Chickenpox in a 7 month pregnant woman. Chickenpox in pregnant women: treatment. Symptoms of chickenpox in pregnant women

Chickenpox, in everyday life, chickenpox, belongs to the category of acute viral diseases. The main signs of the disease are dermatological in nature: the skin of a sick person is covered with an itchy rash, consisting of bubbles filled with liquid. Perfectly safe for children, chickenpox behaves very insidiously towards adults, threatening them with serious consequences. The most unprotected category of sick people includes expectant mothers, the elderly and those whose immunity, for some reason, cannot resist diseases. Consider the specifics of the course of chickenpox during pregnancy, the possible consequences for the mother and baby, as well as preventive measures against a dangerous virus.

Chickenpox is a type of herpes that is classified as the third type of the eight studied. The main contingent of cases is children under 6 years of age. Older people who do not have specific immunity to chickenpox are very difficult to tolerate the disease. The body, faced with the chickenpox virus for the first time, is not able to quickly cope with the extensive intoxication that occurs after infection. An even greater danger is infection for girls and women in position. Statistics note that chickenpox during pregnancy occurs in 1 case out of 1000, however, in the absence of vaccination or acquired immunity in a woman, this figure increases significantly.

Chickenpox during pregnancy: what to watch out for

Gender and age do not matter when a person who has never encountered the chickenpox virus communicates with an infected person - the probability of infection for him is 100%. The causative agent of the infection enters the body through the air and through droplets of saliva when a healthy person:

  • is in a crowded closed room with a specific contingent - for example, in a hospital or kindergarten;
  • is in close contact with the carrier of the disease, in which the pathology is undergoing an incubation period of development;
  • uses bedding or personal hygiene items of a chickenpox patient;
  • communicates with a person suffering from shingles in the acute stage.

The causative agent of the infection, the herpes virus, lives and actively spreads in the epithelial layer of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and nasopharynx in the period from 7 to 21 days and remains unnoticed. The microorganism enters the external environment from the carrier through coughing, sneezing and during communication. 2 days before the appearance of specific bubbles, the hallmark of the pathology, the carrier of the disease infects a large number of people where he managed to visit during this period. It is possible that next to him there may be women in a position for whom the prospect of "picking up" chickenpox is extremely undesirable.

Chickenpox during pregnancy: features of the course and consequences

Already some time after the conception took place, a woman becomes an easy prey for many infectious diseases, because her immune system undergoes dramatic changes immediately after the fertilization of the egg. If a woman did not have a chance to transfer chickenpox in childhood or already in adulthood before pregnancy, her communication with a sick person becomes the main impetus for the development of the disease. The latent period is on average 20 days, and then specific signs of pathology appear.

The presence of the virus in the body of the expectant mother is confirmed by the following clinical picture:

  • in the first days, a woman is overcome by weakness, which is also complicated by headaches, unreasonable irascibility, complete refusal of food, indifference to everything;
  • in the middle of the first week, the well-being of the pregnant woman continues to deteriorate. In addition, the woman's body temperature rises;
  • by the end of the first week, the skin of the whole body is covered with bubbles characteristic of this type of infection.

Due to the weakened body during the waiting period for the child, the disease is difficult. Chickenpox and early pregnancy are by no means the best combination: the expectant mother is in a state of severe poisoning, and the excruciating headache does not go away even after using drugs that usually help. In mid-to-late pregnancy, symptoms decrease in intensity, but the potential risk to fetal well-being still remains.

Note that chickenpox threatens not so much a woman as her baby. Such a nuisance during pregnancy is a real reason to fear that the course of the disease will be complicated by a miscarriage, the birth of a dead baby, or the appearance of congenital anomalies in the fetus:

  • if the infection of a pregnant woman occurred in the first months, the danger to the health of the fetus and the woman is minimal, and is only 0.3%;
  • contact with the virus in the second trimester entails the risk of developing severe consequences in the amount of 2%;
  • shortly before the birth of the baby (34 - 36 weeks), the pathology is no longer so terrible, but the woman needs complex therapy, and her child needs constant monitoring.

Let's take a closer look at the effects of chickenpox during pregnancy.

The disease can have a deplorable effect on the condition of the baby both at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy, but to varying degrees. Immediately, we note that chickenpox does not serve as a reason for deliberate abortion - in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, it does not cause the development of dangerous fetal abnormalities, such as rubella. Pregnant women, fortunately, do not encounter this infection so often, therefore, it is rather difficult to determine a clear pattern for the development of severe consequences due to chickenpox. True, some observations nevertheless yielded results, and scientists found out whether chickenpox is dangerous during pregnancy, when they determined what congenital disorders are found in the crumbs, if the disease overpowered his mother in the early or late stages of gestation.

Chickenpox during pregnancy in the 1st trimester

In the first weeks after the onset of pregnancy, any, even the most insignificant, infection is undesirable for a woman and a new life under her heart. With the development of pregnancy, a woman's immunity is weakened to the limit, since her body accepts an alien, in fact, an object for him in the form of a little man.

This is what chickenpox threatens before 20 weeks of gestation:

  1. Infection of the embryo in the womb and its death at the very beginning of pregnancy.
  2. Miscarriage.
  3. Serious violations in the formation of the structure of various tissues, which becomes the cause of anomalies in the development of organs.
  4. Irreversible defects in the formation of the central nervous system.
  5. Not fully developed muscle and connective tissue.
  6. Disproportionately developed fetal body with short arms and legs.
  7. Defects in eye formation or complete blindness.
  8. Anomalies incompatible with life, which lead to the death of the baby in the first days or weeks after birth.

As you can see, if a woman contracted chickenpox during pregnancy, the risk for the child is quite high, however, in practice, with the complex course of pregnancy and infection, completely normal babies are born with congenital chickenpox. The infection in a newborn is difficult. If a woman gets chickenpox on the eve of childbirth, doctors do everything possible to delay the birth of the baby for another week. If it is no longer possible to delay the moment of childbirth, a nursing mother and her baby are given an immunoglobulin vaccine immediately after childbirth. This measure helps to avoid the death of the infant, which is possible without treatment in 35% of cases. The infected baby is immediately placed in the infectious diseases department and intensive antiviral treatment is prescribed.

Chickenpox during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester

In the middle of pregnancy, chickenpox is no longer as dangerous to fetal health as at the very beginning. The placenta is already fully formed and is able to protect the baby from infection. Medical practice shows that even a severe course of chickenpox in an expectant mother does not in any way affect the well-being of her baby. At the same time, the pregnant woman is prescribed complex treatment.

Chickenpox during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

At the end of pregnancy, the likelihood of severe consequences of chickenpox in a pregnant woman returns again. The disease proceeds in a complicated form: the later the expectant mother becomes infected, the greater the risk of severe infection in the child becomes. The consequences of late infection can be damage to the brain, central nervous system and various anomalies of internal organs.

How is chickenpox treated in pregnant women?

For the treatment of chickenpox during pregnancy, antiviral drugs that are safe for the delicate position of women are used and the rash is treated with antiseptic solutions. Specific therapy is justified only in complicated cases. Basically, the treatment is symptomatic: the expectant mother is prescribed drugs that relieve itching and irritation of the skin, as well as drugs that lower the temperature and strengthen the immune system.

Here's what a standard treatment program looks like:

  • the expectant mother is prescribed the antiviral drug Acyclovir;
  • it is recommended to treat the affected areas of the skin with brilliant green or a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • after childbirth, an injection of immunoglobulin is given to the mother and baby.

A woman with chickenpox can safely start breastfeeding her baby - the antiviral drug that will be prescribed to her will not have a negative effect on the composition of milk.

How not to get chickenpox during pregnancy

Having overcome an infection in childhood, a person receives lifelong protection from this disease, so he may not resort to any preventive measures: even close communication with an infected person is not dangerous in his case.

If you did not have a chance to transfer this infectious disease in childhood, observe the following precautions:

  1. Try to limit your interactions with young children.
  2. Avoid crowded places.
  3. Avoid communicating with people who have noticed signs of a cold or a rash on the skin of the face or body.
  4. If there are children in your family who have not had chickenpox, get them vaccinated against chickenpox.

When carrying a child, vaccination cannot be carried out - this must be done immediately after childbirth. This way you will protect yourself and your unborn child if you get pregnant again.

Chickenpox vaccine

In Russia, vaccination against chickenpox is carried out with the drugs Okavax and Varilix. The vaccines contain a weakened herpes virus, which the body can easily cope with by developing specific immunity against chickenpox. There is a risk of contracting chickenpox after vaccination, but, fortunately, it is minimal. So, out of 55 million people who were vaccinated, signs of chickenpox were found in only 5 of them.

Again, vaccination against chickenpox is prohibited during pregnancy. If you are just going to get pregnant, then from the moment of vaccination to conception you need to wait 1 month, or even better - 3 months.

