Are the toxicosis and sex of the child? Pregnancy by a boy and a girl: distinctions, signs, signs, reviews of women. Toxicosis, belly, sensations, taste preferences, appearance of a woman during pregnancy by a boy or a girl: the difference. Heartbeat boy

Each future mother from the earliest time of pregnancy is extremely interesting who "dwells" in her tummy. Some dream of a boy, others - about the girl.

From the long time, which previously preceded the invention of the Ozi's Alliance, there is a lot to take, believes and signs relating to the floor of the future child. Strong toxicosis was also always a reason to try to predict who would be born - a boy or a girl.

It is believed that toxicosis during pregnancy a girl is marked more often, it is longer, and often exhausts the future mom. Many mothers who gave birth to girls complained about the inability to eat anything in the morning throughout the first trimester. But this is not an absolute pattern.

Toxicosis on the boy is usually either much shorter or absent at all.

But often there is toxicosis and during pregnancy a boy, and the complete absence of toxicosis during pregnancy girl. Many born women celebrate some relationship between the child's blood group and toxicosis. According to their observations, strong toxicosis occurs with different groups of the blood of the mother and the fetus, but at the same rhesus factor. That is, this is not a rhesus conflict of mother and fetus.

Also, many women noted that the first pregnancy proceeds more often with a smaller toxicosis, rather than the second. This fact is difficult to associate with something.

What else will tell myths about toxicosis?

There are also a number of other adoption associated with toxicosis. It is believed that toxicosis on a girl was due to the already intrauterine conflict of the future mother and daughter - allegedly, they simply cannot get along nearby. If, as such, the toxicosis is not manifested, then there will be a boy. The basis of this is the assumption that the boys still have their own halanery and do not give the future mother's hassle.

However, it is worth noting that in itself a strong toxicosis occurs in just 30% of pregnant women, and this does not mean that the remaining 70% of the boys. This assumption is rather coincidence than regularity.

However, scientists of the University of California tried to prove the relationship between toxicosis and a child of a child. They watched more than 4,000 future mothers having toxicosis, and found out - that 56% of them were born girls, and in 44% - boys. Is it worth it to take into account the indicators so close to each other? - The probability with rounding is still 50:50, which is true. But on this scientists decided not to stop.

All over the above, it is obvious that the method of determining the floor of the future child in the nature of the toxicosis of the mammy cannot be considered reliable.

As soon as the future mother finds out that the pregnancy came, she immediately wonders the question, who will be born - a boy or a girl? There is a lot of signs, takes and patterns that indicate the sexual belonging of the future baby. Most of them appeared during the times of our great-grandmothers, since there was no ultrasonic research, and the curiosity of women was high.

By signs, the definition of the floor is salted - to be a boy
Estrary to fruit ultrasound
Uzi's apple from a doctor

Part of the accepts work quite well, others are less effective, but almost every woman applies them on themselves, and after it is divided - it worked or not.

Male and female birth

There are certain differences in pregnancy by a boy and a girl:

  • girls pushed on the left;
  • if the future mother in a dream feels like a man - wait for the son;
  • if a pregnant woman's color is pale yellow - there will be a girl;
  • if a woman puts the first leg on the exaltation left - a daughter, the right - son;
  • if the band on the stomach is located to the left of the navel - this is a sign of pregnancy by the girl, right - a boy;
  • it is the opinion that the boys are more often born in periods of wars and conflicts.

Definition of the floor of the child by signs

A lot of popular methods are known, which also help learn the pregnancy by a boy or a girl flows in the tummy. Consider several.

  1. Changes in the appearance of the future mother.
  2. The people say that the pregnancy of a girl "selects" the attractiveness of a woman, especially for the first trimester. Almost immediately can be suspected such symptoms of pregnancy with a girl as a change in facial tone, swelling of the skin, the emergence of rash. All this may simply indicate physiological changes, and can lead the signs of pregnancy by a girl.

  3. Toxicosis acts as a proven sign of pregnancy by a girl.
  4. In general, the manifestations of toxicosis do not depend on the sexuality of the child, but its duration during pregnancy helps learn, boy or girl lives in the tummy. It is believed that poor well-being is a longer, exhausting during pregnancy daughter. That is why in this plan is much easier to wait for the Son.

