Homemade drawing of a template for cutting loops with a router. Template for cutting hinges and locks, which is better? Making a template for installing loops with your own hands

Template for inserting hinges and locks This is a wonderful tool that makes the work of door installers much easier and faster. This is one of those specialized devices, without which the daily activities of a professional are inconceivable. The cut-in template reduces the risk of damage to the door leaf by a jumping tool by almost 100%, and it costs a lot. Within the framework of this article, we will answer the question of what a template for an insert is, why is it needed, and also talk about factory and home-made templates, and touch on the issue of their self-production.

What is a template for inserting hinges and locks?

We note right away that the template for the tie-in is mainly necessary for craftsmen who carry out repeated systematic installation of door hinges and locks. For a one-time installation, such a template is generally not needed, since the costs of manufacturing or purchasing it will definitely not pay off. It's another matter if you know how to use it and you have the opportunity to borrow such a device from someone. But these are already special cases.

So, templates designed for cutting hinges and locks are devices that limit the movement of the tool and allow you to more accurately cut a position for a door hinge or lock, significantly reducing the risk of damage. Nowadays, such patterns have become even more important because a high power tool, such as an electric router, is used to cut locks and hinges. One wrong move and here's the extra costs for repairing or replacing the door leaf.

Templates for insertion are both factory-made and home-made, while the latter can be no worse, everything, as always, depends on the quality of the product.

Example of a factory template for a tie-in

Currently, many different templates are produced for inserting, both hinges and locks, but it is not always easy to find a suitable one among the samples sold. In this paragraph, we will provide an example of a template that can be purchased at a retail outlet or ordered directly from the manufacturer. Its quality has been tested by a considerable number of craftsmen, and most are satisfied. It is called LOCK_JIG and is produced by the British company Trend. This is a set of templates for inserting a variety of door locks.

The equipment is worthy of a real professional. The LOCK_JIG set includes four templates for grooves and twelve templates for bezels. In addition, the set includes a table by which you can check the correspondence of templates and locks. The set is designed for inserting locks with an electric cutter. The templates are designed for inserting locks into doors with a thickness of up to 5.5 cm, while the depth of the groove can be 7.5 cm. The templates are made of metal and have very comfortable plastic handles.

Working with such a template is very convenient, especially if you follow the order in which such work is performed. The lock insertion using the LOCK_JIG set is performed in several stages.

  • We study the table and select the appropriate templates for our castle.
  • We prepare the milling cutter for work, install the milling cutter and a special ring (copying device).
  • We set the depth to which the cutter will plunge.
  • We fasten the door leaf on the side in special clips in order to avoid its displacement during operation. We mill the groove.
  • We install a template for the front part of the door leaf and mill it, after having hung the door on the hinges.
  • Carefully, using a chisel, we clean the resulting grooves and you can proceed with the installation of the lock.

What is required for self-manufacturing of a template for a tie-in?

The factory template is a very good thing. It is convenient to use, for each action there is a detailed instruction that eliminates most of the mistakes that can be made in the work. These templates have only one significant drawback - the price. In particular, the set of LOCK_JIG templates given by us as an example currently costs about 12,000 rubles. Agree, for such a device, a rather large amount, although sometimes it is not a pity to pay a much larger amount for a high-quality product.

You can consider the possibility of making a template for insertion yourself, especially since no special costs are required for this. Basically, you need your time, work and desire to make this wonderful device. So, what tools and materials will be required to make a template for a do-it-yourself insert?

  1. An electric drill, and drills to it (from 3 to 14 mm).
  2. Jigsaw with a set of files.
  3. Electrofreezer and clamp.
  4. Bolts, wing nuts, wide rim washers.
  5. Board 20 mm thick and 40 cm long.
  6. Trimmed MDF board 100 × 100 cm.
  7. Rail 1.5 m and a small block.

An example of a homemade stitching template

The example of a homemade template for cutting in loops given by us is one of the best workable products, the drawings of which are presented "on the Internet". It is quite possible for the master to use it in his daily work. So, for the manufacture of the specified template, we need all the above tools and materials. Let's describe the procedure.

  • We cut off a piece of 40 × 20 cm from the pre-prepared board.
  • Drill six bolt holes, three on each side of the board.
  • We cut off a rail 58 cm long. On one edge of it we attach a block across, which will play the role of a limiter.
  • In the middle of the board with a jigsaw, cut a hole 135 × 70 mm.
  • We also cut out three overlays from the prepared MDF trim with a jigsaw. The first and second overlays are 130x70 mm, in which we make transverse cuts (30 mm) at a distance of 70 mm from each other. The third pad 375x70, with cross cuts (30 mm) at a distance of 300 mm from each other.
  • After all the necessary parts are prepared, you can assemble the product as shown in the figure. The work is over.

To summarize, we note that templates designed for inserting both locks and hinges are a very useful thing, especially when you need to install multiple times on different door leaves. There are high-quality factory samples of such templates that are convenient for both the master and the beginner to work with, but their price often scares away and makes you think about a homemade version. Homemade templates are made from improvised means, and as practice shows, they are not much worse than factory counterparts. Install locks and hinges with pleasure, and simple and reliable templates will help you with this.

The installation of the door leaf consists in fastening the hinges, which are holders. In order to do the work and not spoil the door, experts recommend using special templates. In addition, each door is equipped with a lock, the installation of which can also cause problems for an inexperienced craftsman. A lock template can greatly facilitate installation. What kind of equipment is this and how to make it yourself, read on.

Making a template

Required materials

A template for cutting hinges and locks can be:

  • purchase in a specialized store;
  • do it yourself from scrap materials.

The cost of the finished tool is quite high. Therefore, its purchase is justified only in a situation where the work is directly related to the installation of a large number of doors and locks.

To make a template for cutting hinges and locks with your own hands, you will need:

  • board, the thickness of which is at least 20 mm, and the length is 40 cm;
  • fibreboard with a size of 100 * 100 cm. The indicated size is optimal for work. If desired, it can be changed up or down;
  • small wooden block;
  • rail, at least 150 cm long;
  • drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • a set of fasteners, including wing bolts, required to use the finished tool.

Process of creation

DIY patterns for hinges and locks are made according to the following scheme:

  1. preparation of the drawing. To start making any product, you need to think over the design to the smallest detail. A drawing of a template for hinges and locks can be found on the Internet or developed independently;

  1. a cut of the required size is cut from the MDF board;
  2. 6 holes are drilled along two opposite edges of the cut (3 pieces from each edge at an equal distance relative to each other and the center of the prepared slab);
  3. in the middle of the slab with a jigsaw (if not, you can use other tools), a hole is made, the dimensions of which are 135 * 70 mm. This is a medium size;

  1. the rake is being prepared. A bar is attached to one of its edges, which in the future will play the role of a kind of limiter;
  2. a bar with a bar is attached to the tile with small self-tapping screws;
  3. three separate overlays are cut from the board. Two of the same size will be fastened along the horizontal edges of the slab and one along the vertical part of the structure;

  1. in each overlay, two longitudinal cuts are made, due to which it will be possible to increase the size of the hole for the lock or loop;

  1. the prepared linings are attached to the base plate.

The do-it-yourself tool is ready.

The instruction provides for the manufacture of the simplest tool practically from scrap materials. If desired, the design can be complicated with additional elements.

Using a template

Installation of hinges

To install hinges or a lock using a manufactured template, you will need an electric milling cutter or a manual analogue of this tool.

To install door hinges you need:

  1. fix the door leaf on the floor. If the hinges are replaced, then the door must be fixed and then fixed. You can fix the door using any available tools;
  2. on the end part of the door where the hinges are supposed to be installed, a preliminary marking is applied, that is, the areas where the hinges should be installed are marked;
  3. a template is fixed at the place of installation of the first loop;

  1. a milling cutter removes a chamfer, the depth of which must correspond to the thickness of the loop;

If the depth of the chamfer is greater than the thickness of the hinge, then the door hinge will sink into the door leaf, and the door will constantly warp. A similar situation arises when removing too small a chamfer.

  1. if necessary, the remaining parts of the door leaf are removed with a chisel;
  2. the hinge is secured with the screws supplied with the purchase.

The process of installing a door hinge using a template is presented in detail in the video.

How to install a lock using a template

A self-made template is suitable not only for installing door hinges, but also.

The procedure for installing the locking mechanism, which uses a template for tapping locks, is completely similar to the procedure for installing door hinges and includes the following steps:

  1. the door leaf is securely fixed to the floor, which greatly facilitates the work;
  2. markings are applied to the proposed installation site of the lock. As a result, the area in which you want to make the notch and the areas of attachment of the device should be marked;

  1. a door lock template is installed in the place where it is necessary to make a recess;
  2. using a milling machine, wood is removed from the door leaf;

The depth of the recess should correspond to the same parameter of the lock, increased by 5 mm. Otherwise, the locking device will not work correctly.

  1. holes are drilled at the attachment points;
  2. the lock is installed inside the door and securely fixed with fixing bolts;

  1. an area is marked on the door jamb for installing a striker;

  1. using a template and a router, a notch of the desired size is made;
  2. the striker is installed and fixed;

  1. the operability of the lock is checked. Corrections are made if necessary.

All work on the installation of the lock must be carried out with utmost care and in compliance with safety requirements. If a mistake is made, you will have to change not only the lock, but also the door.

The templates for the installation of various types of locks and door hinges are designed to facilitate the corresponding work. Buying a ready-made template is possible if the installation of doors and locking mechanisms is part of a person's constant work.

In all other situations, you can make the simplest template design yourself, using available materials for manufacturing. You can build a template on your own in 1.5 - 2 hours, and then apply it for the rest of your life.

The installation of a wooden interior door begins with cutting in the door hinges, which serve as a kind of holder. To facilitate the insertion process, experts recommend using a milling machine and a special template. The templates for the hinge cutter help you quickly determine the optimal cut size and carry out all the work as accurately as possible.

How the device works

The template for cutting loops with a router is a design that allows you to:

  • make a recess in the door leaf that is most suitable for the dimensions of the hinge to be installed. Limiters installed on all sides prevent accidental expansion of the niche;
  • to minimize the possibility of errors that could lead to a repetition of the installation procedure. Adjusting the cutter allows you to fully combine the dimensions of the loop and the future groove, which, with sufficient care, eliminates various errors;
  • keep the door leaf in proper condition. When cutting in hinges without a template, the door leaf can be damaged, which will lead to the need to replace it.

To use the device, you must:

  1. install the template for the hinges on the corresponding surface of the door leaf;
  2. align the hole with the dimensions of the hinge to be installed and securely fix both the device itself and the position of the future recess.

Making a template for installing loops with your own hands

Ready-made templates, which are sold in specialized stores, cost about 3.5 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a product exclusively for professional craftsmen. For home use, the template can be made by hand.

Preparation for manufacturing

At the stage of preparation for assembling the device, you must:

  • develop a drawing of a template for cutting in loops with a milling cutter;
  • purchase materials necessary for work;
  • prepare tools.

Template construction implies:

  • the presence of a frame that serves directly for the work of the router;
  • installation of sliding limiters for the movement of the milling machine;
  • the presence of a handle and holders that allow you to fix the structure on the door.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • small cuts of boards, slats and bars. If desired, the device can be made from other materials, for example, metal, plexiglass, and so on;
  • fasteners: bolts, wing nuts, washers;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • milling machine.

Assembling the device

The assembly of the structure is carried out as follows:

  1. components are being prepared: the main canvas, a rail with a limiter, three strips that allow you to adjust the size of the loops;
  2. in the main canvas, a milling cutter makes a hole 130 * 70 mm;
  3. all parts are assembled with bolts, washers and nuts;
  4. the holder is screwed on.

Self-production of the template will save money, since all structural elements can be made from available materials.

Installing hinges using a router and template

The process of installing hinges using a template and a milling machine is as follows:

  1. equipment is being prepared: milling cutter, chisel, drill, screwdriver. What kind of buttonhole cutter do you need? It is most advisable to use a cutter that is most suitable for the size of the hinge to be installed. If the cutter is much smaller than the dimensions of the loop, then the recess will have to be made in several passes, which contributes to the appearance of irregularities. A larger cutter is not used. In addition to the length and width of the cutter, it is also necessary to adjust the depth of the cut, which is equal to the thickness of the loop itself;

  1. the door is installed on a pedestal and fixed. Reliable installation of the door leaf will contribute to the maximum accuracy in the work;
  2. the area is marked for. If the door height does not exceed 2 m, then it is enough to install 2 hinges, each of which will be located at a distance of 20 cm from the upper and lower parts of the leaf. If necessary, an additional loop is installed in the middle;

  1. a prepared template is installed on the end of the door leaf. How to do it correctly is described above;
  2. door milling begins;

When working with a milling machine, safety precautions are required. Medium power device produces high rotational speed, which can lead to damage.

  1. the loop is tried on to the resulting groove. All surface irregularities, and, if necessary, dimensions are leveled with a chisel;
  2. after preparing the niche for the hinge, you can go directly to the fastening of the fittings. To do this, at the first stage, it is necessary to mark the locations of the future fasteners;
  3. the designated places are pre-drilled, which helps to avoid deformation of the door leaf when attaching the hinges;
  4. hinges are installed and securely bolted. In most cases, the necessary fasteners are included in the door hinge kit;

  1. in the same way, the second part of the door hinge is installed on the door frame.

You can learn how to use the template and the buttonhole milling machine by watching the video.

Even beginners, inexperienced craftsmen can engage in the installation of hinges using a template and a milling machine. The main thing during work is to strictly observe all safety rules and carefully make the required measurements and settings.

When installing a new door, it becomes necessary to fix the fittings. It is difficult for an inexperienced person to make a frame for canopies and a castle without damaging the canvas. A special device helps to simplify the work. Using a stitching template makes it possible to make holes in the right place.

If you have never used a template for cutting door hinges and locks before, you should first get to know the device better. The part is a blank, one might say - a matrix, which has a cut out window, with a shape that matches the elements of the fittings. The tool is also called a jig. They fix it on the box or sash in the place where the insert is supposed to be. The edges of the window define the contour of the future recess. Sampling can be done with a router, drill or chisel without fear of damaging the wood outside the matrix.

The device helps to quickly insert fittings, but it does not always bring benefits. Buying a disposable template is expensive. The tool is more suitable for craftsmen who are often involved in cutting hinges and locks. If you wish and know how to work with wood, you can make a jig yourself. You just need to find an exact drawing, cut out the parts from it and assemble them into a single structure.

Principle of use

The template is not difficult to apply. Before starting work, check the compliance of the size of the tool window with the dimensions of the hinges. If everything matches, proceed to the markup. On the door frame and sash, outline the hinges with a pencil. A template is applied to the place of the future inset, securely fixed with screws. The boundaries of the matrix window must coincide with the marking lines. Now it remains only to choose the groove of the desired depth with a milling cutter or chisel. At the end of the work, the conductor is removed, rearranged to the place of marking of another loop, all actions are repeated.

The installation of the lock can also be carried out using the hinge template, if it fits the size. The device is attached to the end of the sash. If the size does not match, you will have to purchase or make a special jig for inserting locks. The actions are the same as when installing awnings. According to the template at the end of the sash, a recess is chosen that corresponds to the size of the lock. In addition to the router and chisel, you can use a drill for tapping. Another sample will be needed on the rack of the box for the lock striker.

Making a template

If a decision is made to construct a device with your own hands, you will need a template diagram for inserting hinges, locks. The drawing can be found on the Internet or you can take a tool from familiar builders and draw every detail with a pencil on paper.

When the circuit is ready, they start manufacturing:

  • Details are cut from MDF, plywood, thick plexiglass or polished boards. The first element is sawn out a rectangle with a size of 380 * 190 mm.
  • 6 holes are drilled along the smaller edges of the part. There should be 3 of them on each side. An equal distance is maintained between the holes relative to each other, as well as to the center of the rectangle.
  • In the middle of the rectangular blank, a window of 135 * 70 mm is cut out.
  • The limiter is made from a piece of lath, fixing a bar to one end. The part is fixed to the rectangular workpiece with self-tapping screws.
  • To change the size of the window, cut out two rectangular blanks measuring 130 * 70 mm. On the larger side, two cuts are made, between which a distance of 70 mm is maintained. The overlays are applied to the smaller sides of the rectangular slab with a window.
  • One overlay is cut out of a larger size - 375 * 70 mm. Two cuts are made on the larger side, between which a distance of 300 mm is maintained. The workpiece is applied to the larger side of the windowed rectangle.
  • All details are ready. It remains only to assemble a template for cutting hinges and locks with your own hands using screws. Adjust the size of the window with cover plates.

Installation of hinges

The installation of the hinges begins with the installation of the template, but first the tool is prepared. You will need a hand router, chisel, screwdriver. The sidebar consists of the following steps:

The sash is securely fixed on the floor, placing it with the side end up. In places where fittings are inserted, markings are applied. It is enough to simply outline the canopy mounting plate with a pencil.

  • The conductor is clamped to the end of the door with screws. Overlay plates adjust the size of the window in accordance with the applied markings.
  • Adhering to the boundaries of the matrix, chamfer with a milling cutter or chisel. The indentation must correspond to the thickness of the hardware fixing plate. If more wood is accidentally removed during the cut-in, the fittings will not work correctly. The door will twist. The recess can be reduced by using a hard cardboard lining under the hinge mounting plate.
  • When all the grooves are cut, they begin to install the fittings. The hinges are screwed on with self-tapping screws.

How to install a lock using a template?

The installation of the lock using a template is carried out in a similar way, only the recess in the end of the door is made larger. The process consists of the following steps:

  • The sash is securely fixed to the floor with the side end up. A pencil is used to mark the future inset. The body of the lock is applied to the end of the door and outlines it.
  • A template is set according to the markup. Adjusts the coincidence of the boundaries of the matrix with the drawn lines.
  • Sampling of wood is carried out by a milling cutter. In the absence of a tool, holes are drilled with a drill, and the remaining jumpers are cut out with a chisel. The sampling depth should correspond to the length of the lock body.
  • The template is removed from the door. The lock is applied to the front of the sash, the holes for the handle and the keyhole are marked. Holes are drilled with feather drills. The lock is inserted into the cut out recess, fixed with self-tapping screws.
  • The sash is hung with hinges on the box. When closed, mark the location of the striker. A template is fixed to the well, the window is adjusted according to the markings, a recess is selected with a milling cutter or chisel.
  • The insert ends with a mounting plate with screws, a check of the lock's functionality.

A self-made device for inserting accessories can be assembled according to individual sizes, come up with your own convenient design, and improve the clamps.

A handheld electric tool such as a router can be successfully used to perform various types of processing on products made of wood. With the help of this equipment and a set of working attachments for it, you can not only decorate the surface of a wood product, but also prepare a furniture facade or a door for installation with high quality, using a router for inserting locks, door and furniture hinges. Of course, it is possible to perform the procedure for sampling grooves in a wooden product manually (using a conventional chisel and a hammer), but when using a router, the productivity of such an operation increases significantly, and the quality of the final result is also significantly increased.

Varieties of manual milling units

On the modern market, they are represented by electrical equipment of the following categories:

  1. devices of the vertical or submersible type, which are mainly used for cutting grooves of various depths and widths (a typical representative of a power tool in this category is a milling cutter for cutting hinges and locks);
  2. edge mills, which are also called edging (using power tools of this category, decorative processing of the edges of products made of wood is performed);
  3. Combined milling cutters, used mainly in the professional field (they are called combined because they combine the capabilities of edging and vertical milling cutters);
  4. special-purpose power tools, the most common types of which are lamellar and dowel cutters (as the name of the category of such devices implies, they can only be used to solve a specific technological problem).

How to choose the right hand router

When choosing a router that is planned to be used for cutting locks and hinges, as well as a device for any other purpose, it is necessary to pay attention to the following parameters of such equipment.

Device power

To perform not too intensive and not too difficult work in a home workshop, milling cutters of low and medium power are quite suitable, which can be used, among other things, for inserting door locks. More powerful devices, which are mainly used in the professional field, although they are able to cope with more complex tasks, cannot provide the high speed of rotation of the tool used. In addition, with increasing power, the weight of such power tools also increases significantly.

The ability to adjust the speed of rotation of the tool

The presence of such a function allows you to optimally select the modes for each of the technological operations performed by the milling cutter. Of the hand-held milling cutters with this option, it is better to choose models whose speed selector is protected from external mechanical influences, contamination with wood dust and sawdust. In addition, it is better to give preference to models with discrete switches.

The amount of overhang of the working part of the tool above the end face of the chuck

It should be borne in mind that the most important parameter is the actual overhang, and not the maximum stroke length of the tool, which is indicated in the marking of each model.

Ease of use of the router

To assess this parameter, several characteristics of the device should be taken into account at once, such as the weight of the router, its functionality, the convenience of the location of the equipment controls, and the length of the electrical cord. How convenient it is to use a hand router depends not only on the comfort of the user, but also on the quality of the processing performed.

Quality of view of the working area

This parameter is ensured not only by the design features of the router, but also by the presence of special lighting in its equipment.

Milling unit complete set

The functionality and usability of the equipment largely depend on this characteristic. That is why, when purchasing any router (including for cutting hinges), stop your choice on models equipped with various holders, additional attachments and other elements.

When choosing a router, you must not only hold such a device in your hands, but also be sure to turn it on. So you can assess how freely and easily the working head of the equipment moves, test the moving elements of the router for the presence of backlash and distortions, determine the level of noise emitted by the device during operation.

Recommendations for setting up a router for inserting door locks and hinges

Before you can start using the hand-held milling tool for tapping locks, you need to set it up. In particular, the following parameters of such a power tool must be correctly set:

  • the depth to which the cutter is cut into the material being processed;
  • the rotational speed of the tool used.

The depth of the groove created during processing depends on the thickness of the door hinge material or on the geometric parameters of the mortise lock.

To set the equipment to a specific milling depth for hinges or door locks, you must perform the following steps:
  • The router is installed on a flat and hard surface.
  • Then the threaded element is loosened, which fixes the feed pin.
  • The cutter, which will be used for processing, is lowered to the level of the supporting surface, and the number zero is set on the scale of the depth of processing.
  • If using a router to create grooves for the hinges, it is necessary to determine the thickness of the material from which they are made.
  • The resulting value is set on the scale of the feed pin of the router.

Watch the video to get a better idea of ​​how to adjust the depth of your hand router.

In the event that it is planned to insert the lock with a milling cutter, during which it is necessary to form a groove of considerable depth in the end part of the door, then this procedure is carried out in several stages, at each of which a layer of wood with a thickness of no more than 5 mm is removed.

The setting of the rotation speed of the tool, with which the machining will be carried out, is carried out empirically. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the milling cutter does not experience overloads during the processing, and the processed wood does not burn. To adjust the rotation speed of the tool, a special regulator mounted on the router body is used.

Preparing grooves for door hinges and locks

In order for the grooves created with a hand mill for mounting door locks and hinges to be executed as accurately and efficiently as possible, it is recommended to use special templates for inserting hinges and locks. It is not a problem to purchase a template for inserting locks and hinges of various designs and sizes on the modern market.

In order not to spend money on such a tie-in device, you can make it yourself. You can independently make a very easy-to-use template for cutting hinges and locks from available materials - wooden boards and bars, slats, chipboard, threaded fasteners.

How to make a simple template

Measuring the cutter offset Marking the template Making a cutter 2-3 passes
We get the finished hole Install the thrust bar Test the template

The process of forming grooves using a hand router and subsequent installation with a hinge for installing doors is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. An entrance, interior or furniture door, on the end surface of which it is necessary to form grooves, is installed in special clamps and securely fixed in them.
  2. The marking of the places where the hinges will be installed is carried out.
  3. A template is installed on the marked section of the end of the door leaf and securely fixed on it.
  4. In the inner part of the template, using a preset router, the material is cut to the required depth. In the event that the loops are cut by a router without a template, the material is sampled by the tool along the contour of the previously applied marking.
  5. After removing the template from the end of the door leaf, the processed surface of the formed groove is finalized with a chisel.
  6. A door hinge is installed in the resulting groove and fixed in it using the screws that come with it.

Preparing the site for installing the second half of the hinge, which is mounted on the door frame, is carried out in a similar manner. Exactly according to the same technology, a groove is prepared into which the door lock will be installed.