Figure Bogorodskaya carved toy for children. Abstract of educational activities in drawing "Bogorodskaya toy" in the senior group. We tie the threads of the hands together, we also tie the threads of the legs

The capital of Bogorodskaya toys

"Bogorodskaya toy" owes its birth to the village of Bogorodskoye, now located in the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region. In the 15th century, the village was owned by the famous Moscow boyar M.B. Pleshcheev, after whose death the village, along with the peasants, was inherited by his eldest son Andrei, and then his grandson Fedor.

Since 1595, the village of Bogorodskoye becomes the property of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, and the peasants become monastic serfs. It was the peasants who laid the foundations of woodcarving in the 16th-17th centuries, which glorified Bogorodskoe - the current "capital of the toy kingdom" to the whole world.

Legends of the village of Bogorodskoe

The inhabitants of the village of Bogorodskoye no longer remember which of the peasants carved the first wooden toy, which marked the beginning of the folk art, but for more than 300 years, two interesting legends about this event have been passed down from mouth to mouth.

The first legend says: “A peasant family lived in the village of Bogorodskoye. So the mother decided to amuse the children - she cut out an amusing figurine from the block of wood and called it "auka". The kids played with the "auka" and threw her behind the stove. So the husband of a peasant woman went to the market, and he took the "auka" with him to show the hucksters. "Auku" immediately bought and ordered more toys. They say that since then the carving of wooden toys began and they began to be called "Borogo".

The second legend tells how a resident of Sergiev Posad once carved a nine vershok doll from a linden block. I went to the Lavra, where the merchant Erofeev traded, and sold it to him. The merchant decided to put a funny toy in the shop as a decoration. I did not have time to put it on, when the toy was immediately bought, but at a great profit for the merchant. The merchant found a peasant, and ordered him a whole batch of the same toys. Since then, the Bogorodsk toy has become famous.

The history of the development of folk arts and crafts

According to historians, peasants in many villages, including those in Sergiev Posad and Bogorodsky, were engaged in woodcarving in the 17th century. So both of the above legends are correct.

At first, the carvers of the village of Bogorodskoye were dependent on the buyers of Sergiev Posad, fulfilling their orders. Sergievsky craft was based on the purchase of the so-called "gray goods" from peasants, which was then processed, painted and sold. Approximately from the middle of the 19th century, the center of folk craft moved from Sergiev Posad to the village of Bogorodskoye, which by this time is "the embodiment of local traditions of woodcarving." According to researchers, at the end of the 19th century, the Bogorodsk carved craft flourished. Much credit in the formation of the "Bogorodsky style" of toys belongs to such ancient masters as A.N. Zinin. However, the close cooperation of Sergiev Posad and Bogorodsk carvers also had a great influence on the formation of a unified system of images and plots of toys.

In 1913, on the initiative of the oldest carvers F.S. Balaev and A.Ya. Chushkin in the village of Bogorodskoye, an artel was organized, which gave the Bogorodsk craftsmen complete economic independence from the Sergiev Posad buyers. In 1923, due to the replenishment of the staff with new craftsmen, the previously created artel was transformed into the artel "Bogorodsky Carver", at which a school began to work, teaching children, starting from the age of 7, the skill of woodcarving. In 1960, the artel "Bogorodsky Carver" received the status of an artistic carving factory. This event was timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the birth of folk art in Bogorodskoye.

How is the Bogorodskaya toy made?

Bogorodsk toys are traditionally made from soft woods - linden, aspen, alder, since it is easier to work with soft wood. Harvested linden logs are dried using a special technology for at least 4 years, therefore linden harvesting is a continuous process. Dried logs are sawn and sent to the notch. The master marks the resulting blanks on the template and then cuts out the toy with a special Bogorodsky knife. A chisel is also used in the work of the carver. The finished parts of the toy are sent to the assembly shop, and at the final stage they are painted. Toys that cannot be painted are coated with colorless varnish.

