Touchboxes in Dow. Zash, how and why and why? Methodical development (younger, medium, senior, preparatory group) on the topic. Touch boxes for children do it yourself touch box for children with their own hands

Moms are often recognized: "I don't know what to play with the child," I have little time for the preparation of games, "" The child is still small for the games, "" He plays not by the rules / wrong, "" I don't have so much money To buy new toys every day, "I am worrying that I don't have a little / badly with the child," "I don't have enough fantasy for games," "the child is not interesting games," "His toys do not develop" ... if such thoughts appear And you, then touch boxes - what you need!

Why do you need sensory boxes

The touch box is a container in which the materials and objects of different sizes and the textures are put on so that the child can play with them, studying the diversity of forms, materials and phenomena of the world. Mary Montessori, who invented their teacher, claimed: Children aged 3 months under 3 years mostly develop through sensory perception, that is, considering and feeling the world around. So why don't you give your child a maximum of information about the diversity of this world, "plunging" this world into sensory boxes that will help to reveal any topic.

Advantages of sensory boxes

They develop a small motorcy, affect the development of speech, progressive, concentration and attention, relax and help distract (both a child and mom, by the way);
Suitable for children from 6 months to 3 years and even older (for kids, the filling will simply consist of simpler large and safe parts);
combine development and game (for example, transporting sand in the truck, the child plays, while developing neatness in itself, etc.);
do not require large financial costs (often fabrics, cereals and different curious little things in mothers in the kitchen, in a sewing box or even a toilet table, and it remains only to choose a box);
Created quickly and easily (preparation of the touch box with pieces of different fabrics or small objects of one color takes no more than 5-10 minutes);
causes interest and takes a child for a long time (children love to go through the contents of the box, especially if they have not seen the materials before);
Do not have clear rules (you can give a child the opportunity to play with the contents at your discretion: to push, shift, to touch, hide the details of the contents of the box in each other, without fear that the child "plays not by the rules and everything breaks");
Give my mom to work for creativity (every mom can become a creator: make a box to your taste and show your talents: Self for a box, make something from paper or just lay out beautifully. In touch boxes, you can even create a whole world - city, zoo, volcano or fortress);
Help to train any topic (boxes are thematic, they can combine the objects of one orientation - "Autumn", "Circular", "Colors", "Figures", "Animals" - and study in a game form);
Suitable for your child (each mother can create a box, based on the interests of the baby at this stage of development);
Suitable for a group game (play with the child's friends or the whole family, folding together, turning over and studying the contents of the box);
Easily stored (if you take a box with a lid, the mess will not even cause small bulk materials).

Create a touch box

6? 9 months

We take small flasks fabric (velvet, sitherium, wool, fur, foam rubber, etc.), large elements with new sensations (brush, rubber ball with bursts, wooden cube), sound elements (bell, squeaker, rattle, musical toy) ... We put the components into a box with small sides, to a tray or a wide plastic plate. We combine on topics ("fabrics", "sounds", "forms", "colors") or put everything in a little.

9 months - 1 year 3 months

We take one kind of fine filler (peas, beans, pasta) and small elements (toys / figures, small cubes), put a spoon or blade. The baby will be interested to get the most interested in his toys from the cereals with her fingers, and by the year with a shovel or spoon.

1 year 3 months - 1 year 6 months

We take new types of bulk bases for the box (rice, sand, manka, hydrogel, water), add toys to a specific topic (animals, marine residents, fruits / vegetables), expand the circle of "tools" (sieve, spoons of different sizes).

1 year 6 months - 3 years

This age is the appaude use and creating sensory boxes! We use any kind of bulk fillers (cereals, water, ice, shaving foam, kinetic or space sand, clay, hydrogel, shells, natural materials (bumps, acorns, chestnuts, pebbles, twigs, leaves, etc.), add elements big topics ("animals: zoo, farm", "seasons", "colors and forms", "letters and numbers", "fruit-vegetables-berries") and the environment (wooden fence, house, machine), place the components for Sorting the same items (cups, boxes, jars, cards), do not forget about the blade and tongs.

