New Year's greetings for friends with a joke. Cool, humorous, funny Happy New Year greetings

Cool, kind, funny and funny contests. New Year's greetings. Jokes for the New Year. Eat the cake contest

Two volunteers are called in, preferably well acquainted with each other.

Others stand around and represent a support group. Players sit on both sides of a small table, a candle is placed in front of each, a lighter (matches) and a piece of cake with a spoon are given in their hands.

The task is simple - who will eat his cake faster.

But the cake can be eaten only when your candle is on.

And the enemy can only blow out the candle, and then the player, before biting the cake again, will have to light it again and chew while it burns

Estooon New Years Song
Little Elloshka is Holly in Winter
From loess ellotshku fzalli we are home.
In the meantime, a fir tree was dragged from the loess -
Wesselo-wesselo fstretti april!

Seekers Competition

Players are given cards with specific letters. Competitors must attach (and hold) all cards to those parts of the body whose names begin with the letters indicated. Body parts alphabetically

A - Appendicitis

B - Head, side, thigh, Ring finger, Eyebrows

B - whiskey, hair, eyelid, Freckles

G - eye, pharynx, lower leg, hemorrhoids, Glabella

D - bottom, biceps femoris

F - Fats, Chewing muscles

H - Hindbrain, Teeth, occiput

K - Knee, tailbone

L - Lanita, forehead, Lungs, Elbow, shoulder blade, Lanula

M - Tonsils, Muscles of the tongue

H - Lower jaw, Nose

P - Forebrain, armpit, Shoulder, Spine, Kidney, Navel (navel), Metacarpus

R - Moles, Mouth

C - Spleen, Spinal cord, Middle toe, Foot

T - Dura mater, Parietal bone, Pelvis, Tragus

U - Index finger, Ear

F - Phalanx, filterum (labial groove)

H - Jaw, Skull

Π¨ - Neck, Cheeks

E - Epidermis

I am Buttocks, Tongue

The winner is the one who can place more cards and not drop them.

Let the New Year's candle burn brighter

Darling, I wish you happiness!

I believe that love is for us for years

And never part with you!

I wish you to be successful

And in the New Year with a dream to meet,

And let happiness be in your fate,

And you will never part with him!

Whatever this year is,

We already see him off,

The last sheet of the calendar

Tears off in thought.

Maybe it was good

Or maybe someone is happy

That the last day is coming

In this calendar year.

And may the coming year

It will be better than the previous one

May the good bring

May everything in life be better.

Will be kind and successful
This new year!
May 2020 be your year
Happiness will bring.
May desires come true
Dreams will come true
And with your beloved friends
You will be near!
On New Year's Eve, friends,
I wish everyone happiness
Live a fun and cute life.
Have a million friends
Love work, nature, sweethearts.
And then everything will be okay!

Funny competition "I've never ... "

This competition will help people get to know each other better. Chips can be large beans, matches, or other small, identical items.

The first player says, "I've never ...". Then he names what he never did in his life (the game of honesty).

For example: - did not keep cats in the house - was not abroad - did not wear boots - did not shave, etc.

Let's say a player says "I've never eaten pineapples."

All players who ate pineapples must give him one chip each.

Then the turn goes to the other player, and he names what he never did.

The task of each player is to name something that he never did, but all or most of those present did.

The competition ends after a certain number of laps. The winner is the one with the most chips.

May New Year's Santa Claus
A whole cart will give happiness.
Good health to boot,
In everything conceived - good luck,
Peace, friendship, happiness, affection,
To make life like a fairy tale!
Happy New Year 2020

I wish you on New Year's Eve
Fun voiced as ice.
Smiles as bright as amber,
Health, like frost in January.
May this year be a happy star
Will enter your family comfort,
With the old year in haste
Let adversity all go away!

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy
So that on the New Year's tree
Instead of holiday animals
Flaunted exactly 30
Half-liter bubbles,
So that Santa Claus, like in a fairy tale,
Half drunk, screwing up his eyes
The most delicious, the sweetest
I treated you to champagne!
May the New Year not add wrinkles
And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,
Strengthens health, relieves of failures
And it will bring a lot of joy and happiness.

We wish you 12 months of high income next year,
52.5 weeks of exceeding plans,
365 days of excellent traffic to your sites,
8760 hours of growing profit,
525600 minutes of success and
31536000 seconds of great mood!

Cucumber, banana, pie or bun competition. Not vulgar.

This competition can be played with any number of players, which can be of any age and any gender. The game takes place in any state.

And its essence is as follows.

All those who wish become in a circle, in which a certain leader also becomes.

Moreover, the circle should be quite tight - shoulder to shoulder, and the hands are behind.

Take an ordinary fresh cucumber, banana, pie, or whatever.

The task of the facilitator is to determine in whose hands it is now.

And the players' task is to pass food to each other, and when the presenter is not looking, bite off a piece.

You also need to chew very carefully, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicions of the presenter.

If the operation was successful and everything was eaten unnoticed by the presenter, it means that this victim of his own inattention fulfills the desire of the team!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

Congratulate sincerely, sincerely,
We are in a hurry to Happy New Year to you!
We wish all hopes,
The year has justified, the dream has come true!
May it bring you 20 year,
There are many discoveries and acquaintances,
Comfort in the house, warmth, prosperity,
Good friends at the table!
Have a nice meeting and entertainment,
Smiles of sweet, kind faces,
Success, glorious achievements,
Love and happiness without borders.
And if suddenly when you feel sad,
Do not give cause for longing
The sun will smile at you again
The world will bloom in all its glory!
Let the pig year, with a good song,
Will echo ringing upward,
To become brighter, more interesting,
Richer and more beautiful life!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

COMPETITIONS for New Year's feast

Contest about the number THREE

2-3 people play. The presenter reads the text: I'll tell you a story in a dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number THREE, take the prize immediately. Clear?

1. Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, and not one, but seven. "
2. When you want to memorize the poems, they do not ZOBRI until late at night. Take it and repeat it once for the night - another, or better TEN. "
3. A hardened guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, at the start, do not hesitate, but wait for the command: one, two, MARSH!
4. He treated Fluff to his girlfriend, the Goggle-eyed Frog.
"I am not greedy. Take it, there are exactly Five nuts "
5. Once I had to wait for a taxi at the station for 3 hours ... (if they do not have time to take the prize, the host takes it). "Well, my friends, you didn't take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it."

Short New Year's greetings for 20 years

My friend, New Year is coming soon!

May he bring you

Promotion, laurels, cups,

A secretary in a miniskirt!

Let the Lexus be in the garage

And luck will not forget

And along the road of life

Let your feet rush easily!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

In the New Year's mess

I congratulate my girlfriend!

I wish you happiness

Live, do not grieve, fluttering easily,

And I wish you seriously

Find such a macho

So that he was generous like Santa Claus,

The rest is hot!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

Let the past year carry away

What you want to forget

Good luck in the house will drop an anchor -

There will be happiness to live with you.

In the New Year to your square

Let it pretend to be a success.

He will settle down with good luck

Displacing goodness and laughter!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷
Competition: 1-2-Happy New Year

That is, the first one says "one",

the second is "two",

third - "Happy New Year",

the fourth is "four",

fifth - "five",

sixth - "Happy New Year", etc.

Anyone who made a mistake is eliminated from the competition until there is only one winner left.

The freshest congratulations for 20 years

I wish you New Year

Live without grief and worries!

Not going to the pharmacy all year

Pay off all mortgage,

Travel to the Bahamas more often

Don't make drama out of problems

And do not save up resentment,

It will immediately become easier to live!

New year is coming soon

Have fun all the way!

Let the wine flow like a river

Everyone at the table laughs.

May this year succeed

And live without worries.

Don't suffer for no reason

Do not complicate your life.

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

Kohl fly - so in 1st class,

Kohl dance - so with a twist,

Kohl work - so with the soul,

If the pizza is so big!

If the gait is so flying

If the finds are so shiny

If you breathe - so oxygen,

Since Happy New Year!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

We have been waiting for him for a whole year,

This holiday, it is one for everyone,

They ordered gifts for Santa Claus,

Every store was emptied.

And now, in great anticipation,

Soon the President will say the words

Well, I, while still conscious,

I hasten to wish you good things in full!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

We worked fruitfully

You can finally breathe

From reports, from clients,

Take a break from work.

Happy New Year

Our wonderful team,

Let the year be fun

As bright as a corporate party.

Let him not know grief

Our friendly family.

Frequent vacations to you, bonuses,

Happy New Year to you, friends!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

Any number of participants can take part in the game. All participants, if it is a free area, form a large circle.

In the center is the driver with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up, and while it flies to the ground, everyone laughs loudly, and as soon as the handkerchief is on the ground, everyone subside.

It is at this moment that I really want to laugh. The funniest person sings a song or reads a toast or verse.

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

New Year is in a hurry to break in

Year two thousand already twenty!

He will warm, he will help,

Only the best will multiply.

And anxiety and sorrow,

That once bothered -

Everyone was left behind the line

After all, happiness has a simple key:

Kindness, love - without measure,

In your own strength of faith,

To achieve goals quickly,

To remain a man!

Let the streams of income ring

The bad weather does not grieve.

Hobbies, shocks,

Crazy moods!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷
Competition for the new year Cap on cap

A cap on a cap For the competition it is necessary to glue one large cap and several small ones, preferably multi-colored.

Small caps are hung on a strong thread. The players take turns putting on a large cap and blindfold. Their task is to turn around three times around their axis, sit down and, straightening up, hit the small cap with a large cap.

Happy New Years in prose

Happy New Year! Let all the beautiful things that remain in the memory multiply and increase in the new year, replenish with stocks of positive, iridescent emotions and colorful, vivid impressions.

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

Let the contented face of a person who has received long-awaited gifts, who has real happiness and sincerely rejoices at the arrival of a glorious holiday is reflected in the shining surfaces of Christmas tree decorations on this wonderful night! I mean you! Happy New Year!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷

New Year's Eve is always saturated with magic, so I wish you to experience miracles for yourself! Let Santa Claus give you a whole bag of money so that all wishes come true easily in the new year! I wish there were close people nearby who will always share your crazy ideas! Let every moment be filled with New Year's mood!

πŸŽ… πŸŽ„ 🍷
Competition with unfinished phrases and names of fairy tales.

Guests are divided into teams. The facilitator speaks the first words, the participants must say this. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf)
Porridge from ... (Ax)
Sister Alyonushka and brother ... (Ivan)
- Tell the truth to everyone except the fascists and the aged .. (classmates)
Finist - Clear ... (falcon)
Swan geese)
Third st. Builders ... (house 25 sq. 12)
Sivko- ... (Burko)
Go there - .... (I don't know where)
- One hundred percent answer to the question "why" ... (because.)
Little fox sister and .... (gray wolf)
But who will put him in prison ... (monument)
Sister Alyonushka and - ... (brother Ivanushka)
- What to do, what to do? -… (Dry rusks!)
Princess ... (not daring)
- I'm not a drinker, but a matter of principle! ... (Where are my hundred grams?)
Marya beauty - .. (long braid)
- Don't you think that my salary does not match my ... (ability?)
Dashing ... (one-eyed)
So that you live on one ... (salary)
Silver saucer and ... (bulk apple)
- Maybe I can give you another key to the apartment, where ... (the money is there ?!)
A wise girl and ... (seven robbers)
- ... and we have a house manager ... (man's friend!)
By magic)
- You need skill in everything, ... (hardening, training)
Frost ... (Ivanovich)
Served to eat ... (sit down to eat, please)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
The Little Humpbacked Horse)
Well, citizens are alcoholics, hooligans, parasites ... (Who wants to work today ?!)
Truth and ... (Krivda)
Chicken ... (Ryaba)
Tiny ... (havroshechka)
Elementary Watson! Don't be me, damn it ... (Sherlock Holmes!)
Song Contest game

For this competition, you need to write pieces of paper with the words tree, snowman, garland and stuff like that.

