At the beginning, my husband just laughed at me, but when he saw the results, he was ready to take off his hat. The ex laughs at me What does the ex-boyfriend dream about: interpretation of the dream

I'm 20. I dug into myself and realized with horror how many psychological problems I have. There was never a relationship, although the guys always liked it very much and had a lot of fans. I always told myself that I didn't need it yet and only recently realized that I was afraid. I'm afraid of relationships, I'm afraid to seem 'not the right one' in them. Father is formally there, but he never hugged, did not kiss, never spoke to him heart to heart, I just don’t know how to behave with guys. They fall in love, such tenderness emanates from them and I am always very surprised at her, since I have never encountered anything like this in my life. Only two years ago I realized that my mother loves me, worries and is ready to sacrifice a lot for me. She NEVER hugged her, even as a child I don't remember that. We have 3 children in the family, she always worked, there is always no time, she came home from work in the evening tired and irritation poured out on us. And I was looking for reasons in myself and overgrown with complexes. And only at the age of 19 I realized that my parents really love me. We have always lived, one might say, rather poor. To scrape together for study for me and my brother, my father sold his beloved car, my mother works day and night for us. And only in this way, having entered the university and left far from home, I realized that my parents really loved me, but the trouble is that they could not show it. Probably all because of this. Bullying at school, loneliness and tears in the best years of your life. Poor social adaptation, `always on the sidelines`. And I sincerely believed that I had chosen such a fate of my own free will that I was simply “not like everyone else”. The girls wanted to be friends with me, but I was always looking for a dirty trick and thought that everyone hated me, slandered me behind my back, laughing at me. The coolest guy was running after me for a year, I was sure that he wants to fall in love with me, and then leave me and tell everyone what a fool I am. I was sure that no one appreciates me, does not respect me, and in the end, by my actions, I achieved such an attitude towards myself. I began to behave arrogantly, like I am better than you and you are unworthy to be friends with me. Everyone believed it, although I was just afraid of being rejected. I hurt myself, thinking that it was better for me to reject them than to them me. It's the same with the guys, I was afraid that they would leave me, everyone would talk about it. Now I am studying at a good university for the desired profession. I really like studying and I am immensely grateful to my parents for giving me a future. I just entered the university this year and I'm afraid history will repeat itself. I am so afraid that they will laugh at me like in the past that I react painfully to everything, look for a catch everywhere, very vulnerable. Although I am considered a nigga. Theatrical ability is a talent from God. But I drive myself. Without objective reasons, I think that they do not want to be friends with me, and my main fear is that they laugh at me behind my back and in the eyes. And everywhere, in any gestures and words of others, I look for confirmation of my thoughts. The words of not even my friends, but just acquaintances always hurt me painfully, although I understand that they are nobody in my life and I should not react like that. The nervous system can no longer stand it. And after all, I perfectly understand that I am smart, I study well, and beautiful. Here, too, there were fans, but I, as always, ice. I don’t know how to deal with my fears. Again my nerves are at the limit, again I can’t sleep ...

The most detailed description: "the dream book ex-boyfriend laughs at me" - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

From this article you can find out why you are dreaming of a former guy from dream books of different authors. What does what what he saw will tell the analysis of the dream on the cards of Lenormand. And even more accurately understand the dream will help the lunar calendar.

What is the ex-boyfriend dreaming of: interpretation of sleep

Why is your ex-boyfriend dreaming in a dream?

The ex-boyfriend on the other - dreams of girls who ended their relationship with exes badly. Even if it seems to you that everything is in order, remember if you have any unresolved questions left?

Leave all wrongs, clear your mind of the ghosts of the past.

Seeing an ex-boyfriend with another in a dream may mean that you can never be together again.

What is your ex-boyfriend dreaming of - such a dream clearly indicates that you think about your ex, regardless of whether these thoughts are good or bad.

A former young man dreams of unresolved questions from the past, to which you are now obliged to give answers.

If he dreams of being drunk - most likely, now he is in a strong emotional shock. If you communicate with him, then you can provide him with moral support. It is worth remembering this dream and twisting it in your head again - if your ex is dreaming of a drunken dream - there is a hint in the dream, the key to his emotional state.

A drunk ex, like a drunk acquaintance, can mean trouble.

If you dream on Wednesday, such dreams are often prophetic. What did you do with your ex in your dream? What were your feelings? Such a dream can mean upcoming events in real life.

Why does an ex-boyfriend dream on Saturday - in this dream you will see a reflection of your problems with your past. In half of the cases, such a dream will come true.

Why is your ex dreaming on Friday - such dreams can help you deal with the present. Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream from Friday to Saturday - you should be very patient, refrain from adventurous offers. Pay attention to what your emotions were in the dream. You can find out more about your destiny.

Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream from Saturday to Sunday means the arrival of good ideas or a surge of creative energy.

Why does a girl dream of an ex-boyfriend who does not think about him in reality? It is a subconscious desire to get back in a relationship.

If the relationship ended on your initiative - perhaps you doubt whether you did the right thing or whether the reason was good enough.

