Vacuum roller massage: principle of action, description. Vacuum roller massage Vacuum roller massage indications and contraindications

Elimination of cellulite will be better, faster, if you combine several techniques at the same time. To remove excess weight, remove puffiness, tighten the skin, all this can be done using a roller-vacuum massage.

What is the essence of the vacuum procedure?

Before signing up for the procedure, you need to figure out what a vacuum-roller massage is, what effect massage sessions have.

Hardware massage technique is used for various purposes. This is not only a massage for body shaping or facial contouring. The technique is used in the recovery period after surgery to remove scars with scars. Vacuum roller massage is used in sports medicine. With the help of the technique, sprains are treated, and joint functions are restored.

The session involves rollers and vacuum. The vacuum is created in special nozzles, through which air comes out through tubes to create a vacuum. When the attachments come in contact with the skin, the skin is pulled inward.

Inside the attachments there are rollers that are used to process the retracted skin.

Hardware vacuum roller massage has the following effects:

  • eliminates puffiness;
  • restores the structure of the skin, giving it elasticity;
  • tightens muscle tissue;
  • normalizes metabolic processes. As a result, it helps to remove harmful substances from the body;
  • eliminates excess fat on problem areas of the body;
  • eliminates cellulite.

When is vacuum massage indicated?

Before proceeding with the procedure, you need to know about contraindications and indications for vacuum roller massage. The procedure is shown for the following problems:

  • cellulite. During the procedure, fatty deposits are broken, even in the deep layers of the skin, excess fluid is removed;
  • swelling, tired legs;
  • excess weight;
  • flabbiness of the skin due to age-related changes, or after childbirth;
  • double chin, blurred face contour;
  • scalp problems, including baldness.

Having found out what vacuum-roller massage is, and what effect the procedure has on problem areas, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Contraindications to roller massage

In order not to harm the body, you need to have information when you cannot do vacuum sessions.

There are the following contraindications for vacuum roller massage:

  • thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. With such pathologies, the procedure is contraindicated, because during the session, the outflow of lymph increases. With poor venous patency, the patient's condition may worsen;
  • problems with the work of the heart muscle, including high blood pressure;
  • blood clotting problems. During the session, and after the vacuum-roller massage, bruises, even large hematomas, may appear. Therefore, with low blood clotting, the procedure must be abandoned;
  • with a close arrangement of the vessels on the face, massage is also not recommended.

If the listed contraindications are not present, you can sign up for a hardware procedure.

How is the procedure performed?

Manipulations with vacuum and roller nozzles are performed using a special Starvak hardware installation. The device has several attachments, thanks to which the effect on the skin with varying intensity is performed.

Before starting the Starvak vacuum roller massage, the specialist sets certain parameters that are automatically maintained during the entire procedure.

LPG vacuum roller massage can be carried out using special cans that create a vacuum inside:

  1. the skin is being prepared. A layer of special oil is applied and rubbed;
  2. to stimulate blood flow and ensure fluid drainage, the lymphatic vessels are temporarily dilated. To do this, banks are installed on problem areas for 20 seconds. You can not use banks in the area of ​​the spine and mammary glands;
  3. the roller session begins from the area of ​​the shoulders and arms. Then they move to the back, buttocks and legs. Manipulations go along the lines of the lymph flow.

Bruises may remain after the session. Such a reaction indicates a poorly performed procedure, or the patient has too thin and sensitive skin.

The total duration of the session is from one hour to 1.5 hours. The massage itself takes half an hour or 45 minutes. The effect of the procedures will be noticeable after 2-3 months after the end of the course. The approximate average price of a session in Moscow is 1,500 rubles.

LPG roller treatment for face correction

Vacuum roller massage of the face can be performed even at home. For the procedure, special glass jars are used, creating a vacuum when in contact with the skin of the face.

In a salon, a session is performed using a special apparatus with attachments.

Roller massage of the face gives the following effect:

  • smoothes the skin of the face, giving elasticity. This effect is possible after removing fat-filled capsules from the skin;
  • due to the normalization of lymph flow, after a roller massage, puffiness goes away;
  • after normalization of blood flow, the face loses weight a little;
  • the creation of natural collagen is stimulated, so the skin becomes more elastic;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes go away;
  • regenerating processes of the skin occur, as a result, the rejuvenation of the epidermis is stimulated;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed;
  • old scars, marks and acne scars become less noticeable.