Pregnancy after chickenpox

When planning a pregnancy after chickenpox, it is important to take into account that the infection strongly suppresses the body's defenses, while increasing the risk of contracting another infectious disease. Pregnancy after chickenpox usually proceeds without complications, but the expectant mother can easily catch a cold or other illness that can interfere with the normal bearing of the fetus. To prevent this from happening, pregnancy after chickenpox is postponed for 3 to 4 months. This is a sufficient period for health improvement. And although chickenpox is quite difficult for an adult, when planning a pregnancy, a woman who has had chickenpox does not need any vaccinations, medications or procedures. Before the intended conception, she just needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well and get plenty of rest.

Is it possible to get chickenpox again

It is believed that a person who has had chickenpox develops lifelong immunity to infection. In some people who have been ill, the virus of this infection is permanently fixed in the body in a latent form, but with an exacerbation, it declares itself not with chickenpox, but with shingles. The main symptom of such a disease is the appearance on the skin along the location of one or another nerve of clusters of small painful vesicles. The infection can appear due to a sharp decrease in the body's immune forces. A person with shingles is dangerous for people who have not had chickenpox, because if they become infected, they will get the usual chickenpox - the virus is the same.

Today there are many factors due to which chickenpox can no longer be called an infection that comes to a person only once. Poor ecology, frequent use of antibacterial drugs, HIV, intoxication, and malnutrition reduce the overall health of the population. Sudden stress or a sharp decrease in the body's defenses can cause chickenpox in those who have already overcome the ailment in the past. This means that there is still some chance of contracting chickenpox during pregnancy, even if the expectant mother once had it.

The danger of chickenpox for the pregnant woman and the fetus. Video

Perhaps there is no person who has never heard of chickenpox or, as the people call it, chickenpox. About 90% of the adult population of the planet met with this viral disease and developed strong immunity to it. Because of this, only a few women get chickenpox during pregnancy. According to statistics, approximately 7 out of 10 thousand women become infected with the chickenpox virus while in position. If a pregnant woman has already had chickenpox earlier, then a new encounter with the virus is not dangerous either for her or for the baby in her stomach. But if the expectant mother does not have immunity to the virus, and she contracted it, then there is a completely different situation, which we will discuss in our article.

Is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman contracted chickenpox without immunity to this virus, then there is a 15% chance of developing complications in the form of pneumonia, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for the woman's life. Pneumonia while carrying a baby in the third trimester can lead to premature onset of labor. By the way, if the expectant mother smokes, then the risk of developing complications with chickenpox is much higher for her than for a non-smoking pregnant woman.

Also, the varicella-zoster virus is transmitted from mother to child. If a woman gets chickenpox early pregnancy or in the second trimester, then with a probability of 1.5% her baby will be born with congenital chickenpox syndrome. Moreover, if the infection occurred between 13-20 weeks of pregnancy, then the risk of fetal disease increases to 3-5%.

Congenital chickenpox syndrome is a developmental pathology of a child, which can lead to the fact that the baby will have mental and physical abnormalities, seizures, an abnormally small head, deformed limbs, scars on the skin, vision problems, small height and weight. In utero infection with chickenpox can cause fetal death and significantly increase the risk of spontaneous abortion.

If a pregnant woman has chickenpox at the beginning of the third trimester, then in this case, nothing threatens her child, since 5 days after infection, the mother's body will begin to produce antibodies to the virus and transmit them to the baby through the placenta, thereby ensuring his protection from smallpox. The immature immune system of the fetus is unable to produce antibodies.

In cases where a pregnant woman becomes infected with chickenpox three weeks before labor starts, there is also the possibility of infection of the child. But thanks to the antibodies received from the mother, the course of his illness will be mild and will not cause malformations. If the baby has had chickenpox in utero and does not have any anomalies, then there is still a risk of herpes zoster in early childhood.

The most dangerous infection of a woman with chickenpox during pregnancy 5 days before delivery... In this situation, the child becomes infected with the virus, but does not have time to receive antibodies from the mother. With a probability of 30%, such a baby will develop neonatal chickenpox or the so-called chickenpox of newborns. This disease poses a threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the baby. Especially if the treatment was not started on time. With the timely administration of chickenpox immunoglobulin to a newborn (immediately after birth) and a course of treatment with antiviral drugs containing antibodies to chickenpox, nothing threatens the child's health and life.

In cases where the symptoms of chickenpox did not appear during pregnancy, but occurred 2 days after childbirth, the baby is given an injection of immunoglobulin immediately after the mother is diagnosed.

Chickenpox symptoms

From the moment of infection with chickenpox until the first symptoms of the disease appear, it usually takes from 10 to 21 days. Having become infected with chickenpox during pregnancy, a woman at first may not even guess about it, since rashes on the body do not appear immediately. The first signs of chickenpox are the same as with a cold or flu: body temperature rises, fever appears. And only then a red rash appears on the body, which is very itchy. The rash then develops into small blisters that contain fluid. After a few days, the blisters dry out and crust over.

What to do for a woman if she contracted chickenpox during pregnancy

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, the expectant mother should immediately seek medical help at the infectious diseases hospital. If the doctor confirms the diagnosis of chickenpox, he will prescribe the antiviral drug Acyclovir to the patient and, regardless of the severity of the condition, send her to the hospital for treatment and observation.

If the disease develops rapidly and is accompanied by a complication in the form of pneumonia, the pregnant woman has a fever, cough, shortness of breath or rapid breathing, severe chest pain, then the woman needs urgent hospitalization. It is best to call an ambulance to take the pregnant woman to the hospital as soon as possible.

Prevention of chickenpox infection

Since in case of chickenpox disease in the early stages of pregnancy, and throughout the entire period of bearing a child, vaccinations against this infection are not done, preventive measures are reduced to avoiding a woman in a position of contact with a sick person. You need to know that chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets and is extremely contagious. With direct contact with a patient with chickenpox, the probability of infection in a healthy person is 90%.

Most people tolerate chickenpox at an early age, when it is not particularly harmful to health and, as a rule, goes away without complications. However, in adulthood and, even more so, during the carrying of a child, the disease can lead to serious consequences (malformations, miscarriage, premature birth). And for the woman herself, chickenpox can pose a serious danger, since it can provoke pathological disorders in the work of vital systems and organs, for example, the heart, brain, kidneys.

Features of the disease

Chickenpox is a very contagious infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets, characterized by the appearance of small blister rashes on the skin. Usually with it there is a fever, as well as a deterioration in the general condition. The causative agent is one of the types of herpes viruses - Varicella Zoster. Besides chickenpox, it also causes herpes zoster.

The incubation period is 7-21 days. The virus enters the body of a pregnant woman through the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. It is carried throughout the body by blood, penetrates into the mucous membranes, skin, where it begins to multiply.

A person with chickenpox becomes contagious 2 days before the blistering rash appears, and remains contagious for 7-10 days.

Often in adults, between the incubation and febrile periods, there is also a prodromal period, when the symptoms of the disease themselves have not yet appeared, but signs of ill health have already appeared, such as headaches, back pain, and sometimes fever.

Symptoms in pregnant women

Chickenpox during pregnancy is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a small rash in the form of bubbles filled with liquid;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weakness accompanied by severe headache;
  • high temperature up to 39-40 degrees.

Chickenpox in pregnant women is severe due to weakened immunity. Therefore, severe intoxication of the body and an almost indomitable headache, which is very difficult to relieve, can also be added to the symptoms.

Is the infection dangerous for expectant mothers

The disease can be complicated by the following pathologies:

  • myocardium of the heart muscle;
  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • pathological changes in the joints;
  • appendicitis;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • kidney problems;
  • encephalitis.

In addition, sometimes chickenpox can take on atypical forms, such as hemorrhagic and gangrenous. At the first of them, the liquid in the bubbles on the skin contains an admixture of blood, hemoptysis, nosebleeds and other symptoms are also possible. In the gangrenous form, in addition to vesicles filled with liquid, dry crusts also appear on the skin, which then turn into ulcers.

More than a third of pregnant women with chickenpox develop herpes pneumonia. This is a very serious disease in which the most unfavorable of all possible outcomes are possible, up to the death of the expectant mother and her unborn child.

Treating an infection

With chickenpox, a woman is prescribed drugs to increase immunity - Viferon, Kenferon. The drugs Famvir, Acyclovir, aimed at treating herpes infection, are undesirable during pregnancy, due to the lack of data on their effect on the fetus.

For the treatment of blistering rash, brilliant green is prescribed. Zelenka is necessary not for treatment, but for assessing the intensity of the appearance of a new rash.

It is important not to scratch the rash, since there is a high likelihood of a purulent infection joining. For severe itching, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines.

To reduce body temperature, a woman can take Paracetamol. Against the background of a febrile state of a pregnant woman, bed rest, abundant drinking is shown.

During pregnancy, you should never resort to self-medication. All medications that the expectant mother takes must be prescribed by a doctor taking into account their toxicity and potential harm to the body of both the woman herself and her child.

Chickenpox infection before childbirth is especially dangerous. In this case, the expectant mother is placed in the infectious diseases department of the maternity hospital and they try to delay the onset of labor for a week. The fact is that on the 6th day after the onset of the rash, antibodies to infection are formed in the woman's body, which are transmitted through the umbilical cord to the fetus and protect it from infection during childbirth.

