Tell him about his feelings. Beautiful wishes to beloved with good morning in prose. Service Roman, Relationship at work

If you like the guy - the best way to get the desired and put all the points over "I" is to tell him about it.

First you need to find out if you like him

If you are sure that he likes - you can move forward. If not - you should not despair.

  • Carefully ask him close and surrounding. If you are afraid or shy to do it yourself, you can ask for one of the friends very close to you.
  • Try to catch his eyes, and when the guy looks at you, try to keep visual contact for a few seconds. If you succeed, most likely, he is experiencing warm feelings. But with this sign you need to be very careful, because if the guy is very shy, he can immediately turn away and make it seems to be terribly busy.
  • If you like a guy, it will always look for a way to stay next to you as often as possible.

Before admitting the guy in his feelings, it is better to meet as close as possible with him. But you should not bother him with conversations and notes, just enter the circle of his friends, try to learn about his hobbies. This will allow you to get closer to it, will give common topics for conversations. Try to please his friends, let him see that they are well attached to you and you have common interests. Well, if you are together good and comfortable, perhaps you will not need to speak, because everything is so clear.

Several ways to tell the guy about their feelings

If you have enough courage - tell him about it straight. It is only better to imagine the right moment to talk when he is without friends and he will have enough time. Be confident in yourself, well, or at least look like that. Start the usual conversation, then take a pause and tell me what he likes you.

If you lack courageous, ask him to go somewhere, and do it so that it is clear that you will only two. If he refuses you, it will be much easier to hear "no, I will not go with you to the movies" than "I don't like you."

Try to invite it to your home, asking for any help. Just do not ask him to help in something elementary, so you can see him stupid and helpless.

Do not use friends as intermediaries in your confession. This may cause very negative consequences, for example, to unnecessary rumors or distorting information.

Marina Nikitin

Modern woman active ,. Men and women have the same rights, so the woman is not forbidden to confess the first love. But the fair sex is still dreaming to hear the recognition in love of his beloved man before they themselves are recognized in feelings.

Saying love is very difficult, but even more difficult to wait for recognition and doubt. Why do not guys hurry to open the soul girl? How to tell a girlfriend to tell your feelings so as not to scare it and not be rejected?

When and why girls are confessed in love

If the girl waited for confession in love, talking about feelings is easy and nice. Knowing for sure that she is loved, the girl is confessed in love with sincere joy and feeling of happiness.

When feelings overwhelm the soul is difficult to hide them, they ask for outwards, the words of love are broken from the mouth of themselves. To confess to the love of his beloved person is the need and burning desire. The way it is best to satisfy depends on the history of love experienced by a woman.

The girl recognizes in love when:

Wants to hear the answer "yes" or "no". When a girl loves a man, she wants to express feelings and hopes to hear a positive answer. And even "no" is better for her than the unknown. It happens if the girl has no love relationship with his beloved man; She loves or thinks that he loves unrequited; A man is too timid to confess the first in feelings.
Wants to hear "yes." The girl thinks that she is loved, but doubts that, wants to get a specific answer from his beloved. It happens when the guy and the girl have long found or be friends, and the recognition and proposals from the man do not come. A man can express love in different ways, to show it in the actions, to demonstrate in behavior, but not talking about it straight.

The girl decides to admit to the love of a man because he wants certainty.

The guy is not recognized in love or a response when:

timid, shy, compacted;
afraid to push off, frighten the recognition of a girl;
it is afraid to hear "no" in response;
i am convinced that a girl must admit first;
morally not ready to admit;
doubts that he loves or is necessary to admit;
does not love;
it believes that the girl should see love in actions and actions.

In any case, you need to say about sincere and strong feelings, Whatever the cause of the silence of a man.

Talking to your beloved about feelings, you can get four possible answers:

yes, "I love you too",
no, "I do not love you",
nor yes nor no an indefinite answer when it remains incomprehensible like a man or not,
silence; When the guy leaves a girl without a response, laughs or translates the topic.

Well, when the guy sincerely and directly responds "yes" or "no", worse, when the answer is unclear, unwilling or it is simply not.

The older woman, the smaller she is ready to wait a strong step and recognition from a man, so it is more likely to be the first.

The people's saying says: "It is better to do and sorry than not to do and regret." Maybe better to confess to the love of a man than to be silent and tormented by doubts? Especially, if it is no longer possible to restrain the feelings!

How to confess love words

It is possible to confess in love by chance, in the impulse of feelings. If the girl eliminates such an opportunity for himself, recognition should be in meaningfully prepared.

