Shoes with leather soled operation. They escorted over the shoes: a few words about the leather sole. What kind of care does shoes with leather soles require?

Leather sole: advantages and disadvantages in everyday life

Stylish leather shoes will decorate any feet, complement the wardrobe and will not create any inconvenience when wearing. The shoe industry is in a hurry to delight its customers with a variety of assortments for each new season. The collections offer shoes that reflect both the most fashionable trends and classic traditions.

Usually, the model is equipped with practical soles made of rubber, polyurethane or other synthetic materials that are characterized by increased wear resistance. But, despite all the advantages of modern achievements of chemists, the leather sole is considered a special chic.

What captivates the leather sole

The sole made of genuine bovine leather has a number of advantages. And this is always noted by loyal fans of leather shoes.

  • Ease. Shoes with leather soles are lightweight compared to other materials. Feet in such shoes practically never get tired, even if you wear them all day long.
  • Comfort. The leather sole is breathable. Legs practically do not sweat, moisture evaporates in a timely manner. In such shoes, conditions are not created for the development of microorganisms, and, as a result, an unpleasant odor does not appear.
  • Elegance. Shoes with leather soles look stylish, expensive, fashionable and elegant. It is always appropriate for social events and special occasions.
  • Prestige. Graceful shoes with leather soles are another confirmation of the status and financial solvency of their owner.

But, despite the above advantages, the leather sole still has its own characteristics in wear and care and requires special attention.

Disadvantages of leather soles

Despite the comfort and prestige, leather-soled shoes have their drawbacks. These include:

  • high degree of wear. The leather sole wears out quickly even if it is only worn indoors. And contact with a rough asphalt or concrete surface speeds up this process several times. Some manufacturers offer replacement of a worn out sole with a new one as an element of service;
  • deformation and loss of quality in high humidity conditions. Keeping track of the weather forecast regularly does not guarantee that you will not be caught in sudden pouring rain. The skin absorbs moisture quickly. This deforms the sole and leads to a decrease in its service life.

All these risks can be significantly reduced if preventive measures are taken in time and the conditions for caring for leather shoes are observed.

How to keep shoes with leather soles longer

  1. A pair of shoes with genuine leather soles should not be worn every day. It requires rest, drying between socks.
  2. To strengthen the sole, it is recommended to install prophylaxis (rolls) made of elastomeric materials. This is an inexpensive procedure and will not take long. The lining, glued to the sole, does not exceed 0.8 mm in thickness, is matched to the color and does not spoil the appearance of the shoe.
  3. Areas of the sole that are not covered with a sticker should be treated with a moisture-repellent shoe polish.
  4. On the toe of the sole, if necessary, you can install metal pads.
  5. Dry your shoes on cedar blocks at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Compliance with these conditions will prolong the joy of owning quality shoes.

FURFUR continues to explore the broader topic of grooming and customizing men's shoes. We have already talked about how to properly lace up, stretch boots, and also modify their look. Now it's time to give some tips on caring for leather-soled shoes.

Shoe care
with leather soles

Until the beginning of the 20th century, all shoes were on leather soles, but now most of the everyday, sports, military, tourist and work shoes are made with rubber, polyurethane or other synthetic soles. The exception is classic business shoes - the vast majority of respected shoe factories continue to produce classic shoes with leather soles.

A leather sole looks more elegant than a rubber sole, but it has two serious drawbacks: it wears out much faster and does not tolerate puddles and rain worse.

There are several ways to deal with this:


If all this seems too complicated for you, then it is worth putting in prevention. It is a thin rubber patch that adheres to the leather sole and protects it from moisture and wear. Prevention can be delivered in any shoe shop for less than 500 rubles. Some people dislike prophylaxis because it spoils the appearance of the sole, but in practice it is almost invisible - unless you put your feet on the table or cross your legs. Another complaint is that the shoe is becoming less breathable. It might be true, but you're not complaining about the rubber outsole of your sneakers, are you?

Prevention is never too late: you can do it even when half of the sole is worn out.
But it is not recommended to put on completely new shoes: it is believed that it is worthwhile to first spread them a little.

The most "consumable" part of the sole is the heel, so most often rubber heels are installed even on shoes with leather soles at the factory. They not only protect the leather heel from abrasion, but also soften the load on the legs when walking. So it's no surprise that heels wear out first. Depending on the weight, gait and kilometers traveled, the heels have to be changed from once a season to once every several years. Replacing heels will cost about the same as prophylaxis. By the way, it also needs to be replaced as it wears out.

Heel heels are also metallic, but, frankly, this is not the best idea. They are very loud, scratch the parquet floor, and are completely dangerous on slippery surfaces. So they are not worth the saved 500 rubles a year.


Recently, it has become popular to install "kosyachki" on shoes - special metal pads on the toe of the sole. Since people have different gaits, in fact, not everyone has a need for "joints". It makes sense to install them if your sole on the toe quickly wears out. And it is not necessary to panic already on the third day after buying shoes - for many, the sole is grinded to a certain point and stops. But if you are sure that you need "joints", then most likely you will have to tinker. Not every master knows how and will undertake to install them, and even fewer who have them. Probably, you will have to order "joints" from foreign shoe sites. Since they are screwed in with small screws and do not require glue, they can theoretically be installed by yourself. But it's better to experiment on a pair that you do not mind.

When replacing prophylaxis on old shoes, a good shoemaker can tint the lateral parts of the sole and heel. After that, even worn-out shoes usually start to look their best.