  5. Flavoring addiction.
  6. The main pregnancy of the girl performs challenge in food. Very often, future mothers appear addiction to chocolate, candy, citrus fruits and orange juice. If parents are waiting for his son, then the mother is larger on salty and meat products. There are cases when women even pulled on alcoholic beverages that are generally prohibited in this position.

  7. The shape of the abdomen.
  8. The abdomen during pregnancy is a girl, as a rule, with a blunt nose, the waist in mommy is practically not observed, and its position is excellent markedly from the back. According to folk signs, the baby is hiding behind a big belly similar to a melon that "breaks out" to the sides. If the parents are waiting for the son - the stomach looks like a cucumber, it will be stretched forward, and you can not guess the back behind that a woman in a position.

Definition of the floor of the child in the form of a tummy

Consider the peculiarities of the pregnancy of the girl. The pregnancy of a female baby can be described by one phrase "Daughter took the attractiveness of the mother," they believe that at the birth of the daughter, the appearance of the mother changes not for the better:

  • face swells;
  • there is irritation of skin, dryness, skin pigmentation;
  • the hair becomes worse, sometimes they can even acquire a reddish shade, falling greatly;
  • nails go and break;
  • the skin on the legs becomes dry, so all in combs and wounds.

Such changes in appearance can be seen in the first weeks, these are the earliest signs of pregnancy by the girl. Women appears swelling on the legs, the weight is absorbed mainly due to an increase in the volume of hips and buttocks. The chest is growing rapidly, becomes rounded, beautiful shape, while the left breast is usually more than the right.

As soon as the belly begins to increase in size - it becomes the main subject of discussion. The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy a girl has a rounded shape, does not protrude forward, but blossoms to the sides, is high. The waist "disappears", so they immediately say that the daughter will be born. The generic band on the stomach is either absent, or is located on the left side of the navel. Photo of the belly of a woman waiting for the girl, at the 18th week of pregnancy, are shown below.

Fruit addiction says that there will be a girl

Other features of pregnancy female fruit:

  • the baby is more often pushed on the left, and the first chapter comes late;
  • girl's heartbeat exceeds 140 shots per minute;
  • future mom's daughter is very pulling on sweets, flour foods and fruits, meat woman eats reluctantly, but sour and pickled foods - with appetite, generally they say that when you enter your daughter, a woman has a bad appetite, it can be connected with the morning nausea;
  • the main sign of the girl's nodding is the early toxicosis of a woman, they say that it is much more difficult to carry a daughter, mother's well-being is much worse than those who are waiting for the Son, the advantage is that there are practically no headache attacks;
  • the left side of the body when heating his daughter becomes left. For example, climbing the stairs, the woman first puts his left foot, relies on the left hand;
  • signs of pregnancy girl - the absence of sexual attraction, irritation, inadequate condition, forgetfulness, inability to bring the case to the end, moms of girls are very scattered and passive, devoid of logic, suffer from permanent whims and a bad character;
  • mom has warm feet;
  • dad wears wide family panties;
  • the conception happened after the use of alcoholic beverages;
  • wife loves her husband stronger;
  • during conception, the woman did not experience orgasm;
  • when conceived, it was raining, there was a strong heat or winter sizzle;
  • woman likes to sleep on the right side;
  • when having tooling the girl, women are more graceful and easy.

Features of pregnancy Boy:

  • the moments mother prefer to eat something meat or salty, while they have a very good appetite and the need for food almost every hour;
  • the shape of the abdomen during pregnancy the boy resembles the "cucumber" in contrast to the girl;
  • toxicosis is practically absent, so future mothers feel very good all the time to wear a child;
  • woman is good in front of her eyes: hair becomes shiny, elastic, nails strong, face fresh and smooth;
  • boys heartbeat more frequent;
  • the younger than the age of the future mother, the greater the likelihood of the birth of a boy;
  • before conception of the boy, the frequency of sexual relationship has a period of several days;
  • the intensive hair growth begins on the legs of a pregnant woman, hair bias appear in the abdomen;
  • areolas near the nipples acquire a light color, and the woman's chest does not change their shape;
  • the attention of the future mother attracts predominantly men;
  • the whole pregnancy woman passes in the good arrangement of the Spirit;
  • the future mother constantly freezes, she has cold legs;
  • boys pushed right side;
  • woman in a dream often feels like a man;
  • the urine of the future mother acquires a bright yellow color.

