Cognitive project "The World of Stones". Experimental activities, preparatory group. Research work "Stones and minerals of the Perm Territory. Ready-made pedagogical project of the student. World of stone

Municipal preschool educational institution

Novoulyanovskiy kindergarten of general developmental type "ABVGDeyka"

Project: Creation of a mini-museum "The Mysterious World of Stone"

Kazantseva Tatiana Alexandrovna

MDOU Kindergarten "ABVGDeyka", educator

Novoulyanovsk, 2015

Project: Creation of a mini-museum "The Mysterious World of Stone".

Project type : group, information-cognitive-research.Presentation form : decoration of the mini-museum of stone, excursion to the museum (conducted by children of the older group)Direction - natural science, with elements of local history.Duration of the project: long-term.Dates and location of the project: September-March., MDOU D / S "ABVGDeyka"Project participants: Children of the older group (5-6 years old), parents of pupils, educators of the group.Relevance of the project. Even in preschool childhood, the child must learn to navigate in nature, the phenomena of the surrounding reality, public and his own life. In order to form a holistic idea of ​​the world around children in children, more attention should be paid to a comprehensive study of wildlife and inanimate nature, the ecosystem of the region, the country as a whole. And let's take a close look at our feet, raise and consider one of the mysteries of nature - a stone. Few thought about the fact that the earth consists of only two components, stone and water. Since ancient times, the connection of man with nature and with stone has been known. Stones and minerals are amazing gifts of nature. People had great respect for the mysterious and mysterious powers of stones.

Acquaintance of children with the minerals of the Ulyanovsk region, mined in the quarries of the city of Novoulyanovsk, just stones found on the banks of our Volga river, helps to expand the horizons of children, the ability to establish connections between the properties and characteristics of various materials, the ability to determine the materials from which objects are made, acquaintance with professions of people. Involvement of children in experimental, research activities is a means of forming their curiosity, interest in natural resources.

The knowledge acquired by children during the project becomes the property of their personal experience. They were obtained in response to questions posed by the children themselves in the process of project activities.The best discovery is the one that the child made himself.

Objective of the project: creation of conditions for the development of cognitive and research abilities of pupils, for the formation of a holistic worldview of a preschool child by means of experiment, the result is the creation of a mini-museum "The Mysterious World of Stone".

Project objectives:

Build research skills,aimed at knowing the world around;Develop the ability to identify the materials from which stone products are made,examine stones, name their properties and features, classify stones according to their distinctive features.

To form an interest in objects of inanimate nature and in experimental activities with them.

Enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers, activate thinking skills.

To form moral and patriotic feelings for the native land, pride in the cultural and historical heritage.

Develop curiosity, interest and respect for the various natural resources of the Ulyanovsk region and hometown.

Project content:

The project of creating a mini-museum "The Mysterious World of Stones" acquaints children of older preschool age with the variety and properties of different stones, their characteristics, meaning and diverse use of them by man. Children develop an interest in objects of inanimate nature, moral and patriotic feelings are formed in relation to their small homeland.

Project progress

Program section

Types of children's activities

Play activity

Cognitive development

Research activities

Speech development

Productive activity

Working with parents

Didactic games with stones for the development of sensory abilities, fine motor skills of hands:

"Pick up the same stone", "Know by touch",

"Mosaic of stones", "Stone labyrinth", "Lay out pebbles according to the template."

Board-print games:

“What is made of what”, “Checkers”, “Mineral resources”, “Pick up a pebble” (fix the names of natural and artificial stones).

Role-playing games: "We are geologists", "In the cave of the mountain king", "In a jewelry workshop", "We are miners".

Construction games: "In the Novoulyanovsk quarry",


Outdoor games: "Stone-take", "We are climbers", "King of the hill", "Find your stone".

A cycle of thematic classes on the topic: "Stones are interesting", "What are minerals and how are they mined?" Stones that write ”,“ Volcanic stones ”,“ Stones born of the sea ”.

"The value of stones and their benefits for people", "Our cement plant".

