Male smell. Refresh during the day

A woman should always feel delicious, that's just the aroma of it should be easy and sophisticated, not heavy and suffocating. Sometimes you just start to fall (on the street, in the store, in the bus, etc.), when a wonderful lady sails by a wicked mist.
I even wonder how such ladies themselves do not faint from the fragrance of their own spirits. The aroma emanating from the woman should be lightweight, mounted, slightly noticeable and in no way aggressive. He must attract, worry, smear the head, seduce, but not to spin and not shoot down from his feet!
Since it is delicious to smell to charm and passion, and not repel?

Female smell - secret seduction weapon
1. No need to pour out a huge amount of perfume, there is nothing good if you smell on the whole street. This is a sign of bad tone and bad taste. Always remember that even if you no longer feel your perfume, other people feel very good.
2 . It happens that some women do not smell the spirits from which you can suffocate. But it smells from them later, which is generally unacceptable. Be sure to follow your hygiene, taking a shower every day and using antiperspirants. This is a banal council, however, there are women who do not bother with such banalities.

3. It is necessary to monitor not only hygiene, but also for its nutrition and drinks. All that we eat and drink, give our body or a pleasant fragrance or not pleasant. Fat, acute and fried food directly affects the smell of our body. From heavy food and smell it becomes heavy. In addition, it negatively affects the figure.
It is necessary to monitor not only for what you eat, but also what you drink. It is not even worth talking about alcoholic beverages, it is clear that they do not add fragrance of freshness and cleanliness to a woman, but it costs to say about coffee. It is important to know that if you drink a lot of coffee, then you have a not very pleasant smell that you may not even notice.

So, if you are all right with your personal hygiene and nutrition, that is, you eat healthy food, take a shower every day and do not have the habit of pouring on yourself in a wicked sprat, then it's just wonderful. Then let's go further and find out a few more secrets about how it is always tasty to smell.
4. Before going outside, especially if this is a date or an important meeting, you drip over one droplet of perfumes on the palm. It will give your hands a light fragrance, and if you touch the hand of the interlocutor, then this fragrance will remain on his palms and will remind you of you.
And if it is the exclusive perfume with pheromones, then your chosen one will not be able to resist you. Such spirits should be purchased only from those producers who have a certificate and right to sell. In our club, "I want to marry" perfume "Pyramid of Love" became just a hit sales. There are enough of them for a long time, as they are very persistent and exclusive. In the set five different unique and magic smells. All the details about the spirits with pheromones can be found Here.
5. Spray a little toilet water on the comb, before combing the hair. Pleasant and light smell for all day you are provided.
6. In your payable cabinet, sprinkle all hangers with your spirits or toilet water.

7. In the box or box with linen, put your handkerchiefs or a woven bag by sprinkling it before this perfume.
8. When taking a bath or soul, a few drops of aromatic oil on the wall near the bathroom or the floor shower. Soon the aroma smoothly envelops your body thanks to a couple, and when you leave the bathroom, you will come from a pleasant and light fragrance.
9. Well, of course, do not forget to apply the perfume. They should be applied to those places where the pulse (whiskey, wrist, neck, flexion, the area under the knees is tested).
Take these tips on your note to always leave a pleasant, fresh, tasty and barely lit fraction of aroma.

There are such people who are very difficult to forget because they smell perfectly perfectly. What do they do to achieve such an effect? Bath with rose petals? In fact, everything is much trivial. Good smell, like good digestion, for example, has its own formula. How well you smell, depends, often, not only from how often you take a shower and what kind of fine funds are applying to your body, and also from your lifestyle. Fortunately, the tips on achieving naturally beautiful are very much, and we chose the most effective for you.

1. Adhere to the right diet

The phrase "You are what you eat", finally, can be justified by the facts. Indeed, all that your body absorbs during the day, it also distinguishes as odor, so you need to follow what you eat. The use of acute food, onions, garlic and even red meat is, of course, it is pleasant and useful, but not for smell. Depending on the intensity of your daily activity, the selection of smell from these products can occur up to 48 hours.

By the way, food affecting your natural fragrance may also affect the perfume that you wear, changing its structure and distorting the disclosure of the smell. Therefore, a diet of fresh products, fruits, vegetables and clean proteins is the key to a good smell. The skin becomes cleaner and more tender, and this is an excellent base for any fragrance. A negative impact on the natural smell also has alcohol, in the process of consumption of which, sugar is distinguished from the pore, creating a cerebral fragrance, completely distant from pleasant. So, more natural juice.

