Original texts of wedding invitations. Original and funny texts of wedding invitations in verse and prose

Sending out wedding invitations is what starts any wedding. After all, it is with the help of this simple document that you notify guests about the upcoming joyful event. It is advisable to start sending out invitations 2-3 weeks before the proposed celebration so that people can plan their time. This is a way to prevent a person from forgetting about a future event - after all, even if you call all your friends and acquaintances, no one will give you a guarantee that someone will not mix up the date or simply forget about this day.

Wedding invitations can look different, it is important to choose the right accessories in the same color and style for the upcoming celebration. (Original wedding invitations can be ordered from professional designers from the section of our Catalog) Even if you order the text of the wedding invitation in advance at the printing house, it is considered good manners to enter the names of the guests with your own hand. The text in the invitation can be both official and humorous, the invitation must contain specific information about the time and place of the wedding registration ceremony, wedding, banquet. It is advisable for non-resident guests to describe in detail how it is more convenient to get to the venue of the official part.

We offer you several templates wedding invitation text, and you will be able to choose which one is more in line with the theme and style of the celebration.

1. The text of the wedding invitation in verse

We ask you to arrive promptly

For our wedding day.

On this important day for us

We will be happy to see you.

We decided now forever

Connect your paths

And we are waiting for you on this wonderful evening,

To share our happiness.

2. We decided to get married,

A magnificent holiday is coming

Let's have fun together

The heart burns with joy.

Come to our wedding

And take your family

We welcome guests

And we escort them to the table!

3. Gangster style wedding invitation

Dear don and donna (surname)

We are pleased to inform you that (on such and such a date, at such and such a time) a solemn unification of the two most powerful mafia clans (surnames) will take place.

We are waiting for you for a holiday that will take place (date, month, year, time) in a cafe (restaurant, house) at ________.

The ability to shoot, bluff and dance is welcome.

Signatures of the bride and groom

4. Our dear __________!

We invite you to a celebration that united two hearts - our wedding. We really want you to share the joy of this day with us.

The registration ceremony will take place at the local registry office at _______, _____. The solemn banquet will be held at ______________, at ________.

We are waiting for you, sincerely yours (names of the bride and groom).

5. The text of the invitation to the "sea" wedding

Dear _____________!

We hasten to inform you that tired of long wanderings, our ship of love has brought us to the shore, and we are striving to moor on an amazing island called "Family" in search of treasures - endless happiness.

We invite you to join this exciting voyage and thank you in advance for your support and participation in this important day for us. The launch of the ship "Family" will take place (date, time, place). Departure is scheduled from the bay (name and address of the restaurant) at (such and such time).

We invite you to a friendly feast in honor of this event.

Sincerely, your sailors (name of the bride and groom)

6. Funny invitation text with humor

Expensive _______________!

Forget about everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place at the Central Registry Office in ________, at _______.

After that, all guests will go to the party that will take place (date, date, restaurant name, address).

Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes, the celebration will be fun.

We are waiting for you (signatures of the bride and groom).

7. Wedding invitation text for friends (with humor)

Our beloved _________!

If you want to see your girlfriend (name) in a white dress, and your friend (groom's name) in a classic suit, then you definitely need to free the day (date).

The painting ceremony will take place at the registry office at ____________.

After that, we are waiting for everyone for a fun banquet, which will take place at ____ hours, in a restaurant (cafe and its name), at ____________.

Your (names of the bride and groom)

8. The original text of the wedding invitation. "Medieval invitation."

It is issued in the form of a scroll, you can attach a rose to it or decorate it with knightly symbols.

Virtuous sir and sir _______!

We hasten to tell you good news. The Union of Children will be consecrated in two glorious and noble families. It will take place in the ancient castle in the afternoon, on the fifteenth day of a cold January of this year (you can change the date at your discretion).

The noble knight (name) and the young lady of his heart (name) are waiting for you at the evening feast and jousting tournament that will take place (name of the restaurant and its address). Give this event your attention, let a white or red rose be a pass for guests.

