The day-to-day and situational responsibilities of the caregiver. Dhow educator job description

This job description was developed on the basis of the "Unified qualification reference book of the positions of managers, specialists and employees" (order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 26, 2010, No. 761 n)

  1. 1. General Provisions

1.1. Persons with secondary specialized or higher education who have a medical certificate are admitted to the position of an educator.

1.2. Submits to the head of the kindergarten.

1.3. Works directly under the supervision of the manager.

1.4. Is accepted for the position and dismissed by the order of the head.

1.5. Undergoes a medical examination according to the schedule of medical examinations.

1.6 In his work he is guided by the normative documents, this job description and the Internal Labor Regulations.

1.7. The duration of the working week is 36 hours, works according to the schedule agreed with the trade union committee and approved by the head.

1.8. The duration of the regular annual leave is 42 calendar days.

1.9. Observes labor discipline.

2. Should know:

Priority directions of development of the educational system of the Russian Federation;

Laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities;

The Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, child, developmental and social psychology;

Relationship psychology, individual and age characteristics of children and adolescents, age physiology, school hygiene;

Methods and forms of monitoring the activities of students, pupils; pedagogical ethics;

The theory and methodology of educational work, the organization of free time for students, pupils;

Methods of management of educational systems;

Modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, developmental education, implementation of a competence-based approach;

Methods of persuasion, argumentation of one's position, establishing contacts with students, pupils of different ages, their parents (persons replacing them), colleagues at work;

Technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;

Fundamentals of Ecology, Economics, Sociology;

Labor legislation; the basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment;

Internal labor regulations of an educational institution;

- rules for labor protection and fire safety.

3. Requirements for qualifications.

Higher vocational education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without presenting requirements for work experience, or higher vocational education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" without imposing requirements for work experience.

4. Job responsibilities.

4.1. Carries out activities for the upbringing of children in a municipal preschool educational budgetary institution.

4.2. Promotes the creation of favorable conditions for individual development and moral formation of the personality, pupils, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of their upbringing.

4.3. Creates a favorable microenvironment and moral and psychological climate for each pupil. Contributes to the development of communication among pupils.

4.4. Provides assistance to pupils in educational activities, contributes to ensuring the level of their training that meets federal state educational requirements.

4.5. Promotes the acquisition of additional education by pupils through the system of circles, clubs, organized in MDOBU.

4.6. In accordance with the individual and age-related interests of the pupils, he improves the vital activity of the collective of pupils.

4.7. Respects the rights and freedoms of pupils, bears responsibility for their life, health and safety during the educational process.

4.8. Carries out observations (monitoring) of the health, development and upbringing of pupils, including using electronic forms.

4.9. Develops a plan of educational work with a group of pupils.

4.10. Coordinates the activities of the junior educator.

4.11. Participates in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, other forms of methodological work, in the work on parenting meetings, recreational, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program, in the organization and conduct of methodological and advisory assistance to parents (persons replacing them).

4.12. Makes suggestions for improving the educational process. Ensures the protection of life and health of students, pupils during the educational process. Fulfills the rules for labor protection and fire safety.

5. Rights

Has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "Education", regional laws, as well as the Charter of the institution and the Internal Labor Regulations.

6. Responsibility

6.1. Bears personal responsibility for the life and health of children during their stay in the institution. 6

6.2. Is responsible for the fulfillment of all duties assigned by this instruction.

I have read and agree with the job description: ______

"___" ____________ 20__

Agreed "Approved"

Chairman of the professional organization Head of MDOBU

________________________ ____________________

_________(________) __________ (___________)

"___" ______________ 20__ "___" ______________ 20__

You have received a pedagogical education as a teacher and are going to go to work in a kindergarten. You know in general terms the responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher, but you don't understand everything. What is hidden behind the walls of a preschool institution? Perhaps reading this article will help you find answers to some questions.

