Need a child in 8 months. Crisis period: What should your child be able to be in eight months

The behavior of an 8-month baby becomes more diverse: the games are complicated, the motor activity increases, many sounds appear in its speech, emotions are enhanced. Analyzing the development of your baby, many parents think: what should a child be able to be able to be 8 months old? All children are individual, but there are general indicators, in accordance with which most healthy kids develop.

The eight-month-old child is already confidently sitting, it is convenient for him to play in such a position.

Physical skills

Most of the 8-month kids are confidently sitting. Now they do not rely on the handles, but they make many different actions: take the toys lying nearby, shake them, drag in the mouth, throw. At the same time, the infants equally uses the right and left hands. The child notices changes in the surrounding world: trying to return an inverted item in the original position, looking to the toy hidden in his eyes.

The activity of the 8-month baby increases sharply. Many children at this age are well crawled, roll over from the back on the stomach and on the sides, pull up from the sedental position. In some kids, it turns out to climb on the legs on their own, while holding, for example, for the back of the crib. The immature nervous system of the baby does not have time for his physical development, so even in a dream the child will try to crawl, sit down, climb. Parents should be patient to help the baby to normalize sleep in this difficult period. It will take more often to get up to the child at night, calm it and return it to the crib.

The child at 8 months is actively involved in the game with adults. He hides under the handkerchief and finds mom, rejoices when dad rolls the machine, trying to throw the ball. At the same time, the kid can be busy with two cases at the same time. If you distract it from the game, after some time it will return to my lesson again.

At this age, the baby is already wary of the stranger and is trying to hide from the frightening phenomena

Mental development

During this period there is a big leap in the emotional development of the baby. Now he is able to recognize the mood of others and even imitate him. For example, seeing that the older sister cries, the 8-month babe can also cry. Breasts can share joy with you, sadness, empathize and sympathize. However, the bad mood of the baby can be easily changed to good, switting his attention to a new object.

At this age, new fears appear. Most of the whole baby is afraid of parting with Mom: He does not let her go from him for a minute, wanting mom to be constantly in the field of his vision. Most babies are fastened in the presence of unfamiliar people. Do not insist on acquaintance, but do not set up a child against outsiders. Some children in 8 months begin to be afraid of a vacuum cleaner, washing machine, juicers. Machine a child with each type of household appliances, explaining is available for which it is intended.

Even during the game, the baby listens to the speech of a number of people. He understands familiar words, trying to find items when they are called. A child at 8 months loves, when they talk to him, read him or sing. He begins to imitate the speech of an adult, regularly adding new syllables to his cakes. During this period, parents can hear the first similarity of the words in which the baby invests a concrete meaning. For example, hungry, he can say "Ma-Ma", wanting the dad to play with him, call "Pa Para". In the speech of an 8-month-old child, you can hear all the sounds of the native language.

The eight-month kid is already well able to crawl well, both forward and back

Toddler achievements for 8 months

Comparing what the child should be able to 8 months, with the skills of your baby, do not be discouraged if he is lagging behind in something. Each infant is unique and develops in its own way. If your baby was born ahead of time, estimating his achievements, focus on the date, in which he had to be born. A normally developing healthy child by the end of 8 months should:

  • yourself sit down and lie down (on the back, on the stomach);
  • good to crawl back and forth;
  • crawling while holding the subject in one hand;
  • get up, sticking to the support;
  • holding handles for the barrier, go sideways;
  • playing, imitate adults;
  • perform various actions with toys: roll the ball, rolling the rings, swing a doll;
  • raise small items with two fingers;
  • understand the question "Where?", turning the head towards the named item;
  • recognize yourself in photos and in the mirror;
  • with the help of an adult to play "Ladushka", "Soroka", "hide and seek";
  • return to the chopped lesson;
  • drinking from a mug, holding it with handles;
  • dancing for fun music;
  • at the request, stretch the handle, raise your head;
  • bite and chew soft food;
  • do not resist when planted on a pot;
  • recognize mom, dad, another loved one among adults;
  • remember what he played a few days ago;
  • he is very afraid of separation from the mother;
  • sounds and syllables, imitating an adult.

If your baby is 8 months old, be sure to read him books, especially poems - their kids love for rhythm and community

How to help the right development of the child?

