lymphatic drainage, makes the skin elastic.
  • Juniper - eliminates harmful substances, relieves swelling.
  • Cypress - accelerates the skin regeneration process.
  • Cedarwood enhances blood circulation by filling the layers of the dermis with oxygen.
  • Grapefruit is effective for getting rid of cellulite and obesity.
  • Orange is able to enrich the skin with oxygen, vitamins, promotes the removal of harmful substances and regeneration.

It must be remembered that the dishes must be clean to prepare the mixture. Introduce essential oils into base oils, and not vice versa.

Technique step by step

Before performing the procedure, it is necessary to warm up the problem areas: massage until the skin turns red. Thus, the accessible area of ​​the body heats up on its own.

  1. Lubricate the skin with massage oil. Keep your hands dry as the jar should slide over your body and not in your hands.
  2. Having installed the jar on the problem area, the following must be observed: the skin should not be drawn in more than 1.5 cm, otherwise injuries are possible.
  3. With a jar, we perform continuous circular movements from bottom to top in a clockwise direction. If the tightness is broken, the can must be reinstalled.
  4. During the procedure, the popliteal region, groin and inner thigh area should be avoided;
  5. The time of the massage is up to 20 minutes, until the appearance of redness.
  6. After the session, it is advisable to moisturize the treated area with a cream or oil.

Cupping massage scheme

Thus, massage with cups is performed.

Features of massage on the stomach

Anti-cellulite massage with abdominal cups is very effective for getting rid of excess fat deposits. You need to start the procedure by cleaning the treated area with an alcohol solution. Apply oil. When the jar touches the skin, a vacuum is created. It is necessary to ensure that the inside of the skin is 1.5 cm.

The bank needs to be moved clockwise in zigzags moving away from the large intestine. During the session, pain symptoms should not appear. The duration of the procedure is approximately 7 minutes. After the session, bruises may appear, which quickly disappear. For the most noticeable effect, once a month it is necessary to carry out a course of massage of 10-15 sessions.

Features of massage on the hips and buttocks

Cellulite usually appears in the thighs and buttocks. The vacuum generated by the can activates the circulation of lymph and blood.

This is an area available for self-massage, warming up for seven minutes can be done as follows:

  1. put your foot on a chair;
  2. move upward from the knee in a circular motion;
  3. lie on your side with your legs bent. Place the jar on your thigh and move continuously from bottom to top, then in zigzags and wave-like movements.

If massage is necessary for the legs, then with the help of a can, circular continuous movements are made upward. The procedure must be completed at the point of venous outflow.

Features of facial massage

Facial massage using a can has a rejuvenating effect.

How vacuum works:

  • Muscle tissue relaxes.
  • Lymph exchange is stimulated.
  • In the lower layers of the dermis, microtraumas are created that provoke regeneration. An additional capillary network is formed, which contributes to oxygen saturation, improves blood circulation. Pores shrink.

For the procedure, they take the same silicone cans used in massage for cellulite.

2 options are required:

  • 1 cm in diameter - for smoothing fine wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds.
  • A can of 2-3 cm is used to intensively influence the lower layers of the dermis and muscles. It is used for the forehead and cheeks.

For the facial area procedure, you should carefully consider the choice of oil. It must be cold pressed and free from preservatives. You also need to comply with storage conditions. Spoiled oil is not good for massage.

It must be remembered that the oil is very well absorbed into the skin of the face, so it must be of good quality.

Any vegetable oil is assumed. Among them, black cumin oil can be distinguished, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. You need to take it a little and mix it in equal proportions with another oil.


  1. Warm up your face in the shower, you cannot steam or carry out a session after the sauna;
  2. Thorough cleansing of the skin is imperative, everything on the outer layer is easily absorbed;
  3. Apply oil liberally.

There are 2 main techniques for vacuum facial massage:

  • Static... Squeeze the jar a little and set it on your face. It is necessary to ensure that the vacuum is small, the skin is retracted a few mm. Wait 5 seconds. Remove carefully by releasing vacuum. Under no circumstances should the jar be taken off the skin.
  • Dynamic the technique provides for the continuous movement of the can over the face. Care must be taken to ensure that the skin is relaxed.