I'm going to work in a kindergarten. Responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher from A to Z

First of all, an educator is a person who is constantly close to children: in a group, on a walk, during lunch and sleep. Every minute and second, he must strictly monitor their well-being and safety. But his duties are not limited to this. In addition, the teacher conducts developmental classes with children, reads and tells them fairy tales, monitors the order and discipline in the group, maintains various group documentation, takes an active part in organizing and conducting matinees.

Teacher's working day

What are the main responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher? To make it clearer, consider a working day, starting in the morning and ending in the evening. Every day in a preschool institution is held in accordance with the daily routine that the kindergarten adheres to. The responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher directly depend on him.

The teacher's morning begins with the reception of the children. At this time, the teacher must talk with each of the parents, check if everything is in order with the child. When all the children are assembled, the teacher conducts exercises with them and leads them to breakfast. After breakfast with the children, direct educational activities and a walk will take place. In the intervals between these classes, a second breakfast may be held, but this all depends on the specifics of the kindergarten's work. After the walk, the children have lunch and go to bed. During quiet hours, the teacher can engage in a wide variety of activities: fill out documentation, arrange various stands, corners, prepare for matinees, wash toys, get acquainted with the latest in methodological literature.

After sleep, there is an afternoon snack, a walk and dinner, after which the parents pick up the children.

Responsibilities of the educator

When hiring, each employee hired for this position must study the job duties of a kindergarten teacher against signature. This document states that the teacher must be competent in carrying out activities that contribute to strengthening the health of children and their physical development, all kinds of organized and independent activities and communication of preschoolers. Children should receive all knowledge according to the basic program of a preschool institution.

The duties of a kindergarten teacher include careful supervision of children indoors and on the walking grounds of the kindergarten, interaction with parents. Also, the educator plans and organizes play and independent activities and leisure for children, participation in competitions both at the intra-garden level and at a higher level, after which he holds exhibitions of children's works.

The teacher must be proficient in modern innovative technologies and techniques and apply them in practice. Along with this, the teacher monitors the order and cleanliness of his workplace, in the group and in the area entrusted to him. Disinfects toys in accordance with SanPiN standards. Coordinates the work of the junior educator. Keeps daily records of children's attendance and records this in a special notebook. The educator is directly subordinate to the head, fulfills the requirements of the senior educator and nurse.

The senior educator must have a higher pedagogical education and work experience in the field of preschool education for at least five years.

The main responsibilities of a senior educator include supervising the activities of all teachers working with children. He organizes and conducts pedagogical councils, parenting meetings and all other activities planned in kindergarten. Twice a year, together with educators, he conducts monitoring to identify the level of mastering the program by each child.

The senior educator takes part in the selection of candidates for the position of educator, narrow specialists, and junior educator. Assists in creating a good psychological climate in the team of kindergarten staff.

The responsibilities of the senior educator include maintaining all methodological documentation: the annual plan, the analysis of the work for the year, the cyclogram, various monitoring and much more. He must monitor the level of education of teachers, timely improve their qualifications, help in preparation for certification. Also to activate educators to participate in various events and competitions at the regional and federal levels.

The senior educator is directly subordinate to the head of the kindergarten.

The role of the junior caregiver

It is the responsibility of the junior kindergarten teacher to keep the group clean. He must clean up all the premises entrusted to him in the morning and in the evening, after a quiet hour - do wet cleaning in the bedroom. If there are carpets in the group, clean them with a damp brush and vacuum cleaner. General cleaning with disinfectants is mandatory once a month, windows are washed twice a year.

The daily duty of the junior educator is to sanitize dishes, children's tables at which they eat, pots (if any). Changes the bed linen once a week or if necessary. Hygienic treatment of bathrooms should be carried out twice a day. Monitors the cleanliness of the towels, the constant presence of boiled drinking water in the group. Helps to dress and undress children during a walk.