Manufacturing and design of expositions of the mini-museum "The Mysterious World of Stone".

Acquaintance with the professions of parents: bricklayer, excavator in the quarry (invited to perform in the group).

Creation of albums "The world of stones", "The stones from which they are built", "The stones that heal"

Collecting a collection of stones. Examining collections of stones.

Experiments with stones:

Salt (grown salt crystals, salt water prevents the object from drowning), Water and stone (like water destroys stones), The heaviest and lightest (comparison of stones by weight), Is there air in the stone? What is the best stone to paint on asphalt (chalk, coal, graphite)? , "Why do they say - strong as a stone", "What's inside the mountain?"Experimental activity: What is the best stone for painting on asphalt (chalk, coal, graphite)?.

Examining stones through a magnifying glass-Describe “who sees what” (crystals, cracks, patterns, etc.) .

Drawing up creative stories by children "Good - bad" - properties of a stone (TRIZ), "If I became a stone."

"Guess what kind of stone I found?" - compilation of a mini-story describing the found stone.

Creation and illustration of the album "Tales of Stones".

Videos and filmstrips: "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower", "Silver Hoof";

Reading the book "The Adventures of Little Melochka" - the author's book of Romanova.VNg. Novoulyanovsk;

Reading-NISladkov "Dried stones", "Chowder from stones" - an Italian fairy tale; "Bear-stone" - Japanese fairy tale, E. Karetnikova "Rusalkin stone", A. Agafonova "Tale of the gnome and the stone-rainbow"

Memorizing children's poems about stones, authors - V. Kulaev, E. Shendrik, A. Orlova, S. Ostrovsky.

Iso-activity:« Magic transformation of stones "(drawing by design),drawing with a pebble in the sand,

drawing a plot on a stone, drawing with sand, salt,

crayons on the asphalt, simple pencils.

Drawing up a panel and a collage of stones.

Construction: construction of buildings and handicrafts made of stones: "Palace of stone", "Stone castles", "House of Naf-Nafa".

Production of models: "Volcanoes and mountains", "Stones that write", "Stones born by the sea", "Precious stones", "Ammonites", "Simbirtsites".

Design of the mini-encyclopedia "The World of Stones" for preschool children.

Making handicrafts from natural stone "What from what?"

Making board games using the stones "Tic-tac-toe", "Fifteen".

Exhibition of joint works of parents and children made of stone: "Stone masterpieces".

Meeting interesting people. Profession story.

Excursion to the Volga river.

Decoration in the group of the mini-museum "The Mysterious World of Stones" (active help from parents) Presentation of the museum (presented by children).

Expected Result:

Children have formed ideas about the properties of stones, about the features of their appearance, knowledge about the benefits of stones in nature and human life. They have an idea of ​​how stones are mined and how they are used, what minerals Russia, Ulyanovsk region, Novoulyanovsk are rich in. Show cognitive abilities: demonstrate the prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative. Embody ideas in creative activities.

Using the results:

The result of this project was the acquisition by children of the skills of a careful, constructive attitude to the world around them, new knowledge, which made it possible to form the prerequisites for educational and research skills and abilities in accordance with the main lines of development.

1. Golitsyn M. S. "Treasures of the Earth" I get to know the world. M. Publishing house AST, 2001

2.Dybin. O.V. Unknown nearby: Entertaining experiences and experiments for preschoolers / OV Dybina, NP Rakhmanova, VV Shchetinina. - Moscow. Creative Center, 2004.

3. Dybina. O.V. Child in the world of search / OV Dybina.-Moscow. Creative Center 2007

4.Ivanova, A.I. Methodology for organizing environmental observations and experiments in kindergarten / A. I. Ivanova. - Moscow. Sfera shopping center, 2006.

5. Ryzhova N.A. "What is under our feet" (sand, clay, stones) M, 2005.

6. Ryzhova N.A. "Mini Museum in Kindergarten" M, Linka - Press, 2008.

6. Secrets of nature (School of the seven dwarfs for classes with children from 5 to 6 years old) - Publishing house Mozaika - Synthesis 2008.

