Pedagogical Council "Artistically - speech development of preschoolers. Development of creative artistic and speech abilities of preschoolers

State educational institution

Additional vocational education

"Donetsk Republican Institute

Additional pedagogical education "


"Development of artistic and speech activities in children

means of creative game "

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"Targeted guidelines for the formation of great-class activity

preschool children in accordance with the Gosdo "






Head of graduation work:


(FULL NAME, Position, Scientific School, Scientist)

Donetsk 2017.


Purpose: Explore and identify the most effective techniques and pedagogical conditions for the development of artistic speech activities of children of preschool age by means of a creative game.


Disclose the features of the development of artistic and speech activities, verbal creativity of preschoolers through creative games.

Expected result: I assume that the use of creative gamespromotes the development of verbal creativity and artistic and speech activities of preschoolers.

    Native language - Finalo artistic and speech development

    Artistic and speech activities in preschool age as an itemresearch

    Art and speech activity as the initial stage

    creativity of preschool children

    Artistic literature in the development of speech expressiveness

    Creative children games


The modern society is aimed at raising generations who know how to think and have a high level of speech creativity.In this regard, in the state educational standard of pre-school education, special attention is paid to the development of artistic and speech activities of preschoolers. Speech development includes speech possession as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; the development of a connected grammatically correct monologic and dialogical speech; Development of speech creativity.

Artistic speech open the child a huge world of things and sounds, paints and lights, the world of human feelings and reflections. (K.I. Chukovsky)

Speech - the Great Gift of Nature, thanks to which people received ample opportunities for communicating with each other. However, very little time is given to the emergence and formation of speech - early and preschool age. It is in this

the period is created by favorable conditions for the development of the oral speech of the child.

Any delay, any violation during the development of speech is reflected in the activities and behavior of the child.

Poor speaking children, starting to realize their drawback, become silent, shy. Preschool age is optimal for learning language. It was then that children own the greatest sensitivity to language phenomena. The child who freely uses the word, enjoys his speech, when passing feelings, he involuntarily uses the wealth of intonations, facial expressions and gestures. A different picture is formed with children who have different violations of speech. From this we see -the problem of developing speech creativity in the education system of children is currently becoming increasingly relevant.

Preschool age is the period of active assimilation by the child of the spoken language, the formation and development of all sides of speech - phonetic, lexical, grammatical (O.S. Shushakov)..

Mastering the child speech, the years of child linguistic creativity is one of the happiest stages in a person's life, a starry hour of childhood. We adults should be prepared for the fact that during this period, children are talented with regard to language, and you need to give the child the opportunity to show your talent in full force. For this, we, adults, must possess the talent - the talent of smart and attentive love for children. Teachers and parents need more time to communicate with children, and in the educational process to use the artistic word.

The development of the speech of preschoolers is closely related to the solution of the tasks of forming artistic and speech activities as one of the inalienable parts of the aesthetic education of children.

Tasks of artistic and speech activity are:

    education of love and interest in the artistic word;

    the development of the "sense of language";

    formation of perception of works of fiction and folklore in unity of content and form;

    upbringing moral and aesthetic attitudes towards the characters of the literary work;

    formation of aesthetic feelings, joy from acquaintance with literary creativity;

    development of desire to create writings (fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles);

    development of ability to use figurative expressions and spoken speech;

    education of emotional response and ability to evaluate affordable artworks;

    the formation of a culture of speech communication, which is part of the education of the culture of speech.

Folklore has a great influence on the development of verbal creativity of children. It is impossible to fully develop a child, interacting with him only in classroom in kindergarten. Love for the artistic word is one of the greatest gifts that parents can give her child.

What does it mean to develop a child's speech? The answer to this question is extremely simple, and at the same time extremely difficult. Of course, to develop a child in a child is to teach him talk. However, as it arises and from which the ability to speak is in this and all complexity. Speaking - it means to own a certain stock of words, actively use them, be able to build statements, formulate your thought and much more. All this child is learning with the help of an adult in preschool years. Today, the question of the development of the speech of preschoolers is especially acute. Probably, this is due to the fact that children, and adults began to communicate more with the computer and other means of technical progress than each other.

Currently, publications of psychologists, teachers and art historians appeared, in which convincingly proves that children for harmonious development need not only for adults expressed in the form of a benevolent, emotional and meaningful communication, but also in an objective environment that develops their speech and creative potential .

The child takes over the experience of speech communication from the surrounding adults, i.e., mastering speech directly.

To successfully solve the tasks of artistic and speech activities, teacher must be remembered that it is always associated with fiction literature and manifests himself when familiarizing children with artistic works, their analysis in telling, expressive reading, drawing, inventing tales, mysteries, short poems, rhymes.

According to S. M. Chetortan, artistic and speech activities were considered and considered in pre-school pedagogy as a means of forming expressiveness and patterns of speech. However, at the present stage, a wider range of tasks is also solved by means of speech activity. This type of activity is one of the means to develop the creative abilities of the child.

MB Mamedova believes that the concept of the artistic and speech activities of children is multiplying, it includes the perception of children of works of fiction and folklore, familiarization with the simplest literary terms, told, retelling fairy tales, reading the poems, sweeters, the development of figurative and expressive speech and on this basis The emergence of initial forms of verbal creativity.

LB Fesyukova in order to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers

through verbal creativity, considers it necessary to use the reception,

drawing up a fairy tale based on the content of the text (riddles, poems, proverbs, counting).

It indicates that one of the important tasks in the development of children's speech is to form independence in the artistic and speech and theatrical and game activities, develop their creative abilities. Indeed, in the process of working on the expressiveness of the replica of characters, the child's own statements is activated, the sound culture of speech is being improved.

In their works, I.L. Koloming noted that artistic and speech activity is closely intertwined with theatrical gaming, in the course of which children dramatize small artworks, fragments of them, put puppet performances.

Creativity - how children's activities provide new opportunities for their development. Children's creativity is the initial stage in the development of creative activities. The ways of forming artistic creativity are peculiar - one of them is the formation of the artistic and speech activities of children of preschool age, the development of verbal and literary creativity.

Through artistic and speech activities, the child reveals his attitude towards the surrounding, understands him and it helps to reveal the interests and abilities of the child.

Having studied the literature on the artistic and speech activities of children, paying attention to the opinion of famous psychologists and teachers I found the connection between the artistic and speech activities and creativity. In this regard, it became more expanded to study the creative game.

A creative game is a game that is created by the children themselves. They are determined by the playing plot to the players themselves, there is no given program of behavior of children, and the actions of the child in an imaginary situation and understanding it to the fore.

The concept of "creative game" includes plot role-playing games, construction-structural and theatrical. These games reflect the impressions of children about the surrounding life, the depth of understanding by them of those or other life phenomena. Freedom, independence, self-organization and creativity in this group of games are manifested with a special fullness. A. M. Gorky: "The game is the path of children to the knowledge of the world in which they live and who are designed to change." The game forms all directions of the child's personality, there are significant changes in his psyche, prepare the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains huge

educational features of the game that psychologists consider the leading activity of the preschooler.

Special place occupy creative or plot-role. In these games, preschoolers reproduce all that they see around themselves in life and

adult activities. Creative game most fully forms personally

child, therefore is an important tool of upbringing.

