The main types of natural fur. The most expensive fur coat in the world

  • Beaver fur coats
  • Fox fur coats
  • Sable fur coats
  • Lynx fur coats
  • Fur vests
      Fox and arctic fox vests
      • Mink vests
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    The most expensive fur in the world

    Today, all kinds of salons, boutiques and exhibitions can deservedly be proud of a huge number of products made from the fur of various animals. Since our climate is quite harsh, a natural fur coat will be very useful for winter. This is from the practical side. However, no matter how you think about practicality, a natural fur coat is elegant and respectable. Today, fur coats are bought by people not only of high income, but also people with average income have the opportunity to purchase it for a reasonable price. The price of a product depends on what kind of fur it is made of, on the quality of this very fur, the manufacturer, and other factors. If your dream is a mink coat, then it is worth remembering that mink is the most expensive fur in the world. Or is it still not so?

    In fact, the most expensive fur in the world is vicuna fur. The habitat of this animal is South America, and it belongs to the genus of llamas. However, fur coats are not sewn from their fur; it is used for the production of high-quality woolen fabric.

    But the fur of the Barguzin sable is the leader among the most expensive furs in the world, from which the most expensive fur coats are sewn. It is also known from history how valuable sable fur was in Russia. Due to its color and texture, it successfully leads among the furs of other fur-bearing animals. In general, varieties of sable a large number of, but the Barguzinsky fur is the most valuable and the darkest in color. After all, the darker the fur, the higher its price. The Barguzin sable lives in the Baikal forests. Its fur is close to dark chocolate in color, with some gray hair and blue down. For the beauty and color of the skin of this species of sable, he was given the name "soft gold". It also owes a significant price to its name. One Barguzin sable skin at international fur auctions can cost up to $ 1,300.

    Experts consider chinchilla fur to be the most expensive fur in the world, in parallel with the fur of the Barguzin sable. Chinchilla is a small fur-bearing animal from South America that lives in the Andes. Since she lives at an altitude of about 3 thousand meters above sea level, she has such a fur, thanks to which she is able to survive in harsh conditions. She has thick and thick fur, moreover, a very original color. She has a dark dorsum, which merges into bluish-gray sides, which in turn have a smooth transition to a white abdomen. More valuable are wide skins of excellent quality obtained from juveniles.

    The most valuable fur in the world is vicuna fur. Vicuña is an artiodactyl of the camel family that lives in the cold highlands of Peru and adorns the coat of arms of this country. Forced in a very harsh climate, they have managed to adapt to weather conditions thanks to their amazing coat: thin, soft and extremely warm at the same time. For a long time, vicuñas were an object of hunting, therefore, by the beginning of the 20th century, their species was on the verge of extinction. Since the 60s, the killing of these charming creatures has been banned, so fur coats from their skins are no longer sewn. But expensive fabrics are made from sheared wool. The widest range of vicunas wool can be found in Italian luxury brands.
    Among the Incas, only representatives of the nobility had the right to wear clothes made of vicuna fur.

    Sea otter

    Sea otter is a waterfowl animal of the weasel family, a close relative of the otter. The aquatic lifestyle already makes kalan fur especially valuable due to its water-repellent properties. But its main advantage lies in its structure. It is exceptionally dense, with a density of approximately 50,000 hairs per square centimeter of hide. The fur is almost entirely composed of downy hair, only one percent is the guard hair. By the end of the 19th century, the number of sea otters, whose skins were always highly valued, had significantly decreased, so the mass production of fur products from their fur ceased.


    The dark brown skins of Barguzinsky are still often called "soft gold" - this is the most expensive fur used for sewing clothes. The highest price of sable fur is due to its shade: the darker it is, the more expensive it is. They do not sew conveyor products from it, only exclusive models. So, the cost of the cheapest fur coat starts from 20-30 thousand dollars.
    In the past, the inhabitants of the Far East considered sable fur wasteful and could easily exchange a huge amount of skins for a metal cauldron.