Principles of Creation and Games with Touch Boxes

Select the contents by age and follow the child during the game (not to give small parts to completely crumbs, do not put very sharp and dangerous objects);
show what exactly needs to be done with the contents;
change the contents of the box at least 1 time in 2 weeks;
Offer: Show or find some item, get a spoon or tongs, sort by a specific feature, dig and bury items, immerse and unload (for mini-transport games), to make, build or create (for example, cakes or sand houses , test), use blades, spoons, robber, sticks, tongs;
Giving a child freedom in the game (let it connect, picks up, destroys, pouring, sprinkles and disassembles or just touches and examines);
Remind: The contents of the box remains in the box during the game.

The child's mind is on the tips of his fingers. This means that the baby knows the world and develops speech through his fingers: he needs to touch everything, touch, try, pour. Universal thing for tactile games is homemade sandbox or touch box. The sensory box is a container filled with all kinds of tactile material.

To whom the sensory boxes fit

Sensory boxes are suitable for preschool children when touch games are most effective. But this does not mean that you cannot make such a box for children of younger school age.

For kids up to 2 years, simple sensory boxes with large objects are suitable. For older children you can do touch thematic boxes.

What is useful to touch box

  • Develops a small motorcy, tactile sensations, creative and spatial thinking, sorting skills and classification, perfection, patience, coordination of movements and much more.
  • This is an excellent opportunity to expand the vocabulary and use some new words (slippery, grungy, mucous, leather, etc.) or comparison to express ideas (you feel like ...).
  • Helps the study of mathematics: account, grouping, sorting, measurement and weighing are just some of the mathematical advantages of the touch box.
  • Helps the study of color, shape, texture.
  • Helps children to manage their emotions, soothes.
  • He teaches collaboration and resolving conflicts if several children play with the box at the same time.
  • Helps cope with children's fears. For example, with fear of insects, a child can cope, playing plastic insects.
  • Provides endless opportunities for creative games: children can play with objects as they say necessary.
  • Developing interest in science: Sensory boxes can be a great way to stimulate love for science using materials such as stones, sand, water and so on.

Advantages of sensory boxes

Touch boxes have a number of advantages that allow them to widely use at home. So, touch boxes:

  • do not take much time to prepare;
  • do not occupy a lot of space;
  • do not require financial investments;
  • provide many opportunities for learning;
  • are an excellent addition to;
  • can make any mom.

How to make a touch box

Rules for creating a touch box

You need to know one very important rule on building sensory boxes - no bad ideas! This is the most interesting for parents - to be creative! There is no incorrect way to build a touch box.

The filling depends on the age of the baby, the nature, interests and addictions, the subjects of classes.

The child should not be limited to the perimeter of the box. Let him lay the content outside the box.

Kids must play with the box only under the supervision of adults.

CAUTION: Before creating touch boxes, make sure that the child has no allergies on any component.

To create a touch box, you will need:

  1. capacity: plastic container, basin, cardboard box, big bowl and so on;
  2. filler: any tactile material (bulk, liquid, soft and so on);
  3. various items: toys and objects;
  4. speeding Tools, Transfusion (Schedule, spoons, molds, buckets and so on).


  • All sorts of cereals: buckwheat, rice (ordinary and painted), millet, pearl, manka, oatmeal.
  • Bean: beans, peas, lentils.
  • Pasta, flour, sugar, salt, starch.
  • Coffee ground and grains, tea.
  • Natural material: sand, earth, clay, grass. Fresh and hay, leaves, chips and sawdust, stones, feathers.
  • Water filler: Water is simple and carbonated, ice, snow, milk, soap solution, oil.
  • Paper: pieces of paper and foil, confetti, serpentine.
  • Textiles and sewing accessories: ribbons, lace, rope, pieces of fabric, beads, buttons.
  • Wool, cotton disks, pieces of foam rubber and sponge.
  • Jelly, kissel, hydrogel, shaving foam, cream.
  • Homemade fillers:, and others.

5 Touch Boxes for Humanists

Treasures for one-year-old kids are not toys, but various household items, so we make boxes taking into account age characteristics.

Box with balls

This sensory game in which the child is trying to identify objects inside the box only with their hands and touch. The filler is not required.

How to do:

  1. We take a small cardboard box with a lid (for example, from an electric kettle or iron).
  2. Put the box from all sides by multi-colored paper.
  3. We make 2 round holes on the opposite walls of the box (the size of the hole is so that the baby's hand is fluently spent).
  4. Fill the box with balls of different sizes and material. Such balls can be purchased in pet stores (solid, soft, ring, thunder, leasing balls, etc.).


Fill the container with tactile material (for example, cotton, ribbons, pieces of foam rubber or large pasta). We put various jars:

Want to play with a child easily and with pleasure?

  • plastic jars with a lid from vitamins;
  • tin jars from tea;
  • little containers from kinder surprises and bochyl;
  • cases from rings and earrings and so on.

The kids will be very interesting to sort out everything, open the lids.

Jewelry sensory box

In the filler put:

  • gum, hair rims;
  • safe hairpins, grinding;
  • old jewelry: beads, bracelets, chains;
  • mirror and comb.

Sticky box

In the tank without filler, put pieces of Velkro tape ("Velcro"), pieces of scotch and tape.

Magnetic box

In the filler put all the magnets from the refrigerator. Ready!

20 ideas of thematic sensory boxes

  1. Colors
  2. Seasons (example of games with a touch box "Winter" you will find)
  3. Sorting (how to fill the geometric touch box, you can learn)
  4. Alphabet
  5. Sound boxes
  6. Aromocorobic
  7. Holidays
  8. Search Treasure
  9. Underwater world
  10. Fishing
  11. Garden Garden
  12. Farm in box
  13. The world of dinosaurs (an example of the manufacture of such a box you can see)
  14. Space
  15. Construction
  16. Washing of animals or cars
  17. Animals
  18. Insects

When the child is 2 years old, thematic sensory boxes You can start using for plot games.

Beautiful, driving, developing imagination and small motility, and also an inexpensive toy ... Dream, you say? But no - we are talking about a touch box, to make any parent, with your own hands for a child. This simple invention is familiar, probably, all of us. Many of the present adults in childhood loved to sort out the grandmother's baskets with buttons, dig in a jar with father's nuts and cogs, and they don't stand about fascinating games in the sandbox - they loved and now love all children. The touch box combines all these "charms" - it is a container with bulk or liquid filler and game elements on your choice.

How to play with a touch box?

Baby and without special adult tips usually quickly find a deal that is associated with this toy. Most sensory boxes are filled with something loose, and they can be played in the same way as in the sandbox: to move the filler from the container to the container, batch and refuse objects. By touching subjects of different textures, the child enriches his tactile experience. And the gaming scenes applicable to the touch box can be the most diverse. Thus, this toy can be called universal and necessary in any house where there are children.

How are touch box are relevant from?

The touch box can be offered to the baby who has already learned to sit on his own.

Touch box for children up to the year (from 6-8 months)

The sensory box for such crumbs should not contain small parts, as children under the year tormented to try everything on the teeth. How to fill the box? You can choose objects according to some kind of principle (only wooden, or only round, or one color). And you can on the contrary - it's a complete box of a variety of "interests": balls, flasks, rattles, soft animals, cubes. The main thing is that it did not have objects that the baby could swallow or hurt. The touch box itself should not be very large - for kids, quite a wicker basket, plastic bowl or shallow basin.

Krochi's interest The touch box will certainly cause a combination of a variety of items that can be taken with your fingers, shuffle, and some more of the sounds - to run, ring or at least knock - will not leave the child indifferent. The spoons and the scoops are not needed to him, quite enough fingers who will train while playing with the box.

As an option - make some touch boxes in those corners of your home where the baby often covers. The presence of a similar "treasury" in the kitchen will take a child for a while and will allow mom to do cooking or washing dishes.

1-2 years

For children of 1-2 years, which no longer drags everything in the mouth, you can make a touch box with smaller (although, desirable, still edible) filler: cereals, pasta, dough.

Of course, mom during the game should be near and control what is happening. Now for the game will be useful and "Tools": a large spoon, noise, scrolls, rakes and even tongs.

How to play? Children like to find items hidden in the filler of the touch box. Hide 10-12 toys and ask you to find them. Invite the kid to sort toys in color (red and yellow), size (large-small), texture (wooden-fabric) or shape (balls and cubes) in two containers (buckets, plates, jars). Does the child already get well done with his hands? Let it try to repeat using a spoon or noise! The most dexterous can be offered tongs, perfectly training fine motility. Together with the baby, thanks to the touch box, you can learn colors, forms, other properties of items. The touch box greatly develops coordination of movements and dexterity - for example, from a container filled with water, you can catch fish or other toys with a chick. Closer to 2 years old, children can already play the simplest games: to ride the typewriter along the laid in the cereals, cook "food" and feed the animal-inhabitants of the "farm", to plant toy plants.

From 2.5-3 years old

With children over 2.5-3 years you can already organize real thematic games in the touch box. Game plots you can come up with a child based on his preferences and your own fantasy. Does your son love cars and all that is connected with them? Make a mini-car service or high-speed trace from the touch box. Daughter crazy about fairies? Then your option is a fabulous glade. Principles of manufacture and examples of ready-made sensory boxes are shown below.

How to make a touch box?

Sensory boxes consist of four elements: Actually Capacity, filler, toys and "Tools".

wooden box;

cardboard box;

plastic container or bowl;

wide and shallow pan;

plastic or metal pelvis;

inflatable pool.


beans, peas, lentils;

groats (Manka, oatmeal, millet, rice, buckwheat, wheat, couscous) - Normal or painted with dyes;


pasta (web, shells, tubes, spirals, bows, asterisks);

boiled spaghetti;

flour, potato or corn starch;

nuts, seeds;

cocoa, coffee;


large and small salt;

cones, acorns, chestnuts;

earth, sand, kinetic (alive) sand;

pebbles, stones;

hydrogel balls, or aquagrunt;


moss, leaves, grass, flowers, dried berries, straw;

snow (winter), ice (at any time of the year from the freezer);

pieces of chopped paper, paper napkins (whole, torn to pieces, crumpled in the form of balls);

cotton wool discs, cotton balls;

loskutka fabric;

yarn, threads;

pieces of foam rubber;



stationery clips;

wood sawdust, shells from nuts;



soap solution;

shaving foam.

little men;

animal figures;

cubes, balls, rings, rattles;

toy furniture items;


dishes and household items;

toy food;

a variety of boxes;

artificial plants.


vopatochka, scoop, rake;

lake, bucket;

sieve, funnel;

water pear;

spoons of different sizes and species (for ice cream, for salad), halter, noise;

nippers, tweezers;

plastic cups;

molds for cookies, ice molds, shape for cupcakes, various silicone molds.

Separately talk about the painted croups. Your son will probably like a football field from green rice:

Another interesting filler for the touch box - Multicolored oatmeal:

To paint rice or oatmeal in this way, you need to add 1 cup of 1,5 tablespoons of water with 8-10 drops of food colors of the selected color. Then mix everything well and decompose dry on a sheet of paper.

Despite the wide range of possible filling of your homemade sandbox, you should not put too much to put there. From the abundance of game elements, the child can simply be confused. It is better to make a few touch boxes or periodically (about two weeks) change the contents to play always fascinating. In addition, the child needs to leave the space for a free game in a box - so that he himself could cross the filler, to prolong the tracks for toy characters, build houses and fences.

The touch box store will be more convenient if it has a lid. Some, especially advanced mothers have several touch boxes in their arsenal, waiting in the hour on the shelves in closed containers.

And someone keeps only different sensor box fillers:

Ideas for making sensory boxes do it yourself

We hope they will help you create such little masterpieces and for your children.

Touch box "Treasure"

Sand, shovels and hidden jewels (beads, chains, brooks, chest boxes) - real paradise for the young treasure detector!