If the reason for the separation was his betrayal or the desire to break up with you, you experience a dual desire to be with him again, and to forget about him forever. In this case, it is better to pay attention to your current personal life, make new acquaintances and communicate with old friends.

It is undesirable to remain completely alone for a long time - this can become an impetus for you to make the wrong choice or make a decision that will not affect your fate in the best way.

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming?

From the point of view of Vanga, everything old means the past. That is, something that cannot be returned or should not be returned. This will become a burden or obstacle in the formation of a new, happier life.

The former - to longing, suffering, the desire to return past love or a departed person.

If you have a dream in which you and your ex-boyfriend are together and happy again, you have completely let go of him and do not feel any feelings. Such a dream can be a harbinger of a new relationship that will grow into marriage.

An ex-boyfriend often dreams of breaking up a relationship with a current boyfriend or being hindered by relatives.

Dream interpretation of psychologist Z. Freud

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming, dream analysis:

A dream in which a girl meets her ex-boyfriend can be a harbinger of a quarrel or discord with a real lover.

A quarrel can occur both because a girl, unaware of the severity of the dream, will tell her boyfriend or husband about it, and because her man instinctively feels that she is thinking about something else, even if unconsciously.

Sex with an ex-boyfriend in a dream symbolizes hidden sexual desires, conscious or unconscious dissatisfaction.

What is your ex-boyfriend dreaming of? Often, a dreamed ex-boyfriend symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship for a girl, an imminent marriage or a marriage proposal.

Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream - If a girl in a dream only feels pleasant emotions, this indicates her readiness for a new relationship. The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as the upcoming beginning of a new life, in which she will not regret the choice she made.

If he dreams that he swears, you have to decide in the near future with whom you are ready to tie your destiny.

The ex-boyfriend smiles in a dream - health problems, strengthening of the current relationship.

Why is the former guy dreaming about the dream book:

Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream - If you dream of him who meets all the requirements of a real ex-boyfriend, as you imagine him, then you are somehow worried about the fact that among your environment you cannot single out a single man who is completely would fit into the category of an ex-boyfriend.

ex-boyfriend - If in a dream the devil himself appears in front of you in the guise of a needle-dressed ex-boyfriend and calls you after him, then in reality you should be wary of the traps set by hypocritical people. Particular attention should be paid to such a dream for young girls, who in the future it is advisable to be less arrogant and try to keep a familiar company.

Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream, why is there a dream?

If you dreamed of a vacation with your ex-boyfriend, then you will soon meet with a noble man.

See also: what the guy is dreaming about, what the guy is dreaming about, what the hussar is dreaming about.

Sleep value by day of the week:

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream had a dream.

  • If an ex-boyfriend dreams in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why does a former guy dream about a dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If an ex-boyfriend dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If an ex-boyfriend dreams about a dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming from Thursday to Friday
  • If an ex-boyfriend dreams in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why does an ex-boyfriend dream in a dream from Saturday to Sunday

Tue December 12, 2017, 22:11:44

Wed November 15, 2017, 15:45:30

Sat July 08, 2017, 16:38:06

Thu May 25, 2017, 06:45:50

I didn’t feel any pleasant emotions for them, I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible or not contact them at all (even visually). But I have a serious relationship, which I value very much, and I remember the former only in a bad light, since everyone has changed.

Fri May 19, 2017, 20:29:23

ex-boyfriend in the dream book. Tell your dream:

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Dream interpretation

Ex-boyfriend laughs at me

Dream interpretation Former guy laughs at me dreamed why in a dream Ex-boyfriend laughs at me? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream An ex-boyfriend is laughing at me by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming

If in a dream you saw your former lover, then in real life, you are overly carried away by the past. In other words, your previous relationships prevent you from self-realization and starting a new life, developing as a person and changing priorities.

As the classic dream book explains, if you kiss your ex-boyfriend in a dream, then in reality you will be very surprised at something.

I dreamed of a sexual act - a long-standing conflict aggravated, broke up in a dream - to a new meeting, quarreled - to successful changes on the personal front.

We saw a fight with our ex in a dream; in reality, the current young man has a feeling of possessiveness.

In Tsvetkov's dream book, to see an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a sign that you will commit some frivolous act that will lead you to disastrous consequences.

According to the modern dream book, if in your dream you saw how your ex-boyfriend feels a feeling of love and trepidation for you, in reality, be prepared for surprises, including not very good ones.

The death of the one in a dream means that soon you will get married or have a child.

Most often, the dream in which you saw your former lover is associated with a subconscious comparison of him and the current young man, therefore, after such a dream, you need to try to control your actions and words so as not to provoke quarrels from scratch.

In Sigmund Freud's dream book, the ex-boyfriend symbolizes the woman's subconscious fears about his possible betrayal or betrayal. If in a dream the ex-boyfriend is angry and reproaches you for being unfaithful, in reality you will earn his respect and trust.