The kids of any age can not do without the help of mom and dad. So that the physical and mental development of the baby was correct, make a lot of attention, regularly engaged in and communicating with him. If something in the behavior of your child seems to be strange to you, feel free to contact the children's doctor.

  1. Massage breast daily and spend gymnastics with him. To teach the baby well to keep equilibrium on the legs, sometimes use walkers. But remember that in such an adaptation the child can be no more than an hour per day, and 1 exercise should last up to 15 minutes, otherwise the rapid spine will experience a greater load.
  2. The kid at 8 months copies many movements of an adult, so show him as many actions as possible: wear and remove the shoes, tie the laces, wait for your hands, build a pyramid, beyond the drum, start the music box.
  3. If the baby does not rush to crawl, stimulate this important skill. During the bathing, place the baby in the bath down the tummy and start gradually filling it with water. Due to the rising water level, the baby will rise to the knees and elbows. Carefully watch the child does not choose.
  4. To develop the skill of biting and chewing, let's infant small pieces of fruit, vegetables, cookies. It must be done if your baby has 4 teeth or more.
  5. Constantly replenish the vocabulary of the child, calling all sorts of objects and actions. Comment all that you do while playing, cleaning, walking, bathing.
  6. The child at 8 months needs a variety of books. Provide it with children's publications with large-understandable pictures, for which he will learn new words. For the baby at this age, poems are very important. Children love to listen to their usual lines every day.

The activity of the younger child increases every day, and therefore parents need to follow the safety of its movements. Check all the boxes and cabinets to which fidget may be reached: they should not contain dangerous or valuable things. Beating, sharp objects, medicines, documents, money at the highest shelves. Remember that the kid can quickly learn to climb up and open various locks.

Your child 8 months It becomes more and more inquisitive, he is wondering everything that happens around. He collects information and summarizes knowledge. It becomes very curious, everything is interesting for him. He has many achievements, he is more independent.

Physical development of children 8 months

During this month, the crumb is gaining approximately 500 grams and 1.2 - 2 cm in growth. Child growth rates are gradually slowing down in comparison with previous months. continue to grow. And it happens that only the first tooth appears to this age. There is nothing terrible in this.

In order for the kids to have no health problems, it is necessary to carry out more time in the fresh air. While at home, arrange air baths, make a massage and gymnastics.
Its development can be characterized by the following indicators (achievements):
- tries to imitate in all adults;
- among loved ones allocates her beloved;
- diverse plays with toys;
- indicates the objects by turning the head;
- independently sits down;
- at the request of the parents playing "Ladushki", "Hyperships" and other games;
- can independently lie on the stomach;
- supports a cup in mom's hands;

Drink Masha or baby's nutrition at 8 months

Child food at 8 months It should be full and include vitamins and microelements useful for the body. At this age, breast milk can no longer satisfy all the needs of the kid in nutrition, this role should already be fulfilled. Baby lures 8 months It becomes more diverse. In the menu of the child at 8 months It can be turned on the milk product (kefir). Today there are various dairy products for sale intended for children of this age. The main thing is only to track the shelf life of the product, since the bacteria useful for the body only live for several days. It is advisable not to acquire drinks for children, which can be stored for two or more weeks. In addition, mom can prepare kefir on their own at home. Baby diet 8 months Must include fish. It may be low-fat fish fillet, boiled, or cooked for a couple. The main thing is to ensure that small bones do not get into it. If a child 8 months It has a tendency to allergic reactions, then this kind of product must be administered cautiously. If this problem is absent, then the baby can give steam fish cutlets or fish puree no more than 2 times a week, i.e. Alternating with meat. In addition, the indispensable product for children of this age is bread. Parents should gradually and prepare to give a child and solid food, since he has already begun to cut the teeth.

Quiet hour - sleeping child

Properly organized child day of the child 8 months - This is the key to his health and good mood. At eight months, the baby in a dream spends 10-12 hours at night and 2 hours 1-2 times days. If a child bothers something, sleep can be interrupted. The number of hours of wakefulness will depend on how much the child is sleeping 8 months.

