A rare hair color by nature in girls. Hair facts you didn't know. Redheads will disappear completely

Natural hair color can be safely called a rarity. There are no more than six shades in the world. The most common among them are black, dark blond and brown. But what hair color is the rarest and how it affects its wearer - it's interesting!

Rare hair colors: red and blond

The rarest hair color is red

Owners of red, natural hair color make up 1% of the world's inhabitants. Most of them live in Scotland. Many legends and beliefs are associated with this color of curls. So, during the Inquisition, red-haired women could suffer an unenviable fate. They were unsubstantiatedly accused of conspiracy with dark forces, and then burned at the stake.

In ancient Rome, the opposite was true. People with fiery red curls were considered some kind of "magnets" to attract good luck and wealth. Therefore, wealthy emperors sought to acquire slaves with a similar hair color in order to attract the grace of fate.

Years of observation have revealed some of the features that people with red hair have:

  • they are self-sufficient and freedom-loving;
  • are considered good manipulators;
  • attract the opposite sex to themselves and at the same time repel.

Red hair is unique, but fewer and fewer people are proud to own it. The reason for this is the recessiveness of the gene. The probability of its transmission by inheritance is reduced to 8-10%.

Sadly, the disappearance of the true "red beasts" is inevitable

The second rare hair color is blond

Surprisingly, 2% are born real blondes and blondes. About 30% of them live in Scandinavian countries. There are more blond people than redheads, only a similar trend upsets - the last child with golden curls will be born in 200-250 years.

It is noteworthy that most of the owners of blonde strands are men. Blond hair is considered the key to success and attractiveness. That is why the beautiful half of humanity is so desperate for artificial clarification. An interesting fact - the first unnatural blonde was Napoleon's wife.

It turns out that hair can tell a lot about a person, for example, where he comes from and what he eats. Hair can even tell about bad habits and predict diseases.

In terms of density per square centimeter, human hair is virtually indistinguishable from the “clothing” of chimpanzees. “If you take a magnifying glass and look at your body, you will find a lot of subtle pale hairs,” explains Dr. Eric Kamorski, a dermatologist from Washington, DC. Meanwhile, counting shows that we are hairy, like primates. "

As for the visible hair on the head, blondes and blondes have the highest density - on average 146 thousand, followed by burning brunettes and brunettes - about 110 thousand each, followed by people with brown hair, having an average of less than one hundred thousand strands.

However, all these calculations are very approximate, since with the same genetic basis, people can live in different conditions, which in turn affect the rate of hair loss.

The natural color of the strands depends on the melanin (pigment) contained in the hair. It is found in two types - eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is dominant. Thanks to him, people have hair from dark blond to bluish black. If there is very little eumelanin, then the curls are light, and their owners are called blonde.
Phaeomelanin is dominant in red hair and is rare. In publications from the conspiracy theory format, red-haired people are considered a hybrid of humanoids who came to our world from the outside to rule over humanity. The authors of such articles refer to the fact that there are very few “redheads” in the percentage ratio, about 3%, but they occupy key positions in politics and economics.

Coffee with milk

Light hair tone is usually found among the British, Germans, Poles, Russians and Swedes, that is, among the representatives of the Caucasian race. And in Africa and in general in the southern hemisphere, it is almost impossible to meet fair-haired people among the aborigines. The exceptions are the natives of New Guinea and the inhabitants of some islands of the Pacific Ocean.
Their curly, straw-colored, reddish hair is linked to a different gene from that of Europeans. More precisely, we are talking about a genetic mutation that affects the amino acid pattern. Such people are said to be prone to rufos syndrome and are albinos. And their eyes are not blue, but brown.

Gray ornaments

A man turns gray over the years. It is generally accepted that this is due to old age or worries. Meanwhile, the main cause of gray hair is accumulation of hydrogen peroxide due to wear and tear of hair follicles and weakening of pigmentation. Red hair usually takes on a gritty color with age, and only then quickly turns white.