    Chinchilla fur is unanimously recognized as the warmest fur in the world. This miniature rodent has not one but 60-80 hairs growing from one hair follicle! Due to this density of the hairline, their fur has phenomenal thermal insulation properties. Like vicuñas, chinchillas have been on the verge of extinction for some time, so today few people have the exclusive right to produce fur coats from their fur. The cost of the cheapest chinchilla fur coat does not fall below the $ 10,000 bar.

    Since ancient times, furs have been in great demand among different segments of the population, at different times performing different functions. Animal skins were the first material for primitive clothing. Later, furs became an important part of trade, a measure of calculation, as well as an integral symbol of high status, material well-being and luxury. Despite the fact that today many famous people of the world have abandoned clothing made from animal skins, products made from high-quality natural fur remain in trend, and their value continues to grow.

    We bring to your attention the top 11 most expensive furs in the world:

    7th place: Arctic fox fur is a material in demand in the elite circles of society. Its history draws its roots from ancient Russia, famous for its wide abundance of furs, where the arctic fox was in rather high demand. Modern “know” does not cease to give preference to this material. As you know, in nature, the Arctic fox can have two colors: blue and white, and the first type is much less common than the second, which affects its cost. Blue is called fur of the color of a cloudy sky of varying degrees of saturation. Arctic foxes of light blue color have a thick guard hair with a white color at the base and a blue end, which gives the overall picture the effect of a bluish veil. Long-haired arctic fox fur is very warm, comfortable and fluffy, so designers often opt for it to create luxurious models, the cost of which on average ranges from 2-6 thousand dollars.

    fox fur coat:

    6th place: Marten fur is a material with a long history, in appearance very similar to the more expensive sable fur, but with a slightly less dense awn. It has long been of value in Russia, and in European countries where sable is not found, it successfully occupies its niche. The color palette of the color is very rich - from gray-smoky to deep brown. The hair of the marten has a thick undercoat and a long pile, which makes products made from this material very durable. The skins obtained in winter are especially appreciated, since during this period the fur is the thickest, longest and most beautiful. The main feature of weasel fur is hypoallergenic, which is due to a well-ventilated structure that does not accumulate dust particles caused by allergies. Products made of practical, warm and pleasant to the touch fur material from marten are on average estimated at 3-7 thousand dollars.

    kunya fur coat:

    5th place: Mink fur is a material that today is in the greatest demand among manufacturers of fur products. Usually it is positioned as ideal in terms of price-quality ratio. The fashion for this type of material was introduced by Hollywood stars in the 30s of the twentieth century. The silky and soft fur with thick downy and prominent guard hair is lightweight, highly wearable, practical and retains an excellent look for a very long time. Recently, mink fur has been subjected to all kinds of experiments: it is dyed in a wide variety of colors, processed with a laser, sheared, plucked, bleached and combined with various materials. The leaders in the production of this material are Scandinavia and North America. The mink color has a huge number of tones and halftones. The cost of an elegant fur coat made from high-quality fur of this animal can vary from $ 4,000 to $ 15,000.

    mink coat

    chinchilla fur coat:

    3rd place: Lynx fur is a rare and extremely expensive type of fur, characterized by a uniquely beautiful color. Only the soft white abdomen of the animal is of value, and the most expensive is the material with pronounced black spots. Fur coats completely sewn from lynx fur are extremely rare; they are most often used to decorate products made from other fur materials. The cost of such luxurious clothes, depending on the name of the designer who created it, ranges from 50-250 thousand dollars.

    lynx fur coat:

    2nd place: Sable fur is perhaps the most famous material in Russia, although not every resident of the country can afford it. The pride of Russian furriers has been considered a symbol of wealth and luxury from ancient times to the present day. Sable fur is the best in the world in terms of density, quality and appearance. The color of the hairline of this fur-bearing animal is so beautiful that designers use its skins exclusively in their natural form. The most valuable and, accordingly, the most expensive among all sable skins is the fur of the Barguzin sable, which lives on the eastern coast of Lake Baikal. In terms of its structure and abundance of shades, it is in the lead among the rest of the fur-bearing animals. Especially appreciated is the chocolate color interspersed with gray hair and with a fluff shimmering with a blue tint. By the way, it is he who enjoys the greatest popularity among the world famous couturiers. The average cost of one skin of this animal is 1.5-2 thousand USD. So, after some calculations, it can be assumed that even a small sable fur coat will cost 50-60 thousand dollars, and about 250 thousand American dollars will have to be paid for a luxurious coat.

