Ointment for healing burrs. Burrs on the fingers: preventive measures. Reasons for the formation of burrs

Smooth, velvety skin, neat manicure - these are the main components of the attractiveness of women's hands. But all this beauty fades as soon as the so-called burrs appear on the fingers - characteristic damage to the upper layer of the skin on the nail ridges. This extremely unpleasant cosmetic defect not only makes the hands look unkempt, but also causes pain, especially when the torn skin clings to clothing or comes into contact with hot water. In addition, burrs often cause inflammation of the periungual ridges and the development of infectious diseases of the nails. That is why this phenomenon should by no means be ignored, even if it does not cause much concern. So, let's try to figure out how to get rid of burrs as quickly and painlessly as possible and what nuances must be taken into account.

Cause of burrs

Before choosing a method for eliminating burrs, you need to find out for what reasons this unpleasant phenomenon may occur. As a rule, the appearance of this problem is most susceptible to people with excessively dry and sensitive skin, which, unlike normal, lacks sufficient elasticity and firmness and is easily injured at the slightest impact. The main reasons for this condition are:

  • genetic predisposition - dry skin around the nail plates may be due to hereditary factors;
  • lack of proper hand care - non-compliance with hygiene rules, the use of low-quality cosmetics, detergents, nail polishes and liquids for removing decorative coatings;
  • improper manicure or pedicure - if the technique of such procedures is violated, mechanical injury to the skin is possible;
  • neglect of protecting hands from exposure to various negative factors (ultraviolet, high or low temperatures, household chemicals, etc.);
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, the habit of biting nails and biting the skin around them);
  • the presence of various diseases of internal organs and systems (anemia, diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and thyroid gland);
  • beriberi - a lack of certain vitamins in the body leads to metabolic disorders and, as a result, various skin problems;
  • insufficient fluid intake - even slight dehydration of the body can adversely affect the condition of the skin, including the hands;
  • frequent walking barefoot, wearing open shoes (in these cases, burrs may appear on the legs).

Also, the causes of the formation of burrs can be all kinds of dermatological ailments, allergies, taking certain medications, and diet abuse. The main danger of this phenomenon lies in the fact that it is often accompanied by serious consequences and complications, among which diseases such as paronychia (inflammation of the periungual roller) and panaritium (acute purulent inflammation of the tissues of the fingers) should be especially distinguished. In the initial stages, such diseases can be eliminated by conservative methods, involving the use of medications and special procedures, and in advanced cases, surgery may be required.

How to remove burrs yourself

When burrs appear, people often experience severe discomfort: the torn skin constantly clings to something, pain and irritation occur. The natural reaction is to eliminate the irritant as quickly as possible by tearing off damaged skin or biting it off with your teeth. In no case should this be done, since such actions can lead to even greater tissue injury and the development of inflammatory processes. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is necessary to remove burrs correctly:

  • Prepare a bath of moderately hot water with the addition of a small amount of salt and soda, taken in equal proportions. Soak your hands or feet in it for about 15 minutes, then dry them with a towel.
  • Disinfect nail scissors or tweezers with alcohol and carefully cut off the exfoliated skin fragments, being careful not to affect healthy tissue. If the burrs are very small, they can simply be processed with a grinding buff.
  • Treat the cut sites with any antiseptic (such as chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide) and apply a moisturizer. In order not to accidentally injure the skin when doing housework, stick a plaster with gauze pad on your finger. In the future, it is necessary to lubricate the skin around the nails daily with wound healing ointment or cosmetic oil.
  • If you are afraid to cut off the burrs, you can do this: an hour and a half before bedtime, carefully lubricate the skin at the rupture site with calendula ointment or sea buckthorn oil, cover with a piece of polyethylene and loosely seal with adhesive tape. Leave the compress on all night, remove it in the morning and wash your hands. If the burrs do not fall off after the first procedure, repeat it.

If, after improper removal of the burr, the skin around the finger becomes inflamed, you should try to prevent suppuration with the help of external agents, such as hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, iodine. In the event that it was not possible to avoid it, you will have to use antibacterial or antiseptic drugs. To alleviate the condition, you can steam the sore finger in a hot salt bath and apply a gauze bandage with Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol ointment to the abscess. Treatment should be continued until complete recovery.

