Correctly transfer to another mixture of babies. How to switch to a new formula for babies: useful tips for parents What are the grounds for moving

In this article:

The apparent simplicity of artificial feeding turns into various difficulties, for example, one or another product may not be suitable for a child. And then the question arises - how to change the mixture?

Selecting high-quality and safe food for babies is a responsible task. If for some reason the mixture does not fit, the choice of a new product becomes stressful for the baby. Therefore, parents should take into account all the nuances in order to minimize the consequences.

When should the mixture be changed?

You can’t just transfer a newborn from one to another - at least there must be good reasons for this. If the baby feels good and eats with appetite, there is no reason to make adjustments to his diet.

The reasons why you have to change the usual mixture to a new one are the following factors:

  • to the "old" composition;
  • the need to introduce clinical nutrition in connection with the health problems that have arisen in the baby (for example, lactase deficiency);
  • transition to adapted dairy products after therapeutic mixtures, due to the elimination of the disease in the child;
  • achievement by the infant of the age of introduction of a new product due to the increased needs of the child's body;
  • categorical refusal of the baby from food, insufficient weight gain;

The fact that the baby needs to switch to a new mixture will be prompted by the following signs of trouble in his body:

  • Changes in behavior - drowsiness, disinhibition, increased excitability.
  • The baby does not withstand the time intervals between meals, receiving a sufficient volume of the mixture.
  • Abundant regurgitation after the end of feeding or several times during the day.
  • Digestive problems - flatulence, feces staining green.
  • The appearance of allergies.

If the baby has the listed symptoms, it should be shown to the pediatrician. The specialist will help to find out the cause of the condition. If it was caused by inappropriate baby food, the doctor will give recommendations and prompt.

How often can this be done

Unfortunately, many parents are sure that until a suitable product is found, the baby's diet can be changed almost indefinitely. This opinion is wrong. The child's body will not be able to rebuild often under new mixtures that parents change, there is a load on the digestive tract and immune system, and as a result, health problems.

If the child absorbs new food well, does not spit up and looks healthy on the outside, then the product is suitable for him. Of your own free will, it is often impossible to change mixtures for an infant, and if in doubt, you can contact a pediatrician and find out how he looks at this situation.

Transition rules and scheme for introducing a new mixture

Consider how to properly change the mixture for newborns:

  1. Before switching to another formula, you should consult with your pediatrician.
  2. You can change products within the same brand, for example, Nutrilon "1" to "two" or "Lactose-free" without observing the phased introduction. That is, the "old" product is immediately replaced by another in full. You can't do that with different brands. The adaptation of the baby's body to the new composition of the diet should be gradual.
  3. It is possible to change the formula for an infant, provided that he is healthy - an elevated temperature or not the state when new food should be introduced into the baby's diet.
  4. You can not switch to another baby food without good reason.

There are various schemes that allow you to switch to a new mixture without consequences. Which one is better to choose, the pediatrician will tell you.

Scheme No. 1

In different bottles, mom prepares two compositions - familiar and new.

You need to act according to the following plan:

  1. In the morning feeding, introduce 10 ml of an unusual mixture into the child's diet. However, it must not be mixed with the old product.
  2. If in 24 hours the baby's health remains the same, he is offered 20 ml of a new mixture in the first and fifth feedings.
  3. Every day, the mother should introduce 20 ml of an unusual product at the first and fifth feedings until they are replaced.
  4. After that, they gradually begin to replace the new mixture with other feedings completely (not 20 ml each, but with a whole portion): 1st day - second, 2nd - third, 3rd - fourth, 4th - sixth, 5 -th - seventh.

On average, this scheme takes at least 2 weeks. If a child is allergic to infant formula, this option is not suitable for him. In this case, it is recommended to use the express method.

Scheme No. 2

You can switch to a new diet using this method in 6 days. Consider how the transition plan looks like in the table.