The game is a reflection of life. Here, everything is "as if", "Ponaroshka", but in this conditional environment, which is created by the imagination of the child, a lot of this: the actions of the players are always real, their feelings, are genuine. The child knows that doll and teddy bear - only toys, but loves them like alive,

understands that he is not a "reclamation" pilot or sailor, but feels like a brave pilot, a brave sailor who is not afraid of dangers, truly proud of his victory. Imprint adults in the game is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality, he combines different impressions of life with personal experience.Children's creativity is manifested in the plan of the game and in finding a means to implement it. How much fiction is required to decide which journey to go, what to build a ship or a plane, what to prepare the equipment! In the game, children simultaneously act as playwrights, butphors,

decorators, actors. However, they do not wear their idea, do not prepare for a long time to fulfill the role as actors. They play for themselves, expressing their dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings who own them at the moment. Therefore, the game is always improvisation.

Plot- The role-playing game has a positive effect on the development of speech. In the course of the game, the child speaks aloud with peers, or with toys, and also imites the sounds (Ryiv of the engine, steamer beep) and the voices of animals (ringeling of the horse, cat meowing). In the process of the game, the educator talks a lot with children, as a result of which a speaking child arises a need for speech communication. In plot games, children take on the role of adults and in games form they reproduce their activities and relations between them. At the same time, they comment on their actions: "The doctor listens to the patient", "dad scores a nail". The acting persons in the game appear by the role of reincarnation in this or that way of the child itself, toys and the surrounding children and adults. I will mom, and you are my daughter, "says the girl, thereby determining his role and role of a friend. When a child observes a variety of actions and at the same time he hears a different designation by their word, he develops a sense of language.

A prerequisite for the successful development of children in the plot-role-playing game is the selection of a variety of toys: dolls, clothes for them, sets of dishes, furniture, vegetables and fruits, cars of various purposes.

In a creative role-playing game, communicative by nature, there is differentiation of functions and forms of speech. It is improved by a dialogic speech, the need for a connected monologue speech arises. The role-playing game promotes the development and development of regulating speech functions. New

the needs of communication and leading gaming activities with inevitability lead to intensive mastering language, its vocabulary and grammatical

build, as a result of which it becomes more connected (D. B. Elkonin).

But not every game has a positive effect on children's speech. First of all, it should be a meaningful game. However, the role-playing game is activated, but does not always contribute to mastering the meaning of the word and improving the grammatical form of speech. And in cases of retraining, improper color consumption, creates conditions for returning to old incorrect forms. This is because the game reflects the vital situations familiar to children in which the wrong speech stereotypes used to develop. The behavior of children in the game, analysis of their statements allow you to make important methodological conclusions: children's speech is improved only under the influence of an adult; In cases where "reappection" goes, you must first develop a robust skill of the use of the correct designation and only then create conditions for the inclusion of the word into an independent game of children.

Positively affect the speech of children to participate in the teacher in children's games, discussion of the plan and the course of the game, attracting their attention to the word, sample

laconic and accurate speech, conversations about spent and future games. It is important that the child heard the right and competent speech.

The society is constantly experiencing a need for creative personalities who are able to actively act, unstantively thinking, finding original solutions to any vital problems. I found another interesting creative game - the game - drammatization or how else can be called - theatrical.

In the concept of preschool education, the fundamental priority of pedagogical work with children of preschool age determines the formation of their creative abilities in the artistic and speech, musical, visual, dance, theatrical activity. The need to form a creatively gifted and comprehensively developed personality of a child with inevitability affects creativity, creative initiative, abilities for creative activity. According to MA Vasilyeva, verbal creativity as the most complex type of activity of children, on the one hand, is an important condition, and on the other - an effective means of developing a creative personality. This is a productive activity on the translation of visual-shaped presentations, which arise under the influence of works of art and impressions of the environment, in the language of verbal signs, and developing in the process of cooperation of an adult and child. In this regard, huge opportunities lie in terms of the use of theatrical activity, which is invaluable in the development of the creative abilities of the preschooler, because With her help, the child consciously perceives the world around him and is formed as a creative thinking person. Theater is one of the most democratic and affordable art types, it allows you to solve

many actual problems of pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of communicative qualities of the personality, the development of memory, imagination, fantasy, initiative, relaxation, etc.

Theatrical activity in kindergarten is a good opportunity to disclose the creative potential of the child, education of the creative orientation of the person. Children learn to notice interesting ideas in the world around the world, embody them, create their own artistic image of a character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, the ability to see unusual moments in everyday. In addition, collective theatrical activities are aimed at a holistic impact on the identity of the child, his liberty, involvement, intensifying all the opportunities available to him; on independent creativity; development of all leading mental processes; contributes to self-knowledge, self-expression of the person at a fairly high degree of freedom; It creates conditions for the socialization of the child, with its adaptation abilities, while adjusting communicative deviations; Helps awareness of the feeling of satisfaction, joy, significance arising from the identification of hidden talents and potentials.

Dramatic games contribute to the development of speech activity, taste and interest in artistic words, expressiveness of speech, artistic and speech activities.

The species of artistic activity can be attributed: theatrical games, musical games, games associated with visual and decorative and applied practices, artistic and verbal creativity.

All these games can act as independent, and in their close relationships. The work of the child in the art game is based on the reproduction of a familiar subject, actions, phenomena. Conversely, reproducing a familiar combination of paints, heard melody, figurative literary expression, the child introduces its interpretation in them, fiction.

The child always strives for the manifestation of his interests, to the expression of artistic experiences and does it directly, impulsively. Some researchers consider this feature as a child's desire for a self-expression, which is often understood as an independent phenomenon, purely individual. At the same time, adults can regulate this sphere.

When familiarizing with a fairy tale, I strive to give to children ideas about the features of the genre, reveal the ideological and artistic meaning of the work, show the beauty, poetry of images, language. I tell a fairy tale with an expression, Intonation convey a variety of situations described in it.Interrelated components of the artistic and speech activities of preschoolers are the perception of literary text, its reproduction (reproduction) and elementary verbal creativity; Perception of works of art

literature and folklore in the process of familiarization with them; Expressive poems reading, participation in the dramatization of works of fiction and folklore; reproduction of copyright text (interpretation), using artistic expressive means (retelling of works, reproduction of copyright text on illustrations, etc.); Creating your own secondary text on the basis of read works or a number of works, that is, the creation of new artistic images (creative told of invented episodes to familiar works, the composition of their own works - mysteries, stories and fairy tales, etc.). All this Promotes the development of imagination and creative manifestations of children, interest in participation in artistic speech activities with elements of creativity.

The embodiment of life impressions in the game is a complex process. Creative game can not be subordinate to narrow didactic purposes, with its help, the most important educational tasks are solved. Gaming role Children choose in accordance with their interests, their dreams about the future profession. They are still in childish naive, more than once will change, but it is important that the child dreams of participating in a useful labor company. Gradually, the child has general ideas about the importance of labor, the role of various professions.

In the game, the mental activity of children is always associated with the work of imagination; It is necessary to find a role, imagine how the person who wants to imitate what he says. Imagination manifests itself and also develops in finding funds to perform conceived; Before going to the flight, you need to build a plane; For the store you need to choose suitable goods, and if they are missing, it is possible to make them. So the game develops creative abilities of the future schoolboy.

