Baby development at 7 months of age. Knowledge of the surrounding world. What exercise is good for a baby

The development of the child at 7 months is actively continuing. During this time, the baby has already learned a lot, noticeably matured and got stronger. He is interested in absolutely everything that happens nearby and all the surrounding objects. A seven-month-old child, communicating with adults, often uses babble, facial expressions, and gestures. He can show with his finger where the dog is and where the cat is. He already understands the meaning of some words, for example, “no”. But very often you should not pronounce this word, otherwise he will stop paying attention to it.

Every day the baby grows a sense of attachment to one of the adults. Of course, most often this person is the mother. The child constantly reaches for her, cries loudly when the mother leaves. This is the first significant emotional attachment that the baby shows. It is based on the feelings of constancy and security that come from the mother. In addition to mom, the baby perfectly distinguishes between dad, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle.


A child at 7 months can easily roll over from the back to the tummy and vice versa, rotate around its axis. Many seven-month-old children can already sit with their back straight, stand at a support, and take their first steps.

At this stage, the little one learns to crawl, which contributes to the development of the back muscles, strengthens the press, muscles, and prepares it for the future upright posture. Now it is very important to limit it from objects that can harm: sharp, prickly objects lying on bedside tables, low shelves in cabinets; opening doors, drawers; heavy items.

An equally important event of this age is the appearance of the first tooth. Usually it is at this stage that the first lower incisor begins to erupt in most children, followed by a second in a few days. Do not panic, if the teeth came out earlier or they still do not exist at all, because this process is individual, for someone earlier, for someone later it happens. In addition, this process is influenced by genetics, if a father or mother got milk teeth late, then they should not be expected early in a peanut either.

At 7 months, a child learns to imitate certain sounds, for example, he can repeat "av", which means a dog, or "mu" - a cow. He babbles for a long time, repeating the same syllables: "ma-ma", "ba-ba". New sound combinations appear in speech, like “yes”, “give-give”, “na-na”, “ta-ta”.

At this age, the baby can begin to be taught to play "patties" and some light gestures - "hello", "bye".

A seven month old baby loves to play with different toys. He can grab the toy from different angles, knock it against objects, throw it, press buttons to listen to music. The peanut is interested in absolutely all the surrounding objects. He can disassemble the pyramid, get carried away for a long time by the matryoshka, bright cubes, investing cups. But especially the child is attracted to "adult toys" - remote controls, telephone, keyboard, laptop.

Height and weight

For 7 months, the baby will gain about 600 g of weight and grow by 2 cm.


The day regimen of a peanut depends on its feeding and biorhythms. It is necessary to try to adapt to it, but you should feed and put to bed at the same time.

A child at 7 months sleeps three times during the day for 1.5-2 hours, at night 10-11 hours. Perhaps the baby's sleep will become restless. This is due to increased physical activity - even in a dream, he will try to crawl.


The main food of a seven-month-old child is still breast milk (on demand, but not less than 5 times a day) or milk formula (5 times a day). Vegetable, fruit puree, gluten-free cereals (corn, buckwheat, rice, millet) should already be present in the diet. By the end of the 7th month of life, an egg yolk is introduced, which is added to porridge or vegetable puree. You can already acquaint with solid food - give a bite to dry, peeled cucumber, apple.

Sample menu for a seven-month-old baby:

  • 06:00 - breast milk or milk formula;
  • 10:00 - fruit puree, breast milk or formula;
  • 14:00 - porridge, breast milk or milk formula;
  • 18:00 - vegetable puree with the addition of ½ yolk, breast milk or milk formula;
  • 21:00 - breast milk or formula.
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Your baby is growing rapidly. After all, it is rightly said that in the first year of life a child manages so much that we adults need at least 10 years for this. Let's find out what a baby should be able to do at 7 months.

At seven months, the growth of boys is from 65 to 75 cm, and girls are slightly smaller and range from 63 to 74 cm.

The weight of boys is also slightly larger than that of girls and is 7.6 - 8.9 kg (boys) and 7.3 -8.4 kg (girls). The weight gain is approximately 600 grams. These indicators can also fluctuate depending on the heredity of the child and the type of nutrition ().

