Why ultrasound does not show a fetal egg. Can they not see pregnancy on ultrasound. Pregnancy test came back negative but ultrasound came back positive

For a couple striving to get pregnant and have a baby, every delay in menstruation is an exciting moment. But not the onset of monthly menstrual bleeding on time is not a reliable sign of conception. A delay may indicate a hormonal failure in a woman's body.

To date, the onset of pregnancy is determined using several reliable methods: a pharmacy test, ultrasound, determination of hCG in the blood or the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone.

Ways to confirm pregnancy

Most pharmacy tests for determining pregnancy at home are designed to be used on the first day of a missed period. However, one should not forget about the varying degrees of reliability of the results. Reasons for accuracy include:

  • Quality level. Unfortunately, there are manufacturers who are not distinguished by high quality goods.
  • The day of delayed menstruation. You can determine pregnancy on any day, but in the first days of the delay, the error in the results is noted more often.
  • The period of the day in which the test is carried out. The best time of the day for the procedure is morning.
  • Non-compliance with the recommendations for the implementation of the procedure.

To determine pregnancy, you need to use the test not immediately after sexual contact, but only after 10-14 days. This specificity of the procedure can be explained simply: the production of a hormone that indicates conception begins only after the fertilized egg reaches the uterus and is securely fixed there .

Modern pregnancy tests work using an indicator of the hormone hCG, which appears in the urine of a pregnant woman. It is worth conducting the test at least two weeks after the intended conception, because before that the hormone level is too low

Usually, when testing in the early stages, the appearance of the second strip is barely noticeable. If, nevertheless, the long-awaited two strips appeared, then this is 99% confirmation of pregnancy, but the negative result needs to be double-checked.

The hormone that indicates the successful fertilization of the egg and its attachment to the wall of the uterus is called hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin. It is advisable to determine the level of hCG several times, that is, to obtain reliable results, it is recommended to conduct a laboratory blood test.

Most female representatives consider ultrasound to be the most reliable way to determine successful conception. However, this diagnostic technique is not perfect, and in some cases the data are not always reliable. Therefore, a combination of diagnostic methods is often used: they combine a transvaginal examination with the determination of the level of the hCG hormone in a woman's blood.

The optimal time for determining pregnancy using ultrasound

To obtain the most accurate results, ultrasound is recommended not to be carried out at the earliest possible date. Gynecologists, based on their experience, prescribe an ultrasound procedure no earlier than 3 weeks after the first day of delay. This period is considered the most suitable for a reliable determination of the presence of a fetal egg and even for fixing the first contractions of the heart muscle of the embryo.

Sometimes, during an ultrasound, a pathology called anembryogeny becomes visible. This is a condition when the presence of an empty fetal egg is determined in the uterus, i.e. there is only a fetal membrane, and there is no embryo inside.

The doctor will be able to see the fact of pregnancy on an ultrasound examination. However, too early ultrasound will not be informative: to confirm or refute the presence of an embryo, at least 3 weeks must pass from the moment of the last delay of menstruation

Ultrasound diagnosis to confirm pregnancy

To diagnose pregnancy at the earliest stages, the most commonly used and informative method is an ultrasound technique. Using an ultrasound examination, the specialist establishes the existence of a fertilized egg and determines its location in the uterus.

Sometimes there are situations when the results of home testing and ultrasound do not match. What causes this and how is it explained? There are some factors that suggest the development of such a situation. According to statistics, there are many cases when a positive test result is combined with the absence of a fetal egg on ultrasound.

In this connection, the positive test results do not match the ultrasound data?

There are several reasons that may, in the absence of an embryo in the uterus, according to the results of ultrasound, show a positive test. Often, swelling of the mucous membranes of the uterus, caused by inflammatory processes, does not allow to determine the presence of an embryo in the early stages. The non-standard shape of the reproductive organs makes it difficult to diagnose conception. In women with these anatomical features, pregnancy is often not visible until late.

Outdated diagnostic ultrasound devices give a high error in the results. Incorrect readings of the technique prevent the specialist from seeing the embryo. Only a highly qualified specialist in the gynecological department, who examines pregnant women, can carry out the ultrasound procedure. The degree of qualification of a sonologist is of great importance and significantly affects the reliability of the results of the study. Only the doctor deals with deciphering the data and images.

There are situations when a fetal egg is confused with uterine fibroids, or as a result of a medical error, an embryo is not found at all. In addition, there are still significant reasons why a fetal egg is not detected on ultrasound.

