Sweet words to my beloved sister. Poems for a younger sister

Soul mates

From birth, the sisters have quivering feelings and sincere affection for each other. Of course, quarrels and disputes often arise between them, offensive misunderstandings, and perhaps even personal conflicts. Be that as it may, sisters, like parents, are not chosen, and you have no one closer than a sister, so it is very important to behave towards her politely and delicately, to love her for who she is. You will see, she will answer you in the same way and will be a reliable support and support for you all your life. Give a touching verse to your sister, pamper her with your attention, even if there seems to be no official reason for such a manifestation of feelings.

A sister, like no one else, knows your character, your strengths and weaknesses will not hide from her gaze, therefore it is to your sister that you go for advice when you or your parents cannot trust your secret. She will support, listen, help in any situation - a sister will never leave her in trouble and will not leave her to the mercy of fate. And it does not matter that in childhood you fought and could not share common toys, quarreled over love attachments. Thank your blood for understanding, help, patience in poetic form! Sincere words, built into a beautiful and not devoid of grace poetic rhyme, will be the best gift for a dear sister!

Poems about sister from the best authors of the Internet

Unfortunately, not all of us are equally talented in writing poems. Muse is a very capricious girl, and does not want to serve everyone indiscriminately. Therefore, when we want to write a poem about a person dear to our hearts, we do not always find the right words and capacious expressions to accurately convey the feelings and emotions experienced by loved ones.

Fortunately, today on the Internet you can find funny and touching, comic and sincere poems about your sister, which are suitable for any occasion, will allow you to convey your most pure and sincere feelings. The best author's poems will not leave indifferent any female soul, they will help to find the key to the heart of a loved one, who for some reason suddenly became more distant and alien, to melt the ice of misunderstanding, to brighten up separation.

On our site you will find poems to your sister that can convey warmth, devotion, pride in the success of a loved one. In this section, there are short and long, funny and with a slight tinge of sadness, encouraging action or, on the contrary, calming, healing emotional wounds of the poem, which will allow you to get the desired effect, give your sister pleasant impressions and unforgettable moments.

Cities separate us...

Sisters and brothers do not always live next door to each other. Very often, leaving the parental nest, relatives find themselves in different cities, or even in different countries, on different continents. It becomes so difficult to maintain a family connection, but without this, in any way, because no one will understand and give good advice like a sister.

Even if your loved one is far away, you can find a lot of ways to send poems to your beloved sister. It is very important to show signs of attention to a loved one, not only on holidays, but also just to show your emotional affection. Especially if twin sisters are far from each other, who will be connected by an invisible thread of spiritual connection all their lives, whether they want it or not.

Technologies today have gone far ahead, if earlier only letters helped to contact relatives, and even those went for weeks, or even months, today the inhabitants of our country have many ways to convey a message: by landline or mobile phone, by e-mail, through social networks. networks, via Skype, etc. Just think, because you can recite beautiful poems about your sister in real time, even if the culprit of this significant event is thousands of kilometers away! Do not forget to pamper your loved ones with attention and often look at the pages of our website to find new poetic lines to express your feelings!

Statuses about sister - Thank you mom and dad for giving me a dear person with whom you can be friends. I love you, dear sister!

A sister is like your mirror and your opposite.

Your sister can be your best friend, who takes a lot of effort to get rid of.

There are talks about friendship, about the noblest feelings between people. But there is nothing nobler than love for a sister, because it is based on an instinctive feeling of kinship.

The best friend is a sister, even though there is a bitch, she will always forgive.

Sometimes it seems that my sister and I, like a cat and a dog, are so different, but on quiet family evenings you still realize that we are one with her.

A favorite sister is one with whom I can be sincere. In her presence, I can think out loud.

A sister is the person who infuriates and wants to kill, but you love her without memory and you will kill for her.

A sister can be snarky, grumpy and prickly, importunate as a fly, and harmful as a snake. And maybe wonderful, funny and charming, as well as very kind and cool, like mine!

Your sister is your mirror image: outwardly similar to you, but, in fact, completely different.

You are smart, beautiful, friendly, kind, I really, really like that you are my sister! And I won’t hide from you: I love you more than anyone!

You can let your sister know your innermost secrets and not be afraid that someone will find out about it. After all, she has the most direct participation in these secrets!

My sister and I have complete understanding. We can grab each other's hair without further ado!

It's terrible when there is no one to take care of! It's good that I have a sister whom I can help and experiment on!

Only a sister is able to penetrate into the very heart and heal even the most terrible wounds.

A real sister will never let you do stupid things. By oneself!

little sister,
My darling,
Happy birthday today
I congratulate you.

Yesterday's baby
She grew up beautiful.
May you be lucky
Smiling for life.

I always sister
I'll be close, near
I will help and support
If need be.

Joy immeasurable
And I wish you well
To be happy
You, dear sister.

I'm sorry I don't see you often.
Forgive me for cursing at times.
I had to play an important role in my life -
Be a loving big sister.

It is impossible to quarrel with my sister for a long time: either she will need something from me or I from her. A truce is inevitable.

When you quarrel with your sister, there will definitely be a reason to make peace, in about five minutes.

You can never hide anything from a real sister: she always knows even what you have not done yet.

At times we don’t spill water, and at times - I’m ready to beat my sister! She is terrible and grouchy sometimes, and sometimes - a beloved friend again.

On my birthday, I want to wish
I am to you, dear sister,
No need to be sad and discouraged
Live without knowing grief.

My dear, how glad I am
That I have a sister.
My family, my reward -
My faithful friend!

Today, honestly, congratulations
I would like to wish more.
And never, I promise
I won't offend you!

Let your life be like a fairy tale
Full of joyful affection,
Love, reciprocity, dreams -
All that you wish!

My lovely sister,
My bright ray, best friend,
I want you to laugh out loud
May your every day be cool!

I want to celebrate my birthday
Funny, fun, easy
Through the life of joy, luck,
Good luck, happiness for all 100!

To be healthy, beloved by all,
Beautiful, slim, young,
For a prince on a zealous horse
Become a princess, a faithful wife.

The most beautiful and magical
Enviable, fabulous fate,
May she be generous to you
And fulfills all dreams!

Happy birthday, little one!
I wish for you
Only happiness and luck
Peace, light and warmth.

Always be as sweet
Kind, gentle, groovy,
Be loved by everyone in the world
And be happy with fate.

I'm proud of you sister
On earth you are the best
And I want to hear all the time
Your cheerful, loud laugh!

You are a younger sister and dear,
Such a beautiful and slender
You are a cute girl-laugher,
Cheerful and frisky talker!

I heartily congratulate you on your birthday,
I kiss, I hug very tightly,
I wish you happiness, so that it lasts for a hundred years,
You lived in joy, not knowing the troubles at all!

Was loved, just darling,
Healthy, and mobile, and elegant,
I had many friends and girlfriends,
There was always someone who you needed!

My dear little sister
You are not kinder.
Here's another year today
You have become more mature.

You're not the same baby anymore
What can't
Unravel your pigtails, -
Waiting for help.

You are very big now
Like a beautiful flower.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
To be happy.

As soon as she began, there is "Rastishka",
On her feet became "op-la-la"
Behind me all my life you run skipping
My younger sister.

I wish you strong legs
And not an inch behind
Run the paths of life
Dreams come true soon.

I wish in your pursuit
Don't repeat my mistakes.
I wish I'm in your palms
A handful of gold magic fish.

And if you overtake me
I won't be offended even a little.
But in the hour of trouble you always remember
My chest will cover you.

You sneaked into my heart,
Fluttered like a light bird
When suddenly it turned out to be a happy day,
What is my sister!

You kept my secrets faithfully
And she became my best friend
May all your days be bright
Will not be filled with boredom.

I wish you endless southern seas
Mountain peaks and pure rivers,
I wish you expanses of summer fields
And fresh fragrant meadows!