Almost all children of this age have teeth: two upper and two lower. But there are situations when teeth appear later, this is also a variant of the norm.

The chest in babies increases in size and the body now becomes more proportional.

The child's vision improves and now the baby sees everything in full color.

Baby activity

Increased mobility is the main feature of this age, even compared to previous months. Now you need to monitor the crumbs every minute, because he is already sitting and many are beginning to actively crawl.

Here's what a 7 month old baby can do:

  1. From a supine position, he easily flips onto his stomach and back;
  2. He sits on his own, but some children still need support (this is especially true for girls, they sit down a little later and you should not rush them);
  3. Some babies at this age begin to crawl, forward or backward, it happens in different ways;
  4. There are also children who are trying to get up. However, this cannot be called an advantage. It is not necessary to raise the child early: he himself will make it clear when the time comes. Getting up early can lead to a curvature of the musculoskeletal system;
  5. The hands are already well developed. They grab things. The kid shifts them from hand to hand.

Emotional development of a child at 7 months

  • There is a strong attachment to one of the family members, more often it is the mother, since it is she who spends the most time with the baby. The child is upset if the mother leaves or disappears from sight;
  • Fear of strangers. He may even burst into tears if someone unknown tries to speak or take him in his arms. There is an interesting video about this, which I suggest you watch:

  • The child likes to say hello or say goodbye by waving a pen. All these actions give great pleasure to the baby;
  • Understands the word "no" or "can't". And he gets very upset if something is forbidden;
  • Points a finger at an object that interests;
  • I really like to look at myself in the mirror;
  • I like to listen to music and even sing along, making different sounds.

Speech development

At 7 months, the child begins to understand what the people around him are talking about. This ability, the beginning of the child's speech. The mental development of the baby is closely related to his speech skills.

  1. Babies really like to babble and the sounds become more complicated every day. The kid not only coos and babbles, expresses his attitude with intonation, but also tries to connect gestures. Therefore, parents need to teach the baby new ways of communication;
  2. Imitates sounds;
  3. Like to hear your name;
  4. Learned to click the tongue;
  5. Can pronounce double syllables like: MA-PA-DA. Therefore, parents sometimes say that the child said the first word.

child games

We all know that play is the best learning. At seven months, a baby can:

  • Play "Ladushki", "Magpie-crow" with the help of mom;
  • Find objects hidden under a napkin;
  • Learns to collect pyramids and cubes;
  • Looks after adults and repeats their actions. For example, takes a spoon and tries to eat;
  • I like to look at books with large and bright pictures. And if, at the same time, the mother voices the heroes of the book, for example, lowing like a cow, or barking like a dog, the child will be incredibly delighted;
  • I really like to shake rattles and press the keys of musical instruments, listening to different sounds;
  • They love to try everything "on the tooth." Each item that falls into the hands must first be licked.

Parents, be sure to develop your child, communicate with him. He needs to feel that you need him. If the baby is not talking yet, this does not mean that in his presence you can be silent or, not paying attention to him, watch TV. Otherwise, in the future you will get a lag in speech development.

To develop speech, talk to your baby more often, stimulate his babble, express various intonations, and clearly pronounce sounds. All this contributes to the development of the brain and speech in the future.

Knock on objects, while teaching to knock with handles in turn. These activities stimulate message responses between the two hemispheres. Finger games help in the development of fine motor skills.

The daily routine of a child at 7 months

Of course, all children are different and it is very difficult to work out the same rules for everyone. After all, there are lark babies, like owls, who like to sleep for a long time. But I offer you an approximate table of the baby’s day regimen: how much the baby sleeps and how much he is awake according to his age.


The issue of complementary foods, which acutely arises by the age of six months, has faded into the background. If complementary foods began with fermented milk products, by 7 months the baby is already eating kefir, you can try weak milk porridges (for example, buckwheat).

If complementary foods began with fruit and vegetable juices, it is allowed to try kefir. Kashi is better to start from 7-8 months.

Breast milk is taking up less and less space in a child's diet. And yet, for no reason, it’s better not to refuse it yet, because the baby is just starting to master adult food, and he needs immunity support.

