The child 4 days was in the forest. Four nights in the forest. In the Urals, a four-year-old Dima miraculously survived in the wild

Four-year-old Dima, which disappeared in the Sverdlovsk region four days ago, was found alive. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the head of the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Valery Boreh.

"Today, one of the groups, fusifying the terrain, discovered a child. It happened near the marsh, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe LAM, "said the burners.

At the time of discovery, the boy was in an exhausted state, he needs evacuation to the hospital on a helicopter.

In the public "Typical Yekaterinburg" in VKontakte reported that the child had a hypothermia, dehydration, as well as his ticks strongly. The child was under the supervision of doctors, he was put a dropper and a pole of immunoglobulin.

For Dima sent a helicopter, which should deliver it to the hospital in Yekaterinburg.

In the search detachment "Falcon", which took part in search, clarified that the boy was found near the swamp, approximately seven kilometers from the unfolded rescuer headquarters.

The child was disappeared on June 10 on the shore of the Reftinsky reservoir near Yekaterinburg. As the "Our Ural" portal notes, this is one of the most popular places in the region. The boy rested there with his parents. In the morning on Saturday, he left Pope for firewood, but quickly tired and began to ask for mom, writes the Russian newspaper. Deciding that the parking lot, where the family broke the tent, quite close, the father let go of Dima alone. Since then, before the medium, no one has seen him.

The Ural newspaper "Arguments and Facts" writes that, according to Father, the distance from him to the mother was only about ten meters and he had no doubt that the child would find the road. However, when he returned, the boy was not near.

Realizing that the child was disappeared, the parents were looking for him for an hour. As local fishermen told them, the boy approached someone else's tent, but when I realized that I was mistaken, went into the forest. After unsuccessful search, the parents appealed for help in law enforcement agencies. For four days, the forest was searched by police, MES rescuers, investigators SC and volunteers.

As clarifies, Dima was searched for 300 police officers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from Asbesta, Yekaterinburg, dry Loga and Bogdanovich, as well as volunteers, including search engines "Lisa Alert" and "Falcon". The search immediately connected in a total of about 500 people. The operation was also involved the unmanned aircraft of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The parents of the missing boy explained the rescuers that he is uncommunicative and help himself will not ask.

The Father and Mother of Dima law enforcement officers checked on a lie detector: they seemed a strange child's behavior of the child. Having learned about the disappearance, mother after some time left the scene, referring to the fact that he froze - this was alerted the police.

Father remained in place and assisted rescuers.

As the police found out, Mom Dima works in kindergarten in which the boy himself goes. With the father of the child, they are civil marriage. The child's father himself has several convictions, including the articles "illegal turnover of weapons" and "theft".

The next day, after the loss of the boy, the rescuers discovered traces of children's boots in the forest, which broke off at the swamps. On the same day, the traces of the moose and a bear found in the forest in search of Dron. Experts came to the conclusion that the predator could not attack the child, because it took a fairly long time after he moved away from the winter hibernation.

At the same time, because of the bear, the search and rescue group had to cut a part of the volunteers from among women and children. As explained in the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Sverdlovsk region, in the evening, on the road in the forest, where one of the search groups was located, a brown bear was released, which had a "psychological impact" volunteer, in connection with which part of non-professional rescuers from the forest had to be removed.

On June 1, the management of the SK in the Sverdlovsk region opened the criminal case on the fact of the loss of the boy under part 1 of article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence). Despite the lack of evidence of the death of the child, the investigators did not rule out the likelihood of such an outcome.

The probability of death also admitted fortune-tales and psychics, who also asked to help find a child, writes the local edition of Our Gazeta. So, the predictor Elina Hoffman did not see the boy among the living and advised the parents to look for his body in the water. Medium Zarina in turn stated that the boy is alive, but more detailed information about his whereabouts agreed to give only money. "I can go to the telepathic session and accurately indicate the location, but it is paid," she said.

07:02 — REGNUM. In the Sverdlovsk region, the name of the search operation participant was known, which on June 14, found a four-year-old child lost in the forest in the forest on June 10 in the Reftinsky reservoir area. They turned out to be volunteer Pavel Karpenko, Corresponding reports.

