Tabasaran national suit. National costume of Dagestan. Features of national clothes and accessories

According to ethnic motion, Dagestan is an exceptional phenomenon even against the background of the Multinational Caucasus. And it is equally rich and original suit of different nations inhabiting our republic. More recently, the costumes, preserved to this day, were put on the occasion of various holidays.

They are transmitted from generation to generation as works of art and family values. To tell and show our readers, what beautiful clothes were ancestors, we asked Diana Gamzatov, the head of the Exposition Department of the Museum-Reserve of the Ethnographic Complex "Dagestan Aul", which is a division of the Ministry of Culture of the RD. It should be noted that the Ministry of Culture this year notes its 60th anniversary, its function also includes the development and propaganda of National Culture, including recently special attention is paid to the material heritage of the peoples of Dagestan, to which national clothing belongs.
Men's suit
All nations of Dagestan, the male national suit is almost the same and similar to the robes of other peoples of the Caucasus - Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia. It consisted of a Caucasian type shirt, a pants of a dense black or gray fabric, a clouded drawarks of a fitted silhouette with gazells, Besht was put on under the Circassian. The length of Circassian could be different - to the ankle or to the knee, the sleeves expanded the book. Caps of gazees could be of silver or from ivory, before they had a utilitarian value, in each Gazir there was a portion of gunpowder for one shot. On top of the papa in bad weather, Balyk was put on, he decorated with Golden Galuns. Men's shoes served soft saffiana boots - Ichigi consisting of two elements. The Cherkesska was rejected by a narrow Caucasian belt belt with a silver set, with a dagger, sometimes and a pistol. In the Caucasus Dad is the honor and dignity of a man, and to knock or remove it was considered a great insult. Dad, noble people sewed from the doodle, and the rest of the sheepskin, thus, on the papakh, it was possible to determine the social status of her owner. In bad weather, the original invention of our peoples was carried in bad weather. And the Andy's Bourges were especially valued, their felt was smooth, outside - with long strands, along which water flowed. In the cold, there was warmth in the beard, in the heat - cool, it was possible to spend the night in it right on the ground.
Women's clothing
Women's clothing of the peoples of Dagestan characterizes the diversity of materials, forms of cutting, color scheme, finishes, decorations. It is more than men, preserved identity, archaic features, more reflected zonal, ethnic features, ancient tribal differences, morals and customs of peoples.
Decor and color gamut clothes could point out age, social status and well-being of their owner. Older women wore a single dark flower clothes. Young - from more bright fabrics or with a pattern.
Nagorno Dagestan
The basis of the outfit of residents of Nagorno Dagestan - Avalook, Darginina, Lachek - made up a long and wide dress-shirt of tunic-shaped cutting. It could be direct or trapezoidal with incentuate sleeves, necessarily with a flock of contrasting with armpits that performed the facility functions. On top they put on a sideline or belt, young girls wore a cushion of bright colors, and the married thing is somewhat modest.
The shirt served as the main view of the dress, in it, fire could be at home, work in the field and even be in public places. Pants sewed from Citz, Boszy, Satina. They were usually dark color, with a wide or narrow step, on the bottom were decorated with a border. Dresses picked up from sides in pants or under a specially knotted belt, so it shortened almost yes knees. Chukhta covered his head, tightly embraced the top of the forehead and, as a rule, hung with a napel. They sewed it from the motley and smooth fabrics. On top were covered - kiaz. Crysto among different nations was wore in different ways.
In Zhokhto Avarot - Gedatlinok, Bagulalock, Andike - Naked ornate part was visible from under bedspread. On him it was possible to determine the social status of a woman. At the Bagulak, the temporal steering rings were attached to chocsol - one twisted and one whole, and the covers were not wore over it. If a son died of a son, she took one ring - and everything was clear that she was in the mour. Andiyki's headdress was a crown-shaped cape stuffed with wool or cotton. Such a headdress did not allow a woman to do sharp movements, giving smoothly by gait, and put on only on holidays. Most likely, this form of the head Upora reached us from deep antiquity, she resembles a cow horns - a symbol of fertility. On top of it were put on the bedspread. And, for example, Kubachinki and Akushushki hid their chocsto under the beds completely, although it was decorated with it was rich, they were hidden from prying eyes, apparently, because this was attacked by sacral meaning. The Kubachino covered was richly decorated with gold and silver thread, unmarried girls drawing was small, young women are larger, and the elderly worn covered without embroidery. Especially thoroughly embroidered kaym covered, it could be replaced by a bridal patterned border.
