Face peels very much. Peeling skin

For women and girls of all ages, the situation is familiar when the skin begins on the face.

Which is characteristic, men have such problems, practically, does not happen, despite the frequent shave and the use of alcohol lotions. But the beautiful half of humanity was lucky.

Due to the hormone characteristics of the body, the work of the sebaceous glands and a number of other reasons, their skin is prone to peeling, dry more often, and greasy less often, but also happens. How to deal with such a defect and how to prevent it - on this below.

The reasons. We are looking for the root of the problem

The skin, which has lost a significant part of moisture, always signals this peeling. In addition, what kind of skin looks not the best way, it also gives discomfort by the owner.

Makeup does not normally fall, the tone base is literally covered with cracks, constant itching and burning.

Most often, the skin begin with the skin in the offseason - when moving from autumn for the winter and from winter to spring - the differences of humidity, air temperature, avitaminosis are affected.

The factors causing the roughness of the skin are quite a lot, that's just the main of them:

  • Cosmetics, caring or decorative, poor quality, inappropriate skin type, allergenic, aggressive;
  • the effect of weather conditions is strong frosts, wind;
  • allergic reaction to any stimulus;
  • dermatitis;
  • moisture deficit in the skin;
  • long stay in the sun or in solarium;
  • various infections;
  • reception of certain drugs;
  • the consequences of cosmetology procedures or permanent makeup;
  • others.

Before being taken for restoring the skin, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause, which caused it. Otherwise, all efforts may not bring the expected relief.

How to help peeling skin?

However, it is impossible to do so in any way, since it is possible to seriously injure the already thumbnail, tired skin. Peelings - gentle or deep, can only be carried out on normal healthy skin.

In this case, they really remove all unnecessary scales, dirt, greasy sediments, the skin becomes smooth and shining.

With damaged skin, it is necessary to act as delicately, the peelings should be used already at the healing stage when the skin has been updated, but there are still residual foci of peeling.

If it bothers a strong itching, then you must contact a dermatologist and not try to eliminate the problem yourself.

If the skin peeling delivers more aesthetic than physical discomfort, then you can try to take advantage of the advice of cosmetologists, as at home to put the face skin in order.

In order to get rid of peeling, you can use both remedies and pharmacy.

1. Ointments and creams created for newborns and infants, as drugs from diaper dermatitis.

This is, first of all, Bepanten ointment. It creates a protective film on the skin and at the same time actively nourishes and heals it, the means is proven and perfectly working.

2. Sudokra, Panthenol It has a similar action.

3. Mink fat - Natural humidifier, used for deep skin nutrition, is part of anti-aging programs. Very quickly removes irritation, redness, peeling. Suitable for face and hands.

4. Cosmetics with (children's cream).

5. Ointment with hydrocortisone 0.5% is an effective means against focal peeling. Not a cosmetic, but a drug, so it is not more often used to use 1st times a day, no longer than 2 weeks, then a break.

6. The gentle removal of scales will help hold honey. It needs to be mixed with a warm boiled water in the ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2, and then apply massage movements on the affected skin.

After the procedure, rinse the face with water and lubricate the nutritious cream or one of the above-mentioned means.

7. Well purified, soften and nourish oatmeal skin. They need finely grinding (and you can simply buy oat fatty or flour in the store), take 1 teaspoon, mix with good vegetable oil (linen, olive, etc.).

Add ½ yolk, tea spoon, mix. Apply to clean skin of the face like a mask, keep up to 20 minutes, flush with warm boiled water, and after apply a nutrient composition or cream.

8. Linen decoction. Another affordable and effective remedy for peeling on the face is a decoction of a flaxed seed.

2 tablespoons of washed seeds, pour 2 cups of cold water, peel on minimal fire until you get a homogeneous porridge, strain through the sieve and the resulting mucus apply to face. Keep 15 minutes, flush with warm water.

9. Make the rough skin smoothly will help a slice of an apple - they need to wipe the problem areas. The cucumber, watermelon, pumpkin, also works well.

10. White bread crumb to tweet in bold milk, put on the face, as a mask, hold up to half an hour, wash off with soft water, lubricate with cream.

11. Another gentle scrub to remove peeling fractions: on one teaspoon of potato starch, lemon juice, cucumber juice, carrot juice.

Mix everything, apply on the face of circular movements, after cleaning, wash off with melt or boiled water. After apply a moisturizer.