Pulls on salty - to be a boy

Signs of beating daughter

Mommies who have already endured not one kid, confidently declare that the signs of pregnancy a girl cannot be identical to everyone, each case is individual. It happens that during several pregnancies a woman pulled on sweet, and three sons were born.

From the most common signs to highlight.

  1. Modifying the face of the future mother. The woman will change, because the new organism is growing inside it. However, those who enter the daughter acquire more rounded faces, swelling, even a "bad" appearance.
  2. The entire first trimester is nauseous, poor well-being, which is not typical when to wear the Son.
  3. The weight is recruited, as a rule, in the field of hips and buttocks, the chest increases markedly. As for the abdomen, it is not particularly distinguished against the background of the total volume of the body.
  4. The heartbeat of moms, who have shown the girl at 21 weeks of pregnancy at 21 weeks. The pulse ranges from 140 beats per minute.
  5. The skin woman becomes dry, shroud and dim.
  6. A woman is constantly overbringing the heat.
  7. The complexion changes, pigmentation appears, often changes the shade of urine.
  8. Taste addictions are inclined towards chocolate, candies, fruits and citrus. Meat dishes do not at all cause interest.
  9. The scattered, forgetfulness, irritability increases, is increasingly there is a bad mood.

Thus, the presence of toxicosis, bad appearance, acne and spindles on the skin, hair loss and oily skin are direct signs of to wear daughter. Photo Ultrasound of pregnancy Girl at 21 weeks can be viewed below.

Specialists will tell you who is worth waiting

Folk Returns Daughters

Due to the fact that during the launching of the child women always defeated curiosity, a lot of people's folk ways were invented to determine the sexual agent of the future kid.

According to the popular belief, women who wear a girl under heart, the next nine months are not guided by logic. In addition to reasoning, the admission pointing to the child's sexual activity may become some mechanical actions.

  1. Lifting up the stairs, it is worth paying attention to what foot you seek to rise above. The belief reads: the priority position of the left foot testifies to the appearance of her daughter.
  2. Stretch to someone forward hands. And now see how you did it: if the palms are up - wait for the baby. After sit on the floor, relax and try to climb. What hand do you rely on? If the left is a daughter.
  3. The birth of a daughter contributes to the use of a large number of fruits, dairy products, vegetables. It is also believed that if for a married couple is a second child, then a small period of time between the birth of children indicates the appearance of the kid of the opposite sex.
  4. Try to remember which way of you watched at the time of conception (no matter how surprisingly sounded, but they assure that there is such an intimate-technical relationship). If he was south behind the top - there will be a daughter. To the same topic include orgasm at the time of conception: if the woman did not experience him - there will be a daughter.

I barely learned about the interesting situation, the future mother, dad, and they take off and all close, begin to guess - who or the girl? And before ultrasound, which will allow you to see the half of the inhabitant of the mother's tummy, still so far, and the baby does not always agree to be sure to know the boy is or a girl. Meanwhile, there are scientific observations, folk signs and signs of pregnancy by the girl. What are these features, and do they always correspond to reality? Let's deal with.


· Pregnancy girl reflected on her mother's appearance

It is believed that the girls "take" the beauty of their mammies, especially in the first couple of months. Almost immediately after conception, such signs of pregnancy can manifest themselves, as a changed skin tone, finescence and swelling of the face, the appearance of skin rashes, etc. All this can have simply physiological causes, and may also lead the geeks of pregnancy by a girl.

Some "experts" argue that it is often the person gives the "interesting" position of the woman. Many pregnant seems topregnancy The girl adversely affected their attractiveness: the face is rounded, as if swells slightly. It aggravates the situation and condition of the skin: when there is a girl she peelshes, dries, can be covered with dark pigment stains. Some mommies noticed even such signs of preservatives by the girl, as a strong hair loss, a weakness and cropping of the nails that began by the end first trimester "So mommy shares with a daughter with beauty :). Pregnancy girl can also give a reddish shade of hair.

Such a common sign of pregnancy, like some darkening of Nipples, also attributed for some reason moms of girls. It is not uncommon during pregnancy a girl and acne and acne on the face. Deterioration of appearance as reliablesigns for the girl's pregnancy is explained by a decrease in the number of female hormones that crumbs allegedly moves through.

Many future mothers are frustrated and rapidly increasing dimensions: mostly hips and buttocks. But at the same time he pleases the growth of the breast, especially the future fathers - the chest acquires enviable outlines and forms. Although there is a nuance, they saywhen there is a girl Left breast pregnant is a little more right. Actually, the whole left side of the mother begins to prevail, however, a little later.