7. Materials of Internet sites.

Irina Dobrynina

Project« The amazing world of stones»

1. Type the project: informative

2. Sign the project: ecological

4. By the nature of contacts: children, educator, parents

5. By the number of participants: group

6. By duration: short term (2 weeks);

7. The subject of study - objects of non-living nature - stones, minerals, crystals

Main directions the project:

Cognitive research

Speech development

Target the project:

Creation of conditions in the joint and independent activity of the teacher and pupils in the development of cognitive and research abilities of children, the formation of logical thinking in children


To contribute to the expansion of children's knowledge about the properties and characteristics stones and minerals;

Develop cognitive activity in the process of conducting experimental

activities and a sense of mutual assistance.

Expand the vocabulary of children, form coherent speech when compiling descriptive stories about stones and minerals

Encourage children to put forward hypotheses, develop the ability to compare and draw conclusions to establish the simplest relationships and patterns in the phenomena of the surrounding world.

Foster a sense of beauty to see the diversity of the world.

Relevance the project:

Living in a country rich in minerals, children have no knowledge of those around us stones and minerals... Introducing children to diversity stones helps to get to know more about the nature of the native land and country. For centuries, our region has been famous for its minerals, with which children and even adults, unfortunately, are not familiar. But the Kirensk district, Irkutsk region is rich in various minerals and minerals (mica, coal, sandstone, flagstone, lime, etc.)

Direct communication with stones has a great influence on the formation of moral feelings in a child, contributes to the formation of an active vocabulary, develops imagination, contributes to the harmonious development of the personality. Involvement of children in research activities is a means of developing their curiosity, interest and respect for natural resources.

In preschool age, the assimilation of ideas about the relationship between nature and man is of particular importance for the development of the child's personality. Mastering the methods of practical interaction with the environment, expands the child's worldview, his personal growth. Therefore, it is necessary to form in a preschooler the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of the surrounding world and independently apply knowledge in practical activity. Help preschoolers establish cause-and-effect relationships in living and inanimate nature, forming in them a respectful attitude towards the world around them.

Expected results:

Children learned to distinguish between minerals and crystals, to be able to name their features; keep an observation sheet, filling in a symbolic letter; learned to work with a magnifying glass, tweezers and a microscope slide; competently build descriptive stories using adjectives in speech (pearl, coral, amber, etc.); a grown crystal, which was placed in a collection that grows into a mini-museum;

Participation of children in all types of activities, involving parents in kindergarten life

Action plan:

1. Setting a goal;

2. Development of the content of the entire educational process based on topics the project;

3. Organization of a developing, cognitive, objective environment;

4. Determination of directions of cognitive practical activity;

5. Organization of joint creative cognitive practical activities

The plan of the project activities

Stages Joint work of the teacher with children Goals and objectives

1 Information for parents about upcoming activities.

Selection of demonstration material on this topic.

Selection of fiction.

"Minerals" Children's encyclopedia;

"How do they live stones» E. Chuiko. Expand parental awareness of diversity stones and minerals of our region. Interested in the upcoming the project

2 Topic: "Amazing stones"

Target: Introduce children to the diversity of the world stones... Consider and identify the properties and qualities of the proposed materials

Theme: "We are geologists"

Goals: to develop tactile sensations, to know the "touch" properties substances: hardness, softness, buoyancy.

Learn to compare and distinguish substances according to their state.

Develop the ability to independently build a hypothesis before starting experimenting and compare it with the result.

Theme: "Minerals"

Targets and goals:

Summarize knowledge about minerals; to give an idea to children about the properties of magnets and how they are used in industry; develop the desire for search and cognitive activity, mental activity, the ability to observe, analyze, draw conclusions; to develop the ability to work in a team.

Application “We are building a house from stones» Target: to introduce children to the modular applique. Arouse interest in creating the image of a stone house with visual and expressive means. To form the ability to plan their work and technologically carry out the plan. Develop a sense of composition

Drawing by design "The transformation of pebbles" Target: Teach children to create artistic images based on natural forms. Introduce different drawing techniques on stones of different shapes... Improve the visual technique. Develop imagination.

