Thoughts on the relationship between a man and a woman. Wise thoughts about the relationship between a man and a woman: an interesting selection

1. If a man can say what it is love, it means that he did not love anyone.

2. For loving as for birds, you need not only a nest, but also the sky.
E. Panteleev

3. Sex- this is the greatest that unloving people can give each other, and the least that loving people can give to each other.
E. Panteleev

4. Do you want to know your the bride, take a closer look at her mother.
Japanese proverb

5. F women love the man in themselves, and m supper yourself in a woman.

6.M supper always wants to be a woman's first love. F Women are more sensitive in such matters - they would like to become the last love of a man.
Oscar Wilde

7. Choose wife on weekdays, not weekends.

8. Says that does not love, but does not close the doors at night.

9. All the girls Look with your eyes, and your own - with your heart.

10.M suppers talk about women as they please, and f Women do whatever they want with men.
Sophia Segur

11. Women pay attention not to handsome men, but to men with beautiful womenand.
Milan Kundera

12. Better to live with obstinate woman than boring. True, such people are sometimes strangled, but they are never abandoned.
Bernard Show

13. Young woman with the future should avoid men with a past.
Folk wisdom

14. A man is easiest find when you already have one.
Paige Mitchell

15. Men bare their soul as women - the body, gradually and only after a stubborn struggle.
André Maurois

16.M supper is looking for someone to whom he could be proud; f The woman is looking for a shoulder to lean on.
Henry Louis Mencken

17. When m already sick, the family is decreasing; when f Jenna is sick, love is weakening.
Japanese proverb

18. A man deals with a woman, like a chemist in his laboratory: he observes in her incomprehensible processes which he himself produces.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

19 . F a woman wants a lot from one m supper - one from many.

20. A real man seen by the woman.
Vladislav Grzheshik

21 ... A woman should be so smart to please stupid men, and so vulgar as to please smart ones.
Jeanne Moreau

22. Gold are experiencing fire, a woman with gold, and a man with a woman.

23. By what is in a woman wake up And you will be content.
V. Vishnevsky

24. Female wants to please all men and even women. She always dresses herself with her best charms, but not so that every man possesses her, but so that they cannot forget her. Never.
Sinitsyna Irina

25. Serious intentions similar to a palette of colors, from the very depths of the soul, which paints the life of two loving people.
Sinitsyna Irina

26. Quarreling just like they love - with such a force. And they put up with the same force. Therefore, nothing will be lost in a relationship. The abrasion will heal. Decreases where there was nothing. What I wanted to be.
Sinitsyna Irina

27. Never go out with a man just because he has money. Rich man is like a decorated hat. When it already seems that she is to the face, and sits well, when suddenly the wind tears her off.
Sinitsyna Irina

28. WITH bachelor it is better not to get involved: no matter how passionately he kissed, these kisses of wild loneliness.
Sinitsyna Irina

29. Never run from a woman, she will still catch you if her thoughts are already below the heart .
Sinitsyna Irina

30. Love- this is not a bright sun that sparkles all the time. She has both sunrises and sunsets. And the crash of planes, and explosions of planets, and shooting stars ... Noisy kisses of the stars, these gentle closures - they are in the sky above the clouds.
Sinitsyna Irina

31. A woman like savage: either sets traps for a man, or climbs a tree, and higher.
Sinitsyna Irina

You can't be angry with someone who makes you laugh.
Jay Leno

Get married no matter what. If you get a good wife, you will be an exception, and if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher.

Experience has taught me that if people do something against you, it will ultimately benefit you.
I. Gandhi

Our life is what we think about it.
M. Aurelius

Rumor is the back door for truth, and front door for lies.
G. Baltasar

If the enemy praises you, then you have done a stupid thing.
A. Babel

Condemn what they do not understand.

Imitation is the most sincere kind of flattery.
K. Colton

No one becomes a woman's friend if he can become her lover.
O. de Balzac

From the habit of swearing in one way or another, the tendency to commit bad deeds also develops.

The worst tyranny is the tyranny of the little things.
L. N. Andreev

The clever will be able to learn a lot from the enemy.

They argue with women with their heart, not with their mind.
M. Arnold

Never provide services that are not asked for.
O. de Balzac

I know of no other sign of superiority other than kindness.
L. Beethoven

Reasoning with a fool is like lighting candles for the blind.
P. Buast

Success makes few friends.
L. Vovenargue

War experiences a brave man, anger - a sage, a friend - a need.