With gratitude, (names of the newlyweds)

9. Solemn wedding invitation text

Dear __________!

There are happy and joyful moments in our life that we want to share with dear people. Therefore, we invite you to open a new page in the book of our life with us.

Our wedding celebration will take place (date, time) at the registry office at __________. After that, we are waiting for dear guests at the restaurant __________ at _________.

Sincerely yours, (names and signatures of the newlyweds)

10. Wedding invitation text for witnesses

Our beloved ____________!

Your support, understanding and friendship have always been important to our couple. That is why on the happiest day of our lives, we really want you to be with us!

We are pleased to invite you to be witnesses at our wedding. Solemn registration will take place at the central office of the registry office (date, time) at ___________. The wedding will take place in _______ church in ____.

A festive banquet will be held at the restaurant _____________, at ____ in the evening. We look forward to seeing you.

With love (names of the bride and groom).

The text options are, of course, countless! If you want to create the text of a wedding invitation for a celebration yourself, then please see how to do it correctly, and the text can be selected or composed from several different ones presented on this page. The main thing is that the style of the wedding invitation emphasizes the theme of the wedding and reflects your feelings for each other and your guests. Fantasize!
And, of course, "Handmade Weddings" is always ready to help you come up with the text of the invitation and develop a unique wedding style.

wedding invitation text (classic)

Our dear Vitaly and Elena!
Soon, or rather on October 12, 2009, it will happen that
what everyone was waiting for - we decided to get married!
We decided to unite our hearts and destinies, we intend to live happily ever after!
We would be pleased to have you among our guests,
who came to share our happiness and joy with us.
The official part will be held in the Tagansky registry office,
well, and unofficial a little later, namely in
"Casa del Vino" at the address: B. Drovyanoy lane, 7/9
Please be present, have fun from the heart, drink and eat and rejoice for us.
Denis and Natalia

Dear mom and dad!
We are waiting for your congratulations and wishes on our wedding.
The banquet will take place on August 15, 2006 at:
st. 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 9
restaurant "Life is good"
We will be happy to see you!

Kirill and Olesya
Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call.

Beloved Olenka and Vitya!
On June 17, 2008, a solemn and significant event will take place in our life -
day of our wedding.
Among those who are invited to share with us the joy of this important celebration for us, unique and unforgettable, you occupy the most honorable place.
The celebration will begin at 12:00 in the Griboedovsky registry office
at the address: Maly Kharitonevsky per., 10
Marat and Tatyana

the text of the invitation to a country wedding (garden):

Sunny summer day June 2, 2012
would be perfectly normal
if not for one "but".
We're getting married!
And we invite you, the people dearest to us,
plunge into the coolness of the shady garden
and spend this beautiful day with us
to the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves!

We are waiting for you at 15:00 in the restaurant "Seasons"
Address: TsPKiO im. Gorky, Titovsky proezd, 2
Everyone in the garden, gentlemen!

We will be glad to any gifts.
And it doesn't matter what envelope they're in :)
Alexey and Ekaterina

wedding invitation text for parents:

Dear and beloved mom and dad!
You are the main guests at this celebration! Without you, this day would not exist!
Thank you and know that you will be with us.

You opened this bright envelope, and we invite you
together with us to open a new stage of our life -
so sunny and beautiful.
We will be happy if you share our joy
on this unforgettable day.