Early pregnancy

There are tests of excellent quality, with a high degree of sensitivity, which are designed to be used as early as a week after the intended conception and will certainly give an accurate result. At the same time, not all specialists in ultrasound diagnostics will be able to see the presence of an embryo at such a short time. And today, modern equipment is not always used in diagnostic rooms. If, apart from the delay in menstruation, there are no other signs of conception, it is imperative to undergo a general gynecological examination and donate blood for the determination of the hCG hormone.

Ectopic pregnancy

An embryo that develops outside the uterine cavity. Ultrasound does not determine the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus during an ectopic pregnancy. In such cases, the embryo begins to develop not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube. This pathology requires urgent surgical intervention. The woman is prepared for surgery and the ovum is removed immediately, often along with the tube. If it is not diagnosed in time, the fallopian tube bursts, and death is possible. Accurate confirmation or refutation of an ectopic pregnancy is obtained using the laparoscopy procedure, based on the data obtained, a decision is made on further medical tactics.

If a woman has an ectopic pregnancy, the doctor will also not be able to see the fetus on an ultrasound, because initially only the uterine cavity is checked. This pathology is a direct indication for urgent surgical intervention.

Failure to follow instructions

Failure to follow instructions for testing at home. Also comes across low-quality products of pharmacological companies. However, the fair sex themselves often neglect the sequence of the procedure. The most common mistakes are: keep the strip in the urine for less or more than the recommended time, or evaluate the results in an hour or two, and not in a few minutes, as indicated in the instructions. In such cases, a second pale strip may appear. Strictly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations for the procedure, and the reliability of the result is guaranteed to you.

Pathological conditions

There are pathologies, the development of which is accompanied by the production of the hCG hormone. The second strip on the pharmacy test sometimes appears not only as a result of conception. There may be other sources of chronic gonadotropin: various hepatic tumors, the development of a pathology called hydatidiform mole. There are cases when a second strip appears during the test, even in men. In this case, it is imperative to visit a general practitioner and take an analysis to determine hCG in the blood.

A recent miscarriage or miscarriage may give a false positive result when tested at home. This is considered normal only for some time after the sad event.

How to behave if the results of the ultrasound and the test do not match?

Experiences caused by different results of various methods of diagnosing pregnancy can harm the health of the unborn baby and mother. Therefore, if you are faced with a situation where you saw a positive result on the test, and the ultrasound does not confirm pregnancy, the main thing is not to panic and not accept all the results with absolute confidence.

It is necessary to take into account the possibility of a possible error of the ultrasound machine, as well as the possibility of a medical error. You should not make hasty decisions about surgical intervention when establishing the diagnosis of a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, based only on the results of an ultrasound scan with a positive test.

In social networks, you can now find a lot of information about gross medical errors, about how, due to the inattention or incompetence of a specialist, a developing embryo was not detected in time. There are different situations, and the fertilized egg really attached incorrectly or died. If the fetal egg is not detected on ultrasound, with other signs of conception, the doctor must conduct a mandatory additional examination, consisting of a laboratory blood test for the determination of the hCG hormone, a repeated ultrasound examination on another device, and possibly another sonologist.

Can an ultrasound not detect pregnancy? Yes, there are many factors that influence this. This includes both the human factor, incorrectly set deadlines, low-quality devices, etc. What specifically affects the conduct of ultrasound diagnostics, read on.

Can an ultrasound not show pregnancy in the early stages?

Ultrasound diagnosis may not show the presence of a fetal egg at an early stage. There are several reasons for this, which we will discuss next.

Why is pregnancy not visible on ultrasound?

Ultrasound does not show pregnancy in several cases:

  1. If the period is still very short. If a woman turned to an ultrasound specialist earlier than day 20, then nothing will be visualized, no matter how carefully and no matter how the lady is examined. At least three weeks must pass from the date of conception. It is possible to obtain reliable results at such a time only with the help of the transvaginal method. In this case, the sensor will be inserted into the vagina and the organ will be examined as closely as possible. If there is no such device, or it is not desirable for you to do such an ultrasound for some reason, then go for a transabdominal ultrasound no earlier than the 5th week.
  2. If the uterus has a peculiar shape, bends. In such cases, the doctor does not recommend going to the study earlier than the 7th week. The specialist will not see anything. This is difficult to do due to the individual characteristics of the woman.
  3. With an ectopic pregnancy. The absence of a fetal egg in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus may indicate that the fetal egg has attached itself in the wrong place - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fallopian tube. This condition is extremely dangerous. It needs to be detected at an early stage and resorted to surgical intervention. Only timely treatment will save a woman from infertility.
  4. If a woman has uterine fibroids. This disease also stops menstruation and there are many symptoms similar to those present during pregnancy.