A person who is not interested in his fellows experiences the greatest difficulties in life and causes the greatest harm to others. It is among such people that losers appear.
A. Adler

It is easier for a calculating and indifferent sly to convince a woman that he loves her and succeed than for a passionate lover with his ardent expression of feelings.
J. Addison

The robbers demand a wallet or a life, women, both.
S. Byler

Of all the paths leading to a woman's heart, pity is the shortest.
D. Byron

You cannot enter the same river twice.

He who has friends does not have a friend.

In art, one can surpass the greats only with their help.
F. A. Abramov

It is better to sort out a dispute between your enemies than between friends, because after that one of your friends will obviously become your enemy, and one of your enemies will become your friend.

The worst are always the majority.

What you don’t know the point, what you don’t understand, then abuse: this is the general rule of mediocrity.
V. G. Belinsky

I never go where everyone goes.
G. Baltasar

The best revenge is oblivion.
G. Baltasar

The laughter of the clever is seen, not heard.
P. Buast

People who consider money to be able to do everything themselves are able to do everything for money.
P. Buast

Looking for variety in love is a sign of powerlessness.
O. de Balzac

Because if he didn’t love, then he didn’t live and didn’t breathe.
V.S. Vysotsky

Need is less of a shame than stupidity.
T. Hobbes

Stealth is a refuge for the weak.
F. Bacon

Let's forget our tormentors.
Yu. I. Vizbor

Noticing the mistakes of another, we ourselves make them.
O. Guericke

Where stupidity is a model, there reason is madness.
I. V. Goethe

Love is like luck: it doesn't like to be chased.
T. Gauthier

It is very easy to be kind; to be fair is what is difficult.
V. Hugo

Divorce is a marital boiler safety valve.
A. Decursel

Marital love multiplies the human race, friendly love improves it, and immoral love corrupts and destroys.
F. Bacon

Parting is for love, what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes the weak, inflates the big.
R. Bussy-Rabutin

Nothing deceives us like our opinion.
Leonardo da Vinci

You cannot desire what you do not know.
F. Voltaire

Of the two quarreling, the one who is smarter is more to blame.
I. V. Goethe

Evil tongues are more terrible than a pistol.
A. S. Griboyedov

Jealousy is a source of torment for a lover and resentment for a loved one.
K. Goldoni

Whoever got a good son-in-law, he gained a son, and whoever got a bad one, he lost his daughter.

Praise, like gold and diamond, is valuable only when it is scarce.
B. Johnson

Youth is a mistake, maturity is a struggle, old age is regret.
B. Disraeli

A marriage cannot be happy if the spouses, before entering into an alliance, have not perfectly learned each other's morals, habits and characters.
O. de Balzac

A coward is more dangerous than any other person, he must be feared most of all.
L. Berne

To assert something without being able to prove it legally is to slander.
P. Beaumarchais

The one who wants to pay too quickly for the service shows by this that the gratitude weighs on him.
P. Buast

He who spares the enemy does not spare himself.
F. Bacon

Don't look for scoundrels. Good people do mean things.
A. V. Vampilov

The art of liking is the ability to deceive.
L. Vovenargue

Love is the most powerful of all passions, because it simultaneously takes over the head, heart and body.
F. Voltaire

All limited people strive to constantly dishonor people with a solid and broad mind.
K. Helvetius

Debauchery, whatever it may be, drains the soul, leaves grains of poison that will always work.
A. I. Herzen

© Compiled by: Shamir Tilyaev, 2007
© Published with the kind permission of the author

Love is freedom ... to be close to someone who accepts you for who you are!

To love for something is too easy, but you try to love for Everything ..

Even a single strand can hold you together if you stop pulling the rope in your direction.

What I am for you, so you will be for me ... Heinrich Mann

Iceberg considers himself a lump until he encounters a warm attitude.

If you are cold, behave warmer.

Tell people more good words, and only good people will surround you!

An ideal husband is a man who thinks he has an ideal wife. Bernard Show

Before you start a relationship with someone, develop a relationship with yourself.

A relationship with a person is not something that comes from him. This is what comes from you. Oleg Torsunov

A man always treats a Woman the way she treats herself ..

Happiness is the present, not burdened with thoughts of the past.

I decided that I was abandoned ... I went to the mirror and looked ... nope ... Lost ...

It’s silly to be around a man who is “actually good,” but offends you all the time. Salma Hayek.