For many peoples, gray hair was associated with life experience. That is why, in the Victorian era, young English women wore jewelry made from the gray hair of deceased mothers and grandmothers "to protect themselves from stupidity and naivety."

Hair color from the point of view of doctors

It is believed that blondes are perceived by most men as sexually attractive. And there is some truth to this, since blonde women have higher estrogen levels than other women. At the same time, blondes are more susceptible to macular degeneration, which leads to visual impairment, compared to redheads or brunettes. This is why they often wear glasses.

In turn, red-haired women are less sensitive to pain medications. Thus, studies of British dentists, published in the British Medical Journal, show that anesthesia for them requires 20% more drugs. As for brunettes, they are more prone to neoplastic disease - non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. In addition, their liver metabolizes nicotine more efficiently, so tobacco addicts are the most common among them.

Non-standard application

When an oil spill occurred in San Francisco in 2007, a group of volunteers used human hair nets collected from salons and hairdressers to clean up the local beach. The initiator of this idea, Phil McCroe, claims that this is how otters were saved after an ecological disaster in 1989.

It turns out that curls are an excellent oil absorbent. After this incident, environmentalists demanded from the authorities that tankers carried huge mats with human hair with them. However, experts were skeptical about this idea. However, those who professionally grow oyster mushrooms have long been adding human hair to the compost to absorb technical fats. But the most original idea came from the Chinese company Hongshuai, which used amino acids obtained from human hair to produce its soy sauces, while competitors obtained this product from soy and wheat.

Love blondes, not blondes

Recently, a secular scandal erupted in the UK. Its foundation was laid by the publication of the international business newspaper Financial Times. It turns out that of the 500 managers of the London Stock Exchange, only 5% were blonde, while in England 25% of the population are blonde. But redheads, of which only one percent, were in the management of the exchange as much as six percent. Numerous polls have shown that just as much as they like blondes, they have a negative attitude towards blondes. The fact is that for some reason fair-haired men are considered feminine, and not everyone in England likes this.

The appearance of each of us is unique. "Mom's" eyes, "papa's" nose, "grandmother's" figure - it’s impossible to repeat such an explosive mixture. But even among the unicorns, there are unicorns at all. So, recently, scientists have calculated a combination of eye and hair color, which come across so rarely that it is more likely to get struck by lightning than to meet the carrier of these genes. Do you think you are one of them too?

Genetics is amazing. And every discovery in this area cannot but amaze. As absurd as it sounds. For example, did you know that according to the modern hypothesis, all people on Earth with blue eyes are relatives? True, with the roots of kinship in the very, very distant past. And another popular theory says that in two centuries there will be no natural blondes in the world. The gene for blonde hair will simply be pushed out of the evolutionary race by a much stronger darker cousin. But, despite the sad statistics, blue-eyed blondes are not carriers of the rarest appearance on Earth. At least for now.

Researchers from American Chemical Society found that the rarest combination is red hair and blue eyes... The secret is that both hair and eye color genes are recessive. And the probability of inheriting two at once is unusually small. For example, only 17% of people on the planet can boast of a "heavenly gaze" (although the rarest shade is not blue at all, but green). And there are no more than 2% of redheads among the entire population of the Earth. That is why there are so few blue-eyed “saffron milk caps” among us: only 12.7 million out of 7.5 billion.

Surprisingly, statistically more likely to be struck by lightning (0.03% chance) than to meet someone with red hair and blue eyes (0.017% chance). Miracles, and more!


1. Each hair consists of 14 different elements, including gold.

2. The anticipation of sex makes hair grow faster.

3. Human hair can be used as a food additive... L-Cysteine, which is found in hair, is added to dough for baking bread and other baked goods.