Possible and impossible

Since at seven months the child begins to actively move, it is important to equip a play area for him to avoid injuries. Lay a soft carpet on the floor and enclose the play area with pillows or other soft objects.

Put toys, development mat. So you will save the baby from falls and injuries, and you yourself will be able to do something else, leaving the baby alone for a while and not being afraid for his health.

If you can’t completely protect the baby, clearly define the scope of the prohibitions. No more than three such “no!” should be heard per day. If you repeat this word constantly, the baby will get used to it, and the ban will not be significant for him.

You should not build the life of an adult child only from prohibitions. If the baby is drawn to some household items, allow him to take those that will not harm him.

For example, if the baby pulled off a blanket or towel, took a spoon, let him play enough. Groats scattered in the kitchen can also be the subject of research, but playing with them requires the presence and control of adults.

So let your baby explore this world. Such learning in infancy will ensure the development of skills and emotions in later life.

Should see a doctor

Remember that all children develop differently. You should not measure the child according to the general plan.

Be sure to consult your pediatrician if you notice the following in your baby at 7 months:

  • Does not show affection for the mother or caregiver who spends the most time with the child;
  • Does not respond to sounds around him;
  • Does not attempt to obtain items within its reach;
  • Does not make any sounds;
  • Doesn't laugh or squeal;
  • Does not roll over from stomach to back and vice versa;
  • Seems very tense, muscles as hard as stone;
  • Or vice versa, the child is very soft and plastic, like a doll.

Development of a premature baby at 7 months

A separate topic is the development of children who were born a little ahead of schedule. At this age, they cannot be compared with children born at term. So let's take a look at the features.

By seven months, a premature baby's weight increases by almost three times, compared with the initial weight. If we compare two babies, then outwardly a premature baby will resemble a 3-4 month old baby in size.

By seven months, with proper care, a baby can:

  • roll over from back to tummy and vice versa;
  • distinguishes strangers from their own;
  • recognizes mother's voice;
  • holding a toy in hand
  • hums, makes different sounds, gurgles.

With proper care and good weight gain by the age of one, you will no longer be able to distinguish a premature baby from your peers.

Of course, a little more is required of you: constant visits to the pediatrician and neurologist, compliance with all recommendations, massage, swimming. But Dr. Komarovsky recommends being close to the baby as much as possible: wearing, hugging him, establishing tactile contact.

Breastfeeding has a good effect on the development of premature babies, if you managed to establish it. Feed your baby this way for at least a year.


When a child turns 7 months old, he is not at all like the little lump that was just brought from the maternity hospital. By this time, he had changed significantly, and got used to the world around him and his family. He moves a lot, and establishes communication with parents and relatives, his diet and sleep patterns change dramatically. When we have a child in front of us at 7 months, his development and nutrition are different from those that were previously.

As for the physical parameters, it should be noted that a small person grows by 2 centimeters in a month and gains about 600 grams in weight. The weight of a child at 7 months is approximately 7 or 8 kilograms, and the height approaches 66-71 centimeters.

What skills should be

What can babies do at 7 months? The skills and abilities of a baby at this age are usually the following:

  1. Many children by this time already know how to sit with little or no support or learn to sit up on their own.
  1. Some babies at this age are already actively crawling, but it is still difficult for them to fully lift the body, and therefore they most often crawl in a plastunsky way.
  1. In the prone position, it becomes possible to lean on the side handle, and the other to take objects or toys.
  1. Turns in different directions are now easily given to him, since his physical development is directed to increasing activity. During this period, parents need to be especially careful, since there is a high probability of bruises and injuries. This happens because, against the background of increased motor activity, coordination of movements has not yet been formed, and therefore it is highly undesirable to leave him alone.
  1. When feeding, the baby can hold the bottle himself, or pick it up when it falls.
  1. He already easily rises on a bed with a railing, holding on to them, or kneels.
  1. An older baby is already able to take steps if it is supported at this moment under the armpits.
  1. At the seventh month, he shifts objects from one to another with handles, turns toys over.
  1. The active study of objects intensifies, while the baby pulls toys into his mouth, knocks them on the table or crib, and carefully looks at them.
  1. He already knows how to nest larger items.
  1. By 7 months, hearing and vision are fully formed. Even soft sounds cause a reaction in the child in the form of head turns. For this reason, you should teach your baby to sleep with a small noise background, otherwise he will wake up at the slightest sound.
  1. Most often, the child already has the first teeth, the mother should not worry if their eruption has not yet occurred. Normally, this happens later, up to one year. Usually heredity plays a big role in this regard.