I suggest words like this:

A treat, a table, give something to Snowballs, a snowman, piled up here

Candle, paraffin, wax

Spruce, thorny tree, Christmas tree, fir,

Suit, outfit, outfit

Blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, zametalovo

New Year, Happy end, happy new New year,

Confetti, tinsel, trash (beautiful)

Fireworks, firecrackers, firecrackers, WOMAN

Gift, surprise, baksheesh

Toy, craft, balls

Ice, slippery, sludge, glaze

Santa Claus, Kysh Babay, Youlupkki

Snegurochka, Snyagurka, Kharchaana

Congratulations, bullshit, you are driving a tulka

Joy, nishtyak, all the way

Mood, cool, smart

Deer, moose, goats, rams

Thug, Frost, Holodryga

Champagne, northern lights, fizzy

After that, all the pieces of paper need to be placed in a hat and mixed, then, in turn, the guests should be given a piece of paper with the word to pull out.

Hanged Man Contest

Two people are selected - a guy and a girl.

They are separated into separate rooms and their roles are explained to them. The guy is told that he will have to go into the room, grab a chair, and pretend that he is going to turn the light bulb.

He is also informed that his partner will interfere with him in every possible way, but he must convince her that it is necessary.

The girl is told that her partner will be hanged now, she must dissuade him from this.

All this, of course, should happen without words.

Participants are launched into a room where the audience already knows both tasks.

Fun contest statue of love

Several people are kicked out the door and started one at a time.

The guy and the girl are shown to the newcomer and they are explained that they are sitters and he is a sculptor who must imagine a statue of love and put the boy and girl in accordance with his idea of ​​the statue.

When the pose of the sitters is sophisticated enough and the author reports that he has finished the composition, he is told that he must take the place of a guy or a girl in the statue.

The next one enters, they tell him that this is a statue of love, but bad, he must remake it, etc.

Competition "Where am I"

The participant is seated with his back to everyone, and a plate with previously prepared inscriptions is fixed on his back.

The inscriptions can be very different: "Toilet". "Shop", "Medical sobering-up station", "Maternity hospital", etc.

The rest of the observers ask him various questions, such as: "Why do you go there, how often, etc.".

The player must, not knowing what is written on the plate, answer these questions.

Riddles for the new year

Riddles - Soup, salad, stew, side dish. Who is the commander over this? (Cook)

He is both feared and respected. And he fines and protects the law. (Policeman)

The most daring of the tailors, he altered his pants, shortened their length, which pleased us all. (Shorts)

It is based on milk and the color of yellow it (cheese)

The most famous semiconductor is Susanin.

In autumn it nourishes, in winter it warms, in spring it cheers, in summer it cools. VODKA

One eye, one horn, but not a rhino? COW FROM ANGLE LOOKS LOOKING

What should you do when you see the green man? CROSS THE STREET

You are sitting in an airplane, in front of you is a horse, behind you is a car. Where are you at? BY CAROUSELS

There were 50 candles burning in the room, 20 of them were blown out. How much will be left? (Remains 20: blown out candles will not burn out completely)

As you know, all primordially Russian female names end either in "a" or in "I": Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is one and only female name that does not end in either "a" or "I". Name it. (Love)

There were 20 people on the bus. At the first stop 2 people got out and 3 people got in, at the next - 1 got out and 4 got in, at the next - 5 got out and 2 got in, at the next - 2 got out and 1 got in, at the next - 9 got out and no one got in, at the next - 2 more came out. Question: how many stops were there?

Answer: The answer to the riddle is not so important. This is a puzzle with an unexpected question. While you are telling the riddle, the guessing person begins to count the number of people on the bus in his mind, and at the end of the riddle by asking about the number of stops, you will baffle him. The 12-storey building has an elevator. Only 2 people live on the first floor, from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. What's the most pressing button in the elevator in this house? (Regardless of the distribution of tenants by floors, button "1") Kondrat walked to Leningrad,
And to meet - twelve guys,
Each has three baskets,
In every basket there is a cat,
Each cat has twelve kittens,
Each kitten has four mice in its teeth.
And old Kondrat thought:
"How many mice and kittens
Are the guys going to Leningrad? "
Stupid, stupid Kondrat!
He was alone and walked to Leningrad.
And the guys with baskets,
With mice and cats
We went to meet him - to Kostroma

The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not lit. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her? (So ​​it was during the day - it was)

What question cannot be answered "No"? (Are you going to drink?) They are going in the compartment Pinocchio, Malvina, an honest customs officer and a cop. They are playing cards, there is a lot of money in the bank, the train enters the tunnel. After leaving the tunnel, the money disappeared. Who stole the money? (Cop, because the first three do not exist in nature ...)
What is: there is a head, there is no head, there is a head, there is no head? (Lame behind the fence)
Do not write anything or use a calculator. Take 1000. Add 40. Add another thousand. Add 30. Another 1000. Plus 20. Plus 1000. And plus 10. What happened?
Answer: 5000? Wrong. The correct answer is 4100. Try using a calculator.
How many years of the year? Answer: one (summer)
Guess the riddle: who has the heel behind the nose? Answer: Shoes
Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Cheche, Chocho. What is the name of the 5th daughter? Answer: Mary
There were 12 chickens, 3 rabbits, 5 puppies, 2 cats, 1 rooster and 2 hens in the room. A man with a dog entered the room. How many legs are there in the room? Answer: Two, animals have paws
Read the phrase correctly:

Answer: Love our mighty language

Funny riddles for the New Year

A merchant rode on the train eating pickled cucumber. Did you eat one half and give the other half? Answer: Alena (salty ~ with Alena)

Not a horseradish, not a carrot - a red head. Pioneer in a garrison cap
First, a woman rubs near you, and then demands money. Who is this woman? This is a female conductor.
Why do the deputies fail to become friends of the people? Because friends are not chosen
What can at the same time: stand and walk, hang and stand, walk and lie? Watch
One corner was sawed off from a square table. How many corners does he have now? Five
New Year's competition with YES and NO answers

I'll ask tricky questions.

