Toast of godparents at a wedding: tips and vivid examples. Toasts to the goddaughter

The godmother accompanies a person all his life. Comes to visit, gives love and gifts, attention and care. Having collected all the words in a warm congratulation to the godmother from the goddaughter, I want to give her a piece of the love and attention given to her.

Toast to the godparents

If a woman is entrusted with the role of godmother, it means that she is appreciated and respected. Godfathers always experience the joy of the birth of a baby and the thrill of knowing the connection with new relatives.

The first congratulations to the godmother from the goddaughter will sound at the christening with the words of her parents. As a congratulation, the baby can present a smile or cry.

A toast to godparents may sound simple, but heartily: “Dear friend (name). You and I have known each other for many years. We will not find a more worthy candidate for the role of godmother for our baby. We trust you as our child. Love him as we love, give him warmth and wisdom, faith, hope and love. You can do it, we believe in you. For you, godmother! "

Lyrical words of congratulation are suitable as a toast: "So that there is no little love for our baby, we present it to you, dear godmother. May the Lord give him strength to educate everyone together and so that we can all be healthy at his wedding."

Or another option:

There is joy and excitement in the house,

We have a baptismal ceremony today.

We found the best godfathers

And everyone came here to celebrate.

We raise a toast to the godparents

So that their godson grows healthy!

Merry Christmas

There is such a tradition that on Christmas Eve, the evening before Christmas, the godchildren wear the Cross Supper and words of gratitude. An obligatory attribute is kutia - whole wheat porridge.

You can congratulate the godparents with simple sincere words or a carol, a traditional ritual song that praises the owners of the house.

Congratulations to the godmother from the goddaughter can be figurative and symbolic, in poetry and prose. For example:

“Dear godmother. I came to thank you for your love and attention. And I want to wish you the following: may the holy Christmas of the Lord cleanse your home, bring happiness and joy to it. Let what symbolizes peace, tranquility, comfort and prosperity in the house will give you all this. May your life be as it is, sweet and with a twist. "

Birthday once a year

It takes no effort to give beautiful birthday greetings to the godmother from the goddaughter. It is pleasant to receive a handmade gift from a little goddaughter: an applique, a picture, a doll or just a postcard. From an adult - just a sign of attention, which can be a beautiful bouquet, a delicious cake or any other. After all, the main thing is how all this will be presented:

“Dear godmother. Accept sincere Let good luck come to your home, and happiness will settle in it. Let your loved one be with you forever. So that in prosperity and joy until a ripe old age, you always greeted us cheerful and happy. I wish you all the best, love, kiss, hug ”.

Dear godmother, my dear kind fairy.

Happy birthday, sunny, I congratulate you.

Let your dreams come true as in the tale of Cinderella.

Be happy, my dear, and be you loved.

I have never met people on earth kinder, believe me.

Let luck and joy knock at your door.

Let everything that hurts go far, far away.

You and I are good, interesting, comfortable, easy.

The main thing is not to leave the godmother unattended. If circumstances do not allow to congratulate personally, then you can order a congratulation from the goddaughter on television, adding her favorite song as a gift, or order a courier delivery of flowers and gifts along with a beautiful voice card. In any case, she will be pleased.

The godmother has an anniversary today

In order for the congratulations on the godmother's anniversary from the goddaughter to be original, you should dream up a little.

As a gift, you can present a collage that will show all the warmth of the relationship in photographs. Having placed it in a beautiful frame, having written words of gratitude and wishes, you can claim the title "The most original gift".

Heaven sent you to me

So that together with my angel

You brought me up together

Calling her a sweet child.

The priest gave me to you

To be with me always.

Our love will be sacred

For long, happy years.

Accept today on your birthday

My love and gratitude.

So that life is full of fun

And your coming year was bright.

You can originally congratulate with a song. After remaking a familiar song, dedicate it to your godmother. Perform it at the celebration and you will move everyone to tears. She will not only recall a familiar motive, but also give a bright congratulation to the godmother from the goddaughter.

In childhood, the image of the godmother is associated with the kind heroine of the Cinderella tale, who knew how to work miracles. In my youth, the godmother is the best friend with whom you can gossip, consult about things that you cannot share with your mother. In her youth, she is a kind adviser and a wise mentor. When you become an adult, your own families appear and children are born, and with trepidation you need to look for candidates for the role of godparents for them and truly appreciate the significance of the godmother in life.

It is always pleasant to receive congratulations from the godmother from the goddaughter, feeling the return and affection, gratitude and devotion. Happy birthday or just good morning - she will still be pleased.

No one could think of another word,

To convey my love to you.

For the Lord to love you, shore,

For being in my destiny.

Baptism is a person's entry into the Church and his communion with the "Body of Christ." Christ bequeathed to us the baptism with water, for water is a symbol of purification and renewal of the soul.
Godfathers are those who take on the responsibility of spiritually helping the baptized person in the early stages of his life in the Church.
I propose to drink to the godparents, or whatever their name is, to the Receivers! To their health and to ensure that they cope with the duties assigned to them! For Kuma and Kuma!

The child does not yet have faith, reason and conscience have not woken up. But the child cannot be separated from the parents. With all his being, he is connected with them, and if the family is Christian, it cannot reconcile itself to the fact that her child was cut off from divine grace.
At the moment of Baptism, the Holy Spirit sanctifies the entire being of the infant. At baptism, parents and godparents commit themselves to putting faith in the soul of the child.
I propose a toast to the godfathers, who have a great responsibility for the spiritual growth of their godson (Goddaughter)!

Precious godfather

There is darkness in you!

Drive men crazy

Do not teach you, godfather,

And to match you, godfather,

Dear mansions!

What to wish you, godfather,

You will tell me yourself.

May dreams come true -

Everything will be as you want!

We appreciate, precious godfather,

Talent and kindness and intelligence!

You are always ready to help us

And you drive all sorrows away!

For all the good to you - rewards,

Let fate keep your home!

And if suddenly something is needed -

We will come to your aid!

And even knock over a glass

Sometimes I can’t be without you.

Let the path through life be easier

Let fear not touch the heart

To call each other for help

Only in joyful deeds!


For me, my godfather -

Embodiment of the mind.

Cheerful, simple, kind,

And beautiful and generous!

We do not want a soul in you,

Kind angel of the whole family!

May it be fulfilled, dear,

All your desires!

For me, my godfather -

Embodiment of the mind.

Cheerful, simple, kind,

And beautiful and generous!

We do not want a soul in you,

Kind angel of the whole family!

May it be fulfilled, dear,

All your desires!

When, my godfather, you become old,
And I will become old me, your friend,
We will force ourselves to rest,
We will leave for the island suddenly!
There, where the sound of the surf is
And the endless rumble of the sea.
The soul wants peace.
There are no women and no sharks!
How? I said there are no women there?
Who will cook our dinner?
Lay a tablecloth and napkins
And will he cook shrimp for you and me?
Okay, two old ladies too
In the luggage, so be it, put it!
We feel tight without them, yes,
Without them, buddy, nowhere!

Kum happy birthday to you!

Let the cross smile
And he enjoys a lot!
Goes through life straight
And bright roads!

Good luck gives the best
And the happiness continues.
The house will be a personal fortress
And the money does not run out!

I confess to you, godmother,

In love and respect
Are firmly connected with you
We are the sacrament of baptism!

May the joy of my fate
And every moment
Will be warmed in the future
Your blessing!

you baptized a baby, in a beautiful temple by candlelight. I was in my childhood
playful, I could not sit in my arms! Thank you, godmother, for the fairy tales, care, tenderness and warmth! You gave colors to life, from your love to me
light !!!



Mommy how are you dear
I really want to hug you
You, godmother, like a dear to me,
And I am anxiously looking forward to meeting!

You are worthy of the best sonnets,
I'll just give my heart
My kiss is faster than the wind
I love you ardently.

We wish you to always meet happiness,
You, godmother, would not know fatigue,
Women's happiness, good friends,
Good luck, health and sunny days!

To you, godmother, I want to wish:
More joy than worries
More rest than work
More sun than bad weather
And great, great happiness!


Let the godfather smile
And he enjoys a lot!
Goes through life straight
And bright roads!

Good luck gives the best
And the happiness continues.
The house will be a personal fortress
And the money does not run out!



Caring godfather
I wish you personal happiness,
Health, mood
And great rest!

Let it be quickly, with pleasure
Any business will work out!
May the best opportunities
They will be provided for life!

I confess to you, godmother,
In love and respect
Are firmly connected with you
We are the sacrament of baptism!

May the joy of my fate
And every moment
Will be warmed in the future
Your blessing!

Whatever road fell out to me,
In what would not have thrown the edge,
He will ask for me before God -
Mama. My mother, my godmother!
Once you gave me a baptismal cross,
With him in very difficult moments - easy!
And now in my soul I am with you,
Even if again somewhere far away!

May every new day give
Hope, happiness and love
And shines on your face
A joyful smile again.
With flowers, tender words
The day will be better than yesterday.
To my beloved godmother
I wish you sun and good!

Let the toasts to the goddaughter for her birthday be cute and affectionate, let your dear girl know: no matter what happens in life, she will always find help and support from you. Hug and kiss your “spiritual daughter” on the cheek.

In verse

  • Goddaughter, hello to you!
  • Birthday brings light!
  • Let your soul fly
  • God of desire comes true!
  • But you also work,
  • Create and do not be lazy!
  • We drink with you for creation,
  • For patience and diligence!
  • Happy birthday to you girl
  • My goddaughter, chorus!
  • Spring freshness for you
  • Slimness and tenderness for you!
  • Flowers to you from your loved ones
  • Vivid and unique impressions!
  • Today we drink for your happiness
  • So that there is no bad weather in life!
  • Love for the goddaughter cannot be conveyed to everyone.
  • And on your birthday there is something to wish for!
  • Fly around the world like a gentle swallow
  • Meet sunsets and pleasant sunrises
  • But you always come back to the house,
  • And remember the godfathers at least sometimes!
  • After all, we know you from the cradle,
  • And you are our own child!
  • We drink to make you live in happiness
  • So that you sidestep adversity
  • And so that you really meet the prince,
  • And it was financially provided!
  • They came to their goddaughter
  • We wish you happy birthday!
  • Daughter, love you !.
  • Moods, inspirations!
  • Decent grooms for you
  • And your personal car,
  • House of light, large,
  • Necklaces of gold!
  • On the table - so that the bread is fresh,
  • And the beloved was so gentle!
  • We drink wine for this,
  • So that you can see the bottom!
  • I'm on my goddaughter's birthday
  • I wish you the mood
  • Not simple - sweet
  • Very chocolatey!
  • Let there be life in sweets
  • And in strange passions!
  • So that you live cool!
  • We drink to this! Be beautiful!
  • My good goddaughter
  • May your life be good!
  • I'm pouring a glass
  • Happy birthday, congratulations!
  • Be slim, you are like a birch tree,
  • Not so that tears flow from the peephole!
  • Conquer everyone with beauty
  • For guys, be a dream!

In prose in your own words

When I was invited to become the godfather of this little girl, I could not even imagine that it would bring me so much joy. After all, you, my goddaughter, are a real little fairy. You are as beautiful as a moth. And you are comparable only with fairy-tale characters, as you have beauty and extraordinary charm. I drink so that you, my goddaughter, do not lose your charm and always remain attractive and sweet. For you, my dear goddaughter!

Many stars appear in the sky in the evening. They always shine brightly. Each star is unique. They are all different in size and brightness. People love the stars, they love to look at them. They love to make wishes. You, my dear goddaughter, are such a star. You are unique and very bright. It is impossible to take your eyes off you. I wish you to always shine and delight others with your beauty. Let the world be at your feet, and you will be the most important star in it!

Beloved goddaughter, my dear glorious girl, happy birthday! I sincerely and sincerely wish you a great mood, wonderful destiny, good friends, bright days, goodwill from Fortune, good prosperity, vivid impressions and pleasant memories! Let life, loving, spoil you with its gifts and please you with a series of joyful days!

My charming baby, my wonderful goddaughter! I congratulate you on your birthday, on the day of your wonderful appearance in this world. With you, I felt immeasurable joy in life. I wish you, my angel, bright and joyful days. May all your dreams and desires come true.

To my dearly beloved goddaughter - huge warm greetings and the best, warmest and most sincere wishes. Be happy and loved, cheerful and sweet, charming and insightful, and may life give you a great many surprises and good news! Happy birthday, dear goddaughter! Be happy and may every day be your joy!

Goddaughter, dear, happy birthday! From a loving heart, I wish you joy, boundless like an ocean, fate, generous for good, love, boundless and omnipotent, and willpower that will help you achieve all your goals and make all your dreams and grandiose plans come true! Be happy and loved, charming and kind, and always enjoy life!

As your godfather, I want to wish you a happy birthday, dear girl. May your life consist of thousands of joys, millions of happy moments and billions of pleasant memories. I really care about you.

I have always dreamed of a daughter, raising my sons, and I am very glad that I still have a daughter in God. My dear goddaughter, I wish you many joys in life to learn. Always be kind, sweet and beautiful, like now! Happy Birthday to you.

My beloved goddaughter! I sincerely wish you a Happy Birthday! I wish you an easy and happy life, full of joy and goodness! I want you to believe only in good things and to smile with your charming smile more often! I wish that all your bright dreams come true! Happy Holidays!

My beloved godmother! I congratulate you on your birthday! You have become a little older, but for me you remain a charming baby, like a princess from a good fairy tale. May all your dreams come true so quickly that you do not even have time to think about them and do something to make them come true!

My dear goddaughter! Today you have a wonderful holiday - your birthday! Spend it in a great mood, surrounded by your family and friends! I wish you more warmth, love, hope and faith in your life! And so that something good happens every day! Be happy!

My dear goddaughter, you were born on a wonderful and glorious day, and a happy star lit up above you. Today is the same day, and we celebrate your birth and wish you great earthly happiness, blessings from heaven, generosity from fate, respect and kindness from people. Happy birthday, honey, happy holidays!

Sweet and dear goddaughter! You, like a small and bright angel, make us all happy. Be the happiest in this huge world. And let your life turn into a real and beautiful fairy tale that will never end!

The goddaughter is given only in order to pamper her often and a lot! I am pleased to feel like a fairy tale and give you gifts and sweets, my darling! May the meetings and our friendship always last and give us both great pleasure from communication!

Once I held you in my arms, now you, my goddaughter, have grown and become a real queen. Every day you bloom like a beautiful rose in the garden. I wish the most worthy person in the world to find and hug this flower, and you dissolve in his gentle embrace. Congratulations!

The birthday of the goddaughter is undoubtedly a very bright and beautiful day. And it is on this holiday that she expects something special and interesting from you. So you have to fulfill the duty of the godparent and try. You need to choose whatever - be a cute and interesting gift, a bunch of flowers. But the highlight of your congratulations should be sincere words. Such words can be woven into the rhymes of a beautiful verse, tell your daughter about your love, care, about her beauty, youth, warn her against mistakes and wish a dear future. The goddaughter will definitely love your surprise. And what could be better than the happy eyes of a birthday girl?

Angelic character, blue eyes,
My most beautiful goddaughter,
Time flew by quickly, she grew up,
She enchants everyone with her beauty.
Happy birthday to you,
I wish you a lot of happiness and health,
Let your dream come true
Let the beautiful love meet you.

On the birthday of my goddaughter, I bring flowers
As my own daughter, I love her,
I wish her happiness, good luck and good,
So that in life she is always lucky.
May the sun give you a ray of warmth
May the blue sky make you happy
Let there be only a white stripe in life,
May the moments of every day delight you.

Beloved goddaughter, today is your birthday,
Please accept my congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
I give you a lot of compliments
You, my dear, I love you very much.
May your plans come true
Let the bad be forgotten
May all grief disappear
Let life only bring admiration.

A wonderful holiday - birthday
May he give you joy, pleasure,
Let your dream come true
May everything be fine with you.
Beloved goddaughter, be always happy
Always be beautiful, sweet, smart,
Let your life be like in a fairy tale
May a kind angel take care of you.

We wish you a sea of ​​happiness and love,
And we wish you a sea of ​​joy
Let your waves splash
Running on the smooth coast.
We wish you a storm, we don't need calm
Let flocks of seagulls fly over you
And, collecting evil dust,
The troubles are washed away far beyond the sea.

Health, happiness and goodness,
And in life I wish you only luck
Let there be a lot of warmth in her
After all, I protect you.
You are my daughter and I am with you
I will easily pass the obstacles of fate,
I'll cover you with my back
Your smile is my reward.

Goddaughter-daughter, young flower,
Delicate butterfly, my bird,
With joy I bring congratulations,
I'm always very proud of you!
You are a smart student and an excellent student at school,
Very kind, beautiful, sweet,
Be you the same, let the time not spoil,
Making only you better!

I remember the sparkling altar of the church,
You were like a warm ball
The font has made us akin, as now and old,
You became my goddaughter, daughter.
Take your birthday today
You, along with the flowers of the bouquets,
My protection, good news and love,
May you be kept in this world!