You need to start the procedure with a medium can. Massaging the cheeks is carried out from the nose to the auricle, without affecting the area under the eyes. We put the can at the nose, bring it to the ear and remove. We lower it below and do the same movement. On the cheeks, visually highlight 4 parallel lines along which you need to move the can.

Divide the jaw visually in half. In the middle we put a finger and from it we draw a jar to the chin, remove it. Then we do the same movement, but towards the ear. The chin is massaged in a circular motion with a medium-sized can. The muscles need to be relaxed.

The area below the chin is massaged with the same jar to get rid of the fat layer. The movement goes from the middle of the bottom to the side (left and right). Massage the forehead with a medium-sized jar. Move from the bridge of the nose up. Then, along the massage lines, from the middle to the sides. It is necessary to ensure that the jar does not hurt your eyebrows.

Perform all movements with a medium-sized can 4 times.

We begin to massage the nasolabial folds with the little one. The skin must be held lightly. Install the jar and move up in smooth circular motions. Go back down and repeat. The area around the lips is massaged in the same way. Move the can in both directions. We remove the "crow's feet" by massaging on the bone. It is necessary not to allow the skin to deform.

Massaging the eyelids requires a very delicate approach. The upper eyelid is processed by moving the can to the outer edge, hold the skin near the can with your finger. On the lower eyelid, the bank moves along a line from the outside to the inside. Do all massages with a small can 2 times. For eyelids, repeat 5 times.

How long does it take for different zones

For each zone to be treated, a different session time is allocated. For the procedure to be effective, you must adhere to these periods. Anti-cellulite massage should last 5-15 minutes. It is necessary to start with a minimum time, increasing each session by 2 minutes.

The procedure for the feet can take up to 20 minutes. Especially carefully you need to massage your face. The jar should be on the skin for only a few seconds.

Frequency of carrying out

There are 2 schemes for the frequency of performing massage with banks:

  1. Regularly, every other day for 10-15 sessions. Perform up to one month. Take a break of 2-4 weeks between courses.
  2. Intensive course take a week every day. Then, once every 7-14 days, do a supportive massage.

If necessary, the intensive massage method should be repeated and returned to the supportive session. It must be remembered that the result of the procedure (getting rid of cellulite using cans) does not come immediately. For this there is a rest period, when the skin is reanimated from microtraumas received during the session.


  • The presence of thrombosis or a disposition to its formation.
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • The presence of birthmarks on the massaged area.
  • Any damage to the skin.
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  • Stage III hypertension or a tendency to hypotension.
  • Inflammatory, fungal diseases.
  • The presence of a pacemaker.
  • Varicose veins or a close location of the venous network.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, bladder.
  • A state of fatigue, overwork.

If there is at least one of the listed contraindications, then it is better to consult a specialist so as not to harm yourself. When the vessels are close to the surface, massage with cans is not contraindicated. But in this case, it is better to contact an experienced beautician. The procedure will tighten the skin and slightly reduce the problem.

According to experts, massage with banks helps to get rid of cellulite only with an integrated approach. For best results, you need to rethink your diet. Refuse flour and sweets, limit the use of smoked meats, pickles.

It is necessary to observe the water-salt regime: the body needs at least 1.5 liters of water per day. Exercise helps to get rid of the "orange peel". If the gym is not for you, then walking 5-6 km daily will help. The main thing in the fight against cellulite is the systematic and correct combination of different methods.

Video: massage banks for cellulite

How to carry out vacuum massage with cans, find out in the video clip:

We reduce the volume with canned massage:

To whom and when is cupping massage shown, the effectiveness of the procedure, how to do it right, are there any contraindications - all this in the material below.

Principle of operation, indications

A vacuum is created inside the cans, which stimulates blood flow to the area. This helps to accelerate metabolic processes in tissues, increase tone, elasticity of muscles, blood vessels, and epithelium. Massage with medical banks activates, "invigorates", relaxes, energizes, starts the regeneration processes. Promotes renewal and rejuvenation, is effective against cellulite in the initial stage, promotes resorption of scars, scars, removal of excess fluid and toxins. Gives firmness, elasticity, tightens the contours of the body and face, promotes weight loss. Reduces joint pain.