Reading fiction

Tale of I. N. Ryzhova "What the pebbles were whispering about"

P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Silver Hoof", "Mistress of Copper Mountain"

Poems, proverbs and sayings about stones. Target: to acquaint children with the work of Pavel Bazhov. Emotionally include children in the atmosphere "Skaz", in listening to his live dialogues, causing good feelings. To develop children's imagination, the ability to imagine a fairy-tale hero and describe him.

Watching cartoons;

Based on the fairy tales of P. Bazhov "Malachite Box", "Stone Flower" Target: Continue to acquaint with the work of P. Bazhov, his literary heroes.

Outdoor games: "We are climbers", "King of the Hill", "Find your stone" Target: Develop children's motor skills and abilities, learn and memorize the rules of the game. Play by yourself

Viewing presentations: "Peace stones» , Precious stones» Target: Develop cognitive interest. Introduce the names of minerals, stones

Didactic games with stones on the development of sensory abilities, fine motor skills

What's superfluous? "

- "Find a Pair"

- "Continue the row" "

Board games

- "Living, inanimate nature"

Role-playing games

- "In Search of the Treasure" Target: Develop logical thinking, attention, visual perception, the ability to select an object by color, Cultivate perseverance, patience, teach to put the material in place.

3 Designed a mini-museum « Amazing stones»

Conducted a quiz “What do we know about stones»

Exhibition "Products from stone» Target: Reveal the knowledge gained about the proposed topic. To form independence in choosing the topic you like, the ability to communicate coherently.

Stone - about the great creation of nature! Have you ever wondered that the world exists thanks to the stone? For millions of years, stone has been creating the planet. Thanks to the stone, people learned to hunt, live, cook food, build houses, even decorate themselves! All thanks to this simple and familiar stone! How much of it we have under our feet - stones are everywhere. Summer is a good time for a global study of this miracle of nature. We start with a walk. First, we collect stones - large and small, of different colors, shapes and densities.

When the collection is assembled, we test it by drawing. What traces do stones leave? Some very easily "write", others only slightly "scratch". Why? Probably, they are different in composition and density. The softer the stone, the easier it is for them to leave a mark. It is best to draw pieces of man-made stone - foam block and brick. They include clay, limestone, gypsum. He also draws charcoal well, which we also came across for research. It can also be called a stone.

Children dragged stones without looking, and therefore they brought not quite necessary stones, I would say not enough stones. But they turned out to be very useful for our second study. Stones are obtained in different ways. For example, during a volcanic eruption, magma and lava freeze - the result is stones. Some are formed in the ground as a result of mixing and caking of sedimentary rocks, others under the influence of temperatures in the bowels of the earth. And here we have in our hands dense pieces, it would seem stones, but with a certain impact, they are still quite easy to destroy. The children found pieces of earth (sand, clay, and impurities) that caked and bonded into stones. Perhaps with further development. these pieces would actually become stones, but they came to us for study. And we began to destroy them.

The destruction of the stones was not so easy. And if we took finally formed stones, then it would be even more difficult to destroy them, because the density of these stones is great. Still, stones can be destroyed. And in nature, they fray, weathered, washed, split, break off. As a result, they not only form, but also collapse, turning into fine gravel, pebbles, sand.

By the way, about the sand. We examine him carefully and come to the conclusion that he is also stones. Only very small ones.

All stones are different. Children take a small stone and a large one and conduct tests. At the same time, they are released to the ground. It was difficult with simultaneity, but we achieved it. It turned out that large stones reach the ground faster. Why?
“Because they have a lot,” Arthur says authoritatively.
Indeed, the greater the mass, the size, the sooner the object will fall, because the resistance of the atmosphere does not act so strongly on it. The speed also depends on the shape. We note that small stones, when falling, actually do not leave depressions in the sand, but a large one makes a hole. With his weight, he presses the ground.

