Decoration of facades of houses and country cottages. New Year's decoration of the facade

Art. С2015-4 Art. С2015-1 Art. S2015-6
Size: 150x240 Size: 250x200 Size: 160x230
Price: 24 320 rubles / piece. Price: RUB 31 600 / pcs. Price: 28 500 rubles / piece.

The tradition of New Year's decoration of building facades came to us from Western countries and has become very popular. With the onset of December days, everyone is waiting for the city to begin to transform. After all, it is the lively twinkling New Year's lights that create a festive atmosphere, give positive emotions and raise the mood.

New Year's decoration of building facades

New Year's decoration of facades is especially important for owners of firms, shops, trade pavilions, boutiques, salons, restaurants, since today the competition in the market for goods and services is very high, and it is important to be ahead of competitors. A bright, originally decorated facade allows not only to attract attention, but also to promote the brand.

Night falls early in winter, so it is important to make buildings attractive in the dark so they can be seen from afar. The striking facade will attract the attention of both passers-by and passing motorists. The most popular today is the LED design. Illumination turns out to be bright, expressive, and at the same time economical and safe, as it has increased moisture and frost resistance.

In addition, today the buyer has access to a wide variety of ready-made lighting solutions and the possibility of making decorations according to an individual project, which can be ordered at the studio of Anastasia Danilova.

Our company directly cooperates with the Russian enterprise for the production of festive and thematic LED structures "Decoration Plant". Together we implement ideas of any complexity and scale as soon as possible, since the plant is located in Moscow, has a powerful material and technical base and works using the most advanced technologies in lighting design.

The products of the plant are distinguished by high durability, reliability, and increased service life. Even the decorations of the budget category are equipped with high-quality materials and professional lighting equipment that is resistant to voltage fluctuations and the negative effects of external factors. As a result, our clients receive unique products of the European level in all respects.

A fairly economical solution is to choose flat LED shapes, for example, snowflakes, stars. These can be both options for a standard sample, and models of individual design (advertising and congratulatory inscriptions, etc.)

More interesting is the design of the facade with LED garlands, for example, a grid or hanging rains with flowing colors, a smooth rise and fall of brightness. The running LED line also looks original. It can contain both advertising information and the words of congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas.

Frame compositions decorated with LED illumination also attract attention. They are attached to canopies, hung over the entrance, and placed on the roof if the building is no more than two stories high. These can be figures of Santa Claus or Santa Claus, winter animals or other New Year's paraphernalia, for example, balls, gift boxes and other elements.

A whole building, which is owned, or a leased part of it, where a retail space is located, can be formalized. If the building is decorated entirely, then special attention is paid to the entrance group, windows and contours. If only a certain area is subject to registration, then the emphasis is on the entrance and showcases.

New Year's decoration of the facades of country houses

Recently, services for the New Year's decoration of facades have become popular among residents of country houses. Following Western traditions, cottage owners also strive to prepare their site for the holidays, to make it bright and original, especially if the house is located in a prestigious village, where everyone is trying to stand out from the neighbors.

Illumination is also used here. Walls, canopies, windows, balconies - everything is decorated with LED garlands. For decoration, one color can be chosen (white, yellow, blue) or a wide range of colors, which makes the facade burn with all sorts of shades.

Garlands in the form of icicles, rains, flat figures look beautiful: snowflakes, stars, bells, etc.

Services for New Year's decoration of facades

Lighting design of facades is a job for professionals, as it involves many complexities and nuances. This is knowledge of fastening technologies, and high-rise work, and competent wiring, and connection of equipment to the network. Our company is ready to continue its services for you in the design of facades of both corporate buildings and private houses. For New Year's decoration, we use all sorts of options that are most suitable for the price:

  • complete framing of the facade (contour lighting);
  • decoration of certain areas;
  • placing emphasis on important areas.

The specialists of our company will develop a design project taking into account all the architectural features of your building and will offer the best option for decorating its facade.


So the time has come when there are only a few days left before the New Year, and you already want everything in the house to be filled with a festive atmosphere of the most magical time of the year

Let's not waste another second and start decorating the house, turning this activity into an exciting adventure for the whole family. What is needed for this? Good mood, desire to dream up and, of course, own hands.

There are many ideas and options on how to decorate a house for the New Year, but we will offer you only the best. You will learn how to decorate the house outside, inside, and you will also see master classes telling how to make DIY Christmas decorations.

We decorate the facade of a house or the door of an apartment

Start decorating your home outside for the New Year holidays, so you create a festive mood not only for yourself, but also for the people around you.