Cognitive development of the child 8 months

The baby crawls well and studies everything that finds on his way. He still does not understand the danger that rests it in the apartment. At this age, the animality of the baby exceeds its self-preservation instinct. It is necessary that the child was always in front of her eyes. If possible, you need to secure your home as much as possible. For a child, small, sharp and fighting items are especially dangerous. The child crashes over all rooms, the items touches, nibbles, knocking them.
You can make a company to your baby, crawl with her. Repeat behind his movements. The baby crawls a lot - it is good, it means that the muscles of the back and legs are strengthened, which will be necessary when walking. Studying external space, the baby finds many items. Something you can rely on, stretch and get up. Be especially careful at these moments. The kid will stand independently not earlier than by 10 months. No need to rush it in it. Child 8 months Already confidently sits, although it often falls. The child takes everything in hand, and shifting objects from hand in hand.

Emotional child development of 8 months

At this time, the kid's memory is also improved. He remembers the latest events, has a wide range of emotions and feelings, which is reflected in a practically instant mood change.
In the case when the baby was upset, you need to switch it as soon as possible on something else, whether toy or its reflection in the mirror.
Some kids to the 8 months begin to utter the first words. It is usually "dad", "mom" or "baba". They connect syllables into long songs and sow their clock. They try to imitate the sounds that are publishing adults.

Touch development of children 8 months

This age is that they are experiencing a greater need for communicating and attention. Now the baby is already perfectly disassembled, where others, and where is their own. He is alertness to unfamiliar people and is afraid of them. If people who are unfamiliar for the baby came to visit you, then you should take it to your hands so that he does not experience fear and has studied strangers from his safe distance. Gradually, the kid will get used to the guests and will not be afraid of them. For the baby, severe stress when he is left alone with an unfamiliar man. Remember that 80 cm is a personal zone and closer the baby does not let anyone.
Child 8 months knows how Throwing toys from a playpen or bed. They are interested in the sound published subjects when falling, and the response of parents. For them, this is a game, so do not rush to punish them for it. Raising the toy from the floor and putting it back, you turn in the game. The child will immediately want to throw it out.
During meals, the favorite occupation of the crumbs is growing food on the table. They are especially interested, which lies in the mother's plate. It can get a macaronium or cabbage from your plate, pour tea or another drink. It is interesting to the child to follow how tea spreads on the table. All kids are especially interested in pans, pans, plates, spoons, everything that Mom enjoys. There are no such things among toys, and they thunder so well and beautifully shine.

Psychological development of the child 8 months

At this age, the child is happy to consider his reflection in the mirror, smiles and touches it. Mimic is significantly changing the face of the child. By expressing the face you can already determine the mood of the crumbs. He laughs loudly, mischievous, the words are already well reminiscent of "mother," dad "," baba "and others. Expresses pleasure or on the contrary hostility to something. The baby is actively interested in new objects. He learns familiar in the photo, smiles when he sees relatives. Pronounced syllables most often involuntarily add up to words. It can be noted that the baby's babe can take the appropriate and necessary intonation for this point. If a child 8 months Hears rhythmic fun, it can even shut in his hands. The baby also tries to walk around the crib himself, it takes a shit in Plastanski. Soots, climbs on all fours along the steps of a children's little ladder-slide. The toys already play quite a long time, which indicates that the kid has a concentration of attention.

Educational games for baby 8 months

You can play with the baby of this age, while developing it physically and trained simultaneously with individual names of the subject and words. For example, if the crumb is crawling, then a bright beautiful object should be put at a distance and clearly pronounce its name (you should start with simple and easily pronounced). Of course, the little Dunni will most likely show curiosity to this subject and will try to get it, may even turn around if necessary and propelzzle the desired distance. But over time, he will still try to repeat the name of the items. You can also show it pictures, but only clear and large, so that the animal or item on them can easily learn. Soon the baby will learn how to choose from several pictures necessary, and then can designate it in some word. For example, the cat is "meow", the dog "AV-AB" and so on. Kroch is delighted with games with a mirror: he sees it objects in it and compares their image with what he sees in fact, mother, herself. Child 8 months Very rejoicing games in hide and seek. Hide anything (interesting toy) in a small box. It is desirable that it be with a lid, which can be closed and open. Give the baby: He will definitely open the lid and gets the toy, and then it will put it back. remember, that

When a kid appears on the light, he does not know how to fully ensure its parents. With each month, the baby develops: he begins to respond to voices, study the world around, play with rattles.