12. The mask on yeast - soothes, whitens, softens, tones. 20g of living yeast to be confused with 1 tbsp of olive oil (for dry skin), or hydrogen peroxide (for oily skin), or milk (for normal skin). Apply for 20 minutes.

13. Extra help: lip balm Use to process the flakes of the skin right on the street or before going from work.

14. Sea buckthorn oil (pharmacy). It can only calm the skin in just one night and improve its appearance. After the evening washing, lubricate your face with sea buckthorn oil, leave until the morning.

Good prevention of peeling on the face is considered additional vitaminization and mineralization of the body.

Drink vitamins, enrich the diet with fatty sea fish, whole grain bread, liver, eggs, nuts, green vegetables and fruits.

Drink enough liquid, make sure that the skin does not swam in heated rooms - fueled it with thermal water.

Before going into bad weather, apply protective creams or ointments (30 minutes no later is important, the tool must absorb well). Change the means for washing to a more delicate, soft, remove the alcohol-containing lotions.

Cleaning problems can deliver a lot of trouble and unpleasant sensations. Peeling skin is one of the most common troubles found in the path of many women, and sometimes men. Finding out the true causes of what is happening, you can correctly choose an effective method to eliminate this cosmetic defect.

Why does the skin peel?

It has been established that dry skin flakes more often than other types. This is due to the insufficient intake of natural humidifiers - oil substances that are produced by sall glands.

Having extended flakes and a feeling of torn skin can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Incorrectly selected means for cosmetology care and cleansing of the face and body.
  • Allergic reaction to the linen rinser, detergent for dishes, cosmetics.
  • Too frequent bathroom taking or soul.
  • Climatic conditions (high air temperature, wind, straight sun rays).
  • Sunmented air in winter.
  • Bad habits.
  • Insufficient use of fluid.
  • The effects of drug intake.
  • Dermatological diseases.

Men also often peel skin on a body or face. The reason for this may be the abuse of alcohol, dependence on smoking and improper nutrition. A sensitive skin type with mechanical exposure reacts to the appearance of redness and the formation of scales, so the rubbing and use of coarse cleaning agents is not recommended.

Peeling - a sign of the disease?

Such a symptom may indicate the developing diseases of the skin. One of these ailments is psoriasis, stains at which they have a pink-red shade, peel and itch. The reasons for the triggering process are currently unknown. Seborrheic and contact dermatitis, pink deprived, red lupus, scaryttern (infectious pathology), fungal lesions are manifested as the same feature. The hereditary diseases in which scales are formed on the skin, refers to ichthyosis. The irritated surface of the dermis does not tolerate the effects of detergents (shampoo, soap, gel), and unpleasant symptoms are enhanced.

With a lack of vitamins A and B2, the leather in the forehead, nose and ears, can appear on the lips. In the period of menopause, many women face a change in the state of external covers for the worse. So the body shows the shortage of hormones, especially estrogen. Wrinkles appear, dragging, is lost to clarify the causes of peeling, it is necessary to seek medical attention. Specialists in this area are a dermatologist, an allergist, an infectious person, surgeon.

The first signs of dry skin

Characteristic signs of dry-type skin are:

If the skin of the face is dry and peeling, it is necessary to contact a beautician who will select a suitable means for restoring the water balance. This type of skin is inclined to the early appearance of wrinkles, from which it is not so easy to get rid of, and rapid aging.

Dry skin (KSERODERM) can be associated with impaired metabolism in the body and thyroid disease. Deadly particles, accumulating on the surface of the epidermis, begin to peel. Itching can cause dermatitis, so first of all you need to consult with a dermatologist.

In severe cases, very dry skin begins to crack, penette appears. This is fraught with infectious infection.

Peeling leather: treatment

Finding the main cause of Keroderma, you can proceed to the elimination of symptoms. If the problem lies in insufficient moisture or rapid evaporation of moisture from the surface, it is necessary to choose with a large content of fat components. The help of drugs adds only on the recommendation of the doctor. Such means must have hydrocortisone (0.5-2%) in the composition.

If the skin is peeling on the body, it is necessary to change the gel, soap. They can give such an effect in the first place. The face is better to wash with clean water or decoction of medicinal herbs. Lotions and tonic for cleansing should not contain alcohol, which causes dryness and tightens the skin.