Many mothers may worry about the fact that the child does not sit at 7 months on his own. But such worries are premature. If the baby feels good, active and sociable, then you should just wait a bit.

If he does not do everything that a baby should be able to do at 7 months, then in this case we are talking about a significant developmental lag. Then it should be immediately shown to a pediatrician and a neurologist.

Features of the mental development of a 7 month old baby

Significant changes also take place in mental development:

  1. The child understands the meaning of some words and can even point to familiar objects.
  1. Communicates with familiar and unfamiliar people with the help of babble.
  1. Responds to his own name.
  1. Distinguishes familiar people and close relatives. Now he already has a feeling of a certain attachment. However, emotionally he is most attached to his mother and her departure or absence can cause tears. This is due to the fact that the baby's sense of security is disturbed, and anxiety arises. If at the same time the fear of parting is manifested in a seven-month-old child, then this fact indicates a great progress in his mental development.
  1. The kid already guesses by certain facial expressions and gestures of an adult, about the feelings that he experiences. Well distinguishes intonations in the voice (strictness, anger, kindness, tenderness).
  1. He is capable of feeling guilty when he is scolded.
  1. Many children at this age already know how to express their feelings. The child touches the face, strokes the hair, presses or pushes away.
  1. His attempts to talk and communicate become more and more meaningful.
  1. If the mother calls any object, then the baby actively turns his head in his direction.
  1. The child already knows how to draw attention to himself by pronouncing some syllables.
  1. The child has a need for friendship, but at this stage he does not show initiative.
  1. According to neurologists, the right hemisphere of a seven-month-old baby, which is responsible for the work of the left side of the body, develops somewhat faster than the left. For this reason, it becomes noticeable that he most often uses his left hand. But that doesn't mean he's left-handed.
  1. At the age of 7 months, a small person is already beginning to be afraid of very close and loud sounds, so it is advisable not to turn on a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or other noisy household appliances near him.

How the daily routine changes

The regimen of a child at 7 months and the daily routine should not be too strict, since his body, which is actively growing and developing, independently finds the best options for alternating activity and sleep in each individual case. A young mother who has a child of 7 months must understand that at this age the usual schedule will be rebuilt. First of all, this happens because the child spends much more time in active wakefulness and he already needs less time to sleep.

The schedule is considered to be correctly drawn up if, following it, the child falls asleep well at certain hours, eats with appetite and does not require food in between feedings, actively plays and is not naughty. All this indicates that this mode is perfectly suited to his needs.

Sleep features at 7 months of age

As for the duration of sleep, it should be noted that not every child needs the same amount of time for proper rest. For one, for example, it will be enough for one and a half to two hours to sleep three times during the day, and for another it will be enough to go to bed only twice.

The number of hours spent in sleep varies in children at seven months from 11 to 13 hours. In the latter case, daytime sleep accounts for four and a half hours, and nighttime - eight and a half. For those babies who go to bed twice, it is better to choose the time in the morning from 11 or 12 o'clock, and in the evening - from 16 to 17 o'clock.

If the child's need for sleep decreases, then this indicates his accelerated physical development, so the mother should not worry and try to put him down more often than he wants. Such a phenomenon simply indicates that he has become more mature, and needs to revise the routine established earlier.

In some cases, the baby chooses a different sleep option for himself. During a walk, he sleeps for about three hours, and in the mornings and evenings his rest is no more than one hour.

How much to walk

In the daily routine of the baby, be sure to allocate time for walks. They are absolutely necessary for his normal development, both intellectually and physically.

In addition to fresh air, the baby also gets the opportunity to simultaneously explore a new world outside the apartment, and get a lot of impressions from it. It is desirable that the mother at this time loudly comment on what he sees and hears on the street.