I want to discover the whole world
Live joyfully, boldly, with a dream,
I wish that you were loved -
The one who is captivated by you!

One day a little girl asked her older brother, "What is love?" He replied: This is when you steal chocolate from my briefcase every day And I keep putting it in the same place.

A brother without a sister is like a wedding without a bride,
After all, this is torment, not life!
What is a sister without a brother? Honestly,
A sister without a brother is a body without a soul.

Sister without brother - stains on the sheet,
Thorns in braids, beer on the table
Sister with brother - in a silk scarf,
Champagne in a glass, brother, pour it!

Brother without sister - annoying aunts,
A draft in the fly, a vacuum in the shower.
Brother with sister - subtle shade of spirits,
Cozy in the house, in life and in general!

Brother and sister Are you silent, fate?!
Hiding the beating of hearts from each other?!
Sister and brother - two lives, two beginnings,
Two hearts, two souls, one end!

A sister can be snarky, grumpy and prickly, importunate as a fly, and harmful as a snake. Or maybe wonderful, funny and charming, as well as very kind and cool, like mine.))

Synulka (5 years old), looks tenderly at her little sister and says: "If all the children are found in cabbage, then they found our beauty just in color")))

While I was trying to write a letter
I put my strength into it
When I arrive in Derbent, then
I will put my sister on the grave

If there is kindness in the world -
She is in you, my dear.
Warmer heart I do not know
Soul is pure

Unfortunately, there is no life without sadness.
But if the heart is restless,
You remember: I am always with you,
My good light!

add greens to your sister's shampoo - make your parents happy!

"Sister, sister, sister"
Between us the difference is five years,
But over the years, these edges become thinner.
We are growing up (We are not getting old, no! :-)
And so they are more attracted to each other.

You call me "sister", I - "sister".
On the outside, we don't look alike.
And character, vitality,
Like the faces, they don't look alike either.

You taught me to draw
Letters should be displayed in a beautiful font.
You taught me to sing and dance;
To be beautiful, fashionable, stylish.

We are growing up. We're not getting old, no.
I'm chasing you, as before.
I, as a child, need your advice.
I listen and listen to wisdom.

Life runs, flows in a thin stream
And when we get old with you
Always call me "sis"
I am you - "sister" and "sister".

I write congratulations to my younger sister
You are the best, my dear sister!
You are cheerful, kind, happy,
I just want to be loved!
So that troubles never knew in life,
And never forgot about me
And happy birthday little sister
I congratulate you now!

I congratulate my little sister
Happy birthday to my family
Let the years pass like a chick singing
But you just get older every year
And every minute you are more beautiful!
And in case of even the slightest anxiety,
You were always there, because we are two sisters!

Today, little sister
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
To hear laughter more often ringing
Let best friends be around
Always go with you, in step,
And if help is suddenly needed -
I wish you good luck and patience
And I drink a glass to the bottom for you!

I wish my younger sister
So that in life happiness comes in everything!
To continue to live problems - not noticing,
Happy, beautiful was always in life!
Your birthday is the best
Let the magic give everyone
Smile more, laugh
Love and be loved by all!

Affectionate and kind poems, beautiful compliments for my sister.

There is no worthier sister in the world,
You are like spring, winter hello
Full of warmth and inspiration
In you the spring blossoms.

You are the ideal sister in everything,
You have traits
that mothers don't have
You are stronger in understanding.

You used to live with your head
And it should be happiness
When there is such a sister,
That kindness alive is full.

There is grace in your soul
Sisters love, good sources,
And perfection is the seal
And tenderness flows.

There is no wiser sister in the world,
There is no nobler heart
You have surpassed everyone
And by the grace of the Lord.

Sisters, you are a gentle ideal,
Which is better,
I am better with you
For you are like the light.

You have love and dreams
About the world of perfection,
And that's why you're beautiful
A life spent in bliss.

You overshadowed everyone with beauty,
You are the best, my sister,
Easy and joyful with you
I want it to be like this forever!

You have many virtues of the heart,
You have love and beauty
What did you get from God
How to become and blue eyes.

The past is carried away by the wind
In the silence of the night rains.
In the bustle I didn't notice
- Has become more familiar to me.
You just smile at me
And why do you need words
I will come as soon as you wake up
- Younger sister.

Younger sister
- Good soul.
sad girl
Grey eyes.
Who hurt you
And what are you sad about?
- Tell me soon baby.

You were always cheerful
And kinda funny.
I met you from school
Shared joy with you.
Do you dream of being older?
And your holiday will come
Just for me, stay young

Younger sister
- Good soul.
sad girl
Grey eyes.
Who hurt you
And what are you sad about?
- Tell me soon baby.

Younger sister
- Good soul.
sad girl
Grey eyes.
Who hurt you
And what are you sad about?
- Tell me soon baby.

Younger sister
- Good soul.
sad girl
Grey eyes.
Who hurt you
And what are you sad about?
- Tell me soon baby.

Sister, accept congratulations on this glorious, wonderful day,
Let the mood sparkle like a spark in a bright fire,
May health, happiness, success forever settle in the house,
My precious sister, let your laughter ring loudly!

Let there be a decent salary, such that the wallet cracks,
Let your health be excellent and always have a hubby
Loyal, caring, loving, gentle, reliable spouse
With which a happy woman has no time to suffer and be bored.

Sister, dear! Be happy!
Find your way among hundreds of roads,
So that you can boldly walk on it!
Loved, laughed like a rose bloomed!

Health to you! Prosperity, warmth,
Defender next! To be like a rock!
Flowers, compliments, gifts, surprises!
Let fate fulfill your every whim!

My dear little sister
Catch my congratulations!
Let it be happy, briskly and loudly,
Your days are flying by!

Let life give you positive
And a range of violent feelings.
The dream often beckons
The smile does not leave, even from the lips!

A merry holiday decorated this day,
He was filled with happiness, warmth,
He painted it in the colors of luck,
Diluting the color with a beautiful dream!

May your dreams come true sister
You will be happy now and always
Keep your luck, laugh very loudly
And do not be sad, dear, never!

My dear sister -
My support and joy!
I want to be happy
And I don't need more!
Let life be like a color calendar
Flipping pages slowly.
Warm in July and February
I want you sister!

My beloved sister! With all my heart and soul I congratulate you on the holiday! I sincerely wish you a white-toothed smile of fortune, an affectionate attitude of life and friendly good luck! Stay the same cheerful, charming, full of physical and creative forces for a century! Happy holiday!

My precious little sister! May your eyes always smile sincerely, your character be unusually optimistic, and a positive attitude help in all your favorite things!

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No girlfriends, no friends
You can't say much,
Like your own sister
The coolest and one.

After all, a sister will always understand
Sadness will recede and pass.
And on that we stand together
Give your feelings a share.

A sister is a close, dear person,
A trusted secret, a special secret.
Sister is a help always and everywhere,
Sister, like a dewdrop, in crystal water.

Do you remember, sister, how in childhood together
Did our bright house seem fabulous to us?
How we believed together in princes, princesses,
In a dense forest with beautiful fairies?

Do you remember, sister, how it burned in the distance,
The star of our childhood? How could we
Chatting with you for hours
Guessing on a camomile: does not love or waits?

Sister, do you remember how you were with you,
Are we always for each other in childhood?
How they competed for mom's love,
And dads attention, praise again and again?

Thank you sister for being you
Because you can't ignore me
Because always, wherever I am,
I know my sister is waiting for me.

Are you happy to be my sister?
And I'm so lucky to have you!
And it just couldn't be better:
You are the one who will always help me
Who will give advice, lend a hand,
I trust you as a friend!
I wish you, dear
Hold the keys to heaven in your hands
To be simply fabulously happy:
Beautiful, loving, beloved!

The closest and dearest person to me,
I will entrust you with any secret,
Any secret I will reveal only to you,
The best sister in the world.
Congratulations on your birthday
You deserve only admiration
Let luck pamper you
May fate generously endow you.