If the answer is negative,
I ask you to answer with the word NO,
And affirmative - then
Say the word YES loudly.
I have no doubt guys
Every mind has a chamber
But I have some advice for you:
Answers YES, Answers NO
Do not rush to give instantly,
After thinking hard, speak.

Questions for a fun competition.
WILL SEE a mole on a clear day,
Soaring in the sky, right? ...
Orange and red
Are they considered hot? ...
The green light is given to the machines
Is it POSSIBLE to walk on the zebra? ...
In the window in the morning - the light of the sun,
Night is falling, right? ...
There is warm water in the river.
And in the hole like that? ...
Forest - habitat environment
For squirrels, hares, woodpeckers? ...
The reader, after reading, always
She eats a book, doesn't she? ...
The monk makes a vow to himself.
Does he lay it down with a spoon? ...
A thin boy, like a skeleton,
Will he easily lift the barbell? ...
There are many planets in the sky
The moon is a PLANET! Isn't that right? ...
Roofing material roll
Is it suitable for us for dessert? ...
Herds graze in the Arctic
Horned cows and goats? ...
From the train airfield
Are they taking off on the runway? ...
Pedestrians have a dream
Falling into a pit if you stumble? ...
When the cold comes
Are all the moose flying south? ...
You will answer me without difficulty:
Does cherry blossom in winter? ...
In the snow, two stripes - a trace.
Did the bear walk through the snow? ...
Frozen water is solid.
Can water become gas? ...
Athlete running distance
From finish to start? ...
Tuesday is followed by Wednesday
For Thursday - Saturday? ...
The chameleon changes color.
Does the octopus change? ...
We put cups in the buffet.
Will we put the sofa there? ...
The snow will melt - there is water in the streams.
Does it happen in spring? ...
The elephant sits on the wires
To dine, right? ...
Seeing a fisherman - "Hello!" -
Screaming roach from the river? ...
What does a frog eat for lunch -
Elephant with peas, right? ...
The toad, for sure, has no tail.
Does the cow have one? ...
In the shade - plus thirty, and then
Do we wear fur coats? ...
On a trolleybus, having bought a ticket,
Do you need to go on the roof? ...
We go to the theater to watch the ballet.
And the operetta - to the bathhouse? ...
The questions are over, friends!
And I praise everyone, guys, me.
The credit came to an end.
Who was not mistaken - well done!
And who was mistaken even a little,
Not a good fellow, but a hammer
New Year's competition "Alphabet" or "Phrases-congratulations"

The owner of the house, where guests are supposed to come to celebrate the New Year, changes into the clothes of Santa Claus, and

when all the guests gather at the table, he announces that he has a small present for everyone, but gifts

it only gives out to educated people. Now Santa Claus offers to play the alphabet. He calls the first letter - A,

and the first player must come up with a phrase associated with New Year's greetings, which begins with the letter A,

for example, he says: "Aibolit sends his congratulations to everyone!" The second player says with the letter B: "Be happy" and

It gets very funny when the alphabet comes to the letters F, P, Y, L, b.

New Year's Competition "Proverbs in Your Own Way"

We will invite the guests to pronounce the familiar, familiar text of the proverb instead of the one that will sound:
1. They don't discuss the gift, accept what they give? (They do not look at a given horse's teeth).
2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless. (Live and learn!)
3. If you took up some business, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult to do it!
(I took up the tug, don't say you're not hefty!)
4. Trouble, trouble usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile.
(Where it is thin, there it is torn)
5. As you yourself relate to another, so will they treat you. (As it comes around, so it will respond)
6. Do not take on unfamiliar business. (Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water)

And every insect, every animal has its own motto. Invite your guests to guess which one:
1. Parrot - Repetition in the mother of learning!
2. Kangaroo - Keep your pocket wider!
3. Crocodile - Tears will not help grief!
4. Locusts - One is not a warrior in the field!
5. Caterpillar - Go toe-to-toe !.

New Year's fun. Safety pins
This New Year's fun will require several couples, preferably married couples.
Both couples need to be blindfolded, then take five pins and pin them on their clothes.
Now the competition begins: the couple who is the first to collect all the pins from each other's clothes wins.
All this takes place with slow and romantic music.
But in the end, the couple wins, which is the first to understand what the catch is, and this catch is that,
For example, five pins were pinned on the girls 'clothes, as was said, but on the guys' clothes - four.
Before the contestants understand the meaning of deception, they will feel the body of their soul mate for a long time in search of the lost fifth pin.

Competition What is a Russian proverb?

1. If fortune turns away from you, then you will fall in love with a goat. (England)
(Love is blind).

2. If the lady gets off the carriage, it will go faster. (England)
(A woman with a cart is easier for a horse).

3. Sow a cactus, do not hope for a grape harvest. (Arabic)
(What you sow, you reap).

4. When the water reaches the chin, you start to swim. (Italy)
(The drowning man grasps at straws).

5. He who asks will not get lost. (Finnish)
(He will bring the language to Kiev).

B. A scalded rooster escapes from the rain. (Czech)
(Having burnt themselves in milk, they blow on cold water).

7. Hold the alien by the forelock. (Turkish)
(Look for the wind in the field).

8. You can enjoy beauty in 40 days, but 40 years is not enough for a good character. (Turkish)
(Beauty until the evening, kindness forever).