The facade of your home can be decorated with lighting. Among the most popular are:

light panel, LED bulbs and ribbons. Such decoration of the facade, especially in the evening, creates a truly New Year's mood.

A beautiful light complement to the facade

Christmas decoration of the facade

If you have an apartment, then you can arrange the front door and windows. Usually, the door is complemented with spruce branches or decorative wreaths, and the windows with snowflakes cut from paper.

The front door will become more attractive if it is decorated in a New Year's way.

You can create a festive mood by making a beautiful wreath of cones with your own hands.

It turns out that making a festive wreath that can be placed on the door or inside the apartment is easy and simple. We are watching a detailed video master class.

The windows in the apartment will look more attractive if they are supplemented with New Year's toys cut out of paper.

We decorate the interior of the house

When decorating the interior of an apartment, keep in mind that the colors used must be combined, otherwise you will not get harmony.

Red, green and white go well

Let's watch a video master class that will tell you how to simply decorate the windows and window sill of an apartment.

Decorate the pillows with ribbons in red, green, or other vibrant colors for extra flamboyance.

Agree, it's nice to look in the mirror, decorated in a festive New Year's way. Such a design is easy to do with your own hands, it is enough to take several Christmas tree decorations, connect them with one rope, and you can decorate with any green twigs.

A beautifully designed mirror adds a festive feel to the atmosphere

Garlands for interior decoration can be different. Let's watch a video master class on how to make a Christmas garland from handmade paper toys.

It is better if the tree is artificial, and not real. After all, a living tree can delight much longer than a felled one.

What New Year is complete without a Christmas tree? That's right - no, so the next thing we will be decorating is the tree we all love.

Decorating a Christmas tree is great fun for children, do not deny them this pleasure, but on the contrary, let them turn on your imagination and decorate the Christmas tree not only with classic toys, but also with handmade toys, sweets or fruits.

Christmas tree toys can be made independently from fabric, paper or dough.

You can dilute ordinary toys with Christmas tree decorations in the form of snowmen, snowflakes, Christmas trees made of fabric

Let's watch a video tutorial on how to make bright Christmas decorations out of salt dough with your own hands.

Plaster toys are very durable and will last you more than one year.

New Year is a holiday for children more than for adults. You can please your child and make unusual plaster tree toys with him. To do this, you can purchase special sets "Bas-reliefs", which already have everything: from plaster and molds to special quick-drying paints and a brush.

We are watching a video master class on how to make Christmas toys with our own hands.

If you don't have time to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands, you can update old decorations with small colored bows or ribbons to match the toy.

An unusual and original idea to decorate a Christmas tree toy with ribbons in color and contrast

White organza bows beautifully set off the blue color of Christmas tree decorations

It is it that creates a mysterious atmosphere filled with the expectation of a holiday.

And finally, I would like to talk about room lighting. And here, both classical lighting in the form of lamps and lamps, and candles, loved by many, will help us. Candlesticks for the New Year need to be decorated in a general style.

Candlesticks can be of different colors, but they should complement the design, and not knock out of it

You can do without candlesticks by decorating the candle itself

It is original when the role of a candlestick is played by glasses, glasses or, as in this case, a bank. In such containers, the candle light is softer and more muted.

The original version of how to illuminate a room with candles

Let's watch a video master class on how to make beautiful DIY Christmas candlesticks at home

New Year's decoration of building facades: the whole city in anticipation of the holiday!

A few decades ago, we could see the New Year's decoration of the facades of buildings only in the film "Home Alone". Fortunately, the tradition of "dressing up" shopping centers, shops and even residential buildings still came to us from the west, and no company executive or store owner will miss the chance to make the entrance of the building shimmer and sparkling.

In winter, when it gets dark early enough, it is necessary to make the building attractive and visible even in the dark. Everyone understands that decorating facades for the new year it is not just a beautiful decor, but also an effective advertisement that will attract the attention of new clients, buyers or visitors.

The most popular ways to decorate the facade of a business facility for the New Year

The most striking and effective decoration of facades for the new year is the use of high-quality illumination. The LED decoration of the building will help to make it expressive and sparkling, but at the same time, the method is economical and absolutely safe, if we take into account the fact that the lamps are moisture resistant and are not afraid of low temperatures.

You can order a shop or office decoration with flat LED figures. They can be made in a variety of shapes: Christmas trees, stars, snowflakes, and even a company name or a greeting letter from your store.

The New Year's decoration of the facade looks amazing with the use of garlands in the form of rain or mesh. By the way, the decoration can be relevant all year round if you want to highlight the building in the evening and at night.

Luminous figures made of a frame in any shape and decorated with LED garlands will become an original decoration. As a form, you can choose any attribute, without which the New Year holidays are not possible: a ball, a Christmas tree, a gift, Santa Claus, deer, etc.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the decoration of trees and trees growing near the decorated building. Using ordinary garlands, you will make nondescript, gray trees a real highlight.

New Year's decoration of the facade of a private house - creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort

Many owners of private houses are trying to decorate their land and housing, make it unique, distinguish it from other houses, especially when it comes to the elite districts of the city or the countryside. Thanks to the festive illumination, you can create a real fairy tale in the courtyard that will live with you for several months, creating a pleasant "smack" of the New Year holidays.

Roof contours, windows, balconies and doors are decorated with a sparkling fringe-shaped garland. LED garlands can be made in one color or paint your home with different colors, once again reminding of the holiday and fun.

Special attention should be paid to the vegetation in the courtyard, the decoration of trees and trees is the same crucial moment as the design of the facade. It's good if the main attribute of the holiday is a fluffy tree growing right in the yard. If there is no Christmas tree, do not be discouraged, you can always install an artificial tree and decorate it in the latest fashion. On the territory of the house, original light figures are installed - attributes of the New Year holidays: a sleigh with Santa Claus, deer, elves, snowmen, etc.

Services for New Year's decoration of building facades - entrust the holiday to professionals

In New Year's comedies, one of the funniest moments is the decoration of the facade, which the father of the family takes on on his own, and everyone remembers what comes of it. In real life, everything is about the same.

Such a pleasant thing as New Year's decoration of the facade of a private house or business building is a difficult and painstaking work that requires performing high-rise work using special equipment, correctly wiring, firmly fixing garlands and accessories and finally connecting all equipment to the network.

Decorating with festive illumination takes place in several stages:

    departure of an employee of the company for the design of facades to the object

    taking measurements

    project development, taking into account the customer's requirements and the allotted budget for registration

    design project approval

    necessary installation work, decoration of the building and territory, electrical connection

By entrusting your home, shop, office, restaurant or other building to professionals, you will delight not only your guests and visitors, but also feel the New Year's atmosphere a few weeks or months before the holiday. Almost the whole winter will become warm, cozy and truly fabulous for you.

You can order the lighting design of the facade and find out everything about the New Year's decoration at home

On the eve of New Year's holidays, decorating the facade of the house is of great importance for residents. Firstly, it gives a good mood, and secondly, a beautiful house speaks of a certain status of the owners. In addition, such a dwelling always attracts the attention of all passers-by and gives them joy and New Year's mood. Decorating facades for the New Year can be done on your own, or you can order this service from professionals at

Advantage of the service of decorating facades in the New Year

  1. Companies that decorate facades in the New Year have certain skills in this area, which means they do their job quite efficiently and quickly.
  2. A home decorating company always has the necessary accessories and tools to accomplish this task.
  3. Experienced design specialists in their arsenal have many ideas for high-quality and attractive home decoration.
  4. The service of ordering specialists will help you save your money, because the cost of work will cost you much less compared to buying the necessary accessories yourself.

In addition, experienced specialists will do all the work in a short period of time, which means that in a few hours your home will delight you and those around you with an impeccable festive radiance.

How do they decorate facades in the New Year?

The most popular and demanded decoration of facades in the New Year is garlands of light. It is they who are able to create a wonderful light effect that delights all passers-by. Fastening of garlands can be performed on all parts of the facade, which is very convenient and beautiful. Such decoration is especially effective for owners of various shops and offices. This decoration method will also serve as a good advertisement for your space. After all, such beauty simply cannot but go unnoticed by passers-by, which means that they will once again pay attention to your store or office. Garlands can be used only in one specific color, or a combination of different color compositions can be performed. You can form various funny drawings and light fountains from them, which is always relevant and beautiful. Among other things, garland light illumination is especially resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

Another excellent option for decorating facades in the New Year are various garlands, and compositions of needles, ennobled with Christmas-tree multi-colored balls. They are complemented with colorful ribbons and cones, which looks quite impressive and noble.

There are a lot of ideas for making a beautiful decoration of facades in the New Year. Therefore, only the professional experience of specialists makes it possible to use the most successful options in each individual case. Companies that decorate houses always work with each client separately, taking into account all the wishes and preferences of the customer. They have enough experience and knowledge to make the facade of your premises look unique and attractive. By ordering this service, you will save not only your energy, but also time, which is always not enough on the eve of the holidays.