When a kid appears on the light, he does not know how to fully ensure its parents. With each month, the baby develops: he begins to respond to voices, study the world around, play with rattles.

It is believed that during the year the child overcomes three stages in development before reaching the one-year-old age. The first one is three months: the baby holds a confident head, recognizes the voice of the parents. He overcomes the second key line in six months: it can be seeded, introduced different lures. And finally, by the year, children begin to try to walk on their own, most of the teeth grow up.

This approach to the upbringing is erroneous: It is necessary to monitor the development of the child monthly to avoid in the future consequences. Let's look at the behavior of the eight-month-old baby: how much and how it should eat, the features of physiological and psychological development and much more. Some children are more quickly mastered in the new world, others are a bit delayed, so if your baby in some moments does not correspond to the calendar, it is not scary.

Physiological features of development

By the eighth month of the child already grows from four to six teeth: In some cases, the child's development of this feature occurs. The presence of calcium in each organism is individually, so the amount of teeth can fluctuate.

Children's sleep in the aggregation still remains around 15 hours: Temporary intervals of active condition become longer, the child begins to sleep more at night. The child's day is advised to lay 2 times for two or three hour sleep, the rest of the time, about 9-11 hours, falls overnight.

Indicators of weight and growth of children are very individual, on the eighth month of life there is a decrease in the type of mass. This is due to an increase in activity, energy consideration. Please note that it is necessary to at least a small weight gain of the body, but if the kid loses grams, you should contact the pediatrician. Approximately average weight is 8-8.5 kg. More information can be seen in the table.

The spine and the bones of the child to this age have already been strengthened, and the baby can try to get up on his feet or knees. An adult should help the baby, showing what actions he needs to make to take the desired position.

Psychological aspects of the child's development in the eighth month of life

Psychology, in contrast to physiological development, babies are mainly similar to the age of eight months. The kids will know the world, they give a response, recognize their parents and loved ones.

The eighth month of life of the child can be a test for the strength of the nerves of mom and dad. It begins to manipulate cries and whimsIf parents find the "golden middle" in communicating with the child, he can grow with a hysterical character. It is important to consistently and calmly explain to the baby, which is possible, and what is impossible. All dangerous things are better removed from the child's eyes to not tempt it. If he stretches to the forbidden subject, try to talk to him "no" and take the baby or remove the forbidden thing. Soon he will learn to understand the negative reaction of the parents.

At this age, the first fears are formed: The child instantly highlights a person unfamiliar to him and can cry and get frightened. Over time, with the right response of parents, this fear will pass, and the baby will be friendly to respond to guests.

Parent behavior line should be the same: It is impossible that the mother forbade something, and his father, on the contrary, allowed. At eight months, although the child does not really speak and moves with difficulty, his character is already beginning to be formed.

What does a child know how?

Since six months, children begin to sit down if they did not do it earlier independently. At eight months of kids, being already steadily sitting position, can move hands: shake toys, have enough surrounding items. It uses both the left and right hand equally. The preference of movements only with one hand does not make a conclusion that it is its final choice.

The kids start crawling, some are already able to move around the apartment. Particularly active children are trying to get up to their feet, and the reverse process - go down on the ass - it is harder to them. Therefore, at night, a children's cry can be heard at night: I'm stuck, the baby does not know how it goes back, in the crib.

Child can be learned to walk: Gently holding first for two, then for one hand. Do not hurry the baby, the steps should do it yourself, it is necessary to simply create a support.

The eighth month is marked by the formation of spatial perception: it begins to make decisions in difficult situations: stop at the edge of the bed or sofa, dying if fly flies.

The child begins to pronounce various sounds, vague words. Sugle the baby. Simple songs consisting of separate syllables, tell speakers. Children's mind are well absorbed songs on the military theme, they are rhythmic, and they are easy to repeat.

Power and making menu

The amount of feedings is reduced to 5-6 times a day with four-hour intervals. This time is optimal for teaching baby from breastfeeding: You should limit night feedings. The same applies to children feeding on the milk mixture. In 8 months, the mother must gradually leave the night feedings. To accelerate and facilitate this process, there are the following recommendations:

Two hours before sleep, feed the child first porridge, and then, after taking an evening bath - the usual portion of milk or mixture;
- During the day, the kid should get most of the daily volume of food;
- Replacing with water or disadvantage of night feedings.