You can, of course, perform vacuum manipulation of the cans yourself. But the expected result can be achieved only in a beauty salon.

There are the following contraindications to the roller facial procedure:

  • various skin lesions, including wounds and scratches with purulent contents;
  • vessels located close to the surface of the epidermis;
  • large birthmarks;
  • fragile capillaries;
  • a lot of pimples on the face;
  • too sensitive, thin skin.

If there are no contraindications, then you can purchase special banks. It is recommended to perform a vacuum session on the face in the following cases:

  • tuberosity of the skin;
  • swelling;
  • flabbiness of the face;
  • rugosity;
  • problems with blood flow, and hence nutrition of the skin;
  • bruises, bags under the eyes;
  • old spots and scars on the face;
  • too full face.

In addition to the listed indications for performing a roller facial procedure, you can add an age period starting from 30 years. From this age on, the skin undergoes serious changes, due to which the structure of the tissues changes.

Roller massage in a salon, or performed with cans at home, will help get rid of age-related problems and maintain the skin in normal condition. The hardware version of the massage will be useful even at a younger and older age, it will preserve the youthfulness of the skin, excluding the appearance of negative effects.

Would you like to have a Technispa Guinot vacuum roller massage procedure in Moscow? Contact the TORI clinic and entrust the beauty of your body to experienced and competent doctors! In a single visit to the clinic, you will increase skin tone and tighten the body after pregnancy or quick weight loss. Upon completion of the course, the figure will acquire a clear and harmonious appearance, and the achieved result will remain for at least six months.

The latest massage equipment, which is used by the clinic's specialists, helps to normalize blood circulation and remove excess fat. The procedure softens keloid scars and removes scars along with stretch marks. Plus it charges you with positive energy and improves your mood remarkably. After the session, you feel rejuvenated and full of energy.

In addition to high-quality service according to international standards, the clinic offers affordable prices for vacuum-roller massage for face or body. The cost is calculated for patients who wish to solve delicate aesthetic problems for a reasonable price. TORI clinic invites you to take advantage of the available professional-level cosmetic services.

Areas for vacuum roller massage

The procedure is performed on almost all areas of the face or body - from the forehead or cheeks to the back or legs. However, to achieve the appropriate cosmetic effect, special programs developed by the equipment manufacturer are used. Such health-improving complexes include the following:

  • "Double effect of weight loss"- it is used to eliminate excess fat. The duration is 30-120 minutes and depends on the number of treatment zones.
  • "Strengthening and lifting"- used to improve skin health and elasticity. Duration is about 1 hour.
  • "Light legs"- it is prescribed for patients who constantly experience a feeling of heaviness in the legs. The procedure takes up to 45 minutes.

How it works?

In cosmetology clinics in Moscow, vacuum roller massage is perceived by patients in different ways. Proponents of hardware exposure highlight such advantages of the technique as the persistence of aesthetic results and independence from the human factor. The procedure is carried out according to the protocols established by the manufacturer, which negates mistakes on the part of the masseur.

Opponents say that vacuum-roller massage does not always get rid of cellulite and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Because of this, the technique is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitive skin. The Technispa Guinot device does not have these disadvantages. The equipment is characterized by wide medical and cosmetic capabilities, which include:

Reduction of hips and waist by 0.6 and 1.5 cm in 1 procedure

When a regular or hardware massage is performed, the effect is achieved by toning the skin and removing stagnant fluid. Technispa Guinot has a completely different working principle. During the procedure, the device captures the skin folds. Elimination of cellulite occurs at the level of the deep layers. Vessels are not injured. The hips lose up to 0.6 cm in volume, and the waist up to 1.5.

Combination of 3 types of effects at once - massage + galvanic current + thermal effect of the sauna

Galvanic current ionizes the active ingredients of anti-cellulite products and facilitates the process of penetration into the skin. In addition, current impulses cause contraction of the muscular system. The massage normalizes lymphatic flow and metabolism at the cellular level. Subcutaneous fat is broken down much faster and excreted from the body naturally.

The thermal effect of the sauna is reflected in the warming up of the tissues. As a result, muscle clamping is removed and discomfort is significantly reduced. By combining 3 types of effects, vacuum-roller massage breaks down fat, removes the appearance of cellulite and activates blood microcirculation. In addition, the procedure leaves no residue even on hypersensitive skin.

