An event dedicated to the Day of the Elderly took place. A festive event dedicated to the day of the elderly. Mbuk pr "mtsb" about working with the elderly

Natalia Bondareva

October 1 - the day of respect and veneration elderly person - celebrated all over the world... On this day, it is customary to thank the older generation for the warmth of their hearts, for the energy devoted to work, for the experience that they share with the younger generation. As part of the project "Beloved land, native land" in MBUK "Usolsk Museum of History and Local Lore" passed festive event, dedicated to this day: "We will live to be one hundred".

Target: education of moral and patriotic feelings.

The teachers of the preschool educational institution, together with the children of the correctional and preparatory groups, prepared and conducted holiday concert... Children read poetry, danced, sang songs, performed ditties. Grateful spectators greeted each performance of the young artists with applause and kind smiles. The heroes of the meeting took part in competitions with pleasure, guessed riddles, talked about their hobbies.

At the end holiday preschool children presented their grandmothers with souvenirs and greeting cards made together with their parents. We managed to create a positive festive the mood of all the heroes of the celebration.

Scenario festive event for the Day of the Elderly:

"We wish you to live up to a hundred"

(Leading holiday Bondarev N... L., Shestakova O. I.)

Target: Moral - patriotic education of preschoolers, strengthening the connection between generations.

Lead 1: Hello, dear guests and heroes of our holiday!

October 1 is International Day old people... In this golden autumn season, we honor those who have all their strength and knowledge dedicated to his people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation. The fact that in our country, along with many holidays and memorable dates, introduced, of course, exciting and enjoyable for many a day - Day old people.

Our dear! Before, now, again and again, honor and respect, gratitude and love to you!

Lead 2: It seems to us that this the holiday is celebrated in autumn... After all, spring is the first greenery, summer is an abundance of colors and flowers. And autumn is a generous and rich harvest. That's the way it is in life human: youth is always full of hope and love, mature years is the time of the heyday of creative powers, the time of accomplishments, worries about children, grandchildren.

Again, in all native Russia, bright the holiday has come... Today congratulations and a concert for those who blessed the autumn of life without scolding.

Meet the dance "Colors of Autumn"

(performed by girls of correctional and preparatory groups together with a physical education instructor).

“Autumn, autumn came after the summer.

We will ask her about different colors, we will ask.

Leaf fall swirled in the sky, again leaves from trees are flying.

It's a pity to part with the summer, the birds fly away into the distance.


Rainbow-arc paints are bright, colored.

Autumn, autumn, one, two, three, you give us colors.

So that we can paint the leaves and mushrooms in the forest.

Lead 1: Warm autumn day by the sun is gilded,

The wind is preoccupied with joyful work.

Falling leaves fall in delight,

He caresses gray hair as a reward.

Lead 2: On this October day at the behest of the century

Honoring nature elderly person!

Meet the perky song about how good autumn is.

Children, in Russian folk costumes, sing a song "Autumn"... Music by V. Alekseev, lyrics by I. Leime.

“The leaves turned yellow

The birds flew away

In the fall, in the fall

In the fall, in the fall

Puddles on the road

Cold on the doorstep

In the fall, in the fall

In the fall, in the fall

Warm boots

Legs will not get wet

In the fall, in the fall

In the fall, in the fall

Gloomy weather

Sad nature

In the fall, in the fall

In the fall, in the fall ”.

Lead 1: V holiday today is the day of the elderlypeople prepared for you guys a solemn verse:

My grandmother and I are old friends.

How good my grandmother is.

He knows so many fairy tales that it is impossible to count.

And there is always a new one in stock.

But the grandmother's hands are just a treasure.

My grandmother is not told to be idle.

Gold, dexterous, how I love them!

No, you probably won't find others like that!

Lead 2: Attention! Our grandmothers are girlfriends, we will sing ditties for you!

Children sing ditties about their grandmother.

Who will fry us cutlets,

Who will take you to kindergarten?

Who will take a walk with us,

Will he sing a lullaby?

My sweet granny

Likes to cook and cook.

He treats you to pies

How can I not love her?

Granny has time

To tell a fairy tale!

And with the grandchildren with everyone

Gamble, play!

Who will tell the tale

Will sing a song!

There is no dearer grandmother

She will understand everyone!

Together with us the sun

Sings for you

You are my scarlet flower

You are my light!

Lead 1: We invite you to solve riddles,

After all, their answers are important, everyone should know them!