The eight-month-old child already has teeth, the digestive system is practically formed, so biscuits, pasta, meat and fish fillets are introduced into the lure. The share of milk in the diet should not exceed 30% of the daily volume of food consumed.

You can diversify vegetable puree with parsley, dill, salad. Spices set aside until the child is growing. Portions of puree fruit increase to 100 g per day. Try to cook yourself all the food for the child.

Hygienic procedures

Daily hygienic procedures include bath adoption before bedtime, frequent hand washing during the day, as well as tooling intimate places after a defecation act. At this age, small kids are actively studying the surrounding environment, touches not only their toys, but also belonging to parents. In addition, the kids are crawling along the floor, collecting small particles of dust. Then they begin to climb their hands in the mouth, so they should be washed with soap at least once or two per hour.

In addition to personal hygiene, the child needs to produce daily wet cleaning, wash all plastic objects twice a day. If there are plush and soft toys, they should also be pulled out.

Evening baths You can turn on a holiday for a child, including various games. One of the easiest is the bubbles: if the karapuz begins to be capricious in the bathroom, it can be distinguished by multi-colored balls.

At the age of eight months, the child teach to the pot: This process takes not one day. Parents should be aspored by patience and smoothed a child to his toilet every day. You can include a jet of water and accompany the characteristic sounds and words. So the child will be easier to express her desires at a later age.

Walking on the street is useful for kids of any age: the child of eight months needs a large amount of oxygen, this time develops brain cells. In addition, children begin to consider surrounding items, so walking with the child, explain to him where cars, houses, flowers are located. Walking follows in the morning and in the evening.


At this age, children are asked to play with them, while verbal: Throw toys from a crib or playload, crawling and stretching to you handles.

Child can offer the following entertainment.:

Game in "ku-ku";
- the use of interactive posters and toys;
- game with a ball;
- folding plastic pyramid first joint efforts with parents, then the Karapuz will start playing independently;
- give time to the development of shallow motility, get the baby toys from a tree (for example, a chain of balls, squares, hearts);
- game in cubes with painted fruits, vegetables, objects and letters;
- When buying toys, choose objects without small parts that the child can tear off;
- You can play with the child without additional attributes; put a baby on his knees, touch him alternately and myself behind the nose, ears, Lobik, be sure to progress all the words;
- While in the clinic, you can play an interesting game that will reduce the wait in the queue; On your fingers, draw different faces - multicolored markers, and, alternately, bending each, show your karapauz;
- Train your baby's memory, showing him numbers and letters and pronouncing them out loud.

The eight-month-old person requires much attention, despite this, you can do your affairs while being with him in the room. Let the baby learns to spend time independently, but at the same time he must feel loneliness.

Mental abilities, human thinking in most part are formed up to a year after birth. Therefore, every month you need to introduce new educational games, carry out a light daily massage of pens and baby legs, developing fine motility. At eight months, the child can begin to treat as an adult person: talk, show and explain how to use various objects.

The dynamics of the development of healthy babies of 8 months is very diverse depending on the floor, as well as hereditary predisposition. Someone just begins to crawl, and someone already actively makes his first steps. If your crumb does not have time for the peers, do not worry, because in general, when the kid is healthy - there is no reason for excitement.

At this age, some kids can surprise their parents by the pronunciation of new words or sounds, but mostly this period is considered active in physical development. At this stage, the growth rate of the crumbs is somewhat decreased, unlike the previous months, so the kids are 8 months dial only 400-500 g of weight. The child's growth is added to 1.5-2 cm. The total weight of the infant is about 9 kg, and height 70 cm.

If the crumb has not previously suffered from diseases related to calcium deficiency in the body and vitamins (), it is likely that it will already have 4 teeth. When the baby is 8 months old, and it normally develops parents can see the following achievements from him:

  • the baby sits independently (without support);
  • turns from the back on the tummy and, on the contrary;
  • stands with support;
  • waving a handle, plays in the ladies, keeps toys;
  • able to indicate a finger on the subject that adults show;
  • well removes socks from the legs, throws toys from the stroller and asks them to raise.
Mama on a notic! Such skills indicate the normal development of children at 8 months, both boys and girls. When deviating from the norm, parents must assess the emotional state of the crumbs and, of course, to consult a neuropathologist.