The speed of the

The combination of vacuum roller massage, sauna effect, galvanic current and highly effective anti-cellulite agents significantly increases the speed of the procedure. To smooth the skin, remove the "orange peel" and correct problem areas, usually no more than 10 sessions lasting up to 30 minutes are needed. The interval is 2-3 days.

Detoxification and toning

Elimination of cellulite is only the initial stage of a rejuvenating and wellness program. With each procedure, more and more toxins are removed. Harmful substances leave together with stagnant liquid. The process is natural and does not harm health. On the contrary, cleansing the body evens out the tone and increases the turgor of the skin. At the same time, skin respiration improves and local immunity increases.


  • Adjustment of the device taking into account the characteristics of the patient's skin.
  • Effective body tightening after pregnancy or drastic weight loss.
  • Normalization of the blood circulation process.
  • Instant aesthetic results.
  • Affordable cost for vacuum roller massage.
  • Compatibility with other cosmetic procedures.
  • Reduction or elimination of stretch marks, scars and keloid scars.
  • Breakdown of deep fat deposits.
  • Possibility of treating hypersensitive skin.

I really enjoyed contacting Lilia Dmitrievna. She is a wonderful masseur. I went through the course of vacuum-roller massage with the master with pleasure. When I have the time and opportunity again, I will definitely turn to Lilia Dmitrievna again for procedures.

Grade 5

Victoria, m. Slavyansky Boulevard

Ordering services: Massage. Vacuum roller massage.


Qualified massage therapist. Osteopath. Deep work of the back. Diagnostics. During a massage session, he can, in principle, work silently, giving recommendations on the position of the body, hands, head. What is valuable to me personally. Muscles feel everything during and after the massage, but these are not uncomfortable pain sensations, but quite logical ones. In areas where "accumulated" during the massage may be more sensitive, which is also normal. No bruising. Emphasis on these areas, and on those identified by diagnostics. I had...

revitalizing massage after two consecutive pregnancies and childbirth. I am grateful to Vladimir for good conscientious work. The masseur drives out with his massage table. The wife of the masseur is a children's masseur, which can also be useful to someone.

Grade 5+

Maxim Viktorovich, Krasnogorsk

Ordering services: Massage. Back massage.


We liked the massage procedure very much. The very first thing I liked: the masseur does not drive, as others usually do. She reasonably approached the massage, and does a day in two. That is, a day does a massage and two days gives a child to recover. This is the only massage therapist we were looking for. Therefore, she is five-plus for not making money stupidly, but also taking care of her little patients. But, of course, for finding an approach to the child. The first massage therapist for us ...

couldn't do. I am very pleased with her work the first time. I think it couldn't get any worse. The master is easy to communicate, good contact. And she approached the child very well. At first, the child was capricious, and then even laughed when she was engaged in a ball with him. At such moments I tried not to bring the child to tears. If the child started hysterical, she tried to distract him from crying. If we compare with our previous masseur, then after 10 minutes of work he took his money and left. Elena tries to calm the child down in order to continue the procedure further. I liked her very much. She is as in the photograph, gentle, pleasant, she is like that in life.

Grade 5+

Victoria, Mytischi


With Svetlana we went through a full course of massage - 10 sessions and were very pleased with her work. Svetlana is a punctual, intelligent, benevolent and pleasant person to talk to. She immediately found a common language with the child. It is difficult to judge the professionalism of a massage therapist. To do this, you must either be a masseur yourself, or often resort to the services of masseurs in order to be able to compare, or have some very serious problem, which massage helped to solve. We are with our little problem ...

(the tone of the handles) coped with it and already in the third lesson they began to roll over on their own. In our opinion, Svetlana does her job well. And most importantly, she is very attentive to the child and feels his mood. And, probably, the most important thing. If we ever need the services of a massage therapist, we already know who to trust our treasure! Thank you, Svetlana, for your work and your attitude towards it!

Grade 5+

Elena, m. Yugo-Zapadnaya

Ordering services: Massage. Children's massage.