In a dream, the ex-boyfriend looks exhausted, this is an omen of a serious illness, perhaps even someone from your family will be bedridden for a long time.

Why do ex-boyfriends and sweethearts appear in our dreams?

The appearance of a former lover in a dream often causes anxiety and resentment, especially among girls and women who at this point in time have not found their soul mate.

The most disturbing dreams about a former beloved are those in which he, without explaining the reasons, leaves or talks about breaking up with you. In part, such a dream symbolizes the psychological fear of losing the most valuable and dear one.

If your ex-boyfriend dreams of you often enough in various situations, you should think about the fact that maybe your feelings are still alive and his character takes up most of your thoughts.

However, it is important to correctly interpret your dream, since small nuances and details are very important. If you trust folk omens, any person who appears to you in a dream will certainly think of you. And if this person is your ex-lover, it cannot please. The fact that a man who was once close to you remembers and thinks of you is the most pleasant interpretation of a dream.

It should be noted that among the interpretations of such a dream, there are very funny ones, for example, in the English dream book, such a dream warns against witchcraft and sorcerers. You especially need to be careful if in a dream your ex-boyfriend was inflamed with passion for you.

What do dreams about ex-boyfriends mean in popular and modern dream books?

A dream about an ex-boyfriend when you're in a new relationship symbolizes a lack of romance and passion, so it's worth taking a fresh look at sexual relations with your current boyfriend.

What is the dream of an ex-boyfriend married to another girl - in real life, you will forgive someone for previous grievances.

A dream in which you have not finished the conversation is a sign that you have not brought your relationship to its logical conclusion and you still have something to talk about in real life. Such dreams are especially relevant if the separation was due to your fault, and subconsciously you are aware of your guilt. In this case, a frank conversation will not hurt, and then the question of such dreams will be decided by itself.

A dream in which the ex-boyfriend is not alive warns of danger. A dream in which the deceased boyfriend helps you in something, on the contrary, says that you will overcome all troubles and defeat your rivals.

What is the dream of an ex-boyfriend married to you - to anxiety and trouble.

A dream in which you do not recognize a once beloved man, a harbinger of global changes, both in yours and in his life. Also, such a dream can symbolize your soon meeting in real life.

A dream in which a former boyfriend presented you with a gift can be regarded as an omen of possible betrayal.

The dream in which you see your first love means that in reality you lack a simple and easy relationship, such as you once had in your youth.

A dream in which you take the life of a man you once loved symbolizes great luck in all your endeavors, so if you do not dare, change something in your life, feel free to change it!

I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend and he was at my house, as if visiting, we talked to him, and at the end my mother appeared and she did not like him and his arrival ... I would like to know what it was about. Asema.

Asema ... then you still love him. And he, too, probably in my opinion.

Exactly the same dream I had today, only after my mother scolded us that we were in the same room and that he was there in general, my husband came ... in the end, everyone left, and I was left alone ... now I am tormented by the question, what is it can mean 🙂

I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend who is now in the army. I waited for him from the army, but he held a grudge against me because we parted, then we fought with him. And the strangest thing is he studied with me in the same group. And after a while he started kissing me and left a suction on my neck. What is all this for?

So you have to talk to him if you still love, if you love, then talk to him about your feelings, but know be more modest than him ...

I dreamed of a former boyfriend that he first followed me around the store, then came with me to my apartment, went in and fell asleep in the toilet, I went to my room and soon my current boyfriend came, I explained the situation to him and we went to bed.

I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend who is dating another. She was also in my dream. The dream began with the fact that I was preparing my room in my apartment for the arrival of someone. They come, they cheekily insult me, especially he says: "I did the right thing, that I left you, that's what I have." They kiss and go to my room to study well, you understand the Sami. I stand tear-stained, killed, broken. What is it for?

As in my understanding, the opposite is true. He loves. Good attitude. Regrets. Perhaps it will come from the same - parting or quarrel. And all this is unexpected!

We parted with the guy for a long time and he already has a girlfriend, I always dream about him, then he would marry her, today I dreamed that he was holding my hand, and on my hand I see a wedding ring 🙂 I wonder why this is.

I dream of the former, we have already parted for 3 and a half years, I rarely dream, thank God, I dream that we are talking, walking, kissing, what's what?

I dreamed of a former. I allegedly came to his work, he kissed me very passionately. We went out into the street somewhere. We go by the hand, I turn around, and there is my boyfriend. I say to whomever I'm going with: let's go faster, my ex is there. As a result, they went somewhere and mine rushed at this guy. They fought, then my real person passed on something, and I stayed with my ex.

And so we walk, he stands straight, looks into his eyes and says: "Damn, I can't," then he hugs him tightly and says: "My little one, damn it, I missed you," then he kisses and cries, and again says: “I’m dumb to speak, but it seems to me that I’m some kind of non-Russian, because of my surname.” I calmed him down, we went, had a snack with Japanese food (he loves sushi), drank sake and under my windows the cats started yelling, woke him up in general.