Girls and boys at 8 months: Difference in development

As a rule, girls are developing much faster than boys, and by 8 months, small princesses are mastered by walking skills, and future men only met new objects and games.

Mostly girls have height and weight at such age more than boys, therefore, by 1.5 years, this development is somewhat suspended. At this time, the boys actively catch up with their peers. Babies are already beginning to pronounce words and familiar sounds, while the kids are gaining strength. In general, the difference in the development of 8-month children is not essential, so it is not worth a panic in advance.

See specially trained video on the topic.

What to take a crumb at 8 months?

To distract the child from ourselves for a while (and this is sometimes considered an acute necessity), you need to take into account his skills. Pediatricians are recommended for general development to purchase soft cubes for kids, a large designer, various colored rugs from the flaps (they can be made independently). Invite the baby to build a tower, explain and show how you do, and then let the opportunity to reproduce the same child movement.

They say children! Father pinched far away into the sea. The son, whom he left on the beach, also really wants for a buoy and shouts to him:
- Dad, you don't need a companion there? ..

Soft mats from multicolored matter perfectly develop memory and attention. It would be nice to sew intelligence. Remember that they should be tightly fixed so that the crouch does not accidentally tear off and swallowed them.

Also offer the infant at 8 months the following games:

  • folding a pyramid;
  • games with large cars;
  • show the child new items in the house and explain their meaning;
  • continue to acquaint crook with animals on the street and birds;
  • constantly talk with the child, even if you are busy with your affairs, and he is busy toy;
  • offer the baby a hammer with a hearty, let him knock them on the floor;
  • musical toys do not interfere, instead you can fill iron jars with croups and give a child to shake them;
  • cut out the exercises on fine motor skills.
Mama on a notic! In connection with the active development of the baby, ensure complete safety in the house. It is important that there are no minor items on visible places, also remove sharp, stealing interior items from the lower shelves, so that the crumble is accidentally hidden.

Child food at 8 months

During this period, it is important not to overproof the baby. In 8 months of feedings should be no more than 5 times a day, not counting breast milk. See our article ,. It can be as you like, as it is quickly absorbed and does not affect an excessive weight gain.

The kid's diet should include products containing vitamins (fruits, vegetables), can be used as juice or cooked mashed potatoes. Suggest your baby low-fat soup with boiled chicken meat, make fish for a couple, she is rich in phosphorus, which at such an age is indispensable for the child.

They say children! The son focuses on one after another door in the car. I:
- Why do you need it?!
Son, showing miracles of prudency:
- It is to i did not convince!!!

Manyna porridge, though it is useful, but still unacceptable in large quantities. Giving this product for 8 months as a feeding can be possible once a week. Stew vegetables (zucchini, potatoes, sweet Bulgarian beekets) without oil will also be useful and, diverse food of the crumbs. It is better to cook such a dish for a couple.

When should it be alerted?

About problems with development are not all begin to suspect on time. But in the eight-month-old age of the baby, parents should alert:

  • lack of child activity. He does not want to sit down, get up on the legs, crawl;
  • there is no attention, it does not want to play games that adults offer him, does not take objects in hand, capricious;
  • does not give sounds, does not try to "poverty";
  • the baby is not laughing, he learns adults badly, afraid of them.

Such behavior of the baby testifies to mental and physical backwardness. This may be due to congenital pathologies of the nervous system that are not seen earlier or with a strong recent emotional shock.

All the time you must follow your baby to notice violations in time and try to eliminate them with the help of medical techniques. From young parents require permanent communication with crumb, attention and acquaintance with the outside world from the first months of life.

For output it is useful to watch the video below.

Young parents, a few months after the birth of the baby, they are surprised how the baby grow rapidly. Every month a child begins to make new things, develops rapidly. Mama and dad is important to know the features of the development of the baby, ways to help the infant how to master a lot of new skills.

An important role in the development of the child eight months plays the correct care, the power mode, sleep. Adhere to the special rules recommended by pediatricians, then the child will grow healthy and smart.