Review of the series of massages in the period from May 14, 2017 to May 13, 2018 (year), weekly, except for the masseur's vacation. At the end of the year, I can tell you the following. 1. The masseur is client-oriented: 1.1. Notices problem areas and devotes more time to them (I usually have a neck, stiffness in the lower part of the spine, fluid accumulation (swelling) in the legs); 1.2. Gives advice for eliminating identified problem areas (for example, if you remember correctly, to eliminate puffiness, lie on ...

back for at least 15 minutes with the legs above the level of the body, head); 1.3. Interested in a series of procedures, providing bonuses (additional services and / or for the regular price provides services much more expensive): - oil-based face mask (pleasant aromatherapy during massage and, as a result, improvement of skin quality); - myostimulation (slight tingling, but in the end it feels like after intense training on certain parts of the body (legs, abdomen); - wrap (algae: as a result, moisturized and nourished skin; chocolate-pepper wrap: during the wrap - aromatherapy and impact on subcutaneous fat, after - a decrease in volume); - pots on the stomach, butt (vacuum principle, as a result, open pores (as after a bath or hammam), improved skin quality) .All the bonuses are pleasant and, after a series of procedures, may well lead to persistent the result; 1.4. Takes care of the client's comfort (- does not allow the body and legs to cool down, wrapping them in blankets (several blankets); - music accompaniment is selected, etc.); 1.5. To get more effect from the massage, it offers the body to be at rest for a few minutes with a cup of hot drink (tea, coffee) .1.6. When a strong tension is detected, it takes measures to relieve it (from pressure on the sciatic nerve and nerves in the neck, legs rolls along the body warmth, tension goes away). 2. Hygiene is beyond doubt: everything is clean, tidy, disposable materials (get cold, pad under the face, hat, etc.). 3. The workplace is equipped with the appropriate equipment (myostimulator, professional massage table, many cosmetics (oils, masks, etc.), Lyapko applicator (roller with needles), bamboo broom, silicone cans, which confirms extensive practice in different areas of massage 4. As a result of massage during the year in the spine (in the lower part), mobility was formed, which was previously absent, the tightness in the neck disappeared, the skin tone increased, the volume decreased. I will recommend, if necessary, to my friends; - I recommend to site visitors; - I will continue (with the consent of the massage therapist) my procedures.

Grade 5+

Irina, M. Strogino

Ordering services: Massage. Lymphatic drainage massage.


I liked the masseur very much, the desired result has already been achieved. I selected a masseur for her husband. In view of the fact that the husband is very demanding and picky about the masters, I was very glad that the masseur arranged for him 100%. At the moment we are continuing our cooperation. The masseur arrived on time, very competent, polite, knows his business. It's nice to deal with professionals. A huge plus of the master is osteopathy. We can safely advise this specialist to relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Grade 5+

In female problem areas, it is most difficult to deal with fat accumulations. Vacuum roller massage Starvac or Slimming D-528 will help you to remove extra centimeters without much effort, tighten your skin and correct your figure.

What it is

Vacuum-roller anti-cellulite massage (LPG or LPG-M) is a modern technology for influencing fat and muscle tissues, which combines rollers and vacuum cups. It is provided only by professional salons, so it is quite difficult to carry it out at home.

The impact is made with special handles - plastic bowls, in which an artificial vacuum is formed. Inside such a bowl there is a movable element, it is customary to call it a roller, although outwardly it differs somewhat from this part. Under the influence of the maniple on a certain part of the body, face, a vacuum arises - air is pumped in, the skin is stretched. As soon as the pressure reaches a certain point, the roller begins to press on the skin, which moves inside the bowl.

Manipulas are selected based on the area of ​​the treated area. For example, a face needs a small diameter nozzle, but a large diameter nozzle is needed to target the thighs or abdomen.

It should be noted that the bowl also does not stand still - the specialist moves it along a certain plane, for example, along the waist or hips. To ensure easy gliding over the body, massage oil or anti-cellulite formulations are first applied to the epidermis.

This technique saves not only from cellulite. Massage is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. If you need to strengthen muscle tissue. This is especially necessary for athletes with spinal injuries or when preparing for a competition. Also, doctors prescribe this technique for training the musculoskeletal system during sedentary work;
  2. Elimination of edema after various surgical interventions. Quite often, after surgical interventions, girls complain of swelling or bruising at the sites of the operation. Vacuum-roller lymphatic drainage massage helps to normalize and improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, which ensures the active outflow of excess fluid from the tissues;
  3. One of the most important advantages of Starvak is the elimination of sagging skin while dramatically losing weight. This is the innovative impact of this technology. The effect after 15 treatments can be compared to a professional epidermis tightening.