    1st place: Vicuña fur is the most expensive fur in the world, produced from animals belonging to the genus of llamas living in Peru. The wool of this animal is highly valued for its wonderful properties: it is very soft, thick, thin and at the same time perfectly protects from the cold. Vicuna fur coats are made extremely rarely, mainly high-quality woolen fabric is produced from it, the meter of which is estimated at 3-5 thousand dollars. For this reason, only famous brands sew clothes from this fabric. For example, the widest assortment of vicuna furs can be seen in the collection of the Loro Piana fashion house. As for the extraction of vicuna fur, then, as a rule, a gentle method was used, which consisted of shearing animals. Later, the extermination of vicunas began to increase rapidly, but after a sharp decrease in their number in the 60s. XX century, it was decided to return to the way of the ancestors.

    In general, according to the value and beauty of fur, they are divided into three groups.

    , the most expensive, include the fur of black and silver fox, sable, chinchilla, American mink, marten, beaver, otter, bear (all species), white and black wolf.

    To the second group

    Average in value, they combine the furs of the red fox, squirrels, desman, wolverine and ferret.

    To the third group

    the fur of the Russian mink, hare, rabbit, mole is ranked

    5 groups of furs are conventionally distinguished.

    The first group of furs is the most wear-resistant, the last furs are the least durable.

    The first group of fur products made from skins:

    otter, beaver, cat.

    The second group of fur products made from skins:

    karakul, mink, muskrat.

    The third group of fur products from skins:

    sable, marten, gopher-sandstone, sheepskin, smushka.

    The fourth group of fur products from skins:

    squirrels, ermine, rabbit.

    The fifth group of fur products from skins:

    hare, gopher, hamster, mole.

    Directly from one of the main qualities of fur - its durability, or as experts say - "fur wear".

    Wear is determined in "seasons". Or, more simply, in the number of winters during which your fur coat does not turn bald, does not fade or wipe out in public transport. Here is the data on the wear of some furs, established, in two values ​​- in "seasons" and in percentage. Do not consider it a mistake that the same number of "seasons" can correspond to different percentages of wear and vice versa.

    Fur wear

    in seasons

    in percents

    River beaver

    Fur seal

    Arctic fox, Marten


    Muskrat, Red fox


    Squirrel, Marmot

    Stoat, Lynx

    The value and durability of fur

    The value of furs is determined by five parameters of the hairline.

    The density of the hairline of the fur depends not only on the number of hairs, but also on their thickness. According to the density of fur, the following groups are distinguished:

    • especially thick-haired: beaver, otter, arctic fox;
    • thick-haired: sable, muskrat, rabbit;
    • medium density: marten, squirrel, fox;
    • rare-haired: gopher, hamster.

    According to the height of the hairline, the skins are divided into groups:

    • long-haired with a hairline height of more than 5 centimeters: fox, arctic fox;
    • medium-haired with a hair height of 2.5 to 5 centimeters: sable, marten, rabbit;
    • short-haired with a hairline height of less than 2.5 centimeters: mole and gopher.

    The skins, which have high and thick fur, are the warmest.


    The softest are the skins of mink, squirrel, arctic fox, muskrat, sable, fox, marten, nutria and otter.

    The shine of the hairline of the fur is either glassy, ​​sharp, or silky, that is, softer. The most valuable is fur with a silky sheen.


    The wear resistance of fur is a combination of the wear resistance of the hairline, leather tissue and the strength of the hair bond. The wear of fur is determined not only by its natural properties, but also by the skill of the furrier.

    The wear resistance of fur products largely depends on the type of fur from which they are made and the method of processing it.

    To bring the values ​​of real fur wear as close as possible to "ideal" is a rather difficult problem that can be solved only by observing two conditions:

    Purchase fur products only from "reputable" manufacturers that provide the entire cycle of technological operations for processing and sewing fur.