If you are disappointed in one thing, do not punish the other. And you will find Happiness.

The bridge to other people will then be strong when it is built from the broken walls of one's own self.

Love ... is too dangerous to play and too gorgeous to give up.

It is not always possible to start life from scratch ... But, after all, you can change your handwriting.

The Valley of Great Relationships is located beyond the Pass of Obids and the Gorge of Mutual Claims.

Hug each other more often - nothing heals the soul like warm words, sincere hugs.

Do not look for your soul mate ... Look for the same whole as you yourself ...

Now I know what it is to love. Anew. Differently. When everything is mutual. When he's the best ...

I build relationships based on the desire to be with you, and not out of fear of losing!

If you are always ready to easily let go of others - others will try to be with you!

The best relationships are those in which love for a person exceeds the need for him.

I am the richest person in the universe. I have You, Love and the Whole WORLD! Thank you for that.

Yes, we are not perfect, so what? But we are perfect for each other!

A chance meeting is the most non-random thing in the world ...

We choose our loved ones ourselves! Therefore, who is next to us depends only on us!

It shouldn't be boring or fun with a man. It should be warm, safe and calm with him.

You need to love your woman! Just to love. Do you want to educate someone: buy a dog ...

The most important thing in a relationship is not to do anything to spite each other.

A Step Towards - A Wise Decision! This is our happiness and salvation, this is not heroism, this is Life!

Love is a beast that grows from mutual concessions.

In words and vows, all men are the same, but Actions show the difference between them.

Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows. Marlene Dietrich

Appreciate the woman who is loved! The one that is not looking for the banks of the river ...

Take care of the relationship - otherwise you will cherish the memories.

Did you cheat on her? - No. - Why? - I respect myself, which means I respect my choice!

In the relationship between a man and a woman, there should not be someone else's opinion and advice from others.

An honest heart-to-heart dialogue is always more productive than a tense silence.

Since you've forgiven a man, you shouldn't warm up his sins for breakfast.

When a man loves a woman, the cockroaches in her head seem to him like ladybugs.

Quotes about relationships have become especially interesting for Internet users with the growing popularity of social networks. Today, the pages of guys and girls are full of quotes from idols. Among them are actors, musicians and writers. By the way, one of the most popular authors, whose quotes about men and women are scattered around the network, is Paulo Coelho. When it comes to the relationship between a man and a woman, it is always a conversation about love.

Quotes about unhappy love

Unfortunately, love is not always mutual, and even the most famous people fell victim to it:

  1. "Of the six billion people living on Earth, you love the only one. Then you blame the whole world, realizing that it is not worthy of this love." (Dundar).
  2. "Of all the possible mockery of life over a person, the most murderous is unrequited love." (M. Gorky).
  3. "I love and be loved. Unfortunately, these are different people." (I. Ipohorskaya).
  4. "Unrequited love is the most tenacious. Reciprocity can turn into boredom. Passion can turn into friendship or hatred. But unrequited love will never leave your heart completely. Resentment cements it firmly." (D. Yemets).
  5. "You are in love, and therefore you hate yourself. If it happened that this person did not want to be with you, then he is not destined to become your destiny." (A touching complex).

Remarque about love

Quotes by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho today is the most popular writer of our time. Phrases from his books instantly fly into quotes. What quotes does the Brazilian writer have about the relationship between men and women?

Other famous people about love

  • "Love is a theorem requiring daily proof." (Aristotle)
  • "There is no such hard work that love could not make easy and pleasant." (D. Bruno)
  • "It is impossible to be in love and wise at the same time." (F. Bacon)

Quotes about the relationship between a man and a woman are very often added for a specific person in order to draw his attention to some problem, to support or help. They become a great motivator. Decorate your page with the quotes you like, share with your friends, and who knows, maybe someday you will be quoted by others too.

Still from the movie "Roman Holidays"

Love, as they say, is a complicated thing: here you have butterflies in your stomach, and snoring of several tens of decibels, and cute little pranks, and sometimes outright wars for what you jointly acquired. In a word, ballads and romances alone cannot describe this magnificent feeling - sometimes, in order not to go mad at all, one simply cannot do without humor. Fortunately, famous people know about this like no one else, and we are ready to present you with a selection of their funniest sayings about marriage, sex, infidelity, life together and other "delights" of relationships between lovers.