There are other factors that affect the results of an ultrasound examination. This:

  1. Lack of experience, skills and qualifications of a doctor. Beginners tend to make mistakes. If you want to prevent such embarrassment, go only to a doctor who has been working as an uzist for many years.
  2. Human factor. Here the blame also falls on the specialist. He may not see, not notice the fetal egg due to poor health, personal experiences, etc.
  3. Hardware failure. If the office still has old equipment that often breaks down, then the doctor may not see the pregnancy precisely because of poor image quality. The reason for this is the lack of modern devices in the office. This is often the case in public hospitals in small towns.

You can exclude all of the above points, the main thing is to approach the procedure responsibly, choose a good clinic and doctor.

Other diagnostic methods

If the results of an ultrasound examination are doubtful, then it makes sense to be examined additionally. To make sure you are pregnant:

  1. Blood donation for hCG levels. Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is produced in large quantities during pregnancy. It is determined by blood serum. They hand it over from a vein. The analysis may also be positive in some pathologies.
  2. Gynecological examination. On examination, the gynecologist will see: cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the cervix and vagina, changes in the shape, size and structure of the organ. The mammary glands will also change. This will be noticed by the woman herself. They will become larger, painful, tense.
  3. Pregnancy test strip. It's easy to make at home. To do this, you need to buy it at a pharmacy, lower it into the morning urine to the mark for 10 seconds. Then put on a flat place and evaluate the result no later than 5 minutes later. If a woman is pregnant, then 2 strips will appear. If not - 1.

If you go through all types of examinations, then as a result a true picture emerges.


Ultrasound diagnostics may not show the presence of pregnancy if the woman came too early for the study. Also, false information will be for those who have physiological bends of the uterus. Sometimes the incompetence of the doctor and the old equipment also cause unreliable results. For everything to go well, you need to follow the recommendations of an experienced doctor.

Suspicions about a possible "interesting situation" may appear in a woman long before the delay of the next menstruation. Modern test strips can determine the content of the specific hCG hormone in the urine already on the first day of delay, and some even a few days before it. Whatever the result of the test, a woman wants to make sure that she is pregnant as soon as possible. About when the baby can be seen for the first time on an ultrasound will be discussed in this article.

Minimum terms for determination

After the conception has taken place, intensive processes begin inside the expectant mother, which she most often does not know about. On the very first day, the fertilized egg divides and moves along the fallopian tube, where the conception took place, into the uterine cavity. This journey lasts about four days. It is no longer a set of individual cells that descends into the uterus, but a blastocyte - a formation in the form of a ball. It is embedded in the lining of the uterus. This is implantation. This happens 6-7 days after fertilization, and sometimes a woman feels implantation by slight pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

The earliest symptom of pregnancy is sometimes the so-called implantation bleeding - a few drops of bloody or sanious discharge at the time of the introduction of blastocytes into the endometrium. This does not mean that it is time to run for the test or sign up for an ultrasound.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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The test strips react to the formation of the so-called pregnancy hormone - hCG, and it is just beginning, the hormone level is below the control level of the sensitivity of the test strips. And on ultrasound, a blastocyte cannot be seen - its size is only 0.2 mm.

How is an ultrasound done?

To determine pregnancy, two types of ultrasound examination are used - transvaginal and transabdominal. In the first case, the doctor examines the uterine cavity and its contents with a vaginal probe. In the second case, the examination is carried out with a sensor through the abdominal wall. For the most part, doctors prefer the first method when it comes to early pregnancy. Through the vagina it is much easier to see the embryo and its structure.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs by the abdominal method is recommended to be performed with a full bladder, transvaginal - with an empty one, while it is better to take care in advance that the intestines are not swollen from gases. To do this, a few hours before going to the doctor, it is advisable for a woman to take Espumizan or Smecta.