Correct Care of Dry Skin

Cosmetologists recommend that the owners of dry skin type take water procedures no more than 2 times a day. This will help the greatest glands to work correctly and produce the required amount of natural moisturizing substances. Dry skin "loves" slightly warm or cool water, but in no case is not hot. After washing, it is necessary to gently flush the surface of the dermis with a soft towel. Rubbing will result in redness and skin irritation.

After taking the soul, moisturizing milk or cream always use. For very dry skin, you can try cocoa oil or coconut. Thanks to the components that are contained in them, the epidermis receives nutrients, minerals and vitamins. All sorts of face and body must be applied no more than 1 time per week, so as not to injure the cumshots.

What can a beautician offer?

Beauty salons offer the following procedures for eliminating dry skin:

  • Biorevilitalization - Currently, is the most popular way of saturation of the skin moisture. With the help of various techniques (reinforcement, micropapula), hyaluronic acid is introduced, which will launch the process of natural formation of collagen. The frame, created from Haluronki, Collagen and Elastin, will delay moisture and contribute to the smoothing of deep wrinkles.
  • Ionophores - If dry skin is peeling, this method can restore the water balance and relieve unpleasant sensations. The procedure consists in treating the skin on which the drug is applied, a galvanic current of low voltage. Active ions transmit the CNS signal, and the body begins to be updated.
  • Mesotherapy - It is carried out under various testimony: angry rash, dehydrated leather, wrinkles, cooperosis, etc. The preparations are introduced injecting and non-generated method (pulse ionophoresis). The task of the procedure is to increase the activity of fibroplasts. These cells are responsible for the production of elastin and collagen.

Salon procedures can only conduct specialists with appropriate formation (cosmetologists, dermatologists).

How to choose a moisturizer?

Very dry skin on face and body needs constant and correct care with a moisturizing cream, lotion, milk, tonic. This will help protect the subtle epidermis from the adverse environmental impacts - strong wind, cold air, ultraviolet radiation. Special attention should be paid to the skin of the hands and face.

Oil base products perfectly eliminate the lack of moisture. The face is applied to grapes, almonds, butter. It is desirable to use milk for washing, such as Lait Demaquillant Absolu (Vichy), Natura Siberica. Problem areas on the body, where there are peeling skin, can be lubricated with olive oil.

Among the cosmetic drugs, it is better to give preference to the brands that are presented in pharmacies: Vichy (Lipidiose Nutritive), natural components and proven effects by research will help to return the skin freshness, elasticity and elasticity. The disadvantage of such funds is their value, which is significantly higher than those that are available in cosmetic stores. Buying moisturizing cream, you need to pay attention to incoming components. For skin, the one in which hyaluronic acid is contained, Vitamin E. The price will depend on the manufacturer and the naturalness of the components. Sometimes the tool may be chosen incorrectly, so it is better to apply for advice to a professional cosmetologist or a dermatologist.

Face leather flakes: What to do at home?

At home, it is quite possible to prepare the means that moisturize the loose skin is no worse than expensive prepared drugs. The benefits of folk recipes include the availability of the necessary ingredients, natural origin and confidence in the natural nature of the product.

The most popular skin care is masks. Already after the first use, the result will be visible if you take stale flakes (1 tbsp) and add a spoonful of home cream to them. There are also options with honey, butter, fatty cottage cheese (with the addition of milk).

Dry skin is suitable for a mask with tocopherol (vitamin E). The price of the solution in the pharmacy - 35-45 rubles. (for 20 ml). Cocoa oil (1 tbsp. L.) It is necessary to melt on a water bath, add 1 tbsp. l. Liquid vitamin E and the same amount of sea buckthorn fruit oil. Also, the tocopherol is well combined with Lanolin (1: 2). Masks are held on the face no more than half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water or with a wet sponge.

Flap skin? Homemade cream to help!

Recipe with vitamin E

  1. Boil the pharmacy chamomile (1st art. L.) Boiling water, insist and strain.
  2. Add half teaspoon glycerin to 2 tbsp. l. Rhara chamomile.
  3. Connect the resulting mixture with camphor and castor oil (1 h.).
  4. Finally add 10 drops of the tocopherol solution.

Such cream can be stored in the refrigerator up to 5 days.

Recipe for deep moisturizing

  1. The pulp of the healing aloe (2 art. L.) Mix with glycerin (0.5 hours l.).
  2. Add a few drops of olive oil.
  3. The resulting composition is diluted with any essential oil (no more than 7 drops).