Preventive measures

As you know, any problem is always easier to prevent than to look for ways to solve it later. The same goes for burrs: if you do not want to constantly deal with them, take preventive measures:

  • Do all housework (washing floors and dishes, laundry, etc.) with latex gloves. It is better if inside them there is not talcum powder, which dries the skin a lot, but a cotton layer. In cold weather, remember to wear mittens to protect your hands from the effects of freezing temperatures.
  • Use hand cream daily. They should be applied after each contact with water, before going outside, shortly before a night's sleep. In the summer, light creams with a moisturizing effect should be used, in winter - more greasy, nourishing ones. To prevent the appearance of burrs, choose products containing beeswax, glycerin, vegetable and essential oils, lanolin.
  • Get regular manicures at the salon or at home. If you prefer the second option, take a responsible approach to the choice of tools: scissors and tweezers should be of high quality and sharp enough not to injure the skin around the nails when removing the cuticle. Do not do a dry trim manicure, be sure to pre-steam your hands in the bath and use special products to soften the cuticle. Remember to disinfect all fixtures after each use.
  • Observe the drinking regime. For the normal functioning of the body and maintaining healthy skin, you need to consume at least one and a half to two liters of liquid daily (this can be pure still water, green tea, natural juices). In hot weather, the amount of water can be increased.
  • Watch your nutrition. Be sure to include fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, cold-pressed vegetable oils and other foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your daily menu. During the off-season, you can additionally take vitamin complexes designed to maintain healthy skin.
  • To avoid drying and thinning of the delicate skin around the nails, you can rub liquid vitamins A and E, cosmetic oils and moisturizers into it 2-3 times a week. It is also useful to periodically make baths and hand masks based on medicinal herbs, dairy products, honey and aloe juice.

As an addition to the basic hand care, you can do a paraffin wrap and finger massage. Such procedures are usually carried out in beauty parlors, but if you wish, it is easy to learn how to perform them yourself. You just need to purchase a special cosmetic paraffin and several types of essential oils that have a moisturizing effect. Having arranged a beauty salon at home, you will not only get rid of burrs, but also prevent early aging of the skin of your hands.

Folk recipes

Unfortunately, there are no special cosmetic or medication preparations that allow you to get rid of already formed burrs. In any case, the raised skin fragments will have to be cut off, since they will not grow back. It is better to use cosmetics or medicines as a preventive measure in order to prevent the skin from drying out and the appearance of new burrs. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to purchase ready-made products in a pharmacy; instead, you can use alternative options from the arsenal of traditional medicine, the recipes of which will be presented below.

oil bath

Action: softens and moisturizes the skin, gives it elasticity, prevents the appearance of burrs.


  • 100 ml of olive (almond, corn) oil;
  • 3-5 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • How to do:

    • Heat vegetable oil in a water bath, add ether.
    • Dip your fingertips into the warm composition, hold for 15 minutes, then blot your hands with a dry cloth.

    Aloe mask

    Action: moisturizes the skin, provides anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the healing process of damaged tissues.


    • 1 large leaf of aloe;
    • 1 ampoule of vitamin A.

    How to do:

    • Wash the aloe leaf, cut into cubes and grind in a blender.
    • Add vitamin to the gruel, mix and apply to the skin around the nails.
    • Put on textile gloves or just wrap your hands with cling film, wait about 60 minutes, then wash off the mask.

    Moisturizing balm

    Action: softens the skin, gives it elasticity and firmness, helps prevent burrs.


    • 20 ml of linseed oil;
    • 10 ml lemon juice;
    • 1 egg yolk;
    • 20 g honey.

    How to do:

    • Melt honey in a water bath, add oil and lemon juice, beat in the yolk.
    • Dip your fingers in the finished composition, put on cotton gloves, wait 15 minutes, then rinse off the rest of the mask with warm water.

    Burrs are an unpleasant, but, fortunately, quite easily eliminated phenomenon, the main thing is not to start the problem and take precautions. However, if, despite all the efforts and preventive measures, burrs continue to appear, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the increased dryness of the skin is not due to external causes, but to some malfunctions in the body.

    Burrs on the fingers are small cracked pieces of skin near the nail plate that spoil the appearance of the hands, and can also bring a lot of inconvenience. They cling to different objects, interfere with their usual activities. Probably, every person has encountered such a problem as burrs on the fingers.

    The reason why they appear is the loss of elasticity of the skin around the nail.

    This may be due to a lack of vitamins in the body, associated with a change in season, or after an illness. For those who like to bite their nails, this problem exists all the time.