Interesting games create a cheerful, joyful mood, make the life of children full, satisfy their need for active activities. Even in good conditions, with full nutrition, the child will be poorly developed, will become sluggish if it is deprived of a fascinating game.

The management of creative games is one of the most difficult sections of the methodology of pre-school education. The teacher can not foresee in advance that children will come up with, and how they will behave in the game.

The most important condition for the successful guidance of creative games is the ability to conquer the confidence of children, to establish contact with them. This is achieved only if the teacher refers to the game seriously, with sincere interest.

Theatrical games are playing in persons of literary works (fairy tales, stories, specially written insignments). Heroes of literary works are becoming valid

persons, and their adventures, events of life, changed by children's fantasy, is the plot of the game. It is easy to see the feature of theatrical games: they have a ready-made plot, and it means that the child's activity is largely predetermined by the text of the work. The question arises: what is the work of a child in these games? Is it legitimate to attach them to the category of creative games?

This theatrical game is a rich field for children's creativity. First of all, we note that the text of the work for children is only canvas, in which they come into the new plot lines, introduce additional roles, change the ending and so on.

Creative playback of roles in the theatrical game is significantly different from creativity in the plot-role-playing game. In the last game, the child is free in the transfer of the features of role-playing behavior: Mom may be kind, harsh, caring or indifferent to family members. In the theatrical game the image of the hero, its main features, actions, experiences are determined by the content of the work. The work of the child is manifested in the truthful image of the character. To implement it, you need to understand what a character is, why does it come, imagine his condition, feelings, i.e. to penetrate his inner world. And this should be done in the process of listening. It must be said that a modern child, in the life of which early and firmly includes audiovisual media information (TV, video), is accustomed to the facilitated perception of artistic works. Lightweight because it is presented with a ready image, in contrast to the image, which develops on the basis of ideas, the work of the imagination in the process of listening to the ability to present the hero of the work, his experiences, a specific environment in which events develop, largely depends on the personal experience of the child: Diverse his impressions of the surrounding life, the richer imagination, feelings, the ability to think.

In the very nature of the theatrical game, its connection with the plot-role-playing game is laid: the audience is necessary, it means that it is necessary to connect it with the game in the theater. Such a connection will be successful provided that children imagine what the theater is, who serves there, which duties do. Of course, the teacher can tell about the theater, show illustration, however, the impressions of children are unlikely to be so bright in order to have a desire to play the theater. Otherwise, if the children find out the theater "From the inside" by visiting the audience. Parents who, responding to requests, teacher tips, will come to the rescue, bring the child to the theater

Connection of a theatrical game (showing a performance) with plot-role-based (game in

theater) gives you the opportunity to combine children with a common idea, experiences, rally

based on interesting activities, allowing each child to show his

activity, individuality, creativity, enrich artistic speech.

Staying the game, they develop creativity and represent a specific type of artistic activity.

Theatrical games develop various types of children's creativity: artistic and speech, musical and gaming, dance, scenic, singing

There are many species of theatrical games that differ in decoration, and the main thing - the specifics of children's theatrical activity.

In some children represent the performance themselves as artists; Each child performs its role. In other children, they act as in the director's game: they play a literary work, whose heroes are depicted with the help of toys, voicing their roles. Similar performances using a desktop theater with volumetric or plane figures or so-called bench theatrical games. In the last children on the flannelhemph, the screen with the help of pictures (often cut by contour) show a fairy tale, a story, etc. The most common type of stand theatrical games is the shadow theater.

Among the conditions favorable for the development of theatrical games should be called the following:

From an early age, learning children listen to the artistic word, emotionally respond to him. It is more often to turn to speckles, povers, speakers, jokes, poems, including those who encourage the child to dialogue ("was a shoemaker?" - Was shilling boots? - Sil ");

Rail in children interest in dramatization, theatrical activity. To this end, create special situations in which the characters of the puppet theater, shaped toys come into dialogue to the dialogue, play scenes. For example, a bunny (toy, reliating the teacher's hand) came to get acquainted with the children, reads them verses, etc. On the game of younger children, the stimulating effect has a show

stages of familiar poems ("Masha" A. Barto, "About Marinka

"N. scored, etc.). The educator involves the children of the third and fourth year of life in playing acquaintances of familiar fairy tales. Different types of theater are applied: tabletop, finger, dramatization with flannelhemph. The use of costume elements (hats, apron, palls) and attributes (repka, shovel, bug caraffer) causes great interest in kids and the desire to play the fantastic "Rust".

It should be paid to serious attention to the selection of literary works. To the greatest extent, tales are responsible for the greatest requirements. Fairy tales are easy to beat, as they are built on short characters dialogs, contain repetitions of situations. The characters of fairy tales enter certain relationships. The development of theatrical games depends on the content and methods of artistic

education of children as a whole, as well as on the level of educational work in the group.

The desire for creativity increases, if the child does something good: a hare's replica successfully said, it was impressive, when Lisa kicked him out of the Lubyan Hug, and so on. The teacher not only talks about the success of the child successes, but also necessarily attracts It is the attention of other children. For the rest, this can serve as a model for imitation, incentive for the manifestation of activity.

Questions, advice, reminders teach the child to follow their game behavior, act agreed with partners, brighter to portray the role, using the movements of the hands, head, torso, facial expressions, and speech expressive means.

His work on the introduction of a creative game in the game of children, I started with the observation of their own game. In her games, children were gladly repaid in animals, but could not develop the plot. Therefore, it was important for me to teach them to act on the sample. Then I began to spend the game - exercises. Two children, I offered to choose a toy, everyone together come up with a small plot and then beat it. Developing this plot we used toys and building material.

Forming interest in the games of dramatization I read and told the children of the artistic literature on the program, showed illustrations for works. I was an active participant in the children's games, showing what a variety of intonation, facialika, gestures, movements and with the time

children acquired the necessary skills. Then I began to teach children to combine the role of movement and the word, develop a sense of partnership. It was not easy for them, so I tried to help children introduce various exercises (to present themselves to someone and tell about themselves). With a group of the most active children, we dramatically dramatized the Fairy Tale "Repka" and showed it to the kids. In the development of artistic and speech activities, the exercises for the preparation of a fairy tale were well shown. Each child in turn came up with a suggestion, complementing each other. The tales were the subject of various items (toy, flower, etc.) I really liked the children to invent and make riddles, show their hero in motion first without words, and then with fame. Everyone must guess who it was.


Having studied the material and conducting appropriate work with the children, I came to the conclusion that there is a bilateral connection between the speech and the game. On the one hand, it is developing and activated in the game, and on the other hand, the game itself develops under the influence of speech development. Dramatizing fairy tales and artworks in children develops the correct, competent artistic speech, enriched in vocabulary. And the main goal of the pedagogical leadership is to wake the child's imagination, create conditions for the children as much ingenuity as possible, the children themselves.

Enter the kid to the world,

He learns how the fairy tale is good

Will imbued with warmth and kindness,

And the fairy tale will take with me.


Methods for identifying the level of development of creative abilities.