4. Healthy hair when wet is capable of stretch 30 percent from the initial length.

5. Every day we we lose about 40-150 hair.

6. A shock of hair from the head is able to withstand weight 12 tons or 2 African elephants.

7. Hair - is the most frequent physical evidence... The cross section of your hair can tell you what race or nationality you are.

Asian people have round hair

People of African descent have a very flat hair shape

Europeans have oval hair

Gender is the only characteristic that cannot be determined by hair.

7. Hair stores information about what is in your blood including minerals and drugs.

8. The only part of the hair that is not dead is inside the scalp.

Hair color

9. Only 2 percent the world's population are blondes.

10. Dark hair color is the most common in the world.

11. Red is the rarest hair color, which occurs in 1 percent of people in the world. 13 percent of Scots have red hair. This is the largest percentage in the world.

12. According to surveys, women are perceived differently according to their hair color. Wherein: blondes are considered funny and flirtatious, brunettes- smart and serious, and redheads- strong.

13. Besides, blond hair is one of the most expensive and costs about $ 1600 per 100 grams.

Hair Growth

14. Haircut does not affect hair growth.

15. Hair grows more slowly in women than in men.

16. Hair - second fastest growing tissue in the human body after the bone marrow.

17. Hair grows faster in warm weather.

18. Hair lives from 2 to 7 years... The average life of a hair is 5.5 years.

19. Hair is 50 percent carbon, 20 percent oxygen, 17 percent nitrogen, 6 percent hydrogen and 5 percent sulfur.

20. On average, on a person's head 100,000 hair... Blondes have about 146,000, dark-haired people have 110,000, people with brown hair -100,000, and red-haired people have 86,000 hairs.

21. There are 5 million hair follicles on the human body... They form when the baby is still in the womb at the age of 5 months.

22. Hair covers the whole body, excluding the soles of the feet, palms of the hands, mucous membranes and lips.

Hair beauty

23. The word "shampoo" comes from the word "champa", which is translated from Hindi as "rub, massage".

24. Women spend about $ 780 a year on hair products.

25. On average, women spend about 1 hour 53 minutes washing, drying and styling their hair per week. By the age of 65, they will spend about 7 months of their lives on hair.

26. People think that you go bald when you lose 50 percent of your hair.

27. Gray hair appears after 13 days after stress, shock or aging.

28. Men spend on average on shaving hair for about 5 months of life.

29. If you never shave a beard, it will grow up to 9 meters in a lifetime.

Hair loss

30. Frequent shampooing does not lead to more hair loss.

31. A comb is less damaging to hair than brushing.

32. Thyroid problems and iron deficiency are reversible causes of hair loss.

33. Hormonal imbalances and diets can lead to temporary hair loss.

34. More than 50 percent of men by the age of 50 will begin to go bald as a male pattern. About 40 percent of women will begin to lose hair in the female (hereditary) pattern when they reach menopause.

41. Africans and Europeans are more prone to baldness than Asians.

42. Representatives of the Caucasian race begin turn gray at 34 on average, while Africans and Asians at 47.

Hairstyle history

43. In Ancient Greece light brown hair was associated with prostitution.

44. During the Renaissance, it was fashionable to pluck hair along the growth line to make the forehead appear larger.

45. In 1705, Peter introduced beard tax to move closer to the West.

46. ​​During the Victorian era, pendants were made and hair jewelry of the deceased loved ones.

47. The ancient Egyptians were the first to remove unwanted hair from the body.

48. In ancient Rome, women painted in blondes using pigeon manure.

49. During the Renaissance, women in Venice dyed their hair light blond using horse urine.

50. The ancient Greeks believed that redheads after death turn into vampires.

Hair color directly depends on the amount of melanins (eumelanins and pheomelanins) present in the curls. If eumelanin (brown and black shades) predominates, then the strands are dark in color, and if there is more pheomelanin, then the curls will be light tones.