    Properly take care of the thing you bought.

    Everything you need to know when buying a fur coat

    The quality and wear of fur coats depend primarily on the quality of the fur. The fur should be "winter". At this time of the year, the fur of the animals is very dense and has thick downs.

    Secondly, there must be good dressing of the fur, that is, the flesh - the back of the skin - must be soft and elastic. The flesh of unpainted skins should be white. If the skin is yellow, it means that the fur is old.

    And, thirdly, the wear of fur coats depends on the type of fur. The maximum wear is for otter fur, followed by beaver, raccoon, sable, mink, astrakhan fur, nutria, muskrat, etc. The worst wear is for rabbit, goat, and hare fur. For some types of fur (for example, for nutria), it is especially important that the fur is a wild animal or grown in a cage. That is why the Argentine nutria is valued, it is wild.

    HOW TO CHECK THE QUALITY OF SEWING AND HANDLING OF FUR? In a nutshell, you can answer this way: the fur should be thick, shiny, elastic, without bald spots, the flesh should be white, soft, not rattling. If the manufacturer of fur coats is not afraid for the quality of the products, the lining is not sewn tightly - you can see from the inside the quality of the manufacture of skins. When choosing and buying a fur coat, firstly, you need to decide where to buy. It is better to do this in a store that has been operating for several years. If you find defects during the warranty period - which is almost a whole calendar year - you can exchange your fur coat or get your money back. When buying on the market, this is very problematic.

    It is necessary to clearly imagine where you will mainly wear a fur coat. If you are driving a car, a short sheepskin coat or a jacket made of short-haired furs (mink, otter, etc.) will do. If in winter you have to walk with your child in a stroller, take a long and warm fur coat made of a beaver, fox, polar fox or mink.

    Often buyers ask the question: which is better - a fur coat "in dissolution" or from solid plates? Both those and others have the right to life. If the skin is thick, like that of a beaver, nutria, raccoon, it is better to dissolve. Then the fur coat “sits” more comfortably and does not stand with a stake. If the flesh is thin, say, like that of a mink, a fur coat in dissolution can make obese women slimmer (but this is not a rule). It all depends on the specific model, the length of the fur coat, color, etc. Naturally, you need to pay attention to the quality of the fur and its manufacture.

    IS IT WORTH BUYING DYED FUR? Here one should distinguish for what the fur was dyed. If in order to hide defects in fur and its dressing (for this, as a rule, dark colors are used), this is unacceptable. But there are other purposes of coloring. For example, for wild nutria, dyeing the fur is necessary, since the natural color is not very attractive.

    In addition, fashion dictates an expansion of the color range of furs and very often toning of fur or its dyeing in one or more colors is used. Considering high level modern technologies and high quality dyes, such dyeing does not significantly affect the quality of fur. Therefore, if you like a bright red mink or purple arctic fox fur coat, feel free to buy.

    However, all other things being equal, dyed fur will not last as long as natural color. Check the color fastness: wrap a bundle of hair with a handkerchief and rub between your fingers. If the slightest trace remains, the fur coat will get dirty when worn.

    WHAT TO CHOOSE - FUR COAT OR DOUBLE COAT? It's a matter of taste. But, objectively speaking, a fur coat is more practical. She is not afraid of rain, dirt, and the fashion for fur coats is more conservative. Having bought it today, and in five years you will not look like a “black sheep”.

    HOW TO CHECK THE QUALITY OF HANDLING? Crumple any part of the fur product - it should take its original shape almost immediately. The skin should be soft and the hair shiny and crumbly. If this is not the case, most likely, in front of you is a hand-made fur. Smell: "self-selection" always gives off a pungent unpleasant odor. Stroke the fur “against the grain” - long hairs should not break, the puffs should be thick enough. The hair of the fur should not come off easily from the skin. Do not believe if you will be assured that a bunch of hair left in your hands is normal, "from the seams" and "at first it always creeps up like that." It will climb constantly, and after a couple of seasons the new fur coat will turn into a leather coat.