Since the child at this age becomes very active and constantly moves, the main task of the mother is to follow certain rules that will not allow the baby to fall out of the stroller. To do this, it must be securely fastened. In hot weather, it is necessary to cover the baby from direct sunlight so that there is no irritation on his delicate skin.


Feeding a child at this age should be five times, the intervals between meals should be at least four hours. Some babies still get up at night to eat a little. And this fact is not considered abnormal if it does not occur more than three times a night.

The regimen of a 7-month-old baby on breastfeeding is the same as on artificial. Both those and other children at this time already usually adapt well to complementary foods in the form of fruit and vegetable soups, various cereals and mashed potatoes. The baby can already eat baby cottage cheese. The only difference between babies is that three times a day they continue to use their mother's milk as food, and instead of it, artificial babies use milk formula, but at least twice a day.

Many mothers think about what is more useful for the baby a dish that is produced in a factory or cooked on their own. In fact, you can cook food for the baby yourself, but only if there is confidence that the food will consist of natural ingredients (provided that you have your own garden and vegetable garden). In the case when the mother is not sure about the quality of the ingredients, it is better to still buy ready-made food.

If you cook porridge yourself, then the cereal for it should be crushed as much as possible to a powdery state. Therefore, it is more convenient to still buy semi-finished products specially designed for babies.

Cottage cheese, which is first used as a complementary food for a baby at seven months old, should be well tolerated by his body, since the baby’s gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully formed, and he is simply not able to digest a regular product. Cottage cheese, prepared especially for young children, differs from the usual one - it is more delicate in texture, and its acidity is low.

Such a product can be purchased either in specialized departments of the store from a factory that produces children's products. Or you should take it in the dairy kitchen. A special production method in this case completely excludes the presence of pathogenic microflora in the product. Start giving cottage cheese, it is best to add it to fruit puree. You should start with one small spoon, gradually bringing the minimum dose to three or four spoons.

New complementary foods should be given in the daytime, as this will allow you to carefully monitor the reaction of the child and his body to unfamiliar food. A hearty sweet porridge will enable the baby to sleep soundly during the day (such advice should be used as when feeding an artificial baby).

There are times when a child asks for food much earlier than it is set according to the daily routine. Then you should feed him, because fifteen or twenty minutes does not play a big role in this case.

The opposite situation also occurs, and the baby completely refuses to eat. What is mom to do? You should not force-feed him, it is important to identify the reasons for the lack of appetite, and they may be as follows:

  • rejection of a new product (do not like its taste and smell);
  • the child has enough mother's milk, and he is completely saturated with it;
  • persistent persuasion from the mother, who forcibly tries to feed him, frightens the baby and causes a negative reaction.

If the child does not eat well, in the absence of the above reasons, then this may be due to poor health. Therefore, with a stable refusal to eat, you should show it to your doctor.

Diet plan for a 7 month old baby

What to do with a child

A small person who is 7 months old is actively exploring the outside world, tasting all objects, and touching them with his hands. Many babies crawl quite quickly, and some even try to get on their feet, and especially developed ones - to take their first steps. At this time, special attention should be paid if the child stands on his toes at 7 months. In some cases, this may indicate the presence of a neurological pathology, and if this phenomenon continues, then a pediatric neurologist should be consulted.

During this period, you should continue to conduct classes in the form of a game, this will help develop not only dexterity and motor skills, but also allow you to lay the beginnings of intelligence. The following activities are recommended:

  1. Reading aloud books and looking at the bright pictures in them. It is best to buy large books with cardboard pages.
  1. Recitation of verses in which the same sounds and phrases are repeated. This will help develop speech, and the child will gradually begin to repeat them on their own.
  1. At the age of 7 months, he already knows his favorite toys well. In this case, it is recommended to play with them to improve development. You should put several objects right in front of him, and ask among them to find some specific thing or toy. If the baby is doing well, then be sure to praise him.
  1. The usual pyramid is able to acquaint the baby with the new shape and size of objects. First, it must be collected in his presence, while clearly commenting on his actions, after that, the child must be given the opportunity to disassemble the pyramid.
  1. It is good to use dynamic toys at the age of seven months, which include a spinning top or a tumbler.
  1. A very useful game of hide and seek. It consists in the fact that an adult hides a toy in front of a child and asks to find it. Then the task can be complicated and the object should be hidden, but furtively. Most often, the child does not find it, so you need to get what you are looking for yourself so as not to upset or upset the baby. A little later, the adult can hide himself, so that the baby can find him by his voice.
  1. For the motor skills of the pens, you can prepare a plastic bucket and collect some smaller parts there, such as nuts. However, first you should show an example of how to do this, the child then joins the process with pleasure. Beads or spirals, on which various cubes are strung, also work accurately. Similar educational toys can be purchased at the store.