That is why cosmic stones, meteorites, when falling to the Earth, leave craters. After all, they fly at high speed, from great heights and have a large mass. We are testing meteorites. We throw stones with different strengths, giving acceleration, from different heights, and also in different places - where the ground is denser and less. Checking the dimensions of the grooves.

There was also a test for small stones. We ride them down the hill. Which ones will slide down faster? Larger or smaller? Heavier or lighter, straight or sharp?

And then we try to roll them up the hill. This is already more difficult.

Our research continues at home. To begin with, watch the cartoon "The Life of a Stone"

And then we get all our wealth. There are many stones at home, there are river, sea, and collected in the yard. They just brought something from the walk. All stones are different. Children say that they differ in:
- size
- form
- color
- mass
- structure (smooth, embossed, with holes, with shine, etc.)

It turns out that the large size of the stone does not yet guarantee the same mass. Some large stones weigh less than small ones.

To weigh the stones, I built a primitive balance. But the bowls are very uncomfortable, you will need to come up with a replacement for them, for example, plastic cups. The children compared the stones by weight and found those small ones that were heavier than some of the large ones.

To understand the variety of stones, we turned to the Internet. We looked at different types of rocks and minerals, looked for similar ones at home. Of course, we cannot pretend to be accurate, but it was very interesting.

We also got acquainted with such unusual stones as coral and amber. It turns out that living organisms take part in their creation. Amber is the petrified resin of a tree. And corals form polyps. Children with a magnifying glass looked for holes-houses of these creatures. Not without a story about pearls.

Bathing stones is the next stage of study. I wonder if stones can float? It turned out that they were drowning. But is that all?

And then there was a couple of waterfowl - a piece of foam block and pumice. The latter is of volcanic origin. Solidified lava, in which air particles remain - pores. The foam block is specially created porous - with air inside. It is thanks to him that porous stones float on the surface. Interestingly, will the charcoal sink? Unfortunately, we didn't grab coal from the street, so we had to be content with theory.

Bathing stones is very exciting. Children find that stones change color when they get wet. Some turned red, although initially they did not look very much like that. Children wash stones, but for one thing we remember that they also wash gold. Consider pictures of gold nuggets, which are also stones. The boys decided to take a closer look at their stones, and what if they find gold?

And what is the temperature of the stone? Having studied all the available ones, the guys come to the conclusion that they are neither cold nor warm. Such as everyone else around. Probably like air? Exactly. The air heats the stones to their own temperature. We are warmer than the air. If you hold stones in your hands, they will become like us - body temperature. How else can you cool or heat stones? At home, boys decide to use the freezer.

It was decided to heat the second stone in hot water.

I wonder how the stones we selected behaved. We warmed the stone in the water for only one minute and it turned out to be warm. It cooled down for a long time - about an hour. But they cooled it in the freezer for a long time (it became only cool in a short time) - 1 hour. And now the stone returned to room temperature faster - in 30 minutes. We do not pretend to scientific research, but we conclude that the stones both cool and heat up in different ways.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kalinin secondary school"

Stones. Unusual in ordinary.

Completed by: Kolesnikov Semyon,

2nd grade student of MBOU "Kalininskaya Secondary School"

Leader: Goncharenko L.M.



I. Introduction

II. Main part. My research on the topic “Stone. Unusual in ordinary "

1. Questionnaire

2. How did stones appear on Earth?

3. Stories of stones

IV. The practical part. My collection "World of Stone"

V. Conclusions

Vi. Bibliography

Choice of research topic. Often from a walk I bring home different stones. They can be found anywhere: on the streets of our village, on the banks of the Tasheba River, even in the vegetable garden. They are not similar to each other in shape, color, size, some are beautiful, others not very much, but they are all called with one word - stone. I look at them and think - probably each of them has its own name, its own history of appearance on Earth.

I wanted to know:

Where do stones come from? How many are there on Earth?

What are their names?Why are stones needed?

I tried to find the answer to these and other questions in my work.

Purpose of the study. Learn the history of the appearance of stones on Earth, their properties and significance in human life.