It should be noted that pregnancy can be seen in a transvaginal way earlier than in a transabdominal way, for several days. So, a vaginal sensor and a good specialist in addition can tell a woman about her “interesting position” already on the 5th-6th day from the day of the delay, and scanning through the abdomen may not show pregnancy even on the 8th-10th day. The procedure is painless, harmless for a woman and a baby, it lasts no more than 5-7 minutes.

Deciphering the first ultrasound

At the very first ultrasound to determine pregnancy, the diagnostician will be able to detect an echogenic formation. This is the fertilized egg. Its dimensions will indicate the exact gestational age. Also, the doctor will determine the size of the yolk sac, the position of the fetal egg, the thickness of the endometrium, exclude inflammatory processes in it, as well as the presence of cysts, polyps and other unwanted formations. The dimensions of the fetal egg and the timing table are presented below.

Are mistakes possible?

The method of ultrasound diagnostics is considered one of the most accurate for determining pregnancy in the early stages, but you should not assume that its accuracy is 100%. In gynecology, the accuracy of this study is estimated at about 90%. In early pregnancy, the accuracy decreases to 75%. A doctor is first and foremost a person, not a machine with a program embedded in it. He has the right to make a mistake, especially if a woman has problems with the health of the reproductive system. So, the doctor can confuse uterine fibroids with pregnancy in the initial stages, if the woman had not previously been diagnosed with fibroids, and she found out about her presence only on ultrasound. A cyst or polyp can be confused with a fetal egg, since a cyst is also an echogenic formation.

If a woman had late ovulation, then pregnancy a week after the delay may not be detected at all by an ultrasound specialist, since the fetal egg later descended into the uterus and is not yet visualized. Naturally, the doctor will write in the conclusion that no signs of pregnancy were found, but after 7-10 days on a second study, he will be able to determine both the fetal egg and its structure. Only the dimensions will help to understand that ovulation was really late.

Common Questions

On the Internet, inexperienced pregnant women and those who still dream of an “interesting position” ask a lot of questions regarding the earliest diagnosis. The most common situations should be discussed in more detail.

Pregnancy test came back positive but ultrasound didn't

There may be several reasons for this. First of all, it should not be ruled out that the test turned out to be defective, this happens, and quite often, especially when it comes to inexpensive test strips that are sold on almost every corner. In the desire to see two cherished stripes, some ladies go too far, starting to look for "ghost" strips on the test strips. If they find it, they automatically begin to consider their test positive, although in reality there may not be a pregnancy.

If the test still did not deceive, then the reason for the negative conclusion of the ultrasound diagnostics doctor may be that the woman turned to the doctor too early, and the fetal egg is not yet visible. The device itself may be outdated, with low sensitivity and poor resolution. The reason for the absence of signs of pregnancy on ultrasound may be late ovulation, and the presence of an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity, and, of course, the insufficient qualifications of the doctor.

Pregnancy test came back negative but ultrasound came back positive

There may be enough reasons for such a situation. Firstly, the woman could have performed the test at home with an error, the test could have been defective or expired, and it is also possible that it was performed too early, when the level of the hCG hormone in the urine was still insufficient for the test to respond brightly to it. second stripe.

Ultrasound diagnosis in this case is rarely premature, since a woman, after a negative home test, is in no hurry to see a doctor, patiently waiting for the start of a late period. After one and a half to two weeks of delay, when the lady still goes to the doctor, the pregnancy on the ultrasound is already clearly visible. Therefore, the results of ultrasound should be considered more reliable than the results of a home test. In doubtful cases, you can donate blood for hCG to get even more accurate data.

How to calculate the gestational age by ultrasound?

To do this, you can use the table above. If a greater specification of the term is required, use a table of correspondence of the term to the nearest day to the average internal diameter of the fetal egg (SVD). The table of gestational age according to SVD is given below.

The value of the average inner diameter of the fetal egg

Gestational age

Many young couples have been trying to conceive for a long time. Women closely monitor their cycle, trying to guess the most suitable time to conceive, measure basal temperature and use other methods of pregnancy. For such people, the long-awaited two strips on the test is a great joy. However, having come to the gynecologist for an examination and undergoing an ultrasound examination, a woman is sometimes told that there is no pregnancy. Why is such a discrepancy possible? What to do in this case?

How to determine pregnancy early?

Many women assume that pregnancy is due to the absence of menstruation. This is the very first sign of conception, but it is not accurate. Failure in the menstrual cycle can occur for reasons not related to pregnancy. These include:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • taking medications;
  • stressful situations;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • the presence of a tumor.