About sex

A still from the movie "The Seven Year Itch"

“Love is the answer. But while you're waiting for it, sex can raise some pretty interesting questions. " Woody Allen, director.

“All my mom told me about sex was that the man should be on top and the woman should be below. This is probably why the first three years my husband and I slept on a bunk bed. " Joan Rivers, actress.

“So many stupid things have been invented about this physical love. In my opinion, the dentist’s even nicer. ” Evelyn Waugh, writer (from Vile Flesh).

"Acquaintance breeds contempt - and children." Mark Twain, writer.

"I don't know anything about sex - I've always been married." Zsa Zsa Gabor, actress of old Hollywood.

"Sex: the pleasure is momentary, the posture is ridiculous, and the costs are enormous." Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield.

About unexpected insights

Still from the movie "How to Steal a Million"

"Archaeologists are always the best husbands, because the older his wife gets, the more he takes an interest in her." Agatha Christie, writer.

“Before marrying someone, see how they behave in front of a computer with very slow Internet. Only in this way will you find out who he really is. " Will Ferrell, actor.

“I love being married. It's so great to find the one and only one that you will infuriate for the rest of your life. " Rita Rudner, comedian.

“Marriage is like a bank card. You enter, pull out - and you lose interest. " Irwin Corey, American actor, social activist.

“I just learned here that all penguins are monogamous. And this did not surprise me, because this is how they look. I mean, it's not very likely that one day one penguin will leave another in search of a prettier penguin. " Ellen DeGeneres, actress and television personality.

"Many men, falling in love with a dimple on their cheeks, marry the whole girl by mistake." Stephen Leacock, writer.

About female superiority

Still from the movie "There are only girls in jazz"

“I don’t care if he’s rich, as long as he has a yacht, his own railroad and his own toothpaste.” Marilyn Monroe, in the movie "There are only girls in the jazz"

"All rejected lovers should be entitled to a second try — with someone else." Mae West , "Godmother of naked dresses", actress, sex symbol of old Hollywood.

"Behind every great man is a woman who rolls her eyes at this time." Jim Carrey, actor.

"God gave a man a brain and a penis, but apparently, an insufficient supply of blood for both of them to function at the same time." Robin Williams, actor.

"Ladies, I noticed one thing: all the men who usually look after me are married to skinny ones." Sophie Tucker, singer.

“If not for the women, we would still be living in caves and eating raw meat. After all, we created civilization only to impress our girlfriends. " Orson Welles, director.

"I have a little low self-esteem - so every time I have sex, I fantasize that someone else is in my place." Richard Lewis, comedian.

“I don’t understand why women want to get everything that men have. After all, women, besides everything else, have men. " Coco Chanel, fashion designer.

About life

Still from the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

“In the morning I always bring my wife tea in my pajamas. Do you think she is grateful? No, she would prefer if I brought her tea in a cup. " Eric Mokam, comedian.

"A marriage is between two people who are always willing to swear that only another member of the union snores." Terry Pratchett, writer.

"Only a blind woman and a deaf man can have a good marriage." Michel de Montaigne, French writer, philosopher.

"The husband is the guy who will always tell you that you overdid it with lipstick." Ogden Nash, poet.

“I haven't spoken to my wife in years. I just didn't want to interrupt her. " Rodney Dangerfield, American comedian.

“My quarrels with my wife are like a rock concert. First we present something new, and at the end we will definitely move on to our greatest hits. " Frank Skinner, writer.

"Marriage is a real challenge because you have to deal with feelings and lawyers." Richard Pryor, actor.

About disappointments

Still from the movie "Sweet Life"

"There should be two people in life to whom you have every right to lie - a policeman and your girlfriend." Jack Nicholson, actor.

"I've been happily married for four years out of ten." Mark Watson, comedian.

“Bigamy is having one more wife than you should. However, monogamy is the same thing. " Oscar Wilde, writer.

"Do not believe couples who have been walking holding hands all their lives, they are simply afraid that if they let go of their hands, they will kill each other." Groucho Marks, actor.

A still from the movie "The Modest Charm of Burujosiya"

"When another takes your wife away, there is no better way to get revenge on him than letting him stay with her." Sasha Guitri, playwright.

“When a man invites his beloved woman to marry him, this is the best compliment he can give her. And last". Helen Rowland, writer, journalist.

“Divorce is probably almost as old as marriage. Although I believe that marriage is a few weeks older. " Voltaire, writer, philosopher.