Rite of passage from competitors. Look with this page. How to protect yourself from competitors

Business does not tolerate weak-willedness and sentimentality, here everyone stands for themselves and the strongest survives. If you have rivals in the business arena, keep your ears open. They will stop at nothing to leave everyone behind them, because "in war, all means are good." Therefore, you too need to be on the lookout and protect your business. How to get rid of competitors in the trade? There are magical methods that can channel business luck in your favor and turn it away from the competition. By creating an invisible amulet around your business, you will thus feel calmer and more confident in your field. What conspiracy from competitors will bring a quick result?

Conspiracy on business papers

Surely you have to deal with various documents, periodically sign something and put seals. Set aside a couple of sheets and, in a relaxed atmosphere, so that colleagues do not notice, sit down to read the next good conspiracy from competitors in the trade and on your own luck.

“Bonds for profit, I’m talking, let the money come to me, they won’t stay on the road. And let the malicious rivals do not interfere, let them go their own way and do not become across mine. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen. "

Amulet in business

You can protect the aura of your workplace with a symbolic talisman that you hang in your office or carry with you. Such a thing is suitable that carries a piece of your energy, which is constantly with you. While at the workplace, put a thing in front of you and read the words of prayer over it.

“I conjure my amulet to protect me, to protect me from enemies, to promote luck, to attract and keep clients. Without concealing an unclean soul in my soul, I ask only for success in my field of bread. In the name of all saints, amen! "

Keep the charmed amulet near you. Treat him with care, as with a friend, read prayers to him. Then he will not leave you in trouble.

"Sweeping away" troubles

You will need the most ordinary broom and scoop. This conspiracy is aimed not only at getting rid of competitors, but also at the general well-being, at protecting against troubles and failures. After cleaning the dirt from your office, draw a symbolic cross with a broom and walk on it three times. With your face to the east, pronounce the prayer clearly.

“I sweep all the filth in the urn, let it go away from the hut. I expose the envious and defend myself for the year ahead. Good luck may overtake me, so that there is always bread in the kitchen! And so that no one would stop me on this thorny path ”.

Burn the collected litter with a lighter. Scatter the ashes near the place of work.

13 moons

To ask for protection from space for your business and to clear its biofield from negativity, you need to read a karmic spell and prayers and perform a ritual on the full moon. Start preparing 13 days before. All these days, visit the temple and buy one candle at a time. That very night, light all 13 candles in a vicious circle and sit in the middle. You must be all alone. Concentrate on the problem you are occupied with, throw away all extraneous thoughts. Imagine the faces of your competitors and business rivals, people who create obstacles for you. You do not wish them harm, but you want to protect yourself from their encroachments on your business, to eliminate negative influence and envy.

Mentally build a solid wall between you and them, a fence through which they cannot reach you. This is how you build your protection on an energetic level. Next, loudly and confidently read the conspiracy against competitors in your this job:

“As soon as the enemy of the intrigue begins to build, the spell will take effect and turn evil actions against him. Whoever builds a dirty trick on another, it will fall on that one. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen. "

Put out the candles, get rid of the cinders. Sit in silence and relax for a while after saying the prayer. Repeat the ritual actions in the next full moon phase, then again. It takes time for the ritual to take effect, but the expectation will pay off. Strong conspiracies are not quick and easy to execute.

Black corruption

Such a ritual belongs to the forbidden, and before deciding on it, you should think very carefully about whether you need to take a load on your soul. If your competitors really annoy you or you suspect that these people have resorted to black magic to harm your business, you can take revenge on them: their business will crack or they will suffer huge losses in trading. But keep in mind that a black conspiracy will come back to haunt you in the future.

So, what should you do if you nevertheless decide to take such a step?

  1. Arm yourself with a sewing needle, black thread and salt.
  2. At home, before starting work, thread a small piece of thread into the eye of the needle and tie a knot to prevent the thread from falling out.
  3. Go to the workplace of your rivals, try to be unnoticed.
  4. Insert the thread needle into a soft spot such as the upholstery of a door.
  5. Pour salt under the threshold.
  6. In a whisper, utter the spell: “From now on, you will not know either customers or profits in trade. I want to remove you from my path, and attract luck to myself! All your efforts will go to dust! May it be so, evil people! "

Leave the scene quickly without sweeping away the salt. You can go to church after the ritual and forgive your sins, but this does not wash away the black spot from your aura.

“A crow, black as pitch, flies to distant lands, and will be lost in the firmament. So let my worst rivals let themselves be put somewhere! Out of sight, so as not to see them all here more! I ask you to delete them, but further away. So that it was! ".

This conspiracy is aimed at eliminating your competitors from the firm, stopping the success of their trading business. It is possible that the reasons why these people will leave their positions will be tragic. Be careful with black magic.