In the early stages of pregnancy, in addition to the absence of menstruation, women note aching pain in the lower abdomen, breast swelling and high sensitivity of the nipples. In addition, the general state of health changes, weakness and drowsiness, nervousness, nausea and vomiting appear. These signs are indirect and do not guarantee pregnancy.

The easiest way is a pregnancy test, which is carried out at home. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. For an accurate result, you must check the expiration date and strictly follow the instructions. The test involves lowering a special stick into a container with morning urine. With a positive result, the indicator should show 2 bright red stripes, with a negative one - one.

The essence of the test is simple. It lies in the sensitivity of the test strip to the hCG hormone. With its increase, the indicator coloring occurs, which is immediately visible. It is worth noting that the increase in hCG occurs immediately after the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. If you conduct a test in the first days of a missed period, it may show a false negative result.

A blood test for hCG allows you to detect the presence of pregnancy at an earlier date. This is because the hormone in the blood appears and grows much faster than in the urine.

You can take an analysis from a vein on the 3-5th day of a delay in menstruation. If, during a second study, the level of the hormone increased several times, this indicates conception.

If 2 strips are found on the test, a woman needs to visit a gynecologist. The doctor determines the development of the fetus from the fourth week of being in position. Main features:

  • discoloration of the external genitalia (they become darker due to increased blood flow);
  • change in the shape of the uterus (during pregnancy it is round, its walls soften);
  • increase in the excitability of the organ;
  • asymmetry of the uterus (the organ increases from the side of attachment of the egg);
  • loose neck.

The test is positive, but the fetal egg is not visible on the ultrasound - why can this be so?

Ultrasound is the most accurate way to determine pregnancy. An experienced specialist can detect a fetal egg on the 3-5th day of a delay in menstruation. There are several ways to conduct a survey. When conducting an ultrasound through the abdomen, the woman lies on her back, a special sensor is passed over her abdomen. The image is displayed on the monitor. The most accurate is the transvaginal method. In this case, the sensor is inserted through the woman's vagina.

There are times when the test shows the presence of pregnancy, but the specialist during the examination claims that there is no fetal egg. If at the same time the level of hCG is constantly rising, the discrepancies may be due to a malfunction of the devices. Some clinics use an old technique that has a very low resolution. In pictures of this quality, it is difficult to determine pregnancy at an early stage, since the size of the fetal egg reaches no more than two mm. The accuracy of ultrasound is influenced by the professionalism and experience of the doctor.

Other reasons for the absence of a fetal egg with a positive test:

  • Small gestation period. When pregnancy is less than 4 weeks, the embryo on the device looks like a small (several millimeters) neoplasm. It is almost impossible to distinguish it from a polyp or uterine fold.
  • Edema of the uterus. In this case, the swelling of the inner wall of the uterus does not allow to detect the embryo, regardless of the quality of the device.
  • The shape of the uterus is incorrectly defined.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. If the egg is attached to the fallopian tubes, not reaching the organ itself, the embryo begins to develop in a pathological place. To exclude this condition, it is necessary to conduct an additional examination.
  • The development of pathologies of internal organs or tumors. Some diseases cause an increase in the hCG hormone.
  • Development freeze. There are times when, after a home test, the embryo stops developing. After a short period of time, a woman begins to have brown discharge.

What week is ultrasound informative?

Do not go for an ultrasound at the first suspicion of pregnancy. This method is accurate, but it is possible to see the embryo only after 14 days of delayed menstruation. It is possible to detect pregnancy at such an early stage only with the help of transvaginal ultrasound. It is performed with an empty bladder.

The accuracy of the result is affected by the place of attachment of the fetal egg and the anatomical features of the structure of the female genital organs. If the embryo is fixed on the back wall of the uterus, it is almost impossible to see it at an early stage even with modern equipment. With bends of the cervix, visualization is also significantly more difficult.

The impossibility of determining pregnancy at an earlier date is explained by the fact that in the first 5-7 days after fertilization, the egg moves through the fallopian tubes into the uterine cavity and attaches to one of its walls. Embryo growth begins. On the 14th day, germ layers appear, by the presence of which a specialist can distinguish an embryo from other neoplasms. At the 8th week of development, you can hear the fetal heartbeat. At the 13th week - to determine its gender.