It is impossible to change the mixture for newborns without the supervision of a pediatrician - only a specialist, in case of failure, will be able to explain why the child has an intolerance to a particular product and how to proceed. This is the only way to protect your baby from unpleasant surprises.

What Not to Do

How to switch to another formula for babies? You need to switch to a new diet in stages, over several days, but in no case abruptly. Changes in the child's condition should not be ignored. If the baby began to spit up profusely or became covered with a rash, it is necessary to stop feeding unusual food and consult a pediatrician.

It is forbidden to introduce two or more new products at the same time. You can not change the mixture at times when the child has a cold or he is to be vaccinated - at this time, his well-being is more important, since new food is additional stress for the baby.

What difficulties may arise

When switching to a formula with HB or replacing it, including with mixed feeding, a child may refuse a new type of product.

Why is this happening and how should mom act in this situation? First of all, do not forget about the recommendations for a gradual transition to a new diet. The fact is that the taste of an unusual mixture may not please the baby, and a sharp transition to it will result in such a reaction.

Secondly, the mother must be prepared for the fact that the process of addiction will take some time. Even if the baby eats the first portions of new food with reluctance, you should not rush things and run to the store for the next brand.

In the case when the baby, when switching from one mixture to another, continues to eat little by little and without appetite, there is no need to panic. Perhaps the volume that he receives is sufficient for him. Attention should be paid to the number of urination, weight gain and behavior of the newborn. If they do not correspond to the norm, you need to look for ways to solve the problem of insufficient appetite of the child.

How to understand that a new mixture is suitable

Not all mothers know how to determine that the product is not suitable for the baby.

The following signs will tell you that the baby's body has adapted to nutrition:

  • Healthy skin. If there are no irritations and rashes on the body of the newborn, this indicates a good tolerance of the introduced mixture.
  • Normal chair. The full work of the intestines also indicates the quality of the selected nutrition.
  • Intervals between feedings. If the baby eats every 3 hours and does not ask for a bottle more often, then the nutritional composition of the mixture fully meets his requirements.
  • Weight gain by age.
  • Restful sleep, interest in the surrounding space and the well-being of the child at least indicate that it is painless to switch to an adapted mixture after breastfeeding or replace it with a new product in accordance with all the rules.

So, how to change the mixture for newborns? The process should be as smooth as possible, only in this case everything will go smoothly, and the health of the crumbs will not suffer. Often changing the mixture for newborns, both for the sake of interest and for variety, is strictly prohibited, since you can switch from one to another food only for medical reasons, and not because of your own whim - it is unlikely that your child needs extra stress.

Useful video on how to switch to a new mixture

December 12th, 2009

How to introduce a new mixture into the baby's diet? If for some reason it turned out to be necessary to introduce a new mixture into the child’s diet, then this must be done gradually. Often, the mother herself decides to change the mixture to “some better” and introduces it in one day at once in full. A few days later, she learns of the existence of a "more modern" mixture and, again with the best of intentions, quickly changes the old mixture to a new one. It is good if the baby does not react to this in any way, but sometimes the child may have an allergic reaction or some kind of digestive upset. And not only because the food may not have been chosen correctly, but to a greater extent because of its illiterate introduction into the child's diet. Any new mixture (regular or therapeutic) should be started in very small amounts, increasing its volume due to the volume of gradually replaced food.
Olga Lukoyanova Pediatrician, Researcher, Department of Healthy and Sick Child Nutrition, Scientific Center for Children's Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Ph.D.

FOR A NEW MIX (from one mixture to another):

Any new infant formulas should be started in very small amounts, from a separate bottle before feeding the usual formula. As the amount of the new mixture increases, the volume of the familiar mixture is reduced.

Scheme No. 1

Mix quantity

for 1 dose, ml

Multiplicity of reception


per day, ml

1st day



2nd day



3rd day



4th day



5th day



6th day


600.0 and more

Table note:

Two different mixtures should be prepared in two different bottles. The first day you give 10 ml. in one feeding. First with a new mixture, then supplement with the old mixture. This is because after a familiar mixture and having already eaten, the child may refuse a new one. The rest of the feeding is the old mixture.

On the second day, give 10 ml. at the beginning of three feedings. It can be three feedings in a row or through feedings, whichever is more convenient for you. Only not the first and not the last feeding, they are replaced at the very last. On the third day, 20-30 ml. at the beginning of three feedings. On the fourth day 50-60 ml. at the beginning of five feedings. Accordingly, prepare the old mixture in another bottle for 50-60 ml. less. On the fifth day 90-100 ml. at the beginning of four feedings, then supplement the remainder with the old mixture. And on the sixth or seventh day, completely switch to the full volume of the new mixture in all feedings.

Scheme No. 2

Another version of the scheme for introducing a new mixture:

  • 1 day - 5-10 ml. mixes in one feeding, preferably at 12-00.
  • Day 2 - 20 ml. new formula at the same feeding time.
  • Day 3 - 40 ml. mixtures at the same feeding.
  • Day 4 - 40 ml. every feeding throughout the day.
  • Day 5 - 40 ml. at every feeding.
  • Day 6 - the mixture in full, at each feeding.

So you enter a new one within a week.

Scheme No. 3

Term Quantity ml* Multiplicity of intake per day Number of injections per ml intake

1 day 5.0 1 5.0
2nd day 10.0 1 10.0
Day 3 10.0 3 30.0
Day 4 20.0 3 60.0
Day 5 50.0 3 150.0
Day 6 100.0 4400.0
Day 7 150.0 4,600.0
Day 8 150.0-200.0 4-6 600.0
and more and more

* Note: 1 teaspoon corresponds to 5 ml of the finished product.

On NE, starting from the 3rd day and all subsequent days, the mixture is applied 2 times a day.


Option 1

The scheme of transition to the subsequent mixture (PS)





Before bedtime

1st step


1st step

1st step

1st step



1st step





1st step






Important : when transferring to PS, do not give it to the first and last feeding.

The scheme of transition to the subsequent mixture (combination for each feeding)

Option 2

1st day

3 parts old mix + 1 part next stage (PS)

2nd day

3 parts old mixture + 1 part PS

3rd, 4th day

2 parts old mix + 2 parts PS

5th, 6th day

1 part old mixture + 3 parts PS

7th day

all feeding PS

I would also like to share with you a transition table for changing milk powder whether it "s fr one brand to another or infant to follow up milk. I quoted the following info fr Promil Gold Transition Table (Wyeth Nutrition)
Shall use the following abbreviations
: M-Morning, No-Noon, E-Evening and Ni-Night
: C-Current milk pdr, N-New milk powder

Transition is recommended to be done
a) Gradual and take 1-2 weeks
b) When bb is in good health
c) The switch should be done in day feeds instead of night feeds

Day 1-3 M-C, N- N, E-C, Ni-C
Day 4-6 M-C, N- N , E-N , Ni-C
Day 7-10 M- N, N-N, E-N, Ni-C
Day 11-13 All new

I didn't take exactly 2 weeks when I switched my bb milk powder fr Bebelac to Enfagrow A+. Afr 2 days when I see that she was doing fine, I would proceed to increase the feeds.

You got to wait till 6mths first then slowly introduce step 2 MP. You can try 2 methods:-

1. Mix milk powder. half and half

2. Day1-3- feed bb 1 time step 2 MP, the rest are step 1
Day4-6- feed bb 2 times step 2, the rest are step 1
Day7-10- feed bb 3 times step 2, the rest are step 1
Day11-14- feed bb 5 times step 2, the rest are step 1
By day 15 all should be step 2 MP.

Remember: Avoid introducing step 2 MP as the 1st and last feed. use them as mid-feed.

Chg over should be slowly and graudually takes abt 1-2wks and should be done in gd health.

For me, I am using step 2 method. But I introduced solid food to him 1st b4 I chg my milk powder.

It often happens that a mother, for one reason or another, has difficulty breastfeeding. When all the means to stimulate lactation have been tried, but there is no effect, the baby has to be transferred to mixed feeding, adding an adapted infant formula to his diet. Often life circumstances, such as going to work or the need to take medications that are incompatible with feeding, force the mother to stop breastfeeding altogether. Then the baby is transferred to artificial feeding with an adapted infant formula.

With mixed feeding, the child of the first year of life eats both breast milk and infant formula. And if breast milk is completely absent in the baby’s diet (or its share is insignificant), and he eats exclusively a mixture, then we can say that he is artificially fed.

The choice of an adapted formula should be approached seriously and thoughtfully, taking into account the individual characteristics of the health and physical development of your baby, so be sure to consult a pediatrician. will receive everything necessary for their harmonious growth and development. It is important not only to choose the right mixture, but also to adhere to a number of rules during the transition to it. So that the digestive system of the crumbs can more easily adapt to other foods, it is recommended to gradually switch to artificial feeding. The baby needs to get used to the new taste and texture of his food, and his digestive tract to adapt to the new product.

As a rule, on the packaging of the mixture there is detailed information for the mother about how many times a day and how much mixture to feed the child, depending on age. But there are also special formulas for calculating the volume of the mixture. The daily nutritional intake for a child up to six months old can be calculated using the following formula:

  • from 10 days to 6 weeks. - 1/5 of the actual body weight;
  • from 6 weeks up to 4 months - 1/6 of the actual body weight;
  • 4 to 6 months - 1/7 of the actual body weight;
  • older than 6 months - 1/8 of the actual body weight.
There are other formulas for calculating nutrition, you can learn more about them in our article “How much formula does a baby need”.

Of course, when you change the type of feeding, you have to change the diet of the baby. Children transferred to artificial feeding, as a rule, are recommended 6-7 meals a day, after about 3-3.5 hours with a 6-6.5 hour nightly interval. The duration of the interval between feedings depends on the age of the child, after the introduction of complementary foods, the child can be transferred to 5 meals a day.

The diet of the baby with mixed feeding remains as free as possible. With the help of control weighing, the approximate amount of breast milk that the child receives is determined. Then, the amount of food missing to the daily norm is replenished with the help of an adapted mixture. With mixed feeding, it is important that the baby receives as much mother's milk as possible. Therefore, feeding should be started by applying the baby to both breasts and only after that give him supplementary feeding. It is preferable to supplement the baby with a spoon, because due to the easier flow of the mixture through the nipple, the child may refuse to breastfeed. The bottle can only be used with a large amount of supplementary feeding. But in this case, it is important to choose an elastic nipple with small holes so that the baby works hard, sucking out the mixture. When switching to artificial feeding, it is very important for the mother not to lose emotional contact with the baby. Be sure to feed him while holding her. So the baby will feel your warmth, he will be comfortable and calm.

Switching from one mixture to another

Sometimes it happens that the baby needs to change the mixture. For example, he may experience problems such as allergies, excessive regurgitation, colic or constipation, and in this case, after consulting with a pediatrician, the current mixture is replaced with a special treatment.

Changing infant formula is stressful for the baby's body, so such a change should always be justified. It is unacceptable to arbitrarily change one mixture to another, this can lead to various digestive disorders.

There are several general rules for replacing one product in a baby’s diet with another (breast milk for formula or one mixture for another):

1 . The transition must be gradual. Even if the mixture is completely suitable for the infant, a sudden transition can cause gastrointestinal upset.2 . It is necessary to dilute the mixture in separate bottles.3 . Any new infant formula should be given in small amounts.4 . A new mixture is given to the child before feeding with the usual mixture.5 . A new infant formula is first given to the child during the daytime feedings, and the last product is replaced in the morning and night feeding.6 . As the amount of the new mixture increases, the volume of the familiar mixture is reduced.

There are various schemes for switching from breast milk to formula or from one formula to another, but they are all approximate. First of all, be guided by how the baby transfers the new product.

An approximate scheme for the transition to a new mixture.

If in the process of replacing one mixture with another, your baby has signs of gastrointestinal discomfort (colic, constipation, regurgitation or allergies), the introduction of a new product should be suspended and a pediatrician should be consulted. Transferring a baby to a new mixture requires certain effort and time. And sometimes you really want to “give up” and just give the baby a new mixture, without following any rules. You should not do this in any case, show a little patience! After all, then the body of the crumbs will thank you. And a healthy baby is the best reward for mom's efforts.

Some women are not always able to feed the crumbs with their breast milk. Due to various health-related issues, there are “artificial kids” who need to pick up the highest quality “dairy” products. This is not an easy task, because switching from breast milk to a mixture is a decent stress for the body, so mothers have a question how to change the mixture from one to another without harming the baby's health. Today we will look into this matter, and you will learn from our material how to change the mixture for a newborn and how to include infant formula in the diet to make complete baby food.

First of all, mothers should be aware of the seriousness of the situation: the transition from milk to mixtures is not the same as handing the baby another instead of one toy. This is stress, and you need to try to minimize it. It is worth remembering that you can’t start giving the crumbs one mixture, and then abruptly replace it with a new one, otherwise such a replacement can harm a small unformed stomach.

To begin with, be sure to consult a pediatrician about the risks of such a transition, because if there are no medical indications, it will not be entirely correct to rely on only one desire to change baby food. Do not proceed only from your own principles and preferences.

How to change the formula for babies: transition rules

Follow the simple rules for switching from one mixture to another, then you will have at least some guarantee that the baby's health will be under control. If you do not follow these points, then such a change in nutrition can adversely affect his well-being, in particular, the newborn may develop constipation or diarrhea, colic, dysbacteriosis, and all this will be accompanied by sleep disturbance and loss of appetite. And in the aggregate, such rash actions can result in poor performance of the gastrointestinal tract.

Do not risk the health of the crumbs, try to follow these recommendations:

  • Talk to your doctor about whether to switch to a different mixture;
  • When switching to another mixture within the same brand of baby food, you can not follow a strict gradation, just add a little new to the old food;
  • If you are switching from an old mixture to a new one, do it in stages, adding more and more new ones each time, reducing the portion of the former, helping the baby adapt to a completely different product composition;
  • Last but not least, replace the nightly meal, because it is not yet clear how the child's body will perceive this type of mixture;
  • Refrain from switching to a new diet if the baby has been vaccinated or is in a painful condition: fever, sleeps poorly, suffers from stool disorders or colic;
  • It is not recommended to change the mixture without a good reason.

With careful observance of these tips, your baby will easily switch to a new diet without negative consequences.

How to change a mixture from one to another: transition scheme

Use the transition scheme with 7 meals a day:

  • Add 10 milliliters of new food at the first feeding, but do not mix the contents with the old food. First give the former, then the new;
  • Watch the baby - if over the past day he has not had any changes in the form of fever, diathesis or stool disorders, then for the second time add 20 milliliters of new products to the first and fifth meals;
  • Add 20 milliliters of new formula every day until you have completely replaced the first and fifth feedings.

Then follow this order of feeding: transfer to a new food immediately, and not 20 milliliters. Day 1 - Feed 2, Day 2 - Feed 3, Day 3 - Feed 4, Day 4 - Feed 6, Day 5 - Feed 7.

According to this scheme, the baby will switch to a new diet for about 2 weeks, which is quite a long time. And often mothers cannot wait so long when, for example, the baby is allergic to the previous mixture.