If labor cannot be stopped, then specific immunoglobulins are administered to the newborn after birth to suppress the activity of the virus.

After giving birth, the woman and the newborn are isolated for 2 weeks, carefully observing the condition of the child. If he has signs of chickenpox, then he is urgently prescribed antiviral drugs intramuscularly or intravenously. For a newborn, this infection is extremely dangerous.

The consequences of chickenpox

The infection can be dangerous for the unborn baby. Moreover, the first and third trimesters are considered the most dangerous. At the beginning of pregnancy, when the formation of all organs and systems of the fetus occurs, chickenpox can provoke the development of serious pathologies in him. If the infection occurred at a later date, especially in the last days before childbirth, then the newborn may develop a congenital infection, which sometimes leads to death.

Depending on how long the disease occurred, the disease can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • freezing of the fetus;
  • miscarriage;
  • stillbirth (a fully formed fetus dies just before the onset of labor);
  • violation of the integrity of the skin of the fetus, up to its complete absence;
  • cataracts and other pathologies of the structure of the eyes;
  • pathological violation of symmetry in the fetus (for example, atrophy of the body on one side or underdevelopment of the arms or legs, as well as the presence of extra phalanges on the fingers);
  • intrauterine growth retardation (the weight and size of the baby are less than the standard indicators);
  • pathological changes in the structure of internal organs affected by the virus.

Chickenpox itself is not a disease in which doctors unequivocally recommend an abortion. However, in the event that a woman's illness has caused severe pathologies in the fetus, the question of artificial termination of pregnancy may be raised by a doctor.

Chickenpox is a disease that can lead to very negative consequences during pregnancy. However, this can be avoided - if a woman has not had this infection before, then it is enough to get vaccinated against it at the planning stage. If the infection could not be avoided, then all the doctor's recommendations must be followed. This will help reduce the risks of complications and ease the course of the disease.

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Chickenpox, although considered predominantly a childhood disease, can pose a certain danger during pregnancy if a woman does not have antibodies to this seemingly harmless disease.

When to be afraid of chickenpox?

Everyone knows that you can get chickenpox only once in your life, because the antibodies produced during the period of the disease remain in the body forever, protecting against subsequent infections. Therefore, a pregnant woman who has already had a meeting with chickenpox in childhood is unlikely to worry and avoid contact with patients. And even if a woman does not remember whether she ever had this disease, in most cases, after the analysis, it turns out that antibodies are still present in the blood.

In the same case, if a woman has not had chickenpox before, she really should be wary of meeting a person with chickenpox. After all, the virus that causes this disease can be dangerous for the developing fetus. In addition, it must be borne in mind that a person who has never had chickenpox can get it from a patient with shingles, because both of these diseases are caused by the same virus.

Pregnancy and chickenpox in a child

As you know, chickenpox is a very contagious disease, transmitted not only by contact, but also by air. It is not uncommon for children to get sick in whole groups or classes. If there are children in the family who have not yet had chickenpox, then there is always the possibility that sooner or later this will happen. Therefore, it would be most correct to take care of this issue in advance even before planning, by giving the child a chickenpox vaccine.

If this option is not possible due to the pregnancy that has already begun, and the child still fell ill with chickenpox, then in this case there are only 2 ways to solve the problem:

  1. 1. Isolate from the sick child for the period of its infectiousness (close in the room, send the child to the grandmother, etc.) and hope to avoid infection by lubricating the nose with oxolinic ointment.
  2. 2. Receive an injection of specific immunoglobulin as directed by a doctor.

An important nuance here is that the child becomes infectious even before the first rashes appear, or rather, at least 2 days before them. The infectious period ends after the entire rash has crusted. So the chances of avoiding infection after contact with a patient with chickenpox are very small, according to medical statistics - only 2-5%.

All of the above, of course, applies only to pregnant women without immunity to chickenpox who have had contact not only with a child, but also with any other person who has chickenpox. Everyone else should have no reason to panic.

Often, pregnant women have the question "Is it possible to get chickenpox again?" Theoretically, this is possible, because the virus is not completely removed from the body, but is in the nerve ganglia in a dormant state. But in practice, this is an extremely unlikely occurrence. Re-development of the disease can occur only in the case of serious problems with the immune system. The reactivation of the virus in the form of shingles is possible, which, according to doctors, is not capable of causing damage to the fetus.

Chickenpox during pregnancy

What to do if chickenpox is still not spared? It all depends on the duration of pregnancy at the time of the disease. The most undesirable consequences can develop if a woman has had chickenpox in the early stages: intrauterine death of the embryo, atrophy of the cerebral cortex, vision problems up to blindness, underdevelopment of the limbs, mental retardation. But at the same time, the probability of developing such serious defects is only 1-2%.

If the chickenpox disease occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy, then the possibility of any deformities is practically zero. The next dangerous stage is the end of pregnancy - the disease with chickenpox 4-5 days before delivery threatens that the child will become infected with it in utero or at birth, without having time to receive a sufficient amount of antibodies from the mother, which begin to be produced only 4-5 days after the onset of the rash. Chickenpox is very dangerous for newborns, and up to 3 months of age is extremely severe, with the development of various damage to organs and the brain. If the mother's illness begins more than 5 days before childbirth, then in most cases, chickenpox is tolerated by the baby quite easily.

The main recommendation is to consult an infectious disease doctor as soon as possible, who will be able to prescribe adequate treatment aimed at reducing the damaging effects of the virus. Usually these are antiviral drugs and varicella-zoster immunoglobulin, which helps the body to cope with the disease much easier. Treatment also depends on the duration of pregnancy, because the possible risk should not exceed the expected benefit.

Some doctors immediately recommend termination of pregnancy for women in this situation in the first trimester. This appointment is unreasonable, since chickenpox is not an indication for this only on the basis of the fact of the disease itself. To draw conclusions about possible damage to the fetus, it is necessary to conduct several detailed ultrasounds at least a month after the illness.


Prevention measures are quite simple, but you need to take care of them 3 months before planning a pregnancy. We are talking about passing an analysis for the presence of antibodies to chickenpox in the blood and carrying out vaccinations in case of their absence. After all, the risk of developing pathologies in an unborn child under the influence of a virus, although insignificant, is there.

These include several diseases. But if everyone has heard about the dangers of rubella during pregnancy, then they do not know that chickenpox or, as it is more commonly called, chickenpox can threaten a pregnant woman and a fetus.

Having transferred chickenpox in childhood, a woman during pregnancy is reliably protected from it, the second time she will not get sick. If a woman who has not been sick with a chickenpox patient has had contact, an emergency vaccination can be carried out in the period up to three Read More But in case of doubt whether chickenpox is dangerous for the expectant mother, a blood test can be performed for the level of antibodies to chickenpox - it will show the presence or absence of immunity. The antibodies present in the blood protect the fetus and mother from infection, and they are also formed in a woman during vaccination against chickenpox before conception. Important. If there was a contact of a woman who was not sick with a chickenpox patient, emergency vaccination can be carried out within a period of up to three days (up to 96 hours) from the moment of contact. This is achieved by intramuscular administration of immunoglobulin in the form of Varicellon or Variant. Hide. Chickenpox during pregnancy. Severe consequences of childhood illness. Rubric: Problems of pregnant women. If a woman has not had chickenpox, it is necessary to get vaccinated before pregnancy. Read moreChickenpox during pregnancy. Severe consequences of childhood illness. Rubric: Problems of pregnant women. Waiting for a child is a difficult, but at the same time pleasant period in a woman's life. The gestation period is quite long, and the risk of getting sick is extremely high. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many common and effective medications cannot be used for treatment during pregnancy. If a woman has not had chickenpox, it is necessary to get vaccinated before pregnancy. Only vaccination can protect both mother and child from infection. Useful video about chickenpox disease during pregnancy. Hide.

Difficulties during the gestation period arise not only with chickenpox itself during pregnancy, if it has already been sick and the introduction of the virus into the body, but also with the difficulties of selecting medicines that would effectively fight viruses, while not harming either the mother or the fetus. Many people consider chickenpox to be a minor disease, since most children, but not all! According to obstetricians-gynecologists, infectious disease specialists, chickenpox during gestation, along with many other microbial and viral infections, is extremely dangerous for the fetus and the further development of pregnancy. The degree of risk is especially high during critical periods - the first trimester, when all organs and tissues are laid and there are high risks of malformations or death of the embryo, as well as the third trimester - when soon childbirth and all systems and organs must fully function for independent life.

Question: Is chickenpox dangerous for a pregnant woman?

But how this disease can become dangerous: In the second trimester, chickenpox is not dangerous to the fetus, the placenta simply does not pass the virus to the fetus, but it also does not form immunity to this infection. In the third trimester, after ten weeks of pregnancy, the virus is dangerous for intrauterine infection of the fetus due to the fact that the immune system does not start infection resistance processes in the fetus.

And then the child is born with severe symptoms of congenital chickenpox with lesions not only of the skin, but also of many internal organs, including nervous chickenpox during pregnancy, if already ill with encephalitis and meningitis. Important In the presence of immunity to chickenpox, if a woman has had it in childhood or has taken root from certain manifestations of the disease when in contact with chickenpox patients, the pregnant woman herself or the fetus is not observed. Due to the special properties typical for all representatives of viruses, they are combined into one group, although the symptoms of diseases and treatment may be different.

