Reusable diapers for babies: pros and cons. Disposable diaper: pros and cons, pros and cons

The choice of diapers is always complicated by a lack of understanding of the advantages of a particular brand. Every little detail can play a decisive role: comfortable Velcro, diaper hold, absorbency, pleasant scent. Aside from the price point and focus solely on the benefits of a diaper for a baby, Pampers is considered one of the market leaders in this area for a reason. And that's why.

Pampers diapers begin their history in the 60s of the last century. When a simple engineer at Procter & Gamble, Victor Mills came up with improved diapers for his grandson. Since then, nothing has changed.

Pros of Pampers diapers (Pampers)

Pampers' pros are in the approach. Every little thing, including the gel and perfume in the diapers, is tested and tested in laboratories. Materials are only hypoallergenic and safe. Not obvious, but true. This is where the fight against fears begins for the young parent.

Pampers really cares about kids. This is confirmed by tests, certificates and millions of happy (dry and contented) babies around the world.

Next is a multilevel layer. We only know that diapers must absorb and not leak. But, if you look at it, not all manufacturers can boast of this. And Pampers can. How is this achieved? Due to the structure of the diaper. There is a top layer containing a mild lotion to protect against moisture. There is an absorbent layer made of soft polyester fabric. There is a distribution layer, as well as an absorbent core and a bottom layer that prevents liquid from getting on bed or clothes.

Sounds pretty cute, but what's inside?

The inside is a super absorbent gel, it is contained in the inner layer of diapers in granular form (such as sugar). When it interacts with moisture, it becomes a gel and is able to absorb 30 times more liquid than it weighs itself. The gel tends to fall out of the diaper under certain circumstances, but even in such cases, it will not cause any harm to the baby (more than 400 tests have been checked for accidental skin contact or swallowing).

All this suggests that the likelihood of diaper rash and skin irritation with Pampers diapers is lower than with many competitors.

What else? In addition to the practical properties of diapers, Pampers has taken care of other nice little things. Some models are supplied with cheerful pigment (and also completely safe) designs - for aesthetic delight. And also - perfume. The latter, in turn, is a big plus for the parent. It's much nicer to roll up a used diaper that doesn't smell as strong as it could.

Cons of Pampers diapers (Pampers)

Is everything so smooth? Yes, the Velcro straps are comfortable and grip, but at the same time they are harsh and can leave marks. No matter how safe the absorbent layer is, there is a chance of irritation. Everything will depend on the particular baby and the frequency of diaper changes. The inner layer itself is quite wet - which leads to frequent diaper changes, more diaper consumption - more money spent.

Buy diapers Pampers You can in our online store and with home delivery, for this, select the desired product and place an order.

To keep babies' butts dry and clean ...
“We need to dry and clean them!”

What your child 1.5-2 years old will wear - a diaper or a reusable diaper - only you can decide. Think for yourself, decide for yourself ...

DISPOSABLE DIAPER OR PUMPERS(hereinafter OP) was invented in 1957 by the leading chemist-technologist of the company "Procter & Gamble" Victor Mills, mass production was launched in 1959. The essence of Mills's invention was dictated by the most ordinary selfishness, the desire to make life easier for himself, and not to improve the lives of children. which, apparently, was not bad anyway. ”The main ideological postulate of the general theory of the use of disposable diapers:" Diapers are not needed for a child, diapers are needed for those who care for this child! " Thus, the diaper has no idea what your baby wants .. But he knows exactly what his mum-dad, grandmother-grandfather want or do not want.


  1. Convenient for those caring for a child, frees up their time.
  2. Eliminates daily washings, nightly waking up, excitement on walks.
  3. In a good OP the child is "always dry" - even when he went "big".
  4. Less volume: a fresh diaper is almost invisible under clothes.