    Also, burrs on the fingers appear after prolonged contact with detergents (during general cleaning, washing a large amount of dishes, etc.). If they hurt and abscess, it is worth looking for a problem in the esophagus.

    Removal should only be done at home. First, you should hold your fingers in warm water, it will help soften and steam out the skin of the hands. It is better to remove burrs with special tweezers or wire cutters. They should be very sharp and tightly adjacent to the surface of the finger. In this case, you should not delay the skin, otherwise several new painful scraps of skin may appear in this place. For the same reason, it is advisable to abandon the use of scissors. After the removal procedure, you should use an oil or moisturizer.

    If the burrs on the fingers appeared during the working day, it is better to seal them with adhesive tape and treat them at home. An open wound should be treated with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or iodine, which will disinfect the inflamed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

    To get rid of burrs, you first need to determine the reason why they appear. It is worth changing your diet: give up junk food, giving preference to vegetables and fruits, because they contain a lot of vitamins.

    In order not to face such a problem of hands in the future, you need to regularly care for them:

    Every day you need to use a cream that nourishes and softens the skin;

    Soap should be used moisturizing (you can use liquid) or baby soap - it will not dry out the surface of the hands;

    During cleaning or washing, they should be worn because they are able to protect the skin from exposure and also protect existing burrs on the fingers from further inflammation and pain;

    Washed hands should be dried with a towel so that no excess moisture remains on them;

    During the day, it is worth drinking plenty of fluids, since its lack leads to cracking of the skin near the nail plate;

    As a preventive measure, it is necessary to do with the addition of olive or any essential oil to the water, you can also put sea salt;

    Manicure should be done twice a month.

    Provided that burrs appear very often, it is better to contact a beauty salon. If you are more accustomed to doing manicures at home, then you should refuse (they cause significant damage to the skin) and quick-drying varnishes, which can also cause burrs.

    A burr is a break in the skin of the nail fold. In most cases, they occur on the lateral roller of the finger, on the side of the nail, since this area is most susceptible to mechanical stress. Also, a few burrs, but much less often, are found on the rear roller, as well as on the toes.

    Outwardly, the hangnail looks like an area of ​​skin exfoliation or a piece of it. Such a picture does not paint the nail at all, while it also causes bleeding, pain and can cause paronychia.

    Causes of burrs

    The formation of such structures most often occurs on dry skin with increased sensitivity. Constant dryness when exposed to provoking factors can lead to thinning and loss of elasticity in the area around the nail. Even a slight impact on such weakened skin leads to cracking.

    Provoking factors

      Prolonged contact with water on the skin of the hands also affects household detergents (quite often burrs appear in women who do not use rubber gloves during cleaning).

      Lack of proper hand hygiene.

      Overdrying, chapping, frostbite of the skin of the hands, especially in winter.

      Work with chemicals without the use of protective gloves.

      Frequent walking barefoot, which is accompanied by trauma to the skin of the feet with pebbles and sand.

      Excess cuticle that grows on the nail plate.

      Poor quality materials that are used in the process of nail extension, in particular methyl acrylate.

      Use of low grade nail polishes and nail polish removers.

      Injury to the skin with pebbles, sand quite often provokes the development of burrs on the hands.

      Mechanical trauma to the skin during manicure and pedicure.

      A bad habit of sucking fingers, biting the skin along the edges of the nail plates, biting nails.

    Internal causes

      Dehydration - non-compliance with the drinking regimen.



      Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

      Starvation, diet, malnutrition.

      Deficiency of vitamins (E, B, A) and trace elements.


    As with other skin lesions, in the presence of burrs, skin defects can become a gateway for the attachment of infectious agents of fungal (Candida, dermatophytes) and bacterial (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus) infection.

      The constant gnawing and tearing off of the burrs causes the tissues to be exposed and the formation of bleeding weeping surfaces in these places; if you touch such places, severe pain occurs.

      Panaritium (paronychia) - inflammation of the periungual roller, due to the spread of infection through soft tissues. In the case of swelling of the finger, throbbing pain and redness occur - this is the main symptom of the periungual panaritium. In the future, a softened tissue area is formed with a gradual change in the color of the skin to yellowish, which indicates the accumulation of purulent compartments in the periungual or subungual space.

      Deformation of the nail - in some cases, paronychia can acquire a chronic course with the development of periodic exacerbations, respectively, there is a thickening and discoloration of the nail plate.

    Burr characteristic

    Burrs can be large or small, single or multiple. The constant companions of burrs are their soreness, especially in cases of touch, bleeding.