"I drone the commander and left at all to another place. I went out on the hillock and thought that I would get from the commander for the fact that I was breathing, I thought I was worn myself ... I see Berza, I go for it - I am lying the child, I just blocked me. I started to shout in a walky that he was here. Began to endure, evacuate. When a child found, he did not move, honestly, I thought he died. I so told first to the radio. But then heard the voice, he began to somehow move. And I have already become so good, the fact that he moves. I waited for the rest, because I was afraid to touch him, maybe he is injured or something else. Group came. Neattyly rose it, gave the water to drink. We examined. Started evacuating » , "Pavel Karpenko told the Asbestos Channel" Frame TV ".

The boy was evacuated to the road on the stretchers who built rescuers. Paul Karpenko thanked the father of the child, hugging him and wished his young health. According to the rescuer, the baby is very strong. Pavel Karpenko said that the boy was found in seven and a half kilometers from the place where he was lost, and not every adult will withstand the route without food and water, which a child passed through the forest and swamps.

The participants of the rescue operation reported that the child was exhausted and very much asked to drink. Also, according to their words, he fed on the grass to survive and drank water from the puddle and out of the swamps. Found a child a volunteer rescue squad "Falcon", and the squad "Liza Alert" participated in the delivery of the child to the road, where he was in a hurry to the carriage of ambulance.

A ambulance doctor Mikhail Zheleznov Reported that the doctors have suspicions that the boy is pneumonia, since the lungs in Christ and the complications of breathing. The child himself, according to him, was in a stable, adequate state, everything understands and oriented in what is happening. Mikhail Zheleznov said that the child was painted by ticks, but, according to parents, it was granting from viral encephalitis.

In the future, the child was delivered to the helicopter, which with the help of the "medicine disasters" officers evacuated him to the hospital of the city of Asbesta. Next, the boy was delivered to CSTO No. 1 of the city of Yekaterinburg. Chief Doctor of Children's Hospital Oleg Averyanov Reported that four ticks were removed from the child, which were sent to the laboratory. He added that physicians conduct x-ray studies, take blood tests and the urine of the child. Oleg Averyanov clarified that the boy was suspended and received stress, while he talks, but with difficulty. At the moment, the child is in intensive care, but then psychologists will work with him.

"I do not remember that the child is three or four days, here is four days he was in the forest" , - Oleg Averyanov said.

The doctor did not make forecasts, but noted that the boy would spend at least a week in the hospital. He also said that parents will be admitted to the child.

In the Sverdlovsk region ended with the success of the search for a four-year-old boy Dima, who was lost in the forest near the Reftinsky reservoir.

Interrupted rest

The child in the past weekend together with his mother and dad arrived at nature on the third river flowing into the Reftin reservoir. On the boat, the family moved to the other side. Boy's parents broke a tent in the forest.

The next morning dad and a child in the area of \u200b\u200bnine o'clock in the morning went for firewood, however, the baby Zakaprisnialized and asked back to his mother. My father let him go. According to the head of the family, the distance to the mother was only ten meters, so the father had no doubt that the child would find the road. When the parent returned, then the boy did not turn out. Searches for their own results did not bring.

A few hours later, a large-scale search operation began. Rescuers from Yekaterinburg and neighboring cities, police, volunteers from Lisa Alert, and Sokol, connected to it. In a short period of time, over five hundred people were connected to the search. Even a focus with the official search of German shepherd by nicknamed Rex. Divers began to examine the reservoir. Parents explained to rescuers that the child is unavocative. Help itself will not ask. The family is considered prosperous.

Multiple versions immediately put forward. The boy went to the opposite side from his parents and got lost. He could go down to the water and drown. Wild animals attacked the child. Finally, someone could kidnap the baby.

Soon, an unmanned aerial vehicle of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was delivered to the shore of the Reftinsky reservoir. With it, it began to examine forest and open areas of terrain. Interestingly, this drone allows you to broadcast a picture from a height of up to 500 meters online.

Meanwhile, the police learned the details about the parents of the boy. It turned out that the child's mother works as an educator in a kindergarten in which Dima walked. The civil husband has several conjunctions, including the articles "illegal arms turnover" and "theft". The child is common. Parents were tested on lies detector. The detectives alarmed the fact that the mother, having learned about the disappearance of the child, after a while left the scene, referring to the fact that she was cold. Father remained in place and assisted police officers.