If eumelanin (brown and black shades) predominates, then the strands are dark in color, and if there is more pheomelanin, then the curls will be light tones

In albinos, melanin does not work correctly, a physiological disorder occurs, so the hair becomes discolored. If you look around, it is easy to see that most people wear dark hair.

The rarest hair color in the world

What is the rarest hair color? Statistics say that there is the least amount of naturally red hair. All over the world there are no more than 1% of the total number of people living. The second place is occupied by blondes, there are about 2% of them.

Consider the unusual, rare colors of hair, as well as interesting facts related to this.

The first red-haired people, according to scientists, appeared 400 thousand years ago. To this day, natural red hair is a rarity. Scientists explain this simply. This rare gene is the result of a mutation. It is recessive and therefore cannot be inherited.

Often, red-haired people are also left-handed, which is explained by the pairing of these genes

In ancient times, incredible qualities were attributed to red-haired people. They were considered sorcerers capable of attracting wealth and luck, so wealthy Romans sought to buy young red-haired slaves. During the Inquisition, red-haired people were burned at the stake, for communication with dark forces.

This color of hair gives a person a strong, strong-willed and sparkling character. Modern beauties with golden red strands, as in ancient times, attract the opposite sex, skillfully controlling them.

It is believed that they can easily lure a man, and just as easily leave him.

Psychologists endow red-haired women with the ability to manipulate and control people

Some scientists, having conducted a study of the red-haired phenomenon, argue that after a couple of hundred years, there will be no more people with this hair color obtained at birth. Today, the largest number of people with the rarest hair color in the world is found in Scotland and Ireland (approximately 13% of the total). In Russia, people with hair with this color live in Udmurtia.

Legends of redheads

There are many legends about red-haired people.

  1. According to one - red curls were born as a legacy of underground fairies.
  2. Muslims follow a different legend. According to their version, Allah created spirits from a fiery flame and gave them the name Jinn. They were evil and sinful, for which they were sent to live in the underground. But once the Djinn managed to lure a woman to him by cunning and cunning, and then seduced her. As a result of their union, a child with fiery curls was born.
  3. Another source claims that the first owner of red hair was Prince Eidon, illuminated by bright dawn rays at the time of the discovery of Atlantis. This fiery light reflected on his curls.

Blond curls

The second most unusual and rare color is blond. People with natural blonde hair are extremely rare, mainly in the Scandinavian countries. But in 1867, experts from France managed to create an artificial dye that could turn hair of any color into blond. The first woman who decided to try this method of turning into a blonde was naturally a Frenchwoman, the wife of Napoleon III.

But the unusualness of blondes is not only the color of the strands.

People with this hair color have a thicker head of hair than others.

Scientists believe this is due to the protection of the hair from the sun's rays.

Features of character traits of owners of light curls

Psychologists attribute to natural blondes some character traits that, as they believe, depend on hair color:

  • soft and docile character;
  • friendliness;
  • cheerfulness;
  • lack of envy and vindictiveness.

In addition, it is believed that blondes are more likely than others to undergo stressful overloads, due to a particularly sensitive nervous system.

Many experts agree that, like natural red hair, blond curls will gradually disappear. They even name a specific date. The last blond will be born in 2202 in Finland. There is not much time left to verify this statement.

The gradual disappearance of natural blondes and blondes is influenced by food.

A large amount of chemical dyes, preservatives and additives negatively affects the amount of pheomelanin

For people with fair hair, it is better to eat more fish and foods containing polyunsaturated acids.

The most famous blonde in the world is Marilyn Monroe. But she constantly dyed her curls, which were naturally light brown.

By the way, most of the situations attributed to blondes in jokes have no real basis.

Now you know that the rarest hair color is red. If nature gave you natural red hair or blond hair, then consider yourself a unique darling of fate.

The owner of a rare hair color

Do not rush to change your natural hair color so as not to lose your natural originality.

Yet everyone decides for themselves what color to paint the curls. But remember that hair complements the look, accentuating the eyes, adding expressiveness to them.