recognized by all
  1. OP is not a cheap thing. For 2 years of use, you will have to spend about 45,000 rubles (1.5 thousand dollars) on diapers. They cause a desire to save them, which often happens to the detriment of hygiene and health.
  2. They are made of cellulose (raw material - wood), polyethylene (raw material - natural gas), SAP \ VGM (raw materials - not deciphered for the consumer (!), Presumably - silica gel, i.e. silicon oxide).
  3. The OP needs to be changed on average every 4-5 hours (the service time of the OP of a particular brand is indicated on the packaging), urologists do not recommend keeping children in the OP for more than 6 hours, because this can lead to serious diseases of the genitourinary system (in both girls and boys).
  4. In the OP, the child does not feel his departure, i.e. does not feel completely.
  5. Parents are unable to recognize how often and how much their child is peeing. At the same time, there are some diseases - both acute and chronic, and congenital, in which one of the first manifestations of the symptoms of the disease is a change in the frequency of urination.
  6. In the OP the child is "always dry." Even if he went "for a big", he will sleep peacefully. The result may be diaper dermatitis *, urinary tract infections, mucosal irritation, vulvovaginitis (in girls),
  7. A reaction to OP materials, impregnation and fragrances is possible, i.e. allergic dermatitis.
  8. OP covers 30% of the child's body surface. The absolute waterproofness of the OP is ensured by a polyethylene film (!), Glued under the paper "breathing" layer. There is practically no air movement under the OP, i.e. breathing of the skin in this space is disturbed - to a greater or lesser extent.
  9. OP causes significant harm to the environment. At the OP for 1 child, 4-5 trees are used for the entire period of use. Our waste processing technology does not imply a special program for the disposal of OP. During use, 1 child produces 1 ton of non-decomposable garbage. I really want our children to live on a clean Earth, where trees grow, and not in a poisoned dump.
  10. OP is not recommended for use ("Nanny" No. 4 of 2003, Consumer Encyclopedia): if the child is not 1 (2) months old, premature babies, with diarrhea, with fever and fever, with dermatitis, diathesis, eczema and if redness appears when using OP of any brand.


  1. OP appeared only 40 years ago; for the last 25 years, the problem of a decrease in reproductive function in men has been actively discussed. This is not to say that they are "time-tested" with a plus sign.
  2. Studies by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia have shown that the temperature inside the OP is higher than in gauze, "only 0.5-1.1 C". Imagine that your temperature or that of your child for 2 years will be higher by only the indicated values, i.e. 37.1- 37.7 ºС. Surely you will run to the doctor. Or the average world temperature will rise by only 1 ° C (ecologists in this case speak of an environmental disaster).
  3. The problem of potty training. There is an opinion that children wearing OP do not form the urge reflex to urinate, because they never experience discomfort from wet diapers and pants. Studies in Japan have shown that children, whether wearing OP or MP, are able to drop them on their own at about 27 months of age (2 years 3 months). Who is right? On the one hand, it must be admitted that the urge to urinate reflex is formed individually and is not determined by wet or dry pants, but the ability to control urination directly depends on whether the child feels that he pee or does not feel anything.

REUSABLE DIAPER (hereinafter MP) traces its history from antiquity. At that time, in Europe, pads made of flax, wool, hemp were used as a MP, which were then dried over a fire. In Russia, a diaper was called "a flap, a rag placed in a diaper." Instead of this rag, our mothers used gauze. The idea of ​​a diaper has always been the same - to reduce the number of wet diapers. There were no diapers and everything needed to be washed. Not easy? - Yes. But then there was no need to think about what, in fact, diapers are made of and how they affect the health of the child. After all, all materials were natural, i.e. "Approved" by Nature, of which man is a part.


  1. Environmentally friendly for the user. Made from organic cotton, silk and wool, grown in accordance with the laws of nature and in harmony with it. Cotton is a natural plant fiber that is friendly to human skin. Silk and wool are natural protein fibers of animal origin, which are similar in composition and properties to human skin.
  2. Do not interfere with skin respiration.
  3. They contribute to the emergence of a feeling of natural functions in the child, i.e. form a full-fledged sense of himself.
  4. Provides full-fledged "wide swaddling".
  5. They enable parents to recognize the departure of the child, i.e. know how much and when he peed, whether he received enough milk.
  6. For children with sensitive skin, MP is often the only viable option.
  7. Do not create too high temperatures in the diaper.
  8. MPs are much cheaper for parents than diapers. They need to spend 5 times less money than OP (taking into account the cost of washing). They do not make you want to save money at the expense of hygiene.
  9. MP production from controlled biological farms is environmentally friendly, because they are made from quickly reproducible raw materials, without cutting down trees, and are not treated with harmful chemicals. Environmentally friendly in terms of disposal, i.e. do not form mountains of irreducible waste.
  10. You don't have to constantly worry about buying new diapers.
  11. Can be used for more than one child.
  12. There are no contraindications for using MP.