Features of the "Bogorodsky style" toys

A kind of symbol of the "Bogorodsky style" is a toy on a moving bar "Blacksmiths", which is more than 300 years old. Artfully carved wooden figures of a man and a bear take turns pounding on the anvil with hammers, as soon as you move the bar on which the funny figures are fixed.

The toy "Chicken" is also considered a "long-liver", which children used to amuse themselves in the days of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. A distinctive feature of the Bogorodsk toy is a plank, button or balance, with the help of which the toy begins to move, performing simple movements. As in the case of chickens, which take turns pecking at the grains. The carvers took the plots of the first Bogorodsk toys from peasant life and folk tales, the main characters of which were a hard-working man, but a simple gullible bear, pets and birds.

The names of the Bogorodsk toys speak for themselves: "The Peasant and the Hen", "Tsar Dodon and the Little Star", "The Cavalier and the Lady", "How Mice Buried a Cat", "Peasant Yard", "Soldiers for Divorce", "Shepherd". Modern wood-carving craftsmen still preserve the traditions of the "Bogorodsky style" of wooden moving toys, which has become an integral part of Russian culture. Bogorodsk toys of modern masters were repeatedly awarded gold medals at exhibitions in Brussels, New York and Paris.

Material from Wikipedia.

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Colorful wooden hens on a stand, figures of blacksmiths, a man and a bear - pull the bar and they will hammer on the small anvil with their hammers. Funny toys, known in Russia since time immemorial, have become the main folk craft for residents of the village of Bogorodskoye near Moscow, located 29 km away. from Sergiev Posad. Experts call toy crafts of Sergiev Posad and the village of Bogorodsky two branches on one trunk. Indeed, the crafts have common roots: the traditions of ancient pillar-like plastic art and the school of volumetric, relief woodcarving at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, known since the 15th century. The village of Bogorodskoye eventually became the original centers of folk art in the history of Russian applied art. Bogorodsk carvers - participants in numerous exhibitions; their works were awarded gold medals at world exhibitions in Paris, New York, Brussels. The toy "The Peasant and the Hen" is in the Historical Museum of Moscow, the composition "How the mice buried a cat" - in the Museum of Folk Art, the toy "Cavalier and the Lady", "Tsar Dodon and the Star" - in the Russian Regional.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Synopsis of educational activities to familiarize children of the middle group with the Bogorodsk toy.

Abstract work with children. Purpose: the formation of knowledge about the Bogorodsk toy. Tasks: to educate the patriotic feelings of children, to enrich the knowledge of children about folk toys, to develop ...

Seven little fairy tales about Bogorodsk toys

Dear parents and kindergarten teachers! We bring to your attention seven small fairy tales about Bogorodsk toys. These fairy tales will help to expand the idea of ​​children about the folk toy, ...

Previously, she was in many kindergartens, and orders for manufacturing came even from above. Now the Bogorodskaya toy is very difficult. The state does not care for fishing. The craftsmen who work in the factory for a penny do not give her to die completely. Even private orders for wood do not go far, they cheer up more than business. Factory workers still remember how one day a new Russian came and asked to make a stupa as a gift for his mother-in-law. With a hint)

Today - the factory of Bogorodskaya toys.

The toy is about 350 years old. Then, under the control of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, woodworking began to develop in the nearby village of Bogorodskoye. They cut out inokostases, platbands, wooden sculptures and toys. Later, a school of master carvers and a professional artel appeared, the current factory.

A more romantic version speaks of a peasant whose children are tired of playing with a wooden doll and they abandoned it. The peasant took the doll to the fair, where he was lucky - the merchant saw the toy and ordered a batch. So the residents of Bogorodskoye began to engage in the "toy business".