As far as I know, now he is free, we talked with him after parting all the time while I meet with the current one. I wanted to return to him 2 months ago, I was with him for 3 months, and with the current one 1.5 years. I always write to him when we quarrel with the current one. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN, INTERESTING?

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, in a dream he saw me and pretended to be happy, and he greeted me and answered so I’m fine like this ... What does this mean?

Why do I still dream of my ex-boyfriend, after all, 2 years have passed since the breakup, I have already changed so many guys, besides, I have not seen him for over a year. In a dream, we just talk like we used to when we were friends. The question of what we need to talk to disappears completely. He cut off all possible connections with me.

Ohh, I have almost the same garbage, only I haven't seen each other for 3 years ... and also cut off all possible connections with me ...

How familiar it is to me .. And after sleeping I also realized that I still love him ...

My ex is dreaming of a serious illness to me, I noticed it myself)))

Yes, yes, yes, the same thing. But the most interesting thing is that I don't even think about him. The dream book says that for a meeting, but 3 years have passed since we have not seen and will not see each other))

I have the same! From time to time, I dream of a former boyfriend with whom I broke up 2 years ago, through my fault, he remained offended at me. Now I have a loved one. all ties with the former have been cut off. I don’t understand what I’m dreaming about, in a dream we communicate well and sweetly.

Girls, thank God that I'm not the only one! I broke up with my boyfriend a year ago, almost a year. Through my fault, I understand that I still love him. She dreams very often, recently it has become even more frequent - several times a week. Different situations, sometimes even with different faces, but I always understand and feel that this is him. And so good and calm in a dream, not scary or ashamed, but somehow so calm. I don’t communicate with him in my life, I don’t even know, maybe he’s not alone anymore. I'm afraid that he won't want to talk to me anymore - I offended him a lot. What to do, how to get rid of these dreams and thoughts? Some kind of just an obsession ...

And on a note: I dream about him, if not once a week during these years, then every other day, I stopped being surprised.

Today I dreamed of an ex, I myself came to him. Then we somehow ended up in the car and making love!

I had a dream, supposedly my ex-boyfriend invited me and my friends to visit, we sat and talked, but then suddenly they disappeared, but I’m still at his house, suddenly his dad comes into the room, I greeted him, went into kitchen and say hello to his sister and mother, kissing them on the cheeks, why is such a dream very interesting to me?

Nagima, most likely you will be on a short leg with his family, and maybe with him.

I dream about my ex all the time! I dreamed that he was in the army (although he never served), I came to him, we danced with him and he kissed me, although in real life we ​​parted just two weeks ago, due to the lack of his feelings for me, but I madly in love with him to this day! And tonight I dreamed that he read my SMS on the phone and was jealous! Please tell me why this is all a dream.

I often dream about my ex. But in this dream I dreamed that at first I ended up with his group (from the university) and then, not expecting to see him, I went somewhere to sit, then somehow I ended up in a place very similar to my house, he passed by and gave me some things, I burst into tears, but didn’t show him, the third time, when he gave me something, he saw my tears and said: "Oh, fuck you, I love you and I won't give you to anyone" and hugged me. We parted ways with him because he only believes himself to anyone else, and even if his version is not correct, he still proves his own, I’m not against our relationship, I may even be for it, but these dreams I take off very often (with his participation) perhaps this is because of the words that he used to say to me and I got too fixated on them. What are these dreams for?

A former guy has been dreaming for several days in a row, then we are walking with him and two men are attacking us, he is trying to protect me, screaming run, and then I see a knife in his stomach, I run crying, then as if I know that he is alive and in the hospital ... then I dream that he is at my house, he walks around the house, but does not speak to me, then I’m looking for him. What is it for?

My ex left me when I was in a position, we were not married, at first he wanted a wedding, but then he began to avoid me. Now I have given birth, I am raising a son, and I am meeting with a young man. And I often dream about that former, although I no longer think and do not remember that former. I dreamed that the former somehow tried to communicate with my father, they even sat drinking together, then the former wandered by himself somewhere, and I looked after him, then somehow I dreamed that the former was supposedly visiting my house and most importantly, he does not communicate with me, but flirts with his eyes ... I don’t remember all the dreams honestly, but I don’t understand, I won’t explain these dreams, help me please.

It's the same for me, I'm waiting for the baby, but he doesn't give a damn, maybe later, when the baby is born, he will change his mind and want to communicate. He dreams of me sometimes he wants to see each other, now we do not communicate.

I saw my ex, I was at some concert, he was looking at me, I did not recognize him, but then I recognized and started to run, and he followed me. Then I wanted to go into some house and there a car stopped near the door and two guys got out, they were saying something there, I heard. They say that between each other, here it will come up, we will steal it. I quickly went into the staircase, and then went into the bathtub to bathe, and when he came out he was lying in bed and we had sex. Please tell me what this means?

I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend in the uniform of a security guard and stands alone to the side of the crowd, sad.