We are waiting for you on September 9 at 16:00
at the address: st. Mosfilmovskaya, 8
restaurant "Bellagio"
Vitaly and Ksenia

unusual texts for wedding invitations


Moscow period
from candidates for the creation of a full-fledged
cells of the society of Dmitry and Tatyana =

The ice has broken
We are combined with and not with something, but with the bonds of legal marriage with
Therefore, we have the honor to invite you to the petty-bourgeois marriage registration desk of the Gagarin Registry Office, point no gifts, no need, this bourgeois chic point, the meeting itself will be held in the county town N at _____________ point

Mexican wedding invitation text:

Dear Senor Antonio!
Hurry, get your holiday sombrero out of the closet,
for August 21, 2012
we invite you to the wedding celebration
by the address: __________________
Sounds of meringue and a sea of ​​tequila will melt your
heart scorched by the scorching heat.
P.S. Donkey parking is provided.

rock and roll wedding invitation text:

Elena and Maxim!
We will be very happy
if you don’t leave Moscow on August 13
and you can come to our wedding!

No officialdom, beating glasses and shouting "bitterly".
There will be a fun rock and roll party
in a warm circle of close friends.
We will Rock You

We are waiting for you at 18:00 in "Pin up Rooms"

Romantic wedding invitation text:

Where snow-white clouds embrace the azure sky,
and the warm rays of the sun play with the mischievous breeze,
angels live with.
Only once in a century do they lower their gaze to the ground
in search of a pair of pure hearts,
who are destined to find eternal happiness together.

Our love is so strong that we hope to become this couple.
and go through life without ever opening our hands.

We invite you to witness this miracle,
which will take place on 07/07/2013 at 15:00
at the address: Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway, Politika restaurant

Alexey and Elena

P.S. Please don't scare away our angels
and dress in the colors of the blue sky.

The text of the wedding invitation in verse:

We are glad to see those of you
To whom our step is not indifferent.
Let it be typical enough
And done, in general, more than once. :)
What of that? Now we are together!
The groom put the ring on the bride.
So come and congratulate us
And send on a journey
And share our joy
Pour into a glass of champagne
Shout traditionally "bitterly"
We wish you happiness and more!

Don't waste your time -
Come to our wedding
There is no one happier than us
We will be glad to see you.

Together we decided forever
Connect your destiny.
And we cordially invite you
To share our joy.

Deciding once and for all
Connect your paths
We invite you to the evening
To share our joy
Say a parting word
Exclaim "Bitter" (and more than once!).
We will be infinitely glad
See you at our wedding!

Epigraphs for wedding invitations

My happiness is measured by your smiles...
Since we met "We" has become more important than "You" or "I"
To love someone means to wish only the best for that person. Thomas Aquinas
All love is true and beautiful in its own way, as long as it is in the heart and not in the head. V. Belinsky
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. ("Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired") Robert Frost
We can give without loving, but we cannot love without giving.
Perhaps in this world you are just a person, but for someone you are the whole world. Marquez
If you have found true love - give her wings to fly... and if she stays with you - so be it!
Each of us is an angel, but with only one wing. And we can only fly by embracing each other.
(We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other) Luciano De Crescenzo
The time for happiness is now. The place for happiness is here. Robert Green Ygersoll
In love they don't talk about love, they just love in it. Konstantin Alexandrovich Fedin
We always think that we are loved because we are good. And we don’t guess that they love us because those who love us are good. L. Tolstoy
To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. Gottfried Leibniz
The soul lives in anticipation of a strange plant - the Miracle! A. Green
Love owns nothing and does not want anyone else to own it. And do not think that you can rule the ways of love, for if love deems you worthy, it will direct your path. D. H. Gibran
To love is not to look at each other, to love is to look together in the same direction. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Love is a disease of tenderness. A.Kruglov
One hour of love is a lifetime. Honore de Balzac
Only one heart is vigilant. You can't see the most important thing with your eyes. Antoine de Saint-Exupery
To be able to express how much you love means little love. Fr. Petrarch
In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.
(In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing.) Mignon McLaughlin

The tradition of decorating wedding invitations in the form of exquisite and delicate cards in an envelope or unusual postcards and invitations is a kind of way to preserve the memories of the holiday. Picking up such a postcard many years after the wedding, and reading the text of the wedding invitation, you will definitely remember the solemn ceremony, a cheerful and bright holiday, which can be called one of the most important in life. Choose a ready-made template with the invitation text of your choice in prose or poetry, and let your own memories of the wedding and the impressions of your guests be the most pleasant.