Recipe with bees wax

  1. Coconut oil (3 art. L.) Mixed with clean water (3 art. L.) And a teaspoon of almond oil.
  2. (1 h. L.) Musture in a water bath and mixed with previous components.
  3. Then add olive oil (2 art. L.) And half a spoon of the borants. During cooking, the ingredients need to constantly stir.

Food and diet

Flawing skin speaks of a shortage of useful trace elements, vitamins and liquids that enter the body primarily with food. Therefore, in the diet should be as much useful products as possible. The Vitamins E, A and B needed by the epidermis are contained in various vegetables and fruits. But from the fatty varieties of meat, sala, smoked, canned food, fatty milk food products will have to abandon. Meat is generally better to use in minimal quantities, including chicken.

If the skin of the face is dry and peeling, it may not have enough vitamin A. In this case, it is necessary to increase the number of carrots, apricot (dried) and green vegetables in a daily diet. Natural vitamin E is contained in nuts, liver, seeds, eggs (can cause allergies, so you should not lean on them). A hypoallergenic diet must be adhered to, if the cause of dryness, itching and peeling of the skin is a disease.

Prevention of dry skin and body

  • Try to take shower no more than 2 times a day.
  • Soap replace gel on a cream basis.
  • Humidifying facilities for the body better apply on wet, clean skin.
  • Use the protective cream if the peeling leather appears in winter.
  • During the heating season in the house, it is necessary to moisten the air with the help of special devices.
  • In the hot, sunny days on the face are applied cream with protection from ultraviolet.

Many women believe that peeling on the face may appear only in severe frosts or due to excessive dry skin.

In fact, the reasons for the appearance of peeling spots on the skin can be completely different factors. And if they are not eliminated in time, the problem can grow up and deliver a lot of trouble with the owner of peeling skin. If the face is peeling, what to do first? In fact, getting rid of this attack is very important to find out and if possible to eliminate its cause.

Having found on the face of unpleasant peeling islets, which are tightened by the skin and unpleasantly falling off with whole pieces at the most inopportune moment, carefully analyze your lifestyle to find out why the face that has never suffered such a problem before. And the reasons can be a lot:

  • loss of moisture;
  • dry skin type;
  • healthy factor: in this case, as a rule, dry skin is distributed not only on the face, but also on the whole body;
  • atmospheric factors: frost, strong wind, abundance of ultraviolet, overabundance of sea salt, air-conditioned air conditioners in rooms;
  • any skin damage (cracks, wounds, inflammatory processes);
  • allergic reactions;
  • prolonged reception of some drugs;
  • unfortunately made cosmetology procedures.

Apply all these reasons for the peeling of the face and think: what does it take to be in your life from all of the above? If you've learned, consider that the method of treatment will be dependent on the cause.

What salon procedures get rid of skin peeling?

If the face is peeling as a result of internal organs or heredity, you should not try to treat peelings yourself. Contact specialists who are prescribed, and cosmetology procedures will advise. As treatment may be assigned:

  • cream with a 5% content of hydrocortisone for processing problem areas for 2 weeks (but not more, as the cream is addictive);
  • pharmacy masks using aquaphor (also based on hydrocortisone);
  • preparations with dexapanthenol.

From cosmetology procedures, eliminating skin peeling, can advise:

  • mesotherapy based on drugs with hyaluronic acid;
  • peeling fruit acids;
  • biorevitalization;
  • various intensive humidification programs;
  • soft peeling.

Even if you do not trust or afraid of salon procedures, caring for the skin of the face, only a specialist after a thorough examination can tell you exactly how to stop the peeling of the face in accordance with the cause caused.

How to eliminate peelings at home?

Equalcing the skin on the face is provoked by surface factors (weather conditions or dry skin type), home treatments and tools will help facilitate condition. To make sure of this misfortune forever, you need to properly care for such skin.