Why is my ex-boyfriend dreaming, after all, 11 years have passed, I have married another, I have a child, and he is still dreaming, and he says that he will take me away, that I do not come to visit, he kisses, hugs, and then disappears, I’m I forgot him for a long time, I love my husband, tell me what to do?

mne prisnilos chto ya tancuyu okolo bivshego… mi na shikarnom torjestve on staraetsya ne obrashat na menya vnimanie… otom viju shto on govorit tost i pyot za kogo to… on vobshe chsto sitsumak mne… n osobena togat drugogo ... on kak buto napominaet o sebe ... na etoy nedele on kajdi den mne snilsya

And for six months now I have been dreaming about my friend, a guy who was once in love with me, but now we do not communicate. And every dream he always talks to me, and the meaning of the conversations is that he invites me to start a relationship with him, but I always answer him that I have a fiancé, from whom I cannot leave. His face is constantly changing (disappointed), but does not try to take me away. And the last time I said that we had a wedding in September, and in a dream, my fiance also joined in the conversation and also notified him of this. What does this mean? Maybe we should resume communication again, ask how are you? And by the way, I really have a wedding this September.

I dreamed that we were still together, we talked on the phone, he said that he was with friends, and I came and checked, with friends, or take off someone else, and there was no one next to him only the wife and girlfriends of his friends, whom I knew then, and they were celebrating something, and I said that I was already leaving, (we parted a month ago)

Painful dreams, when, waking up, you realize that all this is a dream, get out of my dreams, let me not remember you, at least not every day A telephone conversation in a dream - I talked and talked, and then I just listened to you. Nafig, nafig ... And the voice was the same as before.

I dreamed of a conversation with a former young man near his house, I started a conversation with him myself. She said that I just want to talk to him. as a person, he knows me well (met with him for 3 years, I was the initiator of the breakup, for the sake of another young man with whom I currently live and who has problems with alcohol and I do not see mutual love on his part) and I missed him (as for a friend), in a dream I felt feelings for him as for a brother, asked about his girlfriend, at that moment the current guy called me and he was recorded by his last name, I threw it off. The former MCH asked me that I had a fight with him, I said no and let him not pay attention, because this is not his business (when the current MCH called me, for some reason I was very upset, as if he had offended me before, I was very upset and worried at that moment). The dream ended there.

I constantly dream of my ex-boyfriend, and in these dreams we are happy What is it for?

Most likely, at the subconscious level, you yourself would like this, which is why it is dreaming

I dreamed that my ex was at my house, and I see how he is offended because of little things, and in a dream I realize that he still loves me, he has been dreaming of me very often lately, and is constantly offended or upset at me, but shows it differently in every dream. What is it for? In life we ​​do not communicate for about a year and do not see each other.

In real life, my ex told me that he would become a sailor and sail away. We were just teenagers then. We met for a long time, but you know, the relationship was without obligation. We could see each other for six months. So he left, six months later I went abroad. We haven't met for over three years, and I never dreamed of him. And today I had a strange dream. So I'm talking to my current boyfriend, when I suddenly see a former in a military uniform, in a military hat with a dark blue ribbon. He stood with his back to me, then turned around and told me. I'm back. His face was kind of dull. Then I was on the bed in a strong hug with him and it hurt my soul (just a hug is not a sexual act). I felt warm, but somehow I knew that my current boyfriend was sad about it. When I woke up, I felt some kind of eerie feeling. What is this dream for? I really didn't think about my ex and didn't feel sad about the breakup at all, because we had an open relationship.

I had a dream about my ex, but it was a strange dream. They met for 4 years, broke up 1.5 years ago. At the moment I have a beloved one and we have been living together for 2 years already. I have a dream that I'm in a real guy's apartment, but I see an ex with his girlfriend and she is pregnant (by the way, he has a girlfriend in real life, but not pregnant). I ask how they are doing, I look at her tummy, I asked something, and she replied that she did not know who the child was from, the ex said that it was definitely his. I began to caress her brains, how can you not know, etc. As a result, she went into the corridor (and we were sitting in a small room on the bed), then the ex grabbed me and pressed me to the closet and began to kiss passionately, unbuttoned his pants and wanted sex with me, but for some reason I didn’t succeed, then I saw it all his girlfriend burst into hysterics, the former put me on the bed and ran to make excuses to her, and I sat on the bed in bewilderment and touched my lips with my fingers realizing that he kissed me, then he comes and says that I pack my things and leave forever (we never lived together in real life), I felt a pain in my soul and began to collect things, there were a lot of them. And the dream ended. The former dreams once a month exactly and always in different ways ... I can't understand why this dream is here ...

I dreamed that my ex wrote me VK and insulted me, then I found our joint photos with him. where we are dressed in wedding dresses (we have never had anything like this) what does this mean?