How to confess to love well, so that this is by time and to the place?

Decide. First of all, you need to answer honestly to the question: "Do I really love? Will it be sincerely recognized? ". Sometimes the girl uses, blackmail, for his own mercenary purposes. Do not play feelings and words. It is necessary to confess in love just because you love and want to say about it.

Assume the answer. So that you are not afraid to pronounce the words of love, you need to assume the possible answer of your loved one. If he answers "yes", the girl will be happy if "no" - will be happy too, but with another man who loves her. If the answer is inaccurate or ambiguous, it will decide to continue relationships / communication or not.
Think about how to pronounce recognition. Love includes whole and experiences: sadness, joy, fear, passion, anxiety, happiness, and so on. What emotion will be heard in recognition? Words are less important than what they say. Volume voice, pace, intonation will say for themselves. The phrase "I love you" can be pronounced both with a smile and joy and with tears in the eyes and deep sadness.
Find a place and time. - intimate moment. Acknowledged in love is better than aunt-a-tete, in a relaxed atmosphere, when no one is in a hurry anywhere. In fuss, noise, surrounded by people do not do this. If a man does not hear words, there will be no opportunity to answer or unexpectedly someone interrupt the conversation, recognition in love will turn into a farce.
Words of love. You can tell a long time to tell a person about how he is expensive, important and indispensable, but to make it clear that you love, you can only say "love." Words, better than "I love you!" People have not come up with.

To say about love is difficult, you can prompt, get frightened, losing the gift of speech and self-control. Preparation for recognition will help avoid such incidents.

Ways to admit to love without words

In addition, you can pronounce the words of love, there are others:

Write. Note, letter, postcard, SMS and other ways to transfer feelings for media. Words for recognition can be issued in the poem, song, drawing, fix an audio and video file. Here is a big space for creativity, any creative idea will help confess to love interesting.
Express in a act. How to confess in love without saying and without writing a word? Make something that they do only loving people. Love is expressed in disinterested care, help, support, respect, acceptance of a person as it is. For example, visit your beloved when he is sick, bring him medication and fruit.
Hint. If a girl does not know how to admit the guy in love and no way to directly express feelings helps, you can hint. Not all men understand hints. Therefore, it is better to make expressive, unequivocal. For example, it is specifically for it to prepare a dessert in the form of a heart.
Non-verbal ways to express love: Smile, view, touch, kiss. Flirt and coquetry without words tell a man that a woman is in love with him. When a woman looks at a man with a smile, with a glitter in the eyes, wants to be closer in the literal and figurative sense, it can be seen by her behavior. It is not necessary to be shy and fed to behave in the presence of a loved one.

You can find a few known methods in love or come up with something completely new.

It is important to admit to love with your beloved sincere, with an open heart and soul. This is a brave act, which, in any case, will change life for the better.

March 23, 2014, 15:38

When you are a relationship with a person who won your heart, sometimes there is a burning desire to tell the second half about your feelings. But if you are in love with someone not so familiar, then the self-expression may be a little more complex. Recognition in feelings may first seem awkward, but there are many other options, except just to say "I love you." Airplanes, pulling the canvas with hearts, will, of course, are busting, but more simple tools can even contain much more sense.


Recognition to a person with whom you are in relationships

    Just tell me "I love you." This phrase is the most correct way to express your own feelings, and at the same time it shows the strength of these feelings. However, there are many ways to recognize in love in other words. For example, instead of the phrase "I love you" you can use words that have similar meaning: "I'm lucky with you", or "I love so much when you ..." or "I adore you for ..."

    • These diverse statements will help express what exactly you love your partner, and inhale the new life in these three words.
  1. Tell a person how important it is for you. Tell your partner about what a positive contribution he made in your life. This is a wonderful way to show how you love him and appreciate. For example, if your partner creates a carefree atmosphere when pasting the family, tell him that these meetings are so easy thanks to him. If you had a bad day at work, and at the time of the meeting with your loved one you feel a wave of relief, tell him that your mood immediately changes to the better, just to see him.

    • If your favorite person makes your life better or easier, affecting it in any way or making a variety, let him know that he or she is desirable, valuable and loved.
  2. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Vulnerability in this case means the ability to express your thoughts and feelings absolutely sincerely. At the same time, you may risk it to criticize, failure, or your favorite person can hurt you. However, it is important to remember that sincere love of the partner opens your heart to him, saying that to open his "I" to him seems to you even risk to be offended. After all, this is a sacrifice personal space for the sake of a deeper connection between you.