    QUALITY OF SEWING. Rule # 1: the fewer seams, the stronger the product. The days of Greek fur coats, sewn from many pieces, are long gone. Their great popularity in Russia was determined by the relative cheapness and attractive appearance: computer technologies for cutting skins “into small loosening” make it possible to obtain surprisingly light, “flowing” furs. Few people paid attention to the abundance of seams. And in vain - the life of such a coat is only from six months to 2 years! Then few people will undertake to repair it! If possible, when purchasing a fur coat, look under the lining, check if there are any defects in the seams in the sleeves, on the yoke, under the collar. See if the hanger is firmly attached and pay particular attention to the markings. One “label” on the back of the lining is not enough! A fur coat, sewn by the hands of masters of reputable and well-known firms, has special "identification marks", they must certainly correspond to each other:

    Branded label with the logo (trademark) of the company, its details, a mark of compliance with Quality Standards and on the back side is an adhesive label with basic data on the product and a barcode printed on special equipment (it cannot be erased from the label mechanically or otherwise) ;

    Buyer's guide, where you will find useful tips for caring for fur;

    Soft markings, sewn into the side seams of a fur coat or into the seam of the lining of the headgear, has the company logo and data that coincide with the data indicated on a special "sticky" label;

    Lining material with the company logo on expensive items.

    And whose fur is the most? ...

    So, you already know what affects the wear of fur, how to check the quality of its manufacture and the quality of tailoring, you can distinguish a fake, imagine the "lower bar" of average market prices, looking at the Prices section, it remains to find out which fur is the most:


    wolf, bear, wolverine, otter, sheepskin

    mole, hare, rabbit, gopher

    otter, fur seal, river beaver

    reindeer, bear


    marmot, mole, gopher, ermine


    gopher, squirrel


    wolf, wolverine, bear, badger

    water repellent


    If you like warmth, choose furs with high heat-shielding properties. This is a reindeer, arctic fox, raccoon dog, wolf. Whether you will be warm depends largely on the density of the fur and the thickness of its hair, which in no case should be dull. It is easy to check the density of the down - just blow on the fur. And the longer the hair, the warmer the fur, the higher its quality. Ideally, for a fox, raccoon, arctic fox, wolverine, hair should reach a length of 40 mm, for a mink - 25, for a sable, muskrat - from 25 to 40 mm.

    If, due to your busyness, you intend to spend a lot of time outside in unstable weather - then, undoubtedly, you should give preference to a fur coat made of fur of "water" animals - beavers, nutria, otters. When a fur coat is needed as a clothing of prestige, a mole, chinchilla or ermine is more suitable. You only run the risk of freezing, because such products are often sewn on a thin lining and are not insulated with batting or padding polyester. The table shows that the furs of aquatic animals are the most resistant to wear.

    Which fur is the most wearable

    Below is a table of wear of various furs according to the Research Institute of the Fur Industry. It should be immediately noted that these data are of Soviet origin, and in some ways they are a little outdated.
    The most wearable fur is otter fur, its wear is taken as 100%, all other furs are less wearable and their wear is determined as a percentage of the wear of otter fur.

    % wear


    Plucked otter

    Brown bear

    Kamchatka beaver

    River beaver

    Fur seal

    Seal, seal

    Painted seal

    Painted raccoon


    Painted skunk

    Dyed mink

    Painted marten

    Mountain marten

    Arctic fox white

    Dyed fox






    wear, seasons

    River beaver

    Sea cat

    Seal (seal)


    Sandstone gopher

    Long-haired rabbit

    This is explained by the fact that dyed fur becomes stiffer, dyed hair loses its elasticity and becomes more brittle. Trimming long-haired fur prevents hair from kinking and prevents felting - interweaving of hairs with each other and the formation of lumps of fur.

    The wear resistance of fur products largely depends on the finishing of the skins - shearing and dyeing. Dyeing reduces the wear of the fur by 10 - 20%, cutting, on the contrary, increases the wear of the fur by 20 - 40%

    Wearability and wear resistance of fur.