I saw my ex-boyfriend in a dream, but in reality I have not seen him for a year and a half, I have no pictures, no connections of some kind to talk ... I still love him madly. And so today I saw him in a dream, he comes to me, we see each other, we shone with happiness, when we finally saw each other, he hugged me tightly, I did not let him go, I had simply indescribable emotions, hugged many times and he whispered all the time where you were all this time, I missed, very much, I also said that I missed, we talked about everything, both happy, could not believe it. Now here's the weird part, he left and said make one wish, I told him: I want you to never forget me, he smiled and gave me his letters, which he wanted to send me, but could not. Added read, look how much I love you, only he wanted me to read them after he left, I noticed one line there that you changed me, I could not have been without you for so long, and burst into tears with happiness ... It's a pity that it was sleep, I am happier in a dream than in life. Why don't such pleasant things happen to me ... Please tell me what this dream is for.

I have similar dreams, very pleasant and happy. I often dream, there is no contact with him.

And I dreamed of how we saw my ex-boyfriend at the same place where we met and continued our relationship. It was such that we were sitting in a large company and he suddenly started kissing some girl. I was terribly jealous of him and ran out to another room to my friend. I told her everything. And he ran after me and heard our conversation. Then he began to apologize, I forgave him, and he kissed me. What is all this for?

I dreamed that he was doing something at my house. Then he kissed me. And when I pressed against him, he moved away from me, and then he came up and lay down next to me, when I tried to touch, he threw back my hand. Then I somehow fell asleep in his arms. And the main thing is that everything is near my parents.

My ex and I sometimes correspond, but to communicate strongly, then no. And besides, I already have a child from another man. And I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend and I were on the train, he was shaking my daughter in his arms and smiling sweetly at me. He is abroad now - maybe a train, is it somehow connected with this?

For about a month now, I have been dreaming about my ex-boyfriend, for 4 years we had a relationship with him. The relationship was quite difficult, he is very jealous, and against this background there were constant conflicts and quarrels. But there was some inexplicable attraction that we could not overcome, both suffered, until finally they parted with the torment. Now I am married, a year before that we met with my future husband, I love him very much and I understand that this is what I have always expected. Besides, I'm pregnant now and this is a welcome baby. Remarkably, my ex is now dating my friend's sister, so sometimes I hear about him. Plus, we study with him in the same group at the correspondence department and no-no see each other. But the fact is that there are no feelings for him, I have a different life, everything is great. Until these dreams began with his participation. Consistently, every night. And I remember them well, and it angers even more. In particular, because I love him in these dreams. He is the main character in them, as if we meet somewhere, most often at school, and I show off in front of him with might and main. And the other day I dreamed that I got to the time when we met, 5 years ago, and I say to him - "You know, but in 5 years I will marry someone else and I will be pregnant with him." And he told me - "Yes, it can't be, we love each other so much." I’m already scared to fall asleep, so I don’t want to see him. This worries me very much, some kind of depression has begun, seemingly from scratch. What do these dreams mean and how do you deal with them?

I dreamed that I was talking to my ex-boyfriend on the phone, but I was often distracted, why would it be? (

I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend died and I cried for him. What is it for?

I absolutely don't care about my ex, I don't even think about him, I'm happy with my fiancé, but today I dreamed about my ex, I don't know what's what!

If we are walking with an ex-boyfriend, and he hugs me, what does this mean, even in this dream I washed my hair

I dreamed that I was pregnant from an ex-boyfriend, what is it for?

I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend, as if we had measured ourselves under simple circumstances, were sitting in a company, and he suddenly said let's be together - I agreed. Then we rode a motorcycle, when we came back, his girlfriend was already there, she saw that we were together and said: “you are with me, then you are with her”. I smiled. After that we sat hugging and watched the fireworks, the three of us sat near the mirror, me, he and his friend.

I have been dreaming about my ex for a week now, in different situations, but the point is that he despises me in some way, wanted to know what it was for?

I dreamed that I called my boyfriend to find out the reason for the breakup, he thought and said well, loving, you were gone, did not call me. I say did you just come up with this? He speaks and laughs ... then we saw each other, he showed a photo of the girl with whom he is dating by calculation, who is much older than him. Then I went somewhere and I was afraid that he would run away. Then I woke up.

I dreamed of my ex as if he had come for me in his car and was taking me home. But I so want to kiss him, hold his hand. But he doesn't want to. What does it mean?

I've been dreaming about a guy for a week now. And I don’t know why I dream about him ... I’m meeting a new guy, but that doesn’t prevent me from dreaming about him, and besides, in different situations. And more often it happens that in a dream we either run away, or kiss, or something else! I don't know what to do with this!

I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend in a dress, heels and earrings, I was just terrified.

I dreamed that I was at a wedding with friends and my ex-boyfriend was there, and I felt love for him or something and was looking for a conversation with him.

We have been out of place for six months. Yes, I often dream of him, but today I heard his voice in a dream, touched his body, I was happy. He spoke to me all the same warm and tender words that made my head spin. And then he said to me: now my wife is coming, she should not see us, and she came. In general, there was a fight and I woke up, why?

I dreamed of an ex, with whom they parted more than six months ago (he returned without any explanation to his crazy ex, we had a very bright relationship) so I dream that this is my current boyfriend, but for some reason looks like an ex, and he is doing well with us, everyday quarrels, as with the current boyfriend, and also sexual intercourse ... why would it be?