  1. Do not use soap: Wash with special gels for skin moisturizing.
  2. After washing, do not wipe the face with a towel: it hurts the healing foci. It is better to get a wet face with a napkin.
  3. Immediately after washing, wipe the face with a moisturizing tonic and apply your daily moisturizing cream (baby cream / vaseline).
  4. Choose the cosmetics line that will provide the skin maximum moisturizing. In the means you have chosen to care for skin, should not contain alcohol, which dehydrates the skin, and lanoline, which is able to cause allergies.
  5. For half an hour before entering the street, use protective cream.
  6. Try to cover your face from adverse atmospheric impact: in winter - a scarf, in summer - a broad-breasted hat.
  7. The room should be fresh, slightly moistened air. To do this, more often do it or put it on a hot water battery with water: evaporated, moisture will be present in the air.
  8. Drink more fluid.
  9. Increase fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Adhering to these simple rules, taking care that the skin gets the necessary care, you can stop the peeling of the skin on the face and contribute to it to no longer appear.

Households from peeling on face

There are various means from the peeling of the face that can be easily prepared independently at home.

  • Washing honey water

Preheated to a liquid state of honey mixed with water (approximately equal amounts) and instead of the usual washness of simple water to use this tool that effectively struggles with peeling stains on the face.

  • Moisturizing Milk-Olive Mask

Oatmeal, cooked on milk, in warm condition (one tablespoon) mix with a preheated honey (one teaspoon) and olive oil (one teaspoon). Such a peeling mask will eliminate the dead, burned particles softly and quickly. It is possible to take no porridge as an ingredient, but oatmeal, but they must be pulled in a coffee grinder, and add one egg yolk into the mixture.

  • Natural homemade scrubs

You can care for peeling skin, practically not spending time for it. Certain products contain solid particles (seeds, pieces of zest), which effectively eliminate peeling. It is enough once every two days to rub their face. These products include: coffee thick, black tea brewing, watermelon pulp or cucumber, pieces of green apple.

  • Moisturizing masks based on vegetable oils

Everyone is known to the benefits of vegetable oils for the skin of the face. As part of the mask, they are able to eliminate and peeling the skin. To do this, 1 tablespoon of honey must be mixed with a tablespoon of one of the vegetable oils: grape, apricot or peach bones, almond or wheat sprouts.

  • Vegetable Based Machine Mask

Oatmeal is crushed into a coffee maker, mix a tablespoon with a squeezed fresh carrot (tablespoon), dilute with warm milk before the formation of Cashitz. Carrots can be replaced with raw potatoes, and milk is fresh with cucumber juice or egg yolk: both, and the other perfectly moisturizes the skin.

  • Masks against peeling based on dairy products

Cucumber flesh without peel (2 tablespoons) mix to a porridge state with kefir or yogurt (natural, without additives), sour cream or cream with high fat content.

Remember that any peeling on the face is the signal of your body that there are certain failures that need to be eliminated as quickly as possible. Modern cosmetology and medicine successfully cope with such skin problems, if on time to recognize the causes of peeling and seek help from specialists.

Any homework can only serve as additional care for peeling skin, relieved its condition and prevention, but not treatment.

From time to time, a woman faces increased dry skin on her face. This is a fairly unpleasant phenomenon that is delivered not only to visual, but often physiological discomfort.

In the process of solving such a question, how to get rid of skin peeling on the face at home, initially need to determine what causes the cause of dryness and what methods of struggle for what type of skin should be used to get a higher effect.

The reason for this sufficiently serious approach is based on the fact that if it is involved in simple treatment for the main symptom, that is, to miss the cause of dryness, the problem after a certain time will still return. If you can eliminate the cause, the problem can be solved once and for all.

Redness and severe skin peeling on the face quite successfully can be cured at home, that is, it is absolutely not necessary to visit the beautician.

It is enough just to acquire inexpensive pharmacy tools or apply simple recipes of traditional medicine. All recommendations and tips presented to the article are able to help, both women and men.

Before you start solving the issue, what to do with increased dry skin, it is worth familiar with the main reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon.

Peeling the skin on the face may have a natural character, and may also be the result of certain external conditions and improper care. To understand how it is better to solve the problem, it is worth understanding its cause.

Among the most common peeling factors, the following points can be noted:

In some cases, dryness is caused by different temporal factors.. If you determine them and completely exclude, you can quickly and effectively solve all problems associated with dry skin.

For example, if the peeling was caused by influenza or cold, after passing this form of ailment, all unpleasant symptoms quickly disappear. If dryness occurs during pregnancy, then because of the hormonal failure, then after delivery, everything quickly passes.

Often dry skin appears due to failure in the work of the internal organs. It may be a violation in the work of the ovaries or other organs of the hormonal system.