Along with all of the above, the junior educator is obliged to help in organizing work with children, in conducting educational activities organized by the educator. Also, his responsibilities include organizing work to instill in children the basic skills of self-service, initiation into socially useful work in senior and preparatory groups. The junior educator organizes the feeding of preschoolers, works on mastering the rules of good behavior during meals, cultural and hygienic skills. In matters of his competence, he interacts with the parents of preschoolers. During the absence of the teacher for a good reason and during the "quiet hour" looks after the children.

The junior educator is directly subordinate to the head, fulfills the requirements of the educator, nurse, head of the household.

Assistant kindergarten teacher

If we compare the job responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher assistant and a junior teacher, we will see that they practically coincide. Their only difference is that the duty of the junior educator is to participate in educational activities organized by the educator, and for the assistant educator, this function is not included in the duties.

The choice is yours

So should you go to work in kindergarten? The responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher are very extensive and not everyone can do it. In this article, we tried to reveal all the details of working in a kindergarten, starting with the senior educator and ending with the assistant. Now the choice is yours - which position you can apply for. It all depends on your education, qualifications and willingness to work.

P. S. Briefly about the main

And the most important thing is love for children. The main requirement, which is not spelled out in any instruction: to love children and treat them with care.

Job description of the educator- a document that fixes labor duties, working conditions, rights, responsibilities and, if necessary, some other parameters that are an integral part of the activities of this category of workers.

Sample job description for a caregiver

General manager
OOO "Deliveries by the gross"
Shirokov/ Shirokov I.A. /
August 12, 2014

Job description of a kindergarten teacher

І. General Provisions

1.1. This job description regulates the job functions of the educator, his powers and rights, and also defines violations and misdemeanors for which disciplinary responsibility comes.

1.2. The recruitment and dismissal of the educator takes place in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and only after the issuance of a separate order from the head of the institution.

1.3. An educator can be an employee with the following qualifications: secondary specialized or higher profile (pedagogical, psychological) education, work experience of at least two years, and a document on medical admission.

1.4. The direct supervisor of the educator: the head of the kindergarten.

1.5. In the absence of a teacher at the workplace, his job functions are transferred to a person who meets the qualifications requirements and is appointed by a special order of the head of the institution.

1.6. The provider should be familiar with:

  • the laws of the Russian Federation in terms of labor and civil law;
  • internal orders, orders, regulations concerning both him personally and the institution as a whole;
  • internal labor regulations, labor protection, health and safety standards (including fire, sanitary, electrical safety, environmental, etc.)
  • normative acts and methodological documents related to the educational process and activities;
  • the basics of child psychology and pedagogical approaches,
  • children's rights;
  • ways and methods of raising children, monitoring them;
  • rules of communication with pupils, parents, colleagues in various situations, as well as pedagogical ethics;
  • methods of preventing and resolving conflict situations between different age groups;
  • various developmental techniques (including play and non-play);
  • rules for compiling a record of children's attendance and reporting to management;
  • rules of action in difficult, dangerous, unforeseen and force majeure circumstances.

II. Job responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher

2.1. The functions of the educator include the solution of the following tasks and questions:

  • raising children in accordance with their age needs;
  • conducting developmental and training sessions in accordance with educational methods, programs and plans,
  • ensuring the safety of children while in a group, on a walk, moving inside the kindergarten and on its territory;
  • filling out and maintaining records: including the attendance log;
  • training pupils in the norms of hygiene and personal care,
  • carrying out activities aimed at strengthening the health of children (together with other kindergarten workers);
  • teaching the rules of communication with representatives of different age groups;
  • familiarizing children with the norms of ethics and aesthetics;
  • teaching children to observe the daily routine;
  • preparation and holding of matinees, as well as other holidays aimed at strengthening friendship between children, building relationships;
  • preparation and conduct of parenting meetings;
  • monitoring the health of children, timely and competent response in case of injury to children (seeking medical help from a nurse of the institution and, if necessary, an ambulance);
  • reporting all non-standard, dangerous, critical, force majeure situations to the immediate supervisor and colleagues;
  • individual communication with parents to discuss the characteristics of their child's character, counseling on raising children (within the framework of their competence);
  • recommendations for the participation of children in various competitions, shows, events;
  • ensuring the safety of the material assets entrusted to its use;
  • adherence to the established work schedule;
  • regularly improves their labor qualifications;
  • regular medical examination (at least once a year).