Original wedding invitation text for any guest

Our dear (guest name)!

No matter where in the world we find ourselves, no matter what chic places we visit, all the brightest moments in life are created for us by people - close, loved and necessary. In the new story, the story of our young family, we want to see you among the guests. We invite you to share all the importance and joy of our marriage with us.

(Date) at (time) at (street and house name).

To celebrate the event, we expect your arrival at (time) at the restaurant (name) at (street and house name).

Groom (name) and bride (name).

Dear (name of guest)!

(Date) our most cherished dream will come true and we will become spouses.

We want to share the great joy and happiness of this moment with the most important and close people.

Therefore, we are waiting for you at (name of the registry office), where the official painting will take place at (time).

And then we invite you to taste champagne and a wedding loaf (name of the street and house), where a festive banquet will take place at (time).

Sincerely, (names of the bride and groom).

Dear (guest name)!

Where two souls strive to be one, where hearts burn with sincere love, and eyes burn with happiness, the strongest and happiest family is born. We create such a family and invite you to spend this day with us.

(Date) at (time) at (street name, registry office) we will exchange rings as a token of our eternal marital fidelity.

At (time) in the restaurant (name) we are waiting for you for an unforgettable celebration.

Future newlyweds (name of the bride and groom).

Beautiful wedding invitation text for parents

Dear our parents! We are pleased to inform you that we have made the most important decision in life - to create our own family. Following your example, we want to make this union strong, faithful and happy.

We invite you, as the most honored guests, to the wedding ceremony on (date) at (time) at (name).

With love and gratitude, (names of the bride and groom).

Thank you, our loved ones, for the warmth and care that the family gives us. We strive to create the same happy family, and the reason for this is our sincere love and devotion to each other. We invite you to a wedding that will be the birthday of the happiest family in the world!

Dear mommy!

Your care, wisdom, patience and understanding taught me the most important thing in life: love and fidelity. My happiness is your merit, and creating my own family, I invite you as the most honored guest (date) at (time) to the solemn ceremony of uniting two destinies.

With love, (name).

Cool wedding invitation text for friends

When all thoughts are close to only one person, when every day you want to hold his hand - it's time to unite into one happy family with an eternal sincere promise.

Our dear (names of guests)!

We want our life to have a place for both home comfort and joyful meetings with friends. We are proud of our friendship and invite you to share all the joy of the solemn event on (date) at (time, address).

In order for family life to be sweet, we will bake a loaf and treat you to a restaurant (name) at (time).

With love in our hearts, happy bride and groom (names).

Dear our friend!

The most valuable thing in life is respect, devotion and kindness. All this is in love, and without all this there can be no real friendship. We unite our hearts with an official union, create a family, but at the same time we do not forget about an important and valuable friend like you. We invite you to the wedding as the most honored friend of a young family. We will become spouses on (date) at (time) and on this occasion we invite you to arrive at (address of the registry office)

With love, (names of the bride and groom).

Dear (names of guests)!

We solemnly announce that the future bride is ready to cook borscht, wash socks and iron shirts. The future groom is ready to give roses, take out the trash and hammer nails. In confirmation of our words, and also because of unthinkable great love, we invite you to a fun wedding.

We will put murals under these promises on (date) at (time) at (street and house name), and in the restaurant (name) at (street and house name) we will celebrate the event with you and other people closest to us.

Sincerely, future spouses (names).

Fancy wedding invitation text template

Dear (names of guests)!

In our modern and ordinary world, an unusual story happened. The marvelous and sweet beauty, with her gentle and affectionate gaze, captivated the valiant and brave knight, who forever entrusted his heart to her. Still don't believe in fairy tales? Then we invite you to see for yourself the existence of miracles and become part of the magical story of the creation of our young family.