Infant parameters

On average, in the eighth month, the child is gaining about 600 grams, grows up for two centimeters. The parameters of boys and girls are slightly different from each other, but the difference is small. The weight of the child in 8 months for girls varies within - 6.8-8.9 kilograms, boys - 7.1-9.5 kilograms. The growth of children at eight months is: girls - 64-70.5 centimeters, boys - 65-71.5 centimeters. Many pediatricians insist on measuring the circle of the head, the numbers must match: boys - 41-45 centimeters, girls - 41-44 centimeters.

When measuring the baby, remember, all kids are individual, develop in different ways. If the crumb is slightly different from the peers, do not fall into panic. Strong anxiety adversely affect the child. To calm the soul, visit the pediatrician, only an experienced specialist will be able to identify development defects if they are in general.

What should be able to kroch on the eighth month of life

The child in 8 months becomes moving, sleeps less, the baby changes significantly compared to the first half of life. Young parents must necessarily know the foundations of the child's development.

Carefully follow the behavior of the crumbs, notice the little successes:

  • some infants begin to crawl at this age, it is difficult to fully move difficult, so the krochi shoulder is low to the ground;
  • intelligent kids can sit, others actively try to learn this process;
  • the child begins to actively turn over in different directions. The development of the baby is fully concentrated on physical development, during this period not to avoid injuries and bruises. The movements of the crumbs are awkward, although they consider that it is not. Be vigilant, infants left for a few seconds, can roll from any surface;
  • in a crib or carriage, Chado can affect himself, bending the knees, holding the railing;
  • kroch knows how to independently hold a bottle, a pacifier, if necessary, it can raise the fallen object;
  • if parents hold the kid with armpits, he can slowly walk;
  • the child feels genuine interest in everything that happens: throws various items into the wall, raises, considers toys;
  • in the eight-month-old age, the crumb is actively using his hands: carefully considers toys, items, turns them in their hands, sometimes tastes taste;
  • the baby is interested in folding small objects into large;
  • vision, rumors of the child are formed, the crumb will respond rapidly into harsh sounds. It is undesirable to give the baby to sleep in full silence, such actions will lead to the fact that the child will wake up because of any row;
  • in most cases, an eight-month-old baby has a dairy teeth. If new tenants in the dentition have not yet appeared, wait until the year. Heredity plays a big role, some kids grow up several teeth at once.

All children react differently to the teething of the tooth. Do not worry when the following signs are found: slightly elevated body temperature, not specific salivation, the gums swell, the crumb pulls everything into the mouth, the baby is sick with a sick brush about all objects, even a pillow.

Special test

To calm the soul, spend some simple manipulations that allow you to identify deviations in the development of Chad, to pay attention to them in time to prevent serious pathology:

  • sit with the baby in front of the table, first decompose bright items on it. The child must be interested in toys, to start carefully to consider them, sort out with handles;
  • ignore the baby, a normally developing baby necessarily offended, pay;
  • the baby on 8 months should independently turn from the back on the tummy, especially for an interesting subject;
  • if the baby lies on the back, cover the face with a pelleon, the child must free themselves from her;
  • give the infant to both knobs on the toy, then offer another item. Normally, the crumble at first praise, then postpone one toy, freeing the place for another;
  • the eight-month kid is of particular interest in unfamiliar people, fear gradually disappears.

It is necessary to worry only in the following cases:

  • kroch does not respond to sounds, does not show any emotions even on the appearance and communication with loved ones;
  • can't bring various objects to the mouth;
  • the child can not or is not trying to turn over from one side to another;
  • choo does not follow the moving objects;
  • in the vertical position poorly holds his weight.