* Three female names are so fluently spoken together, we wish them all, songs are sung about them (Faith Hope Love).

* The yellow leaves are circling over the city,

With a quiet rustle, they fall under our feet ...

And suddenly, again for a whole week - summer!

Tell me, could it be? (Indian summer)

*What is this house: the beginning of time,

Is he any reliable pier in life? (parental home)

* This is the first word, a gentle word in every destiny,

We know, life has given, we know, the world has given

She to me and you (Mother).

Duet with a song "Mommy dear, my mommy".

Words and music by V. Konischev

(performed by girls of the preparatory group)

Lead 1: Why today talking about elderly, we have not yet said about such wonderful people as grandfathers?

A child reads a verse:

Such a beard grows in my grandfather that I am always surprised at it.

“With him, my mother said, - you won't be in trouble:

Grandpa has a lot of intelligence in his beard. "

AND, truth: relatives will ask for advice,

If he strokes his beard, he will say the answer.

Sometimes I envy my grandfather, and my beard would soon grow.

Boys of the correctional and preparatory groups perform a song "Grass near the house", words and music V. Miguli.

Lead 1: Nature changes color, weather changes,

And the golden sun is followed by the rains,

And for the warmth - bad weather, behind the grief there will be happiness,

And changes youth for old age human.

Lead 2: So life goes in a circle,

Years rush to each other

But the year and the century are filled with joy, hope.

And on the day of autumn bright romance sounds as a gift

Our elderly beloved, our kind human!

The musical director of the preschool educational institution performs a romance "Don't go away"... Words and music by Nikolai Zubov.

Don't go, stay with me

It's so gratifying here, so light

I will cover with kisses

Mouth and eyes and brow.

I will cover with kisses

Mouth and eyes and brow.

Stay with me,

Stay with me!

Don't go, stay with me

I've loved you for so long.

I caress you with fire

And I will burn, and I will tire.

I caress you with fire

And I will burn, and I will tire.

Stay with me,

Stay with me!

Don't go, stay with me

The passion burns in my chest.

Don't go, don't go!

The delight of love awaits us with you,

Don't go, don't go.

Stay with me,

Stay with me!

Lead 1: You know, somehow my tongue does not dare to call you older people... You are young at heart, you have such soulful, beautiful faces. Can we call you young people? We want to look that great too. Share the secret of your youth.

Lead 2: - If you feel bad, how do you cope with such a mood?

Lead 1: - The main quality of character that you value in people?

Lead 2: - If guests come unexpectedly, which dish helps you out?

Lead 2: - Tell us about your hobby.

Lead 1: - What kind of sport do you prefer?

Lead 2: - What is your favorite season?

Thank you, dear ones, for your frank answers. Your optimism can only be envied.

Lead 1: On this day and festive and bright

And it's not the time to be sad, it's not the time

Children will count you long years

With a sonorous speech of a spoon-maker.

Lead 2: And let a smile illuminate your face,

Tell your age - do not rush!

We wish you to be happy,

We wish it with all our hearts!

Noise Instruments Orchestra (performance of children - spoonmen to a folk melody).

A child reads a verse:

We don't grab stars from the sky

But sometimes I want to become a star

To illuminate the earthly path for you from heaven,

And keep you warm in the long winter.

Children sing a song "It's just that we are little stars", author I. A. Shienok.


If you don't have a friend

Or are you offended by the whole world

We will reach out to meet

You will open your heart back


It's just, it's just that we are little stars

Sing with us, dance with us

We all know the movements, relieve the tension

Ay, it will be cool, ay, ay, it will be cool

Don't go gloomily alone

Stretch your smile from ear to ear

So what if there is no tooth yet

The main thing is to be man is good!

Chorus: Simple, just we are little stars

Sing with us, dance with us

We all know the movements, relieve the tension

Ay, it will be cool, ay, ay, it will be cool

Lead 1: And now we offer you a competition "Savvy"

Not one can do without it human.

Bunnies are friends with him.

You can see your double (mirror)

They make a woman stately.

This thing is for women only.

Keep their hair done (hairpins)

It comes in a variety of materials.

There are teeth, but they do not go to the dentist with them.

Used throughout the day (comb)

When the husband comes home late

and it was found in him, the wife was angry.

Every woman prefers her own.

This is used repeatedly, (perfume)

It comes in all kinds of shapes and colors.