ІІІ. Rights

3.1. The kindergarten teacher is endowed with the following rights and powers:

  • demand from the management of the institution to create normal working conditions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • propose to the manager measures aimed at optimizing the work of the institution in general and himself personally in particular;
  • represent the institution in state and non-state organizations (within the limits of their competence);
  • to receive information about all orders, orders, decisions of the management concerning its activities;
  • communicate with representatives of other structural departments of the institution to resolve their own professional issues;
  • make independent and independent decisions (within the framework of their activities, subject to mandatory compliance with safety conditions);
  • change shifts with a second caregiver (with mutual voluntary consent);
  • refuse to perform official functions in the event of a threat to life or health

IV. A responsibility

If the following situations arise, the teacher may be subject to disciplinary punishment (strictly within the framework of the current law):

4.1. Evasion of the fulfillment of labor duties, negligent fulfillment of them.

4.2. One-time and regular violation of the rules of the internal labor schedule, work and rest, discipline, subordination.

4.3. Disregard for safety standards (fire, sanitary, electrical safety, etc.).

4.4. Disclosure of classified and confidential information about the inmates of the institution.

4.5. Providing false or deliberately false information about children to their parents and the administration of the institution;

4.6. Violation of the norms of communication (rudeness, the use of profanity, etc.).

4.7. Failure to comply with orders and orders of the manager, as well as higher authorities.

4.8. Causing material damage to the institution, pupils or any of the employees.

4.9. Exceeding their authority;

Senior educator MDOU No. 12
Pischulina/ Pishchulina R.D. /
August 12, 2014

Gushchina Inna Mikhailovna
Educator MDOU No. 12
Passport 5748 No. 857463
Issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Leninsky District of Perm
09/14/2012 subdivision code 123-425
Signature Gushchina
August 17, 2014

FILES 1 file

Why do you need a job description

This document is very important, and not only for the educator, but also for his employer. To the first, he allows him to know the requirements that are imposed on him, clearly see the boundaries of his job duties, and also gives him an idea of ​​those violations that are best avoided in work. The second job description allows you to coordinate the activities of each individual employee and the organization as a whole, as well as justify the costs incurred to higher authorities and, if necessary, demand an increase in funding for full-time employees.

From the point of view of the law

Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as a job description in the law, so it is not included in the list of mandatory papers accompanying the activities of an organization. Nevertheless, this document has the widest distribution and its preparation should be treated very carefully, since in case of disagreements between the employer and the subordinate, it is he who can serve as indisputable evidence, both on the one and on the other hand.

Who is involved in the preparation of the job description

Usually, a lawyer, an employee of the personnel department or a secretary is involved in creating a document, but in some cases the director of the organization may be involved in this. It is important that the employee who draws up or corrects the document has at least a minimal understanding of the labor code of the Russian Federation and carefully monitors the wording entered into the document. After drawing up, the job description must always be approved by the head of the institution.

Educator educator strife

The concept of "educator" is very flexible, since it refers to employees of kindergartens, boarding schools and schools (day care teachers), to employees of infant homes, orphanages and even correctional institutions. Educators work with both young children and adolescents and adults, both with healthy people and those with various health problems. They work both in state budgetary institutions and in private autonomous institutions.

For different categories of educators, goals, objectives, and working conditions sometimes differ significantly. Based on this, there is no single version of the job description and cannot be, therefore the document must always be corrected, depending on who exactly it is applied to.