It was probability that the child drowned, but fortunately, this information was not confirmed. Photo:

Footprints of children's saupoch

During the first day, after the missing rescuers, it was not possible to find a child. Although a certain "catch" in search engines was still. Rescuers discovered traces from small baby boots. They broke into a small swamp.

From Yekaterinburg, a group of the most experienced criminal investigation officers left Yekaterinburg. He headed Police Colonel Alexei Erodenkov. His division specializes in the disclosure of grave and especially grave crimes.

Volunteers, meanwhile, cleaned the territory of collective gardens, where the child could be worn. Loud-speaking communication was used. EMERCOM of Russia sent additional forces to the search area - 50 cadets of the Ural Institute of State Fire Services of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia. During the day, over 25 square kilometers were examined, the divers checked 1200 square kilometers of the area of \u200b\u200bthe coastal zone of the reservoir.

The Investigation Committee of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region opened a criminal case under the article "Causing death by negligence." Although there was no evidence of the death of the boy, but the investigators did not rule out the likelihood of a tragic outcome.

The aircraft that was raised into the air, discovered traces of elk and bear. According to experts, the wild animal could not make an attack on the child, as it passed quite a long time after the bear moved away from the hibernation. Although part of the experts expressed the opinion that the attack was quite possible, the predator could give a child and hide. Active works began on a swamp where the Bear Quadrockopter. Cadets and volunteers continued to examine forest zones. The helicopter of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to the search did not begin, as the thick vegetation of the forest greatly made it difficult to search from the air.

Square per square

On the fourth days from the date of the search, the question arose about connecting to the operation of the military. True, the official representative of the CIO Yaroslav Roshchupkin said that while they did not plan them in the operation.

A little later, it became known that the traces of the child were already found in fifteen different squares in the forest array.

"The range of scatter of steps is large enough, it indicates that the boy tried to find the road from the forest," said coordinator of the search detachment "Lisa Alert" Stanislav Kovalev. - Now we, together with the hunters, close the square per square, but it was not yet possible to detect a child. In total, 150 people participate in the search operation from our search detachment. Everyone who wants to join the search can do it. There are practically no restrictions. In addition, I would noted that so far no one from our volunteers on any bears in the forest stumbled. "

The fourth day of searches for the missing boy did not bring results. All new people have connected to the search. In social networks, the next groups of people who were willing to navigate to the reservoir from different parts of the region were formed. Those who could not go ready to provide search engines gloves, water and bags.

"We inspected all the squares around the perimeter about five kilometers from the tent, where the sandy family stopped when she came to rest," said Kovalev. - Now they are completely 7-10 kilometers, in some places they moved 13 kilometers. There is a piece of terrain. We look under each bush, look at every twig, looking for a hook. There is no little things in this matter. We are expanding with each day the search area and we really hope that he is alive. Last summer, the child is about the same age lost in the forest, found the seventh day of searches. So once again confirms that everything is possible in this life. "

Strong exhaustion

On the morning of June 14, the volunteers from the search squad "Falcon" found a child under the LINIA LINE in seven kilometers from the tent, from which he left. The boy was diagnosed with strong supercooling and exhaustion. He was urgently evacuated to the asbestos hospital.

"Today happened, perhaps the most important news in the last days, - said head of the press service of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Sverdlovsk region Valery Borenekh. - In the morning, one of the groups found a lying boy under the line of LEP not far from the swamp, where the traces of the boy were previously found. He is alive and is in exhaustion. Now the police and MOE officers decide on his evacuation on the helicopter. "

"A brigade of children's resuscitation of the Center for Medicine Catastrophe has left the place, - said press Secretary of the Ministry of Health in the Sverdlovsk Region Konstantin Shestakov. - After a detailed examination of the child, a decision will be made about his possible evacuation in Ekaterinburg. Either to the regional hospital number 1, or to the Gorbolnitsa number 9. "

The regional investigative committee was reported that in the framework of the previously initiated criminal case under the article "causing death on negligence" will look for signs of another crime. When they were discovered, a new case will be initiated.