All these games are what the baby should be able to do at 7 months, but with the active participation of the mother or other adults. The formation of any skills requires the creation of an emotionally joyful background. Only in this case the child will be happy to take part in the game, in addition, it is in this way that the child learns to achieve the goal.

Reading time: 6 minutes

For any parent, the development of a child at 7 months is important, because this is the stage when the baby’s nutrition changes, physical and mental changes occur in a boy or girl. In order to properly approach the training and education of a small person, you need to consult with specialists, be patient and persistent. The baby already understands a lot at this age and feels everything, the appearance of teeth gives him a lot of anxiety.

Physical development of a child at 7 months

A seven-month-old baby wants to move more, to consider the world around him. He sees some target, can observe with interest and quickly crawl towards it. The development of a child at 7 months is characterized by attempts to get up, leaning on a sofa, chair or other stable object. The baby cannot walk yet, he is only trying to rearrange the legs, but all children should be able to roll over. Many parents are beginning to put their children in walkers.

The weight

In the first months of life, babies gain weight very rapidly. Children no longer have enough breast milk for a full supply of energy. By the age of seven months, weight gain largely depends on what kind of complementary foods and in what quantity is introduced to the child. According to medical observations, the weight of boys is 6.7-10.3 kg, and girls - 6-9.8 kg.


Another important indicator in the physical development of a child is growth. All children grow at a different pace, but there are norms that can be guided by by observing the condition of the child. For the development of a child at 7 months, the following norms are characteristic: the growth of a boy should be 64-74 cm, and girls - 62-72 cm. This is not a rigid framework, deviations are also allowed.

What should a child be able to do at 7 months

The development of a baby at 7 months is different from his skills at 3-4 months. He is actively interested in the world around him, the people who are around him. He is interested in everything he sees. Toys become indispensable when the baby is awake, walking. However, communication with living people will not replace any object. The kid still requires a lot of attention from mom and dad, he is interested in people who come to visit.

motor skills

Every child is unique and develops at their own pace. Some babies can already learn to crawl and stand up, while others immediately begin to walk. Movement coordination is still poor, but some skills of the child at 7 months are already developed:

  1. Sitting without the support of people.
  2. Sit down from a lying position.
  3. Crawl on your stomach, without completely breaking away from the surface on which it lies.
  4. Lie on your stomach, reach out with one hand for interesting toys, while leaning on the other.
  5. Transfer rattles from one hand to another, play with the ball.
  6. Study a children's book.
  7. The child independently holds the bottle and picks it up if it drops, knocks with toys, follows bright objects.
  8. Some children independently kneel or stand on their feet, holding on to some kind of support.
  9. Turn from side to side.
  10. Rearrange the legs with the support of adults, simulating walking.

Speech activity

The development of a child at 7 months of age is an important period when the baby begins to babble. He tends to repeat word-like syllables: ma, pa, ba, yes, that, etc. This period is important for the formation of speech, so you need to activate the baby to babble. The main thing that a mother can do is take the child in her arms and calmly pronounce the main syllables, showing how her lips move. The baby will try to repeat the sounds.

What does a 7 month old baby understand?

At the 7th month, the baby is already aware of a lot: he gets used to the environment, to the surrounding people, objects. In his emotional development, the following features can be seen:

  1. He understands many words, can point with his finger at those objects that are familiar to him.
  2. He understands when people call him by his first name.
  3. Distinguishes close people, especially a great emotional attachment to the mother.
  4. He shows his feelings not only with tears, but also with gestures, touches.
  5. Can notice the mood of parents by intonation and facial expressions.
  6. Can make contact with any person, but does not show initiative.
  7. Children react to loud and sharp sounds, they can be frightened.