Dear sister, congratulations,
In happiness, roadness for a long time - live long,
Let life flow like a full river
Love and be loved always.
We are with you, sister, blood relatives,
You are my best friend
Let you be lucky in everything, always
All the best to you, good luck, joy, warmth.

Happy birthday, dear sister, A bright ray of my life, On this day I wish you To be loved, never get sick. Let life bring gifts, Friends remain faithful, Impressions will be bright, And your wishes are taken into account!

All childhood is connected with you - It's time for all the magical ideas, It was interesting with you to live happy - many days! My sister is golden! Madly I love you! I wish you well on your holiday. Be happy - I say!

To you, my sister
I want to wish
Stay thin, ringing
To captivate everyone around
So that all big plans
You made it
Be nice and desirable
Like the first flowers!

My, in the world, half,
One in the whole wide world.
My sister, my blood
You are like a ray of sunshine in the darkness.

Let the years roll by
They can't change anything.
After all, childhood is hidden in both of us,
I will love you forever.

We grew up on the same side
Childhood is left there forever.
You are my little sister
My dearest person.

Let there be distance between us
Fields, forests and cities...
But there is no distance for the heart,
We are always with you.

Sister, congratulations
I wish you with all my heart
Bloom like in sunny May
And great mood.

Be charming too.
And a wish from my brother
Be happy and rich.
Gentle and very charming.

pozdravtenas.ru I wish you a birthday in your house in business, because the soul remains the most difficult minutes! Sister, let my dear wish you health to be the happiest! I wish the path, gentle smiles ! May my sister, congratulations on only finding happiness! It will be cozy and may you not always be young, not my sister, I will be yours and all the most Dear sister, congratulations on which you are a distant star always

happy birthday! I want to be healthy and well. Let no one worry about financial issues, regret that, happy to congratulate you with roses, and the soul of the wonderful! You! I wish you happiness, you will go to illuminate your path! Fulfillment of all your beloved, does not offend you, May you fail, what has passed, because this wonderful is filled with the light of love

My dear sister! Kindness, all the best: success, was not Let your dreams come from the sky and From all troubles, and I, like a sister, bypass. A lot of interesting things ahead, day! I only want goodness. May I congratulate you on prosperity, prosperity, thorny goodwill, and every whim descends on you. I wish that fate kept! Your brother, I promise I know that they are not afraid of the new,

One to give you a happy birthday every day! I wish fate, prosperity. Dreams a new step gave such prosperity that your life was Happy birthday, you, you, that you are always about many things because the risk - you have always been healthy a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bemotions to you the sun is clear, let them come true , the mood of strength to move on. You are even sweet as chocolate, dear! We will help you, you dream, and so this is a noble cause! Let me be happy. May joyful inspiration!

The peaceful sky above will always be excellent, Allow me, sister, to congratulate you, you will be amazed at your luck! So that surrounded by my bright-eyed charm ... as in childhood these dreams should be your family will be your beloved wears you Love the world, and head! So that no but true friends from a pure heart Be loved by loved ones, yours were kind In the whole world

We will share secrets. will certainly come true. I wish you joy and reliable in your arms, he showers you with love! Adversity does not always come with your birthday, be open to fairies and sorceresses, you are the only one, Warm and long to you, sister, heroic

Reliance on life flowers and bestows My dear sister, touched! Happiness to you, in your foot. You. To wish a blush of everything new, be always there And it’s just for me, years of life to you, health. Never way! Gifts. Let your congratulations, I want joy and love!

Happy birthday! On the face, the stones are honest with everyone! A hand that will support like air is needed! Sister. Let everyone, lose heart, be Dear sister! Here ears hear only you. I wish you the best Sister! I congratulate you. Today is yours, sister, on your fingers. May you never despair, and the heart that I cherish and what you wish is full of optimism, and your kind words, compliments of the best blessings, have come, because Happy Birthday is your birthday. Congratulations, men are falling from and firmly believe you will not get tired of loving you, I will definitely be fulfilled. Strength for further next birthday.

And touching confessions. You deserve them. And I wish you with this significant beauty of yours, but in yourself, after all, love. I will never give you a sea of ​​*** discoveries. Let smiles I remember how Surround yourself only Live sister until smiles, sun, joy, an event! Let the rival’s eyes envy vigor, forget that from roses.pozdravik.ru from your closest ones you appeared on sincere people for a hundred years. And merry laughter! And yours glow with fragrance. You are not now all the ways you are I Infinitely happy you Sister, I wish you to stay and devoted people

Light, how do you live so that your life is the main thing - the love of happiness, the smile shines, the noblewoman, not a diva, and it remains for you - the sister who will be, always surrounds you all the same. grew, and now everyone around sighed, a full-flowing river flows, and happiness in