To determine the level of development of creative abilities, you can use the Methodology G.Ya. Kudrina "ease of association". This technique is widely used in psychological and pedagogical practice.
To study creative abilities, children are offered 10 words (for example, dry; old; cheerful; happy; neat; warm; clean; sweet; brave; victory), to each of which you need to choose the words opposite in meaning. The time spent on the response and a variety of answers options is recorded.



In the course of the tasks, the child is assigned a high level of development of creative abilities if he:

    Names in the shortest period of time not one, but several words of the opposite to the value of this value, while it does not resort to the help of an educator, does not ask questions during the task;

The average level of development of creative abilities, if a child:

    Calls only one word opposite to the value of this, asks questions during the task;

Low level of development of creative abilities:

    the child is hampered in the task;

The execution of children of diagnostic tasks is estimated on a 3-point system. For the execution of the task in accordance with the criteria:

    high level of development of creative abilities The child receives 3 points;

    mid-level - 2 points;

    low level - 1 point;

    if the child refuses to perform the task - 0 points.

Thus, a child with a high level of development of creative

abilities should receive 20 - 30 points, with an average - 10 - 19 points, and with low - 0 - 9 points.

The rod of the game - the role is expressed in actions, speech, facial expressions, pantomime.

Currently, in the educational space of a preschool educational institution, special attention is paid to the development of artistic and speech activities of preschoolers.

To successfully solve the tasks of artistic and speech activities, teacher must be remembered that it is always associated with fiction literature and manifests itself when familiarizing children with artistic works, their analysis in telling, expressive reading, drawing, inventing children of fairy tales, mysteries, short poems, rhyms, creative games.

In order to optimize and increase the efficiency of work aimed at the development of artistic and speech activities of preschoolers, I consider it appropriate to offer the program presented below.

Program of work on the development of artistic and speech activities of children of preschool age by means of creative game


Expansion of the active dictionary of preschoolers

Development of imagination, the emotional sphere of the child;

Admission to works of fiction;


1. Clarification, expansion, enrichment of pre-school ideas about themselves, the surrounding subject and social world with the help of artistic literature;

2. Clarification and enrichment of the vocabulary in the process of familiarization with

works of fiction

3. Formation of lexico-grammatical means of language, the development of connected oral speech;

4. Development of individual qualities and features of each child

5. Development of attention, imagination and memory when memorizing poems, retelling and writing fairy tales and stories, etc.

Dramatization fairy tales "repka

purpose : Mastering with artistic speech, communications and the development of their creative abilities.


Development of colloquial speech using literary texts.

Development of individual abilities of children (theatrical, speech, non-verbal communication), through the dramatization of the Fairy Tales "Rack".

Wordwork: Explanation of words: "Theater", "viewers", "artists", "presentation", "fairy tale".

Prior work : Reading the fairy tale "Rust", showing finger, desktop theater. Conversation.

Attributes : Masks of heroes: Rusta, house, shop.

Heroes :

Children: Grandfather, Baba, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse

Educator : Fairy Tale

The educator along with children enter the hall.

Educator : Hello guys. Do you know where you came today? (Children's responses) Today, our musical hall has become the theater. Please pay for chairs. (Children sit down)

Educator: Guys, do you know that in every theater there are audience and artists? Artists are those people who show a concert or performance. And the audience are those people who look at this performance.

Here and today we have some of the children will be the audience, some of the children, artists. Our artists guys have prepared viewers for you, showing an interesting fairy tale. Please give, please, the name of the tale in the riddle:

Her grandmother pulls with his granddaughter,

Cat, grandfather and mouse with bug.

Answer: Repka

Educator: That's right guys. Artists will show you a fairy tale "Repka"

Educator : Artists will fit on the shop. We will start the presentation, my young spectators. There should be silence in the hall. Carefully look and listen.

Educator : I planted grandfather repka.

(Comes out the grandfather)

Educator : Caring for her, watered it. Rose of sweet crea, strong, big-prehered. I went to grandfather to tear: pulls - pulls, it can not pull out. Called grandfather grandmother.

Grandfather: Grandma, go repka pull.

(Walks grandmother)

Educator : Grandma for the grandfather, Dedka for Rack, pulling T - pull, can't pull out. I called grandmother granddaughter.

Grandma: Granddaughter, go repka pull.

(Granddaughter comes)

Educator : Granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for the Republic, pull - pull, can't stretch. I called the granddaughter of the bug.

Granddaughter: Bug, go repka pull.

(Comes bug)

Educator : Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for Rack, pull - pull, can't pull out. Cook a bug cat.

Bug: Cat, go repka pull.

(Cat comes out)

Educator : Cat for a bug, bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka, pull - pull, can't pull out. Call a cat mouse.

Cat: Mouse, go repka pull.

Educator : Mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug behind the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dage for a repka, pull - pull, and stretched out a rep.

Educator: That's a fairy tale, and who listened to well done. Let's find our young artists. Do you like our young viewers? What fairy tale did artists show us? And who from the artists did you like the most? All artists played their roles well today. And now, I offer all the audience to go to the center of the theater and tell the dance around our repka.

(Children water dance)



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Protocol No.__ from "__" _______ 20__

Independent speech activity of preschoolers.

Methodical consultation for senior educators and educators DOU.

to. P.N., Associate Professor

To successfully solve the tasks of independent artistic and speech activities, the educator must be remembered that it is always related to fiction and manifests itself when familiarizing children with artistic works (fairy tales, stories, poems), their analysis in telling, expressive reading, drawing, inventing fairy tales, Mysteries, short poems, rhymes.

Independent speech activity of children arises at the initiative of the child himself, proceeds in the form of theatrical games, playing exercises, manifests itself in verbal creativity.

The ratio of the educator, which is expressed in the combination of direct and indirect methods for the activities of children in their free and directly educational activities, is crucial in its formation. The task of the teacher is to help children transfer speech skills and skills obtained in direct educational activities on artistic words, telling.

In the preschool educational institution in all age groups, places are allocated for organizing independent speech activities - book corner. This is a showcase shelf and a table where children can consider books and illustrations, exchange impressions of the viewed. The place to select materials and equipment, its maintenance depends on the age of children and those tasks that are solved during this period of time in directly educational activities in the educational fields "Communication", "knowledge" and other areas related to the knowledge of the surrounding world. It can be:

1. Visual materials:

· Children's fiction (fairy tales, works of writers, etc.) in accordance with the program of raising children, on which the DOU works;

· Illustrations, reproduction of paintings, postcards. Children are viewed with the educator, specifying, fixing the knowledge gained by them to familiarize themselves with the phenomena of public life, artistic word;

· Pictures on the plots of works of fiction and fairy tales to compile creative stories on them;

· Toys, baby books, homemade books made by children with the educator.

2. Wall-printed doedactic games of literary content.

· Set of diamers, tale cassettes.

· Children's work on the plots of fairy tales and literary works.

· Grams of literary works, tales for self-listening.

· Screens and various theaters (plane, finger, etc.).

From how the educator is able to correctly choose the necessary materials and benefits taking into account the age of children, correctly and conveniently arrange them in the group room, create a certain atmosphere in the group, largely depends on the manifestation of children and independent speech activities. The formation of self-speech activities determine the skills and skills of telling, resetting, which are formed in children in directly educational activities.