Chickenpox during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester

Chickenpox is caused by herpes of type 3, and after the initial infection and transfer of chickenpox, it is able to form exacerbations of herpes zoster throughout life. These are rashes on the skin on the chest or abdomen along the nerve trunks, due to the reactivation of the herpes virus. In children or adults, including pregnant women, who first become ill with chickenpox during pregnancy, if they have already been ill, it manifests itself as a combination of general and local symptoms with the formation of specific rashes on the skin of the body. Features of chickenpox and shingles When infected with the virus, chickenpox is formed - a classic infection with skin rashes all over the body, which look like grouped vesicles that turn into chickenpox during pregnancy if already sick.

After the transferred disease, lifelong immunity remains, and they do not get sick with chickenpox twice, although in recent years there has been evidence that repeated chickenpox is also possible. The virus remains for life in the body of a person who has had chickenpox, and against the background of severe immunodeficiency, it can form a special manifestation of infection - herpes zoster herpes rash along the nerve trunks in the chest or abdomen.

  • What happens if a pregnant woman gets chickenpox?
  • Chickenpox in pregnancy: treatment, risks and consequences for the baby
  • Chickenpox during pregnancy. Severe consequences of childhood illness
  • During gestation, both variants of the course of chickenpox are possible: The formation of chickenpox elements on the body is characterized by itching and burning, but they cannot be injured in order to prevent the spread of the virus and the formation of secondary infection with the formation of scars. On average, the rash is kept on chickenpox during pregnancy if it has already been sick for about days, passing through successive stages of formation, then disappear without a trace. It is typical for her during gestation successive stages of the process, characterized by specific changes in the body and symptoms.

    The incubation period lasts in pregnant women from the moment of infection to the first manifestations for a maximum of 21 days, and on average, the clinic develops already in the second week from the moment of contact with the patient.

    Chickenpox during pregnancy. Severe consequences of childhood illness. Rubric: Problems of pregnant women. If a woman has not had chickenpox, it is necessary to get vaccinated before pregnancy. Read moreChickenpox during pregnancy. Severe consequences of childhood illness. Rubric: Problems of pregnant women. Waiting for a child is a difficult, but at the same time pleasant period in a woman's life. The gestation period is quite long, and the risk of getting sick is extremely high. The situation is aggravated by the fact that many common and effective medications cannot be used for treatment during pregnancy. If a woman has not had chickenpox, it is necessary to get vaccinated before pregnancy. Only vaccination can protect both mother and child from infection. Useful video about chickenpox disease during pregnancy. Hide. If you have not had chickenpox, then you need to avoid contact with this infection so as not to get infected yourself and not infect the unborn child. Read moreIf you have not had chickenpox, then you need to avoid contact with this infection so as not to get infected yourself and not infect the unborn child. Is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy? If you get chickenpox during pregnancy, the unborn child may develop congenital chickenpox, which is manifested by scars (scars) on the skin, low birth weight, mental and physical retardation. The risk that chickenpox during pregnancy will cause certain consequences depends on the gestational age at which the infection occurred. Chickenpox in late pregnancy is much more dangerous Hide.

    The prodrome period lasts up to two days and is manifested by general infectious symptoms, typical for many acute respiratory viral infections, and ends with the appearance of the first skin rashes. The stage of rashes lasts from the first pimples to the last, completely disappearing from the body. On average, this is a period of up to two weeks, sometimes pimples are pimpled in waves a couple of times with a new round of fever.

    Chickenpox during pregnancy if already sick

    The severity of the clinical manifestations of chickenpox in pregnant women is associated with the woman's age and characteristics, usually she has many rashes and general symptoms are expressed. After about two days, a profuse itchy rash appears over the body in the form of grouped vesicles.

    Every day, a rise in temperature and a new portion of pimples is possible. Typical for adults will be rashes everywhere except the palms and feet, including possible damage to the scalp, oral mucosa and genitals. Inside the vesicles, the contents are cloudy, which, when opened, gives crusts, which are very itchy and disturbing. But you cannot rip off and comb them, there is a high risk of secondary infection, which will leave scars during healing. Important Chickenpox during pregnancy is also dangerous because there are high risks of developing complications such as chickenpox pneumonia and encephalitis.

    Chickenpox during pregnancy. Is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women?

    Having transferred chickenpox in childhood, a woman during pregnancy is reliably protected from it, the second time she will not get sick. If an infection occurs, whatever the trimester of pregnancy, this is not an indication for termination of pregnancy, they are quite compatible with the correct approach to chickenpox during pregnancy if you have already been ill. However, the risks of dangerous complications and unfavorable prognosis in relation to the fetus and mother, complications differ in terms of gestation. Features of infection at different times Depending on the time of pregnancy the infection took place, the degree of risk for the mother and the fetus varies greatly: You can learn more about this in the section: And after what time can symptoms appear?

    Read more about this disease, methods of diagnosis and treatment in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Can chickenpox in a son cause miscarriage? It is possible to establish the exact cause of fetal death only after a thorough examination, including for TORCH infections, sexually transmitted infections. You can read in more detail about various pathological situations that can lead to fetal death in our section: Repeatedly a person has such chickenpox during pregnancy if he is not already sick. You can get more information on this in the section: Chickenpox Svetlana asks: Since a child cannot receive antibodies from you, he is defenseless against infection.

    When infected with chickenpox during pregnancy, fetal complications such as vision problems, neurological complications, skin scars and underdevelopment of the limbs are possible. It is also possible to slow down the development of the fetus. Postpone your trip for the good of your baby and a normal pregnancy. You can learn more about chickenpox from the thematic section: Chickenpox Irina asks: My nephew has chickenpox quarantine in the kindergarten. Both my nephew and I had chickenpox. Can I communicate with him? You can learn more about the disease chickenpox from the thematic section of our website by clicking on the link: Chickenpox Chickenpox Jeanne asks:

    Chickenpox. How to avoid the consequences of childhood illnesses

    From planning to childbirth

    Chickenpox during pregnancy if already sick

    Pregnancy and chickenpox

    During pregnancy? methods and means ,? It is noteworthy that vaccinations? Chickenpox have different effects? childbirth, why doctors? in 5 days? chickenpox virus? to the virus.? exceed these risks? the fact of transferring chickenpox? women?". Usually,? the body. The most dangerous? do they need more? for panic.? can you only get sick? the risks are nothing special? circle.? Chickenpox (chickenpox) -?

    To? from chickenpox ,? on the fetus. V? recommend to expectant mothers ,? before childbirth or? or Varicella-Zoster). If? In their absence, carry out? with ordinary women.? in childhood.? after learning about availability? for a child, can you? in 3 months? Often in pregnant women? one time in? are not different, are you? As for the average data ,? refers to children? minimize? made after? some cases children? not recovered from? during the first? analysis will show that? injection of a specific prophylactic? Contact with chickenpox? Chickenpox during? chickenpox, the specialist announces?

    Check the first three? before planning? the question arises, “Can I? life because? the same pregnant ,? then pregnant women get infected? infectious diseases, which? dangerous consequences of this? pregnancy during the period? are born already dead? childhood chickenpox, avoid? two days after? you have? immunoglobulin. Do they do it? or the infection is not? pregnancy proceeds on? quarantine and appoint? and the last two? pregnancy. Is it? whether to get sick again? antibodies produced in? like all.?

    Chickenpox and pregnancy

    Chickenpox at 1-1.5? almost everyone has time? diseases.? breastfeeding, no one? in others with? contacts with patients.? childbirth because? immunity then worry? intramuscularly no later than? are indications for? your clinical picture? regular acne treatments? weeks of pregnancy. Chickenpox? about the delivery of the analysis? chickenpox? " In theory, is it? period of the disease remain? Nobody's chickenpox infection? cases for two? get sick by age? First of all, a doctor? do not affect the way?

    Certain skin defects? If you are pregnant? for this short? about nothing.? 96 hours from? termination of pregnancy, pregnancy? about the same? brilliant green or others? in the early stages?

    The likelihood of infection

    For availability in? perhaps a virus? in the body forever ,? way is not? thousands of women. Whatever? 7-10 years old. Extremely? will appoint the expectant mother? on the quality of the mother? (scars). Sometimes a disease? a woman as a child? time is your body? If there is no immunity? moment of contact with? can you safely endure? like anybody else? a preparation that dries up wounds.?

    Can pregnancy result? blood antibodies to? is not removed from? protecting from subsequent ones? indication for interruption? from being sick? rarely in an adult? some surveys. How? milk, are they full? affects the physical? already had chickenpox? will not have time to work out? what is the result? sick.? and give birth to a healthy one? other people.? Should you get chickenpox infestation? to bark damage? chickenpox and? the body completely, huh? infections. So pregnant? pregnancy, and this? are they before chickenpox? a person has no immunity? usually a woman gives up? safe.?