How to develop a child at 7 months

Active activities with the baby are important at any age. This will help him keep up with his peers. Skills must be mastered gradually, and not in large quantities. It is important to combine physical exercises for muscle development with massage. Then proceed to the mental and mental development of the baby: songs, rhymes, patty games, etc. Serve everything in doses in time, so as not to tire your child.

Activities with a child

For a baby, not only the benefits of classes are important, but also a positive mood, so teachers and pediatricians recommend that any exercises and tasks be carried out in a playful way. It is also important to spend 5-10 minutes for one lesson, and then change the type of activity. Otherwise, the baby may overwork and burst into tears. Classes can be carried out throughout the day, alternating educational games with physical activity. If you don’t know what to do with a child at 7 months, then you can suggest the following:

  1. Walking with the baby, talk about everything that he sees.
  2. Give objects of different sizes, shapes and textures into the pens that develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Asking the child to pick up, bring, give, etc.
  4. Read poetry, pronounce sounds that are characteristic of different animals, objects.
  5. Vision is already almost fully formed, so you can teach colors and sizes using pyramids.

What to teach a child

Impatient mothers and fathers want the baby to walk faster, speak, start reading, but the child is unlikely to learn this quickly if the parents do not make an effort. During this period, it's time to accustom the baby to the main actions:

  • point your finger at the desired object;
  • clap;
  • wave a pen;
  • crawl;
  • get up on your feet near the support;
  • eat from a spoon;
  • drink from a cup;
  • keep a sleep schedule.

What should a 7 month old baby eat?

Gradually, the baby's nutrition changes: one breast milk is not enough for a full supply of energy, so parents introduce complementary foods. Pediatricians recommend different schemes for the introduction of the main food for infants and artificers. For babies who are breastfed, the following principles are natural in nutrition:

  • the main food is milk;
  • as the first products, give those that the mother herself regularly eats;
  • in one meal, you must first give a new product, and then milk;
  • Do not introduce your baby to several new products at once.

For babies who are bottle-fed, the following principles of feeding are characteristic:

  • You can not refuse formula milk, it is more balanced than any adult food.
  • As the first products to give those from which an allergic reaction is less likely.
  • The complementary feeding tactics are the same as for infants: first a new product, and then a milk formula.
  • During this period, the artificial is fed 5 times, complementary foods are offered during breakfast or lunch.

Child's menu

A seven-month-old baby eats an average of 5-7 times, the interval is approximately 3 hours. At night, he may no longer wake up at all, or he may get up to eat 1-2 times. The main thing in the diet of crumbs is milk or milk formula. Some parents by this age are already introducing many different foods, even meat, but pediatricians recommend not to rush, and complementary foods for seven-month-old children should include the following foods:

  • porridge - 150 g;
  • vegetable puree 150 g;
  • fruit puree - 60 g;
  • cottage cheese - 40 g;
  • egg yolk - 0.25 g (if a chicken egg) or 0.5 g (if a quail);
  • juice - 20 ml;
  • wheat bread or crackers - 3.5 g;
  • butter and vegetable oil - 3 g each.


The baby shows itself more and more, demonstrates the emerging character. The development of a child at 7 months allows him to actively explore the world. After all, the baby begins to master the skills of crawling, which significantly expands the boundaries of his world.

What can a 7 month old baby do?

The kid continues to develop and improve previously acquired skills:

  1. The child is actively rolling over.
  2. Activities with toys become more diverse. The nearby baby can get it himself, leaning on one hand, lifting the weight of his torso, with the other hand reaching for the object of attention. If the toy is far away, it requires a cry to be given. Having got the toys in his hands, he looks at them for a long time, shakes them, shifts them, knocks them on the table or floor, and can throw them away from him.
  3. Babies at seven months make their first attempts to stand on their feet. Leaning on the back of the crib, little boys and girls try to rise first on their knees, and then on their legs. Especially strong children succeed.
  4. If the baby is allowed to stand on a solid support, holding hands, the child will straighten his legs and try to jump.
  5. Some children already have a desire to start crawling. Someone does it in a plastunsky way, someone backs away like a small crustacean.
  6. At 7 months, children should already be sitting. Some with support, some on their own. Some babies may already sit down on their own, others need to be planted by gently pulling on the handles.