The benefits of cupping massage are not limited to this:

  1. Active points of the body are stimulated, therefore cupping massage is used in acupuncture.
  2. Relieves clamps, including nerves.
  3. Accelerates the circulation of not only blood, but also lymph.
  4. Promotes the removal of phlegm.
  5. Relieves the onset (not acute) inflammatory processes in the joints.
  6. Boosts immunity.


  1. Spine diseases.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Cellulite, overweight.
  4. Respiratory diseases: bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections.


Cupping massage cannot be done when:

What are the spots after a massage session?

The characteristic dark spots can be described as a kind of bruising. Many, even experts, call them hematomas. Although both are wrong. A hematoma is an accumulation of blood due to damage to the integrity of the vessels. With cupping massage, the so-called petechiae appear, which are not ruptures, but specific changes (loosening) of the vessel walls with subsequent capillary hemorrhages - extravasates.

Spots are dosed microscopic hemorrhages that contain a cocktail of active substances like histamine or hormones. The surrounding tissues receive, as it were, a microinjection, forcing them to mobilize. That is why vacuum massage is actively and successfully used to prevent and get rid of facial wrinkles.

By the shade and intensity of stains after vacuum or cupping massage, one can judge the state of the patient's tissues. Dark, purple, edematous, slowly forming - deep stagnant processes, and light, with small dots, without swelling - superficial changes in the skin and underlying layers.

You can do can massage at home on your own, or by inviting a visiting specialist. You can also go directly to a medical institution: they have a more diverse set of vacuum devices at their disposal.

What are the massage banks

How to do cupping massage? Jars of different sizes are used - from 30 to 200 ml.

There are several types of cans:

  • Medical glass jars. They are also used for bloodletting - hijama.
  • Cans made of latex, rubber, silicone. Plastic.
  • Banks made of plastic. They come with a miniature pump (piston) for pumping out air. Can be completed with separate magnetic tips for additional effect (magnetotherapy). They are also called piston.
  • Hasi's magnetic banks. They contain magnets and are used for acupuncture massage.
  • Cosmetic massage jars. It looks a little like an enema: a plastic tube with a rubber bulb at the end is a jar that is convenient for working out small areas.
  • Bamboo jars. For our country it is still exotic.

The first two types are the most popular and universal. They differ in the way they are used. In order for air to form in a glass jar, it is necessary to place a burning swab soaked in alcohol inside. Latex cups are squeezed with your hands and then applied to the skin. A vacuum is created when the can begins to expand.

Silicone cans are affordable: a set on Aliexpress, which includes 12 cans of different sizes (a pair of each size) with a simple device for quick evacuation of air, - from 200 to 500 rubles. In domestic stores, it is more expensive: a travel set of 6 plastic cans with a pump - about 800 rubles. Medical glass jar 250 ml with rough indentations for the fingers - 250 rubles per piece.

Patients speak well of silicone cans: they do not deform, residues of oils or creams are easily washed off from them. At home, piston pistons are convenient, but they are only gaining popularity.

Magnetic cups are rarely used for massage. The magnetic field penetrates the skin to a depth of 10 cm and in itself has a therapeutic effect: it increases the level of oxygen in the blood, stimulates cellular metabolism, and starts regeneration processes.

More about bamboo jars

These jars are a curiosity in our country, where bamboo does not grow. They themselves are already a healing agent due to their high content of silicic acid. In medical cosmetology, this component is well known for its beneficial effect on the skin: it smoothes, strengthens, relieves inflammation, promotes the health of the skin, hair, nails, and relieves depression.

Banking massage at home or with a specialist can be done in three ways.

The first is traditional, fire.