      Multiple burrs make the hands unattractive and repulsive, a person with a similar problem constantly hides his hands and experiences psychological discomfort.

      In addition to medical and aesthetic problems, burrs can complicate everyday life: they cling to hair, clothes, and pain occurs.


    Vivid symptoms of pathology are not in doubt in the diagnosis. Especially it is necessary to highlight cases when burrs, with normal care and the elimination of provoking factors, begin to reappear. In such cases, additional research is needed:

      examination of feces for the presence of dysbacteriosis;

      spectral analysis of hair for the content of trace elements;

      blood chemistry.

    With a deficiency of vitamins, cracks in the corners of the mouth may also appear. In the event of complications, when an abscess is formed, it is worth performing a bacterial culture of the contents of the exudate to determine the causative agent of the infection and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

    How to get rid of burrs at home

      Steam the skin of your fingers in a hot bath for 10 minutes. Soda or sea salt is added to the water (1 tablespoon per 0.5 liters).

      Dry your hands with a towel carefully and gently.

      Treat nail scissors with medical alcohol and carefully cut the cuticle. When cutting, the scissors should be held parallel, forceps - perpendicular, for a snug fit to the skin. You can not tear off and pull the burrs, because healthy skin will also begin to tear, conditions will appear for the formation of a new burr.

      Treat the skin with an antiseptic solution (alcohol tincture of calendula, hydrogen peroxide), then apply Dexpanthenol (analogues of Panoderm ointment, D-panthenol, Panternol, Bepanten) or a special moisturizer to the skin.

      Stick a band-aid with a fabric core on your fingers to prevent accidental injury to the skin of your fingers on clothing.

    When fear arises when cutting burrs, you can use this method: at night, carefully lubricate the burrs with calendula ointment and loosely seal with a plaster. By morning, the burrs will soften and be removed on their own in the process of washing hands. But it should be understood that complete removal is not guaranteed, and small remnants of the skin can re-cling to clothing and form new burrs.

    How to get rid of burrs in the cabin

    Specialized salons perform such actions like home removal, but more professionally and with less risk of recurrence in the future. But both the salon and the master must be trustworthy, since infections can be introduced during the processing of burrs with a non-sterile tool. Also in beauty salons, you can carry out such professional manipulations that will help prevent the development of burrs, such as:

      paraffin therapy;

      foot and hand peeling;

      edged pedicure and manicure;

      spa pedicure and spa manicure.

    Alternative treatment

      Rosehip oil or sea buckthorn oil - can be applied to burrs, as they have a cytoprotective and wound healing effect.

      Aloe officinalis gruel. A few fresh leaves are well crushed and applied to the fingertips, hands are covered with a film on top. Ideally, you need to withstand several hours, but not less than 30 minutes. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

      Oil baths. Heat a small amount of vegetable oil and hold your hands in such a bath for 10-20 minutes. The oil does not have to be rinsed off, it can be rubbed into the skin and put on over the glove. Repeat the procedure daily at night.

    Treatment of complications

    It often happens that the burr breaks off, and after a while the finger breaks. With the development of inflammatory processes, you should immediately contact the surgeon.

    The acute stage is treated with the help of conservative techniques: warm compresses are effective, outside the procedure, the finger must be held in an elevated position. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to stop the inflammatory process and prevent an abscess.

    In the event of a periungual abscess, drainage and opening are performed under procedural conditions. With a subungual abscess, the nail plate may be partially or completely removed.


      Complete nutrition.

      Compliance with the drinking regime.

      Taking minerals and vitamins. To determine which vitamins are deficient, you can use a blood test.

      The use of softening baths with soda, glycerin or sea salt twice a week.

      Using emollient and nourishing hand creams after every manicure or hand wash. The cream should be applied around the nail and rubbed with light massage movements.

      Hand washing with baby soap.

      Protecting the skin of the hands from the effects of natural factors and aggressive environments (gloves, protective creams).

      The eradication of the pernicious habit of sucking fingers and biting nails is especially characteristic of children. In addition to bleeding and painful burrs, such a habit can cause helminthic invasion or acute intestinal infection.

      Disinfection after home pedicure and manicure (tea tree oil, hydrogen peroxide).

      Professional foot and hand care. High-quality edged pedicure and manicure practically exclude the development of burrs.