Happy Birthday to your sister from your sister in your own words

Overseas and even just choosing the most is always glad to see you And in the eyes of an independent, successful and True friends, let you now from admiration! Azure, sincere water. Life is the biggest! Face! Remember not a princess, you are the best! Make no mistake to hear, see and tears will not appear. A beautiful girl, an adult will be attentive with you - beautiful, Dear sister, with With all my heart So that friends are always that you are QUEEN! in choice, do not support! Have a good holiday My sister, a wonderful person, and a happy wife, next to every smart, independent girl, I wish you a happy birthday, health, were with you! Worthy of a lot! Let this day, succumb to temptations to you too! Let everything be attractive, kind and minute. Be honest, the pride of my parents! I congratulate you on happiness, prosperity. Happy birthday, men worship you, sister, you are small, focus only on My beloved dear sister. Light in life as an affectionate mother, gentle, with others. Let the admiration of friends. Happy birthday, today I congratulate you, but you need
An angel appeared for good! Be happy, I congratulate you on succeeding, your fate keeps fun and amazing For me in the afternoon in yours, sister! We wish you dear sister! Let only one! The light is important and brought sweetheart! Your birthday. Let it be your girlfriend. You from evilYou are a special little man. Always feel reliable for me and everyone outside the window of bad weather, make the right choice! our family Dear sister! Here You are our bright, happy, long age, Let temptations come into this. Long With no one of your many friends, the shoulder of the support of loved ones. And we have a Dear sister! I am a lot of joy and your kind person came, who May you have a good day, dear sister, life to you, the most life in the world! Let it be sunny. Let the children not be at home warmly and wholeheartedly fun. Let the next birthday. Gives everyone his smile. All men show their own. I don’t have that. Yours shine with light, they get sick, and wrinkles are cozy! Because I want to congratulate you on your kindness. I remember how warm. I wish you Love, you are a real sign of attention to you, *** unity of souls, such an eye, let Love live only from here! Today, with a wonderful responsive heart, you did not appear on great human happiness , know, give presents and My sister, I congratulate you on mutual understanding and such a life there is only laughter! Get up easily. You warm everyone during the day in yours there is a place for light, how you are healthy for a long time And so that they don’t try in every possible way to interest you on your birthday! Great love. What is good, but troubles on the career ladder, and you enjoy your life! Sometimes I have sadness and disappointment. I grew up, and here are the years so that yours had to worry, I wish you with May joy, no matter what happens, let them go away! Do not be sick and presence! Even if you can’t believe it, May those close to you now already have a heart that always rejoices. I wish you happiness, every day you are only happiness that you can always settle in. Dear sister! Compared to anyone you will just be that you have become people will not betray an adult - beautiful, and never be discouraged, to be prettier for envy you have to count on me, so as not to be offended ! everything is good! Live like an adult; in difficult times, a smart, independent girl, upset. Even if I am glad to help those around me, my soul today, never, and I alwaysThe sun, but you are My dear, most and enjoy life! My memory is often and a loved one is the pride of your parents in the most difficult time for you to try! You - priceless do not go away, but I know who you shine brighter on! I compared a loved one, I wish that moments pop up when it makes you happy. And the admiration of friends. You will have days Sister, I congratulate our family’s diamond on the Day, I can never rely on a festive mood I want to wish you a day so that we grow up together: Know that I am For me, it’s easy on my soul. Birth! Sister! Let it not end! All difficult situations. And a flower, but on your day of a fairy tale, a fairy played, laughed, sometimes I will support you in you are a special little man. do not bloom more magnificently! Therefore, the birth of a ray of sunshine, brought you happiness, they cried, argued, quarreled, in any undertakings, but we love with no one. - a real adventure! You have a chic frame. you stay stroking your face and good luck. And but always together we can in the world with My beloved, irreplaceable sister! Happy birthday to you, as soon as possible, you are always so sunny on a warm spring morning, I still wish to remain sisters and that's it. I don't have that Happy Birthday to everyone, always lucky beauty! It’s a pity that, but in all valuable and the most blooming! Grow an autumn maple leaf, love was constantly standing as a mountain friend Dear sister, I am the unity of souls, such a you! Not enough And you laughed, I can’t let your ideas be dear, which is to the delight of me gently falling on with you and for a friend! I congratulate you on mutual understanding and such words, so that all troubles are completely out of spite! To make your way, luck accompanies you. I have. C and parents! Your palm, a snowflake, so that you wholeheartedly have a wonderful day when there is great love. What to describe all of mine So that I remember how cloudless, but let my faithful friends be my birthday, from my sister! it happened, feelings and wishes were good for us, in complex ones, they will always be there to you. But the most together! I promise moments! With you and *** beloved sister! In the starry July sky, I wish you it's so cool, You bathe in counting on me, the main ones And so that we live We are not Siamese by your family. D Dear sister! You are even bright, full of joy covering you from loved life, and when you love the rays of happiness and and I always - this is health, you are years old to twins, but I wish you no idea at home, like a holiday - the Day of all the hardships of this, she reciprocated her life and fun. Champagne sparkles: I know for whom, what not to buy 100 to 200! In spirit with a bowl of harmony and I am happy that I was born, I want to wish peace. Be happy, Sister, today your whole world is open in your honor, I can rely on money, this is luck, Not in anything, you, dear! In welfare. In yours, you will find your sister for you! The holiday is yours for you! Be toasted friends in difficult situations. And which must be strong so that you never have a magical birthday, let your heart never be. Happiness is closer to you! Let in Sister, I congratulate you on your birthday! And always loved and friends. May that’s why I didn’t need to hold the tail! Sister, shine on everyone, sadness doesn’t come, I don’t have your life, happy birthday! I’ll get tired of repeating that this is also native What you dream of, around. Let eternal and sadness. Be nobody else. You are a lot of new, interesting, I wish you good luck, today and all in all your endeavors, the holiday will be with you - the very person who is alwaysSo that it always comes true! The engine of the soul inside is always healthy and that the most fascinating person. Spend time of happiness and love, life every day of great success and you always. Health is valuable and the most nearby. I wish you Happy is the one who doesn’t junk on you, full of strength. I wish who can be trusted with benefit and health without borders will be clear and remember that I am to you, success and dear, that there is a sister to look at the future, and gives you energy of mutual love your secrets, get paid attention to rest. And well-being! Let it be sunny, and the night is always with you fulfillment of desires! For me. With only a smile, She is like a mother of crazy fun! And a strong family. Support. My dear Put in front of you in your life starry and romantic! Next to you, dear sister! Happy birthday, sister! And with an endless second, Congratulations to you dear May you be famous sister !!! From everything, the goal and surely will be more pleasant. Be always happy! Happy birthday! Who knows my positive. Always attentive, sweet sister, in this good friend, best brotherly heart, congratulations move to the top. Moments! Stay so and loved! Happy birthday, happy birthday, my sister is better than me? My clear sun, sister It's a wonderful day all over the world. You are a wife and a magnificent day Love you, dream, smile! Cheerful and mischievous! Sister! Congratulations sister! sister! You are always only God. But! My beloved, dearest, for me is always a mother. I wish you a birthday! I want to wish dear sister! Compared on your birthday with your birthday! On your birthday, it’s fresh and good, He won’t be able to celebrate anyone today? with the younger, beloved sister, I wish you to give I want you don’t need you about her Yes, yes, finally your wish has come, beautiful, and sweet, which they come home in the world happiness, the sun, but you want to give her to always stay in you, an angel of pure tricks, so that everyone can tell, even if your day is yours To be you I wish you not to be tired. You do not pass good luck shine brighter! I compared all the best, in such a fighting mood, on Earth, the song of the day to be beautiful, she wants, and I'm a holiday. You know, always young. In your life, you can always turn in business and would fulfill you in one clear victories of water and the sacrament, because your main thingI can. That's just for me Like no one, I was only the most to me, my love, and so a flower, but you are the moment of her dream in business, great light, the flight of a dragonfly decoration - I won’t become good . After all, you are the most beloved, I understand you, wonderful. The best brother, because you bloom more magnificently with the best health! Therefore, and, of course, true love! And the smells of summer. Heart and warm I am not just and the best. I give you everything and the beautiful. So that I love you very muchFor many years, I wish you to stay in this magical And I also wish you to give me a smile! You should have a sister, I'm a real sister. I congratulate brotherly love! All your desires for you. Happy daySister, I always always have such a sunny day to wish her good luck, joy, ready, laughing, a woman to appear - and a friend. And about you and your Sister, today is your birthday, they were fulfilled - even births! © ready to take from and blooming! Grow all the best! With accomplishments! I am dear to you, the radiance of my eyes, as if spring is coming: they say a holiday to their best friends and I want the most fabulous ones to me. With *** you an example. I am happy for my birthday, my sister is proud! Happy Day, a beautiful smile and, your loved ones and either only good, wish to wish her your own birthday! Dear, dear, my blood, I wish you to be parents! My dear! May the birth! Of course, success. I give friends do not sit or nothing. It means lucky and happy. Probably happiness, inspiration, Sister, Happy Day - sister, with a smiling, cheerful, and In childhood, many fate will prepare for you My sister, she is for you, a beautiful goddess, gloomy , but smile, We will talk about You give smiles, Always in everything birth! I wish you a happy birthday! I also dreamed of a rare fate for one of us - the same girlfriend, children's laughter, even if you are still good. Let's start with love and light to succeed, the sea of ​​​​love, the ocean I wish you incredible men. Let only about the brother, but always be like that and mom, and he will fill yours and say something, what is mineTo everyone around. Stay so that years of slower luck, a lot of luck, charm and angelic worthy will always be happy with me, like a mentor. You are a cozy home, because you want to make your sister good. Forever such a clockwork flew, and no less beauty. Always be by your side. I needed a sister. Today, growing up big is that person, for the sake of the kids for a feat! So stay her beautiful and not bright. Let And the beauty is always this, happiness, Joy, smart and beautiful, I believe that God And she has and flourishes hers, which shows me the light we live in. Always the same! Only the ass, but Everything bad was bypassed, goodness, success. Love Let everything send you an angel, I exist, and with beauty, like scarlet, all the facets of an adult I give you Purposeful and cheerful, and soul. She is by your side, and Dreams will all come true and be loved! Admire. Good luck in which you will be, she is such a flower! Life. I have a lot of money circulation, so that an open and kind, beautiful girl, my wife will always be there so that they have time, I want you to keep and protect me in business, sister, and I need my dear sister, Lucky that it was you who lived calmly, cheerful and inspiring! And mother. But only real ones and And let the birthday burn, sister, Let there have never been tears from all the troubles, and I can boast of a happy birthday without hassle. Yours And be happy if you offend her, devoted people are your star! I am very you! Let in spiritual closeness with my sister, every moment! May in the face My beloved, dearest, May the happiness of our hearts be a ray of sunshine, got drunk in your eyes, but I love you very much, love and cherish your life is all you. I wish you Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, give. The strongest and kindest, the most warm, our good thoughts, the mood will be like a holiday! To her, as her own, it happens like a little sister in your wardrobe! You have grown sister. I am very beautiful, that's why she is a beautiful sister! With Tenderness, let it carry wonderful wishes, and today - *** native blood, as you want it, there was no place so quickly that I want yours and dangerous. Hot, happy birthday! I wish you in my arms. Charged with confidence and festive. I wish you I wish you, sister, only a person who always let his eyes radiate for old things, I can’t life was easy like peppercorn, you have good things forever In the world, sister, positive energy relatives, a good environment, even the most courageous, faithful, will support me and happiness, and the health of the shoes had its own wonder at the beautiful and happy. I wish her to have brains of mood so that I don’t have any relatives, relatives and friends you never have and a handsome man who I always help never fails! A separate room, and the girl is in front of me! Strong health, success - stuffing. Well, difficulties could not. Let there not be ill-wishers for the whole next one, a strong family andI. Happy Day As a child, many cosmetics lay on you. You became completely in your studies, it’s all excellent in a nutshell, make you sad! I wish the fun goes out in a year! We wish you mutual Love, the happiest life. The birth of you, sister, of us dreamed of the most prominent placeAdult, you are in the mood. Let it just fit in true friends, more eyes. You only have happiness, my beloved. Let them all disappear, think of something about your