    The most important characteristics of natural fur are wear and tear resistance. Most wearing fur is an otter, its wear is taken as 100 points, otter products are worn for 20 seasons without repair and restoration. The beaver ranks second in terms of wear, and the fur seal is in third. The wear of sable, mink and arctic fox is 80, 70 and 60 points, respectively, and products made from these types of fur are worn for 12, 9 and 7 seasons (the duration of the season is four months). The lowest wear rates are in the fur of the hare (5 points), the long-haired rabbit (10 points) and the marmot (25 points). Products from these types of fur will serve respectively 0.8, 2 and 3.5 seasons.

    The durability of furs and fur depends on the strength of the hair, flesh (skin tissue) and the strength of the bond between the hair and flesh. Of particular importance is the strength of the connection between the hair and the skin, it depends on the type of fur, the season of extraction, compliance with the technology of dressing the skin. The fur of different animals has a different indicator of the strength of the connection of the hair with the flesh, for example, in otter fur, this characteristic is much higher than in rabbit and hare fur. During the shedding period, the strength of the connection between the hair and the flesh is significantly reduced, therefore, the best characteristics are obtained from fur obtained in late autumn.

    Additional factors that determine the wear resistance of fur are: the thickness of the skin, its density, the thickness of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissue, the nature of the plexus of fibers in the dermis, the degree of development of the hairline and its density, chemical and protein composition, the presence of fur defects. An important factor in the durability of fur is the type of processing. For example, dyeing the fur reduces its wear by 10-20%, while trimming the fur, on the contrary, increases the wear resistance by a third.

    Heat-shielding properties of fur.

    The heat-shielding properties of fur are due to the number of air bubbles present inside the hairs, the amount of air between the hairs, and also the looseness of the flesh. Most high heat resistance has the fur of a polar fox, reindeer, raccoon dog, fox, marten, mink, astrakhan fur, but a sheared rabbit, marmot, ermine and goat warms much worse.

    Loose flesh significantly reduces the heat-shielding properties of a fur product. Often times, the leather tissue is stretched strongly to reduce the weight of the product. As a result, the heat resistance of the fur decreases, since the distance between the hairs increases, and the layer of the air gap between them decreases.

    The heat-shielding properties of fur depend on the wrinkle of the hairs - they are higher in low-wrinkle types of fur. It is also important to know that products made from the skins of female animals are lighter, more elegant, but the heat-shielding properties of such fur are lower than those of males.

    The weight of the fur of different animals

    The weight of natural fur depends on the type of animal. The thickness of the flesh is different for each fur, depending on this indicator, the fur is divided into:

    Hard or fat-bred: seal, beaver, raccoon dog, sheepskin;

    Soft or medium-sized: astrakhan fur, mink, nutria, Siberian weasel, rabbit;

    Very soft (thin-sized): Arctic fox, squirrel, broadtail, fox, mole.

    Comfortable fur products should combine lightness and comfort, therefore very light coats made of thick-baked types of fur will not warm their owner due to the fact that the stretched fur will increase the distance between the hairs, and the coat will become cold.

    Fur processing and dressing

    The technology of natural fur dressing consists of preparatory operations, dressing and finishing. Preparatory operations include sorting fur and fur raw materials and identifying defects. Technological processes for manufacturing fur raw materials can be divided into two large groups. The first group includes operations based on chemical and physicochemical processes: soaking, pickling, tanning, degreasing, fermentation, drying, neutralization, pickling, dyeing. During these operations, the chemical properties of the raw material change significantly.

    The second group of technological processes includes operations of mechanical action: fleshing, breaking, shearing, pounding, scratching, ironing, etc.

    Fur factories produce unpainted and dyed skins, a significant part of the raw materials are imitated, giving inexpensive types of fur the appearance of valuable furs. In the process of imitation, the fur is sheared, plucked, straightened, and dyed.

    New technologies open up endless possibilities for fur, they change the texture and structure of fur, which changes the approach to the design of fur things, their shape and volume. The latest developments allow you to twist and burn fur, combine it with various materials, and inlay it.

    Warm tips: how to choose a fur product


    Fashion for fur products is formed under the influence of five determining factors: type of fur, style, design, combination of furs and new technologies for processing fur.

    Basic concepts.