Has 2 or 4 holes, sometimes on a leg.

Used on clothing (button)

Lead 1: People elderly, Mother Russia

You have not been spoiled by an easy fate.

May God give you peace so that over the river

The sun illuminated the dome blue.

Lead 2: With all my heart, with bow and love

So I want to tell you dear:

"And your gray hair, and hands, and wrinkles

Everyone strives to gently press to the heart! "

Children sing a song "At my Russia"

music by G. Struve, lyrics by N. Solovieva

My Russia has long pigtails

My Russia has light eyelashes,

My Russia has blue eyes

You are very similar to me in Russia.


The sun is shining, the winds are blowing

Showers are pouring over Russia

There is a colored rainbow in the sky -

There is no land more beautiful.

For me, Russia is white birch,

For me, Russia is the morning dew,

For me, Russia, you are the most precious thing.

How much you look like my mother!

Lead 1: Years like leaves are blown into the past.

Let it be powdered with gray whiskey -

You are the kindest, closest to us,

And we bow low to you to the ground.

Lead 2: Do not succumb to disease and old age.

Live a century without knowing fatigue.

Children grow up and families are born

Life is not worth it, your life goes on.

Accept, our dear heroes holiday, present!

(Children present guests with greeting cards and handicrafts made together with their parents).

Children and presenters recite a quatrain:

“I hold the sun in my hands, I give it to my friends!

Smile, it's easy, a ray of the sun is for you! "

Leading: Our we finish the festive concert... Goodbye, see you soon.

Within the framework of social support for the elderly, the libraries of the MBUK "CBS" annually organize literary evenings, meetings, evenings of relaxation for people of the "golden" age. Specialists of social protection, doctors, psychologists are invited to the events, who provide professional advice. The purpose of these meetings is to make this day special for the elderly, to give them an opportunity to take a break from everyday worries, to give them an unforgettable holiday.

It has become a tradition in the central city library to hold meetings for colleagues and readers. On October 1, the theme evening “Kindness in Your Heart” brought together librarians who have devoted many years to their work at the festive table.

A local doctor - therapist was invited to the evening, who spoke about the characteristics of the body during this period of life and recommended how to lead a healthy and active life.

The decoration was the literary and musical composition "And it's all about her", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the poetess Larisa Rubalskaya. The presenter in her story could not ignore the amazing work of this poetess - whose poems and songs touch and warm the hearts of many women in Russia. Her understanding of women's destiny, multiplied by her literary talent, constantly gives minutes of true pleasure to everyone who loves song and poetry, who believes in high feelings. It is no coincidence that many of her poems, set to music, have become hits, and poetry collections never linger on book shelves. Those present discovered for themselves different sides of not only the creative, but also the personal life of the poetess. In one breath they listened to a fascinating story about the fate of Larisa Rubalskaya, about the vicissitudes of love, about her unexpected creative take-off, about her triumph, and also listened to the songs of pop masters written in her poems. The conversation about Larisa Rubalskaya was accompanied by a multimedia presentation entitled “Realist with a touch of romance”. It tells about the most significant events in the biography of this talented poetess.

In conclusion, the presenter held a win-win lottery with elements of humorous congratulations. Each guest received a small gift. Those present at the event appreciated the relaxed and warm atmosphere in the hall.

On this day, the family reading library held an evening - a meeting of generations “We learn from you the warmth and wisdom of the soul”, where grandparents gathered with their grandchildren. The evening was dedicated to the Year of Literature. A review by librarians featured literature containing recipes for beauty and youth, health and longevity, as well as popular fiction with book trailers. Pupils of school №14 prepared a congratulatory composition. The program of the evening included not only wonderful poems, but also the history of the holiday "Day of the Elderly", the peculiarities of its holding in different countries, funny contests "Familiar words ... twenty years later", "Writers and readers".

Literary karaoke "Great Talent" for the older generation was held in the library №5. The author and performer of songs Herman Petrovich Lunte spoke to the guests of the library. Together with those present, author's and Russian folk songs were performed to the accompaniment of a guitar. The contests “The best performance of a song”, “Guess the literary hero”, “Who is the author of the quote”, “The best bouquet of summer flowers” ​​were held. The winners received prizes. Group singing, participation in competitions, kind words of gratitude addressed to the guests created an indescribable atmosphere of benevolence and unity.