Basic rules for drawing up a job description

Since the law does not define the concept of "job description", it can be drawn up in a free form, in accordance with the needs and ideas of the employer about this document. However, in order for the document to become legal and enforceable, some standards must still be observed. In particular, the document must always indicate

  • name of company,
  • position, surname, name, patronymic of her representative,
  • as well as information about the employee.

The document must be signed by both parties, and if it is necessary to make any amendments to the "working" job description, you need to print a new revised document, which indicates the new date and which is certified in the same manner.

Usually a job description is created in a single copy, but if there is a need, for example, several employees of the same specialty, but with different functions, work in the staff, adjustments are made to it and an individual document is printed for each employee.

We fill out the job description of the teacher

  1. At the beginning of the document, its name is written, and also below, on the right or left side (it does not matter), there is space for approval by the head. The full name of the organization (in accordance with the registration documents), the position of the chief, his last name, first name and patronymic are entered here. Two lines must be left blank - here will be signed later and the date of approval.
  2. Opens the main body of the document to a section titled "General Provisions"... Here it is prescribed to which group of workers the educator belongs (workers, employees, specialists), the requirements for the level of education, work experience, and (if necessary) the presence of a medical clearance. Further, the direct supervisor of the educator, the employee who is obliged to replace him in case of absence from the workplace (without reference to specific names and surnames), as well as the procedure for his appointment and dismissal from office is indicated.
  3. After that, the section is filled with the condition about the teacher's knowledge of special literature(manuals, manuals), various rules, laws, regulations, ways and methods of work, as well as documents that should be guided by the educator in the performance of his official duties.
  4. V "Responsibilities" all those functions that are within the competence of the educator are recorded. This section is the most voluminous, since the tasks, problems, issues that he must solve within the framework of his work must be written especially carefully and in detail. It is this part of the document that takes on special weight in the event of disputes and disagreements between the employer and the subordinate.
  5. Chapter "Rights" determines the initiatives that the educator has the right to express to improve the quality of his work. All of his powers are indicated here, including permits for the right to demand, report, negotiate, receive information, represent interests and perform other actions that will ultimately lead to an increase in his productivity.
  6. In chapter "A responsibility" it is necessary to prescribe violations, mistakes, misdemeanors for which the educator will be punished in the form of a disciplinary sanction (from a simple remark to termination of the employment contract). A separate point here can be noted that this part of the job description fits into the framework of the law of the Russian Federation.
  7. Finally, the job description must be certified by the person who is obliged to monitor the teacher's performance of his work duties, as well as the teacher himself. Only after that, the document is submitted for approval to the head of the organization.

Attention! The article contains a document.

The responsibilities of the educator are spelled out in the job description. There is a standard form in which standard general provisions, job responsibilities, skills are given, however, the head of a preschool institution can make minor adjustments to the document, like the educator himself.

Regardless of these amendments, the law gives the educator responsibility for the life and health of children. This means: if something happens to the child (fell, cut an eyebrow, tore clothes), they will ask the teacher for all this. The minimum punishment is a reprimand, the maximum is a court and the corresponding administrative or criminal liability.

A special case

The caregiver is responsible from the moment the baby is handed over by the parents until the moment it is taken away. At the same time, controversial situations arise when both educators and parents doubt the legality of the requirements. Let's consider them.

  • If the child was left at the gate.

If the mother is in a hurry to get to work and decides to leave the child at the gate - "You will go further yourself," then the entire burden of responsibility falls on the shoulders of the parent. Slipped, left, undressed on the way - these are all worries of the mother, who gave priority to work rather than bringing the baby to the group.

When the child nevertheless appears in the group, alone, the teacher is obliged to report this to the manager in writing. In the evening, the parents must sign this document.

  • If the teacher needs to leave the group.

During the absence of the teacher, a nanny will look after the children, but the head is responsible for the life and health of the children.

The teacher is obliged to warn the manager of the break in work. In the memo, he indicates the reasons for the absence and the approximate time.