Dating a guy for 3 years. By the way, this was my first boyfriend in terms of sexual relations. When parting, as he did not ask to start over, I did not agree. They all parted. And then he learned something bad about me. And he got angry. And he didn't need me. And today I have a dream. It’s like I’m going to his house, going into the room. We are standing, I clung to him, and he hugged me with such tenderness, it's just beyond words. And I hugged him too. And he strokes my hair and says "now you won't run away from me anywhere"? Well, there were many more pleasant moments, like kisses.

I dreamed of my ex, now in a relationship with another for six months. In a dream, we met at the stadium, he came up and we began to talk, he smiled, lifted me high in his arms, we played basketball, then they called me, and he said that this was with me and that he would disperse everyone. I said that it was not necessary and ran ahead, but he followed me, caught up with me and just walked in silence with a serious face. Then I vaguely remember. But then I saw him with friends, and I watched from some bushes ...

When I walk down the street and see people laughing, it seems to me that they are laughing at me. Is always! How to deal with this?

* * *

Why does it seem to me that people are laughing at me? I walk along the street alone, bothering no one, suddenly I catch someone's evil glance and immediately try to determine what is wrong with me, why did I cause a grin?

What if they were laughing not at me, but at something or someone else? For some reason it is very unpleasant to think about it. Someone else's laughter is always unpleasant. Angry, malevolent laughter, laughter with mockery. “Where do people get so much aggression? I would ... you can't treat people like that! "

And yet, even if they didn’t laugh at me, then why do I think they were laughing at me? Why am I concerned that something is wrong with me? Why am I worried about myself at all and so sensitive to other people's judgments?

Any person is pleased when the environment accepts him, and it is unpleasant to be an outcast in the team. If one person does not react to negative attacks in his direction, then the other laughs it off, and the third fights back with a retaliatory attack. Also, in any team there are people who do not really know how to protect themselves or simply avoid noisy conversations. Different people - different and behavior in certain situations.

Visual vector

As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology shows, people with a visual vector are least able to protect themselves from moral pressure. Situations with unexpected conflicts make them fearful. They are easily susceptible to someone else's influence, hypnotizable. By his naivety, a visual person can become a victim of a practical joke or a provocation. Finding himself laughed at, he experiences even greater fears, begins to avoid people, up to social phobia. Feeling the fear of being ridiculed by a stranger, the viewer may be under the delusion that any laugh he hears is addressed to him.

There are those who did not even have time to understand what happened, as everyone is already laughing at him. The carriers of the sound vector do not like noise, empty conversations in the company. They prefer solitude and contemplation on abstract themes of life and death, for example. For them, the need to extrovert in a team is stress. And they extrovert their mind in a different way.

They do not need to be in the crowd in order to adapt the society. Through focusing on others, on their work in the relevant profession: science, programming, music, they determine their belonging to society. Sound people really do not like noisy companies.

Sometimes the sound engineer, hanging in his thoughts - a real "absent-minded person", easily becomes the object of ridicule because of his eccentricity and is very painful when they laugh at him. After all, his I is that innermost secret, to the disclosure of which the greatest sound minds of the past went: scientists, philosophers, religious leaders, psychiatrists.

The sound engineer is inclined to think to himself: "I am the cause of everything." Did you get an unexpected question? “Oh, this is for me,” the sound engineer thinks sincerely. “No, it turned out not to me”, - the egocentrism of the sound engineer gives a false feeling that “there is no one else but me”. For the same reason, self-centeredness among sound people arises a false belief that every laugh sounded is directed in their direction.

The third category of people who are seriously experiencing laughter in their address are carriers of the anal vector, the most decent and serious people. These are professionals and erudites, to notice the slightest mistakes and inaccuracies in the subject - their talent. Only they are able to bring their work to perfection in detail, perfectionism is their trait. But with humor, they are not friends. They focus on the joke, taking it apart in detail, passing it through their knowledge, and from the outside it looks like a slow reaction. Humor is not perceived by them - in a sense, they are not the most laughing people. It is unpleasant for them to be laughed at. It is a shame to look awkward in public, to be disgraced. That is why they avoid jokes. “Better to read a book” on history, for example.

People with such a mental device record the first experience for their entire life. The first teacher, the first school collective, the first relationship. They remember all the good and all the bad, and then, each time faced with a similar situation, again unconsciously expect a repetition of the first experience. Unfortunately, the impression of communicating with the first team, for example, in childhood, may not be very good. When the experience is bad, wrong decisions can be made in the future. The new situation could turn out to be the best experience, but they refuse it in advance, avoid living their life.

Why are they laughing?

Thus, it becomes clear that the fear of laughter and ridicule is associated with overestimated expectations from the team, a lack of understanding how to respond to a ridicule, fear of entering into verbal conflict. The obsessive expectation of being bullied may be unfounded. The reason for the appearance of these unpleasant sensations is in ourselves - these are fears, trauma, bad experiences. In a word, bad internal states.