On June 11, the SC opened a criminal case on the failure of a boy on causing death by negligence, but a four-year-old child was alive. Doctors recorded in the boy Dima strong supercooling and dehydration, also herself tights strongly. The child was looking for more than 500 people, including the police, investigators, MES rescuers and volunteers.

Four-year-old Dima, which disappeared in the Sverdlovsk region four days ago, was found alive. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the head of the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Valery Boreh.

"Today, one of the groups, fusifying the terrain, discovered a child. It happened near the marsh, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe LAM, "said the burners.

At the time of discovery, the boy was in an exhausted state, he needs evacuation to the hospital on a helicopter.

In the public "Typical Yekaterinburg" in VKontakte reported that the child had a hypothermia, dehydration, as well as his ticks strongly. The child was under the supervision of doctors, he was put a dropper and a pole of immunoglobulin.

For Dima sent a helicopter, which should deliver it to the hospital in Yekaterinburg.

In the search detachment "Falcon", which took part in search, clarified that the boy was found near the swamp, approximately seven kilometers from the unfolded rescuer headquarters.

The child was disappeared on June 10 on the shore of the Reftinsky reservoir near Yekaterinburg. As the "Our Ural" portal notes, this is one of the most popular places in the region. The boy rested there with his parents. In the morning on Saturday, he left Pope for firewood, but quickly tired and began to ask for mom, writes the Russian newspaper. Deciding that the parking lot, where the family broke the tent, quite close, the father let go of Dima alone. Since then, before the medium, no one has seen him.

The Ural newspaper "Arguments and Facts" writes that, according to the Father, the distance from him to the mother was only about ten meters, and he had no doubt that the child would find the road. However, when he returned, the boy was not near.

Realizing that the child was disappeared, the parents were looking for him for an hour. As local fishermen told them, the boy approached someone else's tent, but when I realized that I was mistaken, went into the forest. After unsuccessful search, the parents appealed for help in law enforcement agencies. For four days, the forest was searched by police, MES rescuers, investigators SC and volunteers.

As clarifies, Dima was searched for 300 police officers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from Asbesta, Yekaterinburg, dry Loga and Bogdanovich, as well as volunteers, including search engines "Lisa Alert" and "Falcon". The search immediately connected in a total of about 500 people. The operation was also involved the unmanned aircraft of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Parents of the missing boy explained the rescuers that he is not sociable and help himself will not ask.

The Father and Mother of Dima law enforcement officers checked on a lie detector: they seemed a strange child's behavior of the child. Having learned about the disappearance, the mother after some time left the scene, referring to the fact that it was frozen - it was alerted the police.

Father remained in place and assisted rescuers.

As the police found out, Mom Dima works in kindergarten in which the boy himself goes. With the father of the child, they are civil marriage. The child's father himself has several convictions, including the articles "illegal turnover of weapons" and "theft".

The next day, after the loss of the boy, the rescuers discovered traces of children's boots in the forest, which broke off at the swamps. On the same day, the traces of the moose and a bear found in the forest in search of Dron. Experts came to the conclusion that the predator could not attack the child, so passed quite a long time after he moved away from the hibernation.

At the same time, precisely because of the bear, the search and rescue group had to cut a part of the volunteers from among women and children. As explained in the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Sverdlovsk region, in the evening, on the road in the forest, where one of the search groups was located, a brown bear was released, which had a "psychological impact" volunteer, in connection with which part of non-professional rescuers from the forest had to be removed.

On June 1, the management of the SK in the Sverdlovsk region opened the criminal case on the fact of the loss of the boy under part 1 of article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (causing death by negligence). Despite the lack of evidence of the death of the child, the investigators did not rule out the likelihood of such an outcome.

The probability of death also did not exclude fortunewrites and psychics, which also asked to help find a child, writes the local edition of Our Gazeta. So, the predictor Elina Hoffman did not see the boy among the living and advised the parents to look for his body in the water. Medium Zarina, in turn, stated that the boy is alive, but more detailed information about his whereabouts agreed to give only money. "I can go to the telepathic session and accurately indicate the location, but it is paid," she said.