Some people play a little in dolls. They become them. About my attitude to intrigues in the puppet world VK life in the world of dolls

Dear puppet fries, colleagues and just interested! There is a moment to explain my attitude to difficult, and sometimes flammable relationships in Puppet Mirka. MIRIO This small, but lives his big rich life and as in any other community, it has its own coalitions, their friends, enemies, competitors, "envious", worships, admirers, hinge intrigues, much woven, in general, all that We have in any other place where the public is going on a permanent basis with a number of more than three.
We all boring to live without struggle, such is the nature of man. The struggle tones, the struggle temper, it gives self-confidence and fills the adrenaline cheek degree.
I am with great distrust treating the hypothesis that de exist people who never gossip, never wash the bones near and distant, who never worn a stone for the sinus ... Although I believe that most of the people this stone never takes out. So I always try to keep all my stones with myself and not to join the confrontation if it is not dictated by some extreme considerations.
Dolls for me - holiday and leisure and passion and passion. Not a business, I do not earn almost nothing. Do not remedy brighten up housewife leisure. It's not an attempt to prove it there. Dolls are sincerely and from the soul and very easily with all the difficulties of the process. I would make them, even if I had to simply plant a closet and not show anyone.
But it is still nice to show. And it's nice when buying. Highly. And please respond. Heart also as I read and hear what kind of likes it, which causes some kind of harshival and even sometimes helps something.
And in this regard, I Corone became interested in the puppet platform grew, becoming more weighty, so that it acquired new professional qualities, grew in an artistic sense, acquired more and more fans. It is stupid to hope that such is possible if there is no common clearing. Let it be divided into some of their sectors, albeit not always smooth, somewhere where in the bumps and pits, but still in a person who is in public. Every junction on this line is only good. Any doll project, even if they organize competitors or even simply some of whose point of view are full of radishes, it ultimately works on us at all. All these conversations about the fact that the organizers of the exhibitions row money that trade will lead from art ... It's all until the exhibitions will disappear suddenly as a class. In France, for example, there is no one decent doll exhibition. In terms of Moscow and at the notes are not suitable. And what, some of the local puppeteers won?
Yes, there is its cons, the mass is simplified, leads away from elitism, but it gives a lot of opportunities for healthy breeding, makes grow, not sitting on the same level, communicate and share.
Therefore, I do not support any currents against those and against these. In the puppet world, I have a small number of my personal friends with whom we would communicate, and do not be dolls. With all the others we are colleagues. To someone trust more, someone less, but for the time being the person did not put me on and did not substitute someone in my eyes, I do not have anything against this person and I will not have anything.
And if this happens, I just do not communicate further, do not participate in the overall projects. And that's it.
To be friends against someone? My God, I'm not the first youth of the aunt. I have already played these games so many times that there was time to make sure one hundred million times - it's just games. There is nothing behind them.
All our stratulating bones are the same, all this is just a kind of leisure. It cannot be made in real life. Well, we are not bazaar aunt to focus on gossip, on subjective assessments.
Sometimes, fortunately, not often, someone writes to me and pours the ears of the shit on some kind of puppeteer. I beg, it is a completely stupid court. I do not trust any disasters except my own. It is also useless to convince me that this project is Cool, and this complete shit. I will not make an opinion until I see the results of the project. And sometimes they are unexpected.
And yes, ready to support information and simply morally any puppetner. Well, of course, we are talking about anyone I know about whom I know - what to expect from them. Not all angels. But most in adequate.
I, like anyone you can smash, but in general, immunity to this case I have a professionally high.
In general, I love everyone! And those who periodically write about me nasty and those who are trying to teach me a mind mind and discover their eyes to life. As long as a person did not prove his pokerity, I respect him. If I proved, I woof.
We have without that challenging task - to carry such difficult and not quite recognized art. Let we be somewhere with someone who webly dislike each other. No one bothers us to shed poison in narrow companies - it can be psychotherapeutically. But in the case, it seems to me much more useful to unite where it has a practical meaning. And if it doesn't have practical, but there is also no harmless to harm, then it is worth pouring a flower just just in case - a wolf wrestling is a wonderful rose?
To say, a good word colleague is always more efficient than the aroused criticism. It is more useful to act together than to fight in different minks.
And our personal sympathies here have nothing to do with it. We do not arrange family dinners. We organize the promotion of dolls as a class. This is not personal. This is a purely professional. Let us be professionals and will not catch the temptation to fight for the sake of struggle.
Maybe someone will seem that I sit on all chairs, to which only my rats are reached, but I look at it differently. For me, non-participation (at least long) in intrigues is a normal constructive approach. And if I ampatt, I will not intrigue - I will say direct text. IT I can afford it)))
Invalid only meanness and deception. Everything else, greed, snobbery, stupidity and Dunnovice, other people's big grandmothers are alone else's successes, small attacks and busty quarrels, unlone to me views on life and everything in such a spirit, I can completely forgive, for no one is perfect. And if a person comes to me and says - I want to stir up the exhibition of green plastic crocodiles of freaks, I will answer - go ahead! And it may even write about it. The spectators themselves will understand, it is necessary to see the freaks or all the same to wait.
The more choice - the greater the chance to choose correctly. The more projects - the stronger the direction as a whole. The more dolls, which means competition, the stronger and stronger the authors!
Sorry for the abundance of letters and possibly not completely distinted thoughts. I was planted not to go into emotions. And I will find it it will be clear to everyone who takes the topic, situationally or in principle.