Sensory box "Winter"

The main element of the winter touch box is snow. In winter, you can take a real one, and at other times it can be depicted, and in different ways.

For example, mix salt with sparkles:

Or freeze the shaving foam in the freezer:

Extremely realistically looks like a mixture of salt and glue PVA (1 to 1). Soft, pleasant to the touch, just make something difficult to make something:

Touch box "Autumn"

Fill the container with autumn leaves, cones, grass and other natural materials. Fill the picture of animal figures, farmer, rake, toy fruits and vegetables.

Touch box "Sea, Beach"

This touch box contains all the beach details: sand (real or flour, manka), small pebbles, seashells, starfish, usual or tinted in blue water, fish.

Touch box "Garden"

Earth, garden tools and gloves, seedlings in pots, decorative figures, flowers and butterflies ... Well, how do you not feel like a summer house at any time of the year?

Touch box "Farm"

You can arrange a farm in the usual pot for room colors. Put the lawn grass and run to the meadow of the inhabitants - let them graze!

Touch box "Excavators and trucks"

This box includes land, stones and cars that all this is drunk and carry. You can add workers figures, scoop, rake.

Touch box "Peace Fay"

In the world of Fays, flower petals must be present, beautiful pebbles and beauty-fairies themselves. As a filler, you can use the painted barbell or simple white rice. Artificial flowers will be supplemented.

Touch box "Dinosaurs"

Dinosaur lovers will appreciate such a box. To return to the prehistoric era, fill the pen blunber container, the beans "black eye", stones, pebbles. You can build a mountain of a mixture of flour and vegetable oil (2 to 1) with the addition of natural dye, ground coffee. Several artificial plants, and dinosaur habitats are ready!

Sensory boxes are wonderful entertainment for the child. Perhaps you will play with interest with the baby in a new homemade sandbox. Enjoy your leisure!

From the distant states came to us a new and very simple toy - touch box. This is what all children dream of, but for some reason parents do not always guess about it. But because give your child a bascle of happiness very simple! So, a touch box is a basin? There may be a basin, bowl, pan, plastic container or wooden box. This container is embanked (poured, crumbs ...) filler, there are different items and tools. This is a miniature sandbox that is not limited only by sand and assholes.

In the home sandbox can be any filler: Wheat, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, making, peas, beans, lentils, salt (large and small), pasta (shells, spirals, tubes, flowers, bows, alphabet, sprockets and others), seeds, flour or corn starch , cornflakes, nuts, dough (salty and usual), snow, ice, cones, acorns, threads (long and chopped into small pieces), paper napkins (torn to pieces, whole or crumpled into small balls), sand (dry and wet), flap fabrics, boiled spaghetti, grass, leaves and other natural materials, pebbles and all sorts of small pebbles, soil, waterfront, pieces of foam rubber, cotton balls, sliced \u200b\u200bpaper, straw, soap solution, water, shaving foam, buttons, wooden shavings.

In addition to the filler, other items are put into the touch box with which you can play. Perfectly suitable Small animal and people figures, cubes, rings, balls, flap, small boxes, pebbles, toy fruits, artificial and real plants, wooden letters and numbers, blades, spoons, rakes, bowls, cups, nippers, pear for water, sieve, funnel. It is important that objects are a bit. It is better to change the contents of the touch box several times than to give all items to once. After all, the child needs a place to freely cross the filler, tap the track figures, in general, a place for a free game.

Exactly free game So attracts children to the touch box. You can explore the properties of the filler, watch the crossing (transfusion), to find items and bury them again or just play a farm or space. From parents only required on time to change the fillerbecause the monotony is bored. But we, parents, it's in your hand! We can invent touch boxes for holidays, adjust the topics that are studying; use new toys and find application old; We can take it with you to the cottage and at sea, and we can simply remove the remnants of pasta and croup, freeing the kitchen cabinet :)

This game is rumored, invented. Although it seems to me that attentive parents somehow used it always. It turns out that it develops tactile sensations, fantasy, attention, perfection, coordination of movements. Most modern Early Development Methods A lot of attention is paid to small objects, feeling, the relief of bulk substances and other tactile games. And not in vain: the property of the psyche of a small child is such that he most of the information receives empirically, that is, through his own sensations. And more: part of the brain that is responsible for speech is closely connected with palms and fingers. This means that playing with croups and small objects, the baby will not only know the world, but also develops.