Benefits and contraindications

Like any other cosmetic procedure, vacuum roller massage has certain advantages and disadvantages. Like pressotherapy, this technique is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. It is also contraindicated in metabolic and hormonal disorders.

The benefits of vacuum roller massage:

  1. The equipment can be customized. This is very convenient as bruises can form on sensitive skin;
  2. The skin tone is significantly increased, the body contour is tightened. This is especially convenient for girls after pregnancy or dramatic weight loss;
  3. Blood circulation improves. Due to the fact that the maniples are constantly moving along the skin surface, they stimulate the work of the circulatory system. When the folds are smoothed out, the vessels are straightened, which increases blood circulation at a certain point;
  4. Even deep fat deposits dissolve. Fatty tissues form on the hips, shoulders and back, which are quite difficult to eliminate even with prolonged mono-diets. Lymphatic drainage massage promotes the dissolution of fat cells and their removal along with the liquid, regardless of their depth;
  5. Treatment in places of formation of stretch marks and scars helps to reduce their size, as well as significantly soften keloid scars;
  6. The results are not immediately noticeable, but they are durable. Especially if massage is combined with exercise and proper nutrition.

Photo - The impact of the vacuum roller apparatus on the skin

This type of massage also has certain limitations... First of all, you need to understand that after the Starvac Original vacuum massage, bruises will remain on the body. They will arise in connection with ruptures of thin vessels located close to the surface of the skin. Also, in some cases, edema may appear, but they pass quickly.

The same, the procedure is quite long. For example, on a Beauty Instrument or AEROFAT device, it will take at least 50 minutes, sometimes up to 120.


  1. Massage with cans and rollers should not be done for cancer, diseases of the blood, kidneys and the excretory system as a whole;
  2. Lipomassage should not be done during menstruation - during this period, the effect may be insufficient due to an increase in the amount of fluid in the body. It will also be frustrating;
  3. You can not conduct a session for skin diseases. Fungal diseases, trophic ulcers and viral diseases will be especially dangerous. Roller massage can aggravate the condition of the epidermis, as well as contribute to the spread of the disease;
  4. LPG massage should not be done for varicose veins, thrombosis and other problems with blood vessels, including vegetative-vascular dystonia.

How is the session

Of course, in theory, massage can be done at home, for this you need to buy a special portable device. This could be the Maniquick MQ730, the NV-600 portable MBT, or the home IB-M8. They are sold in company stores.

Photo - AnchorFree Shape Apparatus

In beauty salons, the most commonly used device is the Body Health System (BHS) or the LPG Body Optimizer IB 1005, Icoone, Starvac SOne or B-flexy.

Let's consider how a session of vacuum-roller massage is carried out on the B-Flexy (made in Belarus):

  1. A cleansing composition is applied to the body, which removes dead cells and dirt from the surface of the epidermis. After that, a layer of cream or gel is applied to the treated area, which enhances the effect of the apparatus;
  2. The specialist sets the maniples to certain points. With the help of the settings, a vacuum is injected in them. After that, the rollers turn on;
  3. After a few seconds, the position of the bowls changes - they move a few millimeters, and so on until the entire area is processed;
  4. After the session, a soothing composition is applied to the skin, which cools the surface and helps to minimize hematomas.

With female problem areas, which include fatty accumulations, it is difficult to fight on your own. Therefore, there are many ways, one of these methods is vacuum roller massage. It can help you to effortlessly get rid of extra centimeters, as well as adjust your figure and tighten your skin. Many women dream of this effect.

We will consider reviews of vacuum roller massage in this article.

The mechanism of action of the apparatus

Vacuum roller massage against cellulite (LPG or LPG-M) is an ultra-modern method that affects muscle and adipose tissue, also combines vacuum cups and rollers. This procedure is performed in professional salons, since it is quite difficult to carry out it at home.

The method of exposure occurs with specialized handles - such plastic bowls, in which an artificial vacuum is formed. In the depths of such bowls, there is a certain movable element, which is called a roller, regardless of the fact that it looks slightly different from this part. When the maniple is exposed to a particular part of the body, as well as the face, a vacuum is created - air is forced on and the skin is stretched. Further, when the force of pressure has reached a certain limit, a roller moving inside the bowl begins to exert pressure on the skin.

According to reviews, vacuum roller massage (photo below) is very effective against cellulite.

