Training in mnemonics for the development of attention and memory. Mnemonics for the development of memory for adults

It is impossible to get a good memory without training it. It is also impossible to become strong or learn to run fast while lying on the couch. This section of the site contains exercises for the development of memory. These exercises are designed to train the memorization of information based on images, i.e. using mnemonics.

When getting started, remember that it is not the amount of time that you spent doing tasks that matters, but the regularity of training. By exercising five times a week, for ten to fifteen minutes, you will expend less effort and achieve greater results than if you trained twice a week for two hours a day.

Association Based Memory

chain of imagestraining in creating a chain of associations between two arbitrary images. It helps a lot in the development of imaginative thinking, which is so necessary in mnemonics, and is also considered important for the development of creative thinking and imagination.
Pairs of wordsexercise for memorizing pairs of words. First, an association is created between two words. Then, having seen one of the words, you need to remember the second.
Word listword chain memorization exercise. Going through the words in turn and remembering the associations between them, you can remember the whole chain.
Cicero's methodword chain memorization exercise using the Cicero method
triplets of wordsan exercise to memorize word triplets using the Cicero method

Memorizing numbers

Images of numbersnumber coding exercise

Imagine that you are a magician who, in front of an astonished audience, pulls out multi-colored scarves tied one to the other from an “empty” box. One scarf pulls another, and that one pulls the next, and so on.

Represented? Now you know what principle our brain operates on when it turns on associative links. One image pulls another, and that one - the next ... This is how our associative memory works. And it is on this psychological pattern that the methods and principles of memorization are based, which are called mnemonics.

Psychophysiological foundations of mnemonics

The human brain, operating with information, by and large, does it the same way, regardless of whether the image is real objects or fictional. This is a very important principle that allows us to use associations to remember information.

Another important psychophysiological basis for memory is the associative connections themselves in the brain. They can be natural or artificially set by the person himself. Such artificial connections are the foundations of mnemonics.

Image, association and location - these three principles gave rise to all known mnemonics. By connecting them, you can remember more and more easily.

Designing a bright impressive image is the basis of successful memorization! Usually, when trying to memorize new terms or words in a foreign language or information from a textbook, we make two typical mistakes:

  • we do not even try to reproduce the learned information in our brain;
  • if we try, we use abstract logical connections, not images.

It is necessary to memorize the English “I go”, not connecting it with the Russian translation and saying “Ai go - I’m going” several times to myself, but walking, literally “living” this state of my “I’m going” and imagining myself walking in different situations. Behind each foreign word, or better phrase, there should be not their translation into your native language, but the image that they mean.

If you are "smell", then draw in the air through your nostrils and smell it. If you are "watch TV", then stare at the TV screen.

If you memorize scientific terms, then it is quite appropriate to use your figurative representation for memorization. Ask yourself what they look like to you:

  • tolerance;
  • sensitivity;
  • coherent series;
  • turbulence?

For example, tolerance (tolerance) can be represented as a children's balloon filled with water and able to obediently change its shape in our hands.

Invent only pleasant images for you, because the brain often blocks unpleasant ones. Let these be images that evoke certain emotions in you, for example, surprise, a smile, curiosity.

And, of course, do not forget about humorous, funny, funny images!

With Wikium you will learn the basics of mnemonics online

Linked by the Same Chain: Associations

Associations will help you connect the object of remembering and the place where you need to remember it.. For example, you need to ask the doctor who treats your child about whether the child can have chocolate. Imagine the doctor's office where your conversation will take place, and mentally scatter chocolate on the table in front of the doctor. Your brain will remember your question as soon as your eyes fall on the doctor's table.

You can create your own associations:

  • by placing the storage object at the very beginning of a row of other objects;
  • connecting two objects together;
  • imagining how these objects slowly, smoothly and simultaneously appear in your mind;
  • imagining them dancing together or circling one after another;
  • make them the same color, or smell, or shape, or evoke the same emotions.

Make sure that the associative series you created has volume, mark it in a certain context and give it dynamics.

An associative image is not necessarily a picture, but also

  • sounds,
  • smells and fragrances,
  • touch,
  • movement,
  • emotional states.

And all together they will help to create a complete picture that will easily pop up in memory.

Lessons for Grandma: Location

Location as a technique gives us two advantages at once:

  • sequence of image reproduction,
  • the relationship between remembered objects and what we remember for sure.

Here is an example that journalists observed during an interview with 26-year-old Alex Mullen, winner of the American mnemonic competition. To demonstrate to them the techniques of mnemonics, the grandmother's memory seemed to him the most successful testing ground. In front of journalists, he suggested that his grandmother memorize 10 words:

  1. cherry,
  2. coffee,
  3. flowers,
  4. candies,
  5. scarecrow,
  6. the Dragon,
  7. sauce,
  8. ghost,
  9. cookie,
  10. tablecloth.

Grandmother flatly refused and categorically stated that she was not able to cope with such a task. Then he asked her to imagine herself in her house and mentally arrange all the words, moving in her living room from left to right. Something like this: “Put a cherry right in front of the front door, then put the flowers in a vase on the shelf on the left, scatter sweets on the sofa, put a straw effigy in the chair ... Imagine? And now mentally go all this way again.” As a result, his grandmother, unexpectedly for herself, remembered 8 words out of 10!

This is a useful technique when you need to remember a list of unrelated words, such as shopping or to-dos for the day..

Train your memory, use mnemonics.

Ekaterina Vasilyeva, General Director of the Vasilyev Author's School, Moscow; doctor of pedagogical sciences

What questions will you find answered in this article?

  • How to remember people's names easily
  • What mnemonic techniques allow you to quickly learn a voluminous scientific text or poetry
  • How to quickly memorize foreign words, phone numbers or symbols
  • What prevents us from remembering information

They make it easy to memorize complex names of people, large texts, dates, numbers, foreign words, etc. Their advantage is that you do not have to make great efforts to extract the necessary information from memory; update the information you need. I will tell you how to learn how to memorize a large amount of information using the techniques of mnemonics.

Methods of mnemonics. How is memorization

Our brains think in pictures. When a person connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain fixes this relationship. Further, remembering one image, a person calls to life others. The first minutes are most important for remembering - at this time it is advisable to say the information aloud or to yourself. Talk again in an hour. In the future, increase the period of time after which you need to repeat the information, always three times, that is, after three hours, after nine hours, after a day, etc. If this is not possible, repeat the information three times: immediately, after an hour and before bedtime . By the way, teachers of linguistic universities recommend that students refresh their knowledge every six months or a year.

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How to remember people's names

To maintain motivation, it is best for a manager to address employees by their first names. Each person has some kind of peculiarity. We must try to see her and attach her last name, first name or patronymic in the form of a certain image. For example, recently a girl studied at the courses, who could not remember the patronymic of the boss - Stepanovna. I advised her to imagine that she had long ears on her head, like Stepashka from the children's program Good Night, Kids. At the next lesson, the girl said that this image helped her to firmly remember the patronymic of her leader.

How to memorize large texts

Popular science texts (articles). They are easiest to represent in the form of diagrams. For example, I transform information into a three-level hierarchy "system - subsystem - supersystem". Let me explain with an example: subsystem - car parts, system - car, supersystem - type of vehicle. After reading the text, 7-10 keywords remain in the head, decomposed according to the principle "system - subsystem - supersystem". It is useful to present them in the form of pictures, which helps to understand how one term is related to another. According to my observations, two-thirds of an article or book is occupied by details (subsystem), the remaining third is distributed between the system and the supersystem. Thus, you need to start reading from the place where the description of the system begins. Having studied it, you can return to the beginning of the text. This approach allows you to save time and better memorize large texts.

Artistic texts (prose, verses). In this case, you need to recreate each word in your head, so drawing up diagrams will not help. It is necessary to present the images in the form of a certain sequence, for example: a place, a hero, a situation. Identify the positive with yourself and the negative with the other person. In fact, in parallel with reading, you need to “shoot” a movie in your head, fixing emotions, sounds, etc. For example, you read the following text: “The Fiji archipelago is large and small islands. Most of them are of volcanic origin. There are sandy beaches fringed with palm groves, secluded coves...” Reading the first sentence, imagine that you are on an airplane and see the island overboard. Then the plane descends below and you see the hotels. Then you walk along the beach, your feet sink into the sand, you admire the scenery. That is, your movement around places (airplane, beach, etc.) is the key to remembering. It is enough to remember the key, and the text will pop up from memory.

Preparation for the report. Start preparing for presentations and public reports should be two to three days before the performance. On the first day, the brain will process all the material received after viewing the text. And only on the second day, when you wake up, you will be able to extract the necessary information from your memory in a structured and compressed form. This is what our ancestors had in mind when they said that "the morning is wiser than the evening." The first thing to do when starting to memorize the text of the report is to formulate the topic and main theses. Then present the main thoughts in the form of diagrams and images (you can sketch them). Further, moving from the general to the particular, proceed to remembering smaller details: additional facts, numbers, terms, sums.

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How to memorize foreign words and other data

How to memorize foreign words

The word narrow in translation from English means "narrow". You can imagine a narrow road or tight pants. The Russian word "nervous" is consonant with it. You can build a general association, for example, mentally draw a picture: a person is driving on a narrow road and is nervous because it is dangerous or because he has problems with his car. It is important not only to present the situation vividly and emotionally, but also to say aloud or to yourself the memorable word narrow several times. I recommend using images from real life for memorization.

How to remember symbols and letters

Suppose you want to memorize the English alphabet. The English letter "A" and the Russian "A" are the same in spelling, but differ in sound. To remember the first one, you need to pick up another association, for example, by shape. The English "A" looks like a compass or a roof and is pronounced like "hey", which is consonant with the words "ley" or "watering can". Now imagine that you are in the country watering the roof (“A”) from a watering can (“lei”). In this way, you can memorize hieroglyphs, symbols.

How to learn to rememberdigital sequences

Use an alphanumeric code. For example, in correspondence with the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, the first letters of the words that mean them are put: “n” (zero), “t” (three), “h” (four), "p" (five), etc. Exceptions: "k" ("count" - looks like a unit) and "l" ("swan" - looks like a deuce).

If you need to remember the number 739 812, do the following.

Break the number into pairs of numbers: 73, 98 and 12.

Transcode the numbers into words: the first consonant in a word is the first digit of a two-digit number, and the second consonant is the second digit. For example, a pair of numbers 7 and 3 correspond to the letters "c" and "t"; you can use the words "honeycomb", "sieve", "one hundred rubles". A pair of 9 and 8 is "d" and "v" (the words "door" or "girl"). Pair 1 and 2 are the letters "k" and "l", the words "glue" or "necklace" will do.

From the image words denoting pairs of numbers, make up a story, for example, this: "The net (73) caught on the door (98), and a necklace (12) fell out of it." It is important to imagine this ridiculous situation and at the same time say the number 739 812 out loud or to yourself several times. It is necessary to learn that you cannot pronounce what you imagine.

Receptions of mnemonics in stressful situations

During nervous tension, memory works much worse. When you are tense, no pictures-images arise in your head. That is, under conditions of stress and limited time, mnemonics techniques are useless. For example, working in an open office format, when there are a lot of people around and noisy, greatly limits the ability to remember.

There is an old trick - to return to the place where you thought about something in order to remember what it was. The technique is widely used in mnemonics: leave for yourself some symbol or sign that would be associated with the case. It can be a key on a computer, a tick in a diary, a cross with a pen on your hand. By the way, mnemonics is anti-stress. Instead of relaxing or taking medicine, it is better to mentally reproduce the text you are reading or imagine and remember numbers, combining business with pleasure.

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What helps and hinders effective memorization

The worst enemies of memory are drugs, cigarettes, nervous exhaustion, high temperatures and unventilated rooms.

Physical fatigue, on the contrary, has a good effect on memory: the brain begins to work better due to the fact that tension is removed from the body and blood circulates faster in the body. Therefore, if your work is related to mental activity, go in for sports. How much time you spend on intellectual work, the same amount should be spent on physical exercises. This is a prerequisite for maintaining oneself in a high emotional and intellectual tone. If, while working, you feel stress, it is better to go out, take a walk, get some fresh air.

To make the memorization process easier, it is important to develop your imagination. Read, travel, experience more positive emotions, engage in spiritual practices - all this trains figurative memory. Periodically take vitamins, drink more water, spend more time in the fresh air.

Memory and attention training: 10 very effective exercises

Exercise 1. Count the letters. Take a newspaper or magazine, select three or four paragraphs from any article. Count the letters "a" as you read. Read again, count the letters "c". Review the article again and record the number of words. Record the result. Practice with the text until the number of letters counted matches when counted.

Exercise 2. Remember yesterday. In detail, remember what happened yesterday (or a recently seen movie, or a summer vacation). The main thing in the exercise is to keep attention on the process of recall for a sufficiently long time, at least five minutes, not allowing thoughts to jump to other topics. Then try to remember in reverse order.

Exercise 3. Draw in the imagination. Mentally draw letters, numbers, simple and complex geometric shapes. Do not confuse mental drawing with the representation of some image. You just need to draw, just like with a pencil on paper. Try to draw bigger. Feel the movement of the hand, which should remain motionless.

Exercise 4. Manipulate images. Imagine a glass and a row matchbox house. Try to see these images as clearly as possible. Do a variety of mental manipulations with them: put the boxes in the glass, put the glass on the boxes, the boxes on the inverted glass, etc. Manipulate the other two, three, four objects.

Exercise 5. Transform the object. Introduce an object and change it, but so that it does not lose its species name, that is, a cup should remain a cup in any case.

Exercise 6. Rotate objects. Imagine an object and start rotating it, viewing it from all sides, from different angles, bringing it closer and further away from you. Try to make the object spin by itself, and you would just watch.

Exercise 7. Plan your day. In the morning, ask yourself what to do first, second, and third. Imagine a diary page and mentally fill it out.

Exercise 8 Break your work day into four parts. “Photograph” situations that you will return to tomorrow (mentally place them in a photo frame and hold the image for 3-5 seconds). Instead of the situation, you can "remove" the face of a colleague. At the end of the next part of the working day, remember the “photographed” situation (face). At the end of the day, remember all situations and faces. Repeat this the next day and you won't miss important tasks.

Exercise 9. “Turn on” pleasant states. Mentally recreate a positive state: calm, inspiration, joy. Analyze its muscle components: a feeling of relaxed muscles of the face, neck and chest, a slight tone of the abdominal muscles. Recreate also the position of the body and the rhythm of breathing. Record the whole complex of these sensations. Subsequently, it will be much easier to re-enter the state memorized in this way.

Exercise 10 On the desktop, arrange the items not in the usual order, but so that their arrangement makes you pay attention to them. Correlate the position of each object with a specific action that you must take in the near future.


Ekaterina Vasilyeva Graduated from the Kuban State University with a degree in physics. Holder of 30 copyright certificates, author of 50 courses (on memory development, rapid learning of foreign languages, speed reading), as well as 20 books, including six bestsellers. The owner of three patents of the Russian Federation for inventions: "Method of forming the skill of memorizing words", "Algorithm for thinking in foreign languages" and "Algorithm of a paragraph" (forming the skill of quick reading and memorization).

What is mnemonics, mnemonics, the art of mnemonics: definition, explanation of the method.

  • The authors of many accessible textbooks on mnemonics, when publishing their works, were guided by thoughts that are quite mundane for a person - to write a text that will be bought. Therefore, the books contain a lot of information about the science of mnemonics, explanations that allow, supposedly, to apply information gleaned from various calculations, scientific encyclopedias in real life.
  • However, pursuing the goal of collecting several significant “layers” of knowledge about science, in reality they get everything differently: there is little useful and accessible information, but there are a lot of terms and “water”.
  • The human brain has incredible possibilities, and mnemonics helps to reveal them. However, not everyone who is interested in this science manages to “dig out the essence” of most techniques in order to automatically apply them in everyday life.

Our article contains the most accessible explanations and ways to teach the memorization skill.

What is mnemonics, mnemonics, the art of mnemonics: definition, explanation of the method

  • The method of mnemonics is based on the creation of images in the subconscious. The information necessary for memorization is taken and subconsciously converted into an image by association.
  • We have an excellent associative memory, which mnemonics use to the full. To develop the ability to memorize, you must be able to draw mentally imaginary objects.
The method of mnemonics is based on the creation of images in the subconscious

Here is an example of remembering information. Below is a list of what we usually buy in the store. Try to remember the sequence of words:

  • wet wipes
  • toothpaste
  • shampoo
  • Dutch cheese
  • tangerines
  • tomato paste
  • vegetable oil
  • ketchup
  • green pea
  • walnuts

Most often, people have 7 names in their memory. The lucky ones who memorized the entire list, like the rest, as a rule, after 5 minutes forget all the words from the list.
And now we reveal the secret of remembering such lists in such a way that it remains in memory for at least a few days.

Extraordinary situations more "crash" into memory

To remember, you need an image, not just a set of words. Therefore, the ability to create the right picture in your head is already the first step to success.

To memorize our list, we do the following imaginary actions:

  • Introducing a pack of wet wipes
  • Introducing a tube of toothpaste
  • We combine two objects, mentally placing them side by side or piercing through a pack of napkins with a tube of toothpaste
  • The combination of two unusual images for a long time cuts into the brain, especially if you add some details: for example, some kind of liquid may flow out of a pack of napkins or, being next to a tube of toothpaste, wet wipes are covered with foam. The main task is to combine two different images.
  • Next on the list are shampoo, Dutch cheese, tangerines, and tomato paste. We do the same thing: a piece of cheese falls on the spilled shampoo, and tangerines are boiled in tomato paste.
  • If everything is difficult with inventing associations, then just imagine how one image “pierces” another.

The combination of two unusual images cuts into the brain for a long time, especially if you add some details.
  • "Piercing" one image with another is not easy to forget, because the method works almost always.
    Opponents of the method may object that it takes a lot of time to connect the images. However, if you need to constantly memorize information in large quantities, then the method is worth it. Exercises of mnemonics are just being developed to memorize such lists, information, logical chains.

The mnemonics books contain enough information to understand how the exercises work and how to create your own memory palace or mind palace if you prefer. All exercises are useful if they are used regularly in life.

How to create a memory palace

  • Memory images are your warehouse of images that you build in your head. From such a storage, images are retrieved at the right time, for example, a list of products. Within a few days, the list will be forgotten, even with super memory.
  • The exercises of mnemonics will help to keep the list for many years in the so-called memory palace.
    The creation of a memory palace can be compared to Cicero's method. Its essence lies in the fact that the mnemonic draws a dwelling in his imagination and mentally arranges objects in it, assigning certain images to them.
  • Now about the features of our “structure”: since the memory palace is created mentally, then the memorization process will be more convenient, because in this case it is permissible to use a wide variety of objects.

Here's what it looks like practically:

  • It is required to remember the physical formula q = CU. We transform the received Latin letters into an image. Everything is completely individual here: imagine what is easier for you to remember.
    For example, q is a head of cabbage, CU is a string bag. Now we draw a complete image: a head of cabbage lies in a string bag.
  • We move on and send the resulting image to the palace. But we don’t just leave it there, but put it on a shelf called “Physics”. To make it easier to navigate in our palace, we will install a small bust of Einstein or a physics textbook on the same shelf. Now we put the string bag with the head of cabbage on the shelf.

As you can see, nothing complicated!

To learn the skill of memorization, it is not necessary to dive into the details of how the brain works and what is the rate of charge between neurons. The main thing is to master the technique of memorization.

Having mastered the technique of memorization, you can easily fill your memory palace with images.

How to develop memory for novice adults - mnemonics: methods, techniques and exercises

What techniques and practical exercises does mnemonics have? By training your memory, you will be able to memorize both figurative information and information presented in texts or tables.

For whom mnemonics techniques will be useful:

  • We all need to remember a certain amount of precise information at some point. And it is absolutely not necessary for this to be a schoolboy, student or teacher. Think about how many names, phone numbers and lists you write down in electronic or notebooks.
  • But it would be easier to enter all the information in your brain. Then you will definitely save all the “sheets” of your “notebook” and you won’t need to look for a charger for your phone or tablet if the battery suddenly runs out to see your notes.
  • You will simply remember all the information that you may need. In some cases, “making a note” mentally is much easier than looking for the right notebook, pen or pencil.

In some cases, “making a note” mentally is much easier than looking for the right notebook, pen or pencil.
  • The techniques of mnemonics will also help out the speaker, whose speech, after some exercises performed and tested during the speech, will flow smoothly and naturally.
  • Schoolchildren and students will also be able to evaluate the techniques of mnemonics, especially during the period of passing tests and exams. After all, exercises will help you remember a large amount of information better. If students try to copy from a cheat sheet or from a phone on an exam, then someone who uses the data storage techniques described above will be able to copy from their memory without much effort.
  • This method is safer, and it will take less time to prepare for difficult exams.
    For teachers, the use of mnemonics will not only be useful, but will also add respect. Lecture materials will be remembered faster and you will not have to peep into the notes.
  • To memorize information about people from your extensive circle of business acquaintances, it will also not be superfluous to know the techniques of mnemonics.
  • If you often resort to the methods of memorizing information developed by mnemonics, even as a preventive measure for your constant forgetfulness, then your memory will not begin to “die off” as unnecessary until old age.

Figurative thinking, imagination, attention help to arrange data and connect them mentally.

Fundamentals of mnemonics: description

How do techniques and methods for memorizing large information blocks work? By mentally ordering (arranging) the information necessary for memorization, using various associations, you can link the information received with each other. Figurative thinking, imagination, attention help to arrange data and connect them mentally.

  • To apply the methods of mnemonics, it is not necessary to start acquaintance with this area of ​​​​knowledge from scratch. All techniques become accessible and understandable almost immediately after familiarization with the mnemonics. The basics of mnemonics make it possible to memorize simple sequences of numbers, signs, and words already at the early stages of self-learning.
  • A quick mastery of the basics of mnemonics can play a trick on a beginner: he perceives his new capabilities as a fully mastered skill and stops developing further in this direction. What is going on? At certain points, mnemonics fails due to the lack of practical memorization skills and experience in storing information in memory for a long period.

The basics of mnemonics allow memorizing simple sequences of numbers, signs, words already at the early stages of self-learning

Correctly formed associations will help to process a large amount of information in the mind. Therefore, it is important to practice the techniques of mnemonics at the skill level. Regular exercise will help you master the art of memorization. But it is impossible to achieve the effectiveness of techniques in a quick swoop.

Video: Mind Halls. memory palace

Mnemonics - memory training: tables of numbers, letters, symbols

There are special tables for memory training. They can be found on the World Wide Web for free. Shulge tables, for example, are designed for varying levels of complexity. The bottom line is that you need to find numerical values ​​and signs that will need to be added in a couple of moves. Shulge tables develop memory, improve concentration.

Principles of remembering information




There are training exercises developed in the form of games for attention and ingenuity. Here is some of them:

  • In the game "Numerical coverage revolution" it is necessary to memorize the numbers that appear on the screen and accurately enter them into an empty window. Entering numbers correctly allows you to go further and increase the number of points scored. The game can last a long time or end after the third incorrect input of a sequence of numbers.
  • The essence of the game "Quick addition reload" is that a given three-digit number is opened, and the player needs to select the correct summands of the sum of this number. The correct answer increases the number of points.
  • Among the difficult tasks, one can distinguish Red-black tables of Gorbov-Shulge. They need to remember two digital sequences at the same time. The black cells are for the smallest number, and the red ones for the largest. The main thing in the game is to quickly select the right numbers.
  • Not all tables and tasks are based on calculations and selection of numbers. For example, in the game "Letter Coverage" memory and attention are developed by memorizing letters and reproducing them. Letters appear on the screen that you need to remember. The next step involves writing a letter string from memory.

On the World Wide Web, you can find training exercises designed in the form of games for attention and ingenuity.

Mnemonics - remembering names based on visual thinking: description of the method, associations

  • To remember the names, you need to carefully listen to the people who introduce themselves to you, and not be distracted by thoughts about the upcoming conversations with them.
  • The name heard from a new acquaintance can be repeated several times during the first meeting or conversation (if appropriate). The final phrase may be the following: “nice to meet you,” and be sure to repeat the name of a new acquaintance.

But there are other ways to remember the names of new acquaintances. Mentally imagine the image that is associated in your imagination with a specific name:

  • Svetlana - light bulb
  • Valery - school teacher
  • Sonya is a rodent
  • Sofia - sofa
  • Pavel - peacock feather
  • Lily - the flower of the same name
  • Nicholas - count
  • Michael the bear

Having imagined the picture that your imagination draws when you mention a certain name, connect the resulting image with the appearance of a new acquaintance. For example, if Sophia is red-haired, then imagine a shock of red hair on the sofa. Just do not reveal your secret to the person whose name you remember in such an unusual way. After all, the image-association drawn by your imagination can offend him.

Video: How to remember people's names?

Mnemonics for the development of memory for adults - program: description

Receptions of mnemonics


  • Linking associations in pairs. Pairs of invented images are made approximately the same in size. After the formation of a connection between the first image and the second, the connection with the first image “breaks”, and attention switches to the second image. This creates a relationship between images. If there is a need to recall one of the images of the "chain", then the consciousness will reproduce up to five images simultaneously.
  • There must be a certain system in the formation of connections: a horizontal association involves placing the first image on the left side, a vertical association involves placing the first image at the bottom. The recall of images should occur in the same order.

Reception "Matryoshka"

  • The memorization mechanism involves connecting images in pairs, but in a certain sequence: the first image is the largest, the second image is smaller than the first, the third is smaller than the second, and so on.
  • When switching attention to the following images, the previous ones add up to each other. Only two images are clearly visible in the subconscious.

Video: Mnemonics and mnemonics

The techniques of mnemonics allow the masters who use them to perform real miracles right before the eyes of millions of viewers. For several seasons, the project about amazing people has been demonstrating schoolchildren and very young children who can remember hundreds of numbers and words.

Magical abilities can be acquired by anyone. We will tell about the first steps on the way to unique success in our article.

Mnemonics (mnemonics): what is it and how to master

Mnemonics is the ability to quickly remember a large amount of information. Mnemonics are various techniques and methods that are used to develop the unique abilities of the brain.

A person who has mastered this technique quickly memorizes entire lists of words, long texts and strings of numbers. Adults and children, older and younger students successfully master these techniques.

The use of mnemonics in the development of children's speech has become widespread. Successfully applied mnemonics in kindergarten and school. This helps students to study successfully, to feel more confident in themselves.

Mnemonics for preschoolers

The acrostics that we learn with our children in childhood tell us that every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting. Why are we doing this? So that the child will forever remember all the colors of the rainbow.

There are little rhymes about how it goes, the bull sways, sighs on the go, oh the board ends, now I will fall. This poem is accompanied by a picturesque drawing in the book. At the same time, a wise mother will definitely show how the bull sways and sighs loudly, complementing the image with vivid emotions.

This is how mnemonics is involved in the development of the speech of preschoolers. The repetition of a rhyme about a bear that walks through the forest, collects cones, sings a song, with swaying and a clubfoot gait, complements the impression and strengthens the memory. Because auditory, visual, motor and emotional memory is included in the work.

For preschool children, many books are published with bright illustrations, as well as sliding, three-dimensional pictures. In such pictures, animals and heroes of the book move, they can be touched, moved. Such simple techniques of mnemonics are important for the development of speech and the ability to memorize a baby.

When playing with young children, invite them to memorize the location of the three cubes on the table. When the baby closes his eyes, swap them, and then offer them to return to their original position. Gradually increase the number of cubes and shorten the time during which the baby remembers the picture. These activities develop the visual memory of children if they are carried out 2-4 times in seven days.

Mnemonics for the development of memory of younger students

For younger students, mnemonics techniques are a real lifesaver. They help the child take a break from boring material, from long sitting without moving. After all, a growing organism is eager to jump up, run, jump, have fun.

Mathematical mnemonics rhymes make it easier to remember the rules.

Here are some examples:

Before the parenthesis I see a "plus",

I'm not afraid to make a mistake.

I leave all the signs

So I know the rules.

"Minus" will meet

Be careful!

The brackets open

Signs are changing!

To the opposite!

Having memorized such a rhyme, elementary school children will easily remember the rules for opening brackets, forever.

After lessons, it is useful to take children of primary school age to the backyard of the school and give them 15 minutes to breathe fresh air, suggesting that they carefully consider the surrounding park.

Upon returning to class, offer to remember how many trees grow in the right alley, how many in the left. At the next break, check who remembered the trees correctly.

If a foreign language is studied at school, it is useful to pronounce foreign words several times during a walk that describe what is around: the sun, sky, clouds, leaves, trees.

It is useful to play a game with two identical drawings. On one of them, you apply several squares, circles, rhombuses, until the students see your actions. Then you show them your drawing for 10-20 seconds. Children, remembering the icons, must draw them on a piece of paper. Letting your child rest and asking them to repeat the arrangement of the icons after a few hours is a useful activity and training for long-term memory.

Schoolchildren will remember the names of words in English well if they have a tea party and forbid them to speak Russian. That is, everyone can ask to give him bread, cake, tea, a cup in a foreign language. The game will include motor, emotional, visual and auditory memory.

If at the same time you move the desks into a circle, create a cozy homely atmosphere, the children will get new impressions and remember the information easily and for a long time. Information about tea drinking will now be associated with a pleasant evening.

Methods and techniques of mnemonics for schoolchildren

Teenagers are often interested in new knowledge about the world around them. Methods of working with the development of thinking involve various improvisations. Inviting a child to read a short technical note about some interesting research that goes beyond the curriculum and then discuss this information with him will be useful.

Pay attention to the numbers mentioned in the text, ask them to repeat. The text should not be hidden from the student. He will remember facts and figures, train his memory, learn to think, analyze, and also expand his horizons. This mnemonic lesson can take only 10 minutes, if repeated 3 times a week, it will bring a lot of benefits.

While studying mnemonics, the child is offered a game of association. To do this, they rely on the knowledge of the school curriculum. The student should draw some pictures on a blank sheet of paper, looking at which he can talk about what a “healthy lifestyle”, for example, or “capitalism” is. The next day, the child should express his thoughts only by looking at the drawing.

Mnemonics for the development of speech in children in kindergarten

The development of the speech of preschoolers is an important task for kindergarten teachers. They offer kids to guess simple riddles. Like the one who likes to dress in numerous clothes made of green leaves, round, salads are made from it. Of course it's cabbage. When is cabbage harvested? In autumn. What else is harvested in the fall? Tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, watermelons. The educator describes each vegetable in detail, indicating the shape, size and color. All together it is called: vegetables. Answer the question: What is it? Because inanimate (not alive, children say).

Folk tales, in which there are many repetitions, perfectly develop speech. For example, the tale of Kolobok. How Kolobok met with different animals in the forest, the teacher tells and repeats with the children: “I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I left the wolf, I left the bear, and I left the hare ...” So children remember new words. It is good to show a filmstrip on the screen and accompany the story with an appropriate picture.

If there is no filmoscope, large posters with bright pictures will do.

It is useful to play with children in edible and inedible. When an edible item is called, children should clap their hands.

A good game with children in the harvest and basket. They are given cards with drawings of vegetables or other items. The teacher gives the task to put in the basket only pictures with vegetables, edible items.

Children in kindergarten come up with a whole story about the turnip. One picture shows a house. This means that the turnip grows in the garden near the house. Two circles of different sizes indicate that the turnip is large. Triangle, Oval and Circle - we choose from these objects the shape of a turnip - a circle. So it's round.

Watercolor reminds that the turnip is yellow. The lips are drawn to express the taste of the turnip. The turnip is delicious. Many dishes are prepared from it. The palm will remind you whether the turnip is soft or hard to the touch. A drawing with a line of the earth will remind you of where the turnip grows - underground. The gas stove in the picture means that the turnip is edible and housewives love it, they cook porridge and salads from it.

In order for the children to talk about the turnip, the teacher drew several drawings, associations, looking at which the children talked about the different properties of the turnip. Thanks to these tips, graphic images, the children remembered all the qualitative characteristics of the turnip and learned many new words. They made complete sentences in the process of the story, asked questions.

Such an activity expands the vocabulary of kids, develops imaginative thinking and memory.

The lesson described is a vivid example of how the use of mnemonic techniques helps children develop thinking and strengthens their memory.

Many children today have a small vocabulary. They have difficulty putting words together into sentences. The correct pronunciation is broken. Children burr, lisp, there is imperfect logical thinking, poor attention, inability to concentrate on one thing.

At a younger age, visual-figurative memory predominates in children. Memorization is usually involuntary. Better kids remember those events, objects and facts, events that are close to their life experience.

Learning mnemonics facilitates memorization in kindergarten children, increases the volume of memories, forming additional associations.

Speech development is an important aspect of a child's mental development. Oral speech is directly related to the thought process. Mastering speech, the baby learns to correctly understand the speech of others, to coherently express his wishes and thoughts. Speech enables the child to talk about his experiences, feelings, reasoning, to establish a connection with the outside world. That is why it is so important.