Children of the younger preschool age, the teacher introduces the works of oral folk creativity - sweatshirts, with Russian folk fairy tales. There is a process of intensive development of all sides of the speech of children. The child is able to perceive a connected story, understand the content of the drawing with an expanded plot, with several characters, consider pictures and books. By the end of the 4th year of life, children can make the simplest story, retell a familiar fairy tale text, repeat the short poem listened several times. The role of the educator, who gradually forms in children interest in speech activity in children is great.

Receptions for the formation of self-speech activity junior preschoolers:

1. Appeal to a well-learned literary material, with whom children were acquainted in artistic words. In the book corner on the shelf-showcase, the teacher exposes familiar books of the fairy tales to children: "Rumor-Ryaba", "Rack", "Teremok", etc., attracts children's attention to them, encouraging them to consider illustrations, remember interesting episodes, mitting familiar songs .

2. Making shaped-toys characters familiar fairy tales (Fox, Bear, Bunny, etc.).

3. The use of a planar theater figurines to draw acquaintances, fairy tales.

4. Creating a special situation, using the Sampling, showing the method of action with the material.

The educator beats on the flannelhephraphorate of separate episodes from familiar fairy tales, uses different literary characters, with the help of which activates the speech activity of children. He invites you from what fairy tale characters, what actions, the relationships of the heroes are characteristic of this fairy tale. Children lay out on the flannelhemph of the silhouettes of objects, transmitting the content of familiar fairy tales, a song, flying ("Three Bear", "Masha and the Bear", "Ryabina", etc.).

Children of the fifth year of life Already familiar with the works of small forms of folklore: remember some functions, booms, they are read expressively. They recognize new fairy tales, teaches them to retell them. Speech of children is improved: it becomes more complete in content, grammatical correctness, the dictionary actively accumulates. The educator teaches the guys to retell literary texts, transmitting characteristic features, intonation of acting persons, dramatize literary works. When familiarizing with fiction, children express their own attitude to the content. They express judgments about the characters, their actions, moral qualities. When learning expressive reading, they prefer their favorite verses, they independently read them, passing their attitude to the read intonation. Children independently choose the topic for telling, evaluate the story of their comrades

In the choice of techniques in the activation of speech activities of children, it is necessary to take into account their tendency to imitative, which can be an impetus for subsequent independent action. When managing self-speech activity of children, it is important to take into account that the speech skills of the five-year-old child are not yet fully formed, are not very cultivated.

Receptions of the formation of self-refinery of children of the Central Group:

1. An episodic change of material in the bookcard. New books read by children cause the desire to consider, discuss the content, in their own way to interpret the meaning of illustrations. By learning a familiar content, add each other's statements.

2. Appeal to the familiar repertoire. For example, after reading the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats" - to make it in the book corner. Children can consider in detail the illustrations in detail, tell, sing a song, and then stage, using different theaters (plane, finger, etc.). The familiar content of the literary work that does not require absorption creates the possibility of free use of the skills of the performance of the story, dramatization, expressive reading.

3. Gaming techniques, tutor's complication in activities. For example, after learning, the Piska-Muryynka fun can be added to the book corner, a slipper slipper, a basket with "gingerbits". The consipient offers some of the children to try on slippers, and then turns to the child with the words: "Kiska-Mursenka, where were you? "-" On the mill "- the child turns on to the game. It encourages other children to take part in a dialogue with pigea. Reading on roles goes into a theatrical game. Such games can be carried out using flowes "The chicken - Ryabushchka, where did you go?", A. Barto "Who is screaming", etc.

4. Using flanneluga. I introduces children with a work (for example, by the story of K. Chukovsky "chicken" and E. Charushin's illustrations), the educator shows them how to lay the figures of characters on the flannelhemph, then the children independently place the figures of the characters of familiar works, consider them, recall the content, tell.

5. Making the tutor in the game corner of attributes for the game on the literary plot contributes to the emergence and development of the plot-role-playing game of children. So, after reading the fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Aibolit" and viewing illustrations, you can make the corresponding attributes.

6. Making a figurative, voluminous toy, fabulous features, suggests children a topic for the game, encourages them to theatrical games.

7. Making colorful books: books-toys, babies, screen. Considering them, the guys exchange impressions and impose text on the illustrations.

Older children show interest in artistic literature. They get acquainted with new fairy tales, works of writers, learn poems. Work continues on acquaintance of children with oral folk creativity. In direct educational activities and outside of her guys, they are learning fun, patterings, make riddles. Reading by heart, makes a riddle, children are improving the reading skills, the imagery of speech. Considering illustrations in a book corner, they share their impressions with their comrades, talk about the episode depicted on the illustration, remember the content of familiar works, fairy tales.

Skills obtained in directly educational activities help in speech activities. So, if in the class of preschoolers, the technician of expressive reading, read patters, proverbs, sweatshirts, short reversals, then outside of classes, they certainly use them in the game. Some simply from pleasure, others from the desire to demonstrate to comrades, as they deftly turn out, the third - in an attempt to utter well, how they make their comrades.

Senior Preschool children have a need for artistic and verbal creativity, theatrical games. A pedagog is crucial in the formation of independent speech activity, which is expressed in combination of direct methods of training in directly educational activities and time. The task of the educator is to help children move into independent activity those speech skills and skills they received in direct educational activities.

Receptions of the formation of independent speech activities of senior preschoolers:

1. Appeal to a well-learned material. For this purpose, the works are introduced into the book corner.

2. Making new books in the book area, for example, with bright illustrations of Yu. Vasnetsova, V. Konashevich, V. Lebedev, etc. They attract the attention of children. The guys exchange the impressions of what they saw, recall episodes from the famous, familiar works, are trying to come up with content to one or another illustration.

3. Hearing in gramzing musical and literary staging on a familiar fairy tale. Here are fixed with children. Fabulous turns, expressions, comparisons, remember songs, intonation of characters who are trying to reproduce the guys then reproduce during retelling, dramatization.

4. Creating an educator of situations contributing to the development of independent speech activities of children. For a walk, when observing the phenomena of nature, the educator draws attention to the birch sparkling under the rays of the sun, reads lines from the poem of S. Yesenin "Bereza". Children are connected, a collective declamation is obtained.

5. The educator purposefully sends independent speech activities. To this end, he invites them to play riddles, in a desk theater, paying attention to the figures of fabulous characters.

6. Independent manufacture of children with a familiar fairy tale for flannelhemph, shadow theater, etc.

7. Holding with children of entertainment type of literary quizzes. The educator reads excerpts from works. The guys must say his name and author. Find out the fairy tale and pass. What is the saying about it, guess the riddle and read the poem on the same topic.

8. Conducting a variety of game exercises:

· Come to the riddle of the animal;

· Invent the word so that it sounds equally with a given word, and the value was different;

9. Creative speech tasks:

· Invent an end to a familiar fairy tale;

· Invent a fairy tale on the named hero;

· Invent a fairy tale on the proposed characters;

· Sochine a fairy tale in drawings, by supporting words.

10. Making a literary content in the gaming corner: "Houses - fairy tales", "find out a fairy tale in one picture", "Magic Cube".