  1. Necessity of washing and drying.
  2. They get wet after a certain limit, which creates inconvenience for parents at night, on the road.


  1. Any diaper disrupts the processes of skin respiration. -Then, logically, any clothing disrupts the processes of skin respiration, after all, a person is born naked. Is it so? Do a little experiment: put on underwear and clothes made of synthetic materials and cellulose and walk around in them for the day. Live the next day dressed in all natural. Compare the sensations.
  2. Diaper dermatitis can develop from MP, which is why it is called that, which occurs only from being in diapers. - Diaper dermatitis occurs from prolonged contact with secretions. To avoid it, you just need to change more often what the child is in. We strive to hold the pampers longer (it's a pity to throw it away, it costs money), and not to change it. But the MP needs only to be stretched.
  3. Do you need to wash the MP all the time? - You don't need to wash all the time. A maximum of 10 diapers are consumed per day. There are 20 of them in the set. Those. you need to wash once every 2-3 days.
  4. Woolen pants ... They must be hot in them? - No, they are not hot, they are very good (even when it's hot outside) and especially when it's cool (we have 9 months a year). And in the summer heat, you don't have to wear them, there are alternatives to them: sweatshirt and terry pants with Velcro. The advantage of the disana changing system is that a variety of combinations are possible with it - you can always make it so that you feel comfortable in your situation. Unlike a diaper, which can only be worn as a whole, or removed (in the heat or when a child is sick, polyethylene cannot be taken out of the diaper).

Elena Dranova, member of the International Union of Natural Textiles

* KBH are controlled biological farms, where plants and animals are grown without the use of chemicals and antibiotics, and raw materials (wool, cotton) are harvested by hand.

Based on materials from the Ovechka Club Store

What your child 1.5-2 years old will wear - a diaper or a reusable diaper - only you can decide. Think for yourself, decide for yourself ...

DISPOSABLE DIAPER OR PUMPERS(hereinafter OP) was invented in 1957 by the leading chemist-technologist of the company "Procter & Gamble" Victor Mills, mass production was launched in 1959. The essence of Mills's invention was dictated by the most ordinary selfishness, the desire to make life easier for himself, and not to improve the lives of children. which, apparently, was not bad anyway. ”The main ideological postulate of the general theory of the use of disposable diapers:" Diapers are not needed for a child, diapers are needed for those who care for this child! " Thus, the diaper has no idea what your baby wants, but he knows exactly what his mothers-fathers and grandparents want or do not want.


1.Convenient for those caring for the child, frees up their time.
2. Eliminates daily washing, nightly getting up, excitement on walks.
3. In a good OP the child is "always dry" - even when he went "big".
4. Less volume: a fresh diaper is almost invisible under clothes.

CONS OF DISPOSABLE DIAPER recognized by all:

1. OP is not a cheap thing. For 2 years of use, you will have to spend about 45,000 rubles (1.5 thousand dollars) on diapers. They cause a desire to save them, which often happens to the detriment of hygiene and health.

2.Made of cellulose (raw material - wood), polyethylene (raw material - natural gas), SAP \ VGM (raw material - for the consumer is not deciphered (!), Presumably - silica gel, i.e. silicon oxide).

3. The OP needs to be changed on average every 4-5 hours (the service time of the OP of a particular brand is indicated on the packaging), urologists do not recommend keeping children in the OP for more than 6 hours, because this can lead to serious diseases of the genitourinary system (in both girls and boys).

4. In the OP, the child does not feel his departure, i.e. does not feel completely.

5. Parents are unable to recognize how often and how much their child is peeing. At the same time, there are some diseases - both acute and chronic, and congenital, in which one of the first manifestations of the symptoms of the disease is a change in the frequency of urination.

6. In the OP the child is "always dry." Even if he went "for a big", he will sleep peacefully. The consequence may be diaper dermatitis *, urinary tract infection, mucosal irritation, vulvovaginitis (in girls),

7. Possible reaction to OP materials, impregnation and fragrances, i.e. allergic dermatitis.

8. OP covers 30% of the baby's body surface. The absolute waterproofness of the OP is ensured by a polyethylene film (!), Glued under the paper "breathing" layer. There is practically no air movement under the OP, i.e. breathing of the skin in this space is disturbed - to a greater or lesser extent.