Later, Darginka began to sew a dress on the coquette. The bottom of the dress was decorated with a color insert, sleeves on a cuff. The edge of the hem for strength was often trimmed with a cord or braid, officer Galuins were especially valued. A large colorfulness characteristic of Darginine was a large color, the presence in the upper clothes of the fitted forms, the elegance of the general view was intensified by numerous decorations.
Characteriously latch was a bush dress. Young lats preferred clothes of bright colors, elderly dark. Women's native clothes, often replacing the upper, there was a long dress - a shirt, like all the Gorianok, tunic-shaped, as well as long narrow pants. In some villages, bordering an accident, the lats shirt along the waist pushed into pants. Special charm and peculiarity gave a suit silver jewelry, which were sewn to the dress and to the head fault.
The shoes could be a leather, but, but without fail with a bend nose, as it was more practical in the mountains - the sock did not get crossed. At the same time it was also very beautiful.
South Dagestan
In general, the suit of the peoples of the Lezghian group was different, the presence of numerous drapes and folds, multicolored and to some extent reflected the influence of Azerbaijani costume. Cutting on the waist of the outfits sewed all the peoples of South Dagestan, the main difference between them is a multi-layeredness. Valkag's dress was swollen, the other dress, a silk straight cut or cut-off, sometimes with long lush sleeves, was dressed. Often together the top dresses wearing an arcycle tatten. A distinctive feature of a female costume was that it was richly decorated with jewelry with large ornaments, and coins of royal chasing were used in the jewelry. The Lezghinese group of nationalities preferred fabrics mostly bright colors - red, yellow, green, purple. The scarves were also silk, gas. There were also many jewelry on the heads.
Kumychka and Chechens
In Dagestan, the Kaabalay dress was kums and Chechens-Akkinki, throughout the rest of the Caucasus, it was widespread much wider - in Circassians, Ossetians, and others, it was swollen, with a cutting waist, with a tightly fitting waist, with a wide long skirt, sewn to Lifam on the waist lines with light folds and assembly. At the same time, Kabalay had a number of distinctive features, making it more elegant - so this outfit was distinguished by double clasp, a silver filigree belt was worn on the waist. Kaabalay sewn with double sleeves: the bottom - narrow, hand on the cuff, and the top - wide, long, folding, expanding downwards. On the head of the Kumychka wore lace handkerchiefs and silk gulmeni. The handkerchief was thrown on her head, leaving the ends of him freely hanging in front. Then right, and behind him and the left end was thrown onto the left shoulder. Wash, throwing back the ends on the right shoulder.
As a version of Kaabalai, a cream-buzus appeared, which had no paired fasteners, it could be a straight cut or cut, and the upper sleeve was sewn not folded, but an extended book, sometimes shorter than the lower. This dress was worn and the main latch, anvarka and darginki.
Nogai retained the identity of the Central Asian costume. A distinctive feature is silver decorations with a large ornament characteristic of Central Asia. Nogayka wore quathan boat, young girls wore beautifully decorated tubets, and adult women shawls. In winter, they put on a hat from the otter, like a Kazakh headdress.
Cossacks wore a skirt with a waist, a blouse with a basque and collar-rack, on the head - a white handkerchief, the outfit complemented the woolen Pavlovo-Posad Shal. There was another option of women's clothing of the Terski Cossacks, closer to Caucasian peoples, is a swimming dress similar to Kabalay. Coral beads were worn out of jewelry, thereby having attached love to corals to almost all Dagestan women. In the exposition of the Museum-Reserve "Dagestan Aul" presented costumes of practical all the peoples of Dagestan, and everyone who wishes, visiting the exhibition halls, will be able to evaluate the beauty and elegance of clothing of our ancestors.