  • If the parents did not come for the child at the time of the closing of the kindergarten.

This point causes great bewilderment among parents. Anna Ivanova writes:

“Due to my duty, I sometimes have to stay late at work. Delays are small, 5-10 minutes. The teacher is unhappy every time that I am late. Is it really so hard to sit for a couple of minutes? "

And here is another mother, Yulia Zatsepina:

“I agreed with the teacher. I give her some money. But I can calmly stay for half an hour, and calm - that my child is under supervision. No need to run headlong. Still, a person also needs to go home, and so a little encouragement smooths out my late arrival. "

Anna Ivanova is wrong. It may not be difficult for the teacher to sit for an extra 5 minutes, but he is not at all obliged to do this. The law allows the child, who is now considered to be homeless, to be sent to the police's nursery if the parent has not come for his child.

The procedure for delivering a child to the police, as well as notification of such delivery of parents and the procedure for issuing a child to parents is regulated by the "Instruction for organizing the work of units for minors of the internal affairs bodies", approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2000 N 569, and a number of other intradepartmental orders ...

Document text

Agreed Approved
PC Chairman Head
MOU kindergarten N__ MOU kindergarten N __
_______________________ __________________________
"___" ______________ 200__ "___" ______________ 200__

Job description of the educator

1. General Provisions

1.1. Persons with a secondary specialized or higher education who have a medical certificate are admitted to the position of an educator.
1.2. Submits to the head of the kindergarten.
1.3. Works directly under the supervision of a senior educator.
1.4. He is accepted for the position and dismissed by the order of the head.
1.5. Undergoes a medical examination every six months.
1.6. In his work he is guided by the normative documents, this job description and the Internal Labor Regulations.
1.7. The working week lasts 36 hours, works according to the schedule agreed with the trade union committee and approved by the head.
1.8. The duration of the regular annual leave is 42 calendar days.
1.9. Observes labor discipline.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. Carries out careful supervision of the children entrusted to him in strict accordance with the requirements of the instructions for the protection of the life and health of children in the premises of the institution and on children's playgrounds.
2.2. Monitors the state and health of each child in the group, together with the medical staff of the institution, regularly carries out comprehensive activities that promote health, psychophysical development of children, and provides hygienic care for young children. She pays special attention to children who have come to kindergarten after an illness.
2.3. She plans and carries out educational work in accordance with the program in close contact with other educators and specialists of the institution. Prepares carefully for the classes.
2.4. Examines the individual abilities, inclinations and interests of children. He skillfully uses the results of the study in his pedagogical activity with the aim of developing each child. Based on the study of the individual characteristics of children, the recommendations of the psychologist, she conducts correctional and developmental work with her pupils.
2.5. Ensures strict adherence to the established daily routine and schedule of activities.
2.6. Monitors the behavior of children during the adaptation period, helps them; in the early age groups keeps a diary of observations.
2.7. Regularly informs the head of the institution and the head nurse about changes in the state of health of children. Informs the head nurse about absent children, finds out the reason for their absence, keeps the attendance record.
2.8. She works with parents on raising children in a family, and involves them in active cooperation with the kindergarten. He actively works with the parent committee and individual parents, ensuring the creation of the necessary conditions in the group premises and on the site for the successful implementation of the educational and educational program.
2.9. She treats every child in her group with respect and care, shows restraint and pedagogical tact in dealing with children and their parents.
2.10. Together with the music director and physical education instructor, he prepares holidays, organizes leisure for children.
2.11. Replaces a sick caregiver during the course of an illness.
2.12. He undergoes a medical examination strictly according to the schedule.
2.13. Fulfills the requirements of the head, head nurse, senior educator related to pedagogical work and the protection of the life and health of children.
2.14. Timely and accurately maintains the teacher's documentation.
2.15. Systematically improves professional qualifications and pedagogical level at courses, seminars, open screenings.
2.16. On the site, together with the children, he is carrying out improvement work according to the program of his age group.
2.17. Participates in teachers' councils of institutions, methodological associations in the district, okrug, organizes contests and exhibitions of children's works for open days, holds parent meetings, participates in holidays.
2.18. Strictly fulfills labor discipline and labor regulations.
2.19. Provides sanitary and hygienic regime in the group.
2.20. When transferring a shift at the end of the working day, he leaves an exemplary order in the group.
2.21. Carefully uses the property of the institution, methodological literature, manuals.
2.22. The teacher hands over the change personally to the second teacher, the children are transferred according to the list.