9. Even the most beautiful apple can contain a worm. (Africa)
(All that glitters is not gold.)

10. The one bitten by the snake is afraid of the colorful ribbon. (Afghan)
(A frightened crow is afraid of a bush).

11. Once the cork is removed, you must drink wine. (French)
(Gruzdev called himself get in the body).

Russian sayings with super-complex expressions and incomprehensible words.

Someone really found the Russian language simple and decided to have fun. Try to guess.

1. "The regularity of the increase in the personal value of the subject after receiving a traumatic experience"
for one beaten two unbeaten give

2. "The dualistic principle of the use of agricultural tools on the hydrosurface"
It is written with a pitchfork on the water

3. "The binary nature of the statements of an individual who has lost social activity"
Grandma said in two

4. "Problems of transporting liquids in vessels with variable density structure"
Carry water in a sieve

5. "Optimization of the dynamics of the traction vehicle, associated with the elimination of the initially destructive transport unit"
A woman with a cart - it's easier for a mare

6. "Poorly expressed relevance of the use of keyboard instruments among the clergy"
on a fig ass accordion

6. "Non-standard methods of treating scoliosis by sending funeral services"
leopard change his spots

10. "The positive impact of low IQ on an increase in the set of tasks in the process of labor activity"
work loves fools

11. "Solipsism of poultry in relation to non-ruminant mammals of the order of artiodactyls"
goose pig is not a friend

12. "Typical external signs as a reason for usurpation of the most favorable social status in the market"
with a pork snout and in a Kalashny row

14. "The syndrome of refusal of legitimization, based on the lack of opportunities for quick identification of the individual"
I am not me, and the horse is not mine

15. "Influence of seasonal and weather conditions on the accounting process of birds"
do not count your chickens before they are hatched

17. "Regularities of the ratio of the length of the keratinized epidermis with the amount of gray matter in the cranium"
the hair is long, but the mind is short

18. "A kind of legal act prevailing over foreign exchange funds"
a bargain is a bargain

19. "Inadmissibility of using typical elements of housing architecture while denying the culminating manifestation of contemplative-tactile emotions"
love is not a potato, you can't throw it out the window

20. "Neutrality of the gustatory characteristics of a cruciferous plant in relation to vegetable crops of central Russia"
horseradish radish is not sweeter

21. "Antithetical properties of mentally disabled subjects in the context of the implementation of state regulations"
the law is not written for fools

22. "Lack of progress-regression in the metabolism of the body with a change in the ratio of fats and carbohydrates in a traditional dish of sedentary peoples"
you can't spoil porridge with butter

Says the parrot to the parrot: I'll parrot you to the parrot. The parrot answers him: Don't scare me, a parrot, I'm a scared parrot

Chipmunk Speaker Competition

Props: nuts (or an orange, or a roll), paper, pens.


"Orator" - 1pc.
"Stenographer" - from 1 to infinity

The "speaker" shoves nuts (orange slices, a piece of bread) by the cheeks so that it is difficult to speak. He is given a text that needs to be pronounced as clearly as possible (as far as the contents of the "cheek pouches" allow). One "speaker" is selected, and all who become a stenographer are recorded.

The winner is the one with the text closer to the original.

The "Orator" reads:
I will be affectionate in the New Year,
Like a fluffy Siberian cat!
Happy New Year
Everyone sitting here cordially
And with all my heart I wish
Carry it out lightly.
Fluffy scarf lay down
Cozy snowflakes outside the window
Lights lit up on the tree
And tangerines smell like childhood ...
Smiles of family and friends
Let the heart warm with warmth
And there will be many good days
In the year that is coming!

QR code of the page with New Year, merry, not vulgar, festive, wishes!
Take it to your mobile.

For the year of the Pig to bring
A whole load of health for you,
We wish you success
So that you grunt with laughter,
So that they lie on the table
Peeled oranges
And so that red caviar
I have always been in the morning!

In the New Year, I wish you
Live the envy of all gods:
Have a summer house in Courchevel,
In the Maldives - a house to boot
There is only black caviar,
Wear a sable and a mink!
Golden carriage for you
I want to buy by summer!
Let everything be excellent
At work, in my personal life.
Every day and every hour
Let the positive "rush" with you!

Happy New Year. Let all problems go to hell, let a sober Santa Claus give intoxicating happiness to a sober reality. I wish you steep ups in the new year, maximum income, desired results in business and very passionate feelings in relationships.

Cool for 2019 Year of the Pig

If in the New Year calls to you
Three little pigs will knock
Open the door rather
Serve the treat!
They will bring good luck
Maybe build a dacha
You will breed pigs there -
Two hundred pink ears
There will be happiness, because then
The Year of the Pig will always be!
Well, to be serious,
Here's one tip for you:
You grunt loudly at midnight -
New Year will pass without troubles!

Wish you New Year
Do not forget who lives where,
Remember your own name
And stay unscathed

Do not drop honor and pride,
Don't dance without pants
Do not fall asleep under a lush spruce,
And get to bed!

Sincere words, sober thoughts,
As bright as a garland, days!
Strong nerves, iron forces,
Feelings as heady as port.

Easy money, good meetings,
Dreams sweet as candy.
May it come more often in the year
Generous, kind Santa Claus!

I wish you so much fun
So as not to fall under the tree,
So as not to fall asleep in the salad,
Really hum!

So that the head remains clear
And life has always been wonderful!
More financial freedom
Love, warmth! And happy New Year!

In the New Year, I wish you
Pop bitter 100 grams,
Have an olive oil
Santa Claus to invite.
Let him bring gifts:
Cake, keys to a foreign car,
A whole bag of joy
For flowers, a large pot,
Gold jewelry,
Clockwork mood
In addition to everything else in the bargain
In the Maldives, somewhere a dacha!