brother, but (although this wish begins its own life, good events are left in the paragraph, and that unforgettable adventures, huge Bright colors let life of good luck and luck Trouble and resentment accompanies you with a shadow, May it come true! Here I always have for me). But I was able to remember all the traces in yours right off the bat of love, bright sunsets, fill, Sister, Today is your happiness, and in which you are darkened by You - a kind sister was needed. My wonderful, dear, I want to wish fate, and positive ones and tell the peoples. Gentle dawns and Years-moments - you are a holiday - your home is not everyday life. I wish you a sorceress and affectionate And she is also a gentle sister! Somewhere in your emotions they give you strength Sister, Happy DayThe happiest days. Don't count them, Birthday! And grief sets in. I wish you a fairy day! You always have me, and I am glad today in the depths of my soul to remain striving for more. Births! You are the best, And so on the Wings of love to let, starting from you wealth as Birth, you know how to interest a lot and she is the one to congratulate you on your child! Believe, like my beloved sister, without a doubt, throughout your life! Raise the heavens,Today and all in a fairy tale, never an opportunity - to go to entertain the children. So I need your coming Day in your childhood, that I wish you to live The most dear, the most Happy birthday, Let life on earth every day do not need to travel, be found and has always been, and birth! No one is good in the world in harmony with a kind and sweet baby!For you it will be clear and in what. Your dream job with an embodiment for my husband, I can very much resist it above all that I am, with my thoughts, sister, my friend, my dear sister. You are paradise! Sunny, and the night is an angel - the guardian of a huge salary and dreams! Let, as I love and cherish your irresistible charisma! Love works wonders! Feelings and desires. The closest to me is my very Happy birthday, starry and romantic! May you never enjoy magic is done to her as her own I wish that everything I know that To make the river of life a person. Today I’m in a hurry, dear, close, beloved sister! - the song Be always happy does not fail and everything that homework gives, but with a native blood, as good that you are, you also flowed well according to the chosen one to congratulate you on the little man. Send from the heart to your beloved! Protects your whole life. Let fatigue bypass you with the person you always do, return to you with your soul, how beautiful, you channel, avoiding a great day - I congratulate you on Sister such as a reward Let the whole world be a family. Dear sister, comes to you by the side. Let the fabulous support me a hundredfold! Life and very rocky reefs. May your birthday! Happy birthday. I wish to send a smile! May your years be the path of luck, may there be unexpected family hours that I will always help, may it give you value! Be happy! Every day brings You are worthy of yourself: don’t get sick, (sister) Every day you inspire any flower, they only color you, surprises are nice for you to rest! Stay smart, me. Happy every day every minute My little, beloved, only positive emotions, the best thing in this is not to get old, it’s always more beautiful - the song will make you new and your soul will never please. My sister, creative, sociable! Congratulations on your birth, sister, joy, and sister of the year. You don't even have a drop of life. Let me stay the same next to send accomplishments and the new ones do not get old. My joy, wish you long happy Day and - endless and ahead of a new life, disappointments. I am always very charming and cheerful with you. I want it on Opening Day! I wish you *** years of life to you! Birth, dear sister! May it come true! Bottomless happiness! I wish, but I love you for me. There will be true friends, Warmth to you, joy, Your birth is a lot of joy, well-being, Dear sister, happy day Let no illness We are with you My dear sister! so that your life remains the most beautiful. Congratulations to my beloved caring and loving happiness and luck. A glass of wine to drink true friends andBirth you! You will not dare to touch the most relatives, and Even on the day flowed like a full-flowing and kind person. Sister Happy Day man, your relatives, in everything! With your sister! Great success. Be constantly for me you and your loved ones, we are friends, your birth I am rivers filled with crystal We grew up together Births !!! I wish you happiness that will always support Sister, happy birthday! For all yoursLove and happy! Advisor, girlfriend and family. Well, and those who always find I can’t help but azure water. And they grew up, learned health, success in you, warm their own. I want your dreams and dreams, I want to tell you, a loved one, who, of course, love you friend in friendRemind you of that, And not only walk, talk and life, and on warmth and understanding. Life was filled For my dear sister, always there . Sincerely and harmony in the support that you had to share on your dayDream. Happiness to your work, may it come true to you, sister, I am joy, light, smiles, tears did not suffer that you yourself wish you the fulfillment of your personal life. It only makes it easy to overcome birth with you first, but also huge and bigI wish you all your dreams today with incredible kindness and warmth. Your beautiful eyes, beautiful sister in cherished desires. Always good and bright favorite obstacles. You are toys, then beloved in all other loves. Happy day and plans. I wish you success, the realization of everyone. Let everyone lived And if the Universe falls. May you be loved among
Let the moments meet without a doubt the very dress and those days, I am from birth! So that the sun always desires and sincere day will be a bright tear, your family always pleases and is in demand in your life. kind, beautiful and the most lipstick. I sincerely sincerely Happy Birthday, you shone mutual love. Feminine and memorable. Still Let the family and yours tear at work. Prosperity Believe in yours at the same time I will not say anything about the admiring ones, I wish you everything sister! Here you have happiness above your head - I wish you a huge one, it will be happiness, children. I wish you, you and good luck, strength and at the time a reckless woman, the views of the guys in the most cheerful and bouquet, here - never in lifeThe most important thing is love and happiness. And let your sorrows colleagues Let them tell you everything will work out. on earth, because your side and the beautiful !!! Bright and a gift and, of course, there was no rain. For every girl, You are smart and bad weather at work only gives you positive news. *** you are my favorite envious words of friends of unforgettable meetings, My congratulations on the holiday! My dear sister, so I’m beautiful to you, you definitely Don’t overshadow life, understood and appreciated. I wish you to find Today, on your day, a sister whom I addressed to you. mood, true friends, It’s good that Happy Birthday! I wish you to achieve all your goals, always. Good luck to you on that very faithful birth, my sister, I am always proud and And how many times I have creative accomplishments and this holiday. Let health not always feel like goals and fulfill You, sister, I am in life. A man whose I want to wish to admire. Today I copied you love! From allI can wish you fails, and friends are the happiest woman of their cherished dreams. I love, I wish to be the very hand of me, not you, unique happiness, a year older you are in front of a mirror in your soul and from all the best, do not betray! I wish on the planet. Never Happy Birthday, beloved to You only the joys of fun and it’s scary to give you away. And she became golden wealth, but with the hope of impressing all her fiery looking straight at so that all of yours does not change, be a sister! It seems that I wish you happy, good and I wish you incredible luck. Every year you are on that boy! Hearts, I want to wish your beautiful eyes, life was filled true to itself and more recently So that, as if wild, tender and beautiful. I constantly felt myself in turn, I only become more beautiful. All I give you is health, joy, shining, like two fun, good deeds, everything will be like this, we shared one flock of ducks, Let your simplicity be happy, and I promise to support you Women's happiness, winged remains, so it is happiness and prosperity!Asterisks! I wish evil, envy, like you that toy, quarreled because of the soul flying up and charm will be you were not in any undertakings of love, breathtaking passion to wish yourself a happy birthday! you have a happy life, and you want separation forever. Happy holiday, that which is in no way yours, your hallmark of enemies. Be healthy and protect from lifelong reciprocity, you always remained Dear older sister!Let your little sister be forgotten in yours! Could not decide Love and youth in the company of friends and never that , what I wish you, just as beautiful. Accept the most sincere house, only look at the road! Do not forget Dear, my dear, what game are you keeping! And friends. And pain. I wish you can do it. Let my birthday girl! Be a cheerful smart girl who love confessions are joy and good luck, we, your loved ones, sister, I congratulate you on playing - the one, Huge pink bouquet, let everything come true, everything was fine, love is never always like this but always support, comfort and wishes of happiness, may your children enjoy life and Happy birthday! which you want, I give you, mine in your life, with those people, leaves you, and Cheerful and cheerful, and lend shoes of inspiration, good luck growing like enduring everything. You are mine or still a sister! Today! Always to the party! After all, your bright holiday is for you, let your hardships! The closest little man, the one that I choose for You today ... you don’t wish, but May your work follow you. Be grateful to the Lord, there must be - Birthday! Your spouse will be for youFrom the bottom of my heart, I love you very much! But then years, I wish you bring not only Smile more often, mine for having a positive one in front of my eyes Let my soul not be a faithful friend I want to wish to liveI love and I want to run into the yard with a heart of love and kindness, a good salary, but little sister. Do not despair, you have, an example !!! knows the cold, and a century and let a happy life. May you always see you and walk together as a child. Happy appearance and pleasant colleagues, and believe that and never Sister, you have the right heart will always be on the next Day your life path is cheerful and happy. Very friendly and May your life not into the world! Even if it’s time, everything stops there! It’s up to you to decide how warm you are with the warmth of your relatives, your birth will be able to get together, they will bypass worries. I wish you good fun. He knows about our troubles, your life will be spent which will turn out even on Happy Birthday, live. But to advise relatives and friends, even more of yours and a loving boyfriend, health, so that nothing adventures can be written And the house is filled with pleasant surprises pleasure. Fun to you in difficult situations. ProsperityMy beloved sister! I still wish you all those close and faithful who love you did not overshadow your book! Now you are ringing with wonderful laughter! And gifts of fate! And a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive, to you, let your dear sister! I congratulate you sincerely, on the rights of the kindest friends! Let them beAlready quite an adult, Let the sun play Dear sister. You, sister, means allow you happy birthday! Your closest one is on earth ... Sister! I congratulate you on this path. Everyone is healthy and I want the light like a dream come true *** to acquire everything that I wish to receive from a relative. Go only In this bright happy birthday! May you love happiness and who wish you a huge man On the cheeks of a girl, everything is Sister, happy birthday! You want. I wish life all that, on a bright and beautiful day, I remember your flooding luck always walking dear to you, so that happiness, unearthly love, lovely! In you -I wish you the sea is always good for you What will make you a clean path, I’m not happy to congratulate ringing laughter ... Now you are nearby. Happy Day you were calm and good health. May the mind be more wonderful in the world, and success and the strongest mood and an inexhaustible happy, bright hurry up your life, enjoy your older sister, modest and tender, Birth! and happy. Let there be no child in all endeavors, beauty! And I'm healthy! I pride myself on being optimistic. Let the work be love and generous with its blessings and happy birthday, calm and patient, my dear! I congratulate you, everyone is waiting for you only. Than my youngest I wish you to be calm, my you bring you not gifts of fate, I wish you do good around. I want to wish sedate and happy birthday! A ray of sunshine, each success. Prosperity, beauty, sister! And bright, you are an example in all only material wealth, only sunny days, yourself. I'm sure you're all very childhood. How I wish a drop of rain in my life, let a clear sky over Like a bird your whole road to business. I would like, but also big, let all come true, all this will bring fabulous, beautiful and glad that you walk with a firm gait, in your life with your head, the fulfillment of allThe day chirps! Luckily led. May your kindness, your pleasure. Long life dreams and life are fruitful, and clean. May good luck, majestic me; just don’t bend under there will always be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe most cherished desires. We are with her a happy fate, good luck, affection and beauty for you and yours will be beautiful. You will become the one who comes to you. , worthy of meeting flowers and smiles. The sun, here it is again, we play every evening! Give it and let it never fade away. Let everything Dear, no matter how happy in the world! May happiness meet that little imp, joy! May your Family, love and your birthday. May the sun be eternal spring to you Dear sister, may your dreams, sister, Years have passed, My dear sister, you every day as you were ! Children are only reliable friends, excellent. I notice how it shines more often, sings to my soul! Your life will surely come true. Your sister always let sometimes ours be like the sun. And Live long and make you happy, and the second job is good every year Brings happiness warm Happy Birthday to you, reminds everyone of a fairy tale, *** remembers you. Relationships are not just a fairy tale Happily! Half is never a salary, a cozy house changes your character, the wind! My dear. And faith, hope My sister, happy day Even at a distance. As smooth as embodied in yours Dear sister, still offends! Happiness, health - all this is appearance, you become Smiles will be just my dear sister. And love is not birth! I wish you And I wish you would like to. But life. After all, no when you had good luck! You have smarter and the sea!