    • Since it is very difficult to go to such victims, your dedication relationship shows a vulnerability to a person you love.
  3. Ask the partner of the Council. A request for help shows that you appreciate and trust the opinion of a person. This means that his instructions are very important to you, which strengthens the significance of this person and is a step forward to a stronger relationship.

    • This does not have to be something serious, but also an important decision may well come up. The main thing is to show the partner that you are interested in his opinion and approach, and thus you will show your respect.
  4. Pour feelings to each other. If your partner is clearly upset, concerned about something, angry or alarmed, ask him to open up you and pour your feelings. Sometimes people simply need to express their concerns to someone. Give the partner to understand that you are willing to listen to everything he wants to say.

    • So you will show that they are ready to become a listener and the Otrada for your beloved person.
    • Set aside the phone while you pour feelings. Listen to words, watch the feelings of a person and respond to the one.
    • If you have nothing to say, strong hugs will show her beloved that you are always next to him.
  5. Tell each other secrets. Shared secrets are a small way to tell your beloved person that you trust him. People do not share secrets with whom fell, so you trust someone your innermost feelings and thoughts are a faithful sign of care and love in a relationship.

    • When you secretly with each other, your connection becomes even closer.
  6. Always be honest. It is sometimes difficult to be honest with a person you love, especially when trying to protect his feelings. Very often, the truth increases the opportunity to get close to the partner, even if someone can offend. After all, it shows that you will better be honest and frank than fake and comforting IT SHOWS THAT YOU RATHER BE TRUTHFUL AND REAL, RATHER THAN PHONY AND COMFORTING.

    • When you are honest with a partner in your feelings, even knowing that this will not bring him peace of mind, it is still a sign of respect for a person.
    • Just do not forget to be gentle, speaking the truth. It, of course, may be cruel, but should not be angry.
  7. Enjoy your partner. It is safe to say that responsibility towards your second half - the same as the highest interests in the relationship - is the demonstration of your love, encouragement and assistance to the partner in achieving the implementation of his dreams and goals in life. By providing support, you encourage the partner to be the best version of yourself and strive for what he wants.

    • You can pick up the partner with such phrases: "I believe that you will succeed," "You are gorgeous in what you do" or "Your hard work will soon pay off."
    • Words of support and defending the success of the partner express your love and support.
  8. Write a letter. Sometimes an old-fashioned love letter is a very romantic way to express their feelings. Writing such a letter can also help state your feelings and emotions, as the flow of your consciousness says everything for you. Think how you wrote this letter. What would you like to tell a loved one? Start a letter from the reasons why you write it. For example, start it from the words "I was thinking about how I missed you ..." Or "I wanted to tell you today, how much I love you, but I never had the opportunity ...".

    • Give examples from you or memories to remind of light, gentle feelings. Do not forget to write about what exactly you love in your partner, or how you feel next to him or why you are happy to be there.
    • Writing a letter is the best way to show that your words are filled with meaning, because it requires great effort than print it. In addition, your personal handwriting issues writing sincerity.
  9. Listen. Very often we underestimate the strength of a thoughtful question from the attentive listener. When you really listen to someone, you are fully concentrated on a person, paying for it 100% of attention.

    • Although it is quite a simple occupation, listening is a very strong manifestation of care, which demonstrates your readiness to come to the rescue and always be next to the partner, in no matter how much the situation is.
    • Listening enhances the feeling that together you both are a whole team, and you are always ready to help your partner in his first call.
  10. Help in trifles. All you can do to reduce the severity of the liability of the liability on your beloved person, loudly suggests how you care and love this person.

    • Even such trifles, how quickly run to buy breakfast, while your beloved or beloved is still sleeping, or fill the car or wash the dishes - this is a sure way to show a person what you think about him.
  11. Be tactful. Tactful means that you should think about the senses of a partner in everything you do. You must also make any decisions, thinking about the interests of the partner.

    • For example, if you are going to camping, capture several additional mattresses for your beloved or beloved, if you think that he will be uncomfortable to sleep on a hard surface. Or, if you are going to a picnic, prepare more your favorite tastes for a partner as a surprise.
  12. Leave some time to spend it well with your loved one or your beloved. Casual care covers us with your head, but it is worth an effort to have a good time with your loved one, since this is a great way to reunite with him and tell about your thoughts and ideas. Spend your free time with each other, stroll or dine together.