Happy New Year with a new happiness!
It will definitely be a wonderful year!
So that Santa Claus brings you
Happiness, a full load of money!

So that the champagne pours
What was conceived came true.
To from the 1st
Suddenly the salary has increased!

To every woman - a man
All men - in the car,
You can even two,
To give one to my wife!

The lovely Pig is in a hurry to jump!
She, taking the Dog under her arm,
It brings health and happiness to everyone.
He will give us money, save us from troubles.
Joy and peace, success, luck,
Excitement, victories, mood,
Fun and patience!
She will sing a song about love for us,
Everyone will find luck with her.

The air smells like magic
A strange grandfather burst into the house,
Red nose, bag in hand,
We were all shocked.
β€œWell,” they said. - "Come in,
Give your granddaughter a backwater too
You can't stand in the wind
She, go, still give birth. "
Grandfather came in, granddaughter came in,
She was still a little thing,
Asked for whiskey and cola
She swept all the rolls off the table.
We sat and danced
They began to gather further,
When they were in a hurry to the exit,
The vase was dropped from the shelf.
Well, gone, and thank God
Good wind on the road!
And to you for the New Year
Someone will come to celebrate
I wish with all my soul
Only invited guests!

Who said that April Fool's Day is not December 31st, but April 1st? Cheerful, funny, comic New Year greetings are in demand as never before: they do not leave you indifferent. Do you want everyone, without exception, to smile on New Year's photos: colleagues, friends, parents, grandparents and even mother-in-law? Please them with "cool" New Year's wishes in verse and prose from our section!

They say laughter lengthens life. I am for longevity! Even when you have to smile through tears.

Arthur Pozhelaikin

About life

(black humor?)

Hello Dedushka Moroz,

Cotton beard!

I do not ask you

A fur coat and diamonds!

I don't want a cool i-phone,

In the Caribbean, a dacha

Card to the V.I.P.-salon,

Dress from Versace ...

Promise that in a year

Gifts to Donbass

Your three will bring -

Not humanitarian;

They will celebrate the holiday in the region

Peaceful and carefree

And at the festive table -

Not stewed with buckwheat.

All desires to realize

You are helping us!

And the i-phone .. Well, so be it,

I do not mind!

They say on New Year's Eve

The dollar will plummet!

I wish I knew where he would fall

There and celebrate the New Year!

"Oh, the year will not be easy!" -

Foreigners write.

Our people do not pass up.

We are not afraid of sanctions!

Let Zakordon learn:

We are not bastard!

Let's save, let's press -

We will pay off loans.

Happy New Year, fellow countrymen!

Happy new life!

Despite all adversity

Let's be healthy!

About the tree

(as expected - fun :-)

New Year, New Year!

Photoshoots turn,

Time for bright frames:

I'm at the tree - hurray!

I'm behind the tree - urrah!

I'm at the tree - hey !!!

Now I'm under it ...

Instead of a tree, here I am.

Happy new year friends!

We wish you such New Year's holidays, which it will be a real pity to say goodbye to; so that later, in March, when looking at a fairly yellowed tree and a pile of fallen needles, one could philosophically ask the question "Maybe the tree will go away by itself?" - and wait for the New Year again!

About New Year

What does stability mean in Russian? Look at the New Year's "Fir-trees", recite "The Irony of Fate" by heart, sing "Sharmanka" with Baskov, fall asleep in a "fur coat", wake up on January 3 with an irresistible desire to eat last year's borscht and feel: here it is, happiness! we stand. Happy New Year!

Once upon a time there was someone: two years ago he was met in a hostel ... A year ago he was met in a one-room, but his apartment ... Now he is met in a country villa ... hostel, and in the apartment, and in the villa, hoping that it will be successful! For the New Year!

About family, friends, work.

And mother-in-law.

For colleagues

Together we begin to work right in the morning - and so, without slowing down, until the end of the working day. We bring all the work acquired in advance and start working. We will courageously not put off until tomorrow work that can be drunk today. We will look into neighboring departments, exchange work, treat each other with work, work for brotherhood. Here it is important to have a proper snack, otherwise you can work in the trash, but you still need to work with your family at home.

We will try, we will try. Holiday greetings! Working mood!

Colleague, remember! New Year's corporate party is not a reason:

- turn the Olivier into the office aquarium,

- fight with that guy (why is he so funny? !!!),

- fall asleep in the neckline of an employee from the HR department,

- give vodka to the guard,

- make a sour face when the deputy director makes a toast,

- rush off with a bare torso in someone else's car ... and

So let's raise our glasses to our team, in which you want to relax and work with dignity! Happy New Year!

Dear Colleagues! Let me tell you a little secret: in the New Year it will not be difficult for me to love Mondays! .. After all, I work with people like you! Happy and Happy New Year to you!


It is believed that a Christmas tree is better than a girl.

First, it will never forbid you to watch football.

Secondly, he will not ask: "Where did you go?"

Thirdly, she will not be jealous of her neighbors' trees.

And he won't be able to go to the store for a fur coat.

And yet, I would venture to wish you to celebrate the New Year at the New Year tree in a wonderful female company! Holiday greetings!!!


Forget about everything today

After all, there is nothing sadder in the world,

Than New Year and thoughts on diet.

Imagine that there are no calories in Olivier!

Then we'll start life all over again,

We will make our dream come true in gyms.

In the meantime, let's raise our glasses

For willpower, charm and beauty!

I wish to meet the right man,

So that he spoils you not with mascara, but only with lipstick!

For parents

Dear Parents!

Only having matured, I realized how lucky I am with you! You always gave me all the best and did not take out the most delicious sweets from New Year's gifts.


Live a new life!

All calendars lie:

Be young, healthy

Take it as a rule

Have fun more often

And dance in the club

After all, in dances and girls

You can give a head start!


For such a grandfather

The girls are still drying!