On the occasion of the celebration of the International Day of Older Persons, guests and readers of retirement age gathered in the library №10. Congratulations and warm words were heard from the deputy of the district Anastasia Nazarovna Yanyshevskaya, assistant to the deputy Nina Ivanovna Sidorova, the ensemble of the Cossack song "4+". Librarians performed a literary and musical composition "Autumn Sonata". Poems and songs on the theme of autumn were played. The guests took part in the competitions "Indian Summer", "Autumn Still Life", the competition of ditties "Nothing That Fifty".

I would like to hope that all the events held and the bits of goodness donated by our librarians to the elderly will delight the addressees.

Following a good tradition, they began to celebrate the Day of Respect for the Older Generation. Indeed, for our wise and "very adult" residents, this is not only a holiday, but also an opportunity to relax and communicate with each other. So in the Golovanovsky SDK there was a festive and concert program "It doesn't matter for us, since the soul is young!" In the foyer, stands "A Little History" and "For the Autumn to Be Golden!" The holiday was attended by the deputy of the Council of the NMO Portnov A.A., the manager of the village of Golovanovsky and the village of Grachi, Artemova V.V. ... They congratulated everyone on the holiday, wished good health, success, and a peaceful sky overhead. Artemova V.V. prizes were awarded to the participants of the "Older than All" competition, and words of gratitude were expressed to AA Biryukov, the sponsor of the tea party. The vocal group "Rossiyanka" and the soloists performed soulful songs for the elderly, presented the elderly with songs from their youth. The songs "Cherry", "My beloved", "Tractor driver", "Matvey's song", poems, scenes, competitive games and congratulations were performed. A perky song was performed by the duet Toksarova L. and Alekseeva G. They presented flowers and autumn leaves with congratulations, made at the literary circle "Fairy Tale". Traditionally, the oldest pensioners congratulated the newly arrived pensioners of 2018 on joining the ranks of pensioners. We wished them an active life and good health. The event was fun, provocative and exciting. All residents and guests were satisfied. The holiday continued with tea drinking, sports games, contests, riddles "Guess the riddles and take the prize" and a disco of the 80s. Elderly people received a boost of vivacity and positive emotions. The purpose of the holiday - to give people joy and good mood - has been achieved. The event was attended by 60 people. In memory of the meeting, a photo was taken as a keepsake.

There is an unusual date in the autumn calendar when the heart is filled with a feeling of deep gratitude, when you want to say words of gratitude, to be especially sensitive and attentive to people - this is October 1 or International Day of Older Persons, which has been celebrated in the Russian Federation since 1992. This is not only a holiday, but also another opportunity for seniors to communicate with each other.

Every year, in the golden autumn season, a wide variety of events are held for people of the older generation in the Central City Library of Dobryanka: festive concerts, literary and musical evenings, evenings of relaxation, gatherings, etc.

And this year, interesting events were held for the older generation. They were attended not only by the library's readers, but also by members of the Council of War and Labor Veterans, members of the Dobriansky Society of Disabled People, the Council of Veterans of Pedagogical Labor, representatives of TPSs, teachers and students of the Dobriansky Humanitarian and Technological College.

On October 7, in the reading room of the library, tea evening "We do not miss tea." Elderly people heard a lot of kind words and wishes addressed to them, they got the opportunity of pleasant communication. They actively participated in interesting contests, games and quizzes, recalled proverbs and sayings, and sang ditties with pleasure.

In the sincere atmosphere of the holiday, during the tea-drinking, the participants with youthful enthusiasm and courage demonstrated their talents in the dance and song genre.

The guests got acquainted with the history of tea, learned how tea drinking took place in Russia, what healing properties tea has, how it should be brewed and what herbs can be used to make this drink. Thanks to the informative and colorful presentation, the participants learned a lot of interesting things about the history of the samovar and its various types. We watched with interest a video about tea traditions of different countries and a film about Russian tea "Ivan-tea".

A pleasant gift for this holiday was the performance of the good poet-bard Alexander Radostev.

At the end of the evening, all those present received brochures "Drink tea - be healthy" as a gift.

Was very informative and unusual literary and musical evening "The Feast of Wisdom, Attention and Love", which took place on October 13th. This event was organized by the library in cooperation with the Dobrianskiy Humanitarian and Technological College named after Syuzev and the club "Literary Lounge" .

Librarians told about the history of the “Day of the Elderly”, congratulated those present on the holiday, wishing the older generation health, good mood, sensitivity of family and friends.