It is for this reason that a physician consultation is so important, which will determine the problem and prescribe the most appropriate treatment. If no challenging problem is detected, it is possible to carry out simple therapy using folk remedies from the peeling of the skin of the face.

For a competent solution of such a question, how to deal with the peeling of the skin of the face, it is advisable to refer to the cosmetologist-dermatologist, you will need to pass some tests.

If problems with the work of internal organs or different serious skin diseases were not discovered during the survey process, it is possible to begin the process of treating skin and care for her at home.

To achieve a rapid positive result, you can use several different tools at the same time, that is, to approach the solution of the question comprehensively.

Here are the basic rules for treatment and care and dry skin:

  • it is important to use a large amount of fluid.. On a day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water, that is, excluding tea, coffee and soup;
  • it is necessary to literate food. Requires the maximum to abandon the sweet, salt, smoked and fat. Be sure to include the liver, fish meat, dairy products;
  • it is required to visit the cosmetologistTo choose the skin care scheme. Here is very important selection of funds that will fully fit the skin type.

If the skin is peeling, it is worth completely abandoning cosmetic products on alcohol. In the process of acquiring a scrub, you should pay attention to its composition, particles must be small. It is desirable to use high-quality filtered water for washing.

It is very important to pay close attention to the nutrition and humidification of the skin.. You can provide this by correctly chosen cream, which is half success.

If after applying the cream there is no feeling of dryness and pulmonary skin, one can judge that the time is properly correct.

If the cream is used in the cold season, it is possible to apply it and need no later than half an hour before the exit. Otherwise, the cosmetic means will freeze and applies great harm to the skin. 5 minutes after applying the cream, the face is desirable to bite the napkin.

If some signs associated with dry skin and its peeling are noted, it is worth considering not only the daily cosmetics, but also to the nutrition.

Answering a question that helps from peeling skin on the face, it can be noted that it may be not only certain procedures in the cabin, but also some activities at home.

In the first case, the problem is solved by different intensive programs, peels with fruit acids, face massage, mesotherapy and biorevilitation. At home, you can use the means of traditional medicine and inexpensive pharmacy.

The pharmacy has the opportunity to purchase certain, already ready-made ointments, lotions, creams, as well as natural ingredients, on the basis of which you can prepare masks or other formulations aimed at eliminating peeling.

Here are the most basic ones:

In addition, in pharmacies you can purchase funds from well-known cosmetic companies. This is quite expensive funds, not everyone can afford themselves, because the methods of moisturizing at home are a very important and relevant issue.

Folk remedies

If the face is very dry skin, if you need to urgently resolve the question of how to treat the peeling of the skin of the face, you can make masks from peeling the skin of the face at home or use other special compositions and solutions.

Among the use of different folk remedies, it is possible to note the use of oils, nutrient and moisturizing masks, compresses and scrubs are also used.

With their proper application, you can quickly and effectively solve the question of how to remove the peeling on the skin, and get enough persistent positive result.

The oil has the property perfectly moisturize the skin. Cosmetic vegetable oils from peeling are applied to the skin in its pure form. Many use them instead of a cream, adding to cream or using as a compress.

If essential oils are used, then solely as a special mixture, since it is able to cause burns or allergic reactions.

Among the most popular oils can be noted:

  1. Avocado bone oil - The most affordable cost and effective.
  2. From the bones of apricot - Ideally absorbed and is not very expensive.
  3. Argan oil - Effective product that is widely used in modern cosmetology.
  4. Sesnoy - It is implemented in conventional supermarkets and are suitable as a basis for the preparation of face masks.
  5. Linseed oil And from the germs of wheat.
  6. Soybean oil - It is rare, but most effectively restores sensitive skin.
  7. Almond and olive oil.

For the skin of high dryness it is worth using geranium oils, lavender, Mirra, Narray, roses, patchouli and rosemary. These oils are used in cosmetology, since they quickly eliminate all traces of peeling.

Oils before applying, it is desirable to heat slightly, it is better to do it in a water bath. The product must be barely warm, but not hot, since it will reveal much better in this case.

All types of oils can be added to a conventional cream, which is used in daily care.. 5-10 ml of such a product will be enough to add 1-2 drops of oil.

Such a cream should be used twice a day, applying it to pre-cleaned skin. If more intense care is needed with a higher result and more resistant effect, special oil mixtures can be used.