The second - more interesting - bamboo jars are placed wet. They are boiled in decoctions of medicinal herbs for 15 minutes. Then they use either the firing method, or the second, when they let the water drain from the jar just taken out of the broth, then immediately put it in the right place. Cooling down, it sticks to the skin. The technique requires a virtuoso understanding of the temperature and speed of work, otherwise a burn is possible. Also, such cans are heated with steam.

Stages and technique

How to do a cupping massage correctly, and what should be taken into account?

There are two options for using cans: they are fixed on one area, or the cans are moved (dynamic massage).

The procedure in both cases is quite simple, so you can easily do it at home. The most important thing is to make sure there are no contraindications and move the cans in the right directions.

Do not put cups on the mammary glands (although there are special vacuum breast enlargers), on the inner surface of the thigh. It is forbidden to put on the spine (correctly - along the spine), the region of the heart and kidneys (correctly - under the shoulder blades), on the area under the knee.

Let's take a closer look at the general dynamic massage technique step by step:

  • Preparatory activities.

The patient assumes a comfortable lying position. Relaxes. If you use oil with special ingredients (essential oils), you should check if it has any allergies. It is recommended to conduct a 20-minute elbow bend test, but it is better to wait another day after the test. If there is no redness or itching, then the oil is suitable.

  • The skin area needs to be prepared: lubricate with an emollient and protective agent (fat cream, massage oil). This will enhance the effect, at the same time make the procedure more gradual, smoother, and also provide good gliding. If the massage is anti-cellulite, then it is better to intensify the preparation: take a warm bath, rub the skin with a washcloth, use a scrub (process until redness).
  • Inspect the cans: they must be intact, without cracks, slots.
  • Place the selected type of cans. If the fire method is used, then everything is done quickly: they light a tampon, insert it inside the jar for a few seconds, then pull it out and instantly apply the jar to the desired area. Watch the level of the skin pulled into the jar: it should not be more than 1.5 cm.
  • Plastic cans are squeezed in the middle, adjusting the force of compression (thin skin, childhood - should be squeezed less), flattened on the skin, and released after fixation.
  • Carefully choose the area and directions of massage! If the massage is performed by an amateur or you are performing it yourself (for example, for cellulite), you should first study the anatomical diagrams, where the arrows indicate in detail how and where to put the cans. No improvisation - it can be harmful. The direction of movement is only along the lines of flow of the lymph.
  • Movement can be straight, circular, zigzag, or spiral.
  • The duration of the procedure is from 10 minutes to half an hour.
  • Piston cans are removed as follows: bring your finger close to the edge, slightly press on the skin, air gets under the can, and it can be easily removed. You can't just take it off.

So, in general terms, any canned massage is performed. The technique of execution may vary depending on the type of cans and the purpose of the massage.

The classic massage procedure with glass jars, step by step:

How to handle cans before the procedure? A solution is prepared from hydrogen peroxide 3% and chloramine 1%. Moisten a napkin, wipe it, repeat after 10 minutes.

The nuances of massage for various diseases are described below.

  1. Osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine

How to do cupping massage at home with osteochondrosis? Glass jars are preferred. One or two cans are taken - that's enough. Stick at a distance of at least 4 cm from the spine.

The jar "stuck" to the skin moves from bottom to top. You need to lightly press on the jar, moving a small roller of skin in front of it. The downward movement is rest, no pressure is needed here, just move the can. Particular attention is paid to the required department.

In no case should you drive along the spine itself - just around! Improper technique can worsen the patient's condition.

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis

How to do massage with cups for pain in the neck? Carefully massage the area around the seventh vertebra, going down and up in straight up and down movements. Down - very smoothly. Or they work in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. A combination is possible: first 10-14 circular movements, then vertical movements. Do not touch the vertebra itself!

  1. Thoracic and lumbar osteochondrosis

The lower section is treated in almost the same way if the pain is concentrated in the lumbar region, but excluding circular movements. Osteochondrosis of the middle sections is a rare phenomenon, but if there is a predisposition to it, the doctor may recommend cupping massage.

You can not do cupping massage during an exacerbation. It is shown only in milder forms that have a chronic sluggish character.