Come and be sure that fairytale love exists on (date) at (time) at (street and house name).

The royal feast and unforgettable fun will take place at (time) at (street and house name).

A young knight (groom's name) and a young princess (bride's name).

Dear (names of guests)! In this letter we want to tell you an unusual story about love at first sight. She captivated us like magic that makes the heart beat faster, inspires new achievements and dispels any adversity. In order to preserve this magical gift of fate, we will make love the basis of our marriage, create a strong family that will protect the flame of love like an impregnable fortress.

The official ceremony will take place on (date) at (time) at (name of street and house).

Solemn reception and refreshment of guests: at (time) at the address (name of the street and house).

Captured by love, (names of the bride and groom).

Our meeting gave us the desire to love, the desire to be happy and the strength to cross any rivers of life and conquer any mountains. We realized how important and necessary each other is and we wish to continue our life path, holding each other's hands.

We invite you (names of guests) to our wedding. (Date) at (time) at (name of the street and house) we will unite our destinies, and at (time) we will gather all the guests at the festive table.

Inspired and in love, (names of the bride and groom).

Dear _____!

We have the honor to invite you to the solemn registration of our family union, which will take place on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

Sincerely _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

We invite you to share our joy! _____ will be one of the most important events in our lives! We will be happy to see you among the guests at the registration ceremony at _____ hours and at the banquet at _____ hours at _____.

Please confirm your desire to attend our celebration by phone or in person no later than _____.

With gratitude and respect _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We are waiting for you at our holiday!

Our dear _____!

We want to invite you to our family's birthday! On this day, we are going to say "Yes" to each other, surrounded by the closest and dearest people.

We decided to connect our hearts and destinies of _____, at _____ hours, at _____.

We will be very glad to see you at our first family holiday!

Fate has given us a wonderful gift, and we will arrange a real holiday on this occasion!

Our wedding will take place on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

You can come to the registry office or join us at the banquet at _____ hours, at _____.

We will be grateful for your attention and support on such an important day for us!

Sincerely yours _____ (names of the bride and groom)

"True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it." These are the words of La Rochefoucauld.

We are very lucky, our love is real and we want to tell the whole world about it!

We will pledge allegiance to each other on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

And we will certainly celebrate this significant event in the cafe _____ at _____ hours.

We invite you to join our celebration of two loving hearts!

Expensive _____!

_____ (the date) a solemn event will take place in our life - the day of our wedding. We will be glad to see you among our relatives and friends to share with us our happiness - the wedding day.

The celebration will take place at _____.

We kindly ask you to arrive by _____ hours.

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the conclusion of marriage and the celebration dedicated to this holiday.

Marriage registration will be held at the Wedding Palace at: _____.

The solemn part will be held at _____ hours _____ minutes at _____ at the address: _____.

We would love to have you at our wedding!

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

_____ (the date) in our life there will be a solemn event _____ the day of our wedding. We will be glad to see you among our relatives and friends to share with us our happiness - the wedding day.

The celebration will take place at _____. We kindly ask you to arrive by _____ h _____ minutes.

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Our dear _____ and _____.

Bring your most sincere words and biggest wishes in your soul, and gifts - in this envelope.

We look forward to seeing you at: _____ at _____ hours.

AND _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

Our wedding celebration will take place on _____ at _____ hours at the registry office at _____. After that, we are waiting for dear guests at the _____ restaurant at _____.

Sincerely yours, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our life - our First family holiday, where we will unite our destinies and our hearts! We would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared with us the exciting atmosphere of love and happiness!

The solemn ceremony of registration of our union will take place at _____, at _____ hours on the last Friday of _____ (month) of this year.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____.

The wedding ceremony will take place at the registry office at _____ at _____ hours.

For a festive banquet, we are waiting for you at the restaurant _____ at _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

We invite you to celebrate with us the significant day of our marriage on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)


We are pleased to invite you to our wedding party, which will take place on _____ at _____ at _____ restaurant.