11. Making in a group of elements of costumes, scenery, fairy attributes: "fabulous chest", in which you can find a cap cock, the box of Masha., Tangle, ball, etc. All this develops a children's fantasy, stimulates imagination and interest in writing, develops speech Children.

Tatiana Grechschev
Artistic and speech activities of the preschooler

Detergery preschool children Closely related to solving problems of formation artistic and speech activity As one of the inalienable parts of the aesthetic education of children. Tasks artistic and speech activities are:

Education of love and interest in artistic Word;

Development "Language feelings";

Formation of perception of works artistic literature and folklore in unity of content and forms;

Upbringing moral and aesthetic attitudes towards the characters of the literary work;

Formation of aesthetic feelings, joy from acquaintance with literary creativity;

Development of desire to create writings (fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles);

Development of ability to use figurative expressions and colloquial speech;

Education of emotional response and ability to evaluate affordable artworks;

The formation of a culture of speech communication, which is part of the education of the culture of speech.

Training of the retelling of folklore and literary works for the formation of preschool children The ability to build a coherent monologue statement with the need includes familiarization of children with fine-expressive means artistic text(comparisons, epithets, metaphors, synonyms, etc.

Familiarization preschool children With small shapes of folklore affects the development of understanding the role of expressive means (comparisons, metaphor, epithets) in art text. Working with phraseologists should attract the attention of children to unusual expressions, and the selection of synonyms and antonyms to phrase units develops awareness of the generalized meaning of small folklore forms (borrow on the nose - remember forever; hang your head - loaded) (N. V. Gavrish).

The formation of a pattern of speech should be carried out in unity with the development of other qualities of a connected statement based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcomposite features of the fairy tale, stories, fables, poems, for sufficient supply of shaped vocabulary and an understanding of the expediency of its use in their own essays.

The main task of developing a figurative speech is to lay love for artistic Word, respect for the book; become acquainted with those works fictionwho need to read the children, tell, memorize by heart.

The most important sources of development of expressiveness of children's speech are works artistic literature and oral folk creativity, including small folklore forms (Proverbs, sayings, riddles, functions, counting, phraseologism). Educational, cognitive and aesthetic value of folklore is huge, as he, expanding knowledge of the surrounding reality, develops the ability to finely feel artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language. Art The system of Russian folklore is peculiar, the genre forms of works are extremely diverse, fairy tales, legends, songs, legends, as well as small forms - chastushki, sweepings, riddles, proverbs, sayings, whose language is accurate and expressive. Among the expressive means of the language, a certain place is occupied by phraseology we, the use of which gives speech special brightness, ease, accuracy and imagery.

At every lesson for familiarizing artistic The objectives of the formation of an emotional figurative perception of works of different genres (fairy tales, a tale, poems, small folklore forms, the development of sensitivity to expressive means artistic speech, the ability to reproduce these funds in your work.

Acquaintance with each genre, in addition to these common tasks, solves specific goals related to theme works: They are formulated for each lesson separately. After reading the literary work, a conversation is carried out and a variety of creative tasks are performed. The purpose of the conversation is to clarify the understanding of the content of the work, its ideas, awareness of funds artistic expressiveness. This conversation should not grow into an outdoor interpretation of the meaning of the work, it only helps to convey to the child aesthetic essence read.

The child, repeating the shape words and expressions from the fairy tale, begins to think over their straight and figurative meaning. In the younger and secondary groups, the episodes of the fairy tales are simulated - so the children can easily assimilate its shaped content. Drawing the ears at the mug, the child sees not just a circle, but a bunny, who jumps and runs away from the fox. Laying out on a sheet of paper Christmas tree and snowdrift, the child brighter imagines like snow "All the paths prevail".

Elder preschool children, Drawing immediately after reading the literary work, seek to convey the image in their figure in their imagination. A special role during a conversation with children is played by the performance of creative tasks that are held almost at every occupation. Under creative tasks it is understood as the implementation of lexical, grammatical, phonetic exercises on the selection of definitions (epithets, comparisons, synonyms and antonyms to a given word, the selection of rhymes for rhythmic stricters, to pronounce them in a different pace, with a change in voice and intonation expressiveness.

The texts of the majority of literary works offered for reading, as well as proverbs, sayings, patter, phraseologism, many fairy tales and fun can be found in the book. "Reader for small" (Sost. L. M. Eliseeva, M., 1997, 11)82 And other publications, as well as in the book O. S. Ushakova and N. V. Gavrish "Machine preschool children with literature» (M., 1999).

If in preschool The institution has no reproductions of the paintings specified by us, you can use those that are available, and a conversation to conduct similarly to the one that is offered to the manual. The main thing is that the conversation on the landscape picture is made figuratively and did not turn into a boring listing of the depicted in the picture. This remark applies to the selection of musical works.

If at the beginning of the classes is reading, then the new task begins - the conversation, exercise, drawings, essay by children of stories and fairy tales, work on the structure of the text (laying out the strips denoting the beginning, the middle and end of the work). All drawings and essays of children The teacher can put in the album of children's creativity. This may be a baby book a separate child, an album in which the location of the stories, fairy tales, poems, riddles invented by children. Illustrations for the writings of children can draw parents, senior brothers, sisters. At the end of the school year, you can organize an exhibition of children's creativity, to hold a joint conference of educators, parents, primary school teachers.

In general, the development of all sides of the speech in the above aspect has a great influence on the development of independent verbal creativity, which can manifest itself in a child in a wide variety of genres - in writing fairy tales, stories, poems, sweetes, mysteries.

Currently, the term "artistic and speech activities of children" was adopted in pedagogy to determine speech activities with a pronounced aesthetic orientation. According to its content, this activity related to the perception of literary works and their execution, including the development of initial forms of verbal creativity (inventing stories and fairy tales, mysteries, rhymed lines), as well as patterns and expressions of speech. It is clear that this concept includes the formation of connected speech, vocabulary, etc.

Forms of work with a book outside Zani:

Reading and tolding children (about nature, lyrich producing, poems, darkens, booms) is a big impact on the mind and feeling of children. Defined in the calendar, while walking the poem. In the weekly schedule, it is determined and time to raise the memories of the verses. Proverbs d b Available to children. The riddle - the manner describes the description before or being in a somewhat abstract / allegorical form. Rear - so that the rear learned to actively think, compare, compare. Calcale - when choosing the lead in the game.

Spectacles, entertainment - on holidays of household Harra Children M to speak with the retelling of prosaic productions, transcast in parts. In Art Gr - Clauding various genres, poems, tangles, stories, excerpts from fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, etc. In the Mr. Gr - Literature Matrenikov and Samosta Letiwater Concerts, M B is dedicated to the anniversary of the writer,. May be held for children of the age of age. Spectacles: performances, theatrilis presenting, concerts, the cat is fulfilled by the forces of ads, schoolchildren. Showing cinema and theater ideas, you can see the room in the room in the summer on the plot. Listening to gram records.

Summary of children. Reflects a variety of impressions of the read books, playing movies, performances. One of the USLS is needed by furnishing, benefits, places for storage, use them. Organized in every age gr zone for literary-thin DTI, for theater games. There is a corner of the book: d b Available to children, there is a sufficient quantity, if to attract the attention of children, d b Textile with pictures, photographs, children drawings, for freedoms of children. In Podg G-children Magazines and newspapers.