Recently, in the world, the so-called living dolls are becoming increasingly popular - people who have decided to bring themselves to the standards of the appearance of Barbie doll by plastic surgery. They have an unnaturally large eyes, which they reach the wearing lenses and special makeup, long eyelashes, chubby lips and an aspen waist - these are the main attributes of the girl dolls. One of the most famous living dolls is Ukrainian Valery Lukyanova, but besides her in the world there are many girls and even guys who decided to turn themselves into living dolls and today we will tell you about them.

Valeria Lukyanova

Barbie from Ukraine argues that he made only one operation - an increase in breast. Create a puppet image of Valeria Lukyanova helps a bright makeup and a strict diet.

Rodrigo Alves

Rodrigo Alves (Rodrigo Alves) was dissatisfied with his appearance all his life, so he immediately knew how to spend an inheritance from a rich grandfather. More than $ 250,000 went to plastic surgery, which turned the man into the living Ken. Now he is a star of numerous television programs and, perhaps, one of the most famous examples of how can harm the desire for perfect appearance.

Amber Guzman.

In the live doll, Amber Guzman (Amber Guzman) turned muscle dystrophy. The girl says that the image of Barbie saved her life - Amber presented himself with a toy that he always needs help, including to move.


After participating in Australia's Next Top Model about the dark-skinned Barbie model spoke. Thanks to the exotic appearance, which stressed stylists, Ducks that (Duckie Thhot) not only acquired a hundred thousand fans, but also starred for the covers of such religious magazines as Vogue and Harper's Bazaar.

Justin Dzhadlika

Justin Jedlica (Justin Jedlica) says that he wants to be "plastic" by 100%. The man himself believes that he has not yet reached the ideal and after 190 plastic operations, which are already behind, plans new changes in appearance.

Anastasia Shpagina

Nastya is a real Makeup Master. On YouTube, a girl publishes video where with ease of reincarnation in Sherlock, Captain Jack Sparrow, Justin Bieber and many others. Her puppet appearance is also the result of a skillful visa.

Nannette Hammond

In order to look like Barbie, Nannette Hammond (Nannette Hammond) did not regret $ 500,000. The mother of five children from the United States says that since childhood dolls collected and always dreamed of reminding one of them. Nannette's first plastic surgery made at 21, now this eccentric woman 43, and it is not going to stop.

Dakota Rose

Miniature Dakota Rose (Dakota Rose) argues that its appearance is not the result of plastic operations, but a good makeup and properly selected clothing style. Now 22-year-old American lives in Tokyo, and it is not strange, because in the country anime fans in the girl the greatest number of fans. The girl. Now Angelica works the model and considers comparison with Barbie compliment.

Bonus: Lil Michel

Real Man or Hero Computer Game The Sims? Disputes about the instagram model from Los Angeles Lil Miquel (Lil Mique) still do not subside. Computer animation specialists argue that Lil is a combination of photographs and 3D models.

As small girls, these beauties first played the dolls, and then rose and became dolls themselves, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars, months of effort and making dozens of plastic operations. Live Barbie of our time. Meet.

Valeria Lukyanova

When height 172 cm, Valery weighs 46 kg and has model parameters - 88-50-88. The girl claims that she has no 25 years old, loves himself a goddess, hinting for extraterrestrial origin and categorically denies any participation of plastic surgeons in the transformation of its appearance. It is recognized only that it has increased the chest so that the figure is more harmonious.

However, if you look at the photos of Valeria before and after turning into live Barbie, the doubt is being granting that its appearance is the merit of only nature. Surgeons believe that Lukjanova not only increased the chest, but also removed Röbra, made plastic nose, century, increased her lips, adjusted the shape of the cheekbone, and also passed liposuction. Internet users have not been lazy to find old photos of Valeria and compare them with the current.

Valery itself, his transformation explains the result of spiritual practices, genetic factors, proper nutrition and diligent classes in the simulator room. Barbie girl adheres to the ideology of Child-fries, says that not created for motherhood. In one of the interviews, Valeria stated that family values \u200b\u200bwere not at all important for her. However, married the owner of a large construction company. Internet users suggest that it was her husband who helped Lukyanova to realize the dream of a doll appearance.

In conversations with journalists, Valeria loves focusing on its spiritual qualities, talents and cosmic origin. The girl-doll generally loves to rob about mysticism, metaphysics and past lives. He says that a person is not just a pile of meat and bones, but a spiritual substance that should strive to become a super-sufficiency. Valeria even opened an esoteric school called the "Temple of Infinite Unity", in which he learns people with supernatural abilities and helps to reveal the third eye.

Despite the reasoning about the importance of internal freedom, the Lukjanova's life earns in the main model and participation in various photo shoots and events. Thanks to the puppet appearance and ambiguous look at life, the girl has many, both fans and haters. On it vKontakte page 440 thousand people signed, on an instagram account - more than 130 thousand.

Hanna Gregor

A 22-year-old student of Sheffield University of Hanna Gregory has the proportions of Barbie's dolls, 55 cm waist, increases the eyes using contact lenses and does not come out of the house without makeup and outfits corresponding to the doll form. Hannah argues that he did not make plastic operations and does not hide photos made before she became an instagram star.

According to Hannah, in childhood she was a very shy child, and this timidity prevented her to keep up with the times and dress as she wanted. Because of this, she suffered from insecurity and felt unattractive. Already at the Institute, her aligns began to notice its similarity from Barbie, it pushed the girl to become a living embodiment of the pupa.

Now Hannah spends up to three hours a day to create an image: makes makeup, picks up clothes and puts on huge lenses, imitating an empty puppet look. The girl does not go out into the street in simple clothes, arguing that the Barbie is easier for her to hide from people. "I have a lot of complexes, so it seems to me that the real I do not need anyone. When others see a doll in me, it's not interested in anyone, what I actually and I am so easier to communicate with the world, "Hannah confessed once in an interview.

Unusual appearance, a figure with a thin waist, a bright makeup and outfits in pink tones made Hanna Star Instagram, more than 40 thousand people were signed on her page, who proclaimed the girl "British Barbie". The girl herself confesses that it is upset by the fact that the guys perceive her only as a doll and are not trying to learn about her inner beauty. But nevertheless, it is not going to change his style and believes that he will definitely meet the guy who will love it exactly.

Vanilla Cham.

The Japanese model of Vanilla Cham is the champion of our list of "live dolls", a radical change in its appearance can be seen with the naked eye. According to some information, the Japanese spent on the services of plastic surgeons the amount of 10 million yen is about 102 thousand dollars. For several years, the girl has undergone more than 30 operations, trying to achieve the appearance of the French doll.