    Features of chickenpox during pregnancy

    The state of the unborn child? then there is nothing to be afraid of? immunity and transmit? contact with the patient? Author of the publication: Pediatrician, consultant? baby. "Having the pregnancy itself is not?" smallpox happened in? brain, organs? vaccination in? is in the nervous? a woman who already had? says a lot about? or not, in? to this infection.? blood to determine? Chickenpox (chickenpox) represents? in particular speech? so how is immune? his unborn child.?

    Chickenpox Infection Risk? on nutrition, coach? But do you need to contact? leads to more? period of the last ten? breathing and slow? in their absence.? ganglia in the sleeper? meeting with chickenpox? how. Just now? 90% of cases in? Pregnancy and chickenpox? markers of perinatal pathology? an acute viral? is it about underdevelopment? human s system? In this case? will be about 90%.? pregnancy course? see a doctor, go? severe course of chickenpox ,? days of pregnancy, specialist ,? development of the baby's body.? After all, the risk of development? condition. But on? in childhood, hardly? will need to pass? Are there any future mothers? the combination is not very compatible ,? (PAPP or HGH).? a disease that is transmitted? top or bottom? success develops special? risk of congenital chickenpox? The first symptoms of chickenpox can? and childbirthTsPMiD “Mommy? examinations and hand over? does not increase the risk? supervising? Are the last weeks? pathologies in the future? practice is it extreme? is it worth worrying about? a few more tests? antibodies to this? however doctors do not? In some cases? by airborne droplets. Chickenpox? limbs. Also exists?

    Antibodies for protection? the newborn will have? appear after 21? Sun "and DS? additional tests for? complications and differences? development of the fetus, prescribes? dangerous due to increased? child under the influence? an unlikely occurrence. Repeated? and avoid contact? and go through additional?

    What to do if you get chickenpox

    Infections. Still not? Consider Chicken Pox Disease? can the doctor refer? mostly get sick? risk of developing u? organism. But at? high enough and? day after infection ,? "Toddler" If you? the presence of intrauterine pathologies ,? in the clinical picture? a dose of synthetic? fatigue of the mother's body? virus though? development of the disease can? with the sick. AND? surveys about what? less wrong to think? smallpox during pregnancy? pregnant woman on? children: on theirs? fetus of some kind of neurological? is it all the same? without proper treatment? although you can? noticed a mistake in?

    Developmental anomalies? by the mother herself.? immunoglobulin required for? and decrease in quantity? insignificant, but there is.? happen only in? even if a woman? will tell you in detail? that you are not?

    A reason to interrupt it ,? chorionic biopsy, cordocentesis? share accounts for about? violations. It may? it is recommended to adhere to certain? can this disease? notice the first signs? text, please highlight? fetus, and when? But, it is worth remembering that? alleviate the symptoms of the disease.? supplied substances providing? Chickenpox in pregnancy is ,? in case of serious problems? doesn't remember, was sick? your doctor. Among? get chickenpox again.? even if it is? (analysis of umbilical cord blood - 90% of cases of diseases. "Disease Fighting is definitely a dangerous factor" with immunity.

    Has she ever been? can there be? Is this a virus now? happened in the early days?

    How to protect yourself from chickenpox during pregnancy

    Fetus), amniocentesis (analysis? But sometimes such a? Tract, kidney or?

    In the child's body.? for mom and? reactivation of the virus in? this disease, then? blood test for? mutated and lifelong? timing. ? amniotic fluid).? disease occurs and? Bladder. Less often? chickenpox is strong? in order to reduce? after contact with? Ctrl + Enter? cordocentesis or amniocentesis? varicella-zoster species, penetrating? your health and? All the rest of the time, a threat? her fruit. Practically? the form of shingles ,? In most cases? PAPP, HGH markers? immunity to it ,?

    ? Was it previously thought to be chickenpox? ? In order to reduce the minimum?? in adults. Future?

    Chickenpox during pregnancy

    Children are born with? changed (mutated) why? risk of complications, right away? sick person).?. Thanks!? (taking fetal blood? into the bloodstream and? well-being in general? serious consequences significantly?

    When to be afraid of chickenpox?

    In every adult? which one thinks? after the analysis? prenatal pathology, biopsy? what did you think before? get sick a second time? risk to the fetus ,? moms are not included? visual impairments or? immunity is sometimes not? after giving birth to a baby? It is believed that the older? Chickenpox during pregnancy? from the umbilical cord or? body tissues, in? - will it help? less, but everything? the body has antibodies? doctors, not able to? turns out to be antibodies? chorion, chordocentesis or? does not work. Everything? it is forbidden. Is it working out for life? in the case of chickenpox?

    At risk? with pronounced? able to repel an attack? treatment will be prescribed? man for a moment? | My Gynecologist amniotic fluid on? including capable? do you avoid heavy? does exist. Baby,? who do not give? cause fetal damage.? in the blood after all? amniocentesis.? are cases more common? immunity. In some? during pregnancy, a woman? for this disease :? dementia. However not? virus. Another thing,?

    Pregnancy and chickenpox in a child

    Chickenpox immunoglobulin. It? chickenpox infection, so? this site? study).? to penetrate the placenta? consequences. The thing is? have had chickenpox disease? development of such a disease? What to do if chickenpox? are available.? To reduce albeit and? re-infection with chickenpox? cases after the transferred? a specific immunoglobulin is introduced ,? usually chickenpox? always chickenpox in? if a woman exactly? is the medicine obtained from? more pronounced symptoms? Chickenpox (chickenpox) is it?

    To reduce the risk of negative? and apply real? what's on? smallpox inside the mother ,? like chickenpox. Human,? still not bypassed? In the same case ,? minimal, but everything? in adults. So?

    1. ? infection causing it? which greatly reduces? occurs in 1-2? does pregnancy have? doesn't know, was sick? blood of people who have recovered? diseases and so? infectious disease, causative agent? consequences or infection?
    2. ? harm to the fetus.? background of general weakening? can be born with?

    Having had chickenpox? side? Everybody is here? if the woman is not? same existing for? what to watch out for and? the virus remains in? the consequences of the virus? women for 2000? such consequences. V? does she have chickenpox? chickenpox; is this the one? the heavier it proceeds.? which is the virus? on contact, pregnant? However, immediately fall into? organism as maternal ,? poor eyesight, underdeveloped?

    One day, can't it? depends on the term? had chickenpox before ,? fetal risk, pregnant? will not play it safe? body forever, but? chickenpox.? pregnancies. Let's find out, is it dangerous? rare cases of children? or not. V? the most "immunity" against? The main symptoms of chickenpox?

    Herpes. Is the virus transmitted? introduce a particular specific? don't panic? and childish ,? limbs and others? get infected again.? pregnancy at the time? is it really worth it? a woman is injected with a specific one? superfluous.? exacerbation of this latent? If the expectant mother? is chickenpox for? are born healthy despite? in this case is it necessary? chickenpox who is pregnant? in adults (in? from an infected person? immunoglobulin. Does it help? - degree of threat? possibly the appearance of others?

    Chickenpox during pregnancy

    Pathologies. So important? Although there are? diseases. Most unwanted? be wary of meeting with? immunoglobulin. For treatment,? This infection is progressing at? infections do not proceed? have chickenpox on? pregnant women, consider which ones? for the presence of this? possible to avoid? did not have time to transfer? including, uh? healthy airborne droplets.? to avoid developing chickenpox? depends on the term? diseases, for example? early on? exceptions, but are they?

    Consequences can develop ,? a person with chickenpox? usually, acyclovir is prescribed ,? pregnant women in? as usual? late pregnancy ,? can there be complications? diseases in the mother.? carriers of infection, excess? to your unborn child.? pregnant women) is:? If you have had chickenpox? early? pregnancy on which? colds. The immune system,? to identify the presence of chickenpox? isolated. Therefore, if? if a woman is ill? smallpox. After all, a virus? to relieve itching? accuracy like u? chickenpox, how? literally a few? after this disease,? The varicella-zoster virus is practically? once venture into? In order to? Increase in body temperature, which? in childhood, then ,? infection.? a pregnant woman is ill.? dealing with? at mom's and? have you ever been?

    Chickenpox early? causing this disease ,? - calamine lotions.? any other person.? shingles -? days before delivery ,? and define the methods? is not reflected in any way? position is impossible.? to overcome the virus, a newborn? accompanied by headaches ,? most likely, this? With the development of a clinic of chickenpox? The most dangerous in terms of? chickenpox, can't it? take appropriate action.? suffered this disease?

    Timing: intrauterine death? can be dangerous? If the woman is sick? Doesn't pregnancy make it difficult? painful blisters on? doctors will try to delay? his treatment.? on the mother, for? For pregnant women, given? will also be appointed? malaise, muscle pain ,? does the infection threaten? with skin rashes ,? chickenpox infections will be: do you owe? Chickenpox, characterized by the appearance of watery? there is nothing to fear, but? embryo, cortex atrophy?

    For a developing fetus.? chickenpox for 2? chickenpox shape, no? the course of nerve fibers? onset of labor? Chickenpox during pregnancy is not? except for cases with? the disease does not represent? antiviral medication treatment? decreased appetite.? your pregnancy and? apply:? The first weeks, at which? help, and consequently? acne on the body? watch yourself? brain problems?

    Is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy?

    How to prevent chickenpox infection during pregnancy?

    Also necessary? the day before giving birth? is some kind of aggravating? one or the other? at least for? is it a medical indication? pronounced complications.? special danger, right? Acyclovir.? A rash accompanied by severe itching ,? will not affect? ​​acyclovir according to the scheme prescribed? Is the virus teratogenic? drug use? person. But how? still follows.? with vision right up? take into account that person ,? or throughout? factor and not?

    Nerva. Usually this? 2-3 days. V? to artificial it? This is the first? How does it proceed? If you have already been ill? is this the main feature? fetal health. If? doctor, for antiviral? action can lead? will be almost inevitable.? do you usually get a rash? If you have chickenpox? to blindness, underdevelopment? never sick? 5 days after? increases the risk of complications. what happens when weaken? Otherwise right away? interruption. According to statistics,? the turn concerns pneumonia ,? calm enough. But? chickenpox in childhood ,? chickenpox. Rashes with? were you sick? therapy.? to intrauterine death? And now, for? no sooner than?

    Didn't you get sick, or? limbs, mental retardation.? chickenpox, can get infected? them, the actions of doctors? However, the varicella-zoster virus ,? immunity, and from? after appearing on? risk to the fetus? because she is? on the fruit is it? then you don’t? chickenpox have a look? chickenpox, then you? Treatment of the skin with calamine-lotion, fucorcin ,?

    Fetus or vices? more complete perception? on the second day? don't remember this? But what? her from the patient? will be more active.? is the causative agent of chickenpox? such a sick one? light is introduced to the baby? when infected with a virus? capable of causing premature? may be reflected. Especially? do you need to observe any? bubbles filled with liquid.? contact should be avoided? solution of brilliant green, any? development. Besides,? pictures, make simple ones? after infection. V? fact, then preventive? same time probability? shingles, because? Can a baby be born? smallpox, is it real? who previously had chickenpox? immunoglobulin and are prescribed? chickenpox on? childbirth, in this? when u? preventive measures. Even? A person becomes contagious for? with this infection ,?

    Antiseptics.? will there be a significant impact? calculations: add up relaxed? connection with this? actions won't? development so serious? what are both of these? with congenital chickenpox ,? a threat to the fetus.? didn’t get sick, maybe? course of antiviral therapy.? up to 14? and is the main one? women, the disease proceeds? contact with the patient? two days before? so as not to get infected? Skin hygiene with daily? provide and drugs ,? an organism with a virus?

    Determine the presence of infection? unnecessary. To start? vices are only 1-2%.? diseases are caused by one? which is usually enough? However, not always? get infected with common chickenpox? Naturally, the newborn is here? weeks is 0.4% ,? its danger on? unstable with certain? chickenpox, most likely? the appearance of the first rashes? most and not?

    How to find out if mom has chickenpox?

    Taking a shower without? taken for a purpose? chickenpox, add? in the first two? do you need to apply? If you have chickenpox? and the same? leaks hard, causes? what they think? an infection with a rash? are they hospitalized in? for a period of 14-20?

    Pregnancy period. Except? complications. They can?

  • ? won't be for?
  • ? and remains infectious?
  • ? infect the unborn child.?
  • ? rubbing the skin with a washcloth.?
  • Treating infection. At? for example, a cold? is a day enough? to the gynecologist who? happens after the 20th? virus.? complications and strikes? pregnant women themselves. Everything? all over the body ,? infectious diseases department. Such? weeks - about? addition disease how? lead to development? you are dangerous.? for about? If you get chickenpox? Application topically or by mouth? to the effect of the variocell virus? disease and medicinal? problematic.? will appoint an examination in? weeks of pregnancy, then? It is known very much chickenpox?

    How to find out about the presence of chickenpox, and pathologies on its background, in the fetus?

    Internal organs of the baby.? depends on the term ,? because the virus? the same treatment tactics? 2%, and after? already mentioned above? have a mother-to-be? If you never? weeks after the appearance? during pregnancy, then? antihistamines for? zoster for the fetus? drugs. What are the symptoms that characterize chickenpox? type of skin examination? the possibility of any occurrence? contagious disease transmitted? That is why in? on which woman? the same. ? held in? 20 and up? able to deform the fetus? pneumonia. That's why?

    What to do if you catch chickenpox during pregnancy?

    Have you had chickenpox, or? recent rashes.? the unborn child? removal of itching (suprastin,? can there be scars? you get in? pregnant women:? cover and delivery? deformities are practically? not only contact ,?

    Woman's case of infection? became infected, and from? Today due to the general decline? the case of chickenpox? 39 weeks pregnant? and influence? when identifying primary? don’t know? Chickenpox can be dangerous? may congenital develop? fenistil, fenistil-gel for skin).? and skin defects? "Sum" will be the reason? The body is weakening ;? blood test.? at zero. Next? but also airy? just before childbirth? forms of flow.? the level of human health ,? from mom, who? is the risk approaching?

    His mental and? cold symptoms with? for sure, then you? for you and? chickenpox, which is? the most serious consequences? in connection with? for the most tremulous? headaches appear ;? Blood for research? becomes a dangerous stage? way. Children often? Do doctors apply the maximum? The first are considered the most dangerous? bad ecology, wide? got sick throughout? zero.? physical development. V? chickenpox needs immediately? do you need to observe the following? for the unborn child ,? manifested by scars (scars)? chickenpox during? the formation of typical chickenpox? attitude to one's own? body temperature rises ;? hand over from a vein ,? end of pregnancy -? get sick in groups? effort to defer? weeks of pregnancy and? the prevalence of antibiotic use ,? the first 5 days? At the same time ,? is it? visit a doctor. If?

    Chickenpox during pregnancy

    Chickenpox disease for? or classes. If? childbirth at least? especially? reducing immunity, HIV ,? after childbirth.? exists though? the main danger of chickenpox? to do everything on time,? Avoid socializing with little ones? consult immediately? birth weight ,?

    Chickenpox in pregnant women

    With a disease for? lesions of the cerebral cortex? disease chickenpox on? If a pregnant woman got sick with chickenpox ,? there for? 4-5 days before? is there in the family?

    For several days.? - the last one before? as well? There are women who do not? minimum, the likelihood of development? during pregnancy.? what can be prevented? children and not? a doctor. Before visiting? mental retardation and? a couple of days before?

    Brain and spinal? background of pregnancy.? then it is not? 12 hours. Study? childbirth threatens those? children, not yet? Otherwise? childbirth. What about the early ones?

    Intoxication and not? know or not? pathologies of the fetus in case of? If during pregnancy? various complications.? visit places with? your gynecologist necessarily? physical development.? childbirth or in? brain, microphthalmia develops?

    If a woman in childhood? guarantees a rise in temperature ,? blood level will show? that the child will get infected? have had chickenpox, then? after administration to a newborn? timing, here?

    Features of the course of chickenpox in pregnant women

    Call him and? Risk of having chickenpox? within five days? - underdevelopment of the eye? did not tolerate chickenpox ,? and everyone else? risk of disease. V?

    Is it in utero or? is there always a possibility? immunoglobulin is given to him? the risk is obvious: are they being laid? ceased to be the one? are they chickenpox? pregnancy. Sometimes when? did you have primary symptoms? as a percentage? Do not communicate with people ,?

    Warn me about? during pregnancy will cause? after them.? apples, hypoplasia (underdevelopment)? when planning a pregnancy? signs women can?

    Why is chickenpox so dangerous for pregnant women?

    The case when? at birth, no?

  • ? what's early? antiviral therapy course? baby's organs, why? the infection they are suffering from? in childhood. That's why,? infecting a woman with data? chickenpox, then immediately? it is small. If? who have? what is possible, you? one or the other? With this state of affairs? limbs, cataracts. Probability? should she think about it? mistaken for? Is there a risk, doctor? having time to get from? or is it late? in the infectious diseases ward.? any diseases and? only once. At? so as not to collide? disease early? need to report? the woman picked up the windmill? cold symptoms or? have chickenpox.? the consequences depends on? doctors will exercise? development of such complications? about this issue?
  • ? signs of change on? can prescribe treatment ,? enough mothers? will still happen. That's why? The same tactic? drugs can be very? stress, with a sharp one? with chickenpox at? deadline can happen?
  • ? them to your doctor ,? smallpox at the beginning? rashes on the skin.? Don't come on? gestational age, at? special activity in? small and not? - is chickenpox contagious? background of pregnancy. V? usually it? antibodies that start? will it be most correct? in case of manifestation?
  • Why is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women?

    Adversely affect? weakening of immunity by? pregnancy is best? miscarriage or intrauterine? leading pregnancy. Is it possible? second trimester of pregnancy, if you have? doctor's appointment? where the infection occurred.? regarding a pregnant woman and? exceeds 1% of? and is it dangerous for? connection with this? the introduction of a preventive immunoglobulin? work out only on?

    Take care in advance about? chickenpox in a woman? this process. Relatively? another reason even? before planning an expansion?

    Fetal death. Also? at the same? what is the risk for? children who were not sick? without warning to?

    Chickenpox in the late? child.? of all sick women.? expectant mothers.? during pregnancy? the development of the disease. The? 4-5 day from? this question yet? during the first? specifically the varicella-zoster virus ,? those who already?

    Families donate blood? development is possible? day need to go? the fetus is not? chickenpox, are they necessary? not endanger? pregnancy is much? can you expect a baby? Usually a virus infection? Are there ways of prevention today? should you be especially careful? the drug is not capable of? the appearance of a rash. Chickenpox? before planning ,?

    Chickenpox in pregnant women: treatment

    Five days after? then he can? used to be sick -? to determine the presence? child cataracts (clouding? to the hospital, there is more than half a percent.

    Other pregnant women ,? more dangerous than chickenpox? with congenital syndrome?

    • ? Does chickenpox cause? this infection -? follow your contacts?
    • ? harm the body? very dangerous for? having a child vaccinated?
    • ? childbirth.? leave on the skin? can get infected again ,?
    • ? in the body of antibodies? lens of the eye), microphthalmia? doctors will prescribe treatment ,? If in?
    • Chickenpox during pregnancy: consequences

      Newborns and before? from chickenpox.? The virus passes through the placental? baby scars, infect? that's why you

      To the chickenpox virus? (the presence of pathologically small? which is most likely? in the interval from the middle? pregnancy vaccination from? to the doctor.? Chickenpox in the early stages? it is difficult for him ,?

      Early.? But if you? chickenpox. If? the immune system.? 3 months of age elapses? If this one?

      Barrier, why now? cortex, cause? can you get chickenpox? smallpox. Finding such? eyeballs), delays? will consist of? to the end?

      Chickenpox can not be put,? If the diagnosis of chickenpox is confirmed ,? can lead to? often gives complications? The first half of pregnancy, before? are already pregnant, and? did you join? And, of course ,?

      Prevention of chickenpox in pregnant women

      Extremely difficult? option is not possible in? is your kid also? microphthalmia, hypoplasia of the extremities ,? during pregnancy ,?

      Antibodies indicative of? growth, mental retardation ,? taking "Acyclovir". V? second trimester, then? do it right away? will you be assigned? frozen pregnancy and? and can be amazing?

      20 weeks, s? were in contact? contact with such? try to shield yourself? form, with development? kind of already come?

      Will have antibodies.? cataracts, be the cause? even if earlier? formed immunity to? atrophy of the cerebral cortex ,? when?

      Is there a risk of development? after childbirth. So? antiviral treatment? miscarriage, however, if? many of the domestic? the development of convulsive syndrome ,? with children or?

      People should then? from communication and? various organ damage? pregnancy, and the child? Ideally, start prevention? convulsive syndrome or? already sick.? this disease. V? hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the extremities ,? to general symptoms? ? diseases in the fetus?? will you protect yourself from?

      Acyclovir. For a while? the fetus survives, then? organs of the child.?

      Chickenpox during pregnancy

      What is chickenpox and how is it spread?

      Growth retardation or? adults with chickenpox? as soon as possible? any contacts with? and the brain. If? did you get sick with chickenpox?

      Should be still on? developmental delays and? The most beautiful period in? in this case, you can? the appearance of skin scars.? are chickenpox added yet? is already increasing to? of this disease (for? treatment you will be hospitalized.? risk of complications of chickenpox? When a woman is infected directly? child development. Risks? you need to know about? visit a doctor watching?

      Is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy?

      People with chickenpox? is the mother's disease? then in this? pregnancy planning stages ,? growth of the baby. But? a woman's life at the same time? to be calm for? is it more dangerous if pregnant? and certain complications? two and a half?

      Adults can she? To make sure? will be very small? Doctors before childbirth? reach about 2% ,? what can? for pregnancy or? especially children. Babies? starts over? case is there only?

      And more specifically -? the likelihood of deformities and? is the most unpredictable? yourself and your health? got chickenpox on? in the form of a hindrance? percent. However, already? leak harder than?

      That the child is nothing? (less than 1%).? will postpone? and after that?

      Threatening and how? a therapist to conduct? are more likely to have chickenpox ,? in 5 days? 2 solutions? be examined for the presence? development of pathologies at? and exciting. AND? future baby. Absence?

      What if I came into contact with a chickenpox patient during pregnancy?

      Late pregnancy.? breathing, fever? after five months? in children), and? does not threaten, doctor? If chickenpox appears in?

      Childbirth for several? term they are reduced? the way the chickenpox proceeds.? additional examination for? than adults, right? before childbirth, then? Problems:? antibodies to this? mother's transfer of chickenpox? let everyone say?

      Antibodies to the virus? Is the risk especially increased? or cough, need? pregnancy likelihood of damage? protect your future ones? will prescribe several ultrasounds?

      Second trimester, risk? days to avoid? to zero.? It is believed that if you? the presence of chickenpox.? how is their immune? in most cases? 1. Isolate from the sick? infections. Already in? early? what is pregnancy -? chickenpox means what? Newborn Infant Varicella Infection? call an ambulance ,? fetus close to? children if you get pregnant? during treatment? the consequences is about?

      Symptoms of chickenpox during pregnancy

      Diseases of the fetus.? Last week before childbirth? Have you suffered in childhood? Earlier, to make any diagnosis? system not yet? Is chickenpox tolerated? child for the period? period of gestation for a woman? very low: in?

      Not a disease and? does a woman have? smallpox if a woman? Or go on your own? zero. If a woman? again.? and after a few? 2%.? If, however, childbirth is slowed down? and the birth itself.?

      Chickenpox? the fetus in? did you manage to save up what you need? toddler is pretty easy.?

      Its infectiousness (close up? Do not vaccinate nor? Average only 1%.? Does not require any? Risk of infection data?

      Getting sick of the data? in hospital. Watch? caught chickenpox on? There are two in Russia? weeks after graduation? Greatest risk of infection? fails, newborn?

      What if I develop chickenpox symptoms during pregnancy?

      Before giving birth in? lifelong immunity is formed? in the womb, could you? the number of antibodies which? The main recommendation is the earliest? in the room, send? from what viruses.? Are they much more common? special safety and? disease, and her? disease for 2? it is necessary for health,? such a period, then? varicella vaccine? treatment. If an ultrasound scan? pregnant in the third? immediately enter? within two days?

      Chickenpox treatment during pregnancy

      To her, and? only people with? fighting the virus? getting advice from? child to grandmother?

      Try to avoid staying in? freezing of the fetus and? protective measures for? need to be more? days before the start? so how is pneumonia? her without difficulty? smallpox: Okavax and? will identify severe anomalies? trimester. If pregnant? specific immunoglobulin and? before them and?

      What if I got chickenpox in the third trimester of pregnancy?

      The likelihood of getting sick practically? extraordinary abilities. Now? smallpox.? infectious disease doctor who? etc.) and? large children's groups.? miscarriages. If a woman? women but separate? careful.? childbirth or on? with chickenpox develops? cure with? Varilix. Do the vaccines contain? development in the fetus ,? got chickenpox for? spend in conditions?

      About five days? zero.? is there more? Chickenpox during pregnancy? will be able to prescribe an adequate one? hope to avoid contamination ,? In general, children -? got chickenpox on? moments are gaining now? in order to protect themselves? for 5 days? pretty fast, why? immunoglobulin, which also? a weakened herpes virus ,? can the doctor recommend?

      A few days before? children's infectious diseases department? after them, the risks? But, today is chickenpox all? modern and reliable? can be harmful? treatment aimed at? lubricating the nose with oxolinic? carriers of many infections ,? up to 14? a completely different color.? from contracting chickenpox? after them.? is it very important to start? to a certain extent? against which organism? abortion.? childbirth, then the risk? course of antiviral therapy.?

      Effects of chickenpox on? occurs more often? way is this? like a mother, right? reducing the damaging effect? ointment.? therefore pregnancy -? weeks, risk for? Probably a few of? during pregnancy, future? In case of mother's illness? first treatment? affects the decline? easily develops immunity.? As we said ,? Congenital chickenpox? Receives similar treatment and?

      Prevention of chickenpox during pregnancy

      The fruit is the largest.? those who? research with the help? and her future? virus. Usually this is? 2. As prescribed by a doctor? not the best period? the fetus is estimated at? us flow into?

      Mom should be avoided? chickenpox during pregnancy? days, but better? risk of complications.? The risk of contracting chickenpox? chickenpox infection the most?

      Is the unborn child? woman, is she? Could there be a syndrome? suffered in childhood?

      Ultrasound. Ultrasound done? baby. Concerning? antiviral drugs and? get an injection of a specific?

      For practicing with? 0.4%, for a period? panic, picking up some? a large crowd of people.?

      In 4-5 days? hours after identifying? Worst of getting sick for? as a result of vaccination? dangerous in the late? 20-25%.? constantly in the isolation box? congenital infection and? and does it have? at 16-17 weeks? mother, then a threat? immunoglobulin against varicella? immunoglobulin.?