Remember that you should rely primarily on your own strength, and not on magic. Before turning to higher powers and conspiring against competitors, try to optimize the structure of your business, and not try to spoil someone else's. Or try to negotiate peacefully with your opponents. All in your hands!

In this article:

If you suspect that your business has gone very badly due to the magical interference of your opponents, try a conspiracy against your competitors in action. Perhaps a similar influence was applied to you, why don't you reciprocate.

By protecting yourself by hitting your competitors, you can rest assured that you and your income will be safe and sound, and your business will flourish.

Conspiracy on business papers

This conspiracy against competitors is read on all documents on which you sign, so we recommend that you memorize it, as you are unlikely to be understood by a secretary or business partners. Having learned the conspiracy, you can read it mentally, which is imperceptible to outsiders and will not cause suspicion, ridicule and bewilderment.
You can also speak with the pen with which you sign business papers, which will save you from reading the conspiracy a hundred times a day if you are in charge of a large enterprise and sign hundreds of papers during the day. The pen should be used daily in the morning.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, Archangel and Angelic powers, please, protect, save from witchcraft. I take the holy cross, I disown, I dissuade myself from a sorcerer and a witch, from red and black, from fair-haired and white, from a simple-haired girl, from a self-rolling woman, from any witch-doctor. With the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the saint of God Diodorus, Lord, save and protect me. O venerable and blessed Diodorus, our father! Help me, the servant of God (imerek), to walk the path of life unhindered. Enlighten my darkened soul with the dawn of God-giving, your grace. Drive away passions, deliver me from sorrow and from all evil, granting me salvation. Rejoice, Venerable Diodorus, our father; Rejoice, strong adamant and a terrible demon, exorcist and conqueror; rejoice, the arrival of light good to my house. Grant me, for all sorts of joys and the Kingdom of Heaven, to be a partaker of me, now and ever, and forever and ever. "

Conspiracy-talisman from competitors

This amulet should always be carried with you, as a result of which you can not be afraid of not only competitors, but also otherworldly interference in your affairs.

“Almighty Lord, Savior, send Your Guardian Angel, to help me, to help, to save and preserve. Angel of God, my holy Guardian, take care of my body, take care and save my soul, protect my work from unrighteous people, from the thoughts of their sinners, from failure and the cruel hour. I will come close to the Lord, and I will never be ashamed, I will not succumb to the enemy. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity, abide with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Protection from competitors for the workplace

This amulet is stored at the workplace so that it is invisible to prying eyes. You can talk anything!

“Grant me, O Lord, a good time, bring me, O Lord, to the angelic call, hand over to the Most Pure Theotokos, I keep the prayer of Christ in my heart. Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son, have mercy on me, a sinner! Lord, hear and have mercy on me. Have mercy on me, Lord, according to Thy great mercy, and according to Thy compassions, cleanse me from iniquity. Lord, give me peace, and deliver me from my enemies, visible and invisible. And those who envy, or who curse me, forgive me, O Lord, according to Your commandments, reward everyone in abundance, with abundance, so that they do not envy and do not cross my path, do not spoil my business, and do not steal my luck. King David, you are not forgotten by the Lord, you loved him, and he rewarded you with strength and kingdom. Grant your meekness to my enemies, so that they will not rise up against me, neither now, nor at another hour, never, not during the day, nor at night, nor in the morning, nor in the evening. As the enemies fled from you, even if mine retreat from me. King Solomon, holy prophet! Share with me your wisdom, and the beauty of your face, the kindness of your heart, so that everyone looks at me amazed and rejoices, and no one says a bad word about me, does not erect evil vain reasons. As the river flows, washing everything, white stones, yellow roots, carrying away all evil, dissolving sorrow, so this word would carry away all bad things, dissolve them, but never turn back. This list was written in the city of Kiev, by a holy schema monk, a monk in the caves of Kiev. And whoever will keep this list and honor God, the Lord will save and save his soul. Amen".

From the point of view of magic, the popular expression: "money to money" reflects the essence of the energy of money received for a product, where the product is an energy structure.

Even without being sorcerers, modern merchants and entrepreneurs have long been using all sorts of magic tricks to increase cash flow, and some even set themselves the goal of ruining their competitors.

Walking around a market, you can see how some sellers baptize bills, lightly run them over the product, whisper something and much more ... Moreover, almost every seller has his own "magic secrets" of the trade craft.

Below are the main rituals for profit, and how to protect yourself from damage to trade.