Research objectives.

    Find and study literature on a given topic.

    Find out what classmates know about the topic.

    Learn as much as possible about stones (what they are, names, stories associated with stones, how they appeared on Earth, what benefits they bring to people).

    Collect a collection of stones that a person uses.

Research hypothesis. I can propose:1) stones surrounding a person may have unusual properties; 2) a person can use the various properties of stones to their advantage.

Research methods:

    analysis of scientific literature;




Research results

To find answers to the questions posed, I asked my parents, read books on this issue, and worked on the Internet. Here are the results of my research.


I conducted a survey among my classmates. It was attended by

19 people. Age - 8 years old.


Answered yes

Answered no

Have you collected stones?

If you did, then why?

13 people (answers: "to the collection", "interesting", "they are beautiful", "for the game", "for the aquarium", "just like that")

6 people

Do you know the names of the stones? Write down the names.

17 people (most named 1-2 stones)

2 persons

Do you know how stones appeared on Earth?

9 people

10 people

How does a person use stones?

11 people (answers: "in construction", "for crafts", "make beads, bracelets")

8 people

Do you want to know more about stones?

16 people

3 persons

Conclusions: the guys know little about the world of stones, they want to know more.

What is a "stone"?

Man has been friends with a stone for tens of thousands of years.The very first tools of ancient man were made of stone. Archaeologists still find stone knives, axes, needles, spears in ancient burials. Therefore, one of the periods of ancient history is called the Stone Age.

In dictionaryI found the meaning of the word "stone".

"A stone is a solid rock in pieces or a solid mass, as well as a separate piece, a fragment of such a rock."

There are more than 8000 types of natural stones in the world.

How did stones appear on Earth?

Stones differ in color, appearance and properties because they were "born" in different conditions.

There are rocks that were "born" from magma - molten matter from the depths of the Earth. Magma could bearlava flows during volcanic eruptionsor it froze at some depth, before reaching the earth's surface. These are igneous rocks. This is how granite and basalt were formed.
Sedimentary rocks were "born" from fragments of other rocks. They were processed and brought by water. For example, sandstone, rock salt.

Rocks could be "born" from the remains of ancient plants and animals. This is how limestone was formed.

Stories of stones.

The first stone: coal.

I found this stone in our yard. It is black, shiny, rough to the touch, hard, durable. The stone has one remarkable property - it heats up in the fire, pours with a red flame, hot, like the fire becomes and burns itself. This is bituminous coal.

Where did he come from?

It all began many millions of years ago, when the Earth was the kingdom of forests and swamps. Stepping on the forests, the swamp water flooded all the land around the giant trees, undermining their roots, the trees died and fell into a muddy swamp slurry. For a long time, a thick layer of caked plants accumulated underground. The remains of the trees rotted and turned into a brown mass - peat. Compressed by layers of earth, peat gradually hardened, turned to stone and turned into stone - brown coal. And if brown coal under the ground was very strongly compressed, then it gradually turned into black coal, and then into anthracite. This is the best grade of coal. It burns almost without smoke and gives a lot of heat.

When coal burns, it gives off a lot of heat. This is why man uses it as fuel.

In addition to heat and energy, coal gave us many other gifts: plastic toys, medicinal and aromatic substances, car tires, fishing nets, paints and varnishes.

On the map "Minerals of Khakassia" there are black squares - these are conventional signs of a coal deposit.

Not far from our village Kalinino is the city of Chernogorsk. It is called the city of coal miners. Chernogorsk got its name from the Black Mountain, it is a real pantry of coal. Coal reserves in the Chernogorsk deposit amount to hundreds of millions of tons. This coal will last for decades to come. And the reserves of the Beyskoye field are about one billion tons. In Khakassia there are also the Izykhskoye and Askizskoye deposits of coal.

The second stone: limestone.

I saw this stone at home when my parents were preparing to whitewash. If you boil it, you get lime. And the stone itself is called limestone. Limestone is a white or whitish gray stone and leaves white marks on your hands.