I need to quench my thirst

And pour the champagne!

On New Year's Day, like on Victory Day,

We drink to the best grandfather!


Honey, you are just a sorceress! How do you do it? Clean and cook all day on December 31, and on New Year's Eve look as if you just got out of the salon! It is impossible not to believe in a miracle next to you!

The sage was right when he opened the way to her husband through the stomach.

My soul! I am losing my mind from your dishes!

Darling! From your kitchen I will!

You are not my mistress - you are a Fairy !!!

Of good! Charming! Beautiful!

In the new year, let your friends drink beer more often!

To husband

Darling, thank you for not having to write letters to Santa Claus. After all, I can ask for any gift directly from my husband!

To kid

Sunny, you don't need to shout so loudly! Although Santa Claus is old, he has what he needs! He will hear about all your gifts anyway!

And mother-in-law!

Dear mother-in-law, I want to say so many warm words to you that if I entrusted them to a snowman, he would definitely melt. And I'm holding on! If suddenly after a feast I inadvertently burst, know: this is from an excess of feelings! If everyone had such a wonderful mother-in-law like me, there would be no one to tell jokes about. Thank you for everything! Happy New Year!

On the road

I'll give you advice almost like a doctor

Looking at things correctly and soberly.

In the Year of New gin, champagne and vodka

There is no need to interfere, it is not useful!

When celebrating the New Year, you can and should have great fun. After all, as you meet the coming year, you will spend it! Therefore, the guests compete in witty jokes and the funniest and funniest New Year greetings. Such funny wishes will be appreciated by everyone present. And so as not to look for them and not invent, we have made a selection of such cool, comic, funny New Year's greetings in poetry and prose, for relatives, friends and colleagues at a corporate party.

I wish you in the New Year to live without grief and worries!

Short funny New Year greetings in verse

Money - so that the chickens do not peck,
Health - like snowflakes outside the window,
So that the whole family rest in the South,
Happy New Year, nothing else matters!

We plowed like horses
At work for a whole year.
Deserved! And today
Let's rock the people!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you
Relax more than ever.
Happy New Year!
Be happy friends!

I wish you New Year
Live without grief and worries!
Not going to the pharmacy all year
Pay off all mortgage,
Travel to the Bahamas more often
Don't make drama out of problems
And do not save up resentment,
It will immediately become easier to live!

Herring under a fur coat
On the festive table
Magnificent jelly,
Olivier salad.
Shampoos, tangerines,
With a caviar sandwich ...
There is no picture tastier -
We celebrate the New Year!

I certainly congratulate
Our glorious Russian people
Two weeks all meet
Only in Russia New Year!

I want Santa Claus
Gave you everything:
Money and gifts!
In general, ... ask him!

They wish a lot in the New Year,
But I want to say in short:
Let the year be like a compote -
Rich and very sweet!

Congratulations, Happy New Years to you!
We wish you a lot of happiness at this finest hour,
Strength, vigor, health and cheerful eyes,
New Year's adventures and other mischiefs!

The ate is decorated, the plates are arranged,
Candles burn and crystal sparkles
The appetizers are ready, the salads are seasoned,
New January is about to begin.
I wish each other to say: "Happy New Year!"
Not virtually, but looking into the eyes.

What do they want in the New Year?
An easy life without worries?
Maybe happiness and fun
Weddings, money, housewarming?
You will have "both this, and this",
There will be a ticket in the summer,
Lottery tickets ...
And hot burgers
They will be waiting for you on the stove ...
The main thing is not to lose heart!

It's so good that not all New Year's wishes come true! Where would we get so many things?

Colleagues, rejoice! We are waiting for the holiday!

Cool Happy New Year greetings to colleagues at work, at a corporate party in verse and prose

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year, I want to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any wealth. But if someone decides to buy them - bargain to the last!

For the coming new year
It's time for colleagues to wish
Less hard work
More pleasant salaries!

Let customers become smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Colleagues! Well, another year has passed when we all worked together gloriously!

I wish that in the New Year we will not only work gloriously, but also receive glorious money! Let there be exactly as many of them as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the most greedy. Happy New Year!

Lovely employees, beauties forever,
You are companions for husbands, and colleagues for us.
Happy new year future
We congratulate you,
In 2019, here's what we wish:

Do not get sick, do not lose heart,
Eat delicious, sleep for a long time,
Dress up, buy,
Surprise, surprise
Get prettier and younger
And warm us with a smile!

Dear Colleague! I had an amazing dream today: in it you win a huge amount of cash in the lottery, the boss gives you his place, and the most famous director gives you the lead role in his film. I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and wish the dream to be prophetic

We are sitting in the new year in the company of a dear,
And dumplings and beer warm our souls.
Colleagues are all dancing and the tree is on fire,
The chief of all is more beautiful, but looks askance.

He looks angrily and puffs gloomily,
We will not ruin our careers today!
We will dance to the bosses, we will sing about the Christmas tree,
Colleagues, rejoice! We are waiting for the holiday!

We have a team, and there are enough women,
I would like more, why should I be cunning.
What beauties, my lady and miss,
You look clear, and every whim.

Let's do it today! All the food for you
And we say toasts to you, because women are class!
In short, colleagues, let's leave on the sidelines,
We are these lyrics, but just congratulate.

Each other today, to the fullest!
Hooray, happy new year! Dear team!

Dear male colleagues! May each of you become the object of close female attention in the coming year and receive as much money as snowflakes fall in a snowy winter. We wish you the best weather forecasts and exchange rates, festive mood and excellent good health. Oh, how you need it today

We can mix up our affairs,
To be on the carpet with the authorities
At work, as if I was sawing in the forest:
Gave a tree - saw, and that's it!
Hard workers we are the most important here,
And at lunchtime we have a rest.
That's what colleagues mean. And we are not expected
Lonely weekdays with cold tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. May it bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

In the new year, I want to wish my colleagues to be as open, hospitable, flexible and collected. So that all production plans are within your reach.