For a successful trade

To attract money luck, pour small coins to the far left corner from the entrance to the pavilion or store. First read the conspiracy on the coins: “Passers-by, pedestrians, visitors! Come here, here you have food and water. You - goods, we - money ", Amen";
- it will not be superfluous from time to time to sprinkle the trading area with salt or sprinkle the trading stall with "Epiphany" water;
- wrap (measure) the largest bill with scarlet thread seven times and, cutting off the coil, tie it on the hand with which you usually take money. Speak to a thread: “The merchant is handsome, always well done, money for money, treasury for treasury. Amen".
The thread is valid for 7 days.

So that the goods are quickly sold out

In order for the goods to sell well, buy a poppy on the growing moon and speak it: “Whoever steps on the poppy buys the product (name of the seller). My word is strong and stucco, Amen ".
After scattering a pinch of poppy in the workplace, so that it is invisible;
- before trading, wash your hands with water in which 7 drops of honey are dissolved, then wipe with a handkerchief, spoken in the following words: "I AM(name) the merchant is a crown of honey. As the stars in the sky cannot be counted, as the whole earth cannot be kneaded with your hands, so with me(name) the crown can neither be removed nor thrown away. As bees flock to honey, so everyone looks at my product, their eyes look, they want to take it away. Amen".

Conspiracy from competitors

Competition among small entrepreneurs and sellers often arises where an identical (identical) product is sold. To avoid troubles on this basis, wave a broom in different directions through the open window with the words: “Seven winds in an open field! Enemies, envious people and gossips, visible and invisible, are kept on a leash, an evil eye and an evil word are carried away, they are not turned back! Amen".

Trade spoilage protection

On the sides of the stall, you need to drive a couple of small nails into the ground or bury a couple of knives with the points down. If a seller or an entrepreneur providing services accepts customers in the office, then for universal protection from competitors and from damage to business, it is necessary to drive nails from left to right into the door so that they form an equilateral triangle pointing upwards.
Conspiracy on nails: “Three nails in the door: the first - to prick the envious, the second - to the enemies of lime, the third - to avert the evil eye. Words - in turn, business - in turn. Amen".

Trade failures

To get rid of failure in trade, on a flawed moon, take an old rag, brush it over the dust from the counter, then wrap any unnecessary key in it, saying in a bundle: “Dashing-misfortune-poverty, dashing loss-making, misfortune without trade, naked poverty, with clawed cancer under a snag, lie down, don't touch me (name). Drown you with a wave, and I (name) are rich and free! So that I don’t wear rags, don’t shed tears! I send away poverty, I lock words with a key. The lock is in the mouth, the key is in the water. Amen".
Take the bundle to the river or other water source, and drown there.

Removing spoilage from business

Among market sellers, entrepreneurs and businessmen, there are many who have strangely faced an unreasonable decrease in the number of buyers and, as a result, a sharp decrease in profits, while the business of competitors is flourishing. In case of suspicion of trade damage and in order to avoid bankruptcy, go to the cemetery to find 9 graves with Orthodox crosses. These should be exactly crosses, not obelisks.

Standing in front of each of the nine graves, read at a vessel with spring water, holding it with both hands and looking at the center of the cross: “The deceased is a dead head, drink some water, drive away from my case (name) spoilage and cramps, witchcraft conspiracies, human slander, a tract, a moron! Take the evil eye of a man and an envious woman from the floor, from the ceiling, from the walls and windows, from hinges and doors, from my affairs, from my things, from my purse, from gold and silver. As you were buried, buried in the damp earth, so take from me and my deeds everything bad and spoiled. May it be so! Amen".
At each grave, leave an okup in the form of a hard-boiled egg and a large coin (or small bill). Spray the resulting water in the workplace or office. You can water it on potted flowers.

This is a powerful conspiracy that helps you get rid of your main competitors in the trade. Of course, a conspiracy will not eliminate them in the truest sense of the word, but they will start different problems and difficulties, and this, in turn, will help you gain a foothold in the market.

Conspiracy process

The plot is very simple. You will need to speak a pinch of salt, and then toss it into the store or office of your competitor. If the competitors have a lot of retail space, the salt will need to be thrown into the head office, where the head of the entire organization sits. The conspiracy must be done on the waning moon at night, at 1-2 o'clock in the morning. And the next day, toss salt to a competitor.

Take a pinch of salt in your right hand and whisper to it:

"Gshai-Aby, help. Take away the luck of the one who crossed my path, take everything from him, let him toss over every little thing and not move forward. Let him suffer in vain and suffer. Let him lose everything that he has. Through this salt you You will find him, please. "

It is enough to whisper three times, then pour some salt into a jar and in the morning unnoticeably pour it into the room to a competitor. The main thing is that not a grain of the charmed salt is left in your home, this is important, otherwise you will also get into trouble.
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Magic in the market

Market- a specific place of work with very high competition. Moreover, every year the competition intensifies, it becomes more difficult to sell the goods. If earlier, in the 90s, they rarely used magic in the market... Now it is difficult to find a seller on the market who would not use magic for sales growth, or connecting with God and the saints to increase sales and eliminate competitors, which is also magic.