It is usually mined in quarries or in an open way. People who extract limestone in a quarry work as if at the bottom of the sea. Of course, now there is no sea in this place, but it was many millions of years ago (then the continents, oceans and seas were not located as they are now). Marine organisms, dying, settled to the bottom. From their skeletons, shells, limestone strata gradually formed.

When large, even limestone stones are needed, they are cut out in the quarry with special saws. If small, uneven stones are needed, they are mined with an excavator.

It is a very useful mineral. No construction site is complete without limestone. It is spent on the production of cement, which is needed to hold together building parts: bricks, slabs, blocks. Lime is obtained from limestone, which is used to whitewash walls and ceilings. Lime is also part of the plaster. It is even part of the glass.

Our republic has its own limestone deposits (on the map they are indicated by a white square with diagonals).The best of them are located in our Ust-Abakan region (these are the Uybatskoye and Ulenskoye deposits) and in the Bogradsky region (Loshinskoye deposits).

The third stone: marble.

And this snow-white beautiful stone was brought to school by my classmate. This is marble. The teacher said that marble is also limestone. If limestone is submerged to a great depth (for example, during an earthquake, volcanic eruption), then under the influence of high temperatures and tremendous pressure, it turns into beautiful marble.

The marble is very durable and hard. He surprises us with different colors and patterns. Marble is well polished. Polished, it becomes smooth and extraordinarily beautiful. Therefore, marble is used for wall cladding, columns in palaces, at metro stations.

Khakassia has its own large reserves of marble (the symbol on the map is a rhombus with one diagonal). This is the Kibik-Kordonskoye field not far from the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, it isone of the oldest marble deposits in Russia. The marble from this deposit was used for facing metro stations in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Limestone has another "relative" that every schoolchild is familiar with. We write and draw with them on the board, asphalt. itchalk. It, of course, bears little resemblance to a stone: less durable, easily split into pieces, crumbles. But at the same time chalk is our irreplaceable assistant at school.

Practical part . My collection "World of Stone".

With the help of my parents, I put together a collection of decorative and ornamental stones, which I called "The World of Stone". He prepared a message about his collection, a slide presentation and spoke to classmates, as well as at the school scientific-practical conference of primary school students.


Project participants:

Implementation: educator Popovtseva O.V., musical director Palekhova O.V.

Target group: pupils of the preparatory group for school, parents of pupils.

Project scope:

By terms of implementation- short-term (6 months)

By the number of participants: 20 children, 22 adults

Basis for Problem Development

The Ural is "the rarest place for both craftsmen and beauty." It is impossible to know the beauty of the Urals if you do not visit the amazing Ural ponds and lakes, enchanting with peace and quiet, in pine forests, on the legendary mountains. Here in the Urals, talented craftsmen lived and worked for centuries, only here could Danila the master sculpt his stone flower, and somewhere here the Ural craftsmen saw the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

Indeed, the Urals are very fond of their nature, but they are rather unfamiliar with the richness of the Ural fabulous literary heritage. But the images created by Pavel Bazhov are directly related to national self-identification. According to the apt expression of the historian and professor of linguistics Maya Nikulina, the nature of the language conveyed in the Uralic tales of Pavel Bazhov is the language of the Russian Odyssey. And Bazhov himself is a real cult writer by today's standards, who created a new Ural mythology based on legends and traditions kept by the ubiquitous rumor, which continues to jealously guard the magic of the Place and its main realities - Stone, Mountain and Cave. MP Nikulina, historian: “Bazhov's roots should be sought not in the working Ural folklore, but in a larger and more distant space - in ancient myths, which frankly insist that the Urals is a marked land, occupying a special place on the planet.

Pedagogical practice shows that in the minds of the younger generation there is no fact of a mythological plot about the Earth on which they were born. There is no frank knowledge about the native land and the very phenomenon of the Urals, as the heart of Russia, the holder of the foundations of its ancient mythology.

The problem is revealed: the lack of systemic knowledge about the works of fiction of the Ural writers, in particular P.P. Bazhov.