· Toxicosis as a sign when pregnancy girl

In itself, the presence of toxicosis does not depend on the floor of the child, but its duration can help learn a boy or a girl will be born soon. It is believed that toxicosis is longer, exhausting is characteristic when there is a girl, such signs of pregnancy as poor well-being and nausea often accompany mom all the time of tooling. In this regard, waiting for the boy is much easier.

· Gastronomic preferences and sex of the child

Mommies of future heirers who want and can eat, taking into account the morning nausea and notorious early toxicosis, demonstrate greater challenging.Quite clearly, mommy may show addiction to sweets, fruits and especially citrus and orange juice. They say if a girl is expected, then pregnant is put on candy and ice cream, and if the boy, on the contrary, prefer meat and salinity. Some future moms are drawn even on beer and wine, which, of course, is prohibited in this position. It was noted that women who carry daughters do not eat bread crust, without much pleasure they use meat, and indeed it is not characteristic of a constant feeling of hunger, like mom boys.

· Belly during pregnancy girl

The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy is a girl, as a rule, is a stupid, the waist in mom is practically absent, and the fact that it is pregnant well noticeably from the back. If you believe in signs, then the baby's baby is a rounded baby, a big, highly located belly resembles a melon that "breaks out" on the sides. Forward, he acts smoothly, harmoniously, trying to merge with the whole body into one contour.

However, it is sometimes possible to determine the correct, which form has the stomach of preservatives, sharply or stupidly difficult, since every woman has its muscular corset, and, therefore, the growing belly of the preservativeness, a girl or a boy - does not matter, develops in different ways. Moreover, it is often a stomach during pregnancy a girl is significantly issued forward, but its form still remains stupid.

And recently, scientists concluded that the daughters are born more often in thin women, but this regularity is explained by the fact that the female fruit is more resistant to adverse conditions, among which the insufficient weight of the future motley.

· Behavior of the future daughter

When there is a girlsigns of pregnancy are visible even in the manner of movements and the heartbeat of the baby. If a baby dwells in the mother's tummy, then most of the time it spends on the left side of the body, pushing mom into the liver. In addition, the heart of the girl makes about 140 beats per minute or more.

· When there is a girl, "pulls to the left"

Interesting conclusions can be made by conducting a series of tests for the identification of the "leading side" of a woman. Tolearn boy or girl Born, you need to watch yourself: during pregnancy, the girl is the leader is the left side - the future mother takes items with his left hand, steps forward with his left foot, and so on.

Folk signs pregnancy girl offer a few simple tests:

Lifting down the steps up, what foot are you first put?

Which side do you preferably learn and sleep?

Lifting from the floor, what kind of hand it is relying?

If the answer is left, then there will be a daughter. Another wayfind out a boy or girl - Show your hands, just pulling them forward. How did you do it, palms up? So there will be a girl.

· How to know a boy or a girl by mood

Women always attribute some spontaneity in actions and analogicity in thinking. Probably, that is whysigns of pregnancy take a girl with some unpredictability and women's eyes. The surrounding does not need to try to understand her and the more angry because of her whims. Mommy and herself is not happy with his own precomply mood, and herself can not understand why it all annoys it so much!

In addition, women pregnant girls are accused of inattention, confusion of disaster, messy. They say it is better not to charge them some important things and not to put complex tasks in front of them. A nice bonus at the same time what, they rarely hurt a head. But the annoying minus becomes not the desire of sex and passivity in general in everything.

Another funny fact: there are scientists who claim that the sex of the child affects the stress transferred by her parents on the eve of conception - this, they say, leads to pregnancy daughter.

· People signs: boy or girl?

In addition to the methods mentionedfind out who will be born, boy or girl, There is a lot of others. Many comments are simply funny and ridiculous, some are quite contradictory.Among them are a huge number of such that are not amenable to explain. For example, if dad prefers to wear free underwear - there will be a girl. Or here's another: the color of urine in moms, waiting for a daughter, often changes, it's a pity that the specified signs of breakeing the girl do not have unambiguities in specific shades - in different sources it is almost the entire gamma of flowers from light yellow and to dark brown. In addition, the people are both such a sign: if a woman has a limb during pregnancy, it means that she wears a boy. It is logical to assume that warm legs directly point to the girl. But there is a contradiction in terms of well-being: the permanent inner chill is a sign of pregnancy by a girl, and the fever is a boy.