National costumes of Dagestan


Features of the traditional clothing of the peoples of Dagestan The traditional clothing of the peoples of Dagestan has a long history and is characterized by a variety of historically established forms. The women's clothing of the peoples of Dagestan is the most difficult part of material culture. It characterizes the diversity of materials, forms of trim, color scheme, finishes, decorations. It is more than men, preserved originality, archaic features, reflected ethnic features, morals and customs of peoples. Also, some of the features of the decor and the color range of clothing could point out the age, social status and well-being of their owner. Older women wore a single dark flower clothes. Young - from more brighter fabrics or with a pattern, often complemented by some details depending on the region of residence. The costume of the Gorianka was completed from the obligatory components - the lower dress-shirt, pants, top dress, a headdress (crying and bedspread or handkerchief) and shoes (leather, knitted and felt). Clothes sewn from imported and domain fabrics that have complemented decor (appliques, embroidery, decorative stations, etc.) within each ethnic group.

Avarians Men's traditional Avarian clothes did not differ in a large variety. It consisted mainly of a long tunic-shaped shirt, pants with narrow pants at the cost, a sheepskin dad, a ray-skinned feeler (knitted shoes were widespread in Tlyaratinsky and Tsumadinsky districts). Upper clothes was Besht (Lobat), like a picture of the famous in the Caucasus. Mandatory element of men's clothing - dagger. Circus, Karakulia Dad, Safyanovy Boots spread in the second half of the XIX century and became elements of the main clothing and a sign of the ownership of the owner. With such clothes we wore weapons and heads of gazeads in silver frame, often with gilding, decorated with ivory, engraving, mobile, belt with a set of silver bugs, plates, suspension. In winter, fur coats, felt boots on the thick felt sole, woolen socks were worn everywhere. The latter knitted in the accident everywhere. During the rain on the shoulders, they pushed the burku, she was worn with chaps and travelers. list

Avars Women's clothing of Avarz residents was distinguished by a great variety, almost every society had its own characteristics. Clothing was essentially an ethnic sign, a distinguishable element. According to the method of carrying dresses and a handkerchief, in shape and color, according to the type of fur coats, shoes and decorations, especially on the head fault, the anvarians were determined from which society or the village of one or another woman. Female suit changed with the transition from one age group to another. The girl put on a dress made of colored fabric (yellow, green), a belt (cut) red, about 3 m long. Older women preferred to wear clothes of monophonic and dark flowers. In the past, there was a shirtless shoes and pants associated with dark woolen threads without seams. Sometimes a shirt and pants knitted together and one looked like a jumpsuit. Similar clothes were sewed and cut with a trimmed sheepskin wool. List of shamil district

Headgear and jewelry of the Gunibsky district, with Russian Chocoto, the Soviet Avarian district of the headdress had numerous options created by a chockey (sharp or a hood with a bag for hair) and the method of wearing covered. The bedspread was worn so that it was visible to be a naked part of the hot, stitched from brocade, silk and decorated with galhanums, beads, silver chain, openwork plaques, rings. The tradition of chokty decoration goes into deep antiquity. Special attention was paid to temporal decorations. Silver rings or large coins were attached to the karak kaoche to the combined of leather and fabric, silver rings or large coins were attached. The charm was decorated with a thick chain, walking along his forehead from the temple to the temple. In the Gedatlin Society at the level of the temples, filigree round places with a diameter of 8-10 cm were sewn, in Kelebsky - places from concentric circles, in the Andalal (Russian Church) - the whole naked and temporal part were covered with embroidery, appliqué, from the ends of the pendants in the form of bells . According to people, rings and blahs served not only to decoration, but also a faith. Along with numerous and diverse decorations for headlife. Women with elegant clothes put on rings, earrings, bracelets, belts, boards from coins, suspension. These decorations were expensive, the stones were brought from afar, they bought them, but the best samples were made by local jewelers to order. list

Avar National Women's Suits Gunibsky District, Russian Avarka, Tsntic District List Charodinsky district, p. Tlyharov

Aguly Traditional clothes for men She consisted of a native shirt of Bergham Tunic-shaped cutting and pants Shalwar, on top of which Beshmet Valloag and Cherkey Cherkei. Circus and elegant Beshmets wore with expensive purchased leather belts with silver set. Warm clothes were naked fur coats of two kinds: Cool - with conventional sleeves, slightly fitted, with a small sled collar, hiyakul - coat-cape large size of a trapezoidal shape with long false sleeves and a large chaled collar-appliance of the traveler, Shepherd came Distribution or imported. The headdress served papa Barmack of two types: with high tulle and round riding and with a higher center and sloping edges - "Cuban dad". list

Aguly work shoes were pistons from one piece of raw-leather Shimar, which had the shape of a shoe, Ishalamar in the form of a low lace with lacing on the sock. In everyday life wearing soft safjanovy Savyakhsar with shoes without a backdrop of Bashmakhar, Yahul Kalushhar (Laki Kalosh) - leather feeling with a rough sole. The element of the front clothes was chrome boots Chakmavour. Warm shoes were Knitted Hybean boots with a bent back to the toe, which, according to the nature of the ornament and its composite solution, was different from similar products from other peoples of South Dagestan. List of Traditional Agulley Suit

Agulkai traditional clothing of Agul women was a dress-shirt of tunic-shaped cut, pants with non-strokes, swinging Valloag with a narrow fitting figure with a bodice and a wide skirt. With an elegant Valloag, the silver belt of the Kamamar was put on. The warm shoulder clothing was a sheepskin coat of a kulv form of a trapezoid with a narrow sled collar or without it, but with a sliced \u200b\u200bfinish with a piece of Safyan. We also wore all sorts of sleeves from sheepskin, as well as cloth, baked by cotton or wool. The shoes were knitted, with a bent back to the toe, as well as the leather type of Charykov - Chuuglyar, Yahul Kalushhar. And women, and men with leather shoes wore knitted socks. list

Agulys headdress consisted of a vane of the coach and closer-plated K1EV (Ashmag, Maizar). Agulki, especially young, wearing silver jewelry, which, distinguished by a variety, had at the same time special Agul flavor. The abundance of jewelry was the wedding wear. Headgear Agulkah List

Azerbaijanians The traditional clothing of Dagestan Azerbaijanis reflects ethnocultural ties with their tribesmen from Cuba, Shirvana, Baku and with neighbors: Kumykov, Kaitagnets, Tabas by wounds and lezgins. Men's native clothes were a jacket of tunic-shaped cut (Kenneg) and pants; On top of the shirt dressed Beshmet, Circassy, \u200b\u200bBurku (in bad weather) and a fur brazier coat (winter). The headdress was a sheepskin dad and a cloth babby, the footwear served the chambers, saffian boots, shoes, galoshes, which were worn with woolen or cotton windings. Decoration of the suit men were belts and weapons, made, as a rule, in Kubachah: Dagger, less often -

Azerbajans Women's clothing also consisted of a native (wide long shirt and pants) and top (long swing dress with folding sleeves - don, decorated with galoon, openwork braid, suspension). Common headquarters of women were the bandage - Choutu, on top of which there were everyday or festive scarves (FT, Shal, Gulmeni); The shoes served as monochromatic and ornamented woolen socks, feeling of black or red safyan, for which leather galoshes or shoes, embroidered by Derbent gold cox. A specific feature of Azerbaijani's clothing was the female bedspread, which closed the figure. list

Azerbo junkie decorations and shoes have a big variety of female decorations: silver earrings of various shapes, rings, bracelets, cervical and cheerful necklaces from openwork plates (bugaz art), corals, small coins, amber, carnelian, less often - pearls, gold, as well as silver belts For the outlet costume Women's boots, 19 in Women's shoes, 19V Earrings (Gold, Enamel) Women's belt (silver) List

Andians of Andiyzi (Anity, the self-confusion of Andal, arrived) - the people in the west of Dagestan. Historical aules are located on the southern spurs of the Andiy Range, along the left tributaries of Andiy Kois. Etnonym for a major aulu Kwanhidatley (Botlih district of Dagestan). Clothes mostly publiclystan type. Men wore tunic shirts, narrow pants, Beshmet, Circassy, \u200b\u200bBurka, Sheepskin coats and dads. Footwear from raw materials, from chromium home dressing, felt, wooden. Women's clothing: sheepskin coats, shawls and shawls, Cepecker Chukhta, a few varieties of tunic cutting and swing dresses, narrow pants; The shoes are predominantly the same as in men. A variety of silver jewelry. Highlander, with Andi List

Andians Decoration Women's, with Andi Female Niil Costume List

Archintsa Archie (Lakskoe), Arshischtib (self-talent), Rodisel (Avar), the people in Russia, the indigenous population of Dagestan. Live in the Hatar River Basin. The number is over 1 thousand people. In the census, starting from 1939, included in the composition of anvartsev. Language of the Archings of the Nakh-Dagestan group of the North Caucasian family. Avarian, Lakski, Russian languages \u200b\u200bare also common. Writing in the Avar language based on Russian graphics. Believers are Muslim-Sunnis. Odsezh has a lot in common with the clothes of Avars. Of the traditional elements of the suit in men, sheepskin coats and dads are preserved in men, in women - a headdress with silver ornaments (chukhta), head covers, long straight pants and the plated belts of bright colors. list

Ashwado Ashwado Ashwadan) is one of the small peoples of Dagestan, historically associated with Avars. The traditional clothing of the Awhaktsev was under the influence of geographical, climatic and economic and economic conditions and ethnocultural traditions. Clothing in general was fitted according to a figure that does not constraint movements, warm, moisture-resistant, able to protect from heat and cold, easy to use. In men, it is mainly woolen pants, akin to both shirinka, a tunic-shaped shirt, bosst, sleeveless (felt and sheepskin), jackets and coats from felt, Circassian, a few varieties of fur coats, felt bog, cone-shaped or hemispherical dad. On the legs we wore chambers (postal) from one piece of raw skin, shoes type leather galoshes and type of felt (or combined, with leather bottoms) Site, shoes without a backbone, boots with soft soles (from the end of the XIX - early twentieth century - with solid Solemium and heel), as well as the feeders (leather, felt). On the belt we worn a dagger (up to the twentieth century). Men's head shaved, left the beard and mustache. Clothes cloth with XIX century. They began to be crowned with bridal - factory factory (sittz, satin, canvas, etc.). Women's clothing consisted of a tunic-shaped and cutting on the waist of several varieties, elegant dresses of the "hemisher" and "Kaabalai", sleeveless, scarves and warm cables, chuck-chukhta, narrow and long pants. Women's shoes were the same as men, with the exception of boots and the boggles. Women costume complemented beads, silver rings, rings, earrings, bracelets, temporal, naked, ours, chest decorations with semi-precious stones (turquoise, coral, pearls, carnelian, agate, grenade, amber, etc.). The hair was brazed into the braids, the women of the older generation streamed the hair on the back of the head. list

72 nationalities live in Dagestan. Representatives of each people have their own special historically established national costume. Today, often vintage skillfully made national costumes for solemn events and holidays dress elders and even officials. The beauty of national clothes and its historical significance is highly appreciated by the younger generation of Dagestanis. Costumes are generously stored and pass by inheritance.

For starters, let's consider the features of the male and female costume of the residents of Dagestan.

Men's suit

The male national costume in all peoples of the Dagestan Republic practically does not differ from the clothes of other peoples of the Caucasus.

The costume consists of a Caucasian Croes shirt, a pants of a dense black or gray fabric, a cloth creek of a fitted silhouette with gazery.

Cherkesska could be to ankle or to a knee with extended sleeves. On a special belt belt over the Circassian men wore a dagger or a gun.

Hazey caps were made of silver or ivory, each of them was stored powder for a single shot.

A special detail of the male toilet in the Caucasus is a papach - this is a symbol of honor and dignity of a man. To shoot down in the heat of the dispute the papuchi from the head of the Caucasian man meant to put a personal insult, but to give a dad to Dagestana means to offer eternal friendship. Noble and secured people wore dads from the doodle, and the simple people are from sheepskin.

From the cold and rain men protected a bark of sheep wool. Shoes served soft saffian boots - Ichigi.

Women's clothing

Dagestan women costumes are very diverse, they are distinguished by a wide range of gamut, cutting, decoration and decorations. Women's clothing over time has changed much less male, reflected ethnic features, morals and customs of antiquity, territory of residence.

The color of the outfit and the number of jewelry pointed to the age of a woman, social status and wealth. Young girl dressed in clothes of bright colors from fabric with patterns, and senior women wore dark clothes.

As mentioned above, the clothes differed from representatives of the nationalities living in different territories. We offer to consider the features of the national costume in different parts of Dagestan in more detail.

Nagorno Dagestan

Outfit Avarot, Darginina, Lackek consisted, first of all, from a long and wide dress-shirt of tunic-shaped cutting. The cut dress was straight or trapezoidal. The dress was worn with a susak or belt.

Dresses were filled in sides in pants from Citz, Boszy, Satin of a dark color or under the belt in such a way that the length became before the knees.

A special hat was fixed on the head - Chukhta, which tightly covered the upper part of his forehead and hung behind. Top dressed special bedspreads.

Women wore leather or knitted shoes with a bent nose, which was practical and beautiful. Such shoes were not converged about stones.

South Dagestan

The ebbies of the Lezgin group wore the most elegant bright and rich costumes. The main feature of the costume is a multi-layered. Under the top dress-shaped dress - Valkhag put on a silk dress of a straight cut or cut, sometimes with long lush sleeves.

The second feature of the female costume was an abundance of jewelry on the dress. The clothes were finished with precious stones and gold and silver coins, expanded in large patterns.

Preference was given to the tissues of red, yellow, green, purple.

On the head of the woman wearing silk or chiffon scarves.

Kumychka and Chechens

Traditional kumchek and Chechen-Akkinka had a swing-dressed dress-kabalay with a wide long skirt.

The dress was decorated with double fasteners and silver filigree belt on the waist. Kabalay had double sleeves: the bottom - the narrow long to the hand and the top - wide, long, folding, expanding books.

On the head wearing lace headlocks and tastar and silk gulmeni.


The costume of Nogai is most likely to the Central Asian clothing. The outfits were distinguished by the presence of silver jewelry with a large ornament.

Women wore quathan-bosst. The headdress of young girls was beautiful tubets, and for women of older handkerchiefs. Today, more and more firms and companies offering high-quality office equipment appear on the Russian market. At the same time, these proposals often turn out to be unacceptable for the price ... and only a few firms offer their customers a technique that has an acceptable balance of price-quality. Among these firms - and the online store "", offering printers and consumables for them. To, be sure to go to the store's website!

Men's suit

All nations of Dagestan Male National Suit with Gazells Beshmy Dads in bad weather worn by Bolshek Ichigi Cherkessy Dagger, Sometimes And the Gun Burki Burki

According to ethnic motion, Dagestan is an exceptional phenomenon even against the background of the Multinational Caucasus. And it is equally rich and original suit of different nations inhabiting our republic. More recently, the costumes, preserved to this day, were put on the occasion of various holidays.