2. Do not forget about moisturizing

Water should be your best friend and not only because it is basically useful for health. Water is natural moisturizing, and if you want perfume to hold longer, the skin should remain moistened during the day. Dry skin absorbs the applied aroma much faster, especially if it consists of natural ingredients, and not synthetic.

3. Use suitable powder

This item seems too obvious, but there are some nuances that many are not suspected of. It is clear that your clothes should be clean, only then your natural smell will be fresh, but the most interesting thing is what you erase your things much more important than perfume. The right powder and a good rinser can play a decisive role in creating a fragrance, which will be yours throughout the day. Choose funds with additional flavors, from which the clothing will be fraught with freshness much longer, and the fragrance itself will be more pleasant and thinner than from the usual Tiadea.

4. Eye to the perfume

The process of applying a perfume on the body turned into a routine, since all women know the main places, most suitable in order to be roughly speaking, smell. But in reality, in how you spray the spirits on yourself, there is a certain system. The aroma, applied to the body, has a property to open, and this process takes up to the bottom up, that is, it makes sense to apply perfume not only on the neck and hair (and the last one, it is not recommended at all, only if you do not prepare to conquer everyone on the dance floor, waving his hair) and pay attention to the bottom of your body. As Coco Chanel said, put the spirits there, where you want you to kiss.

This is the proportion of truth, because your erogenous zones partially coincide with the areas of the skin, on which the smell is revealed as much as possible, and everything is due to the influx of blood and skin fineness in these special places. So, going back up. Native perfume is best for the following places: ankle, zone under the knee, pubes, belly, chest, zones under the urine, head, wrist, and, of course, whiskey. These places are considered the hottest "hot" due to constant circulation of blood, so every time your pulse will change, the smell will begin to spread. Such a number of perfume on the body may seem excessive, so you can skip some places while maintaining the "bottom-up" scheme, and most importantly, put the perfume for half an hour before exiting the house.

5. Experiment with multi-layered

In the number of perfumes today you can get lost, but instead, it is better to use a variety of products to emphasize your smell. Choosing a perfume, you can consider the option of acquiring a body lotion, cream or spray with the same smell to make your aroma multi-layer and more resistant.

In order not to distort your natural smell, it is better to abandon the perfume with preservatives or synthetic additives, but to replace them with aromatic oils that perfectly complement the selected to the perfume. The universal version is musk. It is great for any time of the year, harmoniously combines with spirits, and also serves as an aphrodisiac, making your aroma deeper, persistent and sexy.

6. Apply the perfume re

Our skin is a living, absorbing moisture and oil organ, so the fact that the smell disappears during the day is due to physiology. If you want the fragrance longer, it is worth paying her preference to perfume, and not toilet water, whose consistency is much stronger. Also, it is worth paying attention to such natural notes as sandals, tobacco and vanilla, which are more crucial than, say citrus. Such a smell will stay longer. But this does not mean that your favorite spirits will have to be replaced. All you need to do is to update the smell during the day, three times, it will be more than enough to make your fragrance independently of the intensity of your life.

7. Spray not only on the body

Your smell depends not only on whether you put the perfume directly on the skin, but also from how things smell like that your body comes into contact during the day. Spray a small amount of perfume on clothing in cold weather - it can be a good idea to always keep a pleasant smell, as well, you can make fragrant notes in the elements of your decor: splash a couple of drops on the bedding during drying, get the aromatic candles and fragile chopsticks, All this will bring their fruits.

The main thing is that you need to remember that almost any perfume contains alcohol, and therefore you need to be careful, giving an aroma subjects around you. In order not to spray invaluable perfumes on the wind, purchasing the fragrant spray and use it to create and maintain odor in your apartment.

8. Do the right choice

Well, and the main point, in creating a perfect fragrance, which can be your business card is the right choice. You will have to spend some time to competently pick up the smell, ideally dropped on your body, combined with other cosmetics that you use, and not eating out of your image and style. We defined what exactly do you like in your spirits. Before buying new, carefully studied ingredients, on the subject of duplicate in all your perfumes, and do not forget that for each season there is a smell, and otherwise - do not be afraid to experiment.