See you! _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We are pleased to announce that on _____ the wedding ceremony of two loving hearts will take place! We invite you to share this exciting event at the Wedding Palace at _____.

A banquet on the occasion of the celebration will take place in the restaurant _____ at _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We will be glad to share with you the joy of this unforgettable day and invite you to a holiday arranged for you in our honor!

Meeting time: _____ hours, _____ of the year. Meeting point: _____.

(names of the bride and groom)

It is with great pleasure that we invite you on _____ at _____ to register your marriage and celebrate this event. Registration will take place at the Wedding Palace at _____.

The wedding celebration will take place at ______ o'clock at the restaurant _____ at _____. We will be happy to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We invite you to a celebration dedicated to our marriage, which will take place on _____ at _____ hours _____ minutes at _____ at the address: _____.

We will be glad to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Expensive _____!

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to a celebration dedicated to our wedding, which will take place on _____ in _____ at the address: _____, starting at _____.

We look forward to sharing this happy day with you!

Sincerely, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life.

We want to unite our destinies and our hearts _____, and we would be very pleased if you witnessed this event and shared our joy with us.

The celebration will take place at: _____at _____h _____min. by the address: _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We are pleased to invite you to our wedding party, which will take place on _____ at _____ hours, at _____.

See you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We are waiting for your congratulations and wishes on our wedding. The banquet will take place on _____ at _____ h _____ min at the address: _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

P.S. Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call. We are looking forward to it!

_____ (the date)

it can pass like an ordinary day and you will not remember anything special, or it can become one of the most pleasant days not only for us, but also for you! We look forward to seeing you at our happy holiday - our WEDDING!

The registration ceremony will take place at _____ (time) at the Wedding Palace at _____.

The celebration dedicated to this event will be held at the restaurant _____ at _____. Please confirm your presence in advance.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Our dear _____!

We invite you to a celebration that unites two hearts - our wedding. We really want you to share the joy of this day with us.

The registration ceremony will take place at the registry office at _____, at _____. The solemn banquet will be held at _____, at _____.

We are waiting for you, sincerely your _____ (names of the bride and groom) .

Expensive _____!

_____ (the date) forget about everything! Leave your phones at home, turn off the TV and lock the door, because we are waiting for you at our wedding celebration.

The painting will take place at the Central Registry Office in _____, at _____.

After that, all guests will go to the party, which will be held at _____.

Stock up on a good mood and comfortable shoes, the celebration will be fun.

Waiting for you _____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We will be very happy if you will be with us and share our happiness!

We want to seal our union with the seal of _____ at _____ hours at _____.

We would be grateful for your participation and support on this important day for us. Day of the beginning of our happy family life!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

Let me invite you to the Most Important Celebration of our whole life. We want to unite our destinies and our hearts on October 23, 2014, and we would be very pleased if you shared our joy with us.

The celebration will take place in the restaurant _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

We invite you to celebrate our wedding on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

We will be very glad to see you!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____ and _____!

We are waiting for you _____ at _____ at _____ hours.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

We are waiting for your congratulations and wishes on our wedding. The banquet will take place on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

Please confirm your presence at the event by phone call. We are looking forward to it!

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

Your presence at our wedding celebration will be a wonderful gift for us on this significant day! We will be very glad to see you on _____ at _____ o'clock in the restaurant _____.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear, beloved and most dear to us _____.

Due to the circumstances, namely: the inability to look at the empty page 14 of our passports and constantly answer the questions: "Well, when already ???", we nevertheless decided to perform the marriage ceremony.

In this connection, we will be glad to see you at our wedding on _____ at _____ hours at _____.

We will be very glad to see you! ____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____.

We invite you to become a guest of our exciting, but at the same time happy event.

G. at _____ o'clock at _____, our marriage ceremony will take place.

_____ (names of the bride and groom)

Dear _____!

There are happy and joyful moments in our life that we want to share with dear people. Therefore, we invite you to open a new page in the book of our life with us.