The forms of work with the Book of VL marks in the weekly challenge (considered, discussion, participation in the analysis, systematization of books and pictures). Distribution of Kakiggroe Dt of Children - in the Theater Representation is possible to finish the roles, rehearsal, wide use of costumes, scenery, mammonary support. Dramatization games or game theatrixes, the game on the themes of the listened products are held on the finished plot, the children are known for the heroes of the game, the course of its action, they are acting acting. Children m impassion only the choir famous to them by producing, a dialogue occupies a great place in the cat. Upbecue Usl - the ruler organizes the spatial environment in the group and on the site. Games on the plots of thin works have their value - they will raise the features of the LTI, will divert the game, form a fantasy, affect the dictionary of the expressive speech of children.

so arrhows, it is important to bind thin images with the everyday zhelno of children, not to be limited to the episoic reading of books, more trust the emotional and ethical effectiveness of a thin work

The 38Toretical Fundamentals of Preparation of Children for Literacy Training (D. B. Elkonin, L.E. Zhurova).

Literacy - a certain degree of ownership of bangs of reading and writing skills in accordance with the gramist standards of the native language.

Lumen learning - Master Mastering Skills Chet and Letters Native Speech

Types of River DTI: * Reading - recreation of the sound of the word form on the line of its graphic of the image in order to master the meaning of information * letter - percentage of oral speech coding by transferring it to schedule (letter), a sign model * listening and * speaking in d / s

Osn Obd Preparation of children to learn gramite formation in children's new speech.

Phonematich rumor - The ability to clearly distinguish some sounds from others. Phonematics Playing - the mind to silence all the sounds in the word, to define their priest and order, i.e. Perform a word analysis.

Indicators VEP level Consciousness of speech and readiness for a busy diploma: 1. Move to focus your insert on verbal ass. 2. Move to produce and intentionally build your statements. 3. MOVER PAY MEASURE Suitable SRVA language to perform verbal ass. 4. The mind reflects about possible variants having verbal ass. 5. The mind to evaluate the rebel reap.

Urnian indicators Cooking. Learning: Oral speech, phonememate hearing and excitement, make mental processes, thought Operations3i (analysis, synthesis), spatial issues, seed with small motors

Essence of preparation for reference: - Preparation Fonmem of the perception and hearing of children to master the skills of the skills and letters, - the formation of a river of reflection, - the formation of a new speech.

Sound analytico - synthetic method of elconomic: In the Osn Position Principle of Reading: * Children are able to clearly distinguish all the challenges and bang the phonemes, * to find heads of phonemes in words, * navigate the head of the letter and define hardness / softness Foot Sughdle Famps * absorb Sughdle Famons in combination with all vowels.

Zhurov. To the question of formari in children a phonet of perception: JN Age: By 2g, children know the words well, if one from the other, the work on I will mean with the sound of the word structure. The speech of the rumor is subjected to restructuring in the preparation of the formation of a phonet of perception. Rate the sound of the analysis must be intonationally allocate sounds. Deployed intonation form. Wednesday Age: With the help of the phone, the schemes are analyzing the word. Intonac highlighting sounds without visual benefits. Pretty children call sounds broken down. For the analysis, it is proposed more difficult words with the agreement (stork, elephant, leaf). Star Age: Redfish the intonation form.

It is necessary to analyze speech on the part of the phone (sounds), and not from the side of the syllables. Intonation is in all ages

39meters of work on the preparation of children to learn literacy (F.A. Savor, G.A. Tumakova, G.P. Belyakova).

Familiarization of preschoolers with the word. Tasks: Teach children to allocate words from the total speech stream, to disclose the word children as a meaning unit, showing that it makes sense, designate some kind of object, the yavle, action, swing. Receptions: knitting words in the verse, riddles, didak game ("Echo"), read hood produce, tasks (tell some word)

Acquaintance with the proposal. All the words go through DRG. The proposals have 2 abilities: linearity and discreteness (sentences consist of parts - words). The ass: to teach allocate inviting the speech flow from the flow of speech, to acquaint children with the fact that the speech is from the proposes and about everyone I betray or Javley offer. Work on the proposals (Structure is occupied): 1. Observation of the Language of the unit from a larger (story, text) Text d b is small (3-4 Sleep offered, offering without unions and prepositions). 2. Question to understand the meaning of the meaning, the question of the story. 3. Once again reads the text. After each sense of the VL pause. 4. Vopra on Code and order unit. VL SPEACK CHILDREN CHILDREN'S PHOTO, Children need to calculate the scocker in the text. 5. Text is read entirely, without pauses 6. Vopar with a story

Introduction with Sounds of the proposal. Rear: Learn to share inviting words, delay them from Caviva and follow, to teach it offer from a different flavor of words. The game "Living words", Savor, Belyakova. The sound is the composition of the word, tasks: Formant in children awareness of the syllable principle of the structure of the word, to form about the words to hear and call the strata in the word, to operate them to follow, roll the words from the syllables, to acquaint children with an emphasis, teach to allocate and call the shock syllable in the word.

Planning work on the development of the speech of children in kindergarten (principles, conditions, species).

planning - Causes of the selection of the ass, the contents of the methods of working with children (Pedga)

Plan - The document in the cat is defined by the ass, contains, forms and methods of work.

Planning work on the severity - Design, formation and severity of each reservation, predicting pedations of exposure to speech and its results.

Principles of planning:

1. Implementation of all reasanced and speech rifferentia. The work on the severity of the speech is planned so the image so that the resulting language of the language as the system was used as a result in the form of constructing the removal of statements.

2. The activity principle is to work on the severity of DTI, and DTI's community becomes planned in all other DTI, hard for this age-related gr.

3. Consistent increases of children's speech requirements and complications. Contracts, forms and working methods. Accounting is not tol, and what can reb Diagnostics of the severity and features of the learning of the language of groups of children are given.

4. Accounting Condition Condition in the cat is given D / s. Features The language of the medium (family where parents work, how many children in the family, to raise speech contacts outside the family). Features of that region where naja is given d / s. (traditions, special language) need to use and didak principles

Types of planning:

1. Perspective planning - Perhaps Pedga on the work of the PEDGa at the time of the period (month, 3 months, year)

"+" Will establish a m / connection M / in all sections on the severity of speech, ensure the implementation of the principles of Pedgi Pedgi.

"-" requires deep awareness by Pedgami patterns of severity, specifics, snatches and caning forms and working methods.

there may be an occupation, an individual work with the Rear, the types of thin-speech DTI

2. Calendar and Perspective Planning- Taking into account the time of year, from 10-12 days to the month. , Games, string, entertainment, work with thin literary.

3. Calendar Planning -adjustment of the order and sequence of the pedga, the cat is accomplished during the day with the tasks, deprivation and methods of working with children

Morning 1 day: Individivide and collector Talking with children, Work with a thin leafer, included in the playing games, Introduced Individual work.

The name of the type of DTI, the goal, with whom the work is carried out.

lesson name (Rewtat and method with the help of the cat will be reached), task programs, Didact Material (named paintings and author, toy name, named works, author) Dam monastration / distributing, methods and techniques. Organization Zani (on the celibers of different tables behind the tables, semicircle), steady, structure (input, land, partition). T to occupation is carried out according to subgroups, then software content is planned for each age gr. Walk: Nabel, work dt, games, male dt.