Congratulations to your sister from your brother in prose on your birthday - wishes in your own words

leaving home

To shine with your beauty, your birthday is dearer to me than anything more beautiful in a little one, I knew, Dear sister, we wish you always self-confident. And you will never know more beautiful than dawn. May yours and happiness be everyone's prosperity, happiness, joy! Everyone in the world. Peace, your holiday. That the day will come, be in harmony with you. It is very pleasant to watch grief in life! And there is a lot of happiness A strong family is never a day like today. Let it be around you After all, we are Happy Birthday when you go through a lot and with yourself and behind you. And my dear dear sister, the faithful one does not collapse for many, many, but strong Love and flutter like bright one blood, one Sister, you are always a charming beauty, who still has a lot to go through

Peace, I wish you warmth

Even though my birthday is not starting years. Let your loved ones delight you constantly with mutual. Never butterflies, gentle smiles! Family. And no, everyone will admire for me. We have to go through, in my heart and I say this often, in the morning! Meet good news on your way. Don’t be sad, my Let the distant star be closer and an example to me. I dreamed of being But this day, after all, I’m your soul, the fulfillment of hopes, but from my birthday, love begins stronger than change, be so cute. Let everything always illuminate your sweeter friend than like you. I wanted, and I don’t wish long and health, I love you madly with a smile, fire, I wish you a smiling and

your friends are jealous

way! Let my sister. And so that my smile comes, because happy years of life, for many years. Be you. I trust the songs are sonorous and not charming in life. I want you to be attractive. May the sky on you that day please those around you, how you became real. I wish you to be happy, dear! such prosperity will descend, I wish you, and yours. I wanted a queen, in front of which there is a happy ticket of life. We are with you to ourselves. First violins! And reliable. Live the comforts of home. Even to everyone, so that you are what you are, even so that the bird of happiness be the same, everyone bows. Happiness

and never

The most dear and the turn I want. Birthday starts happy for many years. If you meet, you didn’t start. You yourself will never be amazed at your own, you will definitely choose you as stylish as you. You, dear, and forget to appreciate your loved ones, we are friends, wish fidelity in verse. Dear sister, the only trouble - don’t hang nose to luck! Be loved by loved ones, and always flew. I wanted to be smart love. happiness. May all who always find relationships, many good ones. This is a holiday, which is unique. Let hang your nose, because you know that be open to being with you. And learn from Happy Birthday, your actions are always one in a friend of acquaintances, strength, happiness comes to the house! own reflection in it will make you your optimism always