9. OP causes significant harm to the environment. At the OP for 1 child, 4-5 trees are used for the entire period of use. Our waste processing technology does not imply a special program for the disposal of OP. During use, 1 child produces 1 ton of non-decomposable garbage. I really want our children to live on a clean Earth, where trees grow, and not in a poisoned dump.

10. OP is not recommended for use ("Nanny" No. 4 of 2003, Consumer Encyclopedia): if the child is not 1 (2) months old, premature babies, with diarrhea, with fever and fever, with dermatitis, diathesis, eczema and if redness appears when using any brand of OP.


1. OP appeared only 40 years ago, for the last 25 years the problem of reducing the reproductive function in men has been actively discussed. This is not to say that they are "time-tested" with a plus sign.

2. Research of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia showed that the temperature inside the OP is higher than in gauze, "only by 0.5-1.1 C". Imagine that your temperature or that of your child for 2 years will be higher by only the indicated values, i.e. 37.1- 37.7 ºС. Surely you will run to the doctor. Or the average world temperature will rise by only 1 ° C (ecologists in this case speak of an environmental disaster).

3. The problem of potty training. There is an opinion that children wearing OP do not form the urge reflex to urinate, because they never experience discomfort from wet diapers and pants. Studies in Japan have shown that children, whether wearing OP or MP, are able to drop them on their own at about 27 months of age (2 years 3 months). Who is right? On the one hand, it must be admitted that the urge to urinate reflex is formed individually and is not determined by wet or dry pants, but the ability to control urination directly depends on whether the child feels that he pee or does not feel anything.

REUSABLE DIAPER(hereinafter MP) traces its history from antiquity. At that time, in Europe, pads made of flax, wool, hemp were used as a MP, which were then dried over a fire. In Russia, a diaper was called "a flap, a rag placed in a diaper." Instead of this rag, our mothers used gauze. The idea of ​​a diaper has always been the same - to reduce the number of wet diapers. There were no diapers and everything needed to be washed. Not easy? - Yes. But then there was no need to think about what, in fact, diapers are made of and how they affect the health of the child. After all, all materials were natural, i.e. "Approved" by Nature, of which man is a part.


1.Environmental friendly for the user. Made from organic cotton, silk and wool, grown in accordance with the laws of nature and in harmony with it. Cotton is a natural plant fiber that is friendly to human skin. Silk and wool are natural protein fibers of animal origin, which are similar in composition and properties to human skin.

2.Do not interfere with skin respiration.

3. Contribute to the emergence of a feeling of natural functions in the child, i.e. form a full-fledged sense of himself.

4. Provide full-fledged "wide swaddling".

5. Allow parents to recognize the child's dispatch, i. E. know how much and when he peed, whether he received enough milk.

6. For children with sensitive skin, MP is often the only acceptable option.

7.Do not create too high temperatures in the diaper.

8. MPs are much cheaper for parents than diapers. They need to spend 5 times less money than OP (taking into account the cost of washing). They do not make you want to save money at the expense of hygiene.

9.Production of MP from controlled biological farms spares nature, because they are made from quickly reproducible raw materials, without cutting down trees, and are not treated with harmful chemicals. Environmentally friendly in terms of disposal, i.e. do not form mountains of irreducible waste.

10. No need to constantly worry about buying new diapers.

11.Can be used for more than one child.

12. There are no contraindications for using MP.


1. Necessity of washing and drying.

2. They get wet after a certain limit, which creates inconvenience for parents at night on the road.


1.Any diaper disrupts the processes of skin respiration. -Then, logically, any clothing disrupts the processes of skin respiration, after all, a person is born naked. Is it so? Do a little experiment: put on underwear and clothes made of synthetic materials and cellulose and walk around in them for the day. Live the next day dressed in all natural. Compare the sensations.

2. Diaper dermatitis can develop from MP, it is called so because it occurs only from being in diapers. - Diaper dermatitis occurs from prolonged contact with secretions. To avoid it, you just need to change more often what the child is in. We strive to hold the pampers longer (it's a pity to throw it away, it costs money), and not to change it. But the MP needs only to be stretched.

3.MP needs to be washed all the time? - You don't need to wash all the time. A maximum of 10 diapers are consumed per day. There are 20 of them in the set. Those. you need to wash once every 2-3 days.