In any market - clothing, construction, food - the principles of survival are the same.

How is the market competitive?

In the markets, especially cunning people walk, look out what product goes at this time and where does it go... The location of the outlet also matters. The owner of the place has already earned a point and potential buyers for his product.

Having spotted a good trading place and goods, cunning merchants rent a point next to or opposite a successful outlet. They buy exactly the same product - a product that is successfully sold. This is a proven method of competition, a method of driving out competitors. And it would be okay just that. This is the usual competition.

But they unleash a real psychological, energetic and magical war, that is, they begin to be rude in every possible way, insult the seller, from whom they want to intercept the business (buyers), whose goods are going well.

He begins to get angry, nervous, his energy changes for the worse. His product starts to hang. And more and more buyers are coming to new traders. Because they deliberately do dirty tricks and so intercept the customers and the success energy of the sale of that particular product.

Thus, such people oust the once successful sellers from the market and enrich themselves at the expense of their energy, their ideas.

This happens all the time. And not only in trade.

The above method of driving competitors out of the market- this is a conscious energovampirism, deceit, desire for profit at any cost. So untie trade magic wars.

If a person has little energy, little knowledge, if there is no specialist working with energies behind his back, then he loses and is forced to leave the market, from his familiar point. Or he changes the product and starts to develop a new outlet. At the same time, it suffers huge losses - both material and psychological.

If a person has enough energy, he begins to resist.

It is clear that this issue is rarely resolved with the help of the mafia. Wrong level, too little money. In addition, these merchants usually have the same "roof". Therefore, usually such conflicts are resolved in a magical way..

The offended and offended person, who was intercepted business, begins either to direct magical influence on those who are trying to intercept his sales market, or hires specialist magicians. Naturally, in order to hire, you need significant funds. And we need proven reliable specialists who really know how and know how to direct negative magic. Naturally, such an impact must be done regularly and to the bitter end. Until these sly, impudent traders go broke or get sick. In any case, they will leave this place. And possibly from the market.

If a person himself begins to influence them, here a lot will depend on his energy, abilities, knowledge of magic, as well as on his dedication to solving this issue.

Sometimes offended people combine their own magical effects with custom-made ones to work more reliably.

In addition to magical effects there is a way applying higher energies, than an ordinary magical effect - using religious egregors. Depending on the religion, adherence of a particular person to a particular religion, a person can use prayer, mantras, or verbal appeals to God and the saints, adopted in his religion.

If a person has strong faith in his gods (God), then he wins.

In addition, there is another way. it regular listening and work with coding, which we have developed specifically to increase the frequency of a person's energy, to purify his soul and body.

If a person uses high-frequency technologies, then no magic and competitors are afraid of him.

In all cases, when a magical attack is made on a person, on his trading place and his goods, it is advisable to conduct an energy session.

Energy session- this is the removal of a magical attack and filling with energy.

A coding- it is a constant source of energy, constant filling with energy that is generated in the person himself.

But this coding cannot be used for magical attacks. It is used precisely to improve the qualities of one's soul, to enhance health. A person goes to a higher level of understanding of the world, consciousness, his energy is multiplied. And then no magical and psychological effect on him will work (has the desired effect). And those who act or will act magically, immediately receive a powerful reverse magical blow.

Often magic attack is available both on a person and on his trading place and goods. But sometimes, if a person has a sufficiently pure and strong energy (natural defense), then a magical attack is only on his trading place and product. At the same time, the person himself is invulnerable to magical attacks.

What should you do in a situation when magic is directed to a trading place?

When a strong or reusable magic is targeted at a trading place, then the usual methods of removing magical attacks are ineffective. They help, but for a short time. In this case, you need to go the other way.

If you are engaged in trade and think that a magical attack has been made on your trading place and it is for this reason that sales have fallen - you can contact us for diagnostics or consultation.

Payment methods for diagnostics are indicated on the page "Payment Methods".

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Magic in the market. How is the market competitive?


Sites and blogs appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Scammers use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our sites. Using our name, they drag people to various magical forums and deceive (give advice and recommendations that can harm, or defraud money for conducting magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our sites, we do not provide links to magic forums or to sites of magicians-healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We are not engaged in magic and healing practice at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only area of ​​our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. Throughout our life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when defamation pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they seriously worsen their karma, worsen their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It makes no sense to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of fraudsters, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. Police and other regulatory agencies have yet to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheating for Profit" madness.

So please be careful!

Best regards - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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