What else is a versatile touch box? Age.

From 6 months

You can give the first box to the baby who has already learned to sit. Put the loskutka, rattles, balls, small soft toys, plastic cup in it. Yes, anything! The main thing is that things are clean, quite large (These Masikov have a reflex to pull everything in the mouth), Different to the touch And, of course, interesting. As a container, you can take a small plastic bowl, a basket or a shallow woven basket. The goal is to give a child as much as possible tactile sensations, Develop fingers and handles in general.

First touch box

1 -2 year

When the child stopped pulling everything in her mouth, he you can give smaller items, cereals, sand, dough. The size of the container can be increased. Be sure to add objects and show what to do with them. For example, pour into the box rice and pour a dozen cubes. Let the kid get them handle. If he gets it easy, suggest to do the same with spoons or Shimovy. Managed and it? Show how to sort large and small items on jars. In general, now purpose of the game - develop coordination of movements and fine motor skills, and also simply trained to distinguish objects in size, colors, properties. Closer to two years you can create a certain topic in the box. For example, take plates, spoons, domestic figures and feed them; pour into the box of sand, dig the pits and plant plants; Put in a box of children's eye dishes, pour different in size and shaped croup, pasta and other "cumshots" and cook soup. There is a space for parental fantasy :)

Here are 7 of our sensory boxes, from which Ksenia was delighted:

1. The most common farm: Peas, plastic figures of animals, artificial plants, spoons, plates. Fall as a spoon peas and plants in a plate, animal feed.

Connect to the case of dad. Children love the game with dad, since it is often the main authority :)

Pet food

Play together

2. Cubes, Wood Figures. They are easy to get from the cereals with hands and a spoon.

Wooden figurines in the pea

You can safely walk on them. This is beautiful Massage for small legs.

Massage for legs

3. Rings of different diameter, minor figures, wooden spoon and cup.

Rings can be hiding in a cereal and remove them from it, you can do something in them. We capture the rings with a spoon or speck the camp in a cup.

Touch box with peas and rings

4. Beautiful glass balls of different sizes. Spoon carry balls in a bowl. We sort balls on jars.

Touch box with glass balls

Sort big and small balls

5. Pets. We use tasks: "Find a dog", "where did the horse hide?". I spend animals with a spatula in a bucket.

Sandbox at home

Playing a farm

6. Games with snow. In a large box, I scored the snow from the balcony. Delied xenie mittens and gave spoons, blades, rake. Then he painted the snow by divorced food dyes. The child half an hour was very busy ...

Touch box with snow

Touch box with colored snow

Snow with food dyes

7. Let's get the animal pitch from the bottom. Run ships from molds for cupcakes. We observe floating and toning objects. Let's get what floats, hands or a pitch.

Bathing animals

Floats or sinking?

Wood figurines and rubber animals

Sink or floats?

Over 2 years old

When a child begins to imagine something and invent, play with dolls, already knows different animals, cartoon characters and other characters, it can be injured role play games

According to M. Montessori, the most important task aged from 0 to 3 years is sensory development. During this period, children explore the world with the help of various senses, and the main sources of information are vision and tactile perception. In order for the baby to actively develop, parents should create for the child such an environment in which he could receive a new and bright sensory experience. Make a developing environment at home even more enriched sensory boxes. How to fill the touch box for the kid? How to play with her? How old can you start similar games? We will reply to these and other questions in this article.

Sensory boxes are a container with different sensory filling (liquids, bulk materials, jelly, hubber, toys, etc.). This is an extremely useful and multifunctional toy for children of early and preschool age. The kid can feel small items, pour, hide them, come up with their plot. Games with a touch box help to develop fine motility, attention, imagination and child speech.

The touch box for the child is easy to make with their own hands with minimal material costs.