    Burrs are skin tears that often bleed, become inflamed, and sometimes develop into purulent abscesses. Therefore, if a similar problem occurs, you should know how to fix it correctly. In this article, we will analyze the causes of burrs on the fingers and how to treat them. This information will help to avoid infection of the resulting wound and prevent the development of paronychia.

    The appearance of burrs can be caused by both external and internal factors.

    Reasons for the appearance

    Burrs on the fingers can appear for a number of reasons.

    1. Nail folds often become coarse due to the negative effects of chemicals that we use daily: dishwashing detergent, washing powder. The substances contained in such preparations are very aggressive, they dry the skin of the hands and, as a result, hangnails appear.
    2. Doing your own manicure? If yes, then this factor may be another answer to the question of why barbs appear on the fingers. The fact is that a poorly performed procedure, during which damage to the skin around the nail plate occurs, often causes hangnails. By the way, the complete lack of nail care also quite often provokes the occurrence of this problem.
    3. Never bite your nails, as this habit is the most common cause of hangnails.
    4. In some cases, this problem occurs due to a skin disease, when the inflammatory process occurs in close proximity to the nail fold.

      Important! In this case, only a specialist can solve the problem! Self-medication will only aggravate the situation!

    5. In addition, problems such as vitamin deficiency, a violation of the intestinal microflora, when the body lacks fluid and an improper diet, can influence the formation of hangnails.


    To get rid of burrs on the fingers, you can apply several methods:

    • immediate removal;
    • use of folk remedies;
    • cosmetic preparations.


    This procedure is carried out in several stages.

    At the end of the procedure, the treated area must be disinfected with a special agent.

    Folk methods

    To treat barbs on the fingers can be folk methods.

    1. Regularly do hand baths with the addition of a small amount of soda. This method helps to soften hangnails and prevent the development of inflammation.
    2. You can use the juice of some indoor plants. Most of all, Kalanchoe is suitable for these purposes, as it has a bactericidal, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Just moisten the damaged area with squeezed juice several times a day and soon the burrs will disappear.
    3. The next method is similar to the previous one, only it involves the use not of juice, but of gruel prepared from the flowers of the plant. The flowers should be crushed and the resulting mixture applied to the affected area of ​​the skin, then wrap it with plastic wrap and leave for several hours or overnight. Only in the latter case, the film should be fixed with a bandage.

    Important! This method is the most effective, and a positive result will be visible after two or three procedures.

    Cosmetic preparations

    The modern pharmaceutical industry cannot yet offer specific treatments for hangnails, so today it is recommended to use moisturizers and balms designed to care for hands, cuticles and nails. Using them is very simple - just apply a couple of times a day to the skin around the nail plate and rub it until completely absorbed.

    If an abscess has formed

    It is very important to know what to do if the hangnail is inflamed. This phenomenon is called panaritium and can not always be caused by an unsuccessful manicure. There may be several reasons:

    • finger injuries;
    • ingrown nail;
    • a cut;
    • abrasion, etc.

    Important! In the event of an abscess, in no case should the integrity of the skin be violated and injuries to the deep layers of the skin be allowed. Otherwise, microorganisms can enter the wound, which will become the causative agents of an infectious disease.

    In any case, if a hangnail abscesses, steps must be taken immediately to resolve this problem.

    1. First of all, you should carefully remove part of the separated skin so that it does not cling to anything and does not detach from the finger even more. Otherwise, the already formed wound will only increase.

      Important! When trimming a hangnail, control your movements so as not to touch the "live" skin. This can cause bleeding and open up space for infection to enter.

    2. Further, the site of the abscess must be washed with warm water and moistened with an antiseptic - iodine, brilliant green or any other hand sanitizer. Of the pharmaceutical preparations, we can recommend "Vishnevsky's ointment", which quite successfully fights abscesses. This manipulation is necessary in order to stop the inflammation and prevent its further growth.
    3. After, the wound is sealed with a bactericidal plaster, which will close the "path" to microorganisms.

    With a slight abscess, you can use folk methods:

    • a compress from the juice or leaves of Kalanchoe (the preparation process is described a little higher);
    • compress with the pulp of carrots;
    • lotions from a decoction of blueberry leaves;
    • cranberry juice;
    • baked onion, which has the ability to draw out pus.

    But remember that self-medication is far from always saving and is often fraught with complications. The use of improvised means can be justified only in the absence of the possibility of visiting a doctor. In other situations, it is recommended to seek professional medical help.

    All materials on the website Priroda-Znaet.ru are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!