Apply them once a day or every other day, hold about 10-15 minutes, and all the remains are removed with a napkin. Universal mixture that is suitable for any skin consists of oils, such products like:

  • avocado - 5 ml;
  • apricot - 5 ml;
  • geranium, rose and lavender - 2 ml.

For oily leather, which also often flakes, you can use soy and argan oil about 5-7 ml, as well as lavender oils and patchouli 2.

Similar mixtures can be prepared in advance, mixing them in small bottles of dark glass and store compounds in refrigerators. Before use, each portion is preferably to warm up.

Moisturizing Skin Maskami

Special masks from peeling can be done about 2-3 times a week.. Properly prepared masks are perfectly moisturized with dehydrated skin, drink it, eliminate fatigue and moisturize dehydrated cells.

Among the easiest in preparation and at the same time effective masks, the following can be noted.

To prepare a mask for dry and peeling skin, you will need to prepare the following components:

  • avocado oil - 15 ml;
  • honey - 10 grams;
  • rose oils, sandals and lavender 2 drops;
  • potato or corn starch - 10 grams;
  • white pharmacy clay - approximately 10 grams.

All oils are thoroughly mixed and heated slightly. The mixture is added remaining components. If the composition is overwhelmed, it will be possible to add some avocado oil, a small amount of starch used can be added for a denotation.

The mask is applied to the cleaned skin with a sufficient thick layer and keeps about 15 minutes.. Rock up the composition you need clean water or decoction of chamomile. After that, a moisturizing cream is applied to the skin.

This is a fairly effective mask aimed at eliminating the peeling of the skin of the face.

It consists of from the following components:

  1. Yolk one egg.
  2. Olive oil - 5 ml.
  3. Honey liquid consistency - 12 grams.

Yolk preferably beat a little fork and only then add all other components. Everything is thoroughly mixed and heated slightly to a warm state.

The composition is applied to the face for 15 minutes, and after removing the skin, it will take a little caring cream. The recipe helps to quickly cope with the flaw and peeling.

To prepare the mask, you will need to take glycerin in the amount of 10-12 grams, one yolk and one boiled potatoes in uniform.

The welded tuber is crushed to a puree consistency, mixed with a whipped yolk and glycerin.

The mixture is applied to the face and left for about 20 minutes.

After everything is washed off and cream is applied to the face.

Vegetable mask

To prepare this mask, you will need to take juice lemon, carrots and cucumber on one spoon and mix everything with 20 grams of potato starch.

Everything is very thoroughly mixed and left on the face for about 20 minutes. After this time, the mask is washed off with clean warm water, and the skin is well moistened with cream.

Melon Mask and Olive Oil

Cottage cheese very well helps to cope with the peeling of the skin of the face.

To prepare a mask worth getting the following components:

  • fat cream - 10 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 15 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 1 spoon;
  • some salt.

All ingredients are very carefully mixed, the finished mixture is applied to the face. Mask is washed off with ordinary warm water.

If you do the procedure regularly, you can quickly get rid of all problems associated with dry skin.

Nutrient Super Mask for Dry Skin Face (Honey, Cream)


Peeling and dry skin can be caused by the most different factors.

If this unpleasant phenomenon is accompanied by a strong redness and itchy, it is worth contacting the dermatologist and only then go home care and possible treatment.

If the skin is very peeling from the influence of different external factors, it is worth regularly applying the skin for the skin presented in this article.

If you can constantly care for the skin, you can get a healthy, shining young skin and an attractive well-kept appearance.

The appearance on the epidermis of rough or very dry sections is a frequent problem of modern girls. Peeling of the skin on the face may be a sign of a serious illness or at least a signal of avitaminosis.

Causes and symptoms

Causes of skin peeling on the face can be the most different. In the autumn-winter period, avitaminosis is very common, due to lack of vitamins, the body begins to "save" useful substances, and the epidermis does not surrend them. Allergy may become a possible cause. Diathesis causes itching, peeling, redness at certain sections of the face.

Depending on your immunity, it may be one of the manifestations of the cold. In addition, do not forget about skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema and even deprive. Very often peeling skin starts during pregnancy. This is due to the cardinal restructuring of the body, the increase in one hormones and reduce the production of others.

Why peeling appears:

Peeling and dryness is not a disease, but methods of expressing by the body, protest, that he is missing something (care, vitamins). Strong skin peeling on the face almost always accompanies redness. This feature appears due to the fact that certain sections of the face are inflamed, the epidermis is trying to regenerate them, but due to dryness this process is impossible.