Experts recommend performing ultrasound not earlier than 8 weeks of pregnancy in the absence of indications. An urgent examination is prescribed if a frozen or ectopic pregnancy is suspected and in the presence of blood discharge. In other cases, diagnosis in the first weeks and days of the life of the embryo often turns out to be false negative, in addition, it does not have a beneficial effect on the condition of the fetus and woman. If you do not do an ultrasound before this time, nothing terrible can happen to the embryo.

At a period of 8 weeks, during an ultrasound scan, anembryony can be detected. At the same time, there is a fetal egg in the uterus, which does not develop due to the absence of an embryo in it. There is only a shell. Pathology can only be detected by ultrasound, while the test shows a positive result.

What to do if the tests are positive, but the pregnancy is not visible on the ultrasound?

Women who are faced with the problem of the absence of a fetal egg during ultrasound behavior, when tests stubbornly show a positive result, first of all need to calm down. If at the same time other symptoms of pregnancy appear, such as nausea, lethargy, swelling of the mammary glands, the approximate gestational age should be calculated. To do this, remember the days of ovulation and unprotected sex.

Most often, the specialist does not see the embryo at a short gestational age. A woman needs to be patient and wait for the eighth week of pregnancy. During this period, the diagnosis is more accurate. As a prevention of complications, one should reduce emotional stress, stop taking medications and bad habits. If you need to know the result urgently, you should donate blood to the level of hCG and monitor its growth.

In the case when the tests were initially positive, then the result changed to negative and at the same time the level of the hormone in the blood decreased, it is urgent to consult a gynecologist and exclude the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. This condition is dangerous for a woman's health.

If in the early stages of pregnancy, according to the results of an ultrasound scan, a frozen pregnancy is detected, do not rush into action. Even experienced specialists can make mistakes, so before cleaning, you should undergo a second ultrasound in another clinic using better equipment.

Pregnancy is a special new state of the female body, when an embryo begins to develop in her reproductive organs. Every woman has to deal with this condition sooner or later. When it comes to our body, we look for a way out and solve medical problems. But when it comes to the lives of two, many women panic.

In such delicate and exciting matters precision and certainty are required. Unfortunately, not everything goes smoothly in our lives and we have to face difficulties. One such difficulty is the definition of pregnancy. At the present stage of development of medicine, there are many affordable and safe methods for determining pregnancy: diagnostic test strips for the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, a blood test for the same hormone, ultrasound of the pelvic organs. The difficulty lies in the fact that these methods may not always be reliable, and one should never rely on only one of them.

To determine pregnancy, as well as to monitor the course of pregnancy, two methods of ultrasound are used:

  1. Transabdominal (trans lat. - through; abdomen lat. - stomach) - the sensor is applied directly to the mother's abdomen at the projection site of the uterus. Normally, the projection of the uterus is under the pubic symphysis, but during pregnancy, the uterus increases and begins to protrude more and more above the pubic joint. Guided ultrasound is reflected from tissues of different density and, returning back to the sensor, gives an image of the organs in the abdominal cavity. In this case, it shows the state of the uterus, making it possible to consider whether it is enlarged and to view the embryo in its lumen.
  2. Transvaginal (trans lat. - through; vagina lat. - vagina) - the sensor is inserted through the vagina at a shallow distance, ultrasound passes through the cervix, allows you to immediately examine the organ cavity, bypassing its walls. This ultrasound method is more accurate, it allows you to examine the lumen of the uterus in a physiological state, the sound is not interfered with by other organs and cavities.
    • Reasons why the test does not always determine the presence of pregnancy

      early pregnancy

      When it comes to determining whether a pregnancy is accidental or planned, a woman wants to know as soon as possible. Ultrasound is not the method that will give an accurate answer in the very first days. To do this, you should turn to other diagnostic methods that determine the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin. Moreover, in the early stages of pregnancy, it is not recommended to conduct an ultrasound examination without serious indications.

      The fact is that in the first days and even weeks the embryo is incredibly tiny. Modern ultrasound diagnostic devices allow you to see and distinguish between objects as small as a few millimeters, but this is not enough to detect pregnancy in the early stages.

      You can accurately see the embryo on ultrasound at 2-4 weeks of pregnancy. Ultrasound examination at such an early date is carried out only for certain indications that can endanger the life of the mother.

      Why is it worth confirming pregnancy on an ultrasound machine?

      Whenever a woman contacts a gynecologist for registration, she is examined on a gynecological chair and pregnancy is confirmed on an ultrasound machine. Other research methods are based on the fact that when an embryo appears, changes occur in the hormonal background of a woman, along with it, a provisional organ appears that secretes a new hormone (chorionic gonadotropin), which tests catch and confirm pregnancy.