They are transmitted from generation to generation as works of art and family values.

Men's suit

All nations of Dagestan, the male national suit is almost the same and similar to the robes of other peoples of the Caucasus - Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia. It consisted of a Caucasian type shirt, a pants of a dense black or gray fabric, a clouded drawarks of a fitted silhouette with gazells, Besht was put on under the Circassian. The length of Circassian could be different - to the ankle or to the knee, the sleeves expanded the book. Caps of gazees could be of silver or from ivory, before they had a utilitarian value, in each Gazir there was a portion of gunpowder for one shot. On top of the papa in bad weather, Balyk was put on, he decorated with Golden Galuns. Men's shoes served soft saffiana boots - Ichigi consisting of two elements. The Cherkesska was rejected by a narrow Caucasian belt belt with a silver set, with a dagger, sometimes and a pistol. In the Caucasus Dad is the honor and dignity of a man, and to knock or remove it was considered a great insult. Dad, noble people sewed from the doodle, and the rest of the sheepskin, thus, on the papakh, it was possible to determine the social status of her owner. In bad weather, the original invention of our peoples was carried in bad weather. And the Andy's Bourges were especially valued, their felt was smooth, outside - with long strands, along which water flowed. In the cold, there was warmth in the beard, in the heat - cool, it was possible to spend the night in it right on the ground.

Women's clothing

Women's clothing of the peoples of Dagestan characterizes the diversity of materials, forms of cutting, color scheme, finishes, decorations. It is more than men, preserved identity, archaic features, more reflected zonal, ethnic features, ancient tribal differences, morals and customs of peoples.

Decor and color gamut clothes could point out age, social status and well-being of their owner. Older women wore a single dark flower clothes. Young - from more bright fabrics or with a pattern.

Nagorno Dagestan

The basis of the outfit of residents of Nagorno Dagestan - Avalook, Darginina, Lachek - made up a long and wide dress-shirt of tunic-shaped cutting. It could be direct or trapezoidal with incentuate sleeves, necessarily with a flock of contrasting with armpits that performed the facility functions. On top they put on a sideline or belt, young girls wore a cushion of bright colors, and the married thing is somewhat modest.

The shirt served as the main view of the dress, in it, fire could be at home, work in the field and even be in public places. Pants sewed from Citz, Boszy, Satina. They were usually dark color, with a wide or narrow step, on the bottom were decorated with a border. Dresses picked up from sides in pants or under a specially knotted belt, so it shortened almost yes knees. The ascho covered her head, tightly embraced the top of the forehead and, as a rule, hung with a napel. They sewed it from the motley and smooth fabrics. On top were covered - kiaz. Crysto among different nations was wore in different ways.

In Zhokhto Avarot - Gedatlinok, Bagulalock, Andike - Naked ornate part was visible from under bedspread. On him it was possible to determine the social status of a woman. At the Bagulak, the temporal steering rings were attached to chocsol - one twisted and one whole, and the covers were not wore over it. If a son died of a son, she took one ring - and everything was clear that she was in the mour. Andiyki's headdress was a crown-shaped cape stuffed with wool or cotton. Such a headdress did not allow a woman to do sharp movements, giving smoothly by gait, and put on only on holidays. Most likely, this form of the head Upora reached us from deep antiquity, she resembles a cow horns - a symbol of fertility. On top of it were put on the bedspread.

And, for example, Kubachinki and Akushushki hid their chocsto under the beds completely, although it was decorated with it was rich, they were hidden from prying eyes, apparently, because this was attacked by sacral meaning. The Kubachino covered was richly decorated with gold and silver thread, unmarried girls drawing was small, young women are larger, and the elderly worn covered without embroidery. Especially thoroughly embroidered kaym covered, it could be replaced by a bridal patterned border.

Later, Darginka began to sew a dress on the coquette. The bottom of the dress was decorated with a color insert, sleeves on a cuff. The edge of the hem for strength was often trimmed with a cord or braid, officer Galuins were especially valued.

A large colorfulness characteristic of Darginine was a large color, the presence in the upper clothes of the fitted forms, the elegance of the general view was intensified by numerous decorations.


The characteristic dress of the crowbas was a dress-buzbus. Young lats preferred clothes of bright colors, elderly dark. Women's native clothes, often replacing the upper, there was a long dress - a shirt, like all the Gorianok, tunic-shaped, as well as long narrow pants.

In some villages, bordering an accident, the lats shirt along the waist pushed into pants. Special charm and peculiarity gave a suit silver jewelry, which were sewn to the dress and to the head fault.

The shoes could be leather, knitted, but certainly with a bent nose, as it was more practical in the mountains - the sock did not fight off. At the same time it was also very beautiful.

South Dagestan

In general, the suit of the peoples of the Lezghian group was different, the presence of numerous drapes and folds, multicolored and to some extent reflected the influence of Azerbaijani costume. Cutting on the waist of the outfits sewed all the peoples of South Dagestan, the main difference between them is a multi-layeredness. Valkag's dress was swollen, the other dress, a silk straight cut or cut-off, sometimes with long lush sleeves, was dressed. Often, instead of the top dress wearing archaluki caffatches. A distinctive feature of a female costume was that it was richly decorated with jewelry with large ornaments, and coins of royal chasing were used in the jewelry. The Lezghinese group of nationalities preferred fabrics mostly bright colors - red, yellow, green, purple. The scarves were also silk, gas. There were also many jewelry on the heads.

Kumychka and Chechens

In Dagestan, Kaabalai's dress was kums and Chechens-Akkinka, throughout the rest of the Caucasus it was spread much wider - in Circassians, Ossetians, and others, it was swinging, with a cutting waist, with a tight-fitting waist with a bodice, with a wide long skirt, sewn to Lifam on the waist lines with light folds and assembly. At the same time, Kabalay had a number of distinctive features, making it more elegant - so this outfit was distinguished by double clasp, a silver filigree belt was worn on the waist. Kaabalay sewn with double sleeves: the bottom - narrow, hand on the cuff, and the top - wide, long, folding, expanding downwards. On the head of the Kumychka wore lace handkerchiefs - Tastara and Silk Gulmeni. The handkerchief was thrown on her head, leaving the ends of him freely hanging in front. Then right, and behind him and the left end was thrown onto the left shoulder. Wash, throwing back the ends on the right shoulder.

As a version of Kabalai, a dress - a buzus, who had no paired fasteners, it could be straight cut or cut off, and the upper sleeve was sewn not folded, but an extended book, sometimes shorter than the lower. This dress was worn and the main latch, anvarka and darginki.


Nogai retained the identity of the Central Asian costume. A distinctive feature is silver decorations with a large ornament characteristic of Central Asia. Nogayka wore quathan boat, young girls wore beautifully decorated tubets, and adult women shawls. In winter, they put on a hat from the otter, like a Kazakh headdress.


Cossacks wore a skirt with a shuttlecock, a blouse with a bask and a rack collar, on the head - a white handkerchief, the outfit complemented woolen Pavlovo - Posad Shal. There was another option of women's clothing of the Terski Cossacks, closer to Caucasian peoples, is a swimming dress similar to Kabalay. Coral beads were worn out of jewelry, thereby having attached love to corals to almost all Dagestan women.

Well, where can I buy real Dagestan outfits? After all, fashion boutiques offer collections in which there is no hint of national motives. The answer is obvious: it is necessary to sew! Moreover, we have no shortage of gifted creative personalities in the republic.

With the senior teacher of the Faculty of Design of the State Pedagogical University Dagestan, I met Gagzhikhanova in Pyatigorsk, in the Mashuk-2010, Mashuk-10th youth camp. On the Day of the Republic, Dagestan Razuita Gadzhiev has held a small excursion for me on the exposition, in which folk craftsmen presented the best samples of their work in the technique of ceramics, weaving, jewelry skills. Here, each of the numerous peoples of Dagestan demonstrated its unique national suit.

"72 nationalities live in Dagestan. And every nation has its own characteristic costume, which has developed historically. In the Middle Ages, the characteristic features of the costume were already among each people. The greatest population is anvar. Then Kumyki, Darginians, Lakges, Lezgins, Tabasarans. And all these peoples, the male national costume is similar to the robes of other peoples of the Caucasus - Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia. In men, this is the Circassian, Besht was put on the bottom from below. Shirt, boots and necessarily dad. In the Caucasus Dad is the honor and dignity of a man, and knock down the dad, remove the papanu was considered a great insult. Here to give a dad - meant to divert.

Kumyki lived on the plain and faster than others absorbed all new, fashionable, modern. The Mongol-Tatars were considered to be their ancestors, which were settled, and connecting with local tribes, left their traditions, culture. For women, kumchek is characterized by a dress - the so-called Cabalary. It consists of two parts: the upper dress has long sleeves, another dress is put on the bottom. For Kumchek, a headdress is characterized - Tastar, braided from one thread. The technology of its weaving is very complex - one needle. Now very few women own this technique. But in general, female and male Kumykov costumes are similar to the costumes of Ossetians, Balkarians, Chechens.

Kumykov. National costume: Male - Rubaha, Pants, Besht (Kaaptal), Circassy (Chapken), Shuba (tone), Burk (pita), dad (dads, flak), leather shoes; Female - shirt dress, pants (shalbar), various dresses (half, Arsar, Kalaalai), scarves, chutku, leather feeling, shoes, galoshes without a backdrop. The costume, especially female, was complemented by a variety of decorations.

The next part of the exposition is represented by Selo Balkhar. This village is located in Darginsky district of Dagestan. His inhabitants have long been engaged in ceramics, which they have burned and painted. They have places where clay is mined. Male costume is almost the same as Kumkov. Today, the traditions of wearing national costumes are revived, for example, at weddings. True, not the bride itself, but the bride's girlfriend is glad to wear a national outfit. For a female suit, characterized by the brain-shaped dress, wide pants and shoes from felt with a curved nose. Ahead is an embroidered pattern, rogo symbols. On the dress - a large amount of metal. And although the balianians themselves did not work jewelry art, they traded and brought decorations from the places to their wives. Women's original covered head: bottom headdress called Cough. A silver chain around the neck. On the bottom, white shawl, on top necessarily orange: the ballhars were fireplons and preferred yellow and orange. They have interesting bilateral palaces that are tkut on horizontal machines. Ribbons for socks of jugs are noteworthy: they are tied up Goryshko and carry over his shoulder. And that the Kuvin does not cooled the back, under it put a special woven handbag.

Sellium Balkhard. The female suit consists of a wide head cape that closes a cryo, a kind of bag with an open base, where the hair is cleared, and a wide dress, reaching the ankle, which is granted. Silver decorations are attached to the costume, which decorate and the dress and headdress. The male traditional costume consists of a drawing, dads, shirts, shirts and leather boots - Ichigov.

Laccs. Decorations on women - up to 20 kilograms of silver, fall from the neck on the chest and stomach. It was believed that in this way the metal was guarded, defeated a woman. Knitted socks: in the patterns you can determine from which village a girl, as well as - a girl is or a married woman. Soles of socks are lined with leather, allowing not to packet legs when walking. In the rain, leather shoes were put on, inside which was put on dried grass. In the pattern on socks it was possible to determine from which Tuhum (kind) each of them. And when the girls were dressed and drowning in such socks, guys, looking at their costumes, chose themselves a bride from one or another kind.

Laccs. Men's traditional clothing - Tunic-shaped shirt, Beshmet, Cherkesska, Pants, Women's - Tunical dress and pants, has local options. At the end of the XIX century, dresses appeared - swinging (bush) and cutting in the waist. In winter wearing sheepskin coats. Shoes - leather and felt. Headwear - chappers with scarves, long bedspreads. In modern life, occasionally there are dads, sheepskin fur coats, women are traditional hats (Vikhley village), long pants.

Nogai. Since ancient times rolled felt and carpeted carpets from it. The contour of the drawing was turned the braid. Men, unlike other peoples, they wore not a Cherkyskoy, and the seated Beshmet, on a thin layer of cotton wool or wool, so that it was warm in the steppe. The belt is narrow, leather, with metal rivets and fasteners for weapons. The belt was put on the boy at 10 years old. It was one metal rivet. After 10 years, the Belt was put on the second rivet, in the 30th third, etc. On rivets you can find how old the owner. Female outfit echoes Tatar, Asian. Characterized belt with a large buckle.

The Nogai National Women's Costume includes a dress-shirt (ICH Kotilek), various types of dresses (Zybyn, Kaptal, etc.), shawls, jams and a variety of types of decorations. The male national costume is only the older faces - traditional pants, Besht, rejected by a narrow strap, leather stockings with calories. Young people prefer urban clothes.

Tabasarans. Tabasaran is a high-mountainous area. His inhabitants were famous for the fact that the fabrics pile carpets that were made from wool. Everywhere in the Caucasus in families rejoiced the birth of a boy. And in the village of Tabasaran, the birth of a girl was valued: it is still one hands for weaving carpets. Each family had a machine, and girls fabric carpets from the small years. Little carpets, threads are not cut on withdrawal: weaving samum.

Tabasarans. Traditional men's suit of the publicest type - a native shirt, pants, Besht, Cherkesska, Bark, Sheepskin coats and dads; Shoes - low leather - Dirichi (type of postwar) with cloth or felt nalogs, knitted woolen socks, soft leather boots, shoes without backs on a wooden sole. An decoration of men's clothing was a belt with metal buckles, pendants, plates, weapons (dagger) and Gazyri. Traditional female costume - Tunical dress, sharovar, headdress - chukhta and scarves, belt (whole silver or gold-plated; from dense material with silver buckle in front); Chest silver coin decoration, naked decoration, nasty decoration - averter, covered with coins; Rings, earrings, bracelets. Decorations served silver fasteners, common pendants, coins, plates. Shoes - leather feeling and woolen socks of Joraby with color ornament.