As the basis of this developing toy, you can take any capacity: box, container, pelvis, saucepan. The main thing is that the child is comfortable to play with it. Next, the container is filled with various materials (depending on the subject of the touch box and the age of the child). These are usually cereals, pasta, pebbles, natural materials, water, jelly, wool, etc. To make a little more interesting to the baby, put small toys and tools (blades and scopes) in the "box".

As the main filler of the touch box, you can use:

  • Cereals (rice, peas, millet, lentils, beans, buckwheat, manka, etc.);
  • Coffee;
  • Pasta;
  • Stones;
  • Shells;
  • Sand;
  • Nuts;
  • Cones;
  • Dry leaves;
  • Jelly;
  • Water;
  • Snow;
  • Yarn;
  • The cloth;
  • Cotton;
  • Decorative pebbles for aquariums.

The more different sensations will receive your baby, the greater the benefit for its development. Try to regularly change the contents of the touch box, so that the child is interested in playing with it.

Additional elements:

  • Animal figures;
  • Small toys;
  • Constructor;
  • Cubes;
  • Letters and numbers.

Game Tools Touch Box:

  • Bowls;
  • Glasses;
  • Spoons;
  • Sockeys;
  • Rake;
  • Tweezers;
  • Magnifier;
  • Funnel;
  • Sieve.

Games with a touch box can be started when the kid learns to sit. Fill the touch box for the crumbs is best large and non-harmful materials, such as cloth, ribbons, pomp, balls, sponges, cubes. You can also add it to various musical toys (bells, rattles) and something rustling (polyethylene, parchment paper).

If your baby is still small, use larger items as a sensor box as a filler and carefully follow the way it plays.

For children over a year and a half, you can use sensory boxes with croups. At an early age, interest in small objects is especially great. Your baby will gladly find the hidden items in the croup. In the future, they can be sorted by color or form. In addition, the game with a touch box can be a training of guns: the ability to keep a spoon, shocking and so on.

To make the filling of the sensor box brighter, at home you can paint rice. To do this, add a few drops of the food dye into the package with rice and 1 tablespoon of alcohol (it is necessary to fasten the paint, the alcohol will quickly evaporate). Tightly close the package and mix so that the paint is evenly spread by rice. Open package and wait until the cereals dry.

If you are learning the name of the colors with the child, color touch boxes can become a good help for classes. Fold into the container various items of the same color. Playing with such a single-color touch material, the kid will quickly remember the desired color.

The use of various tools and labor instruments allows you to diversify games with a touch box. Suggest the baby to play with a sieve and sink the gun. To be more interesting, hide into a crunch of small toys, pebbles or a larger croup. With the help of Sita, the child must separate them from the mankey. With the help of such a game you can quickly master the concepts of "big" and "small".

Non-delight in children cause sensory box filled with water. With the help of sieve and spoons, the baby can get floating and sinking items from water, to overflow water cups, and you can make a boat from the molds and other girlfriends. You can add a little paint into the water - it will be more fun to play and more fun.

For children of preschool age (over 3 years), thematic sensory boxes will be interested. With their help, the child will be in the game form to learn a new about the world around. Such games are very useful for the kid also because they greatly develop memory, attention, thinking and imagination. Here are some examples of thematic sensory boxes:


Touch box - a wonderful multifunctional toy that comes up for children from 6 months to 7 years. It is easy to make it with the help of remedies with minimal material costs. Games in the touch box are developing fine motor skills, memory, attention, thinking, speech and imagination of the child.


In the M. Montessori system, sensory education, that is, targeted improvement of sensory processes (primarily tactile, auditory, visual perception), is the basis for the development of the child's intellect. In the Children's Center "Constellation" organized a montessori environment, which includes everything necessary for the comprehensive development of the kid. Developing materials in the zone of sensory development are arranged in such a way that only one parameter changes in them. Due to this, the kids up to 3 years will easily master such concepts as color, shape and size. And in Montessori class for children from 3 years there are materials not only for the development, hearing, taste, smell and touch, but also to form a sense of weight and temperature differences. We are waiting for you in our center!