4. Woolen pants ... They must be hot in them? - No, they are not hot, they are very good (even when it's hot outside) and especially when it's cool (we have 9 months a year). And in the summer heat, you don't have to wear them, there are alternatives to them: sweatshirt and terry pants with Velcro. The advantage of the disana changing system is that a variety of combinations are possible with it - you can always make it so that you feel comfortable in your situation. Unlike a diaper, which can only be worn as a whole, or removed (in the heat or when a child is sick, polyethylene cannot be taken out of the diaper).

Elena Dranova,
member of the International Union of Natural Textiles

* KBH are controlled biological farms, where plants and animals are grown without the use of chemicals and antibiotics, and raw materials (wool, cotton) are harvested by hand.

Motherhood is not a feat, but a great happiness. Diapers for newborns are one of the hygiene items that allows a modern mother to enjoy communicating with her baby, and not waste her precious time washing baby diapers. They make it easier to care for the baby, which is why today diapers are used in almost every family.

But the diaper should be suitable for the child, cope with its purpose and not cause diaper rash and irritation. How to choose them correctly, and how do they differ from each other?

Modern parents use both disposable and reusable, more economical diapers to care for their newborns.

Disposable, commonly called diapers, are marketed by many manufacturers. They got the name from the name of the trade mark, which was the first to become known to the domestic consumer. Disposable diapers were invented back in the middle of the last century. Today it is difficult to imagine caring for a baby without them.

Diapers for newborns differ in models, in price, in size. Depending on the location of the special absorbent layer, diapers for boys and girls are distinguished. For growing up kids who are just learning to use the potty, they came up with diapers-panties.

Reusable diapers were used by our ancestors. Of course, since then they have changed a lot, modern models have appeared. They can be gauze, fabric, knitted with ties.

Pros and cons of using diapers

Both disposable and reusable diapers have their supporters and opponents. Each of these sides will bring many arguments in favor of some and against others.

Advantages and disadvantages of disposable diapers:

The oldest model of reusable diapers is gauze. In this case, it is difficult to talk about the pros and cons. Their positive aspects include only economy. There are more disadvantages - this is both poor absorbency and poor fixation. Immediately after getting the gauze diaper wet, you need to change all baby's clothes and bedding.

A cloth diaper can be used for newborns. It fixes better than gauze, has age restrictions (up to a maximum of 2 months). The pros and cons remain the same as in the previous version.

A more modern model is a knitted diaper with ties, consisting of a main and a fixing part. The absorbency is directly related to its thickness.

The best option for opponents of diapers for newborns are reusable diapers of the natural changing system. They are panties and removable absorbent liners. The advantages of such diapers include the naturalness of the materials from which the part adjacent to the body is made. This eliminates the appearance of diaper rash.

The positive aspects of this diaper model include:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • profitability;
  • harmless to baby's skin;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • breathability.

The disadvantages include the need for their constant washing, the possibility of diaper leakage, especially at night.

How to put on a diaper for a child

In order for the baby to be comfortable and safe in the diaper, it is necessary to follow the rules and a certain algorithm for their use. If it becomes necessary to change the diaper, then you should put the baby on the changing table, unbutton the diaper and take it off. After that, you need to wash the child. If this is not possible, you can use special baby wipes.

You cannot immediately put on a new diaper, you need to give the baby the opportunity to take an air bath. This is a good way to harden your baby. Then you need to take a clean diaper, unfold it and put it under the child's buttocks. Fasten the front with fasteners at the front. It is impossible to tighten the diaper too much, the mother's little finger should pass between it and the body of the newborn.

When using diapers, you should remember the basic rules of personal hygiene. If it filled up ahead of time, you need to change it to a new one. Even if the diaper, according to the mother, is still dry, but the baby has been in it for 3-4 hours, it’s time to take it off and put it on clean.

Before putting on the diaper, the baby's skin is treated with baby cream or powder. This will protect the baby from diaper rash and irritation.

When the baby grows up, putting on a diaper will become even easier, you can use special panties.

When choosing a brand of diapers for newborns, you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby's skin. If skin sensitivity is noticed, or the baby is not comfortable in the diaper, it should be replaced with another brand.

What should you pay attention to when choosing?

The main criterion in choosing a diaper should be the age of the child. A diaper intended for a newborn and a diaper for an older child differ from each other not only in size, absorbency, but also in protection against leaks.