    The awn is the thicker part of the hair, the upper layer of the fur. Underfur is the thinner part of the hair, the lower tier of the fur. Mezdra is the bottom layer of fur skin.

    Warmest fur: beaver, muton, sable. Coldest: ermine. Best to wear: otter, seal, beaver. The most short-lived: chinchilla, rabbit. Dyed furs wear out 10-20% faster. The wear of sheared fur is 20-40% higher.

    When purchasing a product of well-known European brands, you should remember that such parameters as wear, practicality and durability are not decisive for them. In the first place is the name of the designer, brand, unusual design. If the level of well-being does not allow changing the fur coat every season, it is better to choose more practical models.

    The most objective factor in product quality is wear resistance of fur from which it is sewn. The service life of products made from natural fur is determined by its wear, therefore, when choosing a fur coat, take an interest and compare the service life of products made from fur of different animals.

    Good, high-quality fur should be thick, shiny, and have the same hair height. Hair should not fall off the product when shaken. The strength of the connection between the hair and the flesh can be checked by taking the product by a few hairs and holding it in weight. If the hair is firmly attached to the flesh, the product will not fall off.

    Fur dressing and quality tailoring are the main signs of a good product. You can determine whether a fur coat is a factory-made product by smell. An unpleasant smell should warn against buying. If there is an opportunity to look at the leather fabric, do it by unscrewing the lining of the product. The flesh should be soft and elastic to the touch, not rustle at hand like paper, and not have visible defects. Good fur, when crumpled, immediately takes on its original shape. You can stroke the fur against the grain - long hairs should not break, and the undercoat should be thick and soft. The skin of an unpainted product should be light.

    A high-quality fur coat should be sewn from solid plates measuring 15 by 15 cm. If the pieces of fur are smaller, then the price of the product should be about a third lower. A product made from small pieces will not be durable; over time, the pieces will begin to creep.

    What furs are most often counterfeited, how to distinguish a fake

    Sometimes expensive types of fur are replaced with cheaper ones, skillfully giving them the desired appearance, for example - marten is passed off as sable fur.

    Nutria is faked under the fur of a river beaver. However, in the beaver, the guard hairs are longer and the downs are thicker than in the nutria.

    They often try to pass off rabbit or marmot fur as a mink. You can distinguish a mink from a rabbit by its rigidity - the awn of a rabbit's fur is much softer. Marmot fur consists of hair of unequal length, and mink has perfectly straight hair and does not prick at all.


    Love for natural fur lives in our genes - from those ancient times, when our ancestors first realized its warmth, softness and comfort. One can talk endlessly about natural fur - soft “gold” has such magic. Wear fur products with pleasure, they will give you warmth, comfort, style, emphasize your status and taste.

    The ball system is not very clear and cannot say how long a product made of one or another fur will last. The average service life of various furs lies within rather narrow limits, for example, fur hats last on average from 3 to 6 years, outerwear (coats, fur coats) - from 5 to 8 years or more. However, the service life of products made from different furs can vary significantly, which is clearly illustrated in the following table. The data in the table is valid provided that the season lasts 4 months.

    Since ancient times, fur has firmly entered the everyday life of people of different strata of the population, over time performing various functions. Primitive man chose animal skins as a material for creating his clothes. With the development of commodity relations, fur was considered an important share of trade, a measure of value and the main symbol of luxury and prosperity, indicating a high status of the owner. Do not look at the presence of a tendency to abandon fur clothing made from natural animal skins among celebrities, fur products remain in demand and fashion, and the cost continues to rise steadily.

    Place number 10: beaver fur coat - 35 - 70 thousand rubles.

    One of the most popular materials for sewing fur coats in the modern fashion world, which is actively used by modern designers in creating elite collections. It has a wide range of undoubted advantages, such as plasticity, pleasant touch, softness, perfect fit. Thanks to the amazingly fluffy and thick fur, the product looks amazing when finished. The key feature of beaver fur is its ability to repel moisture, so it retains heat perfectly, regardless of weather conditions. It is this factor that makes it so attractive in the eyes of buyers. Beaver fur has excellent strength properties and is resistant to abrasion: it does not form bald patches, abrasion and faded spots. The average number of seasons in which a fur coat will serve as a reliable protector from frost is surprising: 18 years is a respectable period!