What is called a wooden sole (even on overseas sites) is a leather sole. Only Dutch sabot sandals are made of wood. Although the sole leather is particularly tough and undergoes special tanning processes, it still remains leather.

Protective products for leather soles are professional products that prevent cracking and damage to leather shoes due to constant contact with moisture and various chemicals. You can purchase these products from well-known manufacturers on the Magic Gutalin website.

What do we offer?

On sale are tonics based on special resins that impregnate the material and make it stronger, as well as prevent moisture from affecting the product. You can purchase synthetic wax compact sticks. Such products create a durable protective film on the outsole that prevents deformation and damage to the material.

The store also has standard canned impregnations (Ouraline SAPHIR), which are also suitable for sports and hiking shoes. The composition of such an impregnation includes animal fats and vegetable oil, which soften the skin and reliably protect it from dampness.

Why us?

Why is it recommended to purchase means for protecting leather soles on shoes in the Magic Gutalina store? Here are some reasons:

  • High-quality and certified products are on sale, which are guaranteed to extend the life of leather shoes.
  • You can purchase these products at an affordable cost.
  • We have products in various forms of release.
  • Fast and inexpensive delivery is another advantage of our online store.

Leather outsole needs extra protection

What are the benefits of a leather sole?

A leather base is more commonly found on footwear intended for indoor use. But the thick vegetable tanned ox leather is suitable for demi-season "street" shoes and warm winter boots.

It has certain advantages:

  • convenience;
  • ease;
  • the beauty;
  • prestige.

The leather is breathable for high comfort. The legs practically do not sweat, and the moisture in the shoes does not linger. Shoes are hardly felt on the feet, while artificial materials often feel heavy when worn. Leather shoes look elegant and expensive. She creates a certain impression, emphasizing the social status of her master. Of course, this affects the price: boots made of genuine leather are not cheap.

There are also disadvantages. Walking on a rough surface quickly wears out the shoes, the sole becomes thinner and worn out, quickly becoming unusable. For wet weather, boots are also not very suitable. Feet becomes wet, and frequent drying leads to cracks and deterioration of the material.

What kind of care does leather-soled shoes require?

If possible, the soles should be protected from bad hikes, do not wear boots when it rains. Wet skin wears off twice as fast. It is also not recommended to wear such boots for two days in a row. They absorb moisture well, so you need to thoroughly dry your shoes before the next wear.

It should dry naturally, without using heating devices.

Do not put leather shoes on the battery: this will ruin the sole. For better preservation, at least once a month, the material is treated with shoe fat or water-repellent impregnation. You should not abuse the funds, the sole must remain rigid.

High quality men's shoes and boots are often fitted with leather soles. Not all buyers have a lot of experience in wearing appropriate shoes, so we decided to write a separate article about leather soles and tell in detail about their pros, cons, as well as the nuances associated with them.

Benefits of leather soles

As a rule, shoes and boots with leather soles allow the feet to "breathe" better - of course, all other things being equal. The rubber outsole is basically breathable, while the leather outsole boasts breathability. In winter, of course, this moment is not fundamental - moreover, additional thermal insulation can be considered a plus. However, in summer, shoes with leather soles are often more comfortable than shoes with soles made of rubber and synthetic materials (in particular, polyurethane). Moreover, it is very well suited to be worn in the office.

Another advantage of leather soles is their classic and usually austere appearance.

Classic menswear expert Michael Anton writes that "aside from white suede shoes, shoes intended to be paired with a tie should not have rubber soles."

However, in fairness, it should be admitted that today you can find shoes with thin rubber soles that look strict and neat - and, accordingly, are suitable for combination with suits and ties.

Are leather soles lighter? There is no definite answer to this question. The lightness of the sole depends on its thickness, as well as on the characteristics of production. Let's say oak bark tanned soles are lighter than regular, more budget leather soles. Synthetic soles can be light or heavy. Some leather soles are also noticeable in weight and massiveness - for example, if we are talking about double leather soles, which also sometimes make the wear of the boots longer and heavier than usual. True, double soles also have advantages: they are more waterproof, provide better thermal insulation, and soften the impact of stones when walking (this can be useful if you sometimes walk on gravel and rocky roads).

Disadvantages of leather soles

Unfortunately, leather soles are highly vulnerable to moisture. Of course, nothing bad will happen if you walk in shoes with leather soles on a wet sidewalk several times a month, but if you have to walk or jump through puddles, the sole can quickly deteriorate. In addition, its failure can be significantly accelerated by regular walking on snow, snowdrifts, liquid mud and slush, especially with the participation of salt or other reagents.

To protect the leather soles from moisture, you can put prophylaxis on it - a rather thin rubber pad, which shoe masters sometimes call a roll. It is not placed on the entire area of ​​the sole, but on that part of it that comes into contact with the ground or sidewalk. You can do without prevention if you are going to wear shoes only indoors and outdoors in dry weather.

Prevention on leather soles

It should be added that the toes of leather soles can wear off rather quickly. The rate of wear depends on the characteristics of the gait, as well as on the design and construction of the shoe, the characteristics of the sole, the intensity of wearing the pair, and the road surface. In order to protect the toes of leather soles from wear and tear, you can put metal heels ("joints") on them - they are attached with glue and small screws.

Metal toe heels

Such heels can be combined with prevention - but keep in mind that it is difficult to put them on your own (as well as prevention), this requires a lot of experience. Accordingly, for the installation of prophylaxis and heels, you should contact a shoe shop with a good reputation.