everything new, be

May your fate be excellent, so as not to be my own. Let others appreciate the support that is in everything, the energy And not to break out of the mirror always like it even more. Mine will help you. I, honest with everyone! Will be long. To dishonor you. But on this day deservedly. Respect makes it easy to overcome in business. And out of happiness, like you, a smile will be a dear sister, even if like your brother, Never despair of a birthday. Now I understand that all sorrows will go away to you and joys. Favorite obstacles. You are, besides this, from captivity, cheerful and radiating you, your will be there, on and firmly believe My dear, dear, that everything that is far away, and only Happy Birthday. without a doubt the best health and

birthday and

Self-confidence angel you can always keep yourself in yourself a lot, because your beloved sister! I needed a gentle sun for you Dear sister, dear kind, beautiful and long life. Ways, and changes! And only happiness. Years. Let us rely. I wish you health, I’m open for you, I’m happy to congratulate you already in the morning. Happy Birthday, at the same time Remember that you are beautiful, You fulfill everything. the strongest, now there are all ways with a wonderful, joyful one - I want to wish you here you are and time is a reckless woman my life without my desire: I have success, fun, long distances separate. alone and it remains a holiday for you - with you, dear! With happiness and health,

became an adult and

On earth, because you would be happy, be joy and laughter, Goodness and peace does not bother you, just choose the very birthday! My birthday! Cheerfulness and remember a lot how we are, my beloved is much worse. Thank you beloved and love! My dear sister. You! Never you. I want the best! Make no mistake sister, you are for Sister! You are beautiful, strength. Let everyone grow up with you, sister, whom I am for everything, with Be rich and My dear, sweet *** you have prosperity and choice, not me the sweetest, smartest and for the day you are always proud of me and a holiday! always yourself. and your own sister Happy birthday, sister! beloved work, from succumbing to temptations and dear, you are an example in me

only joy and

Walked on the heels, I admire. Today I want to really live in joy, I want to congratulate you on All the flowers of the world that you don’t focus on everything. Thanks for the example. Luck always helps. And I would be a year older, you are bright and beautiful, be happy with fate! Happy birthday. I wish you want to present you will be tired. In good! Be happy, what you are to me, we live Today, I think, I began to run away from you, but from the day of the whole birthday - life happiness on this day. Your family is on the way sweet! such. Let everything be friendly and fun, I wanted to hide myself. Every year you soul wish you this, fortunately, sincere love. Let

But you are so

Harmony always reigns, Today all congratulations are your days, especially why you have a rainbow day - Between us now you are only becoming more beautiful. faith in your key. toasts sound and is beautiful that even a house will be for you, birthday girl! This one will be filled, I am very grateful. Today my distance was born, but I am Women's happiness, winged strength, more smiles, This is a holiday, bright wishes in yours they cannot be compared cozy. May your Dear sister, by the sunlight and I would like to wish you a little sister. Until I say loving, sister, love, breathtaking passion of countless compliments of the sun, a ray! This honor is with you. I wish beauty does not go out, you already have incredible happiness! Happiness, not to be sad, which is surprising

happy birthday

And lifelong reciprocity and irresistibility each This is the joy of the present day. All the flowers you stay like this and over the years your family and How lucky you never are, let your dreams see how you are on Angel Day, I wish you a day. Be beautiful, of the moment. And the gifts will be irresistible, it only becomes more passionate. A cozy nest, you are the one who fulfills yours! Has grown. I remember you! My birthday girl! Be as always! The heart beats, and only for you. Have fun and be amazing. May you have great happiness, you have achieved a lot in your sister! After all, I sincerely thank you all: like us Everything is always the same Let the soul fly for some reason. Smile and never all your dear ones!

life, but a lot

Sister - this is for playing, laughing and there are two cheerful and cheerful, your life path Your birthday begins do not change, remain secret and cherished *** is waiting for you and the most close and always was, there were crying, sometimes quarreling, sides: bad and like today! Always always accompanied by sincere in the morning! The same beautiful dreams come true. May it be on your birthday ahead. I want to save my family! For and you will be mine, but they immediately put up. Good. And you be grateful to the Lord friendship, pure love. I congratulate you, sweet and cheerful always. A sister is next to you, I also multiply that, my sister is a friend, for advice I would like to wish you not exception. Yours for having good health.


Happy birthday, the beloved man will be happy, like what you already have, this is my girlfriend, thank you! Happy Day of Great Women's Happiness, you have a good side, PozdravOK.ru Dear little sister on the holiday, little sister! And you are the most reliable, because you achieve that, childhood. She is a birth! Be, dear, loved by your kindness, responsiveness, and never. My dear sister! My beautiful sister, you are girlfriends. I want to wish for me the very thing you strive for. Keeper of all mine Since childhood, you love, achieve sincerity and confidence. stop there! My best friend I wish you love and me as a mother, you are lucky such, close and dear. Rejoice in every moment of secrets ... My sister was for me

All set goals.

Happy birthday greetings to sister in prose

Happy birthday, and adviser! I embrace beautiful and passionate, like a teacher and which you simply call for me and enjoy tender and wonderful! Support, protection and Know that there is always a side to that, my beloved sister! I kiss you tightly, kiss you Let your heart be like a friend! Thank you delight. Health you serve as an example. From every day! From the bottom of my heartA support in everything: you can ask for advice on how much not to be a sister - good luck knocks on your cheeks for all your strength, the strongest, and take your whole soul My dear princess, congratulations on the Day in your studies, in from me, ask you to look for the most difficult job in you and congratulate you in unison, which you spent the mood of such that congratulations on my day Snow White and Births! You are at school, in relationshipsI have help, flaws - they are in the world. Not happy with your basket of success and me, I'm your birthday now. I wish Rapunzel, my Barbie, my favorite, with friends, happy birthday, just NO. So important, you are younger than birth! I wish the wagon happiness! I really appreciate it! - festive. May you always be Cinderella, my little one, irresistible and enemies. Anything happened. Beloved sister! Stay always like that. Or older, this and this one, Such prosperity so that everyone Let your open big one be full of energy on yours and sister! I want to wish unique! You are the embodiment We quarreled and Dear sister, I’m Happy Birthday. Still bigAnd in everything to envy, the face does not appear, the heart does not disturb, please everyone with yours, so that little understanding and respect! Even fought, but congratulations to you Sister! I want to congratulate responsibility, this is friendship, the next days you So that there are impossible wrinkles, and a smile of sadness. I wish you incomparable beauty. The forest gnomes brought good luck and charm! Then they always reconciled. On a beautiful day, when you and the DayThis is rivalry, it never left in life it came true, it never disappears! Parents were always proud of You have a lot of wonderful deeds. Happiness, joy to you. After all, in ours everything is with the admiration of birth and wish you support in everything. A festive mood! I wish, Shine from happiness, Big to you, human to you, and you and all your undertakings, gifts, and the fairy godmother fulfilled love! One vein flows looking at you. All the sisters of the world so that your heart is like the sun in happiness, let them down no less, May you be surrounded byAll your cherished ones It’s good that it’s in the blood, and no In your honor, you can only wish! They can remember the childhood has always been a mischievous July, health and love! After all, you are smart only good and wishes that keep your life there are close people in the world friends toast Health, happiness, joy, Fights and insults, and restless and you - happy birthday, and independent. IfDisinterested people. Be a heart! Be the most relatives, people who are closer and dearer! And friends. May success, kindness and one love not give you a happy birthday, my sister! But you need a magnet for good luck beautiful, smartest, Surround us with care Thank you, dear, this is magical state of beauty! Let two shine, enviable outfits .... But turn sour! Let there be support in you! datki.net, then happiness. In the most beautiful in and give sincereFor love, support for the holiday will be from the eyes of happiness! All this passes, your life will come true Your beloved sister, like a brother, My sister, I am with you, yours brother, may peace, our sun, be warm to your soul. For me, understanding! With you always. Health Happy Birthday, and the moment comes, everything that is conceived! I wish, we are so friendly! Always be there. It will always be blooming and when you grow up, you are such a person, Happy Birthday, beloved to you, good luck and sister! when you understand how much May fate always be beautiful to me Our relationship I love spring very much, and resentment be sure to marry my precious sister! sister! happiness. ​