Causes of the problem:

1. The educational program provides for the inclusion of a regional component, but the content of the section "Fiction" does not allow, within the framework of direct educational activities, to fully acquaint one with the works of the Ural storyteller.

2. Modern society builds its life in the light of the latest resources and information, sometimes forgetting that the past and future of mankind are connected. Family education pays less and less attention to familiarizing children with the traditions and culture of their small homeland, including due to the low level of parental competence in this matter.

3. There is information starvation in the field of propaganda in the field of historical and cultural heritage and traditions of the native land.

It is possible to convey to our children the unique, enchanting image of the Urals by achieving the goal: deepening knowledge about the culture and traditions of the Ural people through familiarization with the works of the storyteller P.P. Bazhov.

The tales of P.P. Bazhova are very colorful and picturesque. His color is sustained in the spirit of folk painting, folk Ural embroidery - solid, dense, ripe. The color richness of the tales is not accidental. It is generated by the beauty of Russian nature, the beauty of the Urals. The writer in his works generously used all the possibilities of the Russian word to convey the variety of colors, its richness and richness, so characteristic of the Ural nature.

The Ural land itself gave birth to legends and fairy tales. P.P.Bazhov learned to see and understand the wealth and beauty of the mountainous Urals. Bazhov's tales absorbed plot motives, fantastic images, color, the language of folk legends and folk wisdom. Talking about the art of the Ural craftsmen, reflecting the colorfulness and originality of the old mining industry, Bazhov, at the same time, raises general questions in his tales - about true morality, about the spiritual beauty and dignity of a working person.

Therefore, the work on familiarizing pupils with tales should be carried out within the framework of the implementation of pedagogical tasks:

  • to form ideas about the Ural writer-narrator P. Bazhov, his tales, as part of the culture of the Ural people;
  • to acquaint parents with the basics of patriotic education of preschoolers, aimed at familiarizing them with the cultural heritage of their native land;
  • to create conditions for expanding the social experience of preschoolers in the process of acquainting themselves with the historical and cultural heritage and traditions of the Urals.

Implementation of the project



Preparatory work



1. To form children's ideas about the Ural writer-narrator P. Bazhov, his tales, as a part of the culture of the Ural people.

1. Reading works, classes in the cognitive cycle (getting to know the writer)

1. Drawing up abstracts of classes, a selection of works.

February - July


2. Creation of a thematic album "P.P.Bazhov for children"

2. A selection of postcards, pictures, reproductions.

April - March

Educator, parents

3. Creation of a library in a group.

3. Working with parents to replenish the developing environment of the group space.

February - August

Educators, parents.

Creation of a mini-museum "Ural Gems"

2. To acquaint parents with the basics of patriotic education of preschoolers, aimed at familiarizing them with the cultural heritage of their native land.

Literary living room for parents “The Tales of PP Bazhov. Russian Odyssey "

Create audio, video piggy banks, replenishment with library material,

accumulation of souvenir groups, song repertoire.

February - May


parents, muses hands.

Design of the informational thematic stand "Mountain of Gems"

Workshop "Introducing preschoolers to their native land"

3. To create conditions for expanding the social experience of preschoolers in the process of familiarization with the historical and cultural heritage and traditions of the Urals

Visit to the Berezniki History and Art Museum. The program "Visiting the Great Snake"

Creation of the thematic album "Stones of the Urals"

Memo to parents "Introducing a preschooler to culture, its influence on the all-round development of a child"

Involvement of parents in joint cultural outings.

June August


Educators, parents

Joint event with the "Rodnaya Kniga" Local History Library

Visit to the traveling exhibition "Placers of the Ural Land"

Based on the results of the work within the framework of the project, the following results are expected:

  • more complete ideas about the work of the Ural storyteller P.P. Bazhov, the culture and traditions of his native land;
  • the formation of patriotic feelings, the definition of preschoolers themselves, as part of the people, a representative of the Urals;
  • active position of parents of pupils in the process of familiarizing children with their native land;
  • development of social skills in preschoolers in the immediate social environment.

Project broadcast