Does bacterial vaginosis prevent pregnancy? Pathogenesis of complications of gestation. Symptoms in the expectant mother

On average, about twenty percent of pregnant women experience bacterial vaginosis... Changes in the vaginal flora during pregnancy contribute to the development of those harmful microbes that cause bacterial vaginosis. In a normal state, the normal microflora of the vagina is supported by lactic acid bacteria. But in pregnant women, the number of these bacteria decreases, and immunity decreases. These factors contribute to the development of bacterial vaginosis.

Often, bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women is completely asymptomatic, but sometimes the disease brings great inconvenience.
If bacterial vaginosis is suspected, a microscopic analysis of the vaginal microflora is done.

If you are pregnant and have been diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis, do not assume that this is not a dangerous situation at all. Those microbes that provoke the development of bacterial vaginosis release toxic substances that contribute to the development of cancer. In addition, the infection can rise higher, causing inflammation in the uterus and appendages. These diseases greatly complicate the course of pregnancy, can lead to rupture of the membranes and even to spontaneous abortion. The presence of bacterial vaginosis almost triples the possibility of such complications. In addition, every hundredth pregnant woman is sick chorioamnionitis- a disease caused by bacterial vaginosis and also dangerous severe complications of pregnancy.

And even after the birth of a child, bacterial vaginosis suffered during pregnancy will remind of itself by the development of endometritis. Therefore, be sure to treat bacterial vaginosis.


The main treatment for bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women is metronidazole. But if for ordinary patients metronidazole is prescribed in the form of tablets for oral administration, then for pregnant women it is preferable to use topical treatment with metronidazole.

There is a metronidazole gel, at a concentration of 0.75 percent. Such a gel in a certain dosage is introduced into the vagina using the device attached to the package. This should be done once a day, preferably before bedtime. The course of treatment is a week.

There is metronidazole in the form of vaginal pills. They are also inserted into the vagina at bedtime, one pill per day. The course of treatment is ten days.

Metronidazole is also available as a vaginal pill Klion-D... This remedy is also used vaginally for ten days.

Most often, only topical treatment is sufficient to treat bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women. If you have a particularly complex form of the disease, you may be prescribed oral metronidazole, even if you are pregnant. This tactic of treatment always gives good results. It can be used to treat expectant mothers who have already reached the twentieth week of pregnancy. Before this period, treatment of bacterial vaginosis is prescribed only in cases where the disease can cause dangerous complications.

Other drugs

In addition to metronidazole, you can use clindamycin or dalacin during pregnancy. These drugs are available in both cream and oral pill form.

Sometimes trichopolum treatment is used for a week.
In addition, to normalize the vaginal microflora, drugs such as lactobacterin, bifidin... The medicine is mixed with boiled water and poured into the vagina twice a day.

Use vitamin and mineral complexes, and you will help support your local immunity. One of the universal sources of vitamins and minerals is the spirulina alga. The Tianshi Corporation produces a dietary supplement (dietary supplement) based on spirulina, which is called Spirulina. This drug can be used during pregnancy, as Spirulina is a completely neutral plant that cannot harm you and your baby in any way.

Before use, you must consult a specialist.

Tell me who treated her husband with what for bacterial vaginosis? I have 4 months of pregnancy Lehum Klion D 100.

At 27 weeks, she was diagnosed and prescribed a bunch of medications. Metronidazole three times a day for a course of 7 days, terzhinan for 10 days at night, vilprofen from the 3rd day of treatment 2 times a day for a course of 10 days, fluconazole for the 1st, 3rd and 7th day of treatment 1 tablet. Here I look at this recipe for treatment and am horrified. There are doubts, is everything necessary?

Before pregnancy, they put on bacterial vaginosis, was treated with clion + terzhinan, the symptoms disappeared, but I did not have time to hand over the control smear ... I got pregnant, got registered in another hospital and then they put on a simple vaginosis ... I drank vagilak - discharge and itching remained, did Betadine - the result is zero ... now I am using lactagel, I have injected the gel for 2 days, 5 more days remain, but so far the unpleasant sensations remain ... I'm tired, I'm very worried (((((((girls, what to do if it doesn't help ?

Thank you for the article! I myself had such disgust when the pot-bellied walked - a terribly unpleasant thing (I remember it with an epigem (spray), I forgot it in a couple of weeks.

I was also advised vagilak, I drank it, and the vaginosis went away pretty quickly. As for other drugs, I know quite vaguely, but it seems to be the best, the price is normal, I did not notice any side effects (although it’s strange if they were in this kind of drugs).

By the way, not every remedy will work either. Because during pregnancy, it is generally better not to flirt with alkaline ones, I was also prescribed vagilac, as a milder preparation for restoring microflora. Moreover, I was also told that in general there are many drugs, but they usually use ordinary lactobacilli, as in the intestinal microflora, and in vagilak - special, female ones.

The alkaline environment is fatal only for the fungi of the genus Candida, which are "responsible" for thrush. And for bacteria, for example, it is beneficial. Lyudmila, you were very lucky during your pregnancy.
But in general, all manipulations in the vagina during pregnancy are dangerous, fraught with the threat of miscarriage. My gynecologist suggested to me the safest method of treatment when she discovered the tank. vaginosis - she prescribed a course of vagilak to restore the normal flora of the vagina. At the same time, the work of the intestines has become better, the flora there, too, has recovered.

Very good article, thanks!

Of course, no one is guaranteed against such diseases. But if you constantly support the owl's body, take vitamins and be outside a lot, then the likelihood of getting sick with such troubles during pregnancy will decrease slightly. Don't eat a lot of sweets yet. All disease-causing microbes love a sweet environment. And during pregnancy, I sometimes washed myself using a soda solution. An alkaline environment is harmful to all harmful microbes.

An attack called vaginosis affects 20 percent of the fair sex every year. What is this disease, how dangerous is bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy and how can it be treated?

Bacterial vaginosis is an infectious disease that occurs without inflammation, in which the balance of the vaginal microflora is disturbed. The most susceptible to diseases are women between the ages of 20 and 40.

In a healthy woman, the number of beneficial lactobacilli in the vaginal microflora can reach 98 percent. The remaining percentages are about 300 species of opportunistic world organisms. With vaginosis, the number of lactic acid bacteria decreases, and conditionally pathogenic, on the contrary, increases. Often, with bacterial vaginosis, gardnerella, mycoplasma, peptostreptococci and other anaerobic microorganisms are activated.

Causes of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy

  1. Decreased immunity.
  2. Hormonal disruption / restructuring.
  3. Intrauterine or hormonal contraceptives.
  4. Taking antibiotics.
  5. Active sex life.
  6. Recent change of sexual partner.
  7. Frequent douching.
  8. Violation of the intestinal microflora.
  9. Allergic diseases.
  10. Endocrine system diseases.
  11. Abrupt climate change.
  12. Stress.
  13. Use of soap or antimicrobial agents for intimate hygiene.
  14. Wearing synthetic underwear.
  15. Wearing panty liners.
  16. Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene.

Bacterial vaginosis is not sexually transmitted.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy

The classic symptoms of bacvaginosis are:

  • Abundant, homogeneous discharge of white or gray liquid consistency. In advanced cases, vaginal discharge may acquire a yellow or greenish tinge. The volume of discharge increases after copulation and in the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  • Unpleasant fishy odor. The reason for this is hydrogen sulfide, which is a waste product of the microorganism gardnerella.

  • Itching that bothers the woman mainly in the evening and at night. The unpleasant sensations intensify after intercourse or water procedures.
  • Unreasonable painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  • Discomfort when urinating.
  • Soreness of vaginal intercourse.

But vaginal dysbiosis does not always have pronounced symptoms. In some women, the disease may be asymptomatic or blurred.

Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy

  • Decreased immunity and hormonal changes are the body's natural reactions to pregnancy. In this regard, expectant mothers have a fairly high chance of getting vaginosis.
  • The disease is dangerous for women "in position". Bacterial vaginosis in early pregnancy, when the embryo is not yet protected by the placenta, can cause infection of the ovum and subsequent miscarriage.
  • At a later date, chorioamniotitis may develop - inflammation of the amniotic fluid and membranes. Chorioamniotitis threatens with inflammation of the uterine wall, which is adjacent to the infected membrane, premature birth.
  • For a child, the disease is fraught with infection of internal organs. And in women in labor suffering from bacvaginosis, the risk of opening profuse postpartum hemorrhages and the development of endometriosis is significantly increased.

Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy - treatment

First of all, it is necessary to find and, if possible, eliminate the causes of the disease. Treatment of the sexual partner is not required. Vaginosis responds well to drug therapy, but in about half of cases, the disease recurs.


Bacvaginosis is a common gynecological disease that is not related to STIs. Vaginosis can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, the health of the baby and cause postpartum complications. The disease may not have pronounced symptoms, therefore, pre-conceptional preparation for pregnancy is extremely important.

Do not panic if the disease has already made itself felt during pregnancy. Currently, there are drugs for bacterial vaginosis that are allowed even in the first trimester of pregnancy. But they can only be used with the permission of a doctor.

Bacterial vaginosis is a serious disorder of the microscopic ecological system of the vagina with noticeable decreases or complete elimination of lactic acid bacteria and a clear increase in the number of conditional pathogenic flora. Inflammation is likely. However, this process occurs quite rarely. Bacterial vaginosis is considered the most common female disease that occurs in the reproductive age category. According to statistics, the disease is diagnosed by chance in thirty-seven percent of cases, with profuse discharge in ninety-five percent, and during pregnancy in 37 percent of cases.

The structure of the vagina can be colonized by lactobacilli. Their rates are usually equal to ninety-five percent. The vast majority are Dederlein's bacilli and lactobacilli. However, in addition to these elements, the body can also contain forty species of various acidophilic bacteria that perform protective functions. About five percent is conditionally pathogenic flora, which does not bring any harm to the female body. In essence, the number of types of opportunistic microflora depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. It is important to note that they can manifest themselves when a woman develops vaginal dysbiosis during pregnancy.

Normal lactobacilli are able to break down glycogen from the cells of the vaginal epithelium to hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid, thus creating a normalized acidic environment. In general, the specified acidic environment is considered the most optimal for the active growth of destructive flora and lactic acid bacteria. Lactobacillus colonies, together with the products of their own individual vital activity, form a glycocalyx, that is, a biological film that protects and lines the vagina.

During pregnancy, the combination of the most harmful and beneficial components can change. This is due to individual life span and hormonal female suffering.

During the period of gestation, under the active influence of yellow-bodied hormonal cells, there is a lot of free space. An inexhaustible supply of glycogen is formed, the number of lactobacilli increases significantly, the number of conditional pathogenic microscopic flora decreases, and the pH becomes much lower. Of course, the body strives to do its best. He tries to clear the birth canal by the time the baby is born. On the one hand, it seems that everything should be very good. But if you look more closely, you will notice that the acidic environment in thirty percent of cases begins to significantly stimulate the growth of most infections. These are mycoplasma, yeast-like fungi, and ureaplasma.

With bacterial vaginosis, under the influence of starting mechanisms, the number of lactobacilli located in the vagina decreases. Also, the degree of lactic acid drops sharply, increasing the pH and multiplying the opportunistic flora. Thus, the normalized vital activity of lactic acid bacteria is suppressed.

Based on all of the above, the concept of bacterial vaginosis can be deciphered as a disease caused by numerous forms of bacteria and microbes. With all this, gardnerella is not the only unfavorable element, despite its long history.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy

Bacterial vaginosis is caused by the presence of some pronounced symptoms:

The fundamental criteria leading to the disease under consideration are:

  1. Reduced female immunity of the whole body.
  2. Local as well as systemic antibiotic therapy.
  3. Diabetes mellitus and other endocrine diseases.
  4. Active treatment with cytostatic and hormonal medications.
  5. Anemia of various origins.
  6. Pathology of the development of the genital organs.
  7. Failure to comply with basic instructions and recommendations for hygiene.

The course of bacterial vaginosis

It is noted that bacterial vaginosis is a very insidious disease. Treatment, respectively, is just as difficult and fraught with many mysterious moments. Frequent cases are the detection of pathogenic microorganisms in the vaginal smear, but at the same time a woman can feel good and not complain about any phenomena. For a long time, it was believed that female treatment does not make sense. It is only necessary to observe the dynamics of the development of the disease. The ecological system of the vagina is said to have the ability to recreate itself without medical intervention. However, women who do not go to specialists are at the highest risk due to the very likely future rupture of the membranes. They are required to regularly visit a gynecologist, and also have a specialized kit at home for the instant diagnosis of amniotic fluid leakage.

The most complicated diagnostically is the group of women who have very abundant discharge. And this is not without reason, since during the period of bearing a baby, all physiological leucorrhoea increases, which are the cause of severe anxiety. This ailment needs careful treatment. Multiple leucorrhoea is caused by differential diagnostics, leakage of water and candidiasis. Leakage treatment is carried out based on the results of the bacterial disease.

Bacterial vaginosis and complications

The most common complications of bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy are:

It is important to note that the treatment of the disease in question, that is, bacterial vaginosis, is strictly individual. Direct treatment involves the early implementation of multiple diagnostic measures and consultations with many specialists. The independent use of various medications is strictly prohibited, since later you can cause severe damage to your own health and the health of the unborn baby. Only the attending physician can extend the treatment, since he is familiar with the pathogenesis of the disease, the medical history, contraindications of a pregnant woman and individual physiological and emotional disorders.

Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy occupies a leading place among other pathological processes in the body of expectant mothers. Another popular name for this ailment is gardnerellosis.

The mechanism of dysbiosis is a violation of the habitat of the microflora of the vagina

The healthy vaginal ecosystem undergoes changes in dysbiosis. Normally, the mucous membrane of the organ is inhabited by Doderlein sticks - lactic acid bacteria and lactobacilli that perform a protective function. To maintain the acidic environment of stratified squamous epithelium, such gram-positive beneficial microorganisms constantly recycle glycogen and produce lactic acid. Doderlein sticks provide a decontamination effect by producing hydrogen peroxide.

These tiny beneficial living microorganisms constantly maintain the balance of microflora, create an environment that is destructive for most infectious agents. Under the influence of some factors, changes in the body, the expectant mother's immunity decreases. In the vagina of a pregnant woman, dysbiosis occurs - a violation of the bacterial balance. The acidity of the vaginal biotope, the microecological system of the internal genital organ, decreases. Lactobacilli are absent or their number is sharply reduced.

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Causes of vaginal dysbiosis

Endogenous, that is, internal, prerequisites provoke a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria:

  1. Pregnancy condition. To prevent the rejection of the embryo by the mother's body during this period, a temporary estrogen deficiency occurs in the body of the pregnant woman. This leads to a decrease in immunity.
  2. Complicated pregnancy.
  3. Hormonal stress as a result of abortion, miscarriage.
  4. A decrease in estrogen content inhibits the reproduction of lactic acid bacteria in the vaginal cavity - an important part of the reproductive system.
  5. Prolonged exposure to stress.
  6. Inflammatory process of the genitals.
  7. Hormonal failure in a woman.
  8. Violation of the intestinal microflora.
  9. Deformation of the muscles of the pelvic floor, cervix, vagina after radiation, surgery, childbirth.
  10. Endocrine system pathology.
  11. Hypersensitivity to allergens.
  12. Changes in hormonal levels in violation of the menstrual cycle, during puberty, after artificial termination of pregnancy.

The acidic environment of the vagina, in which harmful bacteria die, changes to the alkaline side. As a result, the vaginal cavity of a pregnant woman is colonized by various dangerous microorganisms. Their concentration is steadily increasing. In the vaginal microflora, the association of pathogenic microbes is activated: mycoplasma, staphylococci, mobilinus, peptococci, gardnerella, and other infectious agents.

Exogenous factors acting from the outside:

  1. Active sex life, frequent change of sexual partner.
  2. Tight underwear constricts the lymph nodes and is very harmful.
  3. Foreign body in the vagina.
  4. Constant wearing of thongs, synthetic panties is a risk factor for fungal infection.
  5. Use of hygienic tampons, non-hormonal contraceptives. Spermicides, cervical cap, intrauterine device, diaphragm are provoking factors.
  6. Abrupt climate change.
  7. The use of various spermicidal preparations in the form of tablets, suppositories.
  8. Obsessive excessive desire for cleanliness - frequent vaginal douches, repeated washing with soap every day, systematic use of antimicrobial agents containing triclosan, vaginal douching with antiseptics, soda solution.
  9. Taking synthetic hormonal drugs, antifungal and antimicrobial drugs.
  10. Uncontrolled antibiotic treatment.
  11. Disregard for hygiene standards.

The disease is not sexually transmitted because it is not sexually transmitted.

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The clinical picture of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women

An asymptomatic course, an erased picture of vaginal dysbiosis is observed in about half of expectant mothers. This makes it difficult to diagnose and treat the pathology.

Pronounced signs help to recognize the disease:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen against the background of the absence of hypertonicity of the uterus, an inflammatory reaction of the body.
  2. Soreness during intercourse.
  3. Unpleasant sensations, discomfort during urination.
  4. Severe itching of the genitals at night and in the evening, after taking a hot bath, sexual intercourse.
  5. As a result of an ascending infection, vaginal discharge appears, similar to menstruation. They are distinguished by a pungent fishy specific smell. Its intensity increases after intercourse. This sign of pathology is dominant. Often, only this symptom indicates the development of vaginal dysbiosis in pregnant women.
  6. that do not contain leukocytes. Leucorrhoea have a viscous consistency. At the onset of the disease, they often have a grayish-whitish tint. Pathological discharge becomes green or yellow in case of an advanced disease.

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Classification of vaginal dysbiosis

The types of pathology are distinguished by the type of clinical course:

  1. Asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis. This sluggish form often turns into chronic pathology.
  2. Monosymptomatic and polysymptomatic types differ in the intensity of manifestations of the clinical picture of vaginal dysbiosis.

Classification of pathology, taking into account the severity of symptoms:

  • 1 degree. In a compensated form, epithelial cells function unchanged;
  • 2nd degree. Subcompensated form. The level of gram-positive and gram-negative aerobes increases. The concentration of lactobacilli, Doderlein's rods decreases. The number of leukocytes is increased slightly. The severity of complications is aggravated;
  • 3 degree. Decompensated form. There is a complete picture of the symptoms of the disease. Lactic acid bacteria are absent. Leukocytes are found in large numbers.

In clinical medicine, there are three phases of the course:

  1. Fresh vaginosis - the acute form is characterized by hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa and cervix. The labia are swollen and red.
  2. Torpid vaginosis is an erased form of the disease.
  3. In chronic bacterial vaginosis, there is a prolonged recurrent process.

Bacterial vaginosis is a violation of the vaginal microecosystem with a sharp decrease or complete disappearance of lactic acid bacteria and a pronounced increase (hundreds and thousands of times) in the amount of opportunistic microflora. Inflammation is rare. One of the most common diseases among women of reproductive age. It is accidentally diagnosed in 17-37% of cases, in women with profuse and prolonged leucorrhoea - in 95% of cases, and in pregnant women in 15-37% of cases.

What bacteria normally colonize the vagina?

95-98% are lactobacilli. The overwhelming majority are lactobacilli or Dederlein's bacilli, but besides them, there are about 40 species of acidophilic bacteria that also perform the function of protection.

2-5%2, 3 is conditionally pathogenic flora, which normally does absolutely no harm to the female body. The number of species related to conditionally pathogenic microflora is huge, and each woman has her own "set", but there are about a dozen microorganisms present in each, and they necessarily manifest themselves in dysbiosis. The main bacterium is Gardnerella vaginalis - it necessarily appears with all vaginosis in all women. It is considered a kind of marker and it is on it that many laboratory analyzes are based.

How should it be normal?

Normally, lactobacilli break down glycogen from the cells of the squamous epithelium lining the vagina to lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide, creating an acidic medium with a pH of up to 3.8 - 4.5. An acidic environment is optimal for the growth of lactic acid bacteria and destructive for opportunistic flora. A constant pH level is the key to a clean vagina.

Colonies of lactobacilli, together with their waste products, form a biofilm - glycocalyx, which lines the vagina from the inside and protects it.

How the ratio of good to bad bacteria changes during pregnancy

As mentioned above, lactobacilli break down glycogen from the cells of the squamous epithelium of the vagina, which performs a barrier function. But these cells have a certain lifespan associated with hormonal changes in the woman's body.

During pregnancy, under the influence of corpus luteum hormones, squamous epithelial cells become especially abundant. An almost endless supply of glycogen, the number of lactobacilli is growing, the amount of opportunistic microflora decreases, and the pH level becomes even lower. The body is trying to do everything possible so that by the time the child is born, the birth canal is as clean as possible, and he gets acquainted with a healthy lactic acid flora, which will settle in his intestines.

It would seem that everything should be fine, but in fact, a strongly acidic environment, in 30% of cases, stimulates the growth of some forms of transient infections (opportunistic), such as yeast-like fungi candida, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, etc.4, 5.

What Happens With Bacterial Vaginosis?

When exposed to one of the triggers, the number of lactobacilli decreases in the vagina. The level of lactic acid drops rapidly, the pH rises, conditionally pathogenic microflora begins to multiply, primarily gardnerella, which further inhibits the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria. It turns out a "vicious circle", the result of which is either the complete death of lactobacilli, or their presence is no more than 30%. The rapid development of Gardnerella vaginalis creates favorable conditions for the growth of the mass of other pathogenic microorganisms, each of which gives some of its own specific symptoms.

Thus, bacterial vaginosis is a disease caused by many forms of microbes, not just gardnerella, as was thought until recently. Although Gardnerella vaginalis is the dominant infectious agent. By itself, bacterial vaginosis does not pose a threat to women's health, but over the years, accumulating in large quantities opportunistic microflora, creates conditions for the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Women with vaginosis are more likely to become infected with sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection, they are difficult to bear pregnancy and often.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women

· Profuse leucorrhoea, sometimes gray. If the disease lasts for years, it may turn greenish-yellow. Foamy, sticky and stringy.

· A characteristic fishy odor that intensifies after intercourse, in particular after contact with sperm.

· Dyspareunia is pain during intercourse.

· Pain in the lower abdomen, in the absence of any other inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and hypertonicity of the uterus.

· Itching, burning, urinary disorders are extremely rare, so the disease is diagnosed late and has time to deliver a number of unpleasant moments.

What leads to the development of bacterial vaginosis

· Decreased immunity

· Systemic and local antibiotic therapy

· Endocrine diseases, most often diabetes mellitus

· Treatment with hormonal and cytostatic drugs

· Genital malformations

· Anemias of various origins

· Disregard for basic hygiene rules

· The hypothesis of transmission of bacterial vaginosis by sexual partners has not been clinically confirmed and is unproven.

Features of the course of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women

Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy is very insidious and fraught with many pitfalls. In a smear of vaginal discharge, pathogenic microorganisms that exceed the permissible level can be detected, but at the same time, a woman may not present absolutely any complaints characteristic of vaginosis. Recently, it is generally accepted that it is not worth treating such women, but simply observing the dynamics of development. It is likely that the vaginal microecosystem with the help of pregnancy hormones will recover on its own without medical intervention. But such women temporarily belong to a high-risk group because of the possible.They should more often come to an appointment with a gynecologist and have a home

The second category of women - with profuse vaginal discharge. The most difficult in terms of diagnosis. Primarily because during pregnancy, physiological secretions increase, which can cause unnecessary anxiety and treatment. With profuse leucorrhoea during pregnancy, a differential diagnosis should be made between bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and Since leakage in the vast majority of cases is the result of bacterial vaginosis, women at risk should have a test system at home to monitor the integrity of the amniotic membranes in order to exclude this pathology first - as the most dangerous. The only home system recommended by the European Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists today is 99.8% accurate and surpasses many laboratory diagnostic methods.

If it is excluded, and this was not the reason for the sudden increase in discharge, you should contact your gynecologist and conduct an amine test to identify gardnerella, confirming bacterial vaginosis and take a smear to identify candida causing thrush. When confirming the diagnosis, it is imperative to treat, since there is a huge risk of complications.

Complications of pregnancy with bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis treatment

Treatment is individual. Should be prescribed only by a doctor after all diagnostic measures have been carried out. You cannot use medications for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis on your own, as this can only aggravate the situation, prolong treatment in the future and increase the number of complications.