Then you can take note of the express method, after consulting with the pediatrician (see table):

1 day

Number of receptions per day: 1

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 10

2 day

The amount of the mixture for 1 dose (ml): 10

Number of receptions per day: 2

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 20

3 day

The amount of the mixture for 1 dose (ml): 50

Number of receptions per day: 2

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 100

Day 4

The amount of the mixture for 1 dose (ml): 100

Number of receptions per day: 2

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 200

Day 5

The amount of the mixture for 1 dose (ml): 150

Number of receptions per day: 3

Amount of mixture per day (ml): 450

Day 6

The amount of the mixture for 1 dose (ml): 200

Number of receptions per day: 3

The amount of the mixture per day (ml): 600.

You can apply the same scheme if the baby needs to gain weight, and the mother’s milk is not enough.

After choosing the mixture and consulting with the pediatrician, proceed to replace baby food. The main thing is to tune in to an easy transition, and everything will definitely be fine!

How to introduce a new mixture into the baby's diet? If for some reason it turned out to be necessary to introduce a new mixture into the child’s diet, then this must be done gradually. Often, the mother herself decides to change the mixture to “some better” and introduces it in one day at once in full. A few days later, she learns of the existence of a "more modern" mixture and, again with the best of intentions, quickly changes the old mixture to a new one. It is good if the baby does not react to this in any way, but sometimes the child may have an allergic reaction or some kind of digestive upset. And not only because the food may not have been chosen correctly, but to a greater extent - because of its illiterate introduction into the child's diet. Any new mixture (regular or therapeutic) should be started in very small amounts, increasing its volume due to the volume of gradually replaced food.
Olga Lukoyanova Pediatrician, Researcher, Department of Healthy and Sick Child Nutrition, Scientific Center for Children's Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Ph.D.

FOR A NEW MIX (from one mixture to another):

Any new infant formulas should be started in very small amounts, from a separate bottle before feeding the usual formula. As the amount of the new mixture increases, the volume of the familiar mixture is reduced.

Two different mixtures should be prepared in two different bottles. The first day you give 10 ml. in one feeding. First with a new mixture, then supplement with the old mixture. This is because after a familiar mixture and having already eaten, the child may refuse a new one. The rest of the feeding is the old mixture.

On the second day, give 10 ml. at the beginning of three feedings. It can be three feedings in a row or through feedings, whichever is more convenient for you. Only not the first and not the last feeding, they are replaced at the very last. On the third day, 20-30 ml. at the beginning of three feedings. On the fourth day 50-60 ml. at the beginning of five feedings. Accordingly, prepare the old mixture in another bottle for 50-60 ml. less. On the fifth day 90-100 ml. at the beginning of four feedings, then supplement the remainder with the old mixture. And on the sixth or seventh day, completely switch to the full volume of the new mixture in all feedings.

Scheme No. 1

Another version of the scheme for introducing a new mixture:

  • 1 day - 5-10 ml. mixes in one feeding, preferably at 12-00.
  • Day 2 - 20 ml. new formula at the same feeding time.
  • Day 3 - 40 ml. mixtures at the same feeding.
  • Day 4 - 40 ml. every feeding throughout the day.
  • Day 5 - 40 ml. at every feeding.
  • Day 6 - the mixture in full, at each feeding.

So you enter a new one within a week.

Scheme No. 2

Term Quantity ml* Multiplicity of intake per day Number of injections per ml intake

1 day 5.0 1 5.0
2nd day 10.0 1 10.0
Day 3 10.0 3 30.0
Day 4 20.0 3 60.0
Day 5 50.0 3 150.0
Day 6 100.0 4400.0
Day 7 150.0 4,600.0
Day 8 150.0-200.0 4-6 600.0
and more and more

* Note: 1 teaspoon corresponds to 5 ml of the finished product.

On NE, starting from the 3rd day and all subsequent days, the mixture is applied 2 times a day.


Important : when transferring to PS, do not give it to the first and last feeding.

The scheme of transition to the subsequent mixture (combination for each feeding)


1st day

3 parts old mix + 1 part next stage (PS)

2nd day

3 parts old mixture + 1 part PS

3rd, 4th day

2 parts old mix + 2 parts PS

5th, 6th day

1 part old mixture + 3 parts PS

7th day

all feeding PS