Often, when itching, itching appears (the skin on the face is trying to cleanse from dead cells), dryness (especially on sensitive areas between eyebrows and on the nose), oroging the upper layers of the epidermis (protective reaction).
Video: Fighting dry skin


This process is inflammation of dry tissue. To deal with this problem, an integrated approach is necessary. All treatment consists of two actions:

  1. Cleaning;
  2. Moisturizing.

To eliminate any dermatitis, you also need to find the reason for its appearance. If you think that the reasons described above are the main for the appearance of peeling - then try to reduce the influence of irritants as much as possible. Immediately start taking vitamins. These may be complexes such as Aevit or Vitrum, or individual substances, for example, e in drops or b externally.

Be sure to reduce the amount of harmful food and beverages. It is necessary to forget about soluble coffee and oily food. Most carefully be with artificial seasonings and even more so fast food. Drink at least 1.5 liters of ordinary clean water.

Means for scraping

First of all to treat peeling on the skin of the face, you need to do scrabble. Depending on the type of your epidermis, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate option:

Pick your remedy for peeling the skin on the face is possible only by samples, because always home recipes are selected individually. At home, a saline scrub will help to quickly get rid of dry protruding skin. You need a false seaside salt to combine with any essential oil and intersect the face for 3 minutes. On sensitive epidermis, there may be a burning sensation. Remember than gross skin - the more salt particles need to be chosen.

Remove the rash and seal of problem, peeling sites will help clay. For young problem skin, it is recommended to choose a blue, with dry - pink, for cleaning and rejuvenation - green and black to absorb normal epidermis - useful white. This unique natural mineral will help relieve irritation and remove peeling on any sections: ears, between eyebrows, on the nose. In addition, professional dermatology does not allow at home to influence the moles, that is, they cannot be massaged with rigid abrasive substances. Clay can gently eliminate the foci of inflammation of even the most sensitive zones (moles, eyelids). In addition, it prevents peeling not only on the skin of the face, but also on the head, provides the treatment of perchot, helps to remove acne and acne.

Mask for moisture

After the orog is prevented by peels, you need to start active skin moisturizing. The fact is that our face suffers most of all in winter and in the spring-summer period. In the fall, the first months perfectly copes with external factors: it is full of vitamins and forces.

Photo - peeling mask

Provide deep hydration will help peach oil. This air can eliminate peeling on centuries, since it is completely safe for the eyes. It is just necessary to apply it every night at the undiluted form on the face.

Useful folk masks:

  • 1 ripe banana with a spoon of olive oil. Keep 10-15 minutes.
  • 1 spoons of cottage cheese, sugar, milk and olive oil. Apply for 5 minutes.
  • Mask with grated carrots, oatmeal and milk - weakens irritation and reduces peeling.
  • If you have started peeling and the skin quickly went on red stains - it will help the glycerin mask or face cream based on this substance. Glycerin moisturizes even the deep layers of the epidermis, due to which not only ensures effective treatment, but also helps to prevent the further appearance of the orog.

Quickly remove dermatitis will help "Bepanten" or Panthenol - enough literally pairs of application. If there is no means on hand, you can make your natural ointment from aloe vera juice and olive oil.

Sometimes red spots and peeling appear on the wings of the nose, such focal inflammation speaks about the lack of vitamins and fatty acids. To solve the problem simply apply a solution of olive oil to the problem zone, vitamin E or B. Red will pass immediately, besides, you will stop feeling the depth.

How to get rid of strong peeling

Tips for care for themselves:

  1. Do not try to disguise the peeling, you will make it only worse. Tonal creams can cut the skin, and therapeutic ointments containing retinol and contribute to inflammation at all;
  2. On the affected areas, the scrub can be done twice a week, but at the same time the masks are not less than 3 times. And it is better to choose a tool for daily use;
  3. If, after surgery (for example, aesthetic cosmetology), you have a peeling - then you immediately go to the doctor. Itching, red, the energization of the upper layers is the first signs of the future edema;
  4. Peeling is often manifested in complex diseases, say, ichthyosis or xenodermia. As soon as you noticed the red scales, itching and the pain of certain areas of the skin - go to the hospital, do not self-medication;
  5. When peeling the skin, do not go outside, without applying cream, always remove the cosmetics overnight and limit the use of tonal creams on the face (only those that contain natural components are exception).