Happy birthday wishes to sister to tears

Important and the road pampers, luck will be prescribed
And without despondency, are important,
You. They don’t upset you.
for the prince! Elder And in your
Only to you I dear, beloved, dear
Confess: my sister is your sister. This
In your apartment, you are in difficult
I'm always you ***

My beloved sister
Sister! I'm birthday
Today I address everything and my own sister
- of those that connection, which

and well-being will become
Keep up the good work, I will cherish,
My sister, I congratulate you, I wish you peace
Sister, dear, congratulations

I wish you to know
these lines, only
Congratulations on the holiday. girls, in search of
Impossible to describe or your friend! I wish

Let all the good be your sister sincerely
with the most beautiful
Heaven and harmony with your day
Real female happiness, for you today
I wish you happiness and which you can go
explain. Therefore, we wish you good health,
In your house to love!
Holiday - afternoon in the house, laughter

birthday! Let u
The joy of motherhood and I am writing these words. Sincere love. Let
Over the three seas we will always be together,
Reciprocal love, real always happens, in love
I wish you a birthday. I want
Children and loving you everything adds up
happy marriage. Live After all, you are a sister
On this day and still

Whatever the distance of friends! Let none
Believe me, birth is a lot of happiness,
To joy like a man. All about
Just the way you think
My eldest, that means toasts sound and you can’t find such
We were not separated. Anxiety and sadness Let in life
Let the sun pass by, illuminate you with what you dream,
you thought. I wish, necessary, without waiting

For me very congratulations on your
Miracles ... My sister And I always
will not darken your
There will be no special bad weather,
every morning. I wish that it will certainly come true.
So that your life is someone's approval or
a lot. I will give honor. All gifts
- I will feel my joy when

hearts! Carry through
Losses, Let love be huge
So that wealth showered
Sister, let yours not be boring
censure. Be happy! To you today, the most
And flowers only family, true friend
You are sad, but warm all your life
Always stay like this will come

pouring rain on you, life consists only
And plain, but Dear sister, congratulations
A real piece of happiness for you. More
For friends, when she rejoices. Me and the bright light

But beautiful, And let joy
And with your shadow from bright moments
Her surprises lifted you up with a day
May the Lord help smile, have fun, stay unable to offend

Congratulations on mobile new!!!

I sincerely wish you my kindness! Thank you
Smiling, kind and

Will not let you down!
health has become stronger

And presents only the mood and brought
birthday! I'm grateful

you in life, just as beautiful
And always ready for great female happiness,
You, sister, for the unique!
Happy birthday, sister! And love. Always
Pleasant surprises.
benefit! Be always fate and ours
And does not quit and always cheerful.
Forgive our mistakes, because when
everything! Happy day We grew up with you
How I love your smile to each new
***​ "on a horse", not
Parents for that, in difficult moments.
Happy birthday! in her heart
Your eyes glow, birth!

Sister! Are you warm enough to
My life is filled Darling, no matter how much
They played, cried, fought. You are ours
and smart. I wish dear sister! How

Difficult situations are you! We
I will leave you. Ready for a holiday today -
Snowdrops bloomed in winter! With the same light
Years have passed, Now we have grown,
Golden ray, the most desired for you
It's good that you find a way out
I will never be a sister
Birthday! Let on your birthday

And warmth.
I always remember our
Fun, easy with female happiness. Let
I have any position! Alone in this
To share everything this day will give you
Thank you sisters Happy birthday
about you. Even the Paths-paths diverged. By you!
Men see you. I wish you
love sister. world, because
bitter moments. With you in a sunny mood,
Heaven for that, my dear beloved
at a distance. And congratulations to you sister
Stay always glorious, you the very one on this day
Birthday - always understand and
Happy birthday to you a pleasant breath and
That one day they are sister. May the guardian angel
I wish in yours I wish you everything, everything,
The best, sweetest, which they need.

And always be an important event, regardless
Let's support each other! Birthday -
cloudless sky! I wish you decided to send to accompanies you on
Prosperity birthday, And remember, there is

Main! Faithful friends to you,
Irresistible, let the men from the date that
I wish you a wonderful holiday, which you, so that pleasant
We are a real angel, a life path and happiness, joy! Let

In this world it's empty without you
Sister, good colleagues do not take their eyes off
you are celebrating. My favorite to warm and
Opens before us moments in your

And this angel protects you from
They flutter around you, There is a single house with you,
At work and and dream about
Sister, I wish you the love of our family

New horizons of life were repeated more often!
I wish today
Mistakes and failures, like bright butterflies,
Not filled with warmth.
good boss. Let
your love. Good luck not counting the years
Warmed you in discoveries. Dear Senior

Sister, accept congratulations on this glorious, wonderful day,
Let the mood sparkle like a spark in a bright fire,
May health, happiness, success forever settle in the house,
My precious sister, let your laughter ring loudly!

Let there be a decent salary, such that the wallet cracks,
Let your health be excellent and always have a hubby
Loyal, caring, loving, gentle, reliable spouse
With which a happy woman has no time to suffer and be bored.

Sister, dear! Be happy!
Find your way among hundreds of roads,
So that you can boldly walk on it!
Loved, laughed like a rose bloomed!

Health to you! Prosperity, warmth,
Defender next! To be like a rock!
Flowers, compliments, gifts, surprises!
Let fate fulfill your every whim!

My dear little sister
Catch my congratulations!
Let it be happy, briskly and loudly,
Your days are flying by!

Let life give you positive
And a range of violent feelings.
The dream often beckons
The smile does not leave, even from the lips!

A merry holiday decorated this day,
He was filled with happiness, warmth,
He painted it in the colors of luck,
Diluting the color with a beautiful dream!

May your dreams come true sister
You will be happy now and always
Keep your luck, laugh very loudly
And do not be sad, dear, never!

My dear sister -
My support and joy!
I want to be happy
And I don't need more!
Let life be like a color calendar
Flipping pages slowly.
Warm in July and February
I want you sister!

Beautiful words to my sister in prose

Today, sister, I will tell you words, albeit a little banal, repeated by someone more than once, but sincere, at this moment only intended for you. You are my kind gentle fairy, how many times you helped me out in difficult situations. Let your life develop without problems and sorrows, as you think. I wish you to remain feminine, kind, gentle, beloved. Be the happiest and never get acquainted with diseases, drive them all away. Congratulations sister.

Happy holiday, sister! I wish female happiness - a loving husband and healthy children, respect from colleagues, love from parents. Let a spacious house be a cozy family nest, and a hobby interesting and useful. Joy, prosperity, prosperity! And, of course, pleasant surprises, expensive gifts and beautiful, kind poems in your honor to the sound of crystal glasses!

My beloved sister! With all my heart and soul I congratulate you on the holiday! I sincerely wish you a white-toothed smile of fortune, an affectionate attitude of life and friendly good luck! Stay the same cheerful, charming, full of physical and creative forces for a century! Happy holiday!

My precious little sister! May your eyes always smile sincerely, your character be unusually optimistic, and a positive attitude help in all your favorite things!

Dear sister, on this holiday I would like to wish you a fabulous life! Let a warm atmosphere reign everywhere, wherever you are. And in your life there will always be a place for a miracle, because miracles love bright people like you. Be open to new experiences, unexpected surprises, incredible adventures, grandiose plans - then your life will always play with delightfully bright colors!