Our wedding celebration will take place on _____. at _____ h. at the registry office at _____. After that, we are waiting for dear guests at the _____ restaurant at _____.

Sincerely yours, _____ (names of the bride and groom)

It would seem that it could be easier than to compose the text of an invitation to an anniversary or other solemn event, but how many nuances and subtleties arise!

So, let's start with a call:

"Dear (dear, honorable) Ivan Denisovich!"

What if he's not alone? And, for example, with his wife:

"Dear Ivan Denisovich and Marya Petrovna!"

And if you don’t know her and don’t know her name? Oddly enough, they most often write:
"Dear Ivan Denisovich with his wife"...

And the question arises: what about the spouse, not respected?
We advise you to avoid such options of address in the text of the invitation to the anniversary. It's better to write it like this:

"Dear Ivan Denisovich! I invite you and your wife..."

And if Ivan Denisovich is not married, and he has a girlfriend? In this case, in order not to get into a mess, at the end of the invitation, in small print, you can attribute:

"The invitation is valid for two persons".

And immediately everything is clear. Let your friend choose for himself with whom he will be pleased and comfortable to spend a festive evening on the occasion of your anniversary.

You can also refuse the appeal altogether, and start the text of the invitation with the words:

"You are invited to...",
and write the name of the guest on a handwritten envelope or on a business card or box if you chose a scroll as an invitation card.

Now let's remember when to write the word "you" with a small letter, and when with a capital.

According to the rules of the Russian language, we write "you" with a capital letter if we address one person, and we write "you" with a small letter if we address two or more. Here is a simple rule.

But here it should be noted that the text of the invitation to the anniversary can be considered as the author's text, and then even if you write "I invite you..."("You" with a capital letter), then this will not be a terrible grammatical error.

Let's go to the main text. It all depends on your style and imagination.
For example:

I invite you to the celebration of my 50th birthday, which will take place on (date, time, place, address)...
I invite you to a gala dinner on the occasion of my birthday...
We invite you to a gala evening dedicated to the 15th anniversary of our company...
We will be glad to see you at the celebration in honor of the presentation of the new collection...
I will be glad to see you on May 25, 2012 at 18:00 in the restaurant "Prague" and celebrate the anniversary date of my birth with you.
I have the honor to invite you to a solemn event on the occasion of my anniversary...

In the texts of the invitation to the birthday, there is sometimes such an oddity:

I will be glad to see you at my 35th birthday, which oh will be held November 10, 2012

Dress code: smart casual.

Please note: the direct addition after the comma refers specifically to the word "Day", and not to the word "birth". And the word "Day" is masculine, so you need to write "which".

In this example, it is better to remove the words " to be held", and the sentence becomes more pleasant to listen to:

I will be glad to see you at my 35th birthday on November 10, 2012
on the shores of the still very warm Mediterranean Sea in Tel Aviv.
We meet at 19:00 in the banquet hall of the Dan Tel Aviv hotel.

At the end of the invitation, as a rule, should be signature. Here, too, there are pitfalls.

Have you ever wondered why in business letters after the words "Sincerely" is put comma, despite the fact that it is not regulated by the rules of the Russian language?
But in business English it is required :).
This English comma over the past 15 years has taken root in Russia so much that they are trying to attach it to other options, for example:

"Sincerely yours i, C ergey and Irina"
"Best regards i, A lexander"

Do not forget that the signature in the invitation is a kind of requisite (stamp, seal), and, of course, in the last two examples (from the point of view of the rules of the Russian language) a comma is superfluous.
If you still decide to put a comma in the signature, then do it consciously, based on the specific situation.

About the dot at the end of the signature:

At the end of the signature of the invitation to the anniversary, a dot is not put.

One more addition.
If you start the invitation with the words "Dear Ivan Denisovich", then in the signature it is better not to repeat "With respect" again, you can limit yourself to the first and last name.