Manipulas should be selected by a specialist depending on the part of the body to be treated. If, for example, this is a face, then the nozzle should be of medium or small diameter, and a larger nozzle is required for treating the thighs or abdomen.

It is important to indicate that the bowl moves, as the master moves it over a specific area of ​​the body, for example, along the hips or waist. For better and easier sliding on the body, massage oil or anti-cellulite composition is applied to the skin in advance.

Reviews of hardware vacuum roller massage abound.


This technique not only helps against cellulite, but is also recommended in the following situations:

  1. When it is necessary to strengthen muscle tissue, in particular, such a procedure is important for athletes with a spinal injury or when preparing for a competition. Often, this technique can be prescribed by doctors to strengthen the musculoskeletal system during sedentary work.
  2. When puffiness appears after various operations. Very often, after the intervention of the surgeon, people develop bruises or swelling in the places where the operation was performed. In this case, vacuum-roller massage is very effective, after which the lymphatic system normalizes and improves, thereby ensuring the outflow of excess fluid from the tissues.
  3. Among the most important advantage of this technique is the ability to eliminate flabby skin, which has sagged during drastic weight loss. This is a high-quality effect, which in fifteen procedures helps to tighten the epidermis so that a professional skin tightening can easily be compared with it. We will consider reviews of vacuum roller massage below.


As with any procedure, lymphatic drainage massage has contraindications. This mechanism of action is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as for impaired metabolism and the work of the hormonal system.

The advantages of this method:

  • The equipment is customizable for each individual, which is very important for sensitive skin, so that bruises do not form.
  • The tone of the epidermis is greatly improved, which contributes to the improvement of the body contour. This effect is especially important for women after childbirth and with dramatic weight loss.
  • The efficiency of blood circulation is increased. Constantly moving along the skin, the maniples sharply stimulate the work of blood and blood vessels, and after smoothing the folds, the vessels straighten, an increase in blood circulation in this part of the body occurs.
  • Even deep fatty tissues are broken down. Usually, fat deposits form on the hips, shoulders and back, which are difficult to eliminate with any long-term diets. Lymphatic drainage massage helps to dissolve fat cells and helps to remove them from the body with fluid.
  • Improves the appearance in places where stretch marks and scars are formed, reduces their size, and also significantly softens keloid scars.
  • The result is not immediately noticeable, but it is durable, especially when it is combined with a healthy lifestyle.


According to reviews, vacuum roller massage has disadvantages. It is important to know that after exposure to the body, bruises may remain arising from torn thin vessels that are located close to the surface of the skin. In some cases, swelling is possible, but they go away quickly.

It is also important to know that such a procedure will take a lot of time - from 50 to 120 minutes, depending on the device.


The main contraindications:

  • Vacuum roller massage is strictly prohibited in cases of cancer, diseases of the blood, kidneys and excretory system as a whole.
  • Lipomassage is contraindicated during menstruation, since during this period the effect is weak due to the large amount of fluid in the body, and also causes discomfort.
  • A session is contraindicated for skin diseases. The procedure is especially dangerous for fungal diseases, trophic ulcers and viral infections. This massage can help the disease spread and worsen the condition.
  • It is forbidden to do with varicose veins, thrombosis and other vascular diseases, including VSD.


Vacuum roller massage can also be carried out at home, for this you need to buy a portable device. These include the Maniquick MQ730, the portable MBT, the NV-600, or the home IB-M8. Such devices are sold in company stores.

When carrying out such a procedure in a beauty salon, you can most often find a Body Health System (BHS) device or an LPG Body Optimizer IB 1005, Starvac SOne, Icoone, or B-flexy device.

Massage procedure on B-Flexy

For example, consider one of the vacuum roller massage sessions on the B-Flexy. Reviews confirm that it is not very pleasant, but the result is good.

To begin with, a composition is applied that cleanses and also helps in removing dead cells and dirt from the skin's surface. Next, the specialist applies a cream or gel to the treated area of ​​the body, which enhances the effect of the apparatus.

At the next stage, the maniples are installed at certain points, the vacuum is increased using the settings and the rollers are immediately turned on.

After a couple of seconds, the position of the bowls is changed, which are moved a few millimeters, until they cover the entire area of ​​the body area.

At the end of the procedure, an emollient composition is applied to the skin, which soothes the surface of the epidermis and minimizes hematomas.