    The range of colors is wide: from dark brown, reminiscent of black to light brown tones, but all the colors are united by the presence of characteristic overflows. A beaver fur coat, depending on the style, material spent on it, and size will cost an average of 35 - 70 thousand rubles.

    Place number 9: "Chernoburka" - 35-110 thousand rubles.

    "Silver fox" - 35-110 thousand rubles.

    It is the black-brown fox, often called the silver fox, that has become popular since the days of ancient Russia. Its fur was used in many ritual rituals and served as an excellent material for sewing outerwear. Noble persons of St. Petersburg paid special attention to the fur of the black fox at the end of the twentieth century. Refined was the combination of aristocratic pallor, brightly painted lips and fluffy dark shiny hair of a silver fox. Its fur has luxurious softness, density, splendor, good long and remarkable wear resistance.

    The color variety will delight you with several combinations: you can choose both light wool with dark strands, and gray fur with black fibers. To become a happy owner of a black-and-brown fox fur coat, you need to be ready to pay about 35-110 thousand rubles for it.

    Place number 8: "Ermine" - 70 - 180 thousand rubles.

    The ermine skin is truly a royal privilege. Fur has long been a rich decoration of the outfits of official statesmen and monarchs. The ermine, in addition to the royal white color, has many shades, depending on the habitat of the animal, its heredity and the season. The fur of ermines in winter, living in the northern zone of Canada, Siberia, Lapland, has a refined white color. The shade is influenced by many external factors: the value of the minimum temperature, the presence of snow cover in the habitat or ice surface.

    White ermine, of course, is a sign of the elite class, but because of its soiled and softness it belongs to the least abrasion resistant furs. If you want to purchase an exquisite ermine coat, count on the amount of 70 - 180 thousand rubles.

    Place number 7: "Arctic fox" - 70 - 210 thousand rubles.

    "Arctic fox" - 70 - 210 thousand rubles.

    Arctic fox fur is also in demand among fashion designers for modeling fashionable outerwear of exclusive brands. The historical roots of the Arctic fox fur coat go back to ancient Russia, famous for the abundance of animals, the skins of which were the best suited for sewing winter clothes. The fur of this particular animal was then in great demand. Modern women of fashion choose products made from natural arctic fox, which have two shades: white and blue. The latter type, due to its rarity, is a more expensive type. Under the blue color of the fur of the Arctic fox, we mean shades of the color of the cloudy sky of different saturation. The coat of light blue arctic fox has thick hair, white at the base and bluish at the end. This overflow creates a blue haze effect that women like so much.

    Designers love to experiment with polar fox fur because of its long pile and splendor, creating truly warm, comfortable and luxurious products, the cost of which reaches 70-210 thousand rubles.

    Place number 6: "Marten" - 100 - 250 thousand rubles.

    "Marten" - 100 - 250 thousand rubles.

    The skin of one animal costs an average of 50 - 70 thousand rubles. For the most modest sable coat, you will have to pay about 2 million rubles, while a coat made of this fur will cost an average of 9 million.

    Place number 1: "Vicuña" - 200 thousand rubles / meter of fur.

    "Vicuña" - 200 thousand rubles / meter of fur.

    The most expensive fur coat in the world is made from the very rare fur of a Peruvian animal of the llama genus called vicuña. The animal lives in conditions of constant cold, wind and lack of water, therefore nature has adapted its fur for life in such conditions. It is thanks to the habitat that the pile is extremely warm, thick, but at the same time soft and very thin.

    Vicuna wool is used to produce fabric per year, the volume of which, on average, is only enough for sewing 150 suits. The cost of a meter of canvas reaches 100-200 thousand rubles, so work with this material is available only to eminent fashion houses, for example, such as Loro Piana. A one-piece vicuna fur coat, which is an exclusive purchase, is incredibly difficult to find due to the fact that after the rapid extermination of these animals in the 60s of the last century, a ban on trapping was introduced and only the shearing of vicunas was legalized.