Please note that with this disease, cupping massage is not the main tool, but just an aid as part of complex therapy. Self-medication is unacceptable. Even if all the symptoms point to osteochondrosis (pain in the spine, crunching, weakness, feeling of numbness and stiffness, headaches), this still does not mean anything. Many diseases have similar symptoms, including those that are not even related to the musculoskeletal system (radiating pain). It is possible to perform cupping massage for osteochondrosis only after making sure that this is not a disease from the list of contraindications and having consulted with a neurologist.

Banks show themselves most effectively in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.


A couple of decades ago, colds, coughs and acute respiratory infections were among the main indications for bank treatment. Then this method lost its popularity, but now it is again becoming in demand due to the appearance of convenient silicone cans that do not require the use of fire.

The bank is moved from the lower corner of the scapula to the shoulders. If the patient has bronchitis, the sides of the chest can be treated.

If the cans are used not for massage, but simply for warming up, then they put from 10 to 14 cans for 15 minutes, then the procedure is repeated, but not more than 5 times a day.

To alleviate the condition with pulmonary diseases, the following step-by-step scheme is possible:


Is it possible to do a massage with cups to yourself? It is better, of course, to use help, but you can do it yourself, although it will be much more difficult to process the buttocks, the back of the leg and thigh with your own hands.

  • The movements are straight or zigzag, only towards the heart, that is, from bottom to top.
  • It is better to tear the bank off, and not drive continuously.
  • Only in the right direction. It is possible to alternate with other types of massage (anti-cellulite, honey) to achieve a visible effect.

Cellulite, in simple terms, is blocked fat cells that are almost unaffected by diets, at the same time they lend themselves well to mechanical action, so can massage is also effective. How to do it right - in the pictures below.

Extremely important! Do not touch the inner thighs and groin area (bikini area).

Schemes of the correct movement of the cans:

The cost of one procedure of anti-cellulite cupping massage from a visiting specialist at home is about 1000-1500 rubles. In some Moscow salons you can find prices lower - 750-800 rubles. In this case, on average, it will take about 12 procedures with an interval of 3 days.

The duration can be any, depending on personal feelings. For the thighs, you can bring the duration up to an hour. On the stomach, no more than 15 minutes is better, although it all depends on the intensity of the exercise. Professionals recommend performing anti-cellulite massage no longer than 15 minutes and no more than 2 times a week.

On a note. The following essential oils are most effective for anti-cellulite massage: cypress oil, juniper, geranium oil (many consider it the most effective), rosemary, cinnamon. All citrus and conifers work well. However, this does not prevent you from using any oil to your liking - the psychological aspect in aromatherapy is no less important.

Many women are interested in the question of whether there will be an effect? Reviews indicate that the procedure works: the skin is tightened, the desired area (mostly ordered massage of the buttocks and thighs) looks more elastic, and the body contours are clearer. Sometimes 3 procedures are enough.

There are several downsides

The first - without additional measures, such as regular body wraps and physical activity, the likelihood of a visible result is small.

The second disadvantage is that the procedure is difficult to do on your own. Even those who ordered 1-2 sessions to see the technique came to the conclusion that it is very difficult to do the same at home. Facial massage is another matter, since the face is in the access zone of the hand, but it is extremely difficult to process the "shorts" or thighs from the back side on your own, without the help of a specialist or a friend. Another point: an amateur technique is often demonstrated on the Internet, which is suitable only for lightly warming up the skin, but not that powerful lymphatic drainage effect with a noticeable removal of toxins that is necessary.

After the procedure

Since the procedure is warming up, it is necessary to provide the tissues with the opportunity to smoothly return to their normal state. A sharp temperature drop will have a shock effect on the heated integuments, causing vasospasm. And this will negate a significant portion of the benefits of massage.

Immediately after the procedure, you need to completely or partially wrap yourself up, drink a warming drink, check the absence of drafts in the room, and do not go outside.

Skin stains after the procedure are normal. They can remain for several days.


When doing it yourself, pay attention to the technique, forbidden zones, the correct massage lines. Make sure there are no contraindications.

When these two conditions are met, cupping massage can be an effective contribution to your own health and beauty.