Mental development

The child is actively developing not only at the physiological level, the baby goes to the new level at the mental level:

  • understands speech, trying to repeat some words, but unfortunate sounds surrounding;
  • knows his name, almost always responds to him;
  • the baby subtlyly feels the emotions of the parents, understands the facial expressions and gestures. If you scold a crumb, he is already aware of his guilt;
  • breasts learns the nearest relatives, most attached to the mother. In its absence, the crumb can praise, not because the power supply has disappeared, due to the rupture of the emotional connection, the lack of a sense of security. In some children, in seventhous age, fear can work out before separation with parents;
  • peculiar attracts your attention: enough for the hair, rushes toys, shouting unprecedented;
  • baughty backed crumbs gradually becomes meaningful: Speak the words of mom, dad, babe, having many vowels, simple combination. Chado is trying to attract the attention of parents with some syllables;
  • the eight-month-old child is ready to be friends with everyone, but the initiative does not show himself;
  • the game of hide and seek teaches children to the fact that the hidden things do not disappear, they are simply not visible;
  • do not fall into a panic, if we noticed that the crumb often uses his left hand. On the eighth month of life, the left hemisphere develops more than the right. The process is temporary, does not mean that the baby is left-hand;
  • chado at 8 months begins to be afraid of loud sounds, do not turn close to the baby household appliances (hairdryer, washing machine, food processor).

Proper nutrition

At eight months, the child should be able to drink from the cup independently, during this period it is important to introduce crumbs of vegetable and fruit purees into the diet. It is allowed to give one-component porridge or buy ready-made, specially cooked for children (they are enriched with dry milk, butter). Start with peach, apples, plums, prunes, gradually add carrots, pumpkin, spinach, potatoes. The last ingredients are sufficiently heavy for the children's body, combine it with a cauliflower, zucchild.

At the end of the month, let's give the baby yolk. If the first teeth began to appear, let's crumble special cookies, they have a positive effect on the growth of the teeth.

How to feed the child at 8 months? Children on breastfeeding must adhere to the following diet:

  • 7 hours - about 200 ml of milk;
  • 11 hours - any porridge (150 grams), additionally give fruit, vegetable puree, juice or compote;
  • 15 hours - turn on the kid's diet vegetable puree (100 grams), meat puree, juice or compote;
  • 19 hours - 200 grams of breast milk, special cookie;
  • 23 hours - breast milk (200 grams).

Council parents! Change the food for the baby regularly, if possible, divert the child's diet of 8 months.

Optimal regime of the day

The sleep of eight-month baby becomes deep, lasts no more than 11 hours. During the day, the baby must sleep three times a day and a half - two hours. Individual sleep duration depends on the characteristics of the child's development. Try to constantly stick to one mode, with the time the child will accommodate and will adhere to himself.

In the presence of dairy teeth, consult a doctor about the care of them. Be sure to choose a good brush, pasta, regularly clean the cavity of the baby from pathogenic bacteria. Healthy dairy teeth - the key to an excellent dentition in the future. In the diet of the kid, new products containing sugar appear, they can negatively affect the rapid enamel.

Prevent the appearance of caries will help the reception of boiled water after each meal, the blocha can not rinse the mouth independently. In children's stores for sale special "driller" for children with two handles. Little man can drink a water on their own, holding a tank with two handles.

Vision kid

Active development has a positive effect on the eyesiness of the crumbs. By the eighth month, the child distinguishes more and more colors and forms, learning the items that are away. Kroch looks at the items of interest to different angles, evaluates the form, color, distance to the subject. Develop the abilities of crumbs through interesting games.

On the page, read the advice on what carriage is better to choose for a newborn for the winter.


The eight-month-old kid still does not know how to clearly talk, but some syllables he willingly repeats, trying to express his thoughts. The child shows its emotions by changing intonation. Many parents note that the clock to the question "Where?" Shows a finger on familiar items. For the development of speech, we often communicate with a crumb, clearly pronounce words, call all items with names, make accents. Such manipulations will help you to learn how to talk more quickly.

Educational games

Some classes have a positive effect on the kid, take it for a long time, help develop the necessary skills:

  • teach the child to clap your hands, wave with handles, show your finger on different items;
  • purchase several small toys (allowed for games to children of seven months), they develop a shallow motorcy, which has a positive effect on the skirt skills;
  • while walking the infants, it was certainly started friends. Increase the maximum communication time with other children, the game in the team accelerates the process of developing the child.

Eight months - the wonderful age of the baby, Kroch learns the parents, begins to pose a cute word. Communicate with the baby regularly, play educational games. Visit the pediatrician, the doctor will help to prevent the appearance of development defects, serious pathologies.

Check out an interesting video for parents about the development of an eight-month-old child: