Unconventional drawing techniques in the older group. Unconventional drawing (77 ideas for kindergarten)

Abstract Node in the senior group on the topic "Winter Tree" (non-traditional drawing techniques).

Gracheva Natalia Vitalyevna, teacher of primary classes Mose Samara Sosh Kurkinsky district of the Tula region.
Description of the material: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for the children of the senior group (5-6 years) on the topic "Winter Tree" (non-traditional drawing techniques). This material will be useful to educators of the senior group, educators of the GPA, educators of additional education. This is an abstract classes aimed at acquaintance of children with non-traditional drawing techniques, the development of creative abilities and the formation of interest in visual activities.
Subject lesson: "Winter Tree" (non-traditional drawing techniques)
Software content:
- Teach children alone in a certain sequence,
create a winter landscape using non-traditional drawing techniques ("blowing", "Klyaxography", "Tampony", "Ribyry");
- consolidate the knowledge of children about changes in the life of plants at different times of the year;
- develop speech, attention, thinking, respiratory system, small motility of the hands of children;
- to promote the development of creative abilities, fantasies and imagination of preschoolers;
- to educate interest, love and careful attitude towards nature, accuracy, independence.
Material for the lesson: Toned blue color paper, capacitance with a diluted white and brown gouache, pipette, toothbrush, a slice of corrugated cardboard, a small piece of foam rubber or sponge, a rag or a wet napkin for hands, a cocktail tube.
Demonstrative material:Reproductions, illustrations, photos depicting winter landscapes.
ICT: computer, projector, screen, eor (presentation to the lesson).
Preliminary work:
Consider illustrations with winter landscape, watching for a walk, learning poems and songs about winter.
Move node"Ris1.jpg photo" ("Ready to occupation!")
1 Org. moment.
- Hello, dear wizards! Yes, yes, this is exactly what I appeal to you today, because today you will try to make real magic.
2. Actualization of knowledge.
-What items use wizards? (Magic wand, invisible hat, boots, booms, tablecloth self-bale, magic mirror).
- We are with you artist wizards, so we have our own magic items. They lie on the tables. Please name them. (Tubes, sponges, paints, pipettes, etc.). These items will help us make magic - draw the usual picture in an unusual way.
3.Simo definition to activities.
-And what exactly we will draw these magic items, you will learn, guessing the riddle:
Many hands, and one's leg.
Check if you guess right! (Children show the slide on which the same tree is depicted at different times of the year).
"Ris2.jpg photo" ("Riddle guess!")

- What is shown on it? (Trees)
- What trees do you know?
- How many trees on the slide? Let's consider! (four)
- Compare them. What is the difference? (1- with flowers, 2 - with green leaves, 3 - with yellow leaves, 4- without leaves).
- What do you think they are so different? (Trees look different at different times of the year.)
- Who out of my wizards guess which of these trees will we draw today? (Winter tree)
- Why do you think so? (Because now winter season)
4. Work on the subject of classes. Practical part number 1.
-How looks like a tree in winter? (No leaves, only barrel and branches) (children demonstrate the slide, on which the tree is depicted in winter)
- Are they the same in thickness? (No, the trunk is thick, the branches are thin).
_ Look at the tools and tell me, with the help of which of them we can draw the barrel and branches? (Children's assumption).
"photo ris3.jpg" "choose tools"

We are with you real wizards, so let's try to portray our winter tree without a brush and pencil. We will use the tube and air.
To do this, on the blue paper, we apply a pipette with a drop of liquid guaashi and draw a tree trunk, blowing a drop through the tube ("blow" the trunk). "Ris4.jpg photo" ("Magic Drop from Pipettes")

"photo ris5.jpg" ("blow out a tree trunk")

- If necessary, we drip still gouache on the basis of the branches and continue to inflate the Klyaksu "Drawing" the tree of the desired height.
"Ris6.jpg photo" ("The tree appeared!")

5. Fizkultminutka. (on the slide Animation "Falling Snow"
"photo ris7.jpg" ("Fizkultminutka")

Snowflakes fall from the sky
As on a fabulous picture.
(Raise hands above your head.)
We will catch them
(Make grabbing movements, as if they catch snowflakes.)
And show mom's mom.
(Pull hands with palms up, as if stretching something.)
And there are drifts around
The snow was covered by road. (Dil place hands on the parties.)
Do not bother in the field so that
Raise the legs above.
(Walking on the spot with a high knee lifting.)
We go, go, go (walking in place.)
And we come to your house. (Children sit down in their place.)
6. Work on the topic of classes. Practical part number 2.
- You are just real wizards! Could draw trees with air without a brush and pencil!
- What do trees in winter? (In winter, trees seek, fall asleep until spring.)
- When do you go to bed in your crib, what are you doing? (Cover with a blanket)
- Let's leave our trees with a warm and lightweight blanket so that they calmly slept all winter sweet sleep. But what can we cover them? (Snow)
- For this, the snow should go on our picture. What tool will help us to portray snow?
Take the next "magic" object - a toothbrush, make it in paint and, with a brush along the edge of the cardboard stripes, splashing on the picture, seniting magical words:
"Let the snowball fall on the magic leaflet!"
"photo ris8.jpg" ("Snow drops from the sky")

- Our snowball must first cover the branches. Take a piece of sponge, dry it into the paint and "cover" the branches to be warm them.
"photo ris9.jpg" ("Hold the branches of snow")

- And the snow in our picture everything goes and goes, shelting the ground with a white fluffy blanket. And under the tree it is becoming more and more. Picture in the same way (sponge) or toothbrush snow under the tree.
"photo ris10.jpg" ("Snow under the tree")

- What beautiful winter trees got you!
"photo ris11.jpg" ("Beautiful tree!")

"photo ris12.jpg" ("It turned out very beautiful!")

7. Reflection.
- What do you think our trees feel now? (They are warm, cozy. They became even more beautiful.)
- Listen, it seems to me that they whisper something to you for the effort and help. Which of you heard? (Thank you, good wizards!)
And what can you wish them? (Good night, trees!)
8. Summing up.
- Our occupation approached the end. What are you learned today, what kind of magic? (Draw in an unusual way).
- And what helped you get such wonderful drawings, except magic? (Effort, accuracy, attention and, of course, love for nature). If you have such qualities, I think that you can do without magic.
9. Registration of the exhibition.
Crepe your drawings on a board with a magnet and admire the winter trees again.

Valentina Garnysh

One of the main activities childrenvisiting a preschool educational institution (kindergarten, in all age groups are drawing. Activities for visual art makes it possible to enjoy positive emotions, feel like a master of their creativity. Children are studying and learn to know the world around, copying it. Their drawings reflect personal attitude towards everything that happens around. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of work on artwork develops artistic the ability of the child.

Experience with children in kindergarten showed: draw with unusual ways and use the materials that surround us in everyday life cause children Huge positive emotions. Drawing is fascinating children, and especially unconventional, children with a huge desire draw, create and compose something new. To instill with the love of pictorial art, cause interest in drawing You must start with the game. How are the way suitable for this unconventional drawing methodswhich consentful traditional figures drawingMiracles are creating and turning ordinary classes in the game, in a fairy tale. Drawing by these methods, children are not afraid to be mistaken, since everything can be easily corrected, but from the error you can easily come up with something new, and the child acquires self-confidence, overcomes "Fear of pure sheet of paper" And begins to feel like a small artist. He appears interest, and at the same time and desire paint. Paint You can anywhere and anywhere and as you like! A variety of materials puts new tasks and makes all the time that neither be inventing. And from these naive and uncomplicated children's drawings in the end suggested recognizable object - I. No cluttered joy of satisfaction because "I did it - all this is mine!".


Material: paint, tassel, paper


Fold a sheet of paper in half. One way, closer to the center, apply several bright colored spots with a tassel. Now quickly fold the sheet along the same collapse and thoroughly join it with his palm. Open I. peer: What happened? Fabulous flowers? Bug? No, it is a forest in water reflection!

Cleaxography using threads

Material: Cocktail tube, paint brushes, water.


To write a drawing in this technique, the brush is not needed. Unconventional drawing equipmentThe photo of which is represented by your attention, the fact and attractive that there are no strictly designated canons. For example, this bluck need draw Mandatory rounded form. Using technique unconventional drawingOpened opportunities for children's fantasy.


Material: paper, paints, brushes, plates.


A clean sheet of paper to mock your hands and smooth out. Draw a conceived pattern. This technique is interesting in that on the places of paper folds, paint when painting is more intense, dark is called the mosaic effect.

Material: old toothbrushes, Gouache, paper, herbarium, silhouettes.


At the tip of the brush, a little paint is recruited. Tilt the brush over a sheet of paper, and draw a cardboard or comb. The splashes will scatter in a clean leaf. So you can portray the starry sky, salute. And you can still cut any silhouette and place on a sheet of paper and spray paint. Then remove the silhouette and you will have a trail, you can add it, present missing lines with a brush.

Drawing dots

Material: cotton wands, gouache, paper.


Techniques unconventional drawing I like children. Writing the drawing with points belongs to an unusual admission. For this, cotton sticks are taken and points are applied on a white sheet of paper.

the above techniques drawing I like children. They become more relaxed, show fantasy and creative approach to the drawing.

Publications on the topic:

Unconventional drawing methods Non-traditional drawing methods Unconventional ways to work with paints are developing spatial imagination and extraordinary thinking.

Project Topic: "Unconventional drawing methods for children of the second junior group". Project compilers: MDOU Educators №72 Cristal Maria.

Development of the creative abilities of children when using non-traditional drawing style - Pointelism Introduction The formation of a creative personality, its most complete disclosure is the most important task of pedagogy at the present stage. Effective.

An abstract classes with appliances of non-traditional drawing "fingerprints" for children of the younger group "Fish" Purpose: - Exercise children in the technique of non-traditional drawing "fingerprints" - the activation and replenishment of the child's dictionary. - Development.

Purpose: to expand the knowledge of teachers about non-traditional drawing methods, as a means of forming color perception in preschool children.

- introduce a photocopy drawing technique.
- Formation of work skills in a candle drawing technique.
development of attention through observation of frosty patterns in winter;
upbringing of interest in nature winter phenomena;
education accuracy during execution.
Equipment: pattern samples, album sheet; extra leaf, a piece of candle; watercolor paints; brush with a wide pile; Glass with water, napkins, letter.
1. Organizational moment.
Psychodstastics: "Luche"
To the sun reached out
The ray took
To heart pressed
And each other gave.
Message Topics Classes.
Guys today the topic of educational institutional activities "Frosty patterns", and not just a lesson, but drawing a candle
Surprise moment.
Guys what is the time of year now. Children answer Winter
Now winter. Winter - Wonderful time of the year! In winter, different miracles occur! So I got a small package. Who sent it to us?
Let's see what lies in it, maybe we will learn from whom she.
Reading attached piece of paper to parcel
Guys, and here is a snowflake with a poem-mystery. Listen carefully to guess it. Who gave up - raise your hand:
From the sky, the stars fall, they will fall on the fields.
Let the black land be lit under them.
Many, many stars, thin, like glass;
Stars are cold, and the earth is warm.
What is the master on the glass hole
Both leaves and herbs, and thicket roses. Children answer this snowflakes, because they cover the ground with snow and look like stars
Well done guys, you are very observational, so the riddles gave way correctly.
Introduction to the topic.
And who is the faithful and indispensable assistant? Children answer frost
Right. With the onset of winter come and cold. Frost is knocking in every home. Leaves their messages to people: then the door is a foorst - poorly prepared for winter, then on the windows will leave their arts - a gift from frost. Let's see what sent for the messages to us
I get from the parcel pictures - depicting frosty patterns
What is depicted in pictures? Children answer twigs, snowflakes, ice flowers, curls and crochets
Right, the guys here are here and sprigs firing, and they are degraded.
Here's how frost without brushes and paints, we painted the windows.
Guys, what do you think how frost do these patterns draw? Children put forward their assumptions blowing on the glass by cold, by magic, throws snowflakes on the windows, and they are glued to the window.
In fact, from cold, frosty air droplets of water, which are present in the air, settled on the cold glass, freeze and turn into ice-glance - needles. For the night they are formed a lot, they seem to be increasing at each other. And as a result, different patterns are obtained, which we have now been observed with you.
Guys, what do you think, we would be able to draw patterns in such a way that they were not visible first, and then suddenly manifested how to frost? Not.
And it turns out. And I will now introduce you to this way of drawing - it is called "Photocopy".
2. Practical part.
Take into the hands of a piece of candle and try to spend them on a sheet of paper.
Does the candle leave visible traces? Children answer not
And now cover from above any watercolor paint. What did you do? Under the paint appeared lines that we painted the candle.
Guys, how do you think, why the lines made by the candle did not paint? Children express their opinions
The candle consists of wax, which repels water, so the pattern made by water-repellent material is manifested after applying watercolor paint, diluted with water. Today we will try to create a miracle - draw frost patterns with a candle.
Where do you start to draw? Children answer draw from the top, going down.
It is true, so that the pictures are not overlayed on each other. It is best to draw the pattern from top to bottom. Ready drawing Cover watercolor paint. I would advise you to choose a blue or purple color. And in order not to splash, put the paint evenly on the entire sheet, but do not spend the same place several times.
3. Independent work of children.
I provide individual dosage assistance