3. The educator must know

3.1. Convention on the Rights of the Child.
3.2. Basic state laws.
3.3. The charter of the institution, Internal labor regulations, Instructions for the protection of the life and health of children, sanitary and hygienic standards.
3.4. Pedagogy, psychology, developmental physiology and hygiene.
3.5. The basics of pre-medical care.
3.6. The theory and methodology of educational work.
3.7. Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
3.8. Procedure in extreme situations that threaten the life and health of children.

4. Rights

Has the rights provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", regional laws, as well as the Charter of the institution and the Internal Labor Regulations.

5. Responsibility

5.1. Bears personal responsibility for the life and health of children during their stay in the institution.
5.2. Is responsible for the fulfillment of all duties assigned by this instruction.

I have read and agree with the job description.

Date ____________________________ Signature ________________________

Good day to all, dear colleagues, readers and just my dear friends! Your Tatyana Sukhikh decided today to tell you what duties of a teacher she herself, that is, I, performs at her workplace. I know that many parents, especially young and especially mothers and grandmothers, are worried about the question: what the educator is obliged to do for their child, and what should not be demanded from the teacher.

I decided to write this article based on my own experience, as well as recalling cases from the practice of my employees, and having studied the thematic blogs of parents. According to my observations, there are several types of parents: active but harmless, aggressive, adequate, indifferent, or too tactful.

The first ones are interested in everything, they constantly call and ask about their child, they try to do something for the group, they often establish rather close relations with the educators and the administration of the kindergarten. They can be too annoying, but such parents help us a lot, take on various organizational issues, etc. They usually do not find fault with educators, do not conflict, but try to appease them in every possible way.

Aggressive is a headache for the entire kindergarten. Everyone knows these parents by sight, they constantly write complaints, conflict with teachers and other parents. Everyone, of course, suffers from this, including their own children, since they feel rejected by the collective. A professional teacher does not transfer his attitude towards conflicting parents to their children, but still, people are people ...
This type is always unhappy: either they did not feed them, they didn’t dress them up and didn’t do their hair normally, they hurt, they caught a cold, they didn’t wipe their nose ...

Adequate parents will not conflict over trifles. But they will not be silent if something is not pleasant to them. Such parents kindly but firmly explain their position and their request to the teacher. What to say - this type of parent is the most pleasant for any educator. They know their rights and do not demand the impossible.

Indifferent people can be really indifferent, or they can be simply too intelligent to express their dissatisfaction. They cannot force themselves to make complaints, even if something really ugly happens: the teacher did not keep track of the child, and he broke his nose, constantly walks in wet pants, dressed casually on the street, etc.

In general, all claims can be boiled down to one thing: poor care and childcare. I think any of you friends who have children have many "scary" stories about stupid educators.

Let's walk through the specific responsibilities of the educator in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

I want to say right away that nothing is said in the job description about wiping noses, weaving braids, dressing and feeding properly. So, the neat appearance of the child depends on the personality of the teacher himself. If he (she) does not care what the children look like, or the teacher herself is not very accurate, then nothing can be changed.

If there are no other shortcomings - she is kind to children, the kids are full and cheerful, then you should accept the situation and not be nervous. But when the kids go around untidy, the group is a mess, the regime moments are not fulfilled, then here you really need to show dissatisfaction.