      Ultrasound examination also allows you to determine the exact localization of the attachment of the embryo, which allows you to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy (anchoring of the embryo in the fallopian tubes, in the lumen of the abdominal cavity or ovary) and perform surgical interventions in early pregnancy.

      Also, in the future, ultrasound is performed to monitor the development of the baby's organs and systems, to exclude chromosomal pathologies, malformations.

      In some cases, an embryo may not be detected on ultrasound, but hypertrophy of the uterine mucosa is already clearly visible, which can be incorrectly interpreted as a tumor.

      Why is it important to detect an ectopic pregnancy early?

      In the early stages, an ectopic pregnancy is no different from a normal pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotropin is also registered in the blood and urine, and specialists cannot guarantee an ectopic pregnancy, since the fetal egg might not have had time to descend from the tubes to the endometrium of the uterus. If after the third week the device does not see the pregnancy, then stationary observation is necessary. A neglected ectopic pregnancy can seriously threaten a woman's life..

      Bleeding, high fever, drop in blood pressure and sharp pains in the lower abdomen are a vivid picture of a disturbed ectopic pregnancy. With a progressive ectopic pregnancy, the risk is higher, it is asymptomatic, and the size of the uterus is normal. But both ectopic pregnancies in the future will lead to rupture of the tubes and extensive bleeding, which will lead to the death of the woman.

      Transvaginal ultrasound allows another 4-5 weeks (transabdominal at 6 weeks) to diagnose the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus.

      Improper preparation for the study

      Our body contains many organs that are directly in close contact with each other. One of the closely spaced organs are the uterus and bladder. Normally, the uterus is deep in the pelvis, slightly behind the bladder, but already the "pregnant" uterus increases in size and protrudes above it. When performing a transabdominal ultrasound, the bladder must be filled.

      Thus, when the bladder is full, the uterus rises higher, increases in size, and a more free view of it opens. With transvaginal ultrasound, the filling of the bladder does not matter. As a rule, both studies are carried out in turn.

      A woman should drink about 300-500 ml of water 20-30 minutes before visiting a doctor. When the bladder is full, a transabdominal ultrasound is performed, after which the patient can empty the bladder, and the doctor can proceed to further examination.

      Also, for a better ultrasound, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the patient's intestines. Gas in the intestinal lumen can interfere with high-quality ultrasound diagnostics, since the transition of a liquid or solid medium into a gaseous one does not pass the sound wave further, and it goes back to the sensor. Therefore, it is impossible to listen to the areas of the body behind the cavity with gas. For 2-3 days you need to refrain from gas-producing foods. These are all foods containing fiber (vegetables, legumes, especially all types of cabbage), sweet fruits enhance fermentation processes (especially grapes), yeast black and white bread, nuts, seeds, carbonated drinks.

      Features of the anatomical structure of the uterus

      Such individual differences from the usual structure of the uterus can be in each person and hide a true pregnancy.

      Outdated or defective device

      Unfortunately, this is a common problem in small towns with only one clinic per city and often one machine. The allocation of a small budget for hospitals sometimes forces specialists to use a semi-deaf apparatus that refracts the ultrasound wave, has an uneven frequency, the sensor does not pick up the reflected sound well, as a result, the image remains distorted.

      Unqualified doctor

      Even the presence of a convenient, modern and multifunctional device of a new generation does not give the patient a guarantee for accurate diagnosis. An inexperienced employee may not notice a small formation or be unable to cope with the work on the equipment.

      As mentioned earlier, one of the signs of pregnancy is a thickening of the inner wall of the uterus for attachment of the embryo - myometrial hypertrophy. The same picture with thickening of the wall indicates a benign tumor - uterine fibroids. An unqualified doctor may not notice the fetal egg and make a diagnosis of uterine fibroids. In the direction of the puncture of education and curettage, a picture opens that “uterine fibroids” is a normal pregnancy, but at the moment it is already too late.


      Ultrasound is a modern, safe and fairly accurate method for diagnosing pregnancy. Although the method is not always absolute, its value is the highest among others, since it reveals not only the presence of pregnancy, but also its possible pathology, and allows you to monitor the development of the child in dynamics. For the most part, with a falsely undetected pregnancy, it can be established with repeated ultrasound examinations.