“Why are they laughing? Again, probably, above me, ”- and bad thoughts again crept into my head. And come up and ask what made a person laugh? - such thoughts do not occur to us. Even so, I know what to answer, how to protect myself.

What we think of other people may not be true. To know oneself and other people, the reasons for their desire to laugh at others, possible reactions to these ridicule and how to avoid them, the training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan allows.

When we feel good, we have good inner states, then we tend to perceive the world with an open mind and whole heart. And in my thoughts there is no expectation of something bad from a casual passer-by. When the internal state is bad, we project it onto the people around us.

Hundreds of people who underwent training in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reported that they got rid of fears, obsessive thoughts, resentments.

“Now, after almost two years have passed, I do not feel that former horror in front of people, I can calmly go out into the street, use public transport, talk on the phone and do many other things without wasting time and effort on thinking and overcoming my fear”

Many of us spend too much time sitting. It's no surprise that our thigh muscles and connective tissue in our joints weaken. Fortunately, we can do something. You don't always need to buy a gym membership.

The following strength training sessions will get your hips in shape in no time. The great thing is that you just need 15 minutes and a place to lie down and exercise. After practicing without stopping, after a few days you will notice the difference:


This exercise is especially good for the thighs. Bend your right knee, lift your left leg and point it to the right, behind your right leg. Then lean lightly on your left, landing on that leg. Your right leg is now rising and pointing to the left. Swing your arms with motions for a more intense effect.

Roll back to right and then repeat for at least one minute!


Martial arts and kick boxing fans know this: clench your fists and hold them in front of you like a boxer. Raise your bent leg and lift your bent knee in a semicircle.


Feet shoulder width apart.

Do a half-squat on your toes and hold that for 30 seconds. Then go up and lift your right knee towards your chest. Now land again, hold, and then return to the starting position and bring your left knee towards your chest. Repeat ten times with each leg.


You will understand how this exercise got its name as soon as you try it.

Repeat this movement 15 times and you will feel the effect on your thighs.


Sit cross-legged and press the soles of your feet together. Place your fingertips on the floor to help you sit even straighter.

You can use your hands to apply pressure to your knees. Keep your spine straight.

Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

A former young man or ex-husband who appeared in a dream symbolizes your excessive fascination with the past.

This is what prevents you from going forward, from developing as a person; The former love does not want to give up love to the real place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal review, things will go much better for you, and in all areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream interpretation - Former drunk guy

Your dream conveys exactly what you think about and analyze during the day .. ". From an excess of feelings I involuntarily begin to remember all the former relationships: what I would like to change" That is why you again get into the transport and act in a completely different way in relation to your MCH , not like the first time ... Transport in your dream is some kind of life span, ... If a tram ... Then ... This is that .. That you can't turn back .. In general, all your thoughts are here in such pictures at night ...

Dream interpretation - Ex-girlfriend

During a person's sleep, his brain continues to work and process data in a free mode. In a dream, you see images and symbols available for your understanding. The data processed during sleep can come from various sources of information. A person's field, his body, the surrounding space, absolutely everything contains information. In this dream, your consciousness touched the sector in which information about your relationship with female representatives is stored. The image of a black, sick kitten that you saw AFTER your ex-girlfriend's image suggests that the breakup was not easy for you. There is a record of this in the memory, which can interfere with the creation of new relationships. For a comfortable, smooth implementation of a new relationship, it is necessary to rethink the period of stress caused by a break with the former. What your brain told you about by dreaming. The former is dreaming - having a record of the past with this person. "problem" record of a stranger that you hug - you strive for a new acquaintance. The contrast between the ex and the black kitten is a record of a negative memory associated with this person. The former disappeared and a white kitten appeared - rethinking negative memories leads to certain results. White color - purity and sincerity are important to you. You are about to meet a girl. For a comfortable realization of this event, the subconscious mind needs to get rid of negative memories.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream interpretation - Former husband and his family

Hello, different personalities can indicate their existence, as some form of subpersonalities in your memories, head, soul. Everyone is responsible for their role within you. Father-in-law - senior, advisor, theoretical knowledge, reason, Mother-in-law - elder, wisdom, experience, practical knowledge. Wet footprint - you may have left unfavorable memories of yourself. A sheet can mean something personal, personal thoughts, opinions. A towel can also be an opinion. The mirror is also the embodiment of the opinion - you are happy with yourself, but the mother-in-law is not. Perhaps you are acting according to your thoughts and opinions - a towel, ignoring previous experiences and opinions, like the advice of your elders - a sheet. It is also possible that you are giving up previous experiences, forming a new one based on your current needs. Perhaps your act leads to memories of your ex as a past life experience. Now your previous opportunities are in the power of another woman, and you no longer have what life, fate could give you. You become enraged and drive the woman out - perhaps you are turning against your past memories, against your past feelings and driving them out of your head (home). Your husband - that is, in a dream, he can mean logic, consciousness, facing the present and the future - remains satisfied with you, because you are taking a rational approach to the situation. Thus, you are showing discretion instead of worrying about the past. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun