Face care in winter. Care for sensitive skin in winter. Intensive nutrition and moisturizing

In winter, many suffer from dry skin. The level of humidity in the atmosphere drops, the air becomes cold and dry, and therefore moisture on the skin evaporates faster. The skin grundes, dehydrated and starts to peel. Woolen clothes, reliating on a naked body, also often causes skin irritation. In winter, our skin is undoubtedly needed special care and care. And so we have prepared for you some of the most effective advice on how to care for the skin in the winter.

Refuse hot bath

It is natural for us to warm in winter in a hot tub. But for the skin in the winter period there is nothing worse. Hot water opens the pores, which leads to the loss of moisture and the skin begins to dry faster. Although the hot shower helps to relax muscles, it, as a rule, dries the skin. If hot water makes blood to stick to the skin, then the cold sends it to the internal organs, thereby improving blood circulation. Also, reduce the time of taking the soul. The ideal option for the winter period is a contrasting shower, which helps to improve blood circulation and maintaining the health of the skin.

Good dress

Going out, hide the face, body and hair from frost. If most of the time you spend indoors, do not rely on the heaters, since they dried even more skin. It is better to put several layers of clothing to keep warm.

Also in winter it is good to use air humidifiers in the room. Do not wear woolen things on bare skin - wear light cotton things below. Next time, leaving the house, do not just wrap stewed - dress right.

Drink water and feel right

Often in winter we do not pay attention to drinking enough water. We rarely experience thirst in the cold. I want to drink or not, but in winter it is necessary to drink a sufficient amount of fluid and maintain a water balance in the body. The skin will not be healthy if the body is dehydrated. If the body is healthy, the skin will have a pleasant color. On average, you need to drink about 9-13 glasses of water per day. You can also consume products with a high water content. These are apples, bananas, oranges and carrots.

Use sunscreen

Most of us do not occur to use sunscreen in winter. But you know what? In winter, the skin also needs protection, like in the summer. Despite the fact that the thermometer shows, the sun's rays affect the skin is no less destructive. Ultraviolet rays are extremely harmful and can lead to wrinkles and risk of skin cancer. Keep your sunscreen at hand and apply it to open areas every time you leave the house. In winter, the skin is more sensitive to the Sun and requires special caution.


It is important to include peeling into mandatory skin care procedures in winter. It helps to clean the skin and increase the efficiency of moisturizing creams. Cells tend to dehydrate and die faster in winter. It is imperative to remove dead cells to free the place for new and healthy.

Peeling also helps clean the skin to enhance the effect of moisturizing creams. Make sure you use peeling at least two times a week. The exfoliation mainly includes cleansing and removing dead skin cells. Use scrubs with natural ingredients - fruit seeds, nuts, salts or sugar to get the best results.

Massage with hot oils

Hot oil massage is the best tool that our grandmothers has used. Heat some coconut oil and gently apply it on the scalp. Massay and cover your head with a hot towel. Couples with a towel will help oil better absorb and ensure the necessary humidity. Leave the mask for the night and wash the next morning. So that the hair was healthy and shiny in the winter, less often wash your head and do not turn on too hot water, otherwise it dries and hurt your hair.

Take care of your hands and legs

The skin on his arms and legs is the most vulnerable in winter. Hold it from frosts. Do not wet her too often. Washing out legs, apply a good nutrient foot cream on the feet and put on socks to keep moisture and make the skin of the legs soft and elastic. Buy an expensive hand cream and abundantly lubricate your hands. Keep it always with you and apply several times during the day to prevent dry skin. Going out, wear warm gloves and socks so that your arms and legs do not have frozen.

Body massage with good oil or body lotion immediately after the shower. It is best to use coconut oil. After you put the oil, laugh with a towel, but try not to rub the body too much, as it can cause irritation and rash (if you have sensitive skin). Body oils soothe and pull up the skin, and even can even reduce stretching. Thanks to the oil massage, your skin will remain silky, smooth and moisturible.

Love skin needs love (and moisturizing)

Cracked and dry lips are one of the most common problems in the winter season. During the cleaning of the teeth, massage the lips with a toothbrush - it will help to relax them and give them softness. Try not to bite your lips and regularly apply Vaseline lips on the skin. Magic homemade tool, which is indispensable in caring for the skin of the lips - this is oil GCH. It softens them and improves color. If you often use lipstick, erase it before bedtime and apply lip balms with natural ingredients or vaseline.

The main skin care in winter is moisturizing. All you need is that your skin felt good is a large amount of moisturizing agent that will help her avoid dehydration and reduce dryness and irritation. Moisturizing cream helps the skin maintain normal humidity. Always apply a moisturizing agent after the shower. Choose cream, perfectly suitable for your skin type, but first check how much the cream suits you before you buy it.

Winter is a dangerous time of the year for the skin of the face. Depending on the type (dry, oily, combined, sensitive), the skin to one degree or another is necessarily facing such problems as peeling, dullness and dilapidation. Among the recommendations of the skin care dermatologists in winter, a protective and nutritional cream serves as a separate front.

When choosing a better agent for adults and children, it is worth paying attention to the following aspects:

  1. Type of skin. Choose cream in accordance with your skin type for a better result. Contrary to the delusion that the fat epidermis does not need moistening and nutrition during winds and frosts, this type of skin, as well as other, is required daily quality care. As for dry and sensitive skin, the owners of such types of epidermis suffer in the cold, most of all. For them, nutrient cream is not a luxury or preventive measure, but paramount necessity.
  2. Structure. Cosmetologists emphasize that the cream must have a dense texture. Thus, he will be able to reliably protect the skin of the face from the temperature drops and the impacts of the wind. In addition, the cream is deeply moistened by the epidermis, and high quality skin cells with useful substances.
  3. Structure. In view of the thinning of the epidermis in winter it is necessary that the cream includes silicone components, vegetable oils, allantoin and panthenol, vitamins (A, C and E), glycerin, hyaluronic acid. They form a lipid protective layer film, nourish the skin, restore the epidermis, strengthen and moisturize it.

Since the market of leaving creams is filled in winter, we have drawn up the best products today, according toreviews of dermatology and ordinary users.

Best nutritious facial cream in winter

Power is necessary for all skin types without exception. The hydrolyphid layer of the epidermis acts as natural protection. In the warmth, due to the active work of the sebaceous glands, there is an independent replenishment of the lipid stock, while in the winter there is exhausted even among the representatives of the fatty skin of the skin, which is to say about dry epidermis. Salvation is a nutrient cream.

5 Himalaya Herbals Nourishing Skin Cream

Optimal for sensitive skin. Pronounced regenerating properties
Country: India
Average price: 142 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The best nutritional cream for sensitive skin is in the opinion of the buyers tool from Himala Herbals. It is a light and low-fat cream, which is suitable for daily application. It is intended to maintain the health and elasticity of the skin. Mildly moisturizes and feeds the epidermis. Aloe vera, pterocarpus, vitania and centela, possessing the soothing effect and preventing the formation of wrinkles. In addition, the cream is characterized by unique regenerating properties, antioxidant and antiseptic effect.

It is recommended to use the tool twice a day, causing massaging movements on the face. With regular use, the skin becomes velvety. The reviews focuses on the fact that the agent is especially relevant for the owners of the sensitive skin type. Does not cause allergic reactions.

4 Lirene Vita Oil "Perfect Smoothing"

For women after 35 years. Smoothes small wrinkles
Country: Poland.
Average price: 185 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Budget Polish Lirene Leveling Mark released Nutritious Vita-cream "Perfect Smoothing", which will be a find in winter for women after 35 years. The cream is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive. A double active complex, including vitamin C and grape oil, has the most powerful antioxidant effect, neutralizing free radicals, contributing to the activation of natural cell renewal and smoothing wrinkles.

According to the estimates of women who ordered to test the cream, its effectiveness is proved by the following indicators: improving the overall skin condition - by 92%; an increase in elasticity - by 85%; Elasticity increase - by 77%. The product also has moisturizing and softening properties; The peeling is eliminated, the complexion is aligned. Texture at the cream is oily, without a pronounced smell. 40 ml tube, judging by the reviews, is enough for a month of regular use.

3 Librederm "Aevit"

Best-seller. Integrated effect on the skin
Country Russia
The average price: 304 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The leader among nutrient creams are relevant to the use of winter - "Aevit" from Librederm. This is the most popular remedy by special demand, and that is why. This cream evenly moisturizes the epidermis and contributes to the restoration of skin elasticity. Vitamin A, the key component, promotes the synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the beauty and freshness of the face. Also, vitamin A is involved in the regulation of the work of the sebaceous glands, so the cream with its inclusion in the composition has a positive effect on the fight against acne rashes.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that slows down the process of aging and stimulating estrogen formation. As a result, the swelling of the face is eliminated. Regular application of the means supports the water-lipid balance and improves blood circulation. Users in reviews speak of expressed tonic and regenerating properties of cream, which are so important in winter.

2 Natura Siberica "Nutrition and Moisturizing"

Leader feedback
Country Russia
The average price: 366 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Cream from Siberica Nature is known at least, due to many positive reviews on the Internet. The organic cosmetics of this brand traditionally differs in safe components - wild herbs and flowers. Cream is most preferred for dry skin. Directed on the nutrition and deep moistening of the epidermis, an increase in elasticity, moisture retention. As part of the extract of wild-growing Aralia Manchurian, vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, vegetable ceramides.

Users in reviews mention that the cream does not contain parabens, silicones, mineral oils and other elements that could negatively affect the health of the skin. An additional advantage is the protection against UV rays (SPF 20), which are malicious even in winter.

1 Missha Time Revolution Nutritious Cream

The best moisturizer. A rich composition
Country: South Korea
The average price: 2 950 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Nutrient cream from one of the most popular Korean cosmetic brands - Missha, - will be salvation for dry skin in winter, it will moisturize the deepest layers of the epidermis and completely eliminate the peeling. Immediately after absorbing, the skin becomes a velvety-pepper and perfectly even on the tone, the faces applied noticeably. The cream slows down the process of aging tissues due to nutrition and smoothing only emerging wrinkles.

Missha Time Revolution Nutritious Cream boasts a rich list of useful components in the composition: proteins, vitamins, various minerals of micro- and macroelements. Polyglutamic acid, sorbitol, soybean extract and lentils, macadamia oils, coconut, Shea - all this is the best components of natural origin, moisturizing skin. Vitamins E and B3 will extend the youth of the epidermis. And the chamomile and lavender will give the radiance and tone to the fabrics. The cream can also become a wonderful basis for makeup.

Best protective face creams from temptation

The protective oriental cream is designed to create a thin film on the skin, thanks to which it will be possible to protect your face from winds and negative temperatures. Silicone components merge with the corneum layer of the epidermis, forming a barrier that warns the evaporation of moisture in cells. Protective creams from this category are the best in its segment.

5 Biocon "Winter Care"

Wide use. Economical flow
Country Ukraine
The average price: 146 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.4

Cream "Winter Care" from biocon has widespread and simply found it in stores. The cosmetic means demonstrates high results in the fight against the drying of the epidermis in the cold months, intensely feeding the skin. Cream protects the face from frost (up to -40 degrees) and wind by replenishing the useful substances and elements. The composition is enriched with natural oil oils (carite), cotton, peach, flax seed oil, vitamin F, panthenol and olive oil.

As a result of the regular application of the cream, how users assure user feedback, the skin remains high qualityly moisturized even in bad weather. There is a decrease in irritation. The tool prevents the loss of moisture. The cream grabs almost the season. Consumption, therefore, can be called quite economical. Thanks to UV filters (SPF 12), the epidermis is protected from solar radiation. This is a kind of prevention of premature aging.

4 VITEX "Winter Care"

Instant protection effect
Country: Belarus
Average price: 145 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The remedies of the Belarusian brand VITEX is recognized as the best among protective creams according to the survey results. This cream, as it becomes clear from the title, protects the skin of the face from the whims of the weather. The tool is intended for daily care. Efficiency provides a safe composition based on a complex of vegetable oils - jojoba, shea, sesame, etc. These components contribute to rapid regeneration of skin, which is extremely relevant in winter - you can forget about redness, irritation, peeling and dryness.

The cream is recommended to be applied during the day. So, in the morning use, you can count on the creation of a thin elusive eye of an airtight film that reliably protect the skin from aggressive environmental impact. Night application will provide recovery of epidermis, and if you apply the cream after taking a bath or soul, the tool will prevent dehydration. The reviews emphasize that after the first use, the skin acquires softness and smoothness.

3 nanocetra "from frostbite and temptation"

Creates a barrier protecting dehydration and low temperatures
Country Russia
The average price: 200 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Hypoallergenic protective cream from frostbite and temptation "nanocenter", which included vitamins and oils, is an excellent budget option for sensitive skin. The manufacturer has developed a Frostcare complex, which is a simulation of a barrier similar to the natural epidermal mantle on the skin of a person consisting of sebum, sweat, horny scales and microorganisms, which protects tissues from dehydration (dehydration) and low temperatures.

Grape bone oil is one of the few nutrient and moisturizing oils that does not block pores, is not comedy. Remove redness and inflammation, to launch the regenerative process will help vitamin B5 and E, the latter, by the way, is known as natural antioxidant with softening and moisturizing qualities. A big advantage will be the absence of petroleum products, parabens, animal fats and dyes.

2 Nivea "Nutritious Day Cream"

Intensive nutrition. SPF protection
Country: Germany
The average price: 218 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Nourishing cream from the field is designed for dry and sensitive skin type. This German brand cream is recommended to use during the daytime, however, some prefer nightly applying. A distinctive feature of the agent is a formula enriched with almond oil, and Hydra IQ technology. The cream intensively nourishes the epidermis, leaving the sensation of softness on the face. According to the reviews, the skin is deeply moistened, becomes velvety and shining. In addition, the composition is aimed at protecting the dermis from ultraviolet rays, which pose a threat to the skin, including in winter.

In the comments, users refer to the cream of the skin of the skin in the winter season. Those who suffer from dehydration of the epidermis, peeling, dilapidation and irritation in the cold months, buyers are recommended to apply this composition regularly, and soon to make sure of its high efficiency.

1 Dermosil Winter Face

Best PH level adjustment. Perfectly restores
Country: Finland
The average price: 1 000 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The cream created in Finland, a country where the frosts do not know about frosts, imagined the best protective components of natural origin, which in addition nourish the cells of the epidermis. Also, the cream is capable of adjusting the pH level. The manufacturer declares that Dermosil Winter Face is effective even the coldest winter at temperatures before -30. The texture of the cream is dense, well distributed, with a vanilla fragment, which quickly disappears. It is realized in a tube of 50 ml with a narrow nap, economically outstanding the required amount of product.

The reviews often write that the cream is perfectly restored and soothes the already weathered, damaged skin of the face, and this is true, because in the list of ingredients you can find anti-inflammatory components, for example, flax and tocopherol acetate. By the way, the tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) has the glory of a strong antioxidant fighting with wrinkles and lethargy of tissues.

Best children's face cream in winter

Gentle children's skin needed additional protection. With the onset of cold weather, doctors recommend to lubricate the face with a protective composition that warns the appearance of irritation on the skin, peeling and dryness. The funds presented in the category have made the greatest number of positive feedback from parents and pediatrician doctors.

5 frost "Ruddy cheeks"

Reliable defense for the best price
Country Russia
Average price: 55 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The cream against the temples from frost "Ruddy cheeks" is a reliable protection of the kid from the first days of life. This cream is different from other nominees rating the lowest price. Another important argument in favor of acquiring a fund is his hypoallergenicity. The cream produced in a 50 ml bottle is tested and recommended by pediatricians.

Thanks to the useful components (bee wax, coconut and castor oil, vitamins A and E, chamomile,allantoin et al. ) The faces of children are qualitatively protected from wind and cold. The composition ensures the regeneration of cells and prevents irritation, as a result of applying, the skin softens and calms down. Users consider cream safe and efficient. In feedback, parents note that this cream quickly removes redness and eliminates peeling.

4 Natura Siberica "Little Polar"

Effective at the lowest temperatures
Country Russia
Average price: 180 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Children's protective cream for the "Little Polarist" face from Siberica's nature is a hypoallergenic agent that can be applied from birth. The cream is a special value for kids born in the winter. The gentle children's skin from the first walks is subjected to drops of temperature, frost and wind, and it is this cream that has managed to establish itself as highly efficient and reliable - verified in Siberia at -50 degrees.

The tool includes organic cedar oil, calendula extract, shea oil. At the same time, there are no mineral oils, flavors, parabens and dyes. The cream has a moisturizing effect, relieves "frosty" irritation of the skin and redness, fighting effectively with peeling. Reviews are noted that 75-millilitone cream is recommended to apply a rich and thick layer on open areas of the face and kids handles at about half an hour before going to walk.


Best Nourishing Cream for Children
Country: Germany
The average price: 230 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Buckchen cream is suitable for children from birth.Ph-neutral skin Designed to stabilize moisture content and prevent its loss. The main thing - there are no mineral oils, preservatives and dyes that interfere with the skin breathe and violate natural metabolic processes. Their presence of the article causes the blockage of pores and as a result of irritation and dermatitis. The protective cream coming on sale in a 75 ml bottle is enriched with panthenol, natural vegetable butter, beeswax, vitamin E and almond oil. These components contribute to the epidermis and high-quality hydration.

Review users positively evaluate the useful properties of the cream. This nutrient is warning irritation by creating a light airproof protective film. The cream definitely recommends that the parents of newborns, noting the prevention of the tempering of gentle children's skin.

2 Babycoccole "Protective Winter"

Immunomodulatory properties. Hypoallergen
Country: Italy
The average price: 460 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Italian brand Babycoccole is famous for the manufacture of products, it seeks to use the best hypoallergenic components, which is very important for newborns whose skin is especially sensitive. The composition is completely spilled from gross surfactants, alcohol, dyes and preservatives. The texture of the cream is rather fat, so the product needs quite a bit, because of this tube volume 100 ml, it is guaranteed to be enough for the entire season of frosts.

Oatmeal beta-glucan is an immunomodulator, it is like never by the way in winter when immunity is seriously weakening. Almond protein regulates the protein equilibrium of the cells of the epidermis and gives supersighness without creating films. The flaxseed oil contained in the cream is the source of vitamin F, which acts as a healing and anti-inflammatory tool, which will help in a situation if Babycoccole "Protective Winter" was not printed in advance on the face and the skin has already frost.

1 TOPFER "To protect against wind and bad weather"

Natural composition
Country: Germany
The average price: 700 rubles.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Topfer "To protect against wind and bad weather" is a children's nutritious cream balm of German quality. The feature of the cream is that it uses only environmentally friendly raw materials, laboratory control. All components, to one, have a natural origin, which makes the cream of the best choice for children from the very first days of life. And his sweet cream fragrance accurately like the crumbs.

Surprises a lot of moisturizing oils involved by the manufacturer: meadow Pennica, Sunflower, Olives, Almond, Shi, Jojoba. Immediately after absorbing, the epidermis of the child becomes soft by adjusting the pH level. Rosemary extracts, calendula and wheat remove inflammation. It was not without vitamin E - the main component of any leaving and protective cream. Topfer "To protect against wind and bad weather" will be appropriate not only in winter, but also for everyday use.

- This is a whole science that you have to master. In this article, you will learn how to determine the sensitive skin, the common causes of irritation on the skin, "prohibited" for you cosmetic ingredients, and of course find useful tips on care for sensitive skin in winter, in spring and summer!.

Sensitive skin care

You are annoyed to redness, rash and other manifestations of skin hypersensitivity. But what annoys the skin itself? The answer to this question is half of the success in eliminating the problem of hypersensitivity.

How sensitive do you have the skin of the face, it is quite difficult to determine, because every person with sensitive skin reacts in different ways to various triggers in a different period of time - and again under different circumstances (stress, insomnia, etc.) One person may experience in The answer to the toxic plant is only easy irritation, while the other can be covered with blisters. It is very important to understand what types of triggers cause you an undesirable reaction.

Determination of irritants

Perhaps the biggest problem when working with sensitive skin is that the reaction is extremely difficult to predict. Whether it is a sudden appearance of acne in adulthood or, it is important to identify triggers, and then develop an individual strategy to eliminate symptoms and prevent reactions. Never be lazy to make an appointment to a dermatologist or a cosmetologist.

In general, there are three general categories of skin stimuli, they are easy to determine independently:

  1. Weather factors. Seasonal changes, first of all, sharp temperature difference, exacerbate the skin hyperreactivity. When humidity falls in winter, the skin loses its natural moisture barrier, which leads to inflammation. In the summer, the sun can dry the skin, and allergies even cause painful rashes.
  2. Household factors. The use of household cleaners and detergents containing in addition to toxic detergents of fragrances and preservatives cause a reaction of hypersensitivity. There can also include the influence of the irritating ingredients of cosmetics for skin care.
  3. Lifestyle factors. For example, the habit of taking a hot shower can deprive the skin of its external protective layer (weaken the hydrolynted mantle), which makes it vulnerable to external stimuli or infection. Also, high temperatures have a negative effect on the vessels, therefore steam and hot water are contraindicated with cooperose or. Bathing in chlorinated pools can also die out of the skin moisture, which leads to the reaction of hypersensitivity.

Basics of Sensitive Skin Care: Cosmetics and Habits

By eliminating risk factors, take on the revision of cosmetics for skin care. Despite the individual nature of hypersensitivity and diversity of symptoms, there are some common methods of treating and care for sensitive skin. Understanding which ingredients are annoying your skin, and which it tolerates calmly and even favorably, is crucial to care for sensitive skin.

Always pay attention to the products that are labeled "Fragance Free", that is, "without flavors". On the other hand, ingredients are welcome, such as oats extracts, chamomile and aloe vera, which are able to calm the inflamed skin. Always remember that the reaction to the action of a particular ingredient is very individual.

Unfortunately, some people get an allergic reaction to "100% natural" components, such as chamomile. To be accurate, the reaction occurs only on one ingredient of this plant - azelain, which is widespread in cosmetology. "Sudden" allergies to Azelain is only one example of a thousand, for this reason, before trying the new product on the face, test it on the elbow bending for several days.

Taking into account the foregoing, choosing cosmetics for sensitive skin, one should be guided by the principle of "better smaller and better". It is worth fear of excessive use of cosmetics. Applying several products, in an attempt to correct the reaction of hypersensitivity, often aggravates the problem. Excessive amounts of cosmetics layers can aggravate hypersensitivity, strengthen redness and inflammation.

People with sensitive skin should avoid coarse mechanical scrubs, as well as concentrated chemical peels, which can cause persistent inflammation and even burn. The exfoliation is carried out only with soft gummage no more than once a week. Do not use a hard towel. Get a special soft towel for the face that it is worth changing.

Care of sensitive skin with cooperosis

When Cupperose, it is important to clean correctly. First, do not use the foam gels - they dry the skin, it is better to wash soft emulsion or milk. Also, you should not wipe the face with Tonic - it's better to wash. Never wash hot water.

The order in which you apply care products also affects their effectiveness, especially if you use prescription drugs in combination with other care products. American dermatologist Susan Taylor recommends the following program:

  • Step 1: Clear the traditional detergent and gently blocked the face with a cotton soft towel
  • Step 2: Apply a medicine on the skin as indicated in the instructions.
  • Stage 3: Apply on the face at first moisturizing, and then - sunscreen
  • Stage 4: Apply makeup.

Sensitive skin care in winter

  • Avoid sudden temperature drops, do not go out
  • Do not go to the cold immediately after using creams: it is worth waiting for 30 minutes (and better an hour), while the tool does not fit well.
  • Protect your face from cold and wind - hair, hood, scarf or car.
  • From the care of care, add ultrapure night cream with sphingolipids (ceramides) for winter; It is even better to make nutritious masks on the face of the neck and neckline at least once a week.

Stick up these concise rules - and your face skin will move well in winter!

Sensitive Skin Care Spring

In spring, the skin of the face is most of all the problem of avitaminosis, so in addition to the basic rules for care, it is worth feeding the skin from the inside. Indeed, the choice of means and ingredients for skin care must be taken seriously - however, a daily diet may not affect sensitive skin. Some products, such as white flour and sugar, increase the level of inflammation, and the reduction of these products in the diet can bring some relief - it works on this principle.

On the other hand, a balanced diet, saturated with fresh fruits and vegetables, with regular use of fish and seafood can benefit your skin, eliminating inflammation, excess dryness and itching. It is extremely important for a good skin condition to eat fatty sea fish - salmon, mackerel, herring. It has long been proven that fish oil improves symptoms of eczema, and in some studies, psoriasis.

Survey Sensitive Skin Care

The diet for sensitive skin is easier and more pleasant to be observed in the summer, however, remember: sensitive skin is afraid of extreme temperatures. This means that heat and active sun you need to be afraid no less than the cold. Naturally, use sunscreens with SPF at least 30 (and better - 50), updating them every 2-3 hours.

Care of sensitive skin by folk remedies

The plant ingredients are widely used not only in folk recipes for care, but also in modern cosmetology. It is clear that both in the other plants show the same effect, only its degree depends.

Cosmetic ingredients that are well tolerated with sensitive skin, telegangioctasis, rosacea - escine (horse chestnut extract), licorice root extract (licorice). Oddly enough, many people suffering from Cooperozom are complaining about cosmetics containing the Scarlet Vera, so it is worth considering this fact, component "home first-aid kit."

A good anti-inflammatory effect is provided by a series, chamomile, however, taking into account the potential danger of Azulena, it is worth conducting an improvised allergocation on the bending of the elbow.

Face care should be year-round, without vacation and weekends. But in each season it follows it in a special way. Most of the face suffers in winter. Therefore, since November, it is necessary to change the daily rituals for the care of it, using another care for cosmetics and introducing additional procedures. And then the skin will not deliver any problems at a particular point and will retain health to the perspective.

Winter is stress for the whole body, and for a person especially. After all, only it does not cover anything when entering the street and takes on the whole "blow." What three main aggressive factors harm the face of the face in winter?


At low temperatures, vessels are narrowed. And capillaries, which are already quite narrow, cannot deliver useful substances to the surface layers of the epidermis. Because of this, the skin is deprived of nutrition and begins to lose its properties: it fills, acquires a grayish color, peeling.

Frost with wind - an even more dangerous mixture. Ice microcrystallines scratch unprotected skin, temporarily lost the possibility to regenerate. And the more time you spend on the frosty wind, the worse the face looks like: it is peeling, blushes and annoyed.

Temperature differences

When entering the room, we warm, but the skin is not easier from this. After all, the transition from heat into the cold is sharp enough, and the temperature difference may exceed 30 degrees. And the tingling of the face at the entrance to a warm place is nothing but a sharp extension of blood vessels and an increase in blood circulation. But it does not save the situation, because the strengthened work of "flawed" the sebaceous glands provokes an excess amount of skin.

Dry air

Even even a day to spend at home, without going to the cold, all the same, the skin will suffer. Batteries and air conditioners operating at maximum drain the air strongly. The skin is lacking moisture and also becomes dry and lifeless. It flakes and zudit. In this case, the home humidifier of the air perfectly helps.

Daily face care

To minimize risks and keep the skin healthy in the winter, you need to maintain its natural state. And the main rule of care is regularity. That is, follow the listed tips you need every day, not missing any procedure. It is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to enter this rhythm and get used to it.


Overnight, skin rests and restores, but its pores are still contaminated with dust from the pillow and the secret of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is necessary to wash to clean the face. This procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Wash hands with soap.
  2. Moisten a little water face.
  3. Apply gel for washing. How to choose to choose, I wrote in an article about how to choose a means for washing. Fasting it.
  4. Apply the resulting foam on the face, paying special attention to the forehead, nose and chin.
  5. Fit foaming foam water temperature.

Ideal to wash boiled water for washing, because in plumbing a lot of harmful trace elements that are additionally dried skin. Wash the morning in the morning and in the evening.


This procedure is aimed at narrowing the pores and neutralization of the negative impact on the skin of water from under the tap. It is carried out after washing. For tones, you can use a conventional ice cube prepared from distilled water. It is necessary to hold them through massage lines of the face. Additionally, it is also hardening the skin, having prepared it to exit the street.

You can also use purchased tools - tonic. They are different, but for winter it is better to choose a tonic with a note "feeding", "moisturizing" or "matting".


For winter, you need to choose the maximum dense cream with a moisturizing effect. But before buying, see that it corresponds to your skin type. How to determine your skin type, I wrote in a separate article. It is also applied through massage lines. You must not forget about the neck and zone of the neckline, since in the winter they need additional care.

Important! Apply a moisturizing cream on the face should not be later than half an hour before the release of the frost. Otherwise, the moisture will not have time to absorb, and there is a risk of leather supercooling.

After applying a moisturizing cream, you can make makeup.


This important stage can be left for the evening. After washing the cosmetics, wash and toning, you must apply a night nutritious cream on the face, which will help to fill the stock of vitamins and useful trace elements. He must also match your skin type.

Additional care

In addition to daily care in winter, the skin requires additional nutrition and protection. To do this, periodically you need to use masks and serums that can be bought in the store or cook at home. I offer several remedies for maintaining the skin in the winter.

Nourishing mask

The skin in winter often becomes overwhelmed. And even the fat cream does not always save the situation. In this case, you can make a mask according to the following recipe:

  • yogurt without additives (1 tbsp);
  • butter (1 tbsp.);
  • 1 yolk;
  • any unpaid honey (1 tsp).

Mix all and apply on the face, bypassing the area around the eyes. After 15 minutes, the mask will dry a little, and it can be washed with warm boiled water.


If it is planned to enter the light and you need to somehow refresh my face, and give it a healthy appearance, you can prepare an effective dairy serum:

  1. 200 ml of fresh milk pour into an enameled saucepan and put on fire.
  2. After boiling gas.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. Lemon juice (milk will come) and start stirring.
  4. Remove from fire after a minute of heating.
  5. Cool and strain through gauze.

The resulting serum wipe the face after washing and before applying the cream. Elasticity will be back to the skin, peeling will go, minor wrinkles will be accessed. Store serum needed in the refrigerator not more than 3 days.

Delicate scrub

Although the skin in the winter and flakes, completely dead particles are not falling off. And 1-2 times a week need to be comprehended to remove them. To do this, you can use the home scrub, which is done very simply:

  1. Handful of oat flakes grind in a coffee grinder or in a mortar.
  2. Pour a small amount of milk so that it turned out to be Cashier.
  3. Apply a mixture on the face, distributing it with your fingers with massage movements.
  4. Wash warm water.

Oatmeal flakes are very gently, so there will be no damage to the skin. More coarse natural abrasives (coffee thickness, fastening bones of berries) can be used to deteriorate only for other parts of the body.

If you decide to carry out the procedure to the purchase agent, then buy a peeling, not a scrub. Since it is much softer and does not injure the skin of the face. Scrub can only be used for body skin.

Salon treatments

If there is time and the possibility, in the winter you can regularly visit the beauty salon, so that experts follow the condition of the skin. In addition, in the cold season, there is little ultraviolet, so it is an excellent opportunity to make such procedures that are undesirable in summer due to a large number of sun.

Vitamin injection

In winter, you can feed your skin with hyaluronic acid and bioactive additives. As a result, even after one such procedure, the skin is substantially toned, it looks younger, it becomes natural. Only injections should be done in a proven clinic with all certificates and licenses in order not to risk their beauty and health.


For those who have long wanted to make chemical salon peeling, winter is the ideal time of year due to the absence of ultraviolet. Still, after the peeling on the cold, it's not as scary as it appears in the sun. Because ultraviolet rays can provoke burns.

What is good professional cabin peeling? He erases various defects from the face: from acne to small wrinkles, lines the complexion, contributes to the refreshment of the skin. The procedure is shown to women after 30 years.

Ozone therapy

The procedure is carried out to normalize exchange processes in deep layers of epidermis, water balance restoration and stimulation of collagen synthesis. Ozone therapy allows to improve cell permeability, which increases the efficiency of used creams and masks. In winter, this is especially important that the active ingredients are better penetrated into the skin, saturated with its valuable trace elements.

Facial massage

This procedure remains useful at any time of the year. It improves blood circulation, smoothes wrinkles and improves oval faces. Massage is recommended to do after 30 years.

Attention! The need for certain procedures is determined by the beautician. It also determines the frequency of visiting the cabin.

Leather care rules (video)

From the video, you will learn about the basic rules and errors of the winter skin care.

Winter face care should continue throughout the entire period until the thermometer is raised at least up to -5 degrees. From this point on, it will be possible to gradually move away from enhanced moistening and focus on nutrition. Because spring is characterized by vitaminosis, and the skin suffers from it no less than the whole organism.

Ricla Winter, and with it and dryness, tightness of the skin, dim color. Low temperatures, wind, snow and rain - severe stress for delicate skin of the face, because it "under the blow" in any weather. And if there is no way to go away from nature changes, then help the skin to survive difficult times quite by us. We will tell you what to pay attention primarily when planning the skin care in the winter season.

Care remains former?

In general, the home care system remains the same as at any other time of the year. Its mandatory items are cleansing, food, moisturizing. And if in the summer we focus on protecting the skin from, then in the cold season you need to increase the number of jackets with moisturizing creams and nutritional masks.

What to pay special attention to?

Moisturizing the skin of the face in winter

The most important thing in winter is to protect the skin from the unfavorable environmental impact. Moreover, it is not only about winter natural cataclysms. Of course, a long stay on the street under strong wind and in the frost cannot but affect the health of the skin. However, if you spend a lot of time indoors, dry air conditioned air affects the skin is no better. How to be?

As a rule, in winter we all strive to get home and hide from the cold. Therefore, the watch of our stay on the street in the cold is very limited. If you work in an office or any other room, spend most of the day there, the question of skin moisturizing is particularly relevant for you. With the beginning of the heating season, air humidity decreases. In winter, it is equal to 15-20% (for comparison, in the desert relative humidity of air and more - 25%). In summer, the same indicator increases to 60%. Rooms in winter are almost not ventilated, and the skin can no longer get the required amount of moisture from the environment. Such drops cannot but affect the health of the skin, so it starts to dry, you feel the depths, and this leads to the appearance of wrinkles and early aging of the skin.

For lovers of winter walks

Many walk, travel or just spend a lot of time on the street in the cold? Then you should review your daily care and give preference to a fat cream. He will create a film that will be a barrier between your skin and unfavorable manifestations of the environment. Applying it every time before going out of the house, you will provide yourself with the necessary protection for the whole day spent on the frosty air. However, you should not consider the fat cream by Panacea from all the troubles. Upon returning home you need to wash off, because in ordinary, not stressful for the skin of the face, it will only score pores.

Dry skin in winter: Is it true that the skin changes its type in winter?

Many girls believe that in winter their skin from oily or combined, for example, in dry. It's a delusion. Due to the negative impact of the environment, our skin simply becomes land, no cardinal changes happen to it. And it is necessary to care for her to continue, as for fat / combined, just make focus on moisturizing, food and protection from the cold.

Face skin cream in winter: What should be in the composition?

Components, preferred in winter-use creams, are divided into two groups:

  1. Those that slow down the process of evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin.
  2. Those that take moisture from the environment, thereby filling the skin itself.

As we have already figured out that there is little in the street that in the air-conditioned indoor room in the winter, therefore the first components will be preferable. Applying cream with butter (Carite) or avocado on the skin, you create the thinnest film on the face, which prevents the evaporation of moisture. Also, the cream must have in its composition vitamins to provide additional feeding the skin. For example, Vitamin E will help the skin with dignity to survive cold, improving blood circulation and removing all inflammation, peeling and irritation.

And what should not be there?

Very undesirable in the cream for winter care of the face Mineral oil, Vaseline and paraffin. If you know that you spend on a strong frost for a few hours, then such a cream may well help experience this time without significant moisture losses, as it will create a film on the face, beyond the wind and frost. But to use it constantly - it means to do worry their skin to become unable to retain moisture.

Basic rules for cleaning the skin of the face in winter

If in the winter after washing, you feel discomfort, which did not occur when using the same means in the summer, it makes sense to look at softer cleansing means. For example, if you have a combination skin and in the summer you used the cleansing gel for oily, combined skin, and in winter redness and peeling often appear on the face, then try to wash the cream gel or foam for sensitive skin.

Additional home care

In winter, it makes sense to supplement its basic leaving serum and masks to support the skin in this difficult period. Moisturizing and nutritious masks can be made 2-3 times a week. And serum (with oils, rich linoleic acid and containing valuable omega-3 fatty acids) undergo courses, the longest is 3 months. After take a break for at least 4 weeks.

What to go to the salon?

Winter is the time for deep chemical peels and biorevitalization. The main task of the peelings is to update the skin, remove the top layer of the epidermis and stimulate the growth of new cells. After such a procedure, the process of humidifying the skin will be much better. And biograpalization (injection of hyaluronic acid) will save from the appearance of a vascular grid, which often appears on the face in the cold. Relevant in winter and massage, although it can be done all year round. The procedure improves blood circulation, and, consequently, feeding the skin.

And what can be done at home?

At home, nutritious masks based on cottage cheese, banana or honey will be useful. Whatever you choose the recipe, it is recommended to add a couple of droplets of any oil to enhance the mask effect.

Curd mask nourishes perfectly, cleans the skin, makes it smooth, eliminates redness and peeling. Take 2 tablespoons of low-fat curds and squeeze it well with two yolks. Add 2 teaspoons in a mixture with a strong welding or as many lemon juice. Apply a mask on a clean face and after 25 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Banana mask moisturizes the skin of the face. To make her cooking, it is necessary to smash a quarter of a banana, beat with a nutritional cream (teaspoon), lemon juice and olive oil (3 drops).

What else will help the skin?

It is necessary to moisturize the skin not only with the help of creams and masks, but also from the inside. Drink more pure water without gas, this will have a positive effect not only at the work of all organs without exception, but also on the appearance of the skin. It may be necessary to drink even more than in the summer - but the result will not make himself wait, and in the mirror you will see a clean, shining face.

Get the habit with the beginning of the heating season include an air humidifier. It will help bring the moisture indicator to the ideal - 60% (as in the summer with open windows). With this condition, your skin will cease to lose moisture.

How to help the skin of the body to survive the cold?

Not only our face needs special care in winter. Pay attention to the delicate skin of the neck and zone neckline - from dry air and constant contact with spiny sweaters this area may be annoyed. Each evening, apply fat cream and easily rub it with massage movements - so you calm down and have skin. It is worth abandoning too hot water in the bath, soul or simply when washing hands, and be sure to apply the cream for hands after washing and before going out. Do not forget about the moisturizing balm or milk for the body - with regular use, they give the skin not only smoothness and elasticity, but also additionally moisturize that it will enjoy closer to the summer to enjoy the results, and not urgently eliminate the consequences of winter cold weather.

Illustrator: Anastasia Lehman