Wordwork with rushes, enriching children speech, enrichment and activation of the dictionary. In the "childhood", those speech must be allocated, the mb b is formed. Games dt - Plan all kinds of games, didakt. Back for eg on all sides of the twentieth speech. Observation. Decree object and with whom. Individual and choral conversations. Games - extends, thin-speech dt, reading.

Terms for implementation:

1. Knowledge of the pedestrine and ass) of children according to the Concrete Program (the characteristics of the knowledge will begin in every section and the dynamics of Ravz on the rates)

2. Zninsky Psychological Physiologist NOT Individual Children's Possibilities Dan c. It can be found from the program (features of children GR), diagnostics

3. Together drawing up a plan with two vlies.

41Production of the methodology for the development of speech in pedagogical colleges and colleges.

Teaching is determined by the program "Methods of severity and acquaintance of children with others." Structure Program: Explanatory note, promotes a list of assigned tasks and forms of working with students, an example distribution of students on topics on topics, prog on the label of the severity of a speech, which determines the CRPR as . I am defined by the teaching: to give students theoretical and practicing zini on the severity of children of the early and preschool age, to arm the necessary practical skills to work in Doszolov institutions. Osn rear of the course - to cause students interest and creative attitude to this subject, acquainted with the best experience of VLO. To follow the efforts of pedal feasibility and logic of the item itself.

Types of lessons: 1. The lesson according to the report of new SNES - the topics begin to study, when familiarizing students with the specifics of the question of the subject. Training methods: Lecture, reporting conversation, excursions. They provide a systematic presentation of the completed issue. 2. The lesson on fixing and applying the SNES - the material is given to the system, students of training by the virtual mind of pusplee workshops, practical tasks. Close to this type of lessons: a check-in lesson (filled out written job control and creative tasks) and repeating-sweeping (the front-pit batch is used) 3. Seminar, practical busy. C: Deepentation Theory of Sny Students, the form of the profession of the profession and skills. The practical value can be carried out in the d / s (analysis of the calendar of Wly Plans). 4. School type hung lesson. Naib often. Provides rhythmic control over the assimilation of SNES, timely assistance to students, helps to mark them with their individual features. Teaching the Choir to own a methodology for conducting a lesson, take care of the availability and emotion forms of material presentation.

Acceptance of student activation:in Nach lesson : bodroy voice, smile, a runaway survey D pass through the videos, the competition rebellion, nebolis writing work, finally distributed the topics, one thing on a little on Claw, the wording of the output, illustrative of the mall, bright examples

42Diagnosis of speech development of children's speech as a means of optimizing the process of mastering the native language (F. Daskalova, L. Gurovich, O.S. Ushakov).
PSYCHOLOGICAL-PEDAY DIAGNOSTICS - WORDS OF PSYCHOLOGY OF SCIENCE, Developing methods of recognition and measurement of individual-psychologists of PLTI. Diagnosis of psychiatric development is a survey of a bang in order to determine the individuals of its work. The goal of the psychological and pedestal of diagnostics is to control the progress of development for the transfer of identified deviations. Psychiatric methods are allowed using relative brief tests to define comparatives Development level Rec (according to media levels for children of this age category or deviation of this or in the other.) Diagnostics - a complex of techniques for accurate determination of the level (RAM) reached Diagnostics of the severity of the speech - OTO determining the level and features of the severity of children. On the Ravz speech of children, there is an impact of many factors and to silence the features of the severity of the speech is very difficult. Diagnostic development was carried out in 2 directions: 1. Scientists developed techniques aimed at the intelligence of children's severity (they evaluated the twentiest speeches as one of the indicators of intelligence of the twentieth). Study of your own speech of children, the divisions of its parties (characteristics of the dictionary, gramatic system language, the structure of speech speaking, sound-proof) After that, the search and development of comprehensive diagnostics in order to obtain ideas about all sides of the severity of the severity.
Dascalova. Purpose: Determine the overall level of severity. 13 tasks are dedicated to the directions, the coefficient, quantities. Ushakov: Complex diagnostics ml, media, old age, for looking and determining the features of the severity. Harktka qualities received data. Diagnostics + Program + Methodical Recommendations
Diagnostic goals: - control over the severity of children, and the whole group as a whole (with a focus on the cat operates d / s), - the analysis of the data obtained allows the gramatic selection of tasks on the severity of speech. - Create a hand to the full assimilation of children of the language - to assess the level of mental development of children (features of thought DTI)
Stages of work: 1. Determine the purpose of the diagnosis (to determine the characteristics of the children's understanding of the work of the work). 2. Selection of diagnostic techniques, preparation of the stimulus material (D response the age of especially children) 3. Conducting the diagnostics itself. 4. Analysis and interpretation of data. 5. Forecasting work with children
Structure: the name, author, year, goal, will explain the note, theory of the situation, tasks, indicators, is carried out 2 times a year (in the beginning and at the end)
Principles: - completeness - in carrying out those or other aunt, to respect the rights of the norm. - Scientific methods based on the theory of the provisions of leading diagnostic authors. - Ethicality - D to obtain the consent of the leaders, parents. Cuts carry out work d b are brought to the attention of Pedgi and Parents. (Admons at the meeting, Individual Consult of Parents). - Optimality - choose a technique, the cat will obtain maximum inform at a minimum of conditions.

"Speech aggression" is the cultural specificity of the manifestations of speech aggression. The concept of speech aggression. Spheres of existence of speech aggression. The most important forms of speech aggression. Presentation Subject: Speech aggression in modern logosphere. Conclusion. The attitude of society to speech aggression. Table of contents. Situation of speech aggression.

"English speech etiquette" - Research Methods: You Look Awesome! MISHA'S NEW PEN. I HAD A GREAT TIME. The relevance of the issue being developed. Wow, Your Mother's Really Beautiful, and So Young Looking. SHE'S SO HOT! You're Very Kind. Good Morning Dear Teacher I'm Glad to See You! Your House Is Lovely! Speech role training.

"Speech Development of the Child" - the child will preliminarily introduce the fairy tale "Three Bear". And a two goat fell into a river upside down. Does poetry and fairy tales know? 20. Adult offers the child to decompose the pictures in two rows. Is your child ready for school learning? Etc., or to call everything for a certain color (forms). The child should raise the corresponding character.

"Human activity" is a reflection of reality in scientific artistic form, religious teachings, in myths. Appreciable activity. Motives of activity. Spiritual activity (associated with the transformation of people's consciousness). Activity. Result. The result does not correspond to the goal. Insert the missed word.

"Musical classes in speech violations" is a single correctional environment. Music and rhythmic movements. Moscow region. Listen, sing and be healthy. Luggage classes. Consider each of the directions. Goals and objectives. And teachers of speech therapy groups. Pedagogical psychologist. Chulkovo. Recommendations. The structure of logo classes.

"Professional school activities" - professional orientation. Tests for intelligence. Personality Quality: Realization (need). Customs officer. Handbook on secondary special and secondary technical education. Give general concepts in this area. Get enough arguments to choose a future specialty. To think about the prospect of development, arrangement, the international authority of its debris - Russia.