    • In fact, it matters not how much time you are together, but what you spend it. It does not have to be a strict schedule, but it is the fact that you make efforts.
  13. Be a kid. As we grow up, our life sometimes becomes monotonous and boring. In such cases, the child awakens inside itself. Fill your life with surprises, be spontaneous and try something new.

    • This is not a direct definition of love, but maintaining a positive attitude in relationships demonstrates your effort to make a joint pastime enjoyable. Complete together through all the adventures, and they will create a lot of fun memories and stories in the future.
  14. More affectionate touches. Each person shows a woman in different ways, but even small gentle touch express love on the physical level. Such trifles, how to keep hands, playfully touch the hands or put your head on the shoulder partner, also talk about your feelings and proximity between you.

    Hug. Hugs give people a physical feeling of security and literally bring people a sense of immersion in love. In the arms there is nothing complicated or unacceptable to the public, which makes them an ideal way to express feelings.

    • Hug your favorite with two hands, turning to her face. Such hugs are most romantic. Other types of hugs (one hand or on one side) more digest and carry less semantic load.
    • Good, meaningful hug lasts a little longer than usual. Five-seven second embraces is usually enough to express your feelings.
  15. Cook to each other. It is no secret that it is also nice to nice to your beloved person as hugging with him. This short vacation from the stress of everyday life will show your love because you are entirely focused on a partner and on your feelings for him.

    Make a partner massage. Make a partner the usual neck massage while watching the movie, or just intend it, or run your fingers into his hair. Let him fall on his back and put your head on his knees, and you massage my shoulders and neck.

    • Never be afraid to express your love through touch, because this is another way to feel it.

    How to explain in the feelings of the reference

    1. Be sure to yourself. Just be yourself, communicating with your reeble item. You do not want to build attitudes on lies either pretend that you are not the one who are trying to be. So let your personality express yourself. Sometimes, when you do not talk about, ask the lover or beloved about anything from life, or just make a compliment. You can say something like this: "What kind of sports do you like to do?" Or "You performed perfectly at the presentation!"

      • The most simple topics that can be reached with the subject of rehabilitation are common things as studying, traveling or beloved restaurants. Shared topics for conversations will raise your mood and will allow you to relax.
    2. Let the body language say everything for you. Touch are signs of proximity. So an attempt to overcome the barrier of touches is a very skillful way of expressing your love to the subject of rehabilitation. Light touches are the best way to transfer your message to love is not so open.

      • For example, if you are talking to a sweetheart or lover, or pass by them, you can just touch it lightly or her shoulder. If you sit down next, you can be sure to touch the knee or foot of her / his knees or legs and smile, showing your feelings.
      • Just a little physical attention will allow your reference subject to understand what he or she likes you. Easy touch during a conversation, even one or two, is a sure way to give a person to know about your feelings.
    3. Write a letter. Sometimes to express the words of feelings to your beloved person is difficult, so the love letter is a simple way to express love without having to do this at a personal meeting. I still follow the previous method, start a letter from the statement that he inspired you to writing it.

    4. Make an easy letter. You can start a letter from any everyday phrases, and insert some common jokes or memories of the moments of fun between you. Based on this, you can go deep into your feelings and write about the reason for this letter, and even confess to your loved one in love. You can say something like "I just wanted to tell you what I like you, and I'm really nice to spend time with you."

      • Make a letter short and cute. It is unlikely that you want to go into the details of how much he / she you like and why it is before you get an answer about the reciprocity of feelings to you.
    5. Explain in love personally. Choose a place away from the bustle, where you can talk alone, create visual contact and just tell me your beloved person about your feelings. You can talk about something minor, but after a while go right away and express your feelings. You can make a couple of compliments while telling about what you feel for this man. For example: "I really like you. More no one can make me laugh as you. "

      • After you confess to a person in love, let him react and realize the information received. No need to ask about what he feels or what he thinks about this.
      • You are unlikely you want to confess immediately in everything. Give a time to a response time, and try not to put pressure on it.
    6. Answer respectively with the situation. When you confess in your feelings, your favorite person will either answer you reciprocity, or wants to stay just friends. If a person shares your feelings, then you should not be afraid of your delight. It is normal to look stupid and stunned after you and your reeble thing admire each other in love. And if your beloved or lover will want to be friends, keep yourself in an adult and just tell me: "Nothing terrible, I just wanted you to know." Of course, you will hurt, but you will probably want to leave a good impression about yourself. Although you will be upset, try to pretend that nothing special happened, and wait for you to stay with your sadness alone.

      • As soon as your reeble thing is reciprocating you, you can immediately invite it or her for a regular date, offering to go to the movies or on a baseball game. It will give you a little time to get to know each other better
      • If your favorite person does not share your feelings, you have at least enough courage to take advantage of the chance. There will be another sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities to meet a suitable person.
    • Admit your feelings. Love is absolutely natural, as well as the desire to shoot your feelings. Therefore, you should not invent excuses to your emotions.
    • No need to constantly talk about your feelings. If you confess to him or her in love 15 times a day, your words will begin to lose meaning. Smaller talk about your feelings out loud, but better use more non-verbal ways.
    • Try not to lose your own personality, being in love with another person.
    • Try not to be offended if your favorite person does not share your feelings. Take his answer favorably, and stay good friends. You can never know for sure, perhaps sooner or later this person will have a response feeling for you.

How hard girl tell a guy about his feelings. After all, you do not know for sure, what will be the answer. Fair to lose hope for happiness, losing a friendly location and a natural feeling of constraint, and if it should be addressed to this universal confusion that the guy must be the first to admit in love, then it turns out that the task seems impracticable. Understanding this, I would like to give a few tips to those who still decided to reveal their heart to the man.

There are two ways to say a man about their feelings. The first is actually recognized in love, simple and infertility. The second, more sophisticated is the signs of attention, subtle hints on the fact that you are not indifferent to him.

Men no less women are obsessed with various "signs". Here is some of them:

1. Accidentally abandoned look, cute smile and it can be your feet. "She smiled at me, I guess I like me," I suppose, I heard similar speeches.

2. In conversations with his friends, you can not mention it, to say which it is good or cute. They will certainly pass your words. Men terrible gossips.

3. Easy, nothing binding flirt.

4. Write to him some suit with a banal "Hi. How are you?".

5. In a conversation with him, you can hint that have not been to the movies for a long time or you really want to go skating. If he is not stupid and decisive, it will certainly take advantage of the opportunity.

In general, the course of my thoughts, I think, is understandable. Take advantage of these tricks and perhaps you don't have to do anything else and he will trust you who begun.

However, based on personal experience, I came to the conclusion that the best way to admit to love is to say everything straight. If you agree with me, then here are some tips, how to do it:

1. Discard all doubts. You may be afraid to admit the guy in your feelings, because it is natural, but you should not doubt them. If you feel that he is the only and unique, the one with whom you will be happy, who can give you love and fold all the benefits of your feet, then you are just obliged to tell him how he is dear to you. But if you even doubt the droplet, do not hurry with recognition. First, disperse in your feelings and allow all doubts, and then act.

2. Imprieve the moment when it is alone, or offer to meet under any faithful pretext. Forget about calls and sms messages. You have to tell him this with an eye on the eye. Movement, view, Mimica, gestures - he must see all this. Only so your words will sound most sincerely, alive and convincing.

3. If you are hard to cope with excitement, try to imagine in advance what and how you will talk. Do not memorize a pre-prepared speech. This is not pre-election campaign. The necessary words will come by themselves.

4. Some advise during the recognition to be extremely restrained and relaxed. This advice has the right to live if you are in the nature of cold-blooded. If you are expressive, emotional, then excessive restraint can only harm, especially if the guy is familiar with your character and habits.

5. Watch him in the eye, follow the expression of the face. Sometimes the answer is known in the first words.

6. If the guy is not in a hurry to respond, do not despair. After all, he can be surprised, confused or confused. Give him time to think.

7. Perhaps he will say "no." In this case, it would be foolish to advise you not to be upset. It doesn't matter if you love it or he is just pretty you, the refusal will handle you. Just remember that you made a great feat and turned out to be stronger than many other women who, without drafting to admit to love, then, after many years, they spare it and walked, no matter how much their lives would have developed if they were then shown a little more decisiveness .

Good luck to you and remember, you are the Creator of your destiny!

Aky Consuelo

Discussion of the article "How to say a man about your feelings"

Lerka Rogacheva

Yes damn guys forget all this love is not love!? Yes, I love it exactly 3 years old and I realized that all this is a pitiful spending time to him anyway. Lyuva name mutual feelings, and not when you, and he is all like a pea wall, it's not love it is like every day to live in the flour to listen to how he is in the dump truck. And when he immediately on a calm all this is just advice for hopeless. I listened to have become worse than a hundred times I tried 1 year Nazat everything I have nothing more than anything. Forget, despite how many were wrong, it is painful to let go of the flavor as I forgot.