Of course, Santa Claus in the form of the management of our company, let him raise everyone's salary, send everyone on a six-month vacation and, as a bonus, give trips to exotic countries! And in the future, let's all become millionaires, let's not work, but just be friends!

Worked tirelessly for a year
Our close-knit team.
We deserve it, guys,
"Tear-off" corporate party.
I wish you a great walk
To remember later.
Positive, clear, clear
Together we will enter the New Year.
I wish you all success
And the income of the noble,
So that the salary allows
Life is very sweet for us!

Who has worked hard and hard over the past year? Who is trying and pulling the heavy cart? Who is ready to dash ahead of the finish line and, having overtaken the competitors, to arrive first? Who took out his native company many times, helped her overcome all difficulties and crisis situations? That's right, this is her team of professional and loyal employees!
Dear colleagues, you are real front workers, you are fighters proven by dozens of battles, hours of overwork, crisis and other "surprises"

I'll tell you without embellishment, friends,
I love our team.
At least joke, at least do not joke -
Here our paths converged.
You can’t count the wishes.
It is an honor to congratulate you.
May the new year bring
There are many joyful worries.
Happiness will come to every home
And it will bring good luck.
May love, health be.
And success will not forget you.
Santa Claus may give everyone
A lot of joyful chores
May it not be sad all year
Quite the opposite!

To you in the year that comes,
I wish prospects
Let it be remembered for a long time
Our bright corporate party.
Let the team flourish
Let the income multiply
Let the career strive upward
May we all be lucky in everything.
May we please work
The salary rises,
In business relations
There will be only "peace and quiet".

And we will celebrate the Chinese New Year in Russian!

New Year is rushing towards us in a car ...

May you not only in the New Year
Lucky card suit will lie down
And may the cheerful astrologer
Your happy life will predict.

To cover the table with caviar,
And so that the ward was mind
And so that a snowy mountain
Your salary has always been growing!

Jellied meat and Olivier,
Manicure and atelier,
Oh, and asked Santa Claus
We have a whole lot of worries!

But on New Year's Eve
We are not afraid of trouble.
Staff, Frost, will strike,
We will be flooded with gifts!

New Year's Eve is long overdue
He wants to come to us,
Happy New Year!
He's probably on his way!

We are waiting for this day with champagne,
And with liqueur, and with wine,
Someone is waiting for him with liquor,
And with excellent cognac!

For the stomach, too, a holiday
Or is it a feast?
Olivier, balyk, sausage,
Goose, caviar, olives, cheese!

Open up the chimneys
Attics and garages:
Santa Claus enters as he wants
And here she is already in a hurry!

May she bring you health
Three chests with money,
Two large buckets of love
And half a bag of smiles!

Eighteenth century: New Year across the fields
With bells on a troika of horses he is going to us.

Nineteenth century: even bears know -
Progressively he rolls his bike.

Twentieth century: on the highway without noise and dust
New Year is rushing towards us in the car.

Twenty-first now: New Year is in no hurry -
He with all the gifts to us ... is in a traffic jam.

Don't worry, everything will come true at the right time!
New Year will slowly bring everything to everyone!

Letter to Santa Claus
I wrote a long time ago
So that all dreams come true
I asked him.

I want an iPhone as a reward
I want, I just can't!
And I don't need to repeat
To roll up your lip!

Happy New Year!
Let the cheerful Santa Claus
Happiness in a sled will roll you
And good luck a whole lot.

Let him park near the house
A furu of joy and laughter,
Will bring a wagon of love
And a great KAMAZ of success.

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
It's a childhood holiday
On which everyone finds

Do you remember what
There were matinees
Like snowflakes and chanterelles
Did you come to school?

Santa Claus gave gifts
For a simple rhyme,
He had a lot of them -
Not one bag!

Happy New Year!
This is a holiday of childhood
And after him and Christmas
Right next door!

Let the unknown in masks meet only at the New Year's carnival!

Live tastefully in the New Year!

New Year's holiday has broken out! Now everyone is happy, everyone is full, a little drunk and overly satisfied ... But no one should sleep: look more cheerful and cheerful! We meet the coming year, we close the old one. In the new year, I wish you everything. If only within the framework of the law!

Our festive New Year's table is bursting with all sorts of treats. I want all guests at such a table in the New Year to have no reason for sour smiles and bitter disappointment. And there was darkness of sweet moments and thrills! Live in style in the New Year and every day after!

We have a lot of worries for the New Year holidays. You need to try all the treats, have time to drag the cat away from the Christmas tree, remember to make a wish and freeze on the street for a long time while everyone is launching fireworks! In a word, the holiday goes on as usual, so the time has come to wish you endurance! May your happiness be magnificent and highly personal!

I wish you in the New Year to be exhausted with happiness, tormented by torment, where to spend money, feel weak from ardent love, experience bouts of dizziness from ample opportunities and toil with bouts of unrestrained laughter.

I wish you a Happy New Year and a naughty, boring holiday. Let the champagne cheer you up, the president's speech will give you hope, delicious food will pleasantly saturate, there are only gifts under the tree, not tired guests, and let your head not break in the morning.

We do not know what this year will bring us. But we remember that Santa Claus never offends kind and good children. And since we are all children at heart, we have no doubts that the bearded grandfather has prepared for us everything we desire, cherished and wonderful. Happy New Year!

Nice, cool, lovely guests! We have gathered today to celebrate the New Year together ... Well, while it is late, let me wish everyone a Happy New Year and wish you fly through the whirlwind of funny jokes and songs, cool parties and test couples at the institute, find new friends and not forget old ! Good luck!

Life in the New Year will turn for the better…. Be the best !!!

Happy New Year to you! And may each of you come true everything that is sung in this cool song.