On the other hand, when mommy builds towers on a girl's hair with a lot of hairpins and elastic bands, then, excuse me, it will undo for sleep anyway, and then no one will put up the hairstyles back, a ponytail or a pigtail - and that's enough.

Usually I talk with my parents about all the requirements for clothes, hairstyle, availability of a shift and other issues, so that later there will be no misunderstandings.

So, briefly about job responsibilities:

  • Construction and organization of educational and educational work in accordance with the requirements of educational programs;
  • Careful supervision of entrusted children in the premises and on the territory of the garden strictly according to the requirements of the instructions for the protection of the health and life of children;
  • Monitoring the health of babies, constantly carrying out measures to strengthen physical and psychological health, ensuring hygiene according to SanPin;
  • A comprehensive study of the individual abilities and characteristics of each child, based on observations, the construction of correctional and educational work;
  • Strict adherence to the daily routine and class schedule at the dhow;
  • Purposeful and constant educational work with parents;
  • Fulfillment of the prescriptions and requirements of regulatory documents for the Federal State Educational Standard

This is a short list of my responsibilities, but each of these points contains a huge list of regime and educational moments. The most important thing is responsibility for the health and life of babies, as well as the strict implementation of the job description.

What baggage of knowledge must a teacher have to carry out their activities?

It is clear that basic knowledge of pedagogy and educational program in the kindergarten is provided by a special educational institution. But specifically, what should a preschool teacher know?

Basic normative documents, scientific pedagogical and psychological disciplines, rules:

    • Key directions of development of the modern preschool educational system of the Russian Federation;
    • Normative and legislative acts within the framework of their activities (according to the Federal State Educational Standard);
    • The UN International Convention on the Rights of the Child;
    • Preschool pedagogy, sociopsychology, developmental psychology;
    • Fundamentals of psychological child rehabilitation;
    • Psychological and physical characteristics of children with disabilities;
    • Methodology for monitoring the development of a preschooler and other tools;
    • The laws of teacher ethics;
    • Methodology and practice of organizing leisure time for preschoolers within the preschool educational institution;
    • Modern innovative technologies of preschool pedagogy;
    • Psychological methods of educational influence on children, the basics of effective communication with the parents of pupils and colleagues;
    • Methods and techniques for diagnostics, prevention and elimination of conflict situations in children and adults;
    • Foundations of Sociology, Ecology, Economics;
    • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
    • Fire safety and labor protection rules;
    • Sanitary standards in preschool institutions;
    • The basics of working with a text editor, etc.

The functions of a caregiver cannot be squeezed into a job description template, as you can imagine. Even the requirements listed by me can be supplemented and deciphered for a long time and tediously. Working with children is every day an examination for professional aptitude, and simply - for humanity.

In terms, a good educator must have certain competencies, which are designated by the Federal State Educational Standard. What is included in the list of competencies? These are the qualities and knowledge that provide the necessary conditions for the development of preschoolers.

What competencies determine the level of professionalism of an educator?

      • Ability to organize an emotionally prosperous climate in a group through direct communication with each student. Building interaction with children based on respect for the feelings and needs of each individual;
      • The desire to support the initiative and individuality of children through observation, study of the inclinations and personal qualities of children, creating favorable conditions for development;
      • The ability to build communication in a team of children through the creation of warm, equal, open communication between children and teachers. At the same time, take into account the religious and social characteristics of the family of each child, as well as the individual physical and psychological characteristics of the kids.
      • Teach preschoolers the ability to communicate with peers and adults. To organize a favorable environment in the group for the development of communication skills in children.
      • Distribution of feasible work responsibilities between children;
      • Building effective interaction with parents of pupils so as to make them allies in the comprehensive development of children.

Among other things, I, as a teacher, monitor the observance of order and cleanliness in the group, supervise the work of the assistant teacher, maintain heaps of documentation, organize classes and celebrations, replace my partner if necessary ... You cannot remember everything at once, to be honest.