If you like divination, then determine the floor of the future kid can be as follows. You need to tie a gold ring (or a conventional sewing needle) to thread, lie down and bring to the stomach: if the ring starts to range from side to the side - there will be a girl! But here someone had a sound with the results: some sources give opposite information: the ring describes the circles - expect a daughter. Obviously, someone this sign came up with the other - I didn't really remember, the third one was confused, and went, went. Such is the unreliable sarafined radio.

· The most original

And in conclusion, I will give a little very extraordinary admission, I would not advise them, but to compare with personal experience, it can be fair enough. So, you will have a girl if:

The previous child in the family first said the word "mother", then the next girl will be.

Key from the table you take for a sharp end.

Before pregnancy and directly at the time of conception, the bed was headed to the south.

The amount of the numbers of your age and the number of the month is conceived a child, give an odd number (there are many numerological ways to learn the sex of the child).

At the time of conception, future parents were married (they say that the boys are born more often).

Future mom loves the future dad, than he is her.

Future parents regular sex life.

You constantly think that under the heart we carry the daughter.

· Helloing logic or female intuition?

It is notably easier to determine the boy or the girl will be in a woman who gives birth to repeatedly. Mom has something to compare with. If the course of pregnancy does not differ from the previous experience, then the floor will most likely be the same when a noticeable difference is felt, the floor will be the opposite. It is natural that the symptoms during pregnancy a boy and a girl are manifested in different ways, since from the first days of pregnancy, the male or female fruit "stand out" in the blood of a woman's various hormones. That is why learn the floor will be easier even without ultrasound.

You will not be mistaken, considering that all signs of pregnancy are conditional to the girl. After all, even the ultrasound often gives incorrect results, and parents waiting for her daughter, in childbirth, they will find out that they have a son. But at the same time, mommy always feels whom wearing under heart, so if the signs and signs coincide, and you are sure that there will be a girl, you can safely trust your own intuition. And if ultrasound confirms daughter, you will know that it was not for nothing that you believed. Intuition is unlikely to subside, the maternal heart is difficult to deceive.

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And a little more about how to find out a boy or girl, video:

At that moment, when the test shows two stripes, the woman's life changes. With the onset of pregnancy, the future mother arises many questions, and for each of them, by all means it is necessary to find an answer. From the first days of conception, the woman is trying to guess who she will be born. A mischievous boy or charming girl will appear on the light? What to prepare, what things to buy for the long-awaited baby?

At all times, people sought as early as possible to know who to expect a pregnant woman. Now every future mother can pass an ultrasound and with great reliability to find out the sex of the child. But what if I want to learn the gender as soon as possible?

There are many ways to determine the floor in the first trimester of pregnancy. The belief is very popular that the presence or absence of toxicosis makes it clear who will be born from a woman. Is it really?

Toxicosis - What is it?

Toxicosis is called a specific complication of pregnancy, manifested in the form of nausea and vomiting. This state occurs on a period of 5-6 weeks and continues until the end of the first trimester. Specialists assure that the appearance of toxicosis is due to hormonal restructuring in the body of the future mother. This is a good pregnancy indicator, and many women only in the morning malaise guess about the past changes.

It is believed that the degree of severity of toxicosis depends on the sex of the expected child. It is assumed that if nausea and vomiting overcome the future mother, then she is likely to be born a girl. In addition to severe toxicosis, during pregnancy, the girl notice the loss of appetite, the swelling and the appearance of red peeling spots on the face and throughout the body.

On the same theory boys, on the contrary, do not torment their mom too. Woman ready to make a new representative of a strong floor, blooms. She is practically not disturbed by nausea and vomiting, she eats with appetite for two and leads a very active lifestyle.

It is known that toxicosis is manifested not only by morning nausea, but also addicted to one or another products. Based on this data, you can also try to determine the sex of the child. It is believed that if the future mother pulls on a sweet, she will have a girl. In favor of the girl also testifies to the addiction to unusual and even inedible things. On the appearance of a boy signals a thrust for meat food, sharp and spicy dishes.

There is also some dependence between the time of the beginning of toxicosis and the sex of the child. The earlier nausea and vomiting appear in the morning, the higher the probability of going to the girl. And on the contrary, later the beginning of toxicosis or even his complete absence is talking about the possible appearance of a boy.