Also diapers for newborns are made according to a special pattern with a recess for the navel. From the first days of life, for the baby, you can buy diapers of any manufacturer that the mother liked, with the inscription Newborn. First, it is better to buy a small package, the baby may have an individual intolerance to the components of the product of a particular brand. It should be noted that the newborn grows very quickly, and after a couple of weeks this diaper size will have to be changed to the next one.

When choosing a diaper, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • The presence of an elastic band on the back of the belt and elastic bands on the legs. This will prevent leaks.
  • Care should be taken with impregnated, flavored diapers for newborns. Such diapers cannot be taken to the maternity hospital. You can try them on an older child, provided that the baby is not allergic.
  • The diaper should absorb moisture well and breathe. The absorbent material can be gel or specialty fiber.
  • It is necessary to correctly determine the size. If the child weighs 5 kg, then it is better to buy a size 5 or more than 3-5.

Rating of the most popular diapers

Consider the most famous diaper brands

Procter & Gamble launches the world's first Pampers diapers. More than half a century has passed since then, but they are still produced today and are in demand among modern mothers.

Modern diapers of this brand are created taking into account the individual needs of a child of every age:

  • the Pampers New Baby line - especially for newborn babies;
  • Pampers Active Baby line - for babies from 3 months, whose movements are more active;
  • Pampers Let’s Go line - panties for an older child;
  • Pampers Sleep & Play line - economy class diapers.

Of note is the new Premium Care line. They are really good diapers, very soft, absorbent well. Their only drawback is the high price.

  • designed for any age category;
  • there are models suitable for premature babies;
  • comfortable to wear;
  • a special inner layer protects the baby's skin from friction;
  • the diaper is breathable, so the likelihood of diaper rash is minimized;
  • most models have wide cuffs and elasticated sides, so leaks are rare.


The fact that Haggis is not a pioneer in the world of diapers does not prevent this manufacturer from making the dreams of mothers come true, constantly improving their models. Thanks to Huggies, Velcro and panty diapers are now available.

Advantages of this brand of diapers:

  • softness and breathability;
  • even distribution of the absorbent layer;
  • dryness;
  • Velcro retains its properties for a long time, they are not spoiled by either lotions or dusting powders;
  • Thanks to the disappearing pattern diaper panties, the baby is easier to potty.

The disadvantages include a very compact cut, so you have to switch to the next size a little earlier. This increases the financial costs of the family for this item.


Many mothers prefer diapers of this particular brand. Despite the fact that they cost more than their counterparts, the quality of Japanese diapers is higher than their Western counterparts.

Advantages of this brand of diapers:

  • fullness indicator is the main advantage over the products of other manufacturers;
  • the inner side is made in such a way that air is provided to the skin;
  • diapers are soft and thin;
  • Wide Lycra elastic for enhanced comfort.


The diapers of this Japanese brand are recognized as one of the best. For their production, the new Air Silky material is used, thanks to which they have become even softer, thinner, more delicate. At the same time, they do not cause diaper rash and irritation, absorb moisture well, have an inner cotton layer, reusable Velcro.

The new filler of these diapers ensures excellent moisture absorption, and the special innovative cut ensures the absorption of liquid baby stools. The diapers are equipped with a full indicator, silent Velcro, which makes their use even more comfortable.


It is necessary to highlight the tiny diapers for premature newborns produced under this brand (from 1.8 to 3 kg). The quality of these products is one of the best in the world market.

Advantages of diapers:

  • good pattern;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • odor neutralization;
  • softness.

The disadvantages of diapers include their high cost.


It is worth noting the Every Day line of this manufacturer. Diapers are similar in softness to Japanese diapers, but unlike them, they are much more economical. When buying them, you should pay attention to the feather on the package. Its absence means that the product contains polyethylene.


Diapers of the Fixies brand have proven themselves well. The Extra Class line is especially good, although it is more expensive than products from other manufacturers. The diaper for newborns of this brand has a special pattern that allows the mother to take care of the umbilical wound without taking it off.

Helen harper

The optimal combination of price and quality in the products of this brand can be noted. They absorb moisture well, are equipped with an elastic belt and high-quality Velcro. Helen Harper diapers are positively characterized by the manufacturer's flexible pricing policy. They can be safely recommended to mothers for testing, however, these diapers are rarely found on sale.