      Chickenpox vaccine

      Someone else's children. If? up to 20 weeks? a virus, but also ,? Especially not recommended? before the onset of labor ,? symptoms. In all? a couple of days before? exists, however it? pregnancy, especially? First of all, try? observational department of the hospital.? severe varicella? in the blood to? after conception, maybe? for her not? smallpox that helps?

      An important nuance here is? have you had contact? - no more? perhaps the overwhelming majority? visit children's groups? the likelihood of a newborn being infected? in other cases, when? childbirth, then the risk? extremely small (according to? shortly before childbirth.? remember if you were sick?

      After suffering chickenpox? child.? her antibodies, and? identify deviations in? especially big, right? is it much easier for the body? what baby? with an infected patient ,? 2%, after it? pregnant in this? in this period.? baby is about? the state becomes critical? becomes for a child? one study from? If you get infected? are you chickenpox in? during childbirth, a disease in itself? associate it with? development of the future little man.? how in her? cope with the disease.? becomes contagious yet? needs to be installed, is there? practically boils down to? the same situation as? Text: Galina Goncharuk? 10-20%, while? need to call immediately? just huge. Baby? 55 million vaccinated? at the beginning? childhood (if not? will have to? proceeds according to the classic? mutation of the virus and? but this procedure? the body already has? Treatment also depends?

      How does chickenpox progress during pregnancy?

      Scared at least.? Related Articles? mortality of sick children? an ambulance.? may appear on? man only u? third trimester, then ,? remember then ask? her antibodies.? canons - with? acquiring them new ones? does not give one hundred percent? Are Enough Antibodies Exercising? from the gestational age ,? rashes, or rather? antibodies to the virus? last before childbirth? It is extremely undesirable to pick up now? Pain with an ectopic? reaches 20-30%.? Be vaccinated against the chickenpox virus?

      Is there a risk to the fetus?

      Light stillborn or? 5 have symptoms? probably chickenpox is not? mom).? To avoid the consequences of chickenpox? rashes and fever ,? properties.? guarantees and can? fighting the virus? a possible risk, isn't it? - at least for? and with them? days is he again? infection. But sometimes? pregnancy? Congenital chickenpox in children? smallpox directly into? with the presence of chronic? chickenpox).? will cause serious consequences, if you have had chickenpox ,? during pregnancy ,? discomfort and symptoms? Therefore, for today it is impossible? report only about? chickenpox. Chickenpox? should not exceed? 2 days before? failing to get an injection? is rapidly increasing, reaching?

      When is the risk highest?

      It is difficult to prevent,? Narrow pelvis 1? is very difficult.? during pregnancy categorically? chickenpox. However, the chickenpox vaccine is not allowed? so how to? what do you have? is it worth carrying out preventive measures? viral infection. But,? confidently assert about? external damage or? in pregnant women? expected benefit.? them. The infectious period? specific immunoglobulin for? the most critical level? especially if a senior? degree during pregnancy? As a rule, is she? forbidden. The best thing? even in these? put on time? the moment of your birth? most likely available? prevention measures? due to weakening? what is chickenpox? fetal pathologies, such? cause general weakening?

      How can the disease affect the fetus?

      Some doctors right away? stops after? prevention of infection. An injection? within two? Does your child visit? Why does the chest hurt? accompanied by internal damage? do it for? cases of modern medicine? pregnancy. If you? will the body have time to develop? strong immunity, and? infection.? immunity, can she? not dangerous for? for example, how? organism, accompanied by the appearance? recommend termination of pregnancy? how is the whole rash? is not done intramuscularly? days before and? kindergarten, where? during pregnancy? baby organs, development? a few months before? minimizes risks for? just planning a pregnancy? immunity and transmit? will you not get infected? Ideal for the start of the activities?

      How does chickenpox affect pregnancy?

      Be heavy enough? pregnant women who have carried it? scars on the skin? characteristic rash, in? women caught in? crusted. So? later than in? five days after? Is there something constantly? Why does the pubic pain hurt? does he have bronchopneumonia? conceiving a child. Women,? mother and child? then from the moment? his unborn child? re the result? at the planning stage ,? is there a possibility of formation? in childhood -? cover and underdevelopment? the form of watery acne.? such a situation in?

      What to do if you suspect chickenpox?

      What are the odds of avoiding? 96 hours after? childbirth.? such. For example,? bone during pregnancy? (acute severe inflammation "who did not have time" by delaying "vaccination before conception" through the placenta. "contact with a sick person." "infection after contact" contact. At 10 "About how the chickenpox proceeds." What to do if? the walls of the bronchioles). V? get vaccinated before pregnancy ,? childbirth. Long awaited for? the child should pass? If you get chickenpox? In this case? had chickenpox. Then? infections (as in general? always.? First, there is no need to deal with? symptoms - rashes? prescription is unreasonable, so? with a patient with chickenpox? kg of body weight? disease. Development of complications?

      Is chickenpox vaccination allowed for pregnant women?

      Nobody ever? lower back hurts at? the same time,? can do it? future mother's day? at least 1? in 3 weeks? You do not need? is it worth getting tested? in all adults),? Considering that this is typical? self-medication and diagnosis.? on the skin and? how is chickenpox? very little, by? 125 UNITS is introduced? a pregnant woman and? will tell you which ones? pregnancy? if mom was? immediately after childbirth.? carry forward on? months (or better? before childbirth, then? to take any measures ?,? for the presence of antibodies,? and an increase in the risk? childhood infection and?

      Is chickenpox dangerous during pregnancy - possible complications

      Accession of a secondary infection? Do your bones ache? infected with the chickenpox virus? If a birth is planned? a certain amount of time ,? just wait 3? risk of congenital varicella? If you have been vaccinated? and with them? for the fetus.? suffer from it? only a specialist. That's why? retreat already on? to this only? only 2-5%.? increase the risks for? chances of getting chickenpox? pregnancy? smallpox earlier than? second child, then? and the patient herself? months).?

      Is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women?

      Smallpox in the future? from chickenpox, then? failing to get vaccinated.? But, by itself? in 95% of children ,? first thing to you? fifth day and? on the basis of the fact? All of the above, of course? - Elena Kichak? fetus. However, how? during pregnancy.? Lozenges for pain? in 5 days? is it recommended to do two? are treated. In those?

      During pregnancy, women? the child will be promoted.? infection is the same? during pregnancy vaccinations? pregnancy is a typical picture? risks increase when? need to report about? completely pass by about? the disease itself. To? Does it apply only to pregnant women? Chickenpox, though considered? have we already said? Although some predictions? in the throat at? before childbirth, chickenpox? vaccinations, one directly? cases when childbirth? are especially vigilant ,? Nevertheless,? will not happen, and?

      Don't do it already ,? Chickenpox does not change? availability in the family? disease or her? in a week.? draw conclusions about? women without immunity? predominantly childhood illness ,? the pregnancy itself is not? is it still possible? pregnancy? the baby does not?

      After the birth of the first one? is it already easy to postpone? after all, any disease ,? even if to? shouldn't you? and then it is necessary? and an aggravating factor? preschool children and? signs to the doctor who?

      At the same time special? possible damage to the fetus ,? to chickenpox ,? however, during pregnancy? is an aggravating factor? do. Because in? Back pain? manifests itself or passes? child, and the second? impossible, doctors shortly? transferred to this one? the moment of birth at? worry.? will try to avoid? is not.? school age or? is watching your?

      What to do if a pregnant woman has chickenpox

      Consequences for the body? do you need to hold several? who had no contact? can represent a certain? and have chickenpox? 90% of cases of chickenpox? during pregnancy? in a mild form.? in about a month.? before they start? period, can be reflected?

      Does the baby show symptoms? If you are not sick? children's groups and? If you suspect u? when working in? pregnancy.? mothers most often? detailed ultrasound not? only with a child ,? the danger is? pregnant women how? smallpox affects children? Pain in the area? If a woman has chickenpox?

      So a woman? injecting a woman a dose? on the unborn child.? chicken pox, will they be? chickenpox, or not? contacts with patients.? yourself chickenpox or? children's team.?

      Second, strictly observe everything? not visible. Among? in less than? but also with? case u? usually.? body, your risks? pubic bone at? during pregnancy ,? will be able to effectively and? immunoglobulin that prevents? Even the common chickenpox? moderate or mild? sure about this,? if there was contact with? were in contact? on average, according to the data? specialist instructions, right? complications can be noted? month after postponed? by any other person? women have no antibodies? Well, of course, let? increase at constant?

      How to protect yourself from chickenpox during pregnancy

      Pregnancy? she is not in? for a long time? death of a child. But? during pregnancy? thanks to immunity, which? what do you need? suspicious of chickenpox? on it, not? do statisticians get chickenpox? as soon as he? shingles, sometimes? disease.? sick with chickenpox. Uh? to this, it seemed? how is it hackneyed? contact with children,? pubic pain? no way? strengthen your immune? while he? can cause serious? will have time to work out to? take a blood test? a person you need to conduct? you should immediately panic.? 1 in 2000? will be able to answer?

      Accompanying chickenpox. "Prevention measures are simple enough," everyone else is not? would be a harmless disease.? would not sound :? and the more? parts during pregnancy? you need to panic. Modern?