Opinion of doctors about communicating toxicosis and sex

Believe this theory or not? Doctors do not share the version that the sex of the child depends on the degree of severity of toxicosis. In the last century, a large-scale study on this topic was carried out at the Scientific Institute of Stockholm (Sweden). A large number of women awaiting the child were examined. The supervision was 4,000 future mothers, and 30% of them had toxicosis in early pregnancy. After 9 months summed up. In 56% of cases, girls were born and in 44% - boys. This study suggests that there is no relationship between the toxicosis and sex of the child, and it is not necessary to be based on such a dubious sign.

In this way, specialists do not confirm The fact that the gender of the baby can be determined by the degree of severity of toxicosis. How then to learn about the future mothers about who settled in their tummy?

There are two significant sexual definition methods. For a period of 7-9 weeks, a woman can pass the blood in which the crown of the fetus will be determined in the laboratory. At the same time in the blood of the mother is searched for a gene Sry. This gene is found only in boys, and it means that his detection guarantees the appearance of the Son. You can expect a daughter if in the blood of a woman Sry gene was not detected. This method of Floor Diagnostics is not used when double.

In 22-24 weeks, each future mother passes the second ultrasonic screening. During the study, the state of the fetus is not only estimated, but its gender is determined. Some modern ultrasound devices allow you to learn the sexuality of the baby for a period of 12-14 weeks.

There is another reliable method of determining the floor - cordocentsis. This procedure involves the blood cord blood fence and is used to diagnose various chromosomal anomalies. The floor of the fetus is also determined during manipulation. Cordocentesis is considered sufficiently dangerous for the woman, therefore it is carried out only on strict indications. For the routine definition of the Floor Floor, the procedure is not used.

Every woman wants to know who will be born from her - Son or daughter. There are many methods to find out the sex of the child, but you should not be too involved in the search for answering this question. The most important thing is that the baby is born healthy, and it will be a boy or a girl, it's not so important.

Signs for the sex of the child are interested in many women, a boy or girl will be born - how to learn more about it?

To accurately determine the sexuality of the floor can only be using ultrasound. But on what time it can be done - opinions differ. Someone has already been spoken by 12 weeks, however, there are often mistakes on such an early time. And the more period - the sooner the doctor's answer will be. Usually, on the period of 20 weeks, everything becomes clear. As a last resort, a little later, if the child lies in an uncomfortable position for the diagnosis of its floor.

The people say that the belly during pregnancy a boy, a girl varies. Allegedly, when a woman wears son, her uterus has an elongated shape, like an egg, her waist is preserved almost to the birth. And the moms of the daughters are "blown up", their stomach is growing more. However, doctors completely reject these signs of pregnancy by a boy and a girl. It is said that the form of the abdomen depends to a greater degree from the pelvis of the future mother. It happens that a woman is not visible to the third trimester.

It seems quite interesting to observing the in -urembrants that happen in the first trimester. It is said that toxicosis during pregnancy the boy happens not so often. And in general, the pregnancy proceeds calmer, more smoothly. Mother itself does not fool. She does not appear acne on his face and body. The hair on the legs, face, abdomen is growing less. In general, the woman is good.

But the toxicosis during pregnancy girl happens often. At the same time, the woman fools, it will fulfill, as it starts there is a lot of sweet. And if the toxicosis is strong, then it can, on the contrary, to lose weight. But all this is not necessary, as you understand. Most women pregnancy, regardless of the floor of children, are approximately the same. At least if there is no greater temporary interval between them.
By the way, in the Scientific Institute of Stockholm, 4,000 women were conducted, which suffered from toxicosis in early terms. And of which 56% became mothers of girls, and 44% of boys. That is, almost 50% by 50%. Therefore, this method cannot be considered reliable.

Toxicosis during pregnancy does not depend on whether a boy or girl will be born from a woman. The reasons for this unpleasant pathology are multifaceted: psychological, hormonal, immunological, hereditary, etc.

But still different signs are a pretty interesting thing. And if the toxicosis in the early periods of pregnancy who will be a boy or the girl does not give a response, then what else can you pay attention to?

There are still such signs, but as you understand, too far from 100% of reliability. Girls are born in women who have a lot of liver sweet during pregnancy. Those who have many pigment spots on the face and body. Carrying boys love the salinian more. And male kids are internally actively carrying out girls.