1. A toy is made from a lime tree dried for 3-5 years. This soft wood is well suited for cutting

2. After drying, the tree is sent for cutting. They process the future toy by hand or on a lathe

3. The workpiece is first cut out with an ax or cut out with a hacksaw according to a template

4. Then they are processed with tools - chisels and special very sharp Bogorodsk knives. Yes, the knives were also local. Once, while one part of the village was making toys, the second was preparing knives and chisels for making them. Now the craftsmen use the imported tool or make it themselves, only the name remains

5. An experienced worker takes 15-20 minutes to cut one piece. However, the foreman's working day at the factory is short - until lunchtime. Then many go home to private work or to fulfill an order from a factory. We arrived just in time for lunch, and all the masters had already dispersed. I had to show everything to the escort

6. The norm is to hand over 130-140 items per month. Cuts and abrasions are common at work, but people are not discouraged

9. After processing, the toy is assembled in parts.

10. And these are the future Carlsons. Below will be painted

11. Although traditionally a toy was not painted, now this rule is sometimes deviated from. It turns out no worse)
They work with gouache, and then they are covered with a harmless oil varnish

12. In the past, the factory was doing great and had several hundred employees. Now there are fewer and fewer workers, some shops are even empty. They say that over 12 years the team has decreased by 2 times and has grown very old.

15. Just class. The toy is held in his hands, the ball rotates - Carlson moves his hand and eats jam, a jar with which he has not yet been attached

18. There are toys with characters from other fairy tales. Here the ball is spinning, and grandma and grandfather are baking a gingerbread man

There are different moving plots - the cat catches fish, the chickens peck the grain. Such a toy develops the imagination and hands

20. An unpainted toy often depicts the life of a peasant who is "helped" by animals. However, there are many plots, and what the heroes will do depends on the fantasy of the master. There are also mobile ones, like this - the most famous - "Blacksmiths"

21. So are just toys with animals

22. Mainly with bears

24. In the museum at the factory come across compositions on fabulous themes

25. Craftsmen and unique things are carved, like this "Northern War" chess set. Peter and Charles XII with their queens

New staff is a big problem for the factory. After graduating from the local art school, young people either leave or are engaged in private cutting. Otherwise, you will not survive. So workshops are being created at home. For many workers, it is also more profitable to work from home and receive a percentage of the order from a factory than to go to it for a ridiculous salary of several thousand.
The situation is also spoiled by the "masters" who sell fakes. There are many of them, according to the workers. Their quality is low, and the client can be easily deceived.
The factory is also assisted by the Zagorskaya PSPP located in Bogorodskoye. The museum and part of the premises have been repaired, handicraft festivals are held, and traditions are not completely forgotten.

In addition to toys, the factory's masters make custom-made carved furniture, wooden wall panels with three-dimensional images of people and animals.
There are no problems with raw materials. In the village, traders sell linden from cars. The prices are affordable - one cubic meter costs several thousand, and it will be enough for a year of work.

Someone says that fishing was ruined by the creation of a single factory. Making a toy is a creative business, and putting a master in an office on a working day, demanding a monthly norm from him, is a mockery. In such conditions, no one will remember about inspiration, they will have to work for the plan, and not for the soul. There is something true in this.

And I also remembered Masha who had recently walked on the Internet. It is a pity that such producers are now better than good fishing