Diapers were invented over 40 years ago in the United States and have been continuously improved for the same number of years. The modern disposable diaper is similar to its progenitor, except in shape, and then very distantly. In our country, a disposable diaper for short is usually called "pampers" - because of the Pampers company, whose diapers were one of the first to come to our market.

The destinies of all inventions designed to facilitate our work are like sisters: the short euphoria caused by the realization of another victory over everyday problems is replaced by doubts about the safety of the new product. This is followed by a series of improvements that not only do not reduce the number of skeptics, but also generate new ones. Like water turning a thorny pebble into a tactile pebble, the pessimist-optimist eternal debate sharpens and polishes inventions, giving a huge mass of consumers the best possible opportunity.

To use disposable diapers or not? As a rule, mothers of one or two children think about this question. If, for example, there are three little weather kids in the family, a husband who is at work from early morning until late at night and the complete absence of grandmothers in sight, it is unlikely that the mother would think of abandoning the achievements of progress.

Cons of diapers: arguments against

According to some parents, the disadvantages or disadvantages of disposable diapers include the following:

  • The skin under the diaper is steamed due to the fact that it does not allow air to pass through very well.
  • Diaper additives (fragrances, deodorants, adsorbents) can trigger the development of dermatitis.
  • Constant wearing of diapers can lead to impaired reproductive functions of the body in boys (the ability to fertilize).
  • A longer period of potty training, since the baby has much less discomfort if he “relieves his need” for a diaper.
  • Substantial cost of diapers. For example, the cost of packaging Pampers Active Baby diapers 9-16 kg (48 pcs) is around $ 15 and with an average consumption of 3
  • pcs per day of packing is enough for only two weeks, and for a small child, the consumption is several times higher, because they need to be changed much more often.
  • Parents are not able to clearly control the time of emptying the child.
  • Used diapers cause irreparable harm to the environment as they decompose for a very long time.

Advantages of diapers, or the pros

However, there are plenty of pluses for diapers. Here are the main pros:

  • A diaper is the comfort of a child. When using it, the baby is always dry and warm.
  • If you use diapers wisely, that is, do not keep your baby in them around the clock, there will be no harm from them.
  • The diaper is very convenient for parents - there is no need to constantly wash calves, tights and bedspreads
  • Using diapers allows you to avoid very frequent washings, and thus save on washing powder, soap, water and electricity.

Every 2-3 hours, depending on the filling, the diaper needs to be changed. If the temperature in the apartment allows, let the child lie naked for at least a few minutes. Do not wash your baby with soap every time you change a disposable diaper. Any woman caring for herself knows how soap dries out the skin, and even more so the skin of a newborn. The quality of tap water today, unfortunately, is also very different from the desired one, and with frequent washing, many babies have redness and peeling on their skin. It is much safer to use special baby wipes.

Each child is individual, perhaps your baby will be comfortable in any diaper, and it may be necessary to select both the shape and the filling - they differ slightly for each brand, as well as the composition of the impregnation of wet wipes.

When the baby starts to sit, it is best to switch to panty-shaped disposable diapers. They are a little more expensive, but they do not have fasteners in the form of stripes, which, when sitting, cut into the delicate skin of the baby, and besides, they slip less. Panties, depending on the manufacturer, may have different types of fasteners, which are usually located along the entire length of the side seams, or not at all.

If your income level or personality traits make you worry at the sight of each diaper used, observation and dexterity will help you. Try to notice when and how your little one walks the most. Usually, the emptying of the intestines in newborns occurs reflexively immediately or during feeding, and their faces freeze at the same time, their facial expressions are alarmed or surprised, and their gaze is directed inward. At such times, you can lay the baby on an oilcloth covered with a regular cloth or gauze diaper. After 6 months, many babies sleep dry almost every night and in the daytime. If you put the baby on the potty immediately after waking up, the diaper will remain dry.

Most often, mothers of boys think about the question of whether or not to use disposable diapers. They are interested in whether the temperature inside the worn used diaper is too high and how it will affect the reproductive function. In order to finally solve this question for yourself, it is best to conduct an experiment to measure temperature with your own hands. With the help of a modern electronic thermometer, this is not difficult to do, it will take only 30 seconds. For comparison, you can also measure the temperature under the waterproof panties that our grandmothers used. After such an experiment, you certainly will not have any doubts about what to opt for.