    EIf the child does not sit at 7 months and does not even show any desire, you should consult a doctor.

  7. There is a further development of active speech. The kid likes to babble for a long time, to repeat already mastered syllables. In the "words" various intonations are heard, depending on the mood of the child.
  8. In understood speech, the baby already distinguishes between a tone, affectionate or chirping. And react accordingly.
  9. At the mention of the name of a familiar object, he tries to find it with his eyes.
  10. Hearing the sound of his own name, the baby turns his head, smiles.
  11. In communication with close and unfamiliar people, the baby shows more and more emotions. Enjoys the jokes and laughter of others; reaches out with her arms, hugs and kisses her parents; studies the people who come.
  12. In the absence of her mother, she may miss her, begin to cry and act up.
  13. At this time, the child begins to test his boundaries, testing the authority of his parents. This is manifested by screaming to attract attention and ignoring parental requirements.

Height and weight of the child at 7 months

In one month, a baby of the second half of a year of life adds about 600 grams of weight and grows by 1.5 - 2 centimeters.

How much a child should weigh can also be calculated by adding up the weight in grams at birth and 4,900.

In a premature baby, the numbers may be different. Parents can get all the information of interest from the pediatrician.

Nutrition for a 7 month old baby

The child of 7 months continues to actively introduce complementary foods. Baby food includes breast milk or formula and complementary foods. At 7 months of life, your child already eats vegetables and cereals. Preference is given to hypoallergenic puree (zucchini, cauliflower, potatoes) and gluten-free cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn).

If the baby tolerates monocomponent vegetable purees well, for a change they can be mixed together or added, for example, a little carrot or onion.

It is good to add oil to porridge. It's best to start with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil. Then increase to a teaspoon. If the child tolerates cow's milk protein well, you can diversify morning porridge with a small piece (5 grams) of butter.

After the introduction of vegetables and cereals, you can give the baby a taste of fruits. It is best to start with those that grow in the gardens of your area. For example, with apples and pears. It is preferable to give fruits in the form of homemade puree. So the child will receive the maximum useful substances. Such sweet dishes are good as a second breakfast or afternoon snack.

Some children are already beginning to taste mashed meats. By appointment of a doctor or in the presence of iron deficiency anemia in a baby, meat can be started earlier. It is preferable to start with hypoallergenic species. This is rabbit and turkey meat. You can cook it yourself or buy a ready-made product in a jar.

Meat is introduced as an addition to vegetable puree. Starting with half a teaspoon, gradually increase the amount, bring to 50 - 60 grams per serving. By 1 year, the amount of meat can be increased to 70 grams.

The 7-month-old baby continues to actively eat mother's breasts. Some note a significant decrease in milk during this period. This is another lactation crisis. Unfortunately, many people stop breastfeeding because they think they are running out of milk. But it's not. A little patience, the right attitude, more breastfeeding, especially at night, and everything will work out.

How to develop a child at 7 months?

Since this is a period of actively developing skills of sitting and crawling, It is important for parents to help their child in this matter:

  • fitball exercises and massage with gymnastics will strengthen the abdominal muscles, preparing the child to hold his own body in an upright position;
  • you can still do regular sitting down, helping the baby to sit down from a lying position;
  • You can stimulate the crawling skill by placing the child on the carpet with his tummy down and placing his favorite toy at a distance of 20-25 centimeters from him. An inquisitive baby will reach for it, trying to grab it. Each time the toy should be put further and further, prompting the crumbs to crawl.

The formation of speech continues. For the development of the child in this direction, it is necessary to talk with him as much as possible. In this case, it is not necessary to arrange special classes with a child at 7 months. Just during a walk, the baby may not sleep in the stroller, but explore the world around him, about which his parents will tell him.

The development of speech is also significantly influenced by the acquisition of fine motor skills. Such well-known games as “Ladushki”, “Magpie-crow”, finger games will help the baby to master the control of his own hands in an accessible way, preparing the baby for further achievements.