When we want to exude a pleasant fragrance, we usually stretch to the bottle with spirits. Unfortunately, good spirits are expensive, and their smell is not enough natural and too heavy, especially if they abuse them. Also should be remembered about chemicals that are in excess are contained in any shopcove of shop spirits or cologne. What to do in this case? Find out how to smell without perfume.

1. Children's powder

A thin layer of baby powder on the skin will give her a weak, unobtrusive fragrance. This smell is so light and fresh, which is suitable for any occasion. Especially good to use the baby powder before going to the gym. The powder will select part of the sweat, which will appear on the skin during class.

2. Essential oils

To smell well without perfume, wear a bottle with essential oil with you. When you consider it necessary, apply essential oil for your ear. The smell will be fresh and natural.

3. Smoking

Do not smoke! The smell of smoke can soak clothes, and they will not be saved from this stagnant odor

even the strongest perfume.

4. Shampoo with a strong smell

In order not to use the spirits, but smell good, get a shampoo with a strong smell that is saved after you wash your hair. There is something very sexy in hair, which always smells as if they were just waved. Why overlapping this smell of spirits?

5. Fragrant body lotion

Use the aromatic body lotion. From body lotion with a pronounced smell, the skin exudes a weaker fragrance than from the spirits. Perfumes can smell too intrusive, especially in hot weather. Fragrant body lotion gives only a tiny hint of the smell.

6. Bath, shower, deodorant

Take a bath or shower every day and use a deodorant. To make it nice to smell without perfume, it is necessary that the body always remains clean, without a hint of the smell of sweat. Try to take a shower or bath every day in the morning and in the evening after work.

You can start your day from freshness and pleasant aroma, ready to perform the intended affairs. However, in the middle of the day you may feel that your freshness disappeared somewhere. Do not worry! You just need to stick to a few simple steps to be firmly confident that you will be pleased to smell in the morning and until the evening! Every day take a bath or shower, wear fresh clean clothes, use a deodorant for the night, and not in the morning to smell the freshness all day.


Part 1

Watch your personal hygiene

    While you take a shower, use the scrub. Welcome with soap and washcloth. Special attention to the area behind the ears, the rear surface of the neck, feet and other particularly swelling places (armpits, the inner surface of the thighs). Do not forget to wash your chest, pelvis area and back.

    • If you have sensitive skin, you should not use soap with a strong flavoring and antibacterial ingredients.
    • Do not use natural sponges - they scatter bacteria! Use the usual washcloth or just wash the body, rubbing it with your hands.
  1. Support the water balance. The right drinking mode allows you to maintain the skin moisturized, which is why the aroma of different body lotions is much better absorbed into the skin. Men need to drink 3.7 liters of water per day, and women are 2.7 liters.

    Use moisturizing cream with a pleasant smell. After the shower, you can apply a body lotion on the skin with a pleasant aroma. If you plan later to apply perfume or cologne, it is important to make sure that these flavors are similar, otherwise smells mix and get an unpleasant fragrance. As you need, you can apply body lotion re-(for example, after washing your hands).

    Spray your favorite flavor. Try to spray perfume or cologne on the pulsating points on the body: wrists, the area behind the ears, the rear surface of the knee, the inner surface of the elbow. In such places, the smell holds longer, because it absorbs into the skin, heats up due to the movement of the body and gradually released during the day.

    • If you prefer a lighter fragrance, sick some of the spirits / cologne up above yourself and go under this "cloud".
    • Do not rub cologne into the skin! For example, rubbing the wrist on each other. Otherwise, the fragrance will not act so long.

Part 3.

Refresh during the day
  1. Always keep a small set of things that you can come in handy. Gwery, mint lollipops, rinse for oral cavity, wet wipes (to wipe the armpits or something else), deodorant, cologne or perfume, spray for legs, body lotion, spare socks and T-shirt - All these things would be good at hand . Just fold these things in a small bag and keep it in a table box, in a backpack or car.

Whether it is an embrace with a friend or with your chosen one on the sofa, you should not worry because you smell. A good smell gives you confidence in yourself and can even make you more attractive. It all starts with good care and carrying clean clothes. Then you can apply your corporate fragrance and cause surrounding the fact that you smell so good. Read Step 1 to find out how to attract attention to your faint odor.