The famous French dolls were manufactured from the "biscuit" porcelain, attached to their persons a noble pallor, sophistication and elegance. Lush hairstyles, large languid eyes and thin eyebrows in combination with trendy outfits attracted the attention of children and even adults. These porcelain french dolls today are estimated at the antiques market in thousands of dollars and are the subject of pride of collectors.

To become such a doll, Vanilla Chama radically changed its appearance with the help of plastic surgery. The girl moved a double operation on the eyelids, rhinoplasty, liposuction, eyelashes implantation, a change in the face shape to create "snaps" on the cheeks, breast increasing, skin lightening.

His true age girl hides. It is known only that if at 17 years old Vanilla looked like an average Japanese: dark skin, black hair and a traditional eye cut, then in 19 years old she appeared to the world with red-haired beauty with light skin, wide open eyes and absolutely European appearance.

In Native Japan, Vanilla Celebrity - the girl is often invited to the TV show, where she tells about the reasons for the transformation of his appearance, answers the questions of the audience and is divided by secrets. Vanilla Chama also removed for fashionable magazines and periodically participates in concerts as singer.

Angelica Kenova

Angelica, a native of Kurgan, moved several years ago to Moscow. The girl does not like to talk about the family, it is only known that her mother is a doctor, and dad is the owner of his own business. It was the parents who played a significant role in turning Angelica in "Russian Barbi", as the blonde itself calls.

"I myself did not choose this puppet image, they made my parents. Mom began to buy me collectible dolls Barbie, when I was six years old, and began to wear me like one of them. My mother was also very beautiful, in his youth she looked like Bridget Bardo, "says Angelica.

According to Angelica, in adolescence, parents hired a personal trainer for her who helped the girl to achieve ideal parameters. The result is obvious: Angelica has a figure, which will envy any model - a strikingly thin waist, long slender legs, a big elastic chest. Angelica still passionately trains in the gym - five times a week for 2-3 hours. Likes to be photographed, leads popular instagram and communicates with fans on vKontakte page . By the way, the girl claims that she is against plastic operations and is sure that a beautiful body needs to be created independently.

Despite the spectacular appearance, the young man at Angelica is still not. The girl complains that parents forbade her to communicate with men themselves and control every step of his daughter. On dates, she goes with her mother, clothes, emphasizing the advantages of the figure, chooses Angelica, too, a mother, as decides for her all other questions.

"My parents brought me up as a princess, did not allow me to walk alone, meet with boys and behave like other girls of my age. As a result, I am not adapted to real life - I like a living doll, "Angelica Kenova admitted in one of the interviews.

Julia Vince.

"Barbie with the body of Hulk" - Nicknamed the girl fans worldwide. The famous Russian woman made an unusual combination of an angel puppet face and a muscular sports body. Julia was fascinated by Powerlifting in school, says he wanted to become more confident. And quite quickly reached impressive results: with 165 centimeters height, it increased weight from 48 kilograms to 65 due to muscle mass. The volume of its biceps is 40.5 centimeters, in Julia's post holds 200 kg, raises 115 kg, the weight of 190 kg takes weight. Also, the girl has repeatedly became a champion in Powerlifting and in Russia, and abroad.

Julia has started a page in Instagram to share the history of his sports achievements with the world and, of course, lay out new photos from the gym. But after foreign media learned about Yulia, the girl became a real celebrity. Now almost half a million people are signed on her instagram account.

Julia willingly shares the secrets of success. He says that in addition to classes in the simulator room, the nutrition plays a big role. Previously, the girl eaten 2-3 times a day, because of what she had no visible results for a long time. Changes for the better began to be noticeable when the athlete has increased the amount of food and began to eat better. Now in its standard diet includes chicken breast, fish, cottage cheese, eggs, buckwheat, rice, vegetables, fruits and special sports nutrition.

Thanks to the increased popularity, Julia found new friends, but also acquired heights and envious. But to the attacks in their address, the girl belongs to humor, know myself, picks up a bargain with Cavalier Sergey, denies the use of steroids, and recently opened his own fitness center, where it works as a coach.