The teacher of the technical school V.L. No one was left indifferent by the literary composition conducted by V. Igosheva, S. Snegovaya, Ushkalenko Olesya, E. Michkova, and A. Fakhrutdinova. The songs "About Mom", "We love you, teachers" performed by Y. Semerikova, V. Sosnina and I. Khvorikov were touching. P. Degtyareva, T. Kurbonova, E. Antonova performed a fiery dance.

The owner of the “Literary Lounge E. Permyakova” club enthusiastically read her poems and presented everyone with collections of the dobryan poet L. Kotova “Thought Woven in Vers libre”.

At the end of the meeting, everyone together sang the song "We wish you happiness"

The evening ended with applause from everyone present. The participants of the event were deeply touched by the soulful, sincere, emotional performance of the children.

In addition, the Day of the Elderly positive evening "Autumn whirled in the sky" and rest evening "How young we were"

Everyone could get acquainted with the materials exhibition-exposition "We do not miss our tea", which presented literature about the origin of tea in Russia, about the rituals of Russian tea drinking, about samovars, etc. You could also see the attributes of the tea ceremony: various types of tea, samovar, cups, tea saucers, sweets.

The festive events were held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Their organizers gave the participants attention and good mood. The pensioners had a good rest, talked, learned a lot of interesting and useful things for themselves.


on the celebration of the Day of the Elderly.

There is an unusual date in the autumn calendar when the heart is filled with a feeling of deep gratitude, when you want to say words of gratitude, to be especially sensitive and attentive to people of the older generation - this is October 1, International Day of Older Persons. It is no coincidence that it is celebrated in autumn, at the time of leaf fall, when everything in nature is filled with the charm of silence, evokes thoughts of wisdom and maturity.

The library staff presented a book selection "My Years - My Wealth".

The holiday ended with a tea party at the festive table. The event was made possible thanks to the sponsorship of and.

Let's warm our palms, smooth out wrinkles

Elderly people are treated with deep respect throughout the world. It is in the minds of each of us to make their life filled with attention and warm communication. Therefore, it has become a good tradition to celebrate in early October a holiday dedicated to these worthy, staunch people.

On October 2, the workers of the recreation center and the library of Krasnaya Lyunda village invited all residents to the festive program. Warm congratulations were addressed to the representatives of the older generation. Children read poetry to their grandparents. The best concert performances of the amateur performances were a pleasant gift for the guests. And the guests themselves were not passive: they joked, laughed, played and sang actively. Thus, proving once again that life goes on and at any age it is beautiful and interesting.

"With Faith, Hope and Love" under this name on September 30, in the Maidan SDK, as part of the celebration of the Day of the Elderly, a festive concert took place. Many warm, kind words were spoken on this day to pensioners, those who worked hard and now are on a well-deserved rest. These are wonderful people with 30 or more years of experience behind them. After the concert, a festive tea party took place. The vocal ensemble "Derevenka" took part in the event, which is always warmly and joyfully greeted by the audience.

"My dear old men" - such a festive program was dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, held in the Lenin KFOR. The events took place at a festively laid table. The festive program of the event was accompanied by smiles, dances, surprises, contests, and songs. Everyone felt good and comfortable with friends.

"You have a long life." The Day of the Elderly is a day of thanksgiving for the warmth of the hearts of people who have lived a long and interesting life, for the energy devoted to work, for the experience that the older generation shares with the young. On September 30, a festive concert was held at Kozikovskaya secondary school. Librarian in the foyer In Druzhinina, the exhibition "To Hands - Work - Soul - Joy" was arranged. It featured the works of local craftswomen. The guests appreciated the hand-made works and sincerely admired the variety of the presented items. Elementary students greeted the audience with words of gratitude and respect. The ensemble of junior schoolchildren sang funny songs. The audience greeted the solo performance of Grisha Solodukhin very warmly. The festive concert was continued by the members of the amateur group "Ivushka". The songs performed by them not only lifted the spirits, but also brought the older generation back to their younger years.

An hour of attention and kindness passed in Bykovskaya rural library "Don't you dare forget about it" dedicated to the feat of the working people during the Great Patriotic War.

Years are like leaves in the past.
Let it be powdered with gray whiskey -
You are the kindest, closest to us,
And we bow low to you to the ground. Do not succumb to disease and old age,
Live a century without knowing fatigue.
Children grow up and families are born
Life is not worth it, your life goes on.