How to save freshness

    Take into the shower. If you want to smell the best, start with cleansing. How often should you take a shower depends on the personal chemistry of your body, your daily activities and weather. Many people bathe once a day, but if you are engaged in sports or live in a hot climate, you may want to use the bath more than once. If you have very dry skin, one bath will be enough in two days. But regardless of the circumstances, make sure that you take the bath enough often so that your body smell is not visible to other people.

    • In the soul wash your skin with soap and warm water to make sure that you wash off the dirt, sweat and bacteria that cause the smell of the body.
    • If you doubt, wash it out! An attempt to disguise the smell of the body with a deodorant or perfume will not lead to anything good.
    • If you do not want to wash your head every day (many say it leads to dryness and hair damage), use dry in those days when you do not wash your heads. It consists of powders that absorb fat, which makes your hair fatty.
  1. Use deodorant. Two percent of people have a gene that prevents the release of smell from the armpits. Here are the lucky, right? The rest of us rely on a deodorant to control the smell of the body during the day. Apply it after the shower, and then apply if necessary during the day.

    • Think about choosing a combination of a deodorant antipress, if you are prone to sweating.
    • Deodorants are released in hard stamping, gel sticks or sprays. You can also buy a deodorant from a natural stone or even prepare your own with the help of food soda and coconut oil. Experiment with a deodorant that seems to you most comfortable for sensations and gives you a pleasant fragrance.
    • If you are going to use a perfume or cologne, do not necessarily use a deodorant with a strong smell. Do not use too many different odors at the same time.
  2. Try using talc for the body. If you bring a little body talc after a bath or soul, then you save freshness. Just thoroughly dry the body, then apply a little on armpits, feet and other places. Talc will help keep your skin dry and cool during the day, so it will come in handy in hot, wet days.

    Wear clothes that smells good. If you wear one and the same clothes for a few days, it may affect how you smell, so make sure you follow the cleanliness of things! Choose the detergent with the smell or without it - it does not matter if your clothes are clean.

    • You can carry with you a few additional items of clothes if you are going to be on the street all day. Some people like to wear underwear, tights, socks or shirts for unexpected situations.
    • If you work in a place with a strong smell or you are often next to the smoker, you must make additional efforts to keep the pleasant smell of clothes. If you erase it more often and use the detergent with a strong smell and air conditioning for the fabric, this should help.
    • Believe your winter jacket and other things that can not be washed, in dry cleaning every few months to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant smell.
    • In addition to clothes, also pay attention to your bags, backpacks, hats and other accessories. Erase them from time to time, especially if you use them every day.
  3. Watch your legs well smelled. If you are worried about how your legs smell, spend your feet well in your shower, completely dry and apply talc for your body or foot before putting socks and shoes. Keep an extra pair of socks with yourself to change them during the day. Make sure your shoes are also in good condition - the old shoes can be a source of poor smell.

    • You must have a separate pair of shoes for training, so you should not wear your running sneakers to school or to work.
    • Wear a small bottle of talc for feet so you can use it as needed during the day.
    • If possible, we carry socks with shoes. Without socks, your legs sweat more, which leads to a bad smell.
  4. Refresh your breath. Good dental hygiene is the main way to keep the freshness of breathing. Make sure that you brush your teeth and use a dental thread every day, and regularly attend the dentist to get rid of such problems as a flight, so that your unpleasant smell is chronic. In addition to basic hygiene, you can save a pleasant smell of mouth, making the following:

    • Drink a lot of water. This is especially important during and after meals. She washing the remaining food and cleans your mouth.
    • Use the mouth rinsing fluid - but without alcohol. Alcohol in the liquid can dry your oral cavity, which leads to an unpleasant smell of mouth. Choose a refreshing breathing fluid that does not contain alcohol and cozify your mouth when you need to quickly get rid of smell.
    • Avoid garlic, onions and very spicy dishes in days when you really need to have fresh breath. It is difficult to disguise the smell of products using a rinse fluid, and this smell can remain even after cleaning the teeth and the use of the rinse.
    • Wear with me mint candies that you can right before you need to have a sweet smell of mouth.