Theme.“Bogorodskaya toy. Drawing a bear ".
Goals. Develop aesthetic feelings; reinforce graphic skills and
skills in drawing a complex object.
Equipment. Matryoshka dolls, Bogorodsk toys.
During the classes
I. Organizational moment
II. Introductory conversation
Educator. Guess the riddle:
Although we are small,
But so glorious:
All painted with flowers,
And one is for the main one.
There are crumbs among us.
Who are we?
Children. Matryoshka dolls.
Display of nesting dolls.
V. What were matryoshka dolls made of?
D. Made of wood.
V. Now listen to the story of how others came to be
toys made of wood.
It happened a long time ago, maybe two hundred years ago, or maybe more, in the village
Bogorodsky, near Moscow.
In winter, the nights are long, it gets dark early. The guys are bored in the peasant hut. And so
once a mother wanted to please her children with a toy. And there is nothing to buy.
She began to think: if we weave it out of straw, it’s so vividly tousled. If from the dough
blind - dry up and fall apart. And she took a log from under the stove, with an ax and
I cut out a doll with a knife.
The children were happy with the toy. They lullied, they said: "Ay, ay". And they named her Auka. A
grew up - abandoned their Auku.
Once my mother got ready to go to the market, saw the toy, took it with her and sold it.
Once a cart rides through the village, a man sits in it and shouts:
- Who sold a wooden toy in the bazaar?
“I traded,” the woman says, “but why do you need it?
- Can't you cut them out yet? I will buy everything.
- Okay, come for the holiday.
The woman made toys and ran through the village about her luck to tell, skill
show your own. The villagers began after her to make various toys for merchants.
III. Acquaintance with new material
V. Shaggy spruces, oaks, birches, lindens surrounded
the village of Bogorodskoye from all sides. In some neighboring villages weaving for sale
box bodies and bast shoes, in others they made wooden spoons and dishes, and the Bogorodtsy
carved toys. They were considered the best toys. They brought toys to
fair not with bags, not baskets, but whole carts. The toys were inexpensive, but
Is it the price that matters? The main thing is the joy that the Bogorodsk toys and
children and adults.
Let's look at the products of the Bogorodsk masters. How are these toys different from
the rest?
D. They are not painted.
V. The masters have developed their own artistic style, their own
carving style. They saw that toys made of unpainted wood could even be
more interesting, and stopped painting them.
The subjects of the sculptures are varied: these are peasants, hunters, animals and birds, scenes
from everyday life, fairy tales.
What heroes of fairy tales did you recognize?
D. Hero Ilya Muromets on horseback, Tsar Dodon and Astrologer from
fairy tales "The Golden Cockerel" ...
V. In Bogorodskoye they learned how to make toys with movement.
Pull the two slats - the toy comes to life. Knock-knock - loudly beat with a hammer on
anvil blacksmiths: a man and a bear.
But there are chickens on the board - pull the string, and they will start hastily
peck grains.
The soldiers are marching, the horses are galloping dashingly, the cubs are playing balalaikas. A hero
of many compositions is a bear, so we will study it today
IV. Independent work
1. Place the sheet vertically. Draw a vertical line. Light
mark the height of the bear with strokes.
2. Mark the place of the head by setting how many times the height of the head
fits in the height of the whole figure.
3. Mark the position of the paws with light straight lines. pay attention to
symmetrical character of the figure.
4. In the light sketching technique, continue to refine the position and size
paws, torso.
5. Color the bear brown.
V. Reflection.

Hello friends! It is no secret that elementary school is an additional source of creative inspiration not only for children, but also for their parents (at least for those parents who are not averse to doing some handiwork at their leisure). A variety of contests and creative tasks (for example, designing a class for the holiday) will not let you get bored. And sometimes they push for very interesting experiments, which would hardly have a place in their own schedule.

Our son Volodya is in the third grade, and now a competition is being held at the school on the topic of making a Slavic toy with his own hands from any materials. The competition is for students, but parental participation is implied. :)

The mission to uphold the honor of the class in this competition fell to us. We somehow immediately decided on the theme - the famous Bogorodsk toy "Blacksmiths", the one where a man and a bear knock on an anvil with sledgehammers.

By the way, while collecting material for our venture, I also read about the history of the Bogorodsk toy. So, the birthplace of this folk craft of carved wooden toys and sculptures is the old village of Bogorodskoye near Moscow. At the end of the 16th century, the village was transferred to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, which was one of the largest centers of artistic crafts in Russia.

It is believed that it was thanks to the influence of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery that the Bogorodsky craft was born and developed. The toy "Blacksmiths" is more than 300 years old, and it is rightfully a symbol of the craft.

According to references in ancient documents, Peter I presented "Kuznetsov" to his son, Tsarevich Alexei. And the French sculptor Auguste Rodin, examining this Bogorodsk toy, said: "The people who created this toy are a great people."

If you wish, you will find on the Internet a lot of interesting information about the history and modern development of the Bogorodsky craft.

In the meantime, we will go further. Of course, we did not even think about how to make the toy "Blacksmiths", as expected, out of wood. But to make it from a softer and more pliable material - corrugated cardboard - this idea seemed to us quite feasible.

As it turned out later, we were not mistaken in our predictions, the toy turned out to be what we need! The characteristic feature of the Bogorodsk toy - the mobility of the elements - was one hundred percent realized: the man and the bear are merrily pounding on the anvil, and the sound is emitted, almost like when knocking on wood.

In general, the product turned out to be quite durable due to its multi-layer construction.

But let's move on to the manufacturing process itself, and you yourself will see all the nuances.

Master class: Bogorodskaya toy "Blacksmiths" made of cardboard

Materials and tools:

- A4 sheets of office paper (for printing templates);
- micro-corrugated cardboard;
- wooden skewers;
- stationery knife;
- scissors;
- metal ruler;
- punch and hammer or awl;
- glue "Moment Crystal";
- double sided tape;
- acrylic paints and brushes.

It all started with this drawing of the "Blacksmiths" toy found on the net.

On its basis, templates for cutting out of cardboard were prepared, and it went well. The templates can be downloaded immediately here:

I would like to dwell separately on the main material for making toys. We used micro corrugated board (this is one of the varieties of corrugated packaging board). It has three layers (two flat, one corrugated), its thickness is 1.5-2 mm.

Why micro-corrugated board? In addition to the fact that we have a long-standing warm relationship with corrugated cardboard, this material is very easy to process. It is easy to cut, and when several layers are glued together, fairly dense and durable parts are obtained.

In principle, you can use, for example, 1.5 mm thick binding board as an alternative. But cutting it is harder. It will be especially difficult to cut out the heads of a man and a bear.

In addition, micro-corrugated cardboard is much cheaper. And if you use used boxes, then it will cost free at all. Micro-corrugated cardboard boxes are usually used to pack confectionery, tableware, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, and much more.

Finding the right boxes is easy. And given the scale of the details, not a lot of cardboard is required.

1. Preparation of parts for the toy "Blacksmiths".

We cut out all the details from cardboard using templates. For convenience, the number of templates is equal to the number of parts.

The technology is simple: we cut out a template or a group of templates with small allowances and attach it to the seamy side of the cardboard with pieces of double-sided tape, after which we cut out the parts. This process is demonstrated in more detail and clearly.

When placing templates on cardboard, pay attention to recommended wave directions of the corrugated layer(the file has corresponding designations). Both the appearance and the mechanical characteristics of the parts depend on this.

Here are all the details of the anvil cut out:

The two trapezoidal parts (they are needed to fill the gaps between the anvil parts and the bar) must be flattened.

Cut out the details of the sledgehammer. Well, everything is very simple here.

As handles, there will be pieces of a wooden skewer with a length 30 mm... In this case, it is better to use a thicker skewer.
Next, we cut out the details of the planks. Here, to increase rigidity, pieces of a wooden skewer are inserted into the middle part of each plank, just in case (this skewer is of a smaller diameter than a skewer for a sledgehammer).

In principle, this is not necessary. It's just that the parts are narrow and long, so they bend easily (especially taking into account the transverse arrangement of the waves of the corrugated layer). I didn't want to risk it - just in case, we strengthened it.

When you glue the plank layers, even without skewers, their strength and rigidity will increase markedly. And lateral forces on the planks during the functioning of the finished toy "Blacksmiths" should not be applied. I think everything should be all right anyway.

But if you still want more reliability, you know how to proceed. :)

On the outer parts of the lower bar, immediately place small marks with the tip of the knife where the anvil should be.

We make holes on all the details of the planks. We used a punch from the Zubr set.

If such a tool is not available, then simply pierce the holes with an awl, and then expand them with a skewer, the pieces of which you will use as rods when assembling the toy.

An important point: the skewer should rotate freely in the holes in the bar.

We pass to the most difficult and crucial stage - cutting out the details of the man and the bear.

There are 2 groups of details in mirror reflection here. This is done so that the finished shape has the face layer outward on both sides.

At first, we even drew the fingers on the paws of the bear and the hands of the man. But cutting it out is too dreary. Although it seems to have even worked out.

The resulting templates in this section have been simplified so that you will feel a little easier. :)

For those who will cut such figures out of cardboard for the first time, prompt: Intricate small contours (for example, a man's face or a bear's face) should be cut with short pressing movements with the very tip of the knife blade. First, push the contour of the site in this way, then cut the line through the entire thickness of the cardboard.

And on some of the details, you immediately need to make holes for the rods, on which the figures of our "blacksmiths" will be attached.

An important point: and in this case, the skewer should fit tightly into the hole.

2. Assembling the "Blacksmiths" toy.

We glue the details of all elements of the toy.

We drip a little glue into the hole of the sledgehammer (for this it is convenient to use a toothpick) and insert the handle.

We glue the anvil parts in blocks, as shown in the photo.

Then we glue the blocks together. Press the working surface of the anvil against the table so that it is flat.

We glue the details of the upper and lower planks.

At the same time, we will prepare 4 rods. The length is determined depending on the number of layers and the thickness of the cardboard.

Apply glue to the trapezoidal parts of the anvil and glue it to the bottom bar. Insert the top bar too to make sure it moves freely.

We glue the details of the man. Here, collect the entire middle part, glue one assembled side to it. Do not attach the other side yet.

We prepare the parts of the bear in the same way.

Well, all that remains is to attach our "blacksmiths" to the movable slats.

We insert into the holes on the bear's leg and glue 2 rods, as shown in the photo.

We insert the rods into the holes of the planks.

Lubricate with glue the surface of the middle part of the bear, as well as the holes on the second leg. And glue the rest of the figure so that the rods fall into the holes.

Insert and glue the sledgehammer.

If you plan to paint the toy, then you don't need to glue the sledgehammer yet. It is even better to paint the parts of the "Blacksmiths" toy first, and then proceed to assembly.

In the same way we attach the man to the slats.

Now that's it. Our cardboard copy of the Bogorodsk toy "Blacksmiths" is ready!

It's funny to say, but we ourselves experienced a childish delight when we tested it in practice. :) It works! Everything moves, hammers knock - it's just a miracle))

Needless to say about our third-graders, who, when we finally presented the result, were also happy to move the bars and listen to the sonorous clatter of cardboard sledgehammers.)

By the way, in the process of preparing the description, an idea arose of how to make the cardboard "color" of the toy on the ends more uniform. Now, as you can see, one half is darker, the other is lighter. A trifle, of course, but still ...

So, you can alternate the mirror layers: 1 layer from one group of parts, then a layer from the second group, etc.

On this our work on the creation of the Russian folk toy "Blacksmiths" was completed. But it is too early to put an end to it. The toy still had to be painted.

An artel of female artists from our class took on this task. And Volodya took over, let's say, coordination functions. :)

The toy was painted with acrylics.

The girls got down to business seriously, even studied samples of folk costumes.

As a result, we got such an elegant and funny moving toy with a traditional plot.

Now we are waiting for the results of the competition. :)

Friends, how do you like this embodiment of the Bogorodsk "Kuznetsov"? It seems to me that such a toy is quite worthy of using it for its intended purpose - for playing kids.

Ultra budget option. But this, of course, is not the most important thing. Most importantly, you can easily make a toy with your own hands and even involve children in this entertaining process. If, due to age, it is still too early to cut and glue the cardboard parts, then there are no age restrictions for coloring.

* * *

PS. On the eve of the 8th of March, Olya Kachurovskaya has developed new thematic templates for cutting in the continuation of the series of festive chocolate girls.

If you have not yet had time to download free templates in the Kartonkino store, take our gift for the holiday right now:

Happy holiday, dear readers! Sunny mood to you! Let the coming spring fill you with fresh strength, energy, inspiration! Let there be more reasons for joyful smiles! Love, happiness, family well-being, all of you!

Until next time on KARTONKINO!

Yours Inna Pyshkina.