27.04.2017 (21:32)

eh sad

I like it already, we communicate, still afraid & №128547;

12.10.2016 (22:25)


And I just wrote "stopped me to dream." And we have rushed and now everything is fine. He said good that I took the first step. These are men, indecisive

09.06.2013 (21:44)


People help me I really like one guy can even say that I love him, and he likes my best girlfriend, but she herself is in love with another, everyone is trying to bring us out, but they do nothing. His friends have already been talking to him and he answers. What I just have a good friend for him. He does not see a girl in me, he sees a friend in me. And that I have not tried Toko to be with him, but so nothing happened.

11.05.2013 (03:29)


We can try and you learn how to love small). I just realized that I just understood what the love mean and that sympathy

30.03.2013 (23:59)

yana Romodunova

I'm all like this and

25.03.2013 (18:48)


I love him greatly but he loves another:

21.03.2013 (11:26)


Let's try!

12.03.2013 (15:02)


What should I do??

11.03.2013 (23:51)


Damn these tips did not come up

11.03.2013 (23:44)

galina Khehennikova

He refused

02.02.2013 (09:07)


Damn he said no

02.02.2013 (09:05)


Katya, fifth grade, scribe, you don't need to think about the love of snotty. Learn, read, do your favorite thing, find new hobbies, find new friends. What could be love here?

Understood that in love with the ears in love with some man? Hold your feelings inside is very difficult, so try to tell him about them. Today we will discuss whether it is worth doing this and give everything "for" and "against". You can choose the most suitable moment and a confession method that will surely please your half. Here you will find practical advice of a psychologist who will help not be mistaken in such an important step. You will learn to say these words as it should!

Talk about love or not - everyone's business. If emotions are excavated, then we can say, and if we did not decide, it is better to wait. It will be very disappointing if the man at the time of Revelation will declare, which is not ready for a serious relationship, or silent.

Better, if the first person is recognized, and the girl reveals his feelings in response.

As psychologists say, a man is a hunter, he is not interested in getting ready-made "prey", behind which he wanted to care for. Therefore, it is worth waiting for response words. But it happens that the decision is delayed, and not for a month or two, but for years. So how do you know if you need him or a man just convenient to meet with a permanent mistress, which is true? Here just can be confessed in love, asking whether he has no response feelings or everyone just loses time.

Want to know all the secrets of the seduction of men? We advise you to see free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 Effolding laws for women." You will receive a step-by-step plan out of 12 steps, how to reduce any man crazy and maintain his attachment for many years.

Video Course is free. To see, go to this page, leave your e-mail and an email will come to the mail with a link to the video.

What speaks in favor of recognition:

  • the ability to get close together;
  • this will allow him to make a partner seriousness;
  • so the sincerity of the relationship is assessed.

Arguments against":

  • do not speak if there is no confidence in it;
  • if we meet little;
  • when relations are based on friendship, not love.

In order not to seem ridiculous before a confession in feelings.

And you know what you can recognize. It is told here how exactly he should look at the girl.

If you have not yet encountered him, but with all your heart they crave it, that's how it is possible. You can make it statenly and exclude phrases that can spoil everything.

If you do not find suitable words to express your emotions, try to understand a man that he is not sensible. How to do this without imposing yourself.

If you decided to confess love, then it is worth it alone, during a romantic date. So it will not hurt, if his answer to the question is negative or does not follow it at all.

It is necessary to confess in love at the time when a man is not loaded by affairs. It is quite reasonable to tell him about his feelings during a romantic dinner with candles. It is then that you can count on a response agreement.

You should talk about your feelings only if you are 100% sure of them. Therefore, up to this point must take at least 6 months so that you can find out well.

After half a year, try. Pay attention to what your heart says, whether you want to be with him together, care for him, please, speak nice words.

How to say "I love you"

Modesty and shyness - not a reason to be silent and not recognized in love for years. It's rather nonsense, because adults do not behave like this. Some, if hard to pronounce three words, just write notifying And stretch her guy.

If a person loves with all his heart, then you can tell about this in an extraordinary way, for example, confess the social networkSend a bouquet of roses or make an unusual gift. Here are some tips, as it is also original about your attitude:

  • ask the lead to read the recognition on the radio;
  • give an advertisement in the newspaper on the main page;
  • write cherished words on asphalt;
  • share such an important word on the ground of lit candles.

The girl says a lot of interesting things, see this video:

One is enough to just say: "I love you", others need to offer to live together, the third perceive recognition in love only with the engagement ring. Therefore, just find out what more like a partner.