    The use of spirits and cologne

    1. Choose the perfect smell. Look for the smell that suits your style and complements your general image. Excellent smell is the one that you do not mind smelling all day. It should not be too strong, as some people are sensitive to sharp smells. Experiment with various smells until you find the few you like. You can use the same smell every day or alternate several.

      • Various odors are suitable for various occasions. Citrus, floral, sweet smell can fit perfectly for the day, while in the evening you can choose something more musky and strong.
      • If you are looking for a more courageous smell, choose cologne with fir, cedar and sandalwood notes.
      • Fragrances are changing depending on who uses them. They interact with the unique chemistry of your body and change a little during the day. It is worth remembering about it when you choose the smell - the smell that fits your girlfriend will not smell on you just.
      • You can use a fragrance in the form of a lotion or body oil if you like it more. Solid perfume is another popular option.
    2. Apply a small amount on the points of your pulse. Do not bathe in the aroma you choose. Use it strategically so that people next to you can feel it, but not too much. Use a small amount, especially if you use a real perfume. Apply a little on your wrists, neck and over your ears - that's all you need.

      • If you use spray, do not apply it directly to your body. Keep it at a distance of about 10 cm from your body and lightly spray, and then place your wrist or other part of the body into this cloud of fragrance.
      • Even if you are using a perfumed lotion, you should not apply it to the whole body. Just use it in several places, for example, on your hands and neck. Use odor lotion for other skin sections.
    3. Apply fragrance on your hair. If your shampoo has no pronounced smell, you can give your hair fragrance. This is a good, delicate way to smell well all day. Distribute a bit of perfume or essential oil between the palms, and then distribute it through the hair. As an alternative, you can add a few drops of your favorite flavor to shampoo or air conditioner without odor.

      Choose one branded smell. Not a very good idea - use 3-4 incompatible aroma, which create a train from odors when you pass along the corridor. Instead of asking the name of your perfume, people will clamp noses at the sight of you! Use only one basic smell at a time.

      • This means that if you use a lot of lotion with a strong smell, you should not use perfume, and vice versa.
      • Make sure you used too many flavors accidentally. Your deodorant, hair lacquer and lip balm may have smells. Try to choose without smelling and stick one or two main odors.
    4. Try creating an original fragrance. If you do not want to spend money on the vial of perfume or cologne, you can make your own fragrance! Buy several different essential oils, such as roses, lavender, lemongrass or vetiver, and use a few drops instead of perfume. You can even prepare your own perfumey mixture, mixing several different essential oils until you get what you like.

      • To find essential oils, look into shops with healthy food or pharmacy. They are usually located in the skin care department.
      • You can dilute your essential oil with water or vodka so that the smell is not so strong. Pour it into a bottle with a sprayer and use for body and hair.

    How to smell perfectly all day

    1. Refresh several times a day. You probably smell well in the morning after you have taken a shower and put on clean clothes, but it would be nice to find a little time to refresh yourself during the day. Whether it is a school or work, there are some techniques that you can use to save a pleasant smell, even if you spent all day on your feet or at the table.

      • Clean your teeth or use the rinse for the mouth. It instantly refreshes your breath.
      • Re-apply perfume if necessary. Do not use too much - just a small pshik in the middle of the day.
      • Change clothes if you need it. If you are engaged in physical exertion, you can change linen or socks in the middle of the day.
      • Use antibacterial napkins to quickly refresh yourself. Buy napkins odorless, as the flavored napkins have a very strong smell. Quickly wipe the parts of the body that you want to refresh, and then re-apply deodorant.
      • Use herbal spray for sheets or pillows. Mix a few drops of essential oil with water and spray on your underwear when you stood the bed.
      • Wash your carpet with shampoo regularly. Carpets detain odors, and it can affect how all your things smell. Between washing, clean your carpet by sprinkling it with food soda, and then use the vacuum cleaner.
      • Clean your car. Wash the seats and regularly ventilate it.
    2. Give the flavor to your boxes and cabinets. If you want your clothes perfectly smelled, try to store it in boxes and cabinets with flavored sachets. You can make your own Sasha, filling small bags for clothes dried lavender or other herbs that you like. Just spread the sachets at the corners of your boxes or thresh them in the closet. They will give your things a light fragrance and prevent the appearance of a shaft smell.


    • Do not use anything that you have allergies, otherwise you have itching. Be careful and carefully read the composition.