4. Summing up
How guys are called drawing technique that we used to create such wonderful work? Children answer photocopy
What do you think you can still draw a photocopy technique? Children answer flowers, patterns, sun.
Our occupation approached the end, I am very pleased with you and I really want to know what surprised you today? And what did you especially like it today.

Develop interest in the creative process, to the desire to achieve the best results, develop the visual creative abilities in children using unconventional drawing technique.

  • To introduce various ways and techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques using various visual materials.
  • We instill an interest and love for visual art as a means of expressing feelings, relationships, attachment to the world of beautiful.
  • Track the dynamics of the development of creative abilities and the development of the visual skills of the child.
  • Create all the necessary conditions for the realization of the goal.
  • Develop a sense of form, composition, colors, rhythm, proportions in children.
  • To form knowledge, skills in the field of visual activities in pupils.
  • Develop a desire to experiment, showing bright cognitive feelings: surprise, doubt, joy from recognizing new.
  • Rail up hard work and the desire to succeed with their own difficulty.

Types and techniques of non-traditional drawing.

Given the age characteristics of preschoolers, mastering various skills in different age stages, for non-traditional drawing it is recommended to use special techniques and techniques.

Senior Preschool Children can master the following non-traditional drawing techniques:

Monotype subject

Means of expressiveness: stain, color, symmetry.

Materials: Dense paper of any color, brushes, gouache or watercolor.

The image of the image: The child folds the sheet of paper twice and on one half of it draws half the item depicted (items are selected symmetrical). After drawing each part of the subject, until the paint dried, the sheet is again folded in half to get an imprint. Then the image can be decorated, also folding the sheet after drawing several decorations.

Monotype landscape

Means of expressiveness: stain, tone, vertical symmetry, image of space in the composition.

Materials: paper, brushes, gouache either watercolor, wet sponge, tile.

The image of the image: The child folds the sheet in half. On one half of the leaf, the landscape is drawn, its reflection in the lake, the river (imprint) is obtained. The landscape is performed quickly so that the paints do not have time to dry. Half of the sheet, intended for the imprint, is wiping with a wet sponge. The initial pattern, after the impression is made from it, is animated with paints so that it is more distinguished from the imprint. For monotype, you can also use a sheet of paper and tile. The latter is applied with paint pattern, then it is covered with a wet sheet of paper. The landscape is blurred.

Cleaxography with tube

Materials: paper, mascara either liquid diluted gouache in a bowl, plastic spoon, tube (beverage straw).

Method of obtaining an image: The child scoffs with a plastic paint with a plastic spoon, pours it onto a sheet, making a small stain (droplet). Then the stain blows from the tube so that its end does not touch the spots or paper. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The missing details are described.

Prints of leaves

Means of expressiveness: texture, color.

Materials: paper, gouache, leaves of different trees (preferably fallen, brushes).

A way to obtain an image: The child covers the wood sheet with paints of different colors, then applies it with a painted side to paper to get a print. Every time the new sheet is taken. Packers in leaves can be drawn with a brush.

Drawing fingers

Means of expressive: stain, point, short line, color.

Materials: Bowls with gouache, tight paper of any color, small sheets, napkins.

A way to obtain an image: The child lowers his finger into the gouache and puts points, specks on paper. Each finger is gaining paint different colors. After working, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily flushed.

Drawing palm

Means of expressive: stain, color, fantastic silhouette.

Materials: Wide saucers with gouache, brush, dense paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins.

The way to obtain an image: The child lowers the palm in the gouache (the whole brush) or paints it with a brush (from five years old) and makes a print on paper. Drawn and right and left hands painted with different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily flushed.

Wax crayons + watercolor

Materials: wax shallow, dense white paper, watercolor, brushes.

Method of obtaining an image: The child draws wax shames on white paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. The drawing of crayons remains not painted.

Candle + watercolor

Means of expressiveness: color, line, stain, texture.

Materials: candle, dense paper, watercolor, brushes.

The image of the image: The child draws a candle on paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. The pattern of the candle remains white.

Means of expressiveness: point, texture.

Materials: paper, gouache, rigid brush, slice of dense cardboard or plastic (55 cm).

Method of obtaining an image: The child picks up the paint on the brush and hits the brush about the cardboard, which holds over the paper. Then paints watercolor sheet into one or more colors. Paint splashes on paper.

Stick of hard semi-dry brush.

Means of expressive: Texture coloring, color.

Materials: hard brush, gouache, dense paper.

The way to obtain an image: The child lowers the brush in the gouache and hits it on paper, holding vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out imitation of the texture of the fluffy or barbed surface.


Means of expressiveness: color, line, texture.

Material: Pulling thread, paper sheet, paint, brushes.

A method of obtaining an image: Children lay on the half of the sheet of paper scratched in the paint of the threads, close the second half of the paper, holding the sheet sharply pull the thread. You can use threads of different colors.

Drawing on wet.

Means of expressiveness: stain.

Materials: watercolor paper, water, watercolor, soft brush.

To perform work, it is necessary to moisten a sheet with clean water, and then bring an image with a brush or drops. It will work out as if blurred in the rain or in the fog.


Means of expressiveness: color, texture, stain.

Materials: gouache, liquid soap, water, cocktail tube, dense sheet of paper.

In the lid mix 5 tbsp. l. Gouache, 1 tbsp. l. Soap, 1 tsp. Water. Lower into the mixture with a tube and pour so that soap bubbles come. Take a sheet of paper, and carefully touch it to bubbles, as if carrying them on paper.

Crushing with a confused cloth.

Means of expressiveness: stain, texture, color.

Materials: saucer, in which a stamp pillow made of thin foam, impregnated with gouache, dense paper of any color and size, crumpled tissue.

Method of obtaining an image: The child presses a crumpled fabric to a stamped pillow with paint and puts off the paper. To get another color, change and saucer, and fabric.

Fruit prints.

Materials: Any fruits cut in half, saucer with gouache, dense paper.

Method of obtaining an image: The child dipping fruit in a paint saucer and inflicts on paper.

Pointillism(Drawing with a torsion).

Means of expressiveness: color, stain.

Materials: tank with gouache, cotton wand, sheet of paper.

Method of obtaining an image: The child dip in the container with paint, cotton wand and causes an image to the sheet. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. If necessary, the image is described with a brush.

Month(a week) Subject Software content Type of work
September (1 week) "Butterflies." To acquaint children with monotype technique, learning to create an expressive image. Develop figurative thinking, accuracy. Development of monotype technique (subject).
September (2 weeks) "Autumn Bouquet" To acquaint with this way of image, like kleaxography, show its expressive opportunities. Learning to teach the details of objects (colors) obtained during the spontaneous image, to give them completeness. Encourage children's creativity, initiative. Mastering the technique of klyaxography.
September (3 weeks) "Balloons" Secure the presentation of children about the color of the manifold, familiar with chromatic (basic) and achromatic colors. Expand the knowledge of the color scheme by introducing new shades, mastering the methods of their preparation. Mixing the mixing of the main colors of paint to obtain new shades, more complex.
September (4 weeks) "Compote and jam" To acquaint children with a new type of visual technology - fruit printing. Exercise in printing. Develop the feelings of the composition light perception, memory, observation. To summarize knowledge about fruits and berries. Mastering equipment printing fruit (writing).
October (1 week) "Magical forest" Rail interest in autumn phenomena of nature, emotional responsiveness for the beauty of autumn. To introduce a new type of visual technology - "Print Plant".

Develop in children the vision of an artistic image and plan through natural shapes.

Develop a sense of composition, color perception.

Development of printing techniques by plants.
October (2 weeks) "Motley kitten" To acquaint children with tych drawing technique (Pointelism). Learn to draw a gouache with a cotton wand, mix paint and get different shades of color. Develop a sense of wonderful. Mastering the technique Pointelism.
October (3 weeks) "Red currants" Rise aesthetically moral attitude towards nature through the image of its image in its own creativity. Expand the knowledge and presentation of children about the world around, introduce the appearance of red currant.

To form a sense of composition and rhythm. Learning to combine different techniques in one work. (Tick technology, printing with leaves.)

Mastering the skill of combination, combining two techniques in one work (Pointelism and printing with leaves).
October (4 weeks) "Underwater world" To acquaint children with drawing technique with soap bubbles. Continue to teach children to work with gouache.

Rail interest in creativity. Promoting the development - creative imagination, thinking, artistic and aesthetic skills, shallow motility, eyelash, attention.

Mastering the equipment of drawing by soap bubbles. (Billet background for the poorer collage).
November (1 week) "Multicolored fish" Call interest in drawing with watercolor pencils. To strive to transfer the image of the fish, seek an expressive image. Introduce children with appliances collage. Secure the ability to use scissors, stencils, glue. Develop accuracy, independence. Mastering the skill of drawing with watercolor pencils, technicians collage.
November (2 weeks) "Sad time! Ochoes charming » Teaching children to the ability to reflect signs of autumn corresponding to the poetic lines. Use various ways of drawing trees (spot closed by contour, detailed detail, wood shown by cam, palm).

Develop emotional and aesthetic feelings, imagination. Fasten the ability to distinguish the landscape from paintings of another content.

Drawing with palms, fingers.
November (3 weeks) "Draw on the template" Expand the presentation of children about the structure of complex objects, develop the ability to find the relationship of the main and secondary. Teach children to look at the same shape from different sides, help see the variety of objects, develop imagination. Training in ways of images of different objects to receive out the presence of ready-made patterns of different geometric shapes.

Develop coordination of movements, fine motility hands.

Mastering drawing on the template.
November (4 weeks) "Invisible animal" To introduce children with candle drawing technique. Continue to learn to draw on the template. Fasten the ability to use various materials, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition, a combination of colors. Develop imagination, creativity, independence in choosing a plot. Mastering the technique of drawing with a candle.
December (1 week) "Snegiri on branches" To acquaint children with a drawing technique, a tight semi-dry brush. Learn to draw bullfinings. Secure knowledge of the winter birds of our Motherland. Educating love and caring attitude towards birds, the idea that everything in nature is interrelated, a sense of responsibility for the world around. Mastering equipment drawing with a dry, hard brush.
December (2 weeks) "Winter patterns" To acquaint children with images like monotype (imprint), drawing strings. Show expressive features, features drawing in these ways.

Develop imagination, figurative thinking, color perception, creative abilities of children. Call interest, responsiveness, emotional response to creative activity.

Continue mastering monotype technology.
December (3 weeks) "Letter for Santa Claus" Create a pre-holiday trigger. Learning to portray children their desires and emotions through the drawing, choose and performing work in your favorite technique.
December (4 weeks) "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree" Continue to teach children with different unconventional drawing methods, introduce a new unusual fine material. Develop a color perception, the ability to select the corresponding color combinations for its composition. Learn to carefully use glue, apply it to the contour of the pattern with a thin flowing. To teach spread the thread exactly along the drawn contour, develop the coordination of movements, a small motorcy of the hands. Drawing threads.
January (2 weeks) "Wizard Winter" Enjoy unconventional spray drawing technique. Learn new ways to obtain images. Develop attention, thinking. Educate accuracy when working. Mastering the drawing technique - spray.
January (3 weeks) "Fairy Winter Forest" Continue to teach children to independently transfer the plot of the winter landscape using non-traditional drawing techniques. Develop the interest of children to visual creativity through the use of non-traditional drawing techniques. Learn to draw a cabbage leaf print. Learning to conceive and include familiar items (Christmas trees, snowmen). Mastering technology - print (cabbage leaf).
January (4 weeks) "Family of Snowmen" To acquaint children with technique of drawing prints with cloth. Create a joyful, pre-holiday mood, cause positive emotions in children. Continue to develop fantasy and figurative thinking. Mastering the technique of drawing an impression cloth.
February (1 week) "Musical drawing" Develop a color sense through music and drawing. Improve the ability to relate color with music, relying on the difference in the most striking means of musical expressiveness (tempo, dynamics, rhythm, etc.) to stimulate the work of children to improvisation with a color spot. Develop composite skills in the layout of the general panel. The work of children on impressions of listening music. Selection of equipment at the request of children.
February (2 weeks) "Multicolored sky" Exercise children in wet paper drawing. Develop a feeling of color, shape and composition. To bring up the desire to admire the phenomena of nature. Mastering the technique of drawing on wet paper.
February (3 weeks) "Salt Sea" Teach a new admission of image design: Sweeping salt by wet paint to create an image volume.

Continue to develop fantasy and imagination of children.

Create paint drawing skills, the ability to mix on the paint palette to get the desired shade.

Mastering equipment drawing with salt on raw paint.
February (4 weeks) "Beautiful pictures of multicolored thread" Continue to teach children with different non-traditional drawing methods, introduce new technique - nitkography (drawing thread). Develop a color perception, the ability to select the corresponding color combinations for its composition, develop fantasy, creative thinking. Development of drawing technology - nitkography.
March (1 week) "Lake Landscape" Secure the knowledge of children about the landscape as a genre of fine art.

Continue to acquaint with unconventional technique of the landscape - monotype, show its visual features, consolidate the concept of symmetry. Tell children to the fact that the landscape can be drawn not only from nature, but come up with himself. Develop the ability of children to create a composition, independently select the color gamut in accordance with the invented plot.

Continue meets drawing technique - Monotype (landscape).
March (2 weeks) "Transformation of the palm" Improve the ability to make palm prints and draw them to a certain image. Develop imagination and creativity. Drawing with palms.
March (3 weeks) "Mom's gift" Improve the ability of children in various visual techniques. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm. Independent work of children.
March (4 weeks) "Spring Fantasy" Exercise in drawing by paint erosion on glass and glass output on a sheet of paper. To determine what colors uses "Spring", develop fantasy, imagination. Development of drawing technology - writing glass.
April (1 week) "Spring tree" Continue to acquaint children with unconventional drawing technique "Klyaxography". Learning to combine two techniques in one image (claksography and pointelism).

Fasten the ability to use familiar types of technology, to create an image, develop a color perception, a sense of composition, the ability to draw conclusions. Develop the respiratory system, imagination and thinking.

Development of drawing techniques - kleaxography, Pointelism.
April (2 weeks) "Planets" Secure the skills of children in the technique of collage. Improve the ability to use scissors, stencils, glue. Develop accuracy, independence. Production details for the future collage, exercise in cutting.
April (3 weeks) "Space Dali" Learning to create an image of the starry sky using the mixture of paints, spray. Develop a color perception. Exercise in drawing using this technique and technique collage. Develop the ability to independently position the image on a sheet of paper. Develop a sense of excellent, the desire to create something unconventional. Call an emotional attitude to the image. Mastering technology collage. Continue to master spray.
April (4 weeks) "Festive Verba" To tell why the willow is a symbol of Easter, replenish knowledge about the holiday. To acquaint children with a new drawing material (pastel). Learn to draw the willow on the tonodated pastel paper. Pastel drawing.
May (1 week) "Festive Salute" To acquaint children with new drawing technique - wax crayons + watercolor. To clarify and replenish the knowledge of children about the upcoming holidays (1, 9 May), learning to draw a festive salute, comply with the rules of composition and color flavor. Development of drawing technology - wax shallow + watercolor.
May (2 weeks) "Dandelions - Fluffy Miracle of Nature" Continue to develop artistic and creative abilities in children with the help of equipment - "spray". Teach the features of the objects of objects with the help of the "spray" technique, develop a small motorcy, color perception, aesthetic perception,

brigade careful attitude towards the nature of art.

Continue to master the technique - spray (multi-layered).
May (3 weeks) "That's the summer came" Fasten the ability of children to draw the technique you like. Develop interest in independent artistic activities. Rise aesthetic feelings, preferabity, accuracy